CRAZY Weather Day !!!

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- Tic Tac Toy! - [Mom] This video is a paid advertisement for Mattel. - Mom promised that we could fly our kite today. But there's not even a tiny breeze outside. - I know. I don't think we'll be doing kite flying anytime soon, Maya. - This is a major bummer. - What are all those frowny faces for girls? - There's no wind outside today, so that means there's no kite flying either. - Yeah, this isn't the ideal weather for flying a kite, but I may have something in here to cheer you girls up. - What is it? What is it? - Well, Mattel just sent me a bunch of Cloudees and a mini Cloudees for you two. - Wow! Thanks mom! But what are Cloudees? - They're super cute and collectable weather-themed surprise packs. Plus they have a fun and rather unique way to unbox them. And I even brought Cloudees minis. - Those sound right up my alley. - Well, get on inside and start unboxing them then. We'll keep an eye on the weather and maybe we can fly the kite later. - Thanks, mom! - Trade ya. Have fun girls. (upbeat instrumental music) - Wow, it looks like there's 14 different surprise pets to collect, Addy. - Well, let's start collecting then. (upbeat music) Check out the cute cloud container. - Looks like there's directions on the back, Addy. - Sure thing, let's start following them. - I'll take the cover off first. (upbeat music) - Oh, It says stop! Don't peel yet! - You're right, we have to shake up my cloud surprise, by first filling our cloud container with water. Make it rain, Addy. (upbeat music) Now we put the lid on. - And push the stopper into the closed lid until we hear a pop. (upbeat music) (pops) - Now, we wait five seconds. [both Girls] One, two, three, four, five! - Now, we create some serious thunder by shaking our cloud for 60 seconds. - Go for it, Addy! - All right! (upbeat music) - Boom! Boom! Boom! It's a thunder. - I think magic's happening, Maya. - Yeah, I wonder what's exactly happening inside. (upbeat music) - Me too. Should we find out now? - Absolutely. - Time to open it. Wow! What's that? - It looks like cloud fluff. It's super soft. - And look, I think I see our surprise pet in there. She looks adorable. - She sure does. - And Maya, I think she has some accessories over in that package. - Ooh, let me check. (upbeat music) Check out our fluffy tail. - Adorbs. Let me put it on her. How cute does she look? - And there's two more accessories here for her. It's hot cocoa and a scarf. - So fun, let's put them on her. - Scarf first. And now, I bet she wants some hot cocoa. - There you go. She looks like she's ready for a cold winter day. - Hey, we can't forget to check our collector sheet. It looks like we got Poised Polar Bear from the Snowflake Hills. - And that red heart tells us that she's hot, that means she's pretty rare. - Sweet! - Hey, and it looks like we can clean out this case to store and display our Cloudees. She fits right there. - Or we could turn the cloud into a keychain so we can take her wherever we go. - Cool! Let's try that out. And now let's attach the keychain. - Now, that would look awesome attached to my backpack. - I think there's even a place to attach her tail for a little pizzaz. - You're right. I see it. - Come on, let's do it. That's gonna look super cute. - Sure does! - Hey girls, you won't believe this but it's snowing outside. - Snowing? That's impossible! - Yeah, mom. We were just outside and it wasn't even that cold. - Well, go see for yourselves, but be sure to put coats and boots on first. (fun upbeat music) - Wow! Mom was right. - It really is snowing. - Wow. This is the strangest weather ever, Maya. - I know. There wasn't a drop of snow a few minutes ago. - And isn't it odd that we just opened that Cloudees from Snowflake Hills? - I know. What a strange coincidence. - Well, what do you want to do first? Build a snowman, have a snowball fight. - Well, all that sounds fun, but you know what I really wanna do? - Go open another Cloudees? - Of course! - Good idea, come on! - There are seven different lands that our Cloudees surprise pets can come from, Addy. - Really? What are they, Maya? - Raindrop Village, Stormyville, Sunnyland, Starry Way, Rainbow Point, Snowflake Hills and Windy Way. - I wonder what land our next surprise pet will come from. - Only one way to find out. Let's take this cloud out, take the top off. - And we gotta make it rain. - Here it goes. - Top back on. - Push the stopper until it pops. - Then wait five seconds. - [Both] One, two, three, four, five. - Now to create some serious thunder. - Boom, boom, boom! - Boom, boom! I'm gonna get crazy with my shaking, shake it, shake, shake, shake. - Wow, you're an expert cloudy shaker. - I think so too. - Alright, I think it's probably good now. - Okay, okay. - Here we go. Oh, I can see the cloud powder. - Let's dig in and find our friend. - Oh she looks so cute. - Let me pull her out from the cloud box. - She looks like a bat. - She is and she is oh so cute, check out her sleepy eyes and her adorable bat wings. - And her pink bat ears are so cute too. - Oh, for sure. - And we can't forget her accessories. - Oh yeah, what did she come with. - Well first of all, here's her fluffy purple tail. - Oh, let me put it on her, now she looks so stylish. - And just wait until we get the sleep mask and slippers on her - I've got to get that sleep mask on her. - So cute, now how I have slippers. - Oh my goodness, she looks like she's ready for a good night's sleep. - We don't even know her name yet, Maya. - You're right, what is this cutie pies name? - It looks like she's Loopy Bat from Starry Way. - And how rare is Loopy Bat? - She's pleasantly special. - And it makes sense she's from Starry Way because she's ready for some sleep. - Unexpected snow storm hits entire city? Yeah, that was definitely unexpected Hm, I wonder if it's still snowing outside right now. What in the world? The snow's gone, but it looks like it's midnight outside and its only one o' clock in the afternoon? - Check it out, we could totally mix and match the tails and the accessories of our surprise pets. - Oh yeah you're totally right, wanna swap tails? - Let's do it. - [Both] Swap. - Oh I'm digging this look. - Me too, wanna swap an accessory? - I'll trade you this scarf for that sleep mask. - You've got a deal. - Girls, you won't believe this but something absolutely crazy is going on. - Whoa, what is it mom? - Go pull back your curtains. - Pull back the curtains? But why? - Just do it, you will not believe this. - [Both] Okay. - [Both] Wow. - I know. - It's such a beautiful starry night out there. - But it's the middle of the day. - I have no idea what's going on, but I'm going to check the news this is just all so insane. (door closes) - Hey Addy, you know the last Cloudees we opened? - Yeah, Loopy Bat? - What land was she from again? - Starry Night. Oh! Starry Night. - And we opened Poised Polar Bear, right before it started to snow, right? - And Poised Polar Bar was from Snowflake Hills. - Addy, I think we're controlling the weather, with our Cloudees. - Well, let's put that theory to the test, it's time to unbox another one. - [News Caster] : in a strange turn of events our unexpected snowstorm is now gone and it has been replaced by uncharacteristic darkness - What is happening? - [News Caster] : the night time constellations and moon are now strangely visible at 1:10 p.m. in the afternoon - Well that was no help. - Wow, have you noticed that the cloud fluff has been different colors every time? - You're right, the first one was white, the second was purple, and now this one's blue. - And I just realized something else. - What is it, Maya? - If we find of the pets from Windy Way, then maybe it would make it windy outside. - Then we could fly our new kite. - Exactly. - Well I'm not sure if she's from Windy Way, but she's adorable. - For sure, let's get her out. - And I'll work on her tail and accessories. - Wow, she's once fierce looking tiger she got lightning bolts all over her face and storm clouds - Look around the lightning bolts around her eyes. - So fierce. - And check out this tail, Maya, it's two-toned. - So awesome, let's put it on her. And what other accessories did she come with? - A lightning bolt guitar, and a super cool vest. - Oh let's get this girl accessorized. Wow she's one rocking tiger. - For sure, but we haven't even figured out what land she's from? - You're right. - It looks like her name is actually Rockin' Tiger, Maya. - Well that's a super fitting name. - And this purple square tells us that she's pleasantly special. - What land is she from? - Oh wow, it looks like she's from Stormyville. - Well should we head outside to see if it's actually storming then? - Yeah, but let's get our rainboots and raincoats on first. - Good thinking, if we're lucky there might be a couple of good puddles for us to splash in. - Oh yeah. (boing) (boots crunching) - Wow, it's really rainy. - Yeah, and it's not pitch black outside anymore. - But Rockin' Tiger was from Stormyville, not Raindrop Village. - Oh yeah, you're right. - When I think of storm, I think of thunder and rainy and I don't see any of that. - Hm, maybe our Cloudees aren't controlling the weather after all. (thunder) - Wow, that was definitely thunder. - Which mean our Cloudees are affecting the weather. - And it also means we gotta get back in the house. - Shake, shake, shake, shake! - Oh I think it's good to go, Addy. And this is our last Cloudees, Addy, let's hope it's from Windy Way. - But don't forget we have all these Cloudees Mini's also! They're cute little mini versions of the Cloudees. - So fun, I almost forgot we had those. - Here we go. - [Both] : Pink cloud fluff. - Let's see who's inside. - She's pink too. - And she's so so cute. - I'll get her open, you get the accessories going. - Deal. - She's a cute little Koala, and she's so pink and cheerful looking. - And check out her pink fluffy tail. - So stylin', let me put it on. - And she's got a cute little pack and some adorable shoes. - So fun, let's get her accessorized - With that pack, she's ready for any adventure. - You're so right, and it's so cute. - Now let's see what her name is, Addy. - Oh, good thinking. - It looks like her name is Breezy Koala, from Windy Way. - Hey girls, I know the weather's been crazy today but it's beautifully breezy right now and we can go fly the kite. - Oh that's great news, mom. - Yeah, but I don't think we really want to anymore, do we, Addy? - Maybe another day? We still have some Cloudees mini's and we really want to open them - Oh, okay. Well I'm glad you're enjoying them. I'll put the kite away and we'll save it for another day girls. - [Both] : Thanks mom. - Let's get started. - Let's see what the news is saying now. - [News Reporter] : Well folks, today's weather will go down in history as having some of the most bizarre weather patterns ever recorded on this planet. The day started sunny, and with mild temperatures in the high 60's. By noon, we were updated with an unexpected blizzard and only an hour later, quite shockingly, the sky had went dark and starry. - Wow - [News Reporter] : However that didn't last long. Rains accompanied by lightning and thunder falling next, we have a sunny day once again, but a strong breeze blew through the air. Things did calm down a bit until we were hit with additional raindrops and windy weather. - What a strange day. - But you can rest assured that the weather is now stable folks, and there are no indications of any other bizarre weather heading our way. So go outside, and enjoy the weather, folks. - Oh well that's a relief. - That's so cool that you got the mini version of Breezy Koala, Addy? - I know, aren't they just the cutest duo. They're both so pink and have the cutest fluffy tails. - And I just love Bluezy Kitty, she's our first pet from Raindrop Village. And did you realize that we could swap their tails too? - Sure did. - I'll let you hang out with Poised Polar Bear today. - Hey, Maya, look. We have another Cloudees mini set we haven't opened yet. I wonder how it got there. - You're right, should we open it now? - I don't see why not. (snores) (alarm rings) - Whoa, Addy. I just had the craziest dream. - What was it, Maya. - I dreamed that our Cloudees actually controlled the weather. - Oh, Maya. That's so silly. - [Mom] This video was a paid advertisement for Mattel
Channel: Tic Tac Toy
Views: 2,604,235
Rating: 4.7205939 out of 5
Keywords: Cloudees, Mattel, Addy, Maya, Lucy, silly kids, collectibles, new toy, strange weather, weather, toys, silly, kids, pretend
Id: Ra3hAPOcUiA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 19sec (919 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 28 2020
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