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[Music] [Music] some message inside what does say it's sightings of the shark eating Orca really who's that a wily old morgue he eats nothing but sharks and only likes the taste of the largest and most dangerous sharks great whites tigers white tips Makos and bulls and sharks you know we've never made an Oracle power suit even though we've had lots of adventures with them and if there is an orca with a sweet tooth for sharks we have got to meet them it's true there is this is a map of all the places over the years where that Orca has he eaten sharks we've got to find that Orca I'm scanning the map and said get your creature pods in the Tortuga all right we're off to find the Orca who eats sharks what is this it's a map that shows where there's a shark eating pork that's a shark eating water and we've gotta find it okay if we take the Orca sightings and run them through the formula of probability the most likely place we'll find this quarter is here those are the coordinates Jimmy [Music] [Music] hey guys we're entering the search zone how's it go with the episode almost repeller check dope or squeaky clean thanks check sorry I think those are orcas let's check it out Oh [Music] you've got orcas Wow look at them all we're in the middle of a pod of killer whales whoa there are about 20 of them that's a large size pod of orcas hey they're checking us out listen wow you can even feel the waves of salmon let's record it and figure out what they're saying forgot how intelligent and curious killer whales are huh bro so why does the hermit crab live in a shell anyways for protection kind of like a turtle has the shell for protection and see how his big claw blocks the entrance whoa what a turtle doesn't change shells why does the hermit crab Vicky his name's picky okay why does picky change shells because he grows when Vicky grows he gets too big for a shell then he has to find a new shell that fits it and the show gives a hermit crab protection its Armour and a home now that's a cool creature power he inspected a lot of shells before he found this one and I feel really inspired to do some hermit crab power programming [Music] the cleaning station that's it that's the cleaning station there's nothing there and what's the little Remora doodles sticky hand doing oh he's just waiting for a ride a Remora swims around like that until he finds a new shark take on to him come eat shark oh and she's a big one looks about five and a half meters that's the largest predatory fish in the ocean right there but what is she there for what gets cleaned at these cleaning station doohickeys anyway she does yeah check it out and he's the guy that does the cleaning well him anybody's cleaner fish Lord she's pulling into the station the body position it's telling the cleaner wrasse please leave me I may be a shark but I won't bite promise and the fish version of a dentist says no problem that's what I do they're picking parasites from the shark's teeth and mouth for them it's food so it's a good deal sharks rays and all kinds of fish line up that these cleaning station sucker heads making his move he's odd we better get in there okay here we go hey Sharky shark uh how about razor mouth look at those teeth well whatever Sharky razor-mouth just go easy on his big girl just want to find out more about you whoa you can see new rows of teeth company behind the old ones oh yeah those teeth never stop coming we only have two sets of teeth and that's it sharks just keep growing up oh and look sharks get loose teeth dude they're serrated with those super sharp ridges on the edges just like a soft those teeth are serious slicers and Dicers Chrissy look out we're drifting oh no a current it's fooling us of course yeah an on course to be her main course I hope she's not hungry if she is [Music] [Music] close one time to meet this mission head on gauging head sucker place we're about to make contact - yes we landed the first successful mission onto a great white shark in the history of creature adventuring yeah we did it Michigan trill - Remora sub well done guys looks like they're heading straight out to sea I wonder where she's going it says here that scientists have recently discovered that great whites travel long distances to get to different places for food meet sue the trek from the couch to the fridge wears me out I mean really far Jimmy sometimes over 19,000 kilometers that's a quarter of the way around the world in fact there may not be as many great white sharks as people think it might just be the same sharks moving around the world all the time well wherever she takes them I just hope my Remora sub can hold on long enough to uncover the secrets of the great whites and find out where she's headed I bet the sea otter power disc shocker yeah you kept diving while we checked out the otters awesome tool use not to mention saving Koki guys very spare Martin gets activates the otter power oh yeah this is gonna be awesome activate sea otter power I feel built for the water Oh warm coach battle feet hydrodynamic body let's go for a swim coach what's she doing she's parking Cork sea otters anchor their babies in kelp when they go off to look for food that way they don't drift away now that I have awesome sea otter swimming powers can we swim through the kelp forest what an amazing ecosystem it's like underwater trees and there's so much life in here different fish sea stars whoa moray eels and sea urchins hey you better watch out sea urchins there's an otter around come on I know you like to eat kelp but if that otter sees you you might be the one that gets here huh Oh or be I think we lost them [Music] [Music] ooh you guys don't have to worry about many predators but that's one of them stellar sea lions Oh and orcas some sharks and the occasional bald eagle that's about it [Music] Oh swimmin sea otter style it's like a dream come true that ceiling didn't have a chance of catching us right coach Wow Jimmy you've been practicing look who I found on my last die Oh amazing Jimmy became a pro underwater swimmer what we were gone I wouldn't go that far but who needs a power suit when you've got a kick like this I hope Chris and Martin can see our light with all the other light producing fish around okay but I thought light bulbs made light not fish its bioluminescence some sea creatures can make two different chemicals inside a special body part called a photo for and when they mix them together they make a glowing light it's kind of like a glow stick two chemicals inside and when mixed it glows why do so many see fish at Jimmy quick shine the light there go closer [Music] okay so I know those so a plankton glow to find each other and stick together in the deep sea that's one reason for bioluminescence communication and the deep-sea shrimp knows they do that so they're attracted to lights hoping to get a meal but bigger predators know that little predators like the shrimp do this so another use of bioluminescence hunting has a built-in fishing pole wow he really is that shrimp and there's a third use of bioluminescence defense [Music] without there are so many uses for bioluminescence it's only one of the most important chemical reactions in the sea and you know what that means I do it means I've gotta figure out bioluminescence for my next creature power suit I guess it's up to you and me to find the lost crab brother we have to do everything around here Wow a dragon fish we in the jackpot bro these guys are the masters of bioluminescence they use it for everything tell me about it those photophores on the side are for communication with other dragon fish he can turn them on at will when he has something to say and the light on the tip of the barbel is sometimes used to confuse predators but mostly it's used as a fishing pole we use that under his eyes Oh God scan this whoa it's a special red light a spy light that other fish down here can't see humans can't see it either so dragon fish have invisibility power they're like spies if they can see with that light but other fish like predators and prey can't see them Wow are you thinking what I'm thinking bro I think I'm thinking what you're thinking I think we're thinking the same thing I've even come in dragon chasers here dragon chasers we need a dragon fish suit they have the coolest bioluminescence dragon fish okay I'm already working on bioluminescence so no problem this should be a quick spot to find the Marten oh yeah oh I hope we got here in time yeah they should be coming out right about now no sign of them yet so now we wait they're everywhere [Music] you mean these colorful things are creatures they look like flowers oh yeah they're animals all right every one of them is a creature and check it out the hard rocky part is their skeleton see they build a skeleton outside their bodies and they can hide inside it protect it until they're ready to come in you mean this whole reef is made of the skeletons of these little guys that's right polyps skeleton built on polyps skeleton built on more pulp skeletons for millions of years and now millions of creatures live here even amongst the coral more different types of sea creatures than any other ocean habitat yeah but we know these reefs are fragile habitat and if we're going to do our annual reef checkup to make sure tell me we better get to it okay let's get in there for a close look guys close enough Oh bro you just got harpooned what harpooned you have to zoom in with a microscope to see it polyp shot that tiny needle-like harpoon from his tentacle that's how they look for food hey what do you are booting me for I'm not food ah here comes some stuff that's probably tastier than you ultra zoom on that's what they love to eat amphipods see there the harpoons ready for launch oh he did it he scored some watch wheels it in with his harpoon and the tentacles push the little meal to his mouth right down there in the center Wow I like these little guys and all this time I thought coral is just a bunch of rocks hey what are you doing leave that Carl alone those fish are destroying the reef so that's why the coral reefs are disappearing those repeating fish that's a fast there parrotfish Aviva and they're not white the research in trouble check it out he's scraping algae off the coral with his hard beak and eating it and he does kill and even eat some polyps while he's at it but he's also keeping the algae from taking over and choking out the reef so you see it's all balanced parrotfish are part of a healthy reef okay that's good because coral reefs have enough problems with pollution and stuff without any new dangers popping up that's right after all a lot of creatures depend on these guys without them the reef wouldn't even exist [Music] there is whistle without you come on click let's go let's get if what's wrong okay fine I'll get him that's what that little click whistle meant couldn't you have just said [Music] [Applause] [Music] so fast so do verbal like a torpedo yes I was too much oh just kidding nice Sharky [Music] hey what are you up to now buddy you're acting strange why are you stuffing a sponge into the sand dolphin who likes to clean up that's a first looking for something echolocation engaged who can find it first whatever it is nothing but sand underneath pores and you sure there's something around here amazing that's what she uses is to protect her nose when she shovels in the rough Senate I was just about to find that fish [Music] communication alert we're having trouble getting a read on Martin's location I had a signal but it's disappeared disappear I was that possible I don't know but less I picked it up it was to the east let's head in that direction see if we can find him yeah we'll spread out [Music] still out there was i know sharks and orcas they're your only natural predator especially for baby dolphins still not able to transmit from inside this wreck maybe if I can just get now open or maybe not oh so much for my creature pod oh good idea whistle maybe dolphin communication will help us get out of here let's just hope someone hears it and soon 1-kilogram this is barb besides were used to see before all the big ones were hunted out whoa walks pretty slow for a creature with one two three four five six seven eight eight legs well he does have to carry that big tail whoa how do you do that the pigtail flicks and the lobster shoots backwards that big tail is full of muscles that flex and sweep the water forward that pushes the lobster backwards for a quick getaway that is so cool powerful tail muscles contracts causing the band like tail to push water forward instantly propelling the lobster backwards through the water but best people on it I'm not interested that would fit into due to ants I'm looking for the last largest lobster another one seem size and neither one is gonna back down and I think we're gonna find out how they use their claws the squeeze of a lobster is so powerful if our hands were that strong we could crush a walnut with just a squeeze but why are the two claws different one sleek and then one big and bulky the big one the crusher that is used for crushing things Wow the little table pincher is used for ripping and tearing quads quads and more flies I didn't know a lobster was so strong a regular muscle head and teleport give me that and stubborn what am I gonna call you hmm I want to activate a creature power over here I'll name you red crush see he just wanted a name I think that's called a coincidence you just don't understand the mind of a lobster okay well here's something you'll understand it's time to activate creature powers [Music] Oh feel the strength the tale ready to rock it backwards the claws whoa really strong lobster powers are awesome not a bad place for a splash landing whoa coral reef okay so now it looks like we'll be doing a brief adventure good thing we came prepared yeah there are so many different kinds of amazing life-forms on the beef you mean like these guys seahorses seahorses I thought you were on regular horses well our plants kind of changed we're checking out seahorses now you know I've always wondered about seahorses yeah me too with a head like a horse and it's got a prehensile tail like a monkey what are they okay I'll tell ya but you better sit down for this [Music] seahorses are they fell over anyway maybe we should have told him to sit on the floor yeah next time what do you mean seahorses are fish how can a seahorse be a fish I'll show you okay what mother nature did was take this fish and change its head and then stretch it out so it was more like this and then bent the body down this way and then it still changed from a swimming tail Hotel the king so a seahorse looks pretty different but it's still a kind of fish and there's a reason for the seahorses unique shape doesn't swim all over the place like most other fish it swims small distances by moving its little dorsal fin back and forth but most of the time the seahorse uses its prehensile tail to grab onto grasses and coral and just hang that on to food floats by but it's still kind of weird so it's body design is perfect for its way of living exactly hey that doesn't mean we have to stop riding horses let's ride these guys Martin there's seahorses and they're tiny okay so I'll give her seahorses smaller name I'll call you ocean pony and then we can miniaturize and ride whoa wait a second you guys shouldn't just use miniaturization technology for playing around this is serious technology well of course we have to do research on the short snout and seahorse hippocampus hippocampus to explore how this seahorse um interacts with other inhabitants of the coral reef system yes of course excellent bro uh-huh yeah uh-huh when you to play around with technology something usually goes wrong you're going to use the miniaturizer you'd better get a lot of info on seahorses I'm going to prep my invention station for seahorse power disc creation and I'll be checking in on you those waves were rough I think I'm a little seasick I lost my shell my protection I can't last out here without a shell to fish for seagulls [Music] but I got to make a change shell shell show there oh wait your lipids yes you made one well that's that's more like it definitely a more stable upgrade snail family right bud we eat algae off the rocks see him scrape it up with that rough tongue like thing plenty of algae here in the intertidal cuz there's plenty of Sun for it to grow so limpets and other creatures are the grazers down here and check out this foot it's one giant muscle that suctions on to the rock super strongly so waves are not a problem I can hang on tight and be mobile what I want to show you from the waves and friend udders right you got it and by my calculations if I keep moving at limpid speed I'll arrive at the finish line in perfect timing oh yeah lipids are gonna power me to a win eventually hey Barney's here comes some more catch the plankton if you can hey gotcha a little so plankton Wow this feathery legs are great for snagging the plankton that gets washed in by the tides hey what'd you get would an amphipod nice catch now this is what I call free and home delivery another great reason to live in the intertidal that is diffic enabled the waves and the time it's going out and the Sun it's hot and I'm a water animal Oh it'll drive me up it water don't leave me now so this morning the water was way up here at high tide yeah and now the tide is going out it'll keep lowering until it's down pretty close to the finish line mark so the intertidal creatures are underwater part of the time and out of the water other parts of the time yep I don't know how they do it how's my holding up not good here god conserve moisture Wow barnacles even have a trapdoor that they can close to keep the water in yeah see you in the tag comes back a grouper you didn't puffy puffy it's you you're all blown up like a giant spiky water balloon nice defense oh maybe now we've got a problem it's a great defense and most fish know never to mess with a Blowfish but for those that don't sometimes Blowfish can get stuck inside a groupers mouth and then both fish could die hang on puffy we'll get you out of there okay trooper you might feel a prick holy puppy could deflate just a little bit did you scare if you de place at all Rupert might swallow these guys it's not working Martin I'm going in going in we're through the gills no you're not I'll push you pull okay just remember one wrong move and your lunch ready Burton ready [Music] amazing that he can blow up three times his size and look now this grouper knows never mess with a little fish it's a fish-eat-fish world out here yeah and only the fish with good protection survive well it looks like we're getting a turtle back tour of the REE hey there's blimpy the Blowfish oh yeah and her old buddy Ocean Pony the seahorse and hey there's I don't remember him yeah that's because he's somebody new [Applause] [Music] the tiger shark is gaining Oh Marcy turtles using his shell like a seal that's what I'm gonna name you seal [Music] without looking she'll keep this up look at these teeth based on size tiger shark jaws are even stronger than the great white shark's jaws that shark hits the shell in his mouth or flipper his mouth shield is got four [Music] that's another plan [Music] whoo that was close and another great defense for the hawksbill sea turtle hiding in the reef he had and that's why hogs bills are reef turtles so they can use the coral reef structure to feed them and hide them yeah the shield defense is great when Hawks ball is caught out in the open but the surefire plan is to hide out in the protection of the reef hey Aviva did you catch that turtle power action oh yeah they saw it so Aviva you up for a little turtle power suit programming yeah that was the incredible nice shield work I never knew sea turtles were so maneuverable we saw it all thanks to the amazing fish cam I guess I made the fish cam a little too fish-like maybe a little [Music]
Channel: Wild Kratts
Views: 9,552,829
Rating: 4.1395655 out of 5
Keywords: Kratts wild, wild kratts, wild kratts episodes, the wild kratts, kratts TV show, kratt brothers, zoboomafoo animated, wild kratt, wild krat, wild krats, krat brothers, martin kratt, chris kratt, wild kratts official channel, wild kratts full episodes, full episodes, animals, ocean, sea, deep blue sea, ocean explorers, explore, explorers, explore the ocean, sea creatures, shark, shark week, dolphins, turtles, sea shells, shells, creature power, World Ocean Day, baby shark
Id: 617g2MGqGK4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 10sec (2110 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 04 2018
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