Wild Kratts - Showcasing Beautiful Animals #3 | Kids Videos

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a Pangolin bang : it's a kind of scaly anteater but not really related to a Nader's they're pangolins pure and simple they're in a family of their own and a Pangolin has a really cool walk they walk on their hind legs with their front paws in the air like like a t-rex Hey that's what I'm gonna call you t-rex whoa wait a second back up [Music] no I mean back up to the part where you explained to me why you never told me about this creature I've never seen anything like it I've never heard of it nothing you guys are supposed to tell me about cool animals remember well I guess we forgot forgot yeah now we feel bad it's not personal t-rex t-rex over there oh do something you can't let anything happen to that Pangolin hang on wait for it [Music] a scaly suit of armor those Lions can't get through with their sharp claws nope it's all in the keratin every skill is hard thick and super tough you've gotta be kidding me a lion John can you through yeah that's right and those lines better be careful because the edges of the scales are sharp I think you'd cut a line and they're almost impossible to pry open once they're rolled up Wow yep not easy to get through that rock solid defense you don't mess with a penguin penguin scale I've gotta make a Pangolin suit and with your scans in this scale I have everything I need to know about keratin to do it [Music] amazing so these scales grow out of her skin a lot like hair and fingernails it's like she has a bunch of super strong fingernails all over her body all made of keratin Wow and put together a thousand of those scales and you have a real suit of armor it's going to be the best defense ever can we test it out yet I shouldn't even let you test it out to be the guys who tell us all about cool animals and you really dropped the ball with pangolins well we didn't exactly forget about them well shouldn't people know about them well yeah definitely but there's a creature alert coming in from southern China it's je Dewey hi Koki we were out creature adventuring in the forest and found something strange an animal trap yeah it looks like some kind of trap we think someone's trying to catch our chow Jinja chaoshan chop what's that it's Chinese for pangolins there are pangolins in China too yeah a different kind in fact there are 8 species found in small areas around Asia and Africa but all are really rare and endangered that's why we want to help them right we'd better check it out we're on our way you do ye [Music] [Music] [Music] leave us to it thanks Aviva it's just up ahead know what there's something in the trap I don't believe it a Chinese bangle and enter pop give them a sticky Pangolin lick they're the ones that sent out the alert congratulations you our creature heroes it's the Pangolin version of a piggyback ride a piggyback ride here want to taste an artichoke you don't really look like one now hey that's what I call you artichoke doesn't taste good I guess you'll just stick to ants and termites then and check this out that is a serious tongue the pangolins tongue is one of the longest in the creature world our tongue can only stick out a few centimeters but of an angle in tongues you can go a half a meter come on you got to decide because one of the reasons we want to see these creatures is because we really want you to make creature power suits of them yeah you've got to make me a muskox power suit right away no way an arctic wolf creature power suit but I like them both why don't you guys just split up and find them if you show her the creatures she might be able to decide which one to start a suit for okay no problem you're on almost forgot my collection I may eat this see ya good luck brother of mine oh I think you'll need the lock Chris Arctic tundra [Music] muskoxen right below that was a cinch [Music] [Music] well at least I've found the herd well you do look kind of like oxen and cows huh but now I see why your closest relatives are really sheep and goats you act a lot more like sheep Oh aren't you the cutest little musk ox calf hey wait why do they call you a calf when you're really not even in the cow family since you're closer to the sheep and goat family a baby musk ox should really be called the lamb or a kid so I'll name you kid musky you like that [Music] animal I've ever seen so musk oxen your favorite is that the suit you're gonna work on yes I've made my decision and just love that little kid musky musk oxen are very cool-looking [Music] not so fast you haven't even seen the Arctic woes yet we gotta see what Chris is up to Tortuga HQ to green backpack come in green backpack green backpack here go for green backpack did you find an octave Wolfe no I didn't find one I found a whole pack of them the gorgeous white wolves of the far north [Music] that's a cool looking wolf I thought you were nervous around predators you know creatures that eat meat well I am I feel more comfortable around your average prey animal animals that don't hunt but that doesn't mean I don't like predators when I'm far away from them how many of them are there Chris well there can be up to 20 but it looks like this one has five make that six [Music] I think I heard that before well they're both cute oh you want to play little guy haha whoa you have sharp little predator teeth buddy especially those two long ones on the sides the canines oh good thing they're just baby teeth hey you lost one you lost a baby tooth and well since Martin's not here to name you that's what I'll call you baby tooth something new to add to my creature souvenir collection your baby tooth would be safe in here baby tooth [Music] okay so that cute little pup does it the arctic wolves are my favorite that's what I thought what have you forgotten about this guy okay okay you got me kid musky you got me come on Aviva musk oxen are so awesome Aviva look at these incredible wolves how can I decide I can't decide it's impossible listen buddy I gotta get back to the Tortuga I think I can snap Aviva out of it and convince her to make this musk ox power suit then we can really play okay don't worry I'll be right back [Music] why they both have to be cute baby animals now can I choose one over the other we could roll a dice or flip a power disc no there's gotta be a reason to go with one over the other hey I've got an idea let's do what cheetahs do let's climb to the tallest spot so we can look out over the savanna great idea bro come on [Music] no sign of Cheetahs I've got to get higher hey SWAT SWAT help me look I think your cheetah eyes are better than mine scanning the savanna is one of your creature powers let me know if you see blurr see anything not yet [Music] oh sorry guys it's okay we didn't see anything we have to find a higher vantage point you know the higher we are the more of the savanna we're gonna see this is exactly how cheetahs scan for prey I've just called it Tortuga then we could really see everywhere no no not gonna do that hey I know what the highest spot on this van is our old friend Nick guy can help us out I can see a lot of savanna from up here a no sign of a cheetah hmm still not hide up [Music] Wow I can see even farther I baby we need to reconsider : the Tortuga for help hang on a second buddy we're thinking Martin I think he's trying to tell us something wait spots one has the answer we haven't tried cheetah powers yeah if we activate cheetah powers we can really zoom around the savanna looking for blur well what are we waiting for [Music] power discs we can find blur real quick using okay spots wanna wait for us right here [Music] what's up die [Music] oh yeah [Music] No [Music] it's big enough cheetahs we better check on spots wat you know you can't leave cheetah cubs alone on the Savannah for too long let's go [Music] hey sorry spots what no luck yet I mean we saw a lot of wildlife but no sign of your cheetah mom Martin don't you think it's time for us to call the Tortuga we could really use their help I know we could but they're gonna say we broke our promise are you really ready for all those I told you so's maybe not yet Chris lion let's use our cheetah powers and get out of here I've got spots whaat [Music] [Music] cheetahs are fast but they can't run fast for too long yeah they can only sprint at top speed for 45 seconds [Music] [Music] that's one way to get away from Alliance yeah like a war dog down a hole we're falling into some kind of chasm [Music] not so bad really [Music] what that cheetah chirp it's coming from down here she must have fallen into the chasm or we found her ha ha we did it creature mission accomplished you rock bro no you rock hey wait a second we're stuck down here [Music] walzer's deep i can't even climb them yeah as Fleur found out cheetah powers won't help us down here and where can we run deactivate ok ok maybe we should call the Tortuga now I mean we've got spot SWAT and we found blurr ourselves right yeah and if you call the Tortuga they could get us out of this easy hmm yeah we could do that but I think we got to get out of this ourselves don't you we do so let's see if we have figure weigh it out ourselves do you see a gecko then I could activate gecko powers and climb out of here easy no geckos but look at this there's a hole here an aardvark hey and I think that Slurpees phone it is and for me aardvarks are the most powerful diggers on the African savannah don't you mean under yeah under the most powerful digger under the African savannah and I have right here an aardvark power disc I just can't reach [Music] too hard these walls are termite mount construction yeah the biggest part of a termite mound is actually underground and only aardvark powers could dig through hi guys we've got all our supplies and we're heading back you having a good time yeah oh we're having a great time oh yeah the Savannah is the place to be [Music] first let's try an easier approach come on oh well they're out of here too bad nice try let's go oh wait for me it's really hot oh I'm overheating muskox you're pretty fast runners but not for long with all this fern no wonder they will read quickly I can't run anymore stay behind me buddy we've got to face some musk ox style oh oh they're honest you don't want to mess with these horns Martin we gotta get you out of here how I'm trying to distract them but I can't do it forever I know we're outnumbered if only we had more musk oxen oh we've got to even this out I need to switch sides Aviva do you have another musk ox power disc [Music] Chris quick let's try the muskox is classic protective circle defense oh sorry guys this predator-prey thing is so hard for humans to understand but we know there are two sides to it there are really no bad guys in fact getting food is not easy for predators it's not just a walk to the grocery store the food tries hard to get away and protect itself oh they're getting it this isn't a Buzzcocks protective circle it's it's more of a line well keep spinning me too that's not really the muskox protective circle either there's too many of them and still not enough of us I know we're doomed yes the rest of the herd oh it's here muskox to the rescue oh they came looking for you kid musky now this is how it's done the classic muskox protective circle everybody's shoulder to shoulder with Oren's facing outwork and the cap protected in the center fortress that's pretty hard for the Wolves to penetrate they'll test it anyway those horns are sharp and really strong ooh ouch getting food can be super dangerous for a predator they can get serious injuries we leave at dawn the Wolves haven't given up yet the defense is working [Music] it's a battle for survival [Music] back off whoa that's it they've had enough oh I think it works that are backing off Wow the muskox protective circle worked oh you made it kid musky thanks to the herd [Music] great job herd oh thanks for your help too Chris we fended them off for just long enough hmm Chris Chris [Music] I'm coming baby tooth I'm so sorry baby tooth your pack was getting food for you I messed up the hunt oh I know you need to eat see we humans have a hard time understanding predators sometimes we feel sorry for the prey but we know predator prey is just the way works in nature we're on your side too little buddy [Music] they're back with dinner [Music] yes they did it I'm getting back in with the pack arctic wolf power Green wolf to Blue Ox come in Blue Ox this is Blue Ox Go Green Wolf what do you say we hang out here on the tundra for a while longer sure it'll be summer for a few more weeks might as well stay while it's warm and I'm pretty in with the herd down take a little sounds like a plan
Channel: Wild Kratts
Views: 2,578,466
Rating: 4.5094724 out of 5
Keywords: wild kratts, wild kratts full episodes, wildlife, animals rescue, wildlife education, wild kratts videos, videos for kids, educational videos, safe videos for kids, animated show, cartoons, cartoons for kids, kids cartoon, best cartoon, for kids, new cartoons 2018, kids toons, predator, evolution, natural history, nature, nature wild, learning about animals, beautiful animals, beautiful rare creatures, safari, zoo, conservation, top kids videos in 2018
Id: dDZ3h3alIk0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 13sec (1573 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 14 2018
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