Why You Wouldn't Survive TRAIN TO BUSAN 2: Peninsula

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[Applause] everything is wrong about this peninsula takes place in the same world as train to busan one but it's a very different movie why you got number one zombies that transform so fast the government collapses in one day number two these zombies can run infecting the whole country fast and getting it locked down from the outside world what would you do if you had to go back in to that situation not only do you have to face the zombies you have to face the people who've been surviving there for the past four years not to mention somehow getting out the movie didn't need fast and furious chase scenes so let me go over the good parts of the plot this is how to survive peninsula we started with zhang suk and his family trying to escape korea as the entire country is being terrorized by zombies if we're trying to get out of the country and onto the escape ships we need an escape route and the back roads outside the city limits are the best bet to get out of there a lot of scared people are going to try to use the highways and roads causing traffic jams and getting killed by zombies the back roads are pathways that only a few people will ever think about something jung suk probably knows because of his military training he sees someone calling for help in the middle of the road now if i see anyone along the way i'm speeding up and moving on personal survival is the priority and picking up anyone else puts you at risk not only could you miss the escape ships but you have no idea who these people are or if they've been bitten i can see the husband has blood on his shirt and the woman is holding a little girl whose face i can't even see for all we know they could turn into zombies any minute now and there's a boat to catch they make it on the ships where the family is taken to this waiting room and zhang suk gets told by a korean soldier that they're not headed to japan but hong kong don't do this if you're talking about secret information in earshot of all of these people you could start a panic look at this breakdancing zombie i would try to get people to team up on this guy as there's only one of him and there's a lot more of us with blankets bags and suitcases as we saw in the first film a zombie can be easily blinded just by covering his face and there are more than enough blankets in the room with a few of us working together we should be able to hold it down and crush its head by stomping on it blankets can also be wrapped around the arm acting like a show for protection jongson gets blindsided by a zombie that he puts down with two shots unfortunately there are probably at most 14 more bullets left in the gun standard issue pistols of the korean army can be loaded with 16 rounds and people are already turning into freaking zombies better make every shot count this is the perfect chance to get his kill streak and one shot kill 14 of the zombies before they attack anyone but he made the mistake of trying to find his sister first before making sure the room was safe he tries to get his sister out of there but she won't let go of his nephew who's been bitten why do they always do this we know it's a bad idea to stay here any longer because the newly affected people will begin to attack what i would do is shoot the kid and drag her out in there she's obviously in shock and won't make it without help taking away any reason to stay makes it way easier to get her out she might hate us for it but she can always make another one later jung-suk runs out and shuts the door he couldn't save his sister and nephew but this was honestly the next best case scenario if the door hadn't been closed the zombies would have spread throughout the ship killing everyone on board four years later in hong kong he's pressured into doing a job for gangsters going back into korea with three others including his brother-in-law to find a truck with 20 million dollars inside if he brings it back he'll get to keep more than half of it but only if the money makes it back to the gangster's boat in three days getting involved with gangsters in the middle of a zombie apocalypse is a bad idea gangsters will always pick on those who have no easy way out and keep those people in debt to them this may sound like a good deal but there's a chance of being stabbed in the back i'm just saying if i was a gangster i would want the full 20 million with interest now jongsoo goes with the three others by ship entering korea through incheon preparing their gear as they wait to arrive ideally this is a one or two day operation where they will be moving around the city at night because the zombies are sensitive to sound and lights to prepare for the zombies better not only should a suppressed rifle be taken but also a sidearm like a knife and a pistol that takes nine millimeter ammo the military and police also use nine millimeter ammo in their pistols meaning that they might be more likely to find spare bolts on their mission it also provides a larger clip size to shoot more runs on zombies before having to reload something to also bring are firecrackers which can be easily bought in hong kong and can be used as a cheap simple distraction for any zombies preparing for this operation is all about practicality bringing things that are easy to use carry for a long time and we can bring a lot of the group is given two satellite phones which can be used to call the gangsters once the money has been found they land in incheon port and look around the deserted city for a usable car this is a great idea even if cars are noisy they can cover more ground in less time than on foot but given the situation i would have looked for a hybrid car as they tend to be quieter than gas-filled ones we also know that there could be a lot of cash in the truck so it might have been better to find a working car that has a lot more trunk space now if they find the truck we have no idea if it even works and it would definitely be noisier than a large van but it does make moving the money in a single trip easier and possible to do they find a truck but they don't know if it's the right one so jungkook goes to check it out this is actually a good move sending out only one person minimizes the risk to the others i wouldn't want to be the guy doing the scouting but it's a good tactic if we can get someone else to do it i'd rather be sitting in the car listening to the beegees finally to find the truck with the right license plate with 20 bags full of cash they poke around the truck wake up the zombie driver and accidentally hog the horn [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i would have shot the driver before i took him out of the seat instead of attracting a horde of zombies they're never dead when you need them to be shooting at the cars to trigger the alarms is a great idea to take off your neighbors and distract the undead we can save bullets in time while giving the vehicles a chance to escape heading back to the extraction point is the main goal here and getting distracted by anything will get us killed even if someone launches flares at the car stopping in the middle of the road is stupid and dangerous since we know these zombies are attracted to lights being on the move is the best thing we can do and these cars can easily outpace the zombies the cars end up crashing and jiangsuk has to fight up a bunch of zombies while his idiot brother hides in the truck great idea jon suk ends up running away once ammo runs out but he gets jumped by one zombie it's only thanks to two girls in an armored suv that he's saved at the last moment jumping into their car they race away pulling off crazy maneuvers turns and running over zombies killing zombies like this will do more damage to the car which can't be easily fixed i would have studied the layout of the city beforehand that way we would have an exit strategy to get back to incheon you would definitely not want to be locked inside the back of a truck because it would be hard to tell when it's safe to go out whether it's nighttime or daytime and if the zombies have left the area honestly i wouldn't be surprised if no one came to the rescue the girl in the car is able to pull up some fancy driving and takes them to this underpass full of zombies where her sister takes out this remote controlled car to distract them a clever solution that has its drawbacks rc remotes tend to have a short range they also rely on insertable batteries and the cars themselves are pretty fragile they also are very stable so they might end up turning over their sights much like a turtle and become unusable they return to their hidden shelter where jung suk wakes up meeting the old commander and ming yun the woman jung tsuk left stranded on the side of the road four years earlier who doesn't recognize jungsuk through his long bangs meanwhile a group of bandits called unit 631 find the money truck and take it back to their camp with their brother-in-law still inside of it when they find him he tries to trade the satellite phone for his life but he left it in the truck that's one hell of a screw-up leaving your one lifeline to the outside world in the back of a truck in the middle of a zombie apocalypse this guy drinking alcohol that's so 2016. i would say it's more valuable as an antiseptic and in a city with limited access to clean water dehydrating yourself is not good in the long run but that becomes a non-issue as his man captain sayo plans to shoot himself in his face he stops at the last moment when his right-hand man tells him about the truck they check it out together finding the money inside as well as a satellite phone which the captain uses to make a deal to get himself out of korea to survive in a zombie-infested city you have to be focused on yourself to stay alive it may seem selfish but this is honestly a good idea for someone stuck in korea as it's the best chance of getting out on short notice johnson's brother gets put into this arena where he must avoid getting killed by zombies remaining alive until time runs out now let's look at what's wrong here first off these guys aren't trying to use the size of the arena the zombies are mostly attracted to lights so moving where it's darker will be an edge over the competition in fact the zombies seem to ignore the sides even though the bandits are cheering and yelling other mistakes made are not working together or finding a position to defend in this situation i wouldn't run around like a chicken with its head cut off i would stick near people to throw them at the zombies stay safe near the entrance of the arena and keep my back to the wall this helps us keep the zombies in our sights so that we can dodge them easily i have none of them seen gladiator [Applause] are you not entertained another thing that's wrong is the setup it's risky to bring in zombies so deep into the camp if anything goes wrong another outbreak could happen all it would take is the zombies knocking down one of the fences that spread throughout the complex what i would have done is to have the prisoners fight each other to the death it would be just as awesome without as much risk one more thing how exactly is this place getting power a lot of modern power stations are mostly automated but they still need a small crew to run and maintain them honestly i wish they had more scenes like this it would have been more interesting than all the action scenes they had john took in the family as survivors come up with a totally foolproof plan to steal the truck from the bandits and head to wincheon but the old commander has some gripes about this as his contact of major jane won't exactly know where to rescue them we can send a radio message to major jane telling her that the group will beat incheon in a day or so and try to create a signal to find their location in a zombie apocalypse it's a good idea to work in small groups as others may know how to navigate the city better than we do they also have resources that we can use and other skills that can be crucial to surviving not just shooting driving and using radios but things like horticulture first aid and talking to women a well-balanced team like that can get us a long way through the apocalypse that same morning the captain makes plans of his right hand man and they discussed and they should include more bandits in the escape bandits are not trustworthy and more likely to betray you cable the group small is best including only people you can control or trust now i would make sure i had one person to drive one to shoot and one to feed to the zombies the only problem is the sergeant might catch under the captain's plan unless he's distracted jungkook tries to radio major jane and talk to ming yun about their shared past as they get to know each other better this would be a good time to take notes of what they have if you need to ditch your group to survive you'll need as much as you can get your hands on otherwise we should take stock of food and ammo to prepare for attacking the bandit camp i'd be working out how to get in how to get out and where to meet up in case we get separated that way no one will panic when things go wrong the captain announces that they will have a marathon game in the arena but the sergeant could tell something's wrong and corners him in his office and steals his booze that night jung suk and min yun sneak into the abandoned camp leaving behind the girls and the suv as the girls wait they spot a horde of zombies moving closer to the bandit camp this is the perfect time for using some of the distractions they brought now something to note about these zombies is that they react more to light than sound with this in mind what i would do is set a signal flare off at the other end of the road to move the zombies away from the camp john suk and ming yun find the truck and the other broken sat phone as well as the captain's right hand man who begs them to take and we find out that the captain has the satellite phone and that junsuk's brother-in-law is here this is the perfect chance to learn more about the camp to help our mission i would ask them where the guards are and where they patrol as well as which gate is the least guarded that way we would know the safest and fastest route out of here after we get what we need from him we should gag and time up that way he can't raise an alarm and we can move on johnson runs into the camp as the captain gets into a standoff with ming yun who demands he give her the phone should have told him to put his hands up the brother-in-law is back in the arena and trying his best to survive luckily jiangsuk comes in to save him from the zombies using a smoke grenade to cover their escape and drawing the zombies out of the arena using a flare gun this genius plan sets the zombies loose in the camp making it harder to get out what i would have done is try to find a generator room and turn off all the power in the building then i would use the flare gun to get the zombies to the other side of the arena so i could sneak in and get out now going on a rampage and killing the bandits is more fun but it's also risky facing off against so many people even if i was a super early delta force operator i wouldn't do a straight on assault like that at most we would want delay suppressing fire as we got out of there putting distance between us and them as you look for a way out this would be a good time to use any other equipment we're carrying like grenades or flares as these can be used to cover our escape or distract the zombies trying to escape they get jumped by zombies and the brother-in-law gets killed by the sergeant ming young drives the truck through a nearby wall and jong suk takes the long pause to look at his brother before getting into the truck as the bandits chase after him now i can't blame him for taking a moment but i mean get out of there already a head start is the biggest advantage to have here because the noise of the truck is going to attract a whole swarm of zombies meaning we need time to outmaneuver the undead using distractions like fireworks or trickery car alarms that send the zombie hordes elsewhere jungsuk and ming yun are saved by a nearby car hawking its horn it's the girls who draw the zombies away from the truck the weather gets so bad that it starts raining zombies and jiangsuk comes in with the play of the game shooting at a glass walkway he knows is full of zombies which lets them all pour out using the environment and what traps are already there is a great way to buy time to escape they spot a ship waiting in the harbor but the suv is rammed by the captain who takes the older sister hostage in a situation like this i would have gotten into the captain's blind spot and shot him he would have fallen over and let the girl go without pulling the trigger now something else we could do is shoot through the hostage it might be cruel but hey it's a problem solved the group takes a third option and gets her free but the captain kills the old man and injures min young he manages to drive the truck into the ship but he's shot by the gangsters who then get eaten by swarmer zombies see this is why you don't trust gangsters now the sun is out so our priority should be to get out of here and find some place to hide if it were me after four years of being trapped here i would likely know of strategic places to hide throughout the city but the zombies will be super aggressive now that it's daytime so we need to distract the zombies using whatever it is lie on the ground like glass bottles or bricks to sneak away i would say traps or store a few supplies in these hiding spots so that we could wait there until it was night and go back to the old safe house that word of advice places like department stores train platforms or apartments would probably be a bad place to hide they would have been full of people when the outbreak happened so zombies are most likely already there better places would be cemeteries water treatment facilities or shipping crates the remote obscure places that less people would think about hiding it they also tend to be out of the way from population centers so there's probably not going to be a lot of zombies there the shipping crates especially would be hard for a zombie to climb up make it an ideal spot to wait it it's not like a helicopter is going to come out of nowhere to save you not unless you called for it earlier in which case setting off fireworks is a great way to attract the attention of whoever is in the helicopter not only does it let them know that someone's out there but it also tells them where to go something the girls obviously prepared for unfortunately the noisy fireworks attract zombies now kids and zombie apocalypses are usually a bad thing as they tend to slow the group down leaving the child behind is the quickest way to get to the helicopter but picking up the kid and running is the more humane option if reaching the helicopter is my only option at survival i'd say we drop any excess weight like bags or even weapons rifles like the hk416 or the m16 we at least seven pounds unloaded unless it's a slingshot weapon over a shoulder or a single handgun it's gotta go these weapons mean nothing against the horde of the undead injured ming yun stays behind to shoot down any zombies who get too close to her kids injuries in a zombie apocalypse aren't just painful but they're almost always likely to get you killed if you can't run or fight then you're going to get bitten or make a mistake even if you survive the wound can become infected or leave you bleeding out as it can't be closed in times like this you have to go out a hero and sacrifice your life for the sake of others going down shooting is sexy but impractical distracting the zombies to save the others smart and effective i would use car alarms or horns to get the undead horde to focus on me and draw in as many as i could however i would be careful to save one last bolt for myself that way i don't turn into a zombie saving my friends the trauma of having to kill me john slick and the girls are rescued by ewan soldiers led by major jane she wants to evacuate now but the older sister grabs her gun and makes her wait wasting time like this is a huge mistake there's no telling what the soldiers would do or if they have orders to leave very soon this also puts everyone in more danger as these zombies might reach the landing zone honestly i wouldn't be surprised if the zombies heard the sound of the chopper either way if someone was wasting time when we were trying to escape i'd shoot them wounding them so that i could drag them onto the helicopter and escape from this hell hole waited to come all this way just to die in incheon and although we might live with the guilt we can feel guilty when we're out of here zhang suk decides to go get ming yat drawing the zombies away from her by firing into the air this gives her enough time to get out of the truck and limp her way to jungsuk who takes her into the helicopter leaving korea behind them there you have it everything you need to survive and beat the zombie apocalypse mistakes you should avoid making and things you need to keep in mind if you want to get out of there alive now if you like this content check out the how to beat playlist up on the channel now i've already got videos covering how to beat the collector the laster glass of oculus and the child eating shape shifters of the hole in the ground with a lot more videos to come but what do you think how would you survive let me know your thoughts and strategies in the comments down below thank you so much for watching leave a like and subscribe to see more videos like this until next time have a damn good day
Channel: Cinema Summary
Views: 1,523,246
Rating: 4.9245477 out of 5
Keywords: train to busan, peninsula, why you wouldn't survive, how to beat, peninsula explained, train to busan 2
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 21sec (1161 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 30 2020
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