How to Beat the ZOMBIE HORDE in "TRAIN TO BUSAN" (2016)

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Have you ever watched a movie about a zombie apocalypse, and thought to yourself, if i was in that position, is there anything I could do to not get pulled apart by frothy mouthed white eyed raging cannibals? In this video on Nerd Explains, I'll tell you how to survive Train To Busan. Train to Busan is about a zombie outbreak in South Korea where the survivors are lucky enough to be on a departing train as the station is overrun, but unlucky enough that a few zombies managed to make it aboard, as well as a few complete scumbags. So you’re just chilling in your seat on the train, when you look over and there’s a rabid bloody person on top of another person biting their neck and making unnatural sounds. Clearly this is a zombie, but nobody else is freaking out. If you saw that, what should you do? While everyone else is shocked and trying to process the situation, you need to immediately, calmy, and quickly get up and move to the next cattle car towards the engine. Close the door behind you, lock it, and throw a blanket over the glass. It seemed there was an emergency lock on the ceiling by the door, use it. Don’t just assume the zombies can’t somehow open the door. Yes there are uninfected still in that car you left, and you’re basically dooming them, but the problem is that if you panic, and try to get everyone to the next car, nobody will make it. Everyone will get stuck in the door, nobody will have the chance to lock and cover the door, and you’ll all die. The car you left is fucked, you can deal with the guilt later. Everyone in the next car would probably be a bit shocked and freaked out with you closing, locking, and covering up the door with lots of horrible sounds coming from that compartment, but they aren’t in full panic yet. That’s good. Keep everyone quiet and calm. You don’t want to alert the zombies in the car behind you. Move towards the front of the car towards the next door, so if everyone freaks out or does stupid shit you can escape quickly, then establish control over the people in that car. If you let everyone freak out and panic, it’s game over. Check the next section for zombies, if it’s clear, then calmly and quietly start moving sections of that car into the next car. Once everyone is safe, lock that door as well but don’t cover it so you can see if the zombies broke through. This gives the train a buffer car between infected and non infected. So now you have an empty buffer car between the uninfected and infected cars. What is the next contingency to plan for. What if the zombies break through that door, or something happens where you will encounter a zombie up close. Okay, you need armor and weapons. For armor, start wrapping and covering up any exposed skin with extra clothes, taped magazines around arms and legs. Wrap your hands up. Any scratch or bite and you’re a goner. For weapons, start dismantling anything that looks like you could block, stab, or bash the zombies with. The metal used to hold the overhead luggage looks useful, but the more distance, the sharper, the heavier the object, the better. Anything that gives you the lethality edge, using your fists is the most vulnerable and dangerous option. For a shield, if anyone has a backpack, luggage bag, this could be used for blocking. Then, using a human train, load the buffer car with all the luggage you can find. If the zombies break through into the buffer car, all the luggage will block and slow them down so the zombies have less room to generate force against your car’s door. What I mean, is that they won’t be able to get a running start and body slam the door potentially breaking it. So now you have an empty buffer car full of luggage between the uninfected and infected cars, as well as makeshift armor and weapons that give you a fighting chance. Now you find out people have loved ones stuck in the other cars, with zombies between you and them, as well as zombies in cars between you and the engine. In the movie the protagonists fight through 3 train cars full of zombies, realistically that is total suicide. You could stop the train, and since the zombies can’t open doors they’d be isolated in their cars. The uninfected could simply exit their car and walk over to your car. Then start the train up again. This has its dangers but is probably the best solution. That said, it’s dependent on if you can communicate with the conductor or not. It’s also dependent on if your loved ones are stuck in the bathroom with zombies in the car with them. If so, then with the train still moving, with a buddy or two, I would open the train door and get to the top of the train. Sure, it’s really dangerous, and you need to be careful not to touch the overhead lines, but it’s better than fighting through hordes of zombies in hand to hand combat. Then for each zombie car between you and the uninfected, get on-top. Then with a weapon, break the train car window. The zombies will try to climb through the window to get to you, and since they’re uncoordinated and irrational, they will all fall off the moving train while climbing out the window. You can effectively clear the train cars of zombies using this technique. If this doesn’t work. Then go to the uninfected cars, and break their windows and help them up onto the top of the train. Once they are on top of the train, you need to ensure that they aren’t infected. Check them for any bites or scratches or signs of infection. Then you can all walk back to the safe part of the train in front of your buffer car. Once that is done. Move to the engine room and let the conductor know what is going on, and use his knowledge to decouple the zombie train cars. So now you have cleared the train of zombies manually, as well as decoupled any other zombie train cars. Keep the train moving. Do not get off or leave the train unless you are 100% sure it is safe and that the military has secured the area. And I mean you visually can see the soldiers securing the area with overwhelming firepower and organization. Don’t just wander into the next train station on foot because you heard it was safe. That’s how you die. The train's speed and structure is your biggest advantage. Zombies won’t be able to catch, swarm, or otherwise get to you while the train is moving at full speed. If you have to transfer to another train in order to get to assured safety, run on top of the trains for additional safety and better awareness. Avoid being on foot without visibility as much as possible. I would still highly avoid this decision. I would stay on the train, and continue to keep it moving either forward or in reverse. Again speed is your ally, and staying in the moving train until help comes is the best decision. If nobody comes to save you, it’s because the world ended and you’re already fucked. If you do go in reverse, do take care to not accidentally ram into the zombie car you decoupled from earlier. In the context of this movie, that is how I would attempt to survive a train to busan. If you have other ideas, or think I am wrong or would get killed doing what I mentioned, let me know in the comments. Thanks for watching, later.
Channel: Nerd Explains
Views: 1,557,427
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Keywords: explained, movie review, trailer, clip, scene, train to busan, seoul station, zombie, virus, outbreak, lme train to busan, busan, train, train to busan 2, train to busan prequel, train to busan movie review, train to busan review, train to busan netflix, train to busan ending explained, train to busan ending scene
Id: x3KknaIxJ_g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 26sec (446 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 08 2020
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