How To Beat The RAGE ZOMBIES in "28 Days Later"

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[Music] you've just woken up to find britain has been abandoned and everyone left behind is infected with a mind-breaking virus they only have one goal and that is to infect and kill anyone still alive what do you do i'm going to break down the mistakes made what you should do in how to beat the rage virus and 28 days later these animal rights activists have just broken into a research facility to rescue chimpanzees but they're all about to destroy the human race this scientist warns them these animals shouldn't be let out because they've been infected with a highly contagious virus but the woman releases the chimp and gets bitten the virus begins to take over and she starts spewing blood over everything including her fellow activists alright whatever this virus is it's worse than anything humanity has ever seen it took only 15 seconds for her to go from animal lover to straight up animal and it spreads just as quickly but this isn't even the biggest problem here this is a maximum containment level 4 facility because it holds dangerous pathogens like smallpox avian influenza virus and russian spring summer encephalitis a place with this much security risk should never have only one researcher in the building in the middle of the night with no safety protocols for contagion lockdown now activists aren't always the most logical people in the world either historically bad decisions are made when passionate people don't use their brains and breaking into this place because you feel sad for mr monkey here is soon going to affect every human on the planet 28 days later jen the bike courier wakes up in a hospital and things seem to be a little out of place there's no hospital staff or patients anywhere in fact the whole building is completely abandoned this is seriously concerning he tries to phone looking for a signal and none of them are working with no one to talk to he grabs a bag and starts scavenging okay this guy is already thinking about survival if i woke up in an empty hospital even the world's worst hangover isn't going to explain this and going into full-on survival mode is the right decision instead of trying to find out what happened we should assume the worst and start grabbing supplies to prepare for the unknown now pepsi is delicious but ultimately not going to help you survive the brain's hunger regulation system in the hypothalamus doesn't really register liquid calories and going three to four weeks without food only to break the fast of caffeine and sugar could severely affect your blood levels and put your system into shock food deprivation changes the way your body metabolizes nutrients and when food is reintroduced there's an abrupt shift that shocks the body's system called refeeding syndrome which makes you feel weak inflates seizures and even causes heart failure david blaine experienced this when he famously went without food for 44 days in a glass box over london and they learned that refeeding him too quickly was actually more dangerous than the stunt itself this guy's really skinny and hasn't eaten in 28 days so we need to replace these lost electrolytes quickly or he's in trouble on his own his best option would be to find electrolytes from powder packets or coconut water and drink them for a few days as he slowly reintroduces solid foods into his diet exploring the city he discovers that everyone in britain has fled the country from an emergency that was so dire soldiers have been ordered to shoot to kill he also finds messages left behind by those who fled and a few of the messages mentioned some sort of infection oh right there's no doubt some serious [ __ ] went down and it's tempting to go back home but don't as far as we know there's only one safe place in the city and that's the hospital the fact that we were left there with no incident for 28 days tells me safe to use as a base until we learn more it has multiple wings and rooms on the inside so if there was a threat we can navigate into safer subsections of the building to protect ourselves it also gives us a good vantage point to safely observe the city during both the day and the night just because the streets are empty doesn't necessarily mean nobody's here i would wait in the hospital for two to three more days before going out again to see if there are others around the man explores a church and finds a mass of dead bodies he calls out and sees the first signs of life but it's not reassuring something is wrong with these guys in the hallway a pre-search running towards him and he knocks the devil out of him he runs away draw the attention of the others they chase him into the street where the man is rescued by two survivors who deal with the problem in the most efficient way they can think of by blowing up a gas station whoever's done this is an idiot the noise from the explosion might draw more attention and put our lives at greater risk i'd be thankful for their help but saving my life doesn't mean you've earned my trust now this is some kind of apocalypse gas is an extremely valuable resource fuel has a lot of applications whether as a weapon or as an energy supply for vehicles generators and powered equipment all vital for the rebuilding of civilization the uk has over 8 000 gas stations which is world leading and london alone has nearly 1 000 of them but when all infrastructure has collapsed every one of these stations needs to be considered a resource to protect and defend they take him down into a subway and hide out in the convenience store where mark and selena here tell him the bad news a bloodborne virus started spreading in the country before quickly overtaking the cities and now it has killed practically everyone there's no more government military radio broadcasts or even power now that's a pretty horrifying takeaway and it means there's no help coming he realizes this group is his best chance of survival and asks him to help him find his family in dead bird the two survivors agree to take him so long as he follows their two rules don't go outside alone and only travel during the day for a list of rules to survive the apocalypse this is really disappointing if i was going to bring someone into my group i'm giving that person a longer list rule number one you need to find more clothing that covers much skin as possible to prevent infection more skin means more exposure to the virus and if you get infected easily then you're an unacceptable risk to the group so that hospital gown is not meeting my apocalyptic dress code rule number two cover all your holes your face has the most pathways into the body so if you can't get fancy gas masks like these two then find a motorcycle helmet to protect your face rule number three be physically and mentally fit to contribute this scar in his half shaved head tells me he might have had brain surgery and if he has bad coordination as a result he can't defend anyone so i'm testing his reflexes and situational awareness beforehand rule number four learn quickly this guy is inexperienced and this is the worst place to learn on the job so a crash course and finding the infected is necessary before going back outside ultimately eighty percent of these scenarios are best survived for precaution and planning and i want to hit the road until all these are addressed the next day they walk to the man's house and he's horrified to find his parents have killed themselves he finds a note in their hand saying they left him asleep in the hospital on purpose and he's devastated the group decides to stay the night and go back to the shop in the morning but they didn't take enough precautions here because suddenly they get attacked by the infected neighbors the survivors kill him quickly but the other man has been bitten with no remorse selena here hacks into death before he can turn and rushes to leave before more infected arrive okay this woman is an absolute badass she had zero hesitation in killing her friend but it's not as easy as it looks now murder isn't something you pick up as a pastime activity but if you want to survive you'll need to be prepared to commit to some terrible things for the sake of survival however since this virus spreads through blood hacking someone up and flinging their fluids everywhere is the worst possible thing to do we need to consider getting ranged weapons that deal these infected so far we've seen a lot of shops that are left fully stocked and intact so i would be looking for local gun shops that i could read to keep us safer from a distance police stations would be even better as they would not only have guns and ammo but also ride shields and more protective gear for any future attacks they begin walking back into the city but already this seems poorly thought out we haven't seen any cars around and yet there's one part right here at the house if i have a choice between walking outside with the infected or driving over them in a car you better believe i'm looking for those keys as they go back to the subway they see lights in an apartment start to flash they enter the building and climb the staircase to find it but they have to take a break when jim here has a sugar crash the woman offers him some painkillers and soda but the infected arrive they race up the stairs to the top floor where a guy ride gear shows up and offers to help them he fights off the infected and they escape into the apartment just like fuel people are a rare and valuable resource too but they're also dangerous and will try to use each other to survive these guys save their lives but it's because they need something in return and before helping them i'm considering what i think they can contribute to our collective survival before making any promises a larger group isn't necessarily safer more people traveling together means more noise more food and water required which means we're scavenging which means more danger it's cold-blooded but i thank them with a care package of food and water and leave them to their fate the next day the courier gym is shown to the roof where he discovers the father has a water problem all the tanks are empty the solar still isn't working and it hasn't rained in weeks they'll dehydrate if they stay here any longer an urban environment is the worst place to get food and water sustainably so long-term survival depends on moving out of the city and looking for better places to settle now water is a great protection from the affected because they can't swim luckily london has the river thames running through it which is considered one of the cleanest rivers in all of europe if you could get a tugboat catch or a trawler you could sell the towns from legend to the south end without having to worry about the infected the thames is also home to cod herrings and bass so fishing would be a sustainable way to get nutrient-rich food without having to go into the city to scavenge later that day they hear a radio recording being broadcasted by soldiers stationed in manchester who claim they have an answer to the infection the father proposes they all go out there to find them as they can't survive here any longer they head out to manchester in a taxi loaded with supplies and the road takes them through this dark tunnel where inside is a huge blockade of cars is that a backing out he drives straight up and over it they manage to get all the way across but the car hits the ground hard and gets a flat tire then these rats start crawling around them and they realize the critters are running away from the infected and they're closing in they change the tire as quickly as they can nearly driving out of the infected's reach and escaping with their lives okay if you have one of the few working cars in the entirety of london and you drive it over a heaping pile of other cars your driving privileges are hereby revoked and i'm kicking you out of the [ __ ] car we can change the tire but the problem is about 60 of people don't actually know how if no one the car knows anything about mechanics maybe we should stay on the roads and take the scenic route the group arrives at a well-stocked supermarket and go on a shopping spree taking everything they need for the long haul for foodstuffs chocolates a bottle whiskey and apples they even offer to pay okay they're having a good time and that's important we can't always be serious but also who's going to tell us to eat our veggies if everyone's moms are dead instead of maltesers and pepsi this is what we should be getting water is an obvious must and vitamin water is even better when it comes to food however we need to be more selective first i'd pack beans this may be the single most plentiful resource for protein that we can get the only problem is they have to be cooked so i'd also look for dehydrated meats they have a long shelf life and give us protein we can eat on the go heart attack is also useful this stuff lasts for years and provides a huge amount of food energy in a very small package in the american civil war it was fed to both sides precisely because this much alone can give you as much as 100 kilocalories which doesn't sound like a lot but when you're rationing food it makes a huge difference unfortunately it tastes like so i'm also grabbing honey not just because it's a sweetener but because it literally does not expire and it's great for healing burns and wounds and that leaves me with the last item on my list vodka it's a great sterilizing agent when you're in an emergency it can make all the difference for both your birthday party and your partly separate lake they stop the siphon petrol from a tanker truck but jim here goes sneaking to the nearby diner alone breaking 50 of the rules for survival in the process inside he finds a bunch of dead bodies and an infected kid who he then beats to death after getting a jerry can fail they continue to drive to manchester they have a rest in the countryside and set up camp but that night they have trouble sleeping and find out that selena here was a pharmacist who's got a lot of drugs she hands them some sleeping pills and i'm already thinking this collection of meds is going to be really useful now medication can be a valuable resource even if we donate all of it they make for a good resource to bargain with if we ever encounter other people and need their help but it also makes you more cautious around this woman she didn't tell anyone she had them until now there hasn't been any reason yet to be suspicious of her but when the situation gets more serious and disagreements develop drugging people is an easy and subversive way to take care of problems without conflict i'd be careful to stay on her good side they continue their way but arrive to find that the city of manchester is burning and there's no one waiting at the blockade the father goes looking for some soldiers and this is the last thing he'll ever do as a drop of infected blood falls in his eyes and he contracts the virus he starts to turn and jim here steps up to finish him but suddenly the father gets shot to death by soldiers that come out of hiding they take the group back to their base and welcome them in they quickly realize these people are even more prepared for the end of days than the roman catholic church they've got a security system of walls generators floodlights landmines and a kitchen that's fully stocked it's clear if there's any chance to survive comfortably it's going to be here but now we have to deal with another danger people jim here discovers they've also got a dark secret as the major shows him an infected soldier being kept prisoner they're testing to see if infected can starve to death okay this is dangerous but it's also necessary these people have enough security and manpower to start considering how to rebuild society and studying the infected is important in achieving this goal now a real enemy is not actually infected it's the infection itself viruses are living organisms and all organisms are evolutionarily designed for survival so their actions will tell us what it needs to stay alive the virus relies on its host to help it spread to other people before the host dies so if we quarantine the human race away from the virus until all the hosts die it's technically a solution but anyone that lived through 2020 knows this isn't a practical one these guys have a lot of gear and if they had access to a microscope i'd want to take samples of blood to test what the virus might be vulnerable to fire might kill it but how much i know what temperature how long does it live without a host and can it be killed with other chemicals we won't know until we study it then if they had any gps devices i'd set it free 10 kilometers away from the compound and track its movements every hour this gives us an excellent data set that might reveal more about how to kill them we could discover the more inactive during the day or that they never cross water and if we track more than one we might learn they gather in specific areas or migrate based on certain factors ultimately information is king to beam this thing and we shouldn't ignore its importance that night the infected start running for the building and the soldiers go full combat mode emptying their guns to all the infected these guys take out everyone without even blinking an eye it seems this is the safest place in the whole country until one of the soldiers gets handsy with selena here and jim rushes the defender but he's overpowered until the sergeant steps in and knocks some sense into the soldier in private the major revealed he set up the radio broadcast as a way to learn women for his soldiers and use them to repopulate the earth jim runs to warn them and make an escape but they're stopped with the soldiers then the major gives them one last chance to join but he refuses and they're not gonna let him stand on their way okay we have to be more strategic than this running around the mansion and announcing your escape is not going to help we need to play this under the radar and buy ourselves time to make a better plan when you're forced to choose between death or a bad night of social interaction the choice is pretty clear i know it's harsh but we have to make a lot of difficult decisions for the sake of survival i'd pretend to support his plan but try to convince the major to let the women settle in first and cook for the soldiers these guys can't even make eggs right so i'm sure they'd agree this would give us the opportunity to use her bag full of valium and slip it into everyone's food it won't knock them out but if they drink a lot of alcohol with it their heart rates will slow they'll become subdued and they might even lose control their coordination and mobility and we have a much better chance at escape the next day they're brought onto the forest to be executed but first this soldier wants to have a little fun before getting down to business the sergeant gets shot by one of the soldiers and the other soldier gets mad but with their backs turned jim takes his only chance to escape they go looking for him but have no idea he's hiding among the dead bodies and escapes over the wall to safety running through the forest he collapses and sees a plane in the sky there might still be hope for them yet but first he has to save the girls back at the mansion the women are told to dress up for the soldiers but selena here convincingly asks the change in privacy taking the opportunity she gives the girls drugs so she won't care what happens next and by the time the soldier runs in she's already taken down that's when they hear an alarm blare from the blockade as jim here lures them all outside they drive out in a military jeep to haunt the man down he ambushes one of them and leaves his body to be found in a truck which the major discovers has been sabotaged the infected start coming and realizing he's been tricked he runs back to the mansion later that night jim arrives back at the manor and sets the infected soldier free from its chains inside the building a few soldiers wait for their comrades and don't see the infected man behind them until it's too late he breaks through the window and infects the soldier as the women run away these guys stop them but when they see the infected man running through the mansion they split up with this guy taking the women upstairs okay the infected are now in the house which makes it the most dangerous place to be now this was a great strategy to kill the guards but now the women are in even more danger they need a place where the soldiers won't find them and the infected can't access and that's the guard post on the roof here it's on an elevated platform that most likely uses a ladder and once you pull that up there's no way for the infectant to climb it let the infected man clear the house and come down once he leaves the compound the other soldier comes to kill the infected man but gets blindsided by another and gets eaten this guy comes out of hiding and runs right into jim's bayonet the infected are closing in and he goes searching for the women before they infected find them first he sees selena here being dragged by another soldier and ambushes the man brutally killing the guy jim here goes from zero to a hundred so fast that she thinks he's infected too until she finally sees them up close they all reunite and run for the cab parked outside the girl hops into the driver's seat but when jim opens the door the major is waiting inside and shoots him the girl backs the car up into the mansion when the infected man pulls the major out the back window they get back into the car and leave the compound escaping with their lives 28 days later they take shelter in the english countryside where jim here has recovered from his bold wound when he goes downstairs the girl comes in and tells them something's coming and they rush out they take this giant sheet of cloth out into a field and lay it down as a plane flies by seeing their signal for help but what do you think how would you be 28 days later let me know with a comment down below thank you so much for watching leave a like and subscribe and check out the how to be playlist for more videos like this until next time have a damn good day
Channel: Cinema Summary
Views: 3,869,211
Rating: 4.9362202 out of 5
Keywords: how to beat, explained, review, 28 days later, zombies, 28 weeks later
Id: dcWuyoSGG_Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 48sec (1008 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 29 2021
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