Why You Wouldn't Survive "HOW IT ENDS" (2018) + Apocalypse Explained

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Oh ! n ..... the Earth Very Near to thsi time Zone Was 201 n degree's !


W8 .... u Can't Wait becuz you'll be dead, 😜 . . .

But Just Wait .... 👻 . . . When the Earth get's to 500 degree's all Human's are dead n Getting Harvested by the Grey alien's for the Hybrid agenda, AND ! ..... ANNNNNND !

All the rest of the People on the Earth are Going to free of your Toxic, Shit for Brain Torment ....

The Monster's are Truly dead and the Cult freak's that thought that had a Real religion when all Thay had was a retarded Psycho Cult !

We Hybrid's Will be free, n Happy


u Can't ruin it like you alwasy do, you can Spoil our fun you can't insult us for out Nature you can't limit Our Nature n you kill you becuz where Diffrent YOU CAN'T PLICE U ! HUMAN'S ARE ALL DEAD !

Ya ! - Can't Lie to us aka dead, you Can't really effect us becuz of the Purifying Flame's, YOU ! CAN'T .... DO ! .... JACK SHIT !!!

We'll Be Free from Humanity and our Enslavement !

Where be free for Once n our Shitty Little Live's !

free to do what ever we want, to go where we want !

to loot !!!!! What we want ! .... and free from you fucking, Cunt's !


free to Do what ever we want, how ever we want, when ever we Want, where ever We want, FOR Eve How Long we want, What we want, where we want it, and or Leave and go back to the Hive's n the Cave's with OUR !!!! YES ! THAT'S RIGHT ! OUR ! KIN !!!! OUR PEOPLE !!!! THE ENTOMEN AKA FAE AKA INSECTOID'S ! AKA ... We look very Human BO SO TO BLACK EYED CHILDREN !




. . . . .

End time's Mother Fukka's !

. . . . .


. . .

i Kno this, is Just a Moive BUT ! with all of the chaos going on the Earth ... Fuk it. A Gamma Star might hit the Earth the grey's never told me but ..... there is alot of shit thay don't tell me.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/A-rip-threw-time 📅︎︎ Jun 20 2021 🗫︎ replies
“How It Ends” is a movie about a dad and his daughter's lover going on a roadtrip across America. Why would a dad go on a roadtrip across America with his daughter's lover? Well, besides being sponsored by Cadillac, they are trying to find and save said daughter because the cell service cut out right as the daughter said she was scared, oh, and F22’s started flying over the city. It’s never a good sign when F22’s fly over your city when there’s no scheduled air show. During their road trip from Chicago where they are, to Seattle where the daughter is, they come to realize that the Mayan’s calendar was off by 6 years and the Earth as they knew it is falling apart. The movie ends with the daughter and her lover riding off into the sunrise with a pyroclastic wave almost catching up to their 91 Jeep Wagoneer. The movie gives us some clues as to what’s going on, but never actually makes a diagnosis of the apocalypse. This is left up to us. In this video on Nerd Explains, I’ll tell you what the apocalypse was in the movie, “How It Ends”, as well as how to survive it. What clues did the movie give us about the apocalypse. 1. Power outages which also caused cellular and GPS networks to fail. The outages seemingly originated in the western United States, but within hours the Midwest was affected too. 2. Batteries losing power rapidly. This may be subtle and irrelevant, but Will’s phone was above 60 percent when he was calling Sam at the airport hotel. When he failed to make the flight and got in the taxi, his battery was completely dead. These two events are a few hours apart at most. Electricity and magnetism are closely related. A disruption in Earth’s magnetic field could cause a disruption in the electromagnetism required for electricity to function normally, disabling a battery's ability to transfer power. This is also why power lines were seen sparking. What about car batteries though, well, my brief Googling concluded that lead-acid batteries are not influenced by magnetic field distortions. I could ‘easily’ be wrong about this. 3. The military is on high alert. They are scrambling jets and performing flyovers in major cities, setting up checkpoints and shutting down interstates, and increasing the transportation of military hardware via railroad systems. This is probably done as a standard precautionary measure in the case of EMP or nuclear bomb related attacks, despite them not knowing the real issue either. 4. Magnetic field distortions. Compasses are going haywire. The magnetic needle in the compasses can’t find earth’s magnetic poles. There isn’t a clear shift in the magnetic field either, it’s just pure chaos. 5. Chaotic bird flight patterns. Birds can sense magnetic waves and they use them to navigate. This is another sign that there are issues with Earth’s magnetic fields. 6. Problems with the air. There are reports that something is wrong with the air and to head North. There are wildfires, volcanic eruptions and fallout so they may be talking about this. 7. Mysterious plane crashes. This could be due to the hampered electronics, avionics and GPS guidance systems from magnetic field disturbances allowing radiation to destroy electrical components. Similar to what is speculated by some to be the cause of Air France Flight 447’s mysterious crash in what is known as the South Atlantic Anomaly. It could also be due to the intense storms and weather patterns. 8. Global warming. We initially see on the news reports that Europe is suffering an intense heat wave causing deaths. We also see Will turning up the car's air conditioning, and Ricki being surprised at how hot the pool water is. Once the gang gets closer to Seattle we see harsh wildfires. 9. Irregular cloud formations, and intense electric storms. Ricki, Tom, and Will saw storms unlike anything they’d seen before. These weren’t 2012 storms where 50 tornadoes touched down simultaneously. These were highly charged storms that produced an incredible amount of lightning. This is an important distinction. 10. Earthquakes & Tsunamis. Sam and Jeremiah recalled the initial devastation as being caused by an earthquake related tsunami that swept through Seattle. 11. Mysterious train derailments. This could be caused by earthquakes which deformed the railroads. 12. Volcanic eruptions. Possibly due to the earthquakes. 13. Aurora Borealis in impossible latitudes. The Aurora Borealis can be seen from outside Seattle toward the end of the movie, which indicates that the Earth’s magnetic field has either lost it’s effectiveness or Seattle became the new magnetic north pole. Given all these clues, what the heck is going on? Let’s check out some possible apocalypses and see what fits. 1. Nuclear Attacks. Is there any merit to what Jeremiah was talking about, war games and nuclear attacks and all? Or was he full of shit like Will thought. There have been multiple attempts by nations to create tsunami bombs, which are underwater nuclear weapons designed to create destructive waves and earthquakes. For the most part, these weapons aren’t actually effective in creating super tsunamis that take out full cities. Any why not just nuke the actual city itself. An EMP bomb may explain power outages, but the slow progression of power outages from west to east makes this a flawed answer. EMP and Tsunami bombs also don’t explain the worldwide effects, increased global temperatures, irregular weather, compass disorientation, etc. It looks like we can cross this off. 2. Solar Flare from the Sun. The electromagnetic radiation and energetic particles from a coronal mass ejection could affect Earth’s magnetic field, take out power grids, disrupt radio waves, cause aurora borealis, and potentially increase the temperature of the planet. However, this doesn’t explain the earthquakes as no correlation between solar flares and earthquakes has been established. Close but no cigar. 3. A Geomagnetic Reversal. I’ve seen a lot of people suggest that this is the cause of this apocalypse. Sure, it causes a lot of the issues seen in the movie, but there are problems with this theory. Earth’s magnetic field won’t produce enough force to shift tectonic plates and cause earthquakes. This is especially true when a reversal is occuring, as the field drops to 5% it’s strength when changing. Geomagnetic reversals also don’t happen like the flip of a switch. In the movie, the apocalyptic conditions occur in hours and days. The quickest we’ve seen these reversals happen is hundreds of years, but more often, it takes thousands or tens of thousands of years for a geomagnetic reversal to complete. So this is an unfit answer as well. 4. Near-Earth Gamma Ray Burst. Sounds like the effects would be similar to a solar flare, but there’s a key distinction. Gravity waves. Longer-lasting gamma-ray bursts, or "long GRBs", are produced in the death explosion of super-massive stars, or supernovae, which release burst-like gravitational waves. Such gravity waves could induce substantial tidal forces on the Earth which could induce earthquakes and cause polar axis torquing effects.There are even studies correlating historical GRB’s and earthquakes quite well. Gamma Ray Bursts could explain the massive tidal forces and earthquakes, and subsequent volcanic eruptions. But do they match with the other effects we’ve noticed? They happen almost instantly, so the abruptness and lack of warning fits. In the movie the gamma ray beam probably hit the eastern hemisphere. Russia, China, Australia all probably went dark as power was shut down and people were immediately killed by the gamma rays. We got reports from Europe as it was probably on the edge of the impact area, but Europeans started dying quickly too. The news report about deaths from a heat wave may just be their best guess as to why people are dropping dead. This also might be due to the electricity based air conditioning being destroyed, leaving people vulnerable to the summer heat. As far as all the other indications in the movie that the temperature increased, I don’t know. I’m not sure how a GRB could cause global warming on Earth. If you know please let me know in the comments. The ionizing radiation from a GRB would cause insane electrical storms. The severe lightning would create significant amounts of fires and destruction. Planes in the sky wouldn’t just lose electrical power and GPS guidance, but they’d also be exposed to gamma radiation that could kill them or make them extremely sick. Plane crashes are likely. The electromagnetic pulse from a GRB would destroy electronics and cause a global power outage very quickly. Cellular networks, GPS, everything would be fried. The aurora borealis would be seen in parts of the world that never see it. It would cause magnetic field anomalies such as compasses going wild and birds flying in crazy formations. A GRB would destroy the ozone layer that shields the Earth’s surface from harmful ultraviolet light. As the UV rays penetrate the planet’s surface they would break apart oxygen molecules and ground-level ozone would form. Ground-level ozone is a colorless and highly irritating gas that could cause health issues when breathed in. This solves the problem with the air that was discussed in the movie as well. There is also a not so subtle hint in the intro that gamma ray bursts are to blame. The intro features imagery of supernovae, which are sources of GRB’s. Each name that pops up is highlighted by what appears to be a bright flash of light, similar to how GRB’s would appear. From all of these options, it seems that a Gamma Ray Burst impacting the Earth is the cause of the apocalypse in the movie How It Ends. Now we know a gamma ray burst is likely responsible for this apocalypse, can we survive it? Well it’s a shame that NASA didn’t have enough forewarning to send Harry Stamper up into space to nuke the gamma rays off course. Considering we had no warning, if the GRB hit the other side of the planet head on, you got lucky, really lucky. You don’t have power, internet, or cell service, and can’t actually know what’s going on in China, Russia, Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa. But you can pretty much assume that everybody on that side of the planet died from gamma radiation within minutes, or they all turned into Hulks. Doesn’t matter if they were indoors or not. We’re talking potentially billions of people dead in minutes. The intense UV radiation will harden the corpse's skin and prevent decomposition, but insects are pretty radiation resistant. Major cities full of millions of people that just dropped dead instantly, mummified from UV, being consumed by insects. Really horrific stuff. It’s hard to believe that the level of destruction occurred in this movie as we never actually saw it. But the movie is from the characters' perspectives of being in the unknown, which is exactly the case if a GRB did hit. It’s not all good on your side of the planet though. Power grid is down, supply chains are down, medical services are stressed. The ozone would have been severely weakened, so eventually the intense UV radiation would affect all living organisms that aren’t underground or underwater. Animals and plants would die off. Food would become incredibly scarce, and starvation would set in. Within months to a year, 90% of humans would be dead. Will and Sam may have escaped the initial gamma rays, tsunami’s, and volcanic eruptions, but they’d eventually succumb to all these things unless they find the City of Atlantis. Eventually the atmosphere would restabilize and things would return to normal after years, if you survived that long. But, gamma ray bursts produce not just gamma rays, but also slower moving energetic particles that could take years to arrive at Earth. These particles would irradiate the Earth all over again, for a longer amount of time, finishing off what was left of the human race. You and your precious potato garden you worked so hard to create would be wiped out. Do you agree or disagree that a gamma ray burst is responsible for the apocalypse in the movie How It Ends? Let me know in the comments. Thanks for watching!
Channel: Nerd Explains
Views: 1,585,756
Rating: 4.9498801 out of 5
Keywords: how it ends 2018, how it ends netflix, how it ends ending, how it ends ending explained, ending explained, ending, explained, how it ends trailer, new netflix movie, story explained, netflix movie, trailer, clip, scene, final scene, end scene, how it ends, theo james, forest whitaker, apocalypse, foundflix ending explained, foundflix
Id: aXJH4tZM5gM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 25sec (925 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 19 2020
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