Why You Should Travel to Louisville in Project Zomboid

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so why would you want to travel to louisville in project zomboid well first for those who don't know about louisville it's a massive city in the top right corner of the project zomboid map that makes all the other towns look like well small for comparison you could fit riverside in louisville like 10 times and this little park in the middle of the city i'm pretty sure is larger than the entirety of rosewood so yeah big ass city in the corner of the map why would you want to go there well i'm going to start off of the obvious a lots of loot using my big brain here i can deduct that since there's a lot more space in buildings there's going to be a lot more stuff to loot both a lot more area and loot comes with a lot more zombies so going there for the loot may not be worth it for you and louisville is pretty far away from most towns except for west point so making the long drive there just to be able to bring back whatever you can fit in your car may also not be worth it but what i do think is worth it is if you move there now i just said there's a lot of zombies in the city so you may be thinking why would you want to live there if there's a lot of zombies spoodle you're sounding crazy and yes i am crazy i'm literally building an army of undead versions of myself but that's irrelevant but to be able to live in the city you just gotta pick a good place to live now there's gonna be zombies all over the place but they're mainly gonna be concentrated in the northern area where all the shopping stuff is because as we all know the second the apocalypse hits toilet paper becomes the number one sound after item on the planet so whenever you're killing zombies in the shopping area always remember that those people die doing what they love shopping for toiletries but going back on topic most of the zombies are going to be in the northern part of the city so yes there's still going to be a good amount in the outskirts it will definitely be a lot less and if you're successfully able to move into louisville you'll never have to leave that's why i think it would be a good idea if you move into the city because there's enough loot in that city to pretty much last you forever if you live in rosewood or riverside or any of the other towns you'll eventually run out of loot there and have to start venturing out to get more obviously it would take a while before you ran out of loot but eventually it would happen but if you live in the outskirts of louisville all you need to do is take a minute or two drive into the city take all that you can carry and then repeat when you need more but like i said earlier there's still a lot of zombies in the area so it is risky but if you are good at sneaking around in our experience with taking out larger numbers of zombies it could well be worth it but if you are a solo player like many of us are because friends are overrated you'll probably be fine living in one of the towns because well one person alone doesn't nearly use up as much resources as the group of people does but if you still want access to more loot and feel like you'll be able to survive living up there then go right ahead but if you're playing with a group of people then i definitely recommend moving up to louisville so you won't ever have to worry about running out of loot again but anyways thank you all so much for watching i hope you all enjoyed the video and if you did please go down and hit that like and subscribe button it's a great way to support the channel and comment down below if you think living in louisville is a good idea and i will see you all in the next one
Channel: Spoodle
Views: 485,992
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: vVrzKh1WMtM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 37sec (157 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 06 2022
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