I Survived 100 Seconds In Project Zomboid

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so if you go on YouTube you'll see that pretty much everybody and their mother has made a video surviving 100 days in blank game but 100 days is a long time and honestly who has the time to watch oh oh wow but anyways yeah for me 100 days is just too long so how about instead we do a hundred seconds that's right today we are gonna do what no one has dared to do before and survive 100 seconds in Project Zomboy so let's start this timer click that subscribe button and get right into it so the game starts by telling me I'm gonna die this is very upsetting to me but I move past and spawn in once I spawn in I realize I don't have a lot of time so I make sure to quickly Loot and only take the essentials a griddle pan an empty Kettle and a black T-shirt all these items will be vital to my long-term survival once I finish looting I head outside and decide to test the griddle Pan's Effectiveness as a weapon on this nice gentleman's skull once he thought to the ground I introduced his brain matter to my foot and then started to scream because I just committed murder and was very distraught not wanting to get arrested I ran as far away from the crime scene as I could until I ran into a woman standing in the street she seemed pretty hot but I got nervous and pushed her away and ran instead of asking for her number wow this game really is realistic but as I ran away I found a group of people who were all trying to get a piece of me none of them were nearly as attractive as a street lady however so I ran into the nearby house for cover these goopy fellows were not taking no for an answer though and they all walked into before I could close the door I tried to push them away but they just kept coming at me like I know I'm a very attractive person but come on guys please have some restraint in a panic I ran up the stairs and fled into the bedroom for some reason I just completely forgot how to close doors however so everyone just started piling into the bedroom I don't care how down bad these people are though I'm not going down I've had a fight so I started swinging and in return this dude took a little nibble out of me at this point I was very panicked and bleeding so I decided to book it out of there I ran to the other side of the house which happened to be a bathroom which also had a window I could Escape out of once I opened the window I finally remembered how to close doors once I was semi-safe I decided to lose some more and luckily I found some painkillers and toilet paper the painkillers weren't okay fine but the toilet paper was a godsend because I was [ __ ] myself when I got cornered in the bedroom with all the essentials gathered I decided to climb out the window and somehow didn't break my ankles once outside though I realized that it had been 100 seconds and celebration I started to dance until a lady started walking over to me she was also very attractive but I got shy again and decided to murder her In Cold Blood instead of getting her phone number a goofy little oopsie on my part but oh well I survived 100 seconds in project zomboid and I could not be happy happier this is probably the greatest accomplishment of my life and I doubt anything will ever top it but anyways thank you all so much for watching if you enjoyed a thing about going down and subscribing we just recently hit 40K subs and I am so grateful and we are now on the road to 50k but anyways again thank you all for watching and I will see you all in the next one
Channel: Spoodle
Views: 10,387
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: XiaLB2fGQUk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 25sec (145 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 29 2023
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