Why is Project Zomboid so Hard?

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have you ever played project zomboid and died if you answered yes you were part of the 100 of players I've actually played the game yes that's right 100 of all Zomboy players have died one way or another in Project Zomboy now where did I get these statistics well I made them up but they're probably true because zombwood is hard as hell and today I want to tell you why but if you want to make zombie a little less hard think about subscribing because watching my videos is a great way to learn what not to do if you want to survive in project zomboid and also we are getting close to 50K Subs so it'd be a great help but let's get into why project zomboid is so hard the first thing is that there are a ton of zombies even when you first spawn in and if you aren't careful you're gonna walk out of your spawn house and spend the next 15 minutes running from a horde until you eventually get mauled to death This is how most noobs die and an easy fix is to not be stupid when you spawn in check your surroundings be stealthy grab some Loot and make sure you aren't grabbing the attention of Too Many Zombies next up is you trying to fight too many zombies at once many of you have probably played zombie games like Left 4 Dead where you can gun down hundreds of zombies of ease well if you're trying to do that in this game well your lifespan will be shorter than a Minecraft YouTuber's career you earn some Macho Man and that can take down every zombie in sight more than likely you are some weak pathetic little [ __ ] boy that can't hit a shot to save his life and could probably get his ass beat by my senile grandmother so until you get some good weapons and build up some strength and skills I recommend you only find one or two zombies at a time and next two settings might just be too difficult if you didn't know you can change pretty much every aspect about the game when you create your world are the zombies too strong make them weaker are they too fast make them slower if there are too many zombies you can even lower the amount if there's a certain aspect about the game that you think is too hard you can most likely change in the settings to make it easier the default settings can be too difficult for many new players so I definitely recommend you go in and play around with them to see what suits you the next thing that makes this game difficult is the fact you probably don't really know what you're doing and don't have a plan you may spawn in get a weapon get some food and water and then clear the zombies Around Your Spawn house and then wonder what next a big part of Zomboy is planning and strategizing what you want to do short term and long term if you are just aimlessly running around and killing zombies without a plan you will quickly realize that this game punishes those who do not know what they're doing so when you spawn and you'll want to get your bearings in playing what you want to do do you want to clear the neighborhood you spawned in would you rather stay here and fortify this house or do you want to leave and go find an area less populated of zombies these are all important questions you need to ask yourself because if you spawn in find a frying pan and then go okay time to go kill some zombies you will most likely get [ __ ] up so make sure you plan ahead and don't wander the world aimlessly and finally the last thing I believe that makes zomboids so hard is you're just picking bad traits and professions picking not only good traits but traits that work well together is vitally important to your survival if you just pick police officer because it sounds interesting and then pick some random negative traits to even out your points you'll spawn in with Buffs that you don't understand and debuffs that you don't realize you have when you pick an occupation make sure you see exactly what will help you and make sure it suits your play style if you pick police officer but end up preferring to use melee weapons you just wasted points that could have been spent buffing your melee ability and make sure you were being very careful when picking negative traits to give you more points some negative traits don't really hurt you too much While others can completely change the way you play the game you may get thin skin thinking oh I just won't get hit by zombies but end up running through a force and getting your entire torso cut in half by twig and wonder how has this happened or you may get all thumbs and think oh well that's a free two point but then end up dying because it took you two to three business days to pick up a [ __ ] pencil so picking bad traits and professions or traits that just don't fit your playstyle maybe making zombroid a lot harder than it should be and those are the reasons why I think zomboid is so hard but anyways thank you all so much for watching and I'll see you all in the next one
Channel: Spoodle
Views: 23,773
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 8UXi3v5C318
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 21sec (201 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 07 2023
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