Why You Should Get Married When You're Young

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it's such an important topic you know people get married on average like 10 years later now than they did it's destroying country that's right and all of Western Civilization it really is I mean people aren't having babies he's exactly right people aren't people aren't getting married at an age where they actually are able to grow up with one another because your wife shapes you and you shape her and that makes you both better people you know when I married my wife I was I just turned 24 and she was 20. and we've spent our lives growing up together right I mean now I'm 38 and and she's you know 35 and and that's that's a long time to spend half her life you know basically we've spent together and and that means that you grow and you change and you have experiences and then you bring kids into the world and that radically changes you even more than just the marriage to and when when Jordan says that if you're 40 and single you're blowing it he is cutting directly against the grain of all current conventional wisdom which is the best thing that you can do is delay marriage and delay marriage until you make associate at the law firm working 2 200 hours uh well now they say grow up and then get married and in the past they said get married and grow up so that you can so my dad used to make a point about this he used to say people would ask him about when to get married and he said well or how to find the right person what he always said is you have to make the decision to get married before you find the right person because if you didn't make the decision that you wanted to get married then the right person could come along and you could just come out of the water you actually have to make the cut like we live in a society where we sort of decide the opposite I'll fall in love with the person and then we'll have sex and then maybe like four years down the road we'll get married we've completely reverse the polo the polarity and the Order of events look at the sitcoms from the 90s versus the sitcoms from the 60s right in the 60s it was you fall in love you get married you have sex now it's you have sex and then it's really hard for you to say if you fell in love with a person right that's like the big move in a sitcom now is did you fall in love and then you never get married I mean marriage is so passive marriage is the series finale you know there's a there's another aspect of this which is that as we delay the onset of adulthood the left also wants to reduce the age of things like voting you know I I don't think 18 year olds today should be able to vote is the honest truth and you could say well you're saying that people should be able to serve in the military and they shouldn't be able to vote well I'll let those ones vote because they're doing something that grows you up called joining the military right but no the the whole point of having a voting age is that we don't want children voting children aren't mature they don't have Stakes they don't understand the stakes that they do have so we don't want to you know Matt Matt got in a little bit of trouble for some comments that he made back when he was a shock jock about what age people should have sex and I don't want to I don't want to rehash all the terrain except to say that it is at what age they should get married it is thank you it is absolutely the case that for the vast majority of human history people who were of the age of sexual maturity were considered candidates for marriage we all agree now that that cannot possibly be the standard because you're still a kid for so long the reason it's it's creepy for people to get married super young now because we know because it cuts against everything that we think about the maturing process and the age at which people should be mature uh and in some ways that's a byproduct of our success right we've been very successful as a species we we can protect people younger we don't have to shove you out in the field to work uh to work in the sun when you're nine years old we don't have to put those responsible life expectancies in 35 life expectancy isn't 35 and so I don't want to make it sound as though every aspect of that of that progress that we've had is bad but the the fact that we say that one should not grow up or that they or that marriage isn't an instrumental part of the process of growing up I do think it's really it used to be that we said okay we'll delay adulthood right so adulthood isn't when you're 14. my my wife's grandmother got married at 14 in Morocco right uh almost all of our great-grandparents probably the Virgin Mary was probably 15. I mean like but we don't do that anymore and but real adulthood sets in when you're 18. right and now real adult sense in after death that's it like the the idea in our society is not to push back the line a little bit so that you actually have a little bit more brain development and can make better decisions about your values the idea is obliterate the line so it doesn't exist well the problem with that goes both ways one is that you are obliterating adulthood so that you have fully grown adults who are acting like children the other is There's no distinction between adults and children then you can start treating children like adults right and this is this is what you're currently seeing with the Trans movement the next thing that's going to happen again I think we are living in that Meme you know that the slippery slope meme we did a whole podcast on this the last week the slippery sloped me and they chose a slippery slope and shows it's not going to happen it's not going to happen it's not going to happen and then the bottom there's an arrow says you are here yeah right and that's exactly what it is right I mean they keep saying it's not going to happen it's just it's never going to happen we're never going to do that well you guys are currently making the argument that a five-year-old is capable of choosing his gender so I'm gonna need you to explain how it's okay for a five-year-old to choose his his gender for the rest of his life but that child is not capable of sexual Choice someone Somebody Like I Do by the way I don't think a child is capable of either so I'm consistent so I'm asking you why don't you be consistent explain to me chopping off their dicks at the age of 16. yeah but they're not able what you're saying is that we're on the verge of the moment when the left tries to say that children can engage in sex with adults essentially yes I mean and what they're going to do is that's happening also that very movement 100 and what it'll start with it'll start with what they've already started to do which is sort of these Romeo and Juliet laws right it'll start with it's okay for a 15 year old to have sex with a 13 year old what's really the problem then it'll be what was he's 16 so bad and I was like what is it 18 so bad I mean there's something just just want to disagree with you about grooming I think they are grooming children for sexuality that that is they're I that is their definition of identity well but is it that you're disagreeing or you're just you're discussing the two sides of the very same thing which is you're describing the physical enactment of it you're describing the metaphysical version of it but but the whole point is they're kind of the same you know I mean they're kind of intertwined by the way by the way what you talked about about growing up uh in a marriage is doubly important because you're growing up with a woman yes you know I mean I I I married my wife like most people marry their wife because she was hot she was beautiful she was fun she was smart she was all those things that really attracted but it wasn't until about 10 years after we had been together when I started to think like oh you know like for the first 10 years I was thinking well of course she has no capacity for a reason you know she's I don't know it's in a word she said but then I kept noticing that she was right A lot of the time when she and I couldn't understand it I started to think oh she's actually seeing the world from a different point of view and that is like putting on those red and blue glasses that suddenly turned the world into three dimensions you suddenly become one flesh one person and you see things in a new and and deeper and richer way and that to me transforms everything because you know I'm never gonna stop being a guy she's never going to stop being a girl she's the girliest girl I know I'm a very guy-like guy but but now I live in a in a Unity uh of of male female that actually transforms everything thing into reality into a reality you don't see before and the other the other advantage of getting you know it's kind of like the is is marriage the Cornerstone of adulthood or the Capstone and the advantage to it being the Cornerstone of young adulthood is that as you said you're you're you're building a life together in existence together as opposed to let's get married when we're 35 or 40 and now I have I have all of my own bag off yes everything is minor my own life my own money this is all mine and now you are coming into this thing that I have built without you and by the way all these all your own experiences and all the crap from your business right which you see really break up marriages people come in with all these terrible experiences they've already had with members of the opposite sex and then they get married and they're already heavily shaped and that's why we hear so much about well you know at the root of a lot of divorces is money and I guess that's the case but for someone like myself I got married young I I can't even imagine why that would be the case we don't have any money issues in my marriage because all the money I I make the money but it's it's our money bank account like it was right enjoy bank account literally the day got married and I'm also aware because I have as I've been growing and building my career and all that I've had my my wife with me and none of this would have happened without her so it's very clear to me one of the things for I think all of us so I think none of us were either rich or famous some of us are still not rich or famous but but for those of us who are both wealthy and famous for I think all of us were married to our spouses long before we had any of those things yeah and that is a wonderful thing it's a wonderful thing married a writer you know I mean but the fact that your spouse can still look at you and this is this is what you're saying you know if if the marriage happens late this can't happen the fact that my wife can still look at me is the person who you know was 23 and just out of law school and she can say I see through all this crap right like none of this makes a bit of difference to me right the person who you are is not the person who the rest of the world sees it's the person who I've known since long before you were that to the rest of the world that's an amazing thing it also gives you the ability to have somebody who calls you on your which is like an actual real thing once you get you know to a certain level of power people just are really really afraid to call you on your board and having a group of people whether it's friends or particularly or wife who's able to do that is vital because if you don't have that you spin off the rails incredibly fast yeah it actually didn't occur to me until you said that that I think every single one of us got married relatively broke yeah at least you're right I think every single one of us did totally totally and it did I I have noticed too the the harshest critic and kind of best shaper of my show is sweet little Elisa where I'll have something that I'm going to do on the show or in a speech or something where I think it's absolute dynamite and sure you know Mac that it just it just doesn't work I'm sorry I think no but it actually now you're right you're right that's always right that's kind of what we're talking about with with fetterman is is that I think a good wife is is your number one fan she's really very she really believes in you and believes in your your dreams and your aspirations because you're her number one fan also right exactly but but she also you know I think as men we need a woman to let us know we're biting off more than we can chew when we when we've hatched because as men we're gonna hatch all kinds of crazy schemes and plans I know that I do anyway and and you you need a woman there to because she could see that blind spot and she's going to tell you well that's that's not gonna work whereas I think for men on the other hand uh this is my gender stereotypical way of looking at it is that you know I rely on my wife to let me know when I've got some idea some plan it's just like utterly self-destructive it's going to destroy the whole family um that lessons is the key right the last part of the sense that it's going to destroy the whole family because my wife tends to think in terms of the effect on the family right as a man my my main thing is like how what is my effect on the world I mean I literally do that for a living what is my effect on the world was my effect on society what's my effect on the people who listen to the show and so I'll try to over commit okay I want to get all these things done right I mean there's so much to do before you die right you got to get out there you got travel you got to change people you got to do this and my wife will say yes but what about the kids you know like do you want to be away for that night do you want to be do you want to be able to put the kids in bed Matt I want you to finish on the other side so that's what we rely on on uh women for I think on the other hand as men you know we women will tend to get involved and you know they might get involved in personal feuds and take things very personally and and have have a tendency to overreact in those sorts of situations and that's where men can be the voice of reason and say well I don't think they really meant it like that I don't think that's exactly what now it doesn't mean that women are going to listen all the time but I I do think that's the kind of we're both we can both be the voice of reason and calm for each other in these different situations and see each other's blind spots we actually have an explicit we'll deal with my wife which is neither of us is allowed to be we can we're not allowed to be grumpy at the same time we'll balance it out I'll literally like it's my turn to be grumpy I get to be grumpy right now and she's like okay all right and then when it's time for her to be grumpy then I'll say okay you know what you're right it's your turn to be grumpy and you do need that balance and again the differences between men and women are not only beautiful they are vital and pretending that those differences are of no consequence whatsoever and that other Alternative forms of family structure are therefore equivalent in any way at all they're they're different they're they're different I mean there's no other way to put but this is why I mean to both of these points this is why the the personal is the political is so powerful one it obviously came from the feminists because women tend to be more personally focused and traditionally women took care of the private part of life and men were more public-facing and were more more interested in the political side and so it's no surprise that the feminists would then seek to meld those two but then it's it's obviously the case that the personal is the political you know the country is just made up of people and of our personal lives and so we think of marriage as being private well if if marriage becomes completely distorted that's obviously going to have political effects and you've seen that play out now for 60 years [Music]
Channel: DailyWire+
Views: 619,644
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Keywords: getting married young, married young, why we got married young, young marriage, am i too young to get married, should i get married, should you get married young, young and married, getting married young advice, why you shouldn't get married young, young married couple, getting married young pros and cons, why i got married young, dont get married, how to get married, when to get married, married, pros and cons of getting married young, should i get married young, Ben Shapiro
Id: NCDggWIqtGo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 40sec (760 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 29 2022
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