‘A transgender non-binary, what is that?’: Piers Morgan left dumbfounded by footballer

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sounds very difficult to be young in today's world barely a day passes without stories of profound woe amongst our youth kids mental health is in crisis we're told anxiety and depression rampant among children there's even a child anxiety epidemic right here in the UK apparently it all sounds very alarming it's also a bit confusing because generally speaking the world is getting more prosperous less poor safer there are fewer Wars people are living longer and healthier it should be that young people feel quite happy actually now that we've come through the pandemic they should be but they're not and social media probably has a lot to do with that an entire Digital World of vipers exists where self-esteem can be measured directly in lights even I would worry about that if I wasn't well so well liked but perhaps there's a bigger problem here and it's us we ghastly adults at some point decided we should teach children to be mortally offended by everyone and utterly terrified of everything and that they could win it everything never lose fresh from ransack in Roald Dahl's legendary children's stories so-called sensitivity readers God that phrase just fills my skin with horror doesn't it yours it might you just literally sensitivity readers I've now said about canceling you guessed it this [Music] what are you doing in my pea soup I used to love the back street kids and the those mischievous little Rogues in Britain's best love comic book they were always problematic it's why I like them I like them being problematic they've entertained children for 67 years without complaint you know what kids can be problematic I've had four of them the Consultants from inclusive Minds the very same people who censor Roald Dahl's books have quietly decided there needs to be some changes of course they do the B now now takes professional advice from this Committee of fun police which has helped to Rebrand its characters and vet its back catalog spotty it was called spotty because he's spotty is now known as Scotty still got spots you just can't say it and fatty it was called fatty because he's a fatty is now known as Freddie even though he's still fat we just can't call him that the kids have been joined by five new pupils doing harsher Mahira and mandira in order to be more inclusive mandira's featured in storylines about mental health to apparently highlight the anxieties facing children perhaps I should do one about mandira being warned that her friend fatty is offensive this is from the same set of geniuses who changed Cloud men to Cloud people in James number Giant Peach and decided the black tractors in Fantastic Mr Fox could not be described as black because it was potentially racist to other tractors presumably now there are two points here the first is about censorship if we continue to rewrite every work of fiction based on today's sensibilities you have to keep doing it every 10 years until you're left with a sanitized slab of nonsense that Bears Zero resemblance to the original the context of when something was written is part of what makes it informative and interesting the second point is this we have a lot less about child anxiety when fatty and spotty were on the loose because they were considered to be funny then it was a joke it's a cartoon if we genuinely want our kids to feel happier and US anxious maybe we should stop teaching them constantly that the entire world is out to get them show them how to be less offended by absolutely everything stop allowing them to all get a prize in everything they compete in at school so they all think that they're winners when sometimes they're not because none of that is a proper preparation for the real world the one that in Barbie land is such a shock to Margot Robbie when she gets to it the real world I'm afraid is Watson all it can be tough out there so why don't we prepare kids for how to handle it rather than cover them and cut more well I'm joined Now by broadcaster former brexit MEP Alex Phillips talked to be contributor and lawyer Paula Ron Adrian a political journalist Ava Santina all right um Alex I I brought up four kids I'm not perfect by any means something nearly perfect as a father probably um but desanitizing of everything this over protection there's wrapping in Cotton wool this nobody can lose nobody can be called any funny names in cartoons blah blah blah it's exhausting and B all it seems to be doing is increasing the amount of anxiety in kids all the figures show The Situation's getting worse not better I would argue this strategy hasn't worked it's had the opposite effect yeah it's utter Madness I mean what we seem to be doing as a society now is making our kids into little hypochondriacs to worry about everything to police their own language at the time they should be learning how to develop their communication skills to see everything through the prism of race to see everything through the prism of gender and then at the same time the things perhaps we should protect them from adults fetish pornography we're we're foisting upon them at an alarming rate and I don't understand what children are supposed to be anymore are they supposed to engage with this Adult World of critical race Theory and extreme adult content 100 genders yeah there is no more innocence safeguarding has gone out the window all right Paula we've discussed a lot of these issues all right and I get that some kids are anxious I've met quite a few kids who have a lot of anxiety problems I think a lot of it is social media driven I think a lot of it is dopamine driven that they're exposed through social media to a constant barrage of imagery from walls and other things which we simply would never see when I was a kid so that cannot be overlooked this constant sensory overload impacting negatively and yet all the statistics will show young people if they calmly explained there's never been a better time to be alive actually but the statistics will also tell you peers about the suicide rate amongst children about how their mental health is suffering about how children are being bullied both personally and online in the social World social media world and so when we look at the bino what surprised me about this story is that we weren't applauding what the bino were doing we weren't you know saying we weren't championing what they were doing which is to stop children from calling each other names because that's not appropriate what do you think he's going to stop because the Beano stops using names but well yes I do actually because it's teaching children that it's not appropriate and you call somebody by their name which is Frank John pauler or Alex you don't call them spotty you don't call them you don't call them fatty you call them by their name and say what you are doing by but what The Beano is doing is acknowledging that it's anachronistic in its style and that it shouldn't be that it should be taking responsibility for providing a positive message for children stop being mean children yeah but the trouble is life is tough Ava life is very mean you know I always remind people of the Rocky Balboa speech to his son who's a spoiled entitled brat in the sixth movie and eventually Rocky loses it with him in the street and says look life is hard it will beat you down right and the challenge of succeeding in life is how many times you can get back up and keep moving forward it's not how hard you can punch it's about how hard you can get punched and keep going we know this and I my argument is I think we're just not preparing kids properly for the real world and and trying to create this kind of Barbie style Utopia where no one's mean no one uses mean words all that kind of thing means you basically have to airbrush now every work of literature going back in history because it was all full of mean stuff it was it was from Roald Dahl to the B note they're all getting censored I don't get it I don't get any of it works I think it's quite obvious that parents probably don't want to sit down in 2023 and read a bedtime story to their child about you know fatty and spotty I think it's probably I do hang on I think it's probably I do forces that have dictated it and you love the free market and I think they've probably looked at it and gone you know what be you know not really being consumed anymore why don't we try to get this you know somehow purchased and back in schools back at bedtime and that's that's how they've received let me throw this back at you my daughter killed she's 11. she calls me fashion all the time right and does this to me all the time good it makes me go to the gym dinner this morning I was actually very very different I was actually Barbie pressing this morning to to female trainers I mean this is how I say how I flowed but the point is I'm not offended when she does that I think it's funny right it used to be you could laugh at stuff like that but what we're now in we're now in a world where Cosmopolitan magazine one of the most influential magazines for young women in this country but it's a 305 pound model model on the front cover and doesn't mention anywhere in the text it either on the cover or inside that this is more bitly obese and very dangerous okay it said we celebrate being incredibly fat but if you dare to use the word fatty in The Beano about a fictitious character all hell breaks loose the sensitivity bullies get called in it all has to be changed explain to me how that is good for society or good for the well-being of young women who think that being 305 pounds when you're five foot two is a great thing thing to be is body positive okay because no one's got the gumption to go sorry you are morbidly obese you're gonna die and by the way if you all want to be this fat you're all going to die too but then we should have done that for the models who were 80 pounds and six foot tall who were on magazines for 20 years and gave you know the whole world eating I said the same thing about the size zero campaign there was never any warning on there of how women achieve that body frame no one ever talked about the smoking never no one ever talked about the drug taking or the excessive dieting none of that ever appeared in a magazine appears I guarantee your daughter when she calls you fatty and you have that lovely little inside job but when you have a good joke about it and you're having you know this nice lovely moment I guarantee you didn't teach her that word that's probably something she's picked up and now you enjoy and you have a nice life yeah you know each other she teach it up because actually kids do that kind of thing they're kids right they're not going to stop because the B nose changes everyone's name you taught her that word wouldn't it if you were at bedtime and you taught her that word from the be no book that would be a I've tried to teach my all my kids just don't worry about you know my mother always told me you know we talk about a patriarchy I lived in a matriarchy with these wonderfully strong women in my family my grandmother my mother my sister my daughter's inheriting the same thing and it's just that sticks and stones will break your bones not words will never hurt you come on you're very much saying never mind Sticks and Stones words are far worse they're not they're literally not yes and you know that that's not true I do not know it's true I think that's a really dangerous Theory to push know that words hurt we know that because our law recognizes that fact that people are often mistreated with words and that it can impact on their lives we know that bullying which doesn't have to include physical attacks when we're talking about a verbal assault on somebody can often have the same threatening and intimidating effect as it could if you were physically assaulted I know but my point is if you say I know well then if you say you know them we need to acknowledge who is watching this who think it's appropriate to stand over a partner and Shout abuse at them in their face or to even worse or to even whisper in there no there's any viewers because my viewers are not those sort of people uh mockery and stupid phrases is ever going to come close to physical violence well maybe Megan Markle might be able to do that Meghan Markle dishes it out like every one I've ever seen in my life she thinks it's finally called the royal family a bunch of horrible racist scumbags and make hundreds of millions of dollars you never complain when she does that but or you only can play only people say how disgusting you say that that is not appropriate and that's exactly the example that I wanted you to no you're missing my point completely appropriate use language people to be kind all right let's teach people nice kind what about teaching people to just State the bleeding of it so uh in the Women's World Cup it's called The Women's World Cup we have a new Superstar the Canada midfielder Quinn goes by the name Quinn wasn't the name that Quinn was born with but Quinn has been heralded celebrated this week as the first transgender non-binary footballer to play in the women's world World Cup to which my response when I read this was hang on a second hang on is she is she a butt is she they whatever is she a biological male trip no no turned out she's a biological female she say so what is she well whatever they'd like to go let's go hang on hang on I think I'll quit and Quinn I haven't asked I haven't asked the question yet she's a they she is a transgender non-binary what is that well how can you be translated and non-binary because that's what they are but non-binary meant you were neither one nor the other Queen also is is sorry so I thought transgender meant you you literally okay male to female female to male turns out the non-binary is not the same as I don't want to put words in their mouth but I would say that's probably because they're not allowed to take the correct amount of testosterone because they are still playing in the women's team and so I would assume that they are saying testosterone okay that's what I'm saying Quinn doesn't want to be made because Quinn can't compete Queen is he female playing against females but now doesn't want to identify because you won't let her play on the mail team no no you're not on the mountains she doesn't want to play on the male team she doesn't she's not actually they might Quinn might like know that Quinn wants to be a an ex-woman Alex stop being mean by interrupting I'm coming I'm coming to Alex effects I just want to get my head around this she's a transgender non-binary ex-woman so my question is if you're no longer identifying as a woman what are you doing playing in the Women's World Cup not my title that is the official title of a tournament she doesn't qualify they they don't qualify even there's only one of them they don't qualify for the Women's World Cup because they used to be a woman but now they don't want to be a woman so now we have to call them they for being a transgender even though they're non-binary and they're still playing in the Women's World Cup and we're all supposed to go well done Quinn what a moment what am I but no one's quite sure what we're celebrating with Alex what are we celebrating rules change all the time it's like we're bestowing upon people who have gender dysphoria some sort of magical extra special power that normal people don't have and I don't care frankly how many scores have they how many goals have they scored you know that's more interesting if you're a professional Paula why is somebody why someone who doesn't consider themselves a woman in the Women's World Cup explain to me because where else are they going to be able in a trans or non-binary tournament I don't see one and I certainly don't I keep being told I keep being told there are millions of trans people so peers if you and I want to set one up then I'm I'm all for that swimming I've just done it today fantastic so why don't we do that right instead of being except they shouldn't be competing no I do not in Queenstown no I do not accept that what options did this person have none was my answer none no options did this person yes to perform on their What a Wonderful World faces you both know this is such no you do be angry people look at your faces what you need to do why are you not angry why are you not angry to protect an Applause why don't you want to protect women why is it always left to me to protect women aren't protected they're not this person has gone and they've won an Olympic medal and now they are playing successfully doesn't want to be a woman I don't see what the problem is my understanding is they've not had any sort of testosterone so there's no biological thing in in the sport yes I don't care stop telling us all about your great moves to be a transgender non-binary whatever it is um tell me what I do care about the boss of NatWest Alison Rose has now admitted in this Nigel farage Coots Bank Fiasco a serious error of judgment turns out she admits she sat next to the top BBC journalist the night before the BBC journalist tweets the real story about Nigel farage is that actually it wasn't to do with his political views that he was removed from a Coots account it was because of his financial situation turns out to be a total lie because Nigel farage got under the data rules he got all the minutes from the meeting where it was clearly his his political views Ava whichever side you're on on this politically makes no difference to me I've got no truck to support farage at all he's tried to stiff me over Donald Trump as I've said as I said he's got a lot of pain coming his way for that so that's a different Feud rumbling away however on this I'm not today and I said right come on have you got one of these on me and I was told I'm not a politically whatever it is person so they haven't they assured me but they've had a lot of calls from clients asking am I am I next for this right what have you got on me is it my political views what are you holding on me this is not right in a democracy like this that people's political opinions lead to them having their bank accounts on it's just not okay let's just can we make one thing Crystal Clear which is that Coots is a very selective bank so it you know Nigel farage was offered a bank account with now not with Coots he wasn't going to be just thrown out I mean I can't go and get a bank account with Coots you know they are very selective and but but however her briefing the CEO briefing uh the BBC business journalist is apps extraordinary I mean I mean to me I can't understand how you can talk about someone's Financial matter totally agree I don't understand all on that alone it's just a massive breach of it and I have to say and it's it's on the record now you called it last week please right when we discussed this you did yeah um and you're absolutely right to have said what you did last week because it may it it's just uncomfortable whichever way you look at it completely wrong whether it's somebody in the street or Nigel farage or the queen I mean the queen used to back down the street though let's talk about this in proportion because I read through every word of of their meeting and Alex the truth is you know Nigel well the truth is there was nothing in there other than apparently he knew Donald Trump he liked Novak djokovic's tweet I mean the whole thing was ridiculous but I mean it's a personal Vendetta isn't it and the problem and what we've actually found out since Nigel told the world about this story is this is happening to countless normal people yeah and it's it's it's really quite dystopian it's worrying it's like the Chinese social credit system believe what we believe or you can't have access also you've got to trust your bank right how can somebody who runs one of the biggest banks in the country brief to a journalist inaccurate information which is that the reason that some people are being turned away from Banks now is because they want to stealing cash and Banks no longer want to deal in cash that is entirely different from political views we've got two different stories here that are getting a little bit that's a different issue but if we're going to say that we should clear issue here is if you have certain opinions it should not be down to a bank to decide your opinions don't suit their values it's nonsense to be fair I do get to choose who I bank with so for example I'm aware of One bank and I think it's the cooperative bank if they still do that we're very clear around an advertising campaign about how they would invest your money um in environmentally friendly for example projects that's a good thing and I can choose whether I want to bankrupt the co-op or not they should also have the opportunity to decide whether they want me hold on if this was if this is Bakery in Ireland says I don't want to bake a game Oh Hell broke loose but if we're talking about race by the way this has happened to Jeremy here this happened to Jeremy corbyn you might just imagine what would have happened if kutzer said I don't want to bank with you because you're white or I don't want to bank are you you to bank with us because you're gay then of course we're having a different conversation [Music] to that case all right and we all agreed though that this boss should probably not be in her job yeah she should Shuffle it it's definitely it's definitely a grievance issue and I'll be agree that as a result uh unlike the theme of Barbie women shouldn't really be put in top jobs because they just they just can't be trusted [Applause] because when I'm with my Village mates we do sometimes if somebody crosses a line it's inappropriate someone will go may come on it is actually quite a good little certainly in The Villages mates come on you're defending Sadiq yeah I've agreed with him twice running last night about pollution he's bang on about pollution ever since he got air purifies on my house I'm a different Beast yeah honestly yeah transformed my health just living in a very polluted area in London I now have air purifiers don't go out when the Air's bad and and I feel great and until everyone is out there he's got problems with red eyes streaming signers all that stuff you think may be hay fever I bet it's pollution go and get air purifiers shut the windows only go out when your app tells you to trust me you'll feel exactly like I do I'm gonna get pairs of just stop oil thank you Paige good to see you
Channel: Sky News Australia
Views: 447,361
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 6331839218112, fb, msn, opinion, piersmorgan, yt
Id: g2yniQ5JRfs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 19sec (1339 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 26 2023
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