Why you NEED to use "--seed" in Midjourney...

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if you want to generate beautiful art in mid-journey the seed parameter solves two very simple but very common problems in my journey often you're generating an image take this the view of a volcano through the window of a train and you like the concept so you want to keep generating artworks like that one hopefully you can actually make it better so you're Off to the Races you try generating a photograph of a volcano through the window of a train and that seemed to improve it but now you want to be zoomed out a bit that way you'll see more of the train car so you try a cinematic photograph of a volcano taken while in the dining car of a passenger train okay that's looking cool then you generate it again to get a few more results but even with the same exact command this time it's totally different and you're pretty sure you hate it now so you ask yourself was your prompt any good in the first place well if you're like me and you've been through that time and again in mid-journey that is the first problem dash dash seed is going to solve for you by default mid-journey is designed so that your workflow is one prompt at a time you generate one image then start again from scratch what you really want to do is work on images and improve them over time the only built-in option for this is variations and you've probably noticed that with the V4 model variations of an image always seem to be worse than the original they seem to always turned out corrupted or deformed or just bad so you're back to the good old slash imagine but if you don't know the starting conditions used to generate an image from your prompt is randomized which makes it impossible to predict what your image is going to be even if you only change your prompt a little tiny bit or in the case of our volcano you didn't change the prompt at all this is especially frustrating if your prompt is simple this is a cat wearing a funny Bonnet since the domain of possible images for this prompt is more varied you can generate the same thing over and over again and constantly get something extremely different different cats different backgrounds different bonnets but by setting the seed just by adding dash dash seed and a number you do the amazing thing of making the outcome of a prompt deterministic that means for all intents and purposes the same prompt paired with the same seed will always generate the same result not only can you reliably compare one prompt with another but you solve a second problem and this is the true beauty of the seed parameter it actually allows you to learn how different words affect your prompt a cat wearing a funny vomit this time in Winter and you can see how selecting the season changes the image in mid-journey but keeps the cat the same so what if the Bonnet wasn't funny and instead it was just a regular Bonnet easy what if it was a painting or a Polaroid or a cinematic photograph this way you can actually see how the words you choose change the image because mostly the image stays exactly the same dash dash seed is the power to set the starting conditions for your image which gives you a finely tuned control over the outcome and enables you to truly learn this software if you want to learn how much changing the style changes the image you can do that just by trying some options you can also find out that by mentioning a color you'll affect much more of the image than you expect colors are extremely important to the foundation of an image in mid-journey dash dash seed is a chance to explore the latent space of mid-journing generations without randomly being teleported from One path onto another that opportunity will make you a better prompt engineer it'll let you generate better art and it'll help you appreciate the work behind some of the best AI generated images on this site I hope you enjoyed this video and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Glibatree
Views: 69,781
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AI Dungeon, GPT-3, AI Demo, AI Story Telling, Text Adventure, Gaming
Id: k_5qnbtRj2k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 13sec (253 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 08 2023
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