Become a GOD in Midjourney with Text Weights

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you need to start using mid-journey text weights today not only are you probably building all your prompts wrong you're also missing out on tons of creativity and most importantly control [Music] so there's a couple of things that we want to learn today first of all we want to understand the importance of prompt structure we also want to understand why subtle differences in your prompts can have massive consequences and finally of course we want to learn how to use text weights in our prompts so let's start off with one of the most common misconceptions about mid-journey it's the fact that a lot of people believe that you structure your prompt with the use of commas into different partial Concepts now that seems very logical however it's simply not true and I'm going to prove it to you so let's take a look at a very basic example I'm going to start off by entering the Imagine command followed by house comma red now you may have noticed that I've also added the seed parameter at the end here with the seed value of one if you're not familiar with this particular parameter I do recommend yet you check out my dedicated video on how to use the seed but in very basic and simple terms what it does is it allows me to reduce the randomness of the results that I will get from my journey and it's basically very very helpful if I want to compare different prompts to each other and maintain a certain seed value which ensures that also the rough composition will stay the same but let's start off by having a look at what this prompt actually gives us okay and here we go we've gotten exactly what we would expect from this prompt house red so what do we get let's have a closer look we get four houses that are red and there's a lot more red in the background and stuff like that so let's have a look at what happens if we enter this very same prompt but we remove the comma I'm still going to use a seat of one okay and here's the second image let's have a quick look at what the image looks like again we get four red houses in this particular case here we've also got some red on the in the grass over here as well but basically these two prompts are more or less giving us the same type of output image now you might think that in this particular case it's mainly because the words are so short and it's just you know it's just one word plus another one and yeah of course it's going to be roughly the same but let me show you another example and you'll see that it's actually not because it's just a couple of short words so this time I'm going to use something slightly stranger I'm going to start off by saying imagine a skyscraper on top of a barn again with a seat of one okay so let's open up this one and have a quick look I honestly did not know what to expect because obviously these two concepts don't really fit together but basically what modernia seems to have tried to do is it's tried to put a skyscraper on top of a barn or it's sort of shaped the top of a barn like a skyscraper I'm really not entirely sure what it's tried to do but just keep this these pictures in mind and what we'll do now is we're going to change up the prompt and start off with on top of a barn comma skyscraper and now you would maybe expect that it would give us something completely different but actually it doesn't as you can see these images even though yes there's a slight difference in color up here on the right and the top left but essentially it's more or less understood exactly the same thing and that's because mid Journey doesn't really pay a lot of attention to punctuation or to sentence structure it's simply trying to interpret the prompt as a text as best as it can and and in this case these two prompts look more or less the same to my journey based on my personal experience it simply ignores most commas even though most people think it actually doesn't so as a basic rule of thumb a prompt that looks a little bit like this imagine keyword one comma keyword two comma Keyboard 3 is roughly the same as saying imagine keyword one keyword two and keyword three of course there will be slight differences here or there but this is more or less how it works so you might be wondering what exactly does all of this have to do with text weights well text weights allow us to give a different weighting to different parts of our prompt in other words if a particular part of your prompt is more important than another one for example in this case keyword 2 might be more important than keyword 1 and keyword three then you can use these weights to communicate to mid-journey that it should put more emphasis on that part and less on another part and one of the biggest misconceptions is that a lot of people actually believe that using commas splits up their prompt into the same type of blocks and chunks with a weighting of one as if you were actually using weights in the first place so for example a lot of people will structure the prompts like this imagine keyword 1 comma keyword two comma keyword three and they believe it's roughly the same thing as writing this imagine keyword 1 followed by two colons and the weighting of one and then repeating the same thing for keywords two and keywords three so what you're seeing here is a weighting of one being applied to every single keyword if you want to change the weighting of one of these keywords you would simply change the number one and add a 2 or a three or whatever you want to do but believing that these two things are the same is absolute rubbish so what's going on here well in the first Example The Prompt is setting three different keywords but it's telling my journey to interpret them as a single concept weights are completely irrelevant in this case because it's a single concept and it has a weighting of I don't know one in the second example we're using the very same three keywords and we're assigning a weighting to each one of them however each keyword is treated as its own single Concept in itself and then these three are put together in mid-journey so this might look like a very subtle difference in the actual prompt itself but if you look at the results that you get the difference is massive so let's have another look at the example from earlier the very first one with the house and red prompt keep these images in mind because what we're going to do now is we're going to enter the very same prompt but this time we're going to add a weighting of one to the house and a weighting of one to red and let me just add seed to maintain things and let's see what happens okay so let me just quickly open up the old one so we have it side by side and we're also going to open up this new set of images as a comparison so this is what we got with our first prompt where we just used house comma red and it understood the concept as a red house and that's what we got but the background there's nothing very special about it it's it's a it's a relatively plain house if we look at the other image with the weights what you'll know notice is that the results are considerably more creative so there's a lot more interpretation going on here you've got water on the floor here you've got some rocks this is a very very very red image and this is the type of thing you'll see every time you use text weights by the way if you do not add a value to your text ways and just use the double colon then it's the same thing as if you had added a value of one so the absence of a value essentially equates to one okay so this is already pretty good but the fun really starts once you start playing around with the different weights so let me quickly close down these images and this time we're going to enter the prompt imagine house with a weighting of one and red with a weighting of two and Seed of one all right and take a look at this so what this basically means is what we've done is we've given the concept of a house a single weighting and the concept of red color or whatever mid Journey understands by Red a weighting of two which means that it's twice as important in the prompt and look look at the results this is a lot more creative than we what we had before and it's fundamentally different in this I actually don't really know what this is but this looks like a house that's kind of coming out of the ground and out of a tree and the top right example is just a completely different type of house now let's look at what happens if we turn it around and we say imagine house with a weighting of two and red with a rating of one seed one so what we get this time is we still get four houses that are red but you can clearly see that there's a considerably more emphasis on emphasis on the house and less on the red to the point that even in the bottom right example we have a half red and half gray house in the top right one the house is sort of in the red background but it's losing its color so let's see what happens if we go a little bit more extreme and this time I'm going to say imagine house one and this time I'm going to set the red waiting to something extreme like four and let's see what that gives us okay so this is a bit extreme at this point what's happened is that we've given the house only about 20 percent of waiting within the overall prompt and the other eighty percent goes to the color red and the journey has its own ideas of what red means and as you can see it's completely gone off the rails and done something that has absolutely nothing to do with the house anymore with a very small exception of the bottom left example in the top right one having like a staircase and the bottom right one being side of sort of like a cube but once you hit that sort of a strength and waiting and that difference that's where it really starts to deviate from what you actually want or what we actually have in your prompt as words so let me show you this with a completely different example and this time we're even going to use three different keywords so I'm going to enter mountain river pink seed one and this is without any weightings and what mid Journey does is it puts those three words together as a single concept and gives us four Landscapes of Mount mountains with a river in them and there's pink color all over the place but what happens if we replace those commas and instead put weightings of one imagine a mountain with a weighting of One River with a waiting of one and pink with a waiting of one okay so let's open them up side by side real quick and have a look so this is what we had before without the weightings this is what we get now with the weightings now I understand they're clearly still Landscapes but I think we can agree that they look fundamentally different for example there's a lot more trees in this particular case and here well I don't really know what it's doing but it is very different and it is a bit more creative here if you look at the top right corner one so let's try out one more extreme case and this time we're going to say imagine Mountain Four River two and pink one so the emphasis is very very strongly on the mountain so let's have a look at what that gives us and if we open this up we'll see that there's considerably more emphasis this time on the mountain and on the River of course there's still pink in these images but we've told mid-journey that we want to give more importance to those other two elements now I'm going to show you one last example for these simple cases because I find this one quite illustrative I'm going to enter house red and I'm going to add a car to our scene and this gives us four images of a house that is red and even a red car in front of it but these images in themselves are closed Concepts and that's why there's not much else going on around them what happens if we add weightings instead let's go and say imagine house and give that a waiting of one red awaiting of one and Carl waiting of one seed one let's have a look okay and so even though we used almost the exact same prompt and the only thing that we changed was that we did didn't separate these keywords with commas but we've added weightings on each one of them we've gotten considerably more creative results now the one at the bottom right is fairly close to the other ones but the other three ones here that we have obviously this is a lot more creative this gives you a lot more ideas to work with and that's exactly what you want to get or maybe not it depends on what you're trying to achieve now you might be thinking that the reason why this works is because these are all just simple words that are isolated into themselves and it's relatively easy to do that with this kind of case and you might think that as soon as you try to use sentences it doesn't work well that's not the case you actually can apply it to full sentences so in this particular example that I'm going to do now I'm going to try to build a scene that shows me a hacker that is trying to fight a tree I know this is a fairly weird example but I'm going to pick something quite strange because I want to show you just how well this actually works so let's start off with the basic sentence imagine hacker fighting with a tree going to enter a seat of one and let's see what happens now if we take a closer look what you can see is that it's taken my sentence even though it's strange and it's looked at it as a single holistic concept and these results are actually pretty surprisingly good even though the hacker isn't really fighting with the tree it looks more like the hacker is part of the tree and he's fighting I don't know what he's fighting but he seems to be fighting but let's have a look at what happens if I use text weights on this and what I'm going to do is I'm going to separate out the hacker I'm going to give him a weight of one and then fighting with a tree as an action of something that's being done is gonna get also a weighting of one but it's a separate part of the prompt and so let's look at what happens this time okay so let me open up these images and what you can see is that these results are considerably more creative than what we got before and why is this it's because my journey has not settled on a particular interpretation of a closed concept but instead what it's done is it's taken our weightings on the different keywords and then everything that's not been said explicitly it's it tries to interpret and gives us different variations of what we might like and if we look at these well the bottom two are a bit strange because these are actually trees that seem to be alive and they seem to be fighting then on the top right there's one that's closer to what I actually had in mind and that's closer to what we had before and the top left one is completely out of whack it looks extremely cool but I have no idea what it was thinking so what I'm going to do now is I'm going to change our prompt and I'm going to put more emphasis on the hacker so I'm going to give you the weighting of two and the fighting with a tree part I'm only going to give weighting of one and we'll see what that gives us so by putting more weight on the hacker what we've got is exactly what you would expect these are up close images of what we would you know call a hacker or in the other you know three of these four cases what is done is it's taken elements of a tree that I guess is kind of fighting or fighting with itself I don't know how it's understood this text but it's added it into the hacker and even though it's focusing on a portrait mode of the hacker it's sort of giving it a tree look and the one on the top right kind of looks like Groot from Guardians of the Galaxy um at least I'm guessing that's where it's coming from now let's turn this around because what we want to get is something that looks more like like somebody is fighting something in this particular case the hacker so what I'm going to do is I'm going to switch around the waiting I'm going to give the hacker only a waiting of one and the fighting with a tree part will get a weighting of two and guess what we get exactly what I wanted so in this case we've actually gotten four images that show us somebody um sometimes it's a bigger guy sometimes it's a smaller person who's actually trying to fight a tree now the tree always looks a bit different it's actually a humanoid Tree in some cases but there's been considerably more emphasis on the second part the fighting the action right so so what is actually happening in the scene the hacker part I'm actually not sure where it's gone I'm sure there's some details on the guy that makes him kind of look like a hacker but it's kind of gone away but the point is that this is how you can actually control what your images will look like and where my emphasis will be put and where not so what does this mean for your future prompting well it clearly means that you should be using text weights considerably more than you have been so far just imagine how much control you can have over the final scene and the images that you're trying to create you're no longer limited to just trying to guess something in one sentence and then packing in more and more details instead you can use these weights to actually mold exactly what you want and as an added bonus your images are actually going to be a lot more creative than you thought was ever possible because clearly it's delivering some things that are a lot more creative than what you what we got with our simple prompts that were just closed concepts by the way there's one more thing that I forgot to mention mentioned in this video in every single example that I shared with you today we used positive values for the text weights in our prompts however you can actually use negative values as well to learn more about how to use negative text weights make sure you check out this video on negative prompting believe it or not but it's an essential skill for supercharging the amount of control you have over your images so remember have fun learning and I'll see you next time
Channel: Tokenized AI by Christian Heidorn
Views: 271,877
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: midjourney text prompts, midjourney text weight, midjourney weights, midjourney weighted prompts, midjourney weight words, midjourney advanced prompts, midjourney, midjourney v4, midjourney ai, midjourney tutorial, text weight midjourney, text weights midjourney, midjourney prompts, midjourney commands, midjourney v5
Id: YPVxA7wi_mA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 58sec (1018 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 11 2023
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