Using Midjourney AI to create a Product Photo for my Client!

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let's have a chat about AI I've been seeing a lot of chatter about AI in the product photography space is it going to take over our jobs how do I innovate and incorporate AI into my work and the way that I see it AI is going to become another incredible tool that we use to create unique and original work and I think this is a really good thing because honestly I'm seeing so many people create the same kind of thing now there's a lot of work out there that is looking too same same and so I think AI is going to be an amazing way that we as product photographers innovate our work to help us stand out even more now before we dive in I would love to know what your thoughts are on AI so leave a comment and let me know if you've started to incorporate AI into your product photography if you have any fears around it what your thoughts are on the future of AI and where you think it's going so I actually delivered my very first product photo to a client the other week where majority of the photo is AI now I actually followed a tutorial on YouTube by Martin but vidson and I'm going to link that tutorial in the description box below so that you can go and check it out try it for yourself so here is the final photo where everything except the product is AI generated so I decided to generate this photo using AI because the client wanted this lavender Dreamscape for this particular theme and they did want something quite thematic and this was the inspo I was given so you can imagine like just the difficulty of creating such a theme in real life I actually don't really know how I was going to do it to be honest and that's when I thought this is a great opportunity to explore Ai and see if I can bring this theme to life so I started with mid Journey now the time of creating this photo I wasn't new to Mid Journey I'd already had some idea on the kinds of words I needed to use to prompt my journey to start creating this kind of thing now a very cool thing that you can do with mid journey is you can input URL links to jpeg photos for it to take inspiration from so let me take you inside of my mid journey and show you the prompts and what I did alright so here we are in mid Journey so if you're not familiar with mid Journey you basically operate this via Discord don't ask me how to set it up I'm sure you can find a YouTube video on how to do this but we pay for Mid Journey so we have our own private Channel with my journey bot so this was the very first prompt that I put in a skincare product tub on top of a silky purple pillow surrounded by a lavender Dreamscape with water and pepper clouds Sun Ray backlight photorealism Studio lighting octane render s750 aspect ratio 9x16. so this is what it spat out and basically the concept was yeah the client wanted the product like sitting on top of a silky pillow with a lavender Dreamscape background I'm like okay I can't do that in real life and so I played around a little bit with the prompts and just trying to see what else it could generate for me and we come down here so you can see it started to incorporate more clouds now this here let me go into this link yep this here was a photo that I found from Pinterest because I was struggling to communicate I guess what I wanted it to actually do so I was like okay if I can actually input a JPEG image into mid journey and it can take inspiration from that that's going to make my life a whole lot easier and so that's what I did so we come back into Discord and here is the image that I landed on so I used another jpeg file I'll show you this one this was the image that helped me to generate that final beautiful image that I was so so happy with so you can find images on Pinterest that you really love and then input that URL into mid Journey for it to take inspiration from I just think that is so freaking cool and so then what you do is you press upscale so you want to upscale like this one here or you can ask it to create different variations kind of liked this one as well this wasn't too bad but I did feel it was like a little bit too fake with the bed sheets and stuff I wasn't a fan of the pillows this one I like this one wasn't the vibe for me so we come down here and I'm just trying out different variations now of these ones up here so this is a little yeah inside into my mid-journey journey and I was playing around a little bit more with some different jpeg image inspo prompts to see what else it would spit out obviously you can see here this it was just this is a big no like I don't even know what this is and what I really love as well is that mid Journey if you tell it to have like a skincare product tub it will do a pretty good job of generating that kind of product so if I were doing this for a different product let's say it was like a lipstick I would say lipstick product tab or lipstick product so that it generates the same kind of shape that will allow you to more easily composite your real life product into the AI photo so the closer you can get your product tub to be the better so for the actual photo that I was super happy with this is the actual prompt that spat out that photo so essentially the first step was to generate the background on a mid Journey now the second step is to shoot the actual product in real life so following the tutorial from botfudson I used caption one and the overlay feature to help me line up the product and make sure that the Shadow and the angle was perfectly matched with the AI generated product Hub that you see here this took a little bit for me to perfectly match it up so this is the raw image of the product and then the next step is to cut out the product and basically composite this onto the AI image so I had to remove half of the AI generated skincare tub fix up the background a little bit where the bed sheets are but overall blending this into the AI generated landscape it was a process especially for this photo I had to take breaks and come back to this image multiple times over the span of a week or so to look at it with fresh eyes and ensure that it was actually blending nicely together I won't lie guys I had some doubts along the way wondering if this would work if the client would like it because this is my first AI photo that I'm actually being paid to produce overall this photo still took me hours to produce and you can sit on Mid Journey for hours trying to generate that perfect image for you to work with I was lucky because this image was actually one of the first ones I generated so when I see people being scared of AI and they ask will this take over our jobs as product photographers going through this process and experiencing it for myself my answer right now is hell no because someone still needs to generate the creative concept using AI you need to know what prompts to put in so it spits out something that might look similar to the concept in your head and then you still need photography skills because you have to shoot the actual product and you have to make sure that you understand lighting well enough to be able to match the lighting of the product with the lighting in the AI photo and then you need mad Photoshop skills to bring it all together and ensure that it looks natural and not like the product is just copy pasted onto the photo so I really hope that this video serves as inspo for you to start playing with AI and thinking about how you can incorporate it to create unique work that looks different from everyone else I'm definitely going to be playing around more with AI generated photos for my clients and I'm gonna assure that I stay at the Forefront of learning because if there's one thing that we know it's that AI is moving very fast and it's going to be the photographers who can learn to use it as a creative tool that are going to stand out and become more valuable so don't be afraid of AI embrace it put the effort in to learn how to use it and most of all just have fun with it and for my first try at AI look I think this is pretty good I am more than happy to share this to the public and I was more than happy to give this to my client and if you guys have any questions leave a comment let's have a conversation let's chat
Channel: Amanda Campeanu
Views: 27,684
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: midjourney ai tutorial, midjourney ai art, midjourneyproductphotography, midjourney product photography prompts, Product Photography, AI Art for Product Photography, midjourney photorealistic, Amanda Campeanu, botvidsson midjourney
Id: vCdu0bHmA-M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 9sec (549 seconds)
Published: Thu May 04 2023
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