Character Consistency Midjourney Essential Guide

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welcome to snowball AI today I'm excited to  share with you my process for creating unique   and consistent characters for children's books  using some amazing tools in this video I'll be   showing you how to use mid-journey an AI image  generator and chat GPT a language model to bring   your characters to life I'll also be sharing a few  essential tricks that I've picked up along the way   that will help you create characters that are both  memorable and consistent throughout your book and   for the finishing touches I'll be using Photoshop  and canva to make your characters pop off the page   so if you're ready to take your children's book  illustrations to the next level stick around and   let's get started now that we've talked about  what we're going to cover in this video Let's   dive into the first part is cool the plan the  plan consists of four parts starting with the   book chat GPT mid-journey and Photoshop in  canva for my children's book I've chosen to   focus on the adventures of a little girl named  Lila and her trusty sidekick a lovable Corgi   they'll explore the world and encounter different  animals along the way but to make the book even   more engaging I've decided to include a nursery  rhyme for each animal they encounter and of   course Lila and her Corgi will be present on  every page to keep young readers interested   I've also decided on a style for the illustrations  colorful and Whimsical with a touch of realism to   make the animals come alive the theme  of the book will be adventure with a   focus on exploration and learning about different  animals for the next step we'll be using chat GPT   chat GPT is a groundbreaking  language model created by open AI   imagine having an AI buddy that can chat with  you help you with homework or even brainstorm   ideas for your next project this super smart  AI understands human language like never before   it's been trained on a massive amount of text  making it knowledgeable in a wide range of topics   and don't worry you don't need to be a tech genius  to use chat GPT it's user-friendly and designed   to make your life easier and more enjoyable  stay tuned for more and discover the endless   possibilities with chat GPT so without any further  Ado let's go I usually start by telling chat GPT   what I am trying to do in this case I write I'm  writing a book called Lila and Corgi exploring   animals it's about a little girl called Lila and  her corgi dog they love to explore and with every   page they discover a new animal don't write  anything yet if you understand answer with yes   it replied with yes I understand amazing for the  next prompt I wrote now I will write the animals   depicted one by one for every page and I want  you to write a short four sentence rhyme about   that animal the rhyme should be intended for  children or parents reading out loud for their   children since it's a children's book if you  understand reply by writing I understand and   I will give you the first animal chat GPT replied  with I understand please provide the first animal   for the next step I asked it to give me a list of  25 animals that is interesting to include in the   illustrations of a book for children from one to  four years old it did exactly that and I now have   25 animals that I can feed back to chat GPT so  that it can generate the rhymes for me look at the   deer So Graceful and free in the forest running  wild and carefree with antlers tall and a coat   of brown a gentle creature seldom seen in town now  I tried with another animal from our list see the   octopus in the sea with eight long arms it Glides  so free it squirts ink when it's scared or shy   and changes colors before your eye just amazing  this is as exciting as getting a new subscriber   so please click all the buttons down below I  know let's smash it now that we have our Rhymes   it's time to start creating the illustrations  and that's where mid-journey comes in [Music]   what is this music mid-journey is an AI image  generator that can create stunning illustrations   based on your specifications I used mid-journey to  create the initial sketches for Lyla and her Corgi   as well as the different animals they encounter  for high quality content creation I recommend   using mid-journey to create different parts  of a scene instead of the entire scene at once   the pros with that strategy is that you can  be in more control and be more consistent   the cons is that it takes a little more time  to be fair mid-journey makes the illustration   and prototyping process insanely fast so one  must be lazy to not put a little more effort   into it and easily create high content let's  move on to something important and that is   the prompts we use okay Billy here we go  for Lila I wrote a girl with short curly   hair different angles in the style of children  book character character sheet white background   with the important keywords being character  sheet different angles children book character   it's always good to include adjectives in  the prompt to help describe your object   we can imagine something easily but might get  disappointed if we don't describe it for example   instead of writing a girl write a cute girl with  short curly hair and be more specific for the best   results I will probably make an in-depth guide  in the future focusing on prompts for consistent   character poses colors expressions and what  they wear if you would like that write the   comment down below and support this channel I  usually go with an aspect ratio of 3 and 2 but   there is a unique technique for generating  character sheets using a 316 aspect ratio   this technique creates a long sheet  with many more outputs allowing you to   generate a variety of different angles  and perspectives for your characters   there's two main methods to achieve consistent  characters and generations on mid-journey   the first way is to upload a few images  of the character or object that you like   crop the character and save them as separate  files you can use Photoshop canva paint or   whatever program you like to achieve this  the next step is to paste the images into   Discord and write the same prompt that you use  to generate the image that you liked this method   simply reinforces the output and uses the images  that you pasted into your prompt as reference   by using the same prompt again you align the  final result even more with the desired character   the second method is using something called  seeds seeds is a parameter that can be used   by writing dash dash seed and then the seed number  of the image you're trying to use as a reference   here is a quick example of how it works and  the end results demonstrated by mid-journey   in the first example there is a prompt being  used several times without the use of seeds   if no seed is specified mid-journey will use a  randomly generated seat number producing a wide   variety of options each time a prompt is used in  the second example the same prompt is being used   two times but now with the added seed parameter  we see that by using the same seed number the   mid-journey has been able to generate the exact  same results that is the power of seeds it makes   an image generator like mid-journey to give the  exact same results even though its main purpose   is to generate new results and be somewhat  random the secret to character consistency   in mid-journey is to combine both methods this  is what I use to achieve the following results   in this prompt I specified that she is wearing  scientist clothes you can make some changes in   the prompt and still get stable and consistent  results using this method here I changed it and   wrote wearing Safari clothes instead as you can  see there is a difference in the close but the   rest of the output is still the same except  for some Minor Details these images here is   more different than the previous ones because I  used mid-journey version 5 instead many people   say that version 4 is better for digital art  since version 5 tends to be more realistic in   its outputs but I believe that experimenting and  using both versions will give you the best results   depending on the project here we wrote wearing  a beautiful dress and we got this cute image   here's another one of our main character Lila  holding a basketball I use version 5 to get this   result and the last example that I want to show  is this one where I wrote wearing winter jacket   I love how the nose turned red and is fitting for  a cold climate as you see here it went perfectly   with the environment and setting now that we have  enough illustrations of our main character we can   move on to generate the animals that we want  to include in our book we will start with the   sidekick Corgi and move on to the other animals  one by one I went with a pretty simple prompt to   achieve the rest of the results I wrote beautiful  Corgi different angles in the style of children   book character character sheet white background  I included the aspect ratio of 3 2 and bomb look   at this adorable Corgi makes me almost want  to invest my entire life savings in Dogecoin   almost I used the same prompt for all the other  animals as well I even kept the same seed number   and tried to get similar style and theme here I  changed Corgi and wrote dear instead after that I   put all the other animals from the list one by one  and mid-journey did the rest bless you mid-journey   for the backgrounds I used different prompts and  the main focus here was to describe what I wanted   I wrote The Following prompt African desert and  nature with a small water pond in the middle   in the style of children book illustration the  essential part here is to include in the style of   children book illustration to get similar results  as the rest of the images mid-journey generated   finally let me show you how I used Photoshop  and canva to add the finishing touches to   the illustrations with these tools I was able to  add texture color and depth to the illustrations   to make them really pop off the page I also  used canva to create the layout for the book   arranging the illustrations and Rhymes in a way  that's both visually pleasing and easy to read   it's amazing how much you can do with just a  few simple tools I want to share two simple   tricks in this video for adding a character to a  scene the first is the use of Shadows by placing   a simple Shadow beneath your desired object you  add another dimension to your character and the   scene the second trick is the placement of the  characters seen or objects relating to each other   for example by putting a character behind  an object you can create a sense of a living   environment and an illusion of depth of field here  I use Photoshop to erase the palm of the panda   this simple trick added the illusion of the  panda holding the bamboo tree try to think   more creatively and you will not have to relay  on generating the exact position or angle of a   certain object to create something truly amazing  if you're interested in more in-depth content   about scene perception and understanding the basic  psychology of a scene let me know in the comments   I personally love that technology has gotten so  far that a person alone or a few people together   can create something incredible in a few hours  which otherwise would have taken weeks months or   years only one or two years ago as the guy from  two minute papers say what a time to be alive   here is another example of adapting  the character to the scene I have put   the hippo tuto hip up hippie popo hippocampus  hippopotamus in the water but his feet isn't   wet I Mark the legs and use the gradient  tool and choose blue and darker gray   this creates the illusion of the hippo's legs  being underwater the gradient tool creates the   effect that I want that is the further down the  legs are in the water the darker the shading   now the only thing left to do is to add our main  character Lila I use one of the character sheets   I generated using mid-journey it's a rear view  of our character use that word in your prompt to   get your character facing away from you remember  to combine it with words like character sheet or   character concept design to get various consistent  results fast here I try to create a shadow for   Lila I use a method where I mirror a copy of the  character and flip it horizontally the idea is   good but it's better suited for when trying to  reflect the character in a river or nearby water   I realize this here and change it to the simple  Eclipse version with gaussian blur I create two   more copies of Shadow and put it underneath the  legs of the hippo there is many more details   a perfectionist can work with in this scene but  for now I am proud of it and will save it there   if you have any suggestions or creative ideas on  what could be added or removed from the scene make   sure to write your suggestions in the comments  below it's for free only for you please come again   here I tried something at first and then changed  my idea happy little accidents I like to add the   important parts of the image separately the little  variations in style can sometimes add character   to the key objects in a scene I realized that  the image looked plain and the Penguin was kind   of melting with the background I needed a better  background than the penguin to stick out Photoshop   is an amazing tool and I recommend you to get  familiar with it if you don't use it already   Adobe is implementing AI in almost all of  its products and with communities already   implementing stable diffusion as an add-on inside  of Photoshop things will only get crazier and I   don't see Adobe or photoshop getting left  behind in this race getting back to the   image I ended up replacing the first penguin  with another one and chose a different style   I created a shadow for the Penguin and  aligned the position to be outside of the cave   I put Lila inside the cave looking  at the same direction as our penguin   this draws the focus of the viewer to  the direction of the character's gaze   we finish it off by placing our dear Corgi and put  two more penguins at the peak where the attention   of the viewer is drawn I make the third penguin  a little smaller and put him behind his friend   I finish our Masterpiece by placing a shadow  under Lila's feet and change her color temperature   in this example here I generated an image  where we can see below the water as well   as the land and sky I try to depict the octopus  underwater and have the environment feel alive I proceed by cutting out the octopus and   put one of them behind the aquatic  plants it creates the effect I want for Lila I switched the head part  with another pose that I like better it shouldn't be harder than that now that I have completed all the illustrations  for my book I switch over to canva to put the   entire book together the layout of the book will  be an illustration on the first page and a nursery   rhyme on the second for every animal from our list  this can help the reader view the illustration and   read the rhyme at the same time without having  to turn the page I copied the rhymes from chatgpt   one by one pasted it into canva adjusted  the text size and aligned it to the center   I could have chosen a better background for  the nursery rhyme Pages or change the colors   for every page to make it more attractive but  it does the trick for now remember to create   a beautiful and simple page for the ending  and another one for the cover of the book   some good tips here is to include sneak peeks  of some of the illustrations inside the book   title and a short description of the book use at  least two different fonts in the cover if you're   creating a children's book to make it more  playful okay join my Discord subscribe bye
Channel: Snowball AI
Views: 73,471
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Character Consistency, midjourney consistent character, midjourney tutorial, midjourney, consistency, ai, mid-journey, chat gpt, consistent, characters, children's book, books, illustration, design, character, easy, how to, prompt, midjourney tricks and tips, midjourney tricks, step by step, midjourney animal character, consistent animal characters, photoshop midjourney, midjourney ai character, ai character for childrens book, ai art, what is charcter consistency?, Canva and ai, GPT 4, v5
Id: vf4zWlfWHHw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 11sec (1031 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 28 2023
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