WHY you need to study Python, Linux, CCNA πŸ“š AT THE SAME TIME! // ft. Cisco_Panther

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I got a call back from Google and then I got a call back from Facebook at the same time that's why you see me doing Python as much as I'm doing it because I felt bad and I really wanted to become good in Python cos that was the only problem I had with that process [Music] what's going on guys welcome back soon that worked Chuck I've got someone on the channel today I've been following for a very long time and he went from CCNA CCNP to network engineer to all the boss Doug he's doing now within like one year we got Cisco Panther mr. earnest here how's it going earnest I'm good Chuck how you doing today man I'm doing fantastic and I'm really excited to talk to you because I'm trying to keep up with you I'm trying to study I'm trying to learn Linux Python all the things and you're like doing all of that and way better than I am so I want to crack how you're doing that I'm the big thing I want to touch with you today earnest is how do you manage all these things how do you study and you just had a baby right like you have a son now yes yeah yeah yeah I remember seeing that and I think you'd you had just gotten your CCNP and you were like you would stay up with your son and study I mean I was just like so impressed with your hustle I was actually studying for my t-shirt exam in and the level room I was doing a lab in there because my wife took took like two days we were just sitting there waiting for her to be ready to have the baby I was just sitting down there lobbying for my t-shirt exam because I had our supposed to write official exam yeah that is dedication that's amazing yeah so so yeah well go through how you got started what what um what made you want to just go with that fast within one year to go from a CCNA to CCP I always tell people you can do it it's possible but man you you took that to heart and you ran with it and then I wanted I really want to crack how your how your studying now because I'm so impressed by cuz you're going through your CCIE but they're also like you're way beyond me and python and linux and all of that I mean you're you're a boss right now so I want to know how you're doing that and maybe even list the resources that you use because I I need to learn the stuff too so anyways I left me talking so tell me how did you how did you get started going down the CCNA CCNP path okay yeah um when I got here 20:17 cuz I moved to the out-of-state 2017 Nigeria right yeah from Nigeria so I moved 20 2017 so I thought about the the best way for me to introduce myself to the American market as a network engineer so I thought to myself that the computer science degree that I have and the experience that I already have in danger I thought it was really not enough to prove to the employers that I really have the skills to deliver on the job and at that time I was waiting for my employment authorization in the United States okay oh I had a lot of time so I I waited for it for so long maybe um a year so we didn't I yeah that I was waiting for my employment authorization I studied five hours every day why it's that's amazing non-stop from January to November so I got my CCNA June and I went into the CCMP immediately I remember I spoke to Jeremy chop oh really awesome accountability coaching oh yeah so I got the opportunity to speak with Jeremy and he told me to go for the CCNA security before I go for the CMP but then I tried the security I started it but interest me or like shut up Jeremy I don't care what you say I'm gonna do my own thing switching and stuff and so I started to see CMP and he started flowing again just like the CCNA and I kept going and the thing that I do that keeps me going is that I registered the exam like I don't I don't say oh I'm just gonna keep studying when I'm ready I'm gonna bring some move I just say oh I'm gonna do this this exam in four months and I go ahead and pay for it so my money is on the line and it's a lot of money so I got a study so I let my wife know I let the people around me know that this is what I'm doing I do it every day five hours I make sure that I don't miss it like and he got to a point like just like you always saying your China anyway I am I'm thinking about my certification like it's like something holding me on my neck if I'm driving in the car my wife is driving I'm on my phone looking at maybe questions and answers and just going through CCMP stuff and if I'm doing chores at home I just put on my headphone and I'm listening to Chris Brian hey his boot camp so this information when I'm lobbying anyway I'm doing networking so Wow because Chris Bryant udemy lets me play when I'm doing something without having to start it I just put it on my ear and I listen to it while I go and when it's time to laugh I go into lab in and like the way I did it I really wanted to be good at what I do like I didn't want to just get the certification because you can definitely do it fast and get the certification but you don't really know yes and it got to a point I had to buy the gears because I wanted to feel it again touch it and have it at home I bought the gears as I set it up and I started lapping with them is that your favorite way to laugh or do you do you live virtually at all my favorite ways virtual I don't if it's hard because it's cumbersome you have to move so far if I start up it's apology in the virtual if I don't like it I just tear it apart I know how to do anything store but but the hard way you got to physically go there and touch it so I lie I used them gns3 for my for my CCNA I use Janus 3 for my CCNA but and then I used Gina's 32 for my CMP but right now in the CCA I'm using event really ok say I haven't really touched even G yet but I keep hearing about it I keep hearing everybody talking about it it probably is like it's awesome I keep hearing that it's like gns3 and viral had a baby and this is what it is I was so lucky my friend cyber Zeus he's on Twitter too I've seen him around yeah he's he actually let me use his lab because he has his own home lab so he just let my public IP through so I I kind of just plug in and I love with his home home lab it's that's a huge help to me and I'm shouting out to Hank this yeah so guys go follow him why I'll put his Twitter handle up on the screen go follow this guy people who help on the community like that they're amazing yes it's gonna be going for my CCIE I didn't have to worry about because setting up even G is not easy I may have to make a video about that yeah that it sounds worth it because I know it's Bert I know genus 3 is trying to give us a browser-based situation but even GU access via browser you'd have to download a client it's just easy yes like the lab that I'm using now I just log in and just um I have my super lab in in its own network and I just open it and and I live in there and I sign out when I'm done ah dude that's amazing that's so easy yeah I know and when you're labbing complex stuff you don't want to have to worry about building up the lab part you just want to be able to lab what you're learning and it's so frustrating to try to troubleshoot your lab hardware it's the most annoying thing in the world speaking of which oh I forgot you were also learning AWS I mean you were a B so we have so many things to cover okay III want to know real quick so you got your CCNA and CCNP in one year in real abby and you were working on this five hours a day how did you stay motivated how many I'm sure you had days where you woke up and you didn't want to do it when you hit those walls what did you do to overcome that okay one thing I say to people is all the time before I started I already looked up what what would be your salary or an hourly pay for CCMP in the United States hmm so I got that information and it was really what I really wanted so what I did is I put up a screensaver of Mercedes that I want I love it Sadie's that I want and when I wake up in the morning I tell myself if you don't laugh you can afford this Mercedes hmm so you gotta you gotta put in the work and and I'm glad right now I can afford it that's also having you have you gotten it yet no I need a picture of that when you do it that's gonna be good you should make a video about that actually hilarious that's a huge moment to hear that now that's what you set up as your your carrot that was your the thing you desired and that's what drove you on and then to get that that would be just the coolest thing ever seriously you know video like you give your brain the little little celebration like when you finish 25 minutes so tell yourself I'm gonna play video game like your brain and stuff like that so I didn't do the little one I just put up my Mercedes and I said this is what I want when I when I get this type of job so this that was how I was able to treat my brain so every day I wake up it was not like a bother to me I just wanted to do because I liked it I just wake up and I do it every day and I post I see people get motivated people want to get this you see any and people looking at what you're doing and other people get motivated they can give me like a lot of course to keep going that's what I love about this community is that there are so many passionate people going for their CCNA and MP and like yeah I mean you're an example of how if you get that it'll change your life yeah it's it's real I mean if you if you have the hustle it will happen it will happen Utley happen like the community is so good like the lobby everyday community moved one like every time you reach out to go on he's always there to help you out and sighs ooh I can text them like 10 o'clock at night 10 p.m. he responds and he troubleshoot with me till like 12:00 a.m. and I'm like what I'm telling you this happens like when I hit a roadblock I literally hit him up like 11:00 p.m. and he responds and he walked me through the problem and he told me what to do I've learned a lot from him to become like a better engineer so we'll get his phone number and we'll put it right up here so if you guys have any issues just call him at 11:00 at night and so uh see you got you got your ccmp and that was like what why don't you get your ccmp like December November and did you already have a network engineer job at that point or had you not gotten it yet no I didn't have a network engineer job at that point so describe that process so once you add your na and you had your NP what did you do to find that job okay when I got my NP I got I applied for Google on Facebook of course he got you I I think all of us had at least apply for Google or Facebook at least once one of the guys from lab everyday he actually gave me like a referral and I got a call back from Google and then I got a call back from Facebook at the same time what yes so the interviews like back-to-back and I had like maybe four months to go through the whole process oh my gosh that's exhausting I hate I hate those long interview processes I really do it's a long interview process they give you a whole bunch of stuff that you gotta know before you come in for the interview so with that process it became another study cycle for me preparing for those interviews Lennon Python that's when I started learning Python because oh it was a production Network engineering job and he required a lot of automation so I had to like really be good in Python so that's when I started joining Python with my networking studies and the the job was really like a CCI gyro so a lot of technologies that they use is like in the CCIE blueprint so it was like for me studying for the interview and as well studying for the CAE so it was a wing way from that is so cool so how long where do you work right now I woke with potential okay so you don't work for Facebook right now and not to diminish where you work now but so what happened with the Facebook and Google situation I passed the first interview so they called me for the second interview it was the coding phase mm-hm and that's when I got kicked out oh and I'm sure that just lit a fire under you to get that done that that's that's why that's why you see me doing Python as much as I'm doing it cos I felt bad and I really wanted to become good in Python because that was the only problem I had with that process do any you you're so lucky to have experienced that because a lot of network engineers don't realize the how big this is gonna be I mean we are starting to see it now at the CCNA having a Python stuff in the NP but these big jobs that require a lot of automation because things are so big they're gonna start trickling down to all the other companies and that skill is so vital so for you to see that and like oh wow I didn't get this job because I didn't know Python Wow I told myself this is not gonna happen again hmm not gonna happen again so I started beginning to Python and getting serious and letting Linux that's when I started doing leaner stuff that you see at that time I was preparing for the Google and Facebook interview cuz I needed to know Linux on it it's a no Python I needed to be good in networking I got the networking part down cold but I needed Python and the limas excuse to actually learn the role which I didn't have at that time because I had a short time - Wow I want to know so when you when you found out that you would need to learn Python and Linux what resources did you use because you didn't have a lot of time so what did you choose to get yourself a ramped up what I used was [Music] mmm-hmm shout out Dave bumble go follow that guy I use them to Bombo and then I started using quote Academy code Academy yeah it was confusing though I think it's just code Academy right yeah it was nobody in there yeah they're great I've been using them recently and it's that's pretty good did you did you ever use their of their paid version yeah it's really good like they make you do all these projects a little little progress and get you acclimated with the subject and you really learn a lot doing uncle taught me yeah some people don't like it but I like it so far it's been good for me I think it's it's really good yeah it's like within the first like three and within the first minute you're coding yes you're not watching the video you know I want you some guy do something you just they tell you to code in your code it's really cool there's no stopping that's awesome so you just encouraged me to finish code Academy except I started it I kind of like relaxed on in a bit but it's it's good to hear that so after you fit so I assumed you finished so they had a Python course yeah there's the whole Python thing I finished the Python curse and I finished everything but when I got to the interview and they started pasting the questions on the screen man I got lost like so okay you know I I know there's probably some NDA stuff you can't give away but can you describe what that process was like if you can yeah the process is when it's time the person logs saying and you log in and he pasted the question on the screen and he watched yourself the problem and you gotta explain the problem as you go was it just like basic Python stuff or was it was it network animation kind of stuff - or was it was if he was it was about you know regular Python stuff that is some weird as the so they they were testing you for a job on software engineering stuff why would they give me this type of problems so like this is supposed to be like the network engineering position and not really software engineering so it was a lot of coding and I didn't make it through but it gave me a lot of push to really peek into Python and I like where I am right now so take me on the journey of how you've worked wait how did you get to where you are now cuz I've seen you like just killing it studying non-stop and we're using right now to learn Python and at what level would you consider yourself now um right now I would say intermediate so what does that mean like obviously you're kind of comfortable with Network automation so you can use net miko you can do all that stuff but it give me can you can you work with api's can you pretty much talk to me anything you want yes right now or when it comes to networking using Python as a tool to work in the network I I got that part down like I understand it I know how to really do stuff with Python like recently I was working on a project to automate VLAN creation on a router illness and the switch and what what the app is supposed to do is you log in you create a VLAN and once you create the villain he synchronizes with and Eskew a database so he updates the VLAN creation that you did on the router on the database and then he actually creates the VLAN for you so you don't have to log into the router to create the villain so once you choose um the ID of the VLAN ID and the VLAN name that we could takes it from there that's awesome yeah it's so cool I love that practical example you just gave us because I mean a lot of people when they hear Network automation it's kind of like abstract like oh yeah it's you program the network but I don't know what that means that's a cool example let's go again I like it a lot mm-hmm so what did you use to learn to get to this level of Python mastery um I use a lot I use a lot of resources I've used the poor site I've used Cork Adam II I've used a lot of courses on you to me like if you see my udemy on the same way that I just buy them well yeah that's what I love about you to me man like when they have those sales and everything is just $10 you're like all that information for 10 bucks why not oh my goodness that's hilarious [Music] and right now I'm using data cam data camp I've never heard of that yes data camp it's like a a data science part of the part of Python for data science but I'm just doing it to really just soak in Python and understand all the nitty gritties of Python interesting stuff I want to touch on that here in a second but let's jump to your CCIE studies because we had a big big announcement in our in June right and it's it's kind of crazy so now that you're going through your CCIE do you plan on finishing it before sir apocalypse yes I want to but I'm just taking it one day at a time I keep having this mixed feelings I want to wait till February and just take the new one or just finish it before then I mean but I'm still studying everyday now stuff and I think maybe like yesterday literally I just thought to myself maybe I should go to the lab December and see what happens yeah I I think you should I you know I would love for you to commit to that right now no way I wouldn't do it just schedule it yeah get online right now on schedule that's what you said you and just schedule the lab and and just shut everything off and just love for three months or four months and go in and see what happens that would be fun I've been I've been studying for like doing stuff and you know going to work coming back and lapping at home I mean I think I can I can do it I given your track record I think you can do it too right yeah because your hustle is like way different than my hustle my hustles like I'm gonna wake up early and study for an hour you're like I want to spend all night studying what so so now that you have like a full-time network engineer and how do you how do you how much do you study now every day I'm just grateful to God because um my job gives me a lot of time oh that is so cool that if you can find a job that will let you study like on it because like what people don't I hate jobs that don't understand that being a network engineer a lot of the time it's just learning me learning thing and learning ways to make the network better that is part of the job that I've worked for a lot of places that did not realize that they just wanted me to just produce produce produce produce and I never got time to study so it was cool you found a place like that so you're studying at work and then how much how much time do you devote to studying and like after work not not really I'm studying at work cuz my schedule right now is like three three days a week so I'm literally home four days a week how cool how cool awesome and so I think the four days actually do three days of studies on Sunday I try not to study and spend time with the family that's good yes that's important so I do three days and I run it like a job I wake up in the morning I do five to seven and then I take my son to daycare and then I get back to it again and I'm running to twelve I take a break like an hour I'm running to five everybody comes home I just chill out and just spend time with a family man that's amazing that's some hard core discipline right there like I'm so impressed by that that's amazing that's how I do it like I can't stop right now you know when you get to a certain level of success in what you're doing and then you tend to relax and just enjoy the moment and you forget that that was a hunger that got you where you are you gotta keep that fire burning and you gotta keep learning it because this this field that we are whether whether you are software engineer web developer network engineer is a lifetime sign up for studying learning new stuff because technology keep changing that's that's amazing and you're speaking to me because I I've gotten to points where I was really comfortable where I was at my career like I gotten a raise I was at a really good role I can kind of relax a little bit I didn't have to study as hard and I and I just kind of didn't study mistake I got left behind with a lot of things I wish I would have done what you're doing it so that's so encouraging yes I didn't want to relax oh now I got where I wanted to be as far as some being network engineer now I don't have to study because even when I go into my job I try to look for new things to add value to the job and not just join everybody and because some jobs can let you relax mm-hmm and you just chill out and then there comes a time you're not really learning new stuff so I don't want to be that engineer that comes in and does the same thing every day and go so Mike comes back and do the same thing so that's why I kind of touch every technology that there is out there because we meet them every day you have AWS thrown at you you have Linux if you're not you Python here and there the networking stuff so you gotta try to do it all I know people try to understand how I'm able to manage everything yeah please please tell us cuz you're insane but there may be a method to the madness hope you don't cover that right now we we do it costs us in like three to four months so like a class that would typically be like a whole semester or like a whole like two semesters you would do in three months no like we got two semesters in a year and in one semester you got like it costs us and the next semester you got another eight courses so Alexis oh wow in a year so that that level of commitment that we used while we were trying to get my college degree is still with me because you had to really study there take courses hmm so and if you don't study those eight cousins you definitely gonna Phil and you have to retake some courses so I take that and put it into what I'm doing now so I love that not good I can try to manage my time and get three hours in there for hours in there two hours in there you know we can just bring it all together cuz finally everything still comes together when you're doing ed of us it's like doing networking it's just that you're not dealing with that way okay so for this is really for my benefit I don't care if anyone gets anything out of this this is for me tell me how do you break down so first of all what are you studying right now what are all the things you're currently in studying process of right now what I'm studying is heavy on Python that's that's the the most thing that I'm studying right now and I'd give a lot of time to my CCIE laughs okay so I think that CCIE lab and I do Python I try to fool una Caruso because he's putting out a lot of good contacts for Network automation so I'm following him and I'm going to Cisco Deb net so actually what they have there - and I just follow everything I gotta learn as [Music] is just a lot it is a lot it is so um I want to find out how much of that your company is actually using right now but first I want to ask I going through code Academy and the things you've done before how is that prepared you and do you feel like it's enough to prepare someone to approach Cisco dev net and start using the api's and everything yes definitely with Cort Academy and couple of course on udemy when you do for time you do it like two times like I went through the port kata me cost like two times really okay that's going on yeah cuz it's 25 hours so with my study happy five to five hours I can finish it in five days I mean two days if it's if you have a cup of coffee I mean when you get into dev night you can definitely catch up with whatever there okay cool so that's good here because I know a lot of people are trying to figure out how to approach this code F now I know there's some there's some beginner courses you can take I teach you the basics of Python and stuff like that but the thing is that they don't get into like object-oriented programming and stuff like that yeah and that's I've gone through a few definite things and that's kind of what I felt like was missing like I I'm learning a little bit of Python but I'm like I don't really know how to use it yeah I wanted to know how to use it so yeah we just jump into Python like I had made a post on link on LinkedIn talking about the same thing because when I started I took David bamboos course and now I could send commands to the switches and routers and I felt I was okay until I went for the Google interview the tutorial from actually python.org because they have a really good story they had to read like the people who develop Python what they were thinking how how do you want it people to actually use this language so I start there reading everything that they have there and the language references and stuff like that to really understand what the vast use for Python so after that I came back to network automation and it's making a lot of sense now so now I know when to put something as a function and I call it whenever I want it all when to introduce classes into into my programmer stuff like that but before then but it was just the one way I just come in and it's not me go all the way that's interesting that's cool so you would encourage people to kind of you definitely study that we're kind of nation but step outside the box room a bit so you can really know how it works so you can know when to use which tool yes once you switch to land 1c and how to organize your program how to their pocket is this there's a lot of things that Python does that people don't know but because we are so focused on Network automation we miss the other part you can actually become a Python developer and and make a lot of money just don't Python now question though all right I wanted to touch on this I could tell you you're doing the Python data camp things you're looking at the data science stuff and you're getting really deep into Python do you see yourself becoming more of a developer yes I touch and doctors the way I am I'm kind of person that when I like when I go into court Academy I look at out of course it's there and I want to know it all they're like which one you would like yes but we don't have that much time and and if you keep doing that you're not going to really master one thing mm-hmm Oh sometimes I think sometimes within this year I I run a course on PHP on code kata me I learned JavaScript and HTML and CSS I just see yeah you learned all the front-end stuff I just took our time and just finished it on kolkata me but I understood that programming languages are just the tool because JavaScript and Python they're and they're basically doing the same thing the same if they'll statement the same function the same classes it's just the tool it depends on what you're trying to achieve so I thought about it what I'm trying to achieve is being a network engineer or maybe becoming a DevOps engineer so python better serves my purpose than learning all these other technologies I saw you do that I saw you kind of take a break and like a look at job and all that I was curious what you were doing yes that's that's what I did so like when you go to PHP for example you have an array an associative array and in python is called at least and dictionary so it's just people to explain things and having different languages so I stopped hopping around brilliant okay so so you took the time to go like figure out what else is out there but you figured out real quick what you needed to focus on which takes a tremendous amount of wisdom so that's that's huge on you yeah and that's good for us to hear like cuz I know people are tempted to go and learn something else outside of Python but I mean Cisco they've doubled down on Python I think that's their language and it's very much the language of our our whole industry right now and when you look at all the computer science college courses everybody's switched to using Python nobody's using Java to teach basic program in a school no more everybody uses Python MIT like they have three courses on YouTube dois shared one the other time and I finished it I of course you did okay awesome so what I would like to do after this video is that I want you to give me a course or a list of courses you've taken and what you recommend I want to be able to post those in the description so what would that from you afterwards so now I want to I want to figure out how you do the whole eight the whole in college eight class mentality likes I know at one time I saw you studying Linux on Linux Academy you were studying AWS and Python how did you block out times to study each of those yes so what I do is I make a schedule for each I allocate time for each subject every day so say I wanna do eight hours today if I decide Linux for two hours when I wake up I just play with Linux and then I get into Python and when it's mid-afternoon I can do a little bit of a WX when he gets to networking damn you some relaxing because last that's hilarious you're such a nice dude you're I get happy when I'm when I'm pulling out routers and switches on event G and putting them together and putting out configurations and then I learned something type in the config zone no pad before pasting and on the router that's cool man I love that it makes good it's excellent that's excellent yeah cuz we become so dependent on tab and question mark that's an excellent excellent excellent idea I like that so anywhere I am I can really remember the commands because I know what he looks like before I even paste it under under device Wow yeah that's good but I mean that your hustle is so impressive oh really the notepad thing yeah that's Erika Erika Thomas Bradley or Cooper Cooper that's right what's her twitter handle shame on you come on I'll listen here don't worry I'll listen here [Laughter] so um last question and other one ended off because I don't wanna keep you too long for someone going for their CCNA right now or even working on their ccmp would you recommend they kind of do what you've done and divide up their time focus on networking focus on Python focus on Linux or would you say just devote all the time to one thing yes right now with the example you print that we have a CCNA for the new one I would say you can't really focus on networking right now because it's a little bit of everything mm-hmm so but it's for if it's for the old one I would say just finish this you CNA get networking knowledge because it's just the foundation of everything we do you gotta get the layer one straight you gotta get your layer two layer three before anything comes through amen amen so how do you how do you feel about the new CCNA because I'm a little said that so many things are taken out and I'm sad the CCENT is gonna be gone too what do you think about it I actually like the view it sounds that they put out lately okay I love everything that it especially did it took outreach for me it was they ripped it out I don't like it because I've never used it anywhere I've never seen anybody talk about it not question any company asked me for rib knowledge but I had to lap it up to pass the exam but I'm glad they finally took it out I hate it when like any of any video course to watch if they say oh you got to learn this but you're never gonna use in the real world you wouldn't literally just turn off from it I'm like what the what the why am i learning this accept me I picked up the CC or learning networking probably that's been like six years ago and rip has always been a thing and like I've never used it in any network ever and I've never even met someone who's where anybody deployed I said I heard what's his name um this county the show IP interface brief oh yeah yeah Tony Tony Tony Tony yeah yeah so one day that he came across roots in some network no do that is hilarious oh my gosh yeah oh man so I want to know what's uh what's the future for mr. Sisco panther here so you're learning Python it's your goal to work for Google and Facebook is your goal to come back on the interview and go watch this suckers I know Python now I'm ready for this is that your goal good personal I just want to be the best engineer that I can be and I wanna learn as much as I can and I just want to be current I don't want to be the type of engineer that I just know the CLI and that's it for me I want to keep up with the technology and keep learning and and keep improving myself um if you stay like that once the opportunity to come you're gonna be able to grab it oh yeah yeah I can't tell you I mean for me personally I've missed opportunities because I wasn't quite ready yet III didn't do what you did I just relaxed a bit I didn't study like I should have I got lazy and I missed opportunities because I'll just I was too comfortable that's all it was nothing that I do is I heard a machete the other day in interview slot then I do it too I pick a lot of things that's good but it's good because you never know when you're gonna need one and and it just makes you a better interviewer and yeah quickly that's that's what gets you the job is how well you can speak to someone about what you mean displayed on that passion - it's such a valuable skill I came back to my wife my interview game is still intact so you've never taken any of the jobs you just just go and interview and they tell you how much they love you and you're like yeah never mind I can't have this that's that's hilarious dude that's amazing oh my gosh so I wouldn't ask this one last question I don't keep saying that so in your current job are they really heavy on network automation or are you kind of the one who's trying to bring it into the the main scene there yeah before I even came in they were already implementing some stuff and they have your network automation like the lead architect he's a really really smart guy he like pretty much automated everything even before in it like the iOS upgrade you don't have to go on the router switch this is already like a web application that you can use to do iOS upgrade or stuff like there is it all homebrew or is it something that like you purchase like DNA Center or something or SolarWinds no is just local like it's like a Prudential stuff oh wow so he they built their own applications it's out so you just log in and you pull out the routers and switches that you want to upgrade and you push the command there so that they did they program the front end or do they have like some software developers day they have the I didn't know how they did it but I know we have the front end and the back end is running everything is just synchronized so they're heavy on automation and right now we're working on automate in the IP address and flower network so that's not a project that we're working on trying to automate the process of IP address so what I'm doing personally is that I'm trying to find a way to create a template for the changes that we do every night it's awesome so much times we get a lot of VLAN creation put an interface in a VLAN and stuff like that so because it happens every night I want to find a way to really automate that process so I'm still talking with my managers to see how we can put that together and I'm also working on something I can present to them so I'm I tend to use ginger and Python to UM walk out the template they is what you just described very perfect ServiceNow ah yeah yeah so like you can have let's take it created automatically closed if there's issues all that kind of stuff yeah that's that's cool stuff mmm what I love like what you described there is that uh you're still doing network engineering stuff day in day out but you're trying to figure out how to make your job easier by using Python you're not being replaced there's not some bot that's gonna replace you you're talking your job easier it's just making your job easy if if you don't know networking you're not gonna be able to automate anything that's awesome I love it if you don't know Python just go ahead and become a developer awesome I like that a lot and what I tell people is that um yeah you can go and become a developer but I think you're gonna end up making more money knowing networking and knowing Python yeah it's a more rare skill set it just is yeah it's really basically a unicorn exactly the term we all love right well um earnest thank you so much for coming on the channel your story is insane I love your hustle and you're at the forefront of what we're all supposed to be doing if everyone could just mimic you and follow your habits we'll all be like amazing engineers so thank you for encouraging all of us especially me thank you yeah and thank you to you too and the one thank you to do wanna thank you to you like all the videos you guys posted about how to get into this how much you could make and how you could change your life doing this things I mean not so getting around with it yeah you did and you like way past me up I know you passed it on up you passed all of us and you're just like way out there we're just back you're huffing puffing trying to catch up you're killing us man but it's amazing I I know many people are gonna just pass me up and follow in your steps it's gonna be awesome but yeah yeah I think you really I think this talk has probably helped a lot of people kind of with their fears and of what to study what to look at next I think that's the summation of it all is that keep looking at networking get those basics down yeah man start looking at the new stuff and it's it's just gonna be fun like it's just taking Python and making your network better and that's that's just gonna be fun and the good thing about studying every day is that when you get an interview you don't have to start preparing for the interview yeah yeah you literally just walk in because you you do this every day no I know I keep saying last question but this is for me to also this is refer me selfishly asking for myself the often do you go back and study old topics like I just bought a course off udemy from Cowell but how do you ever use any post-punk ow no yeah this guy he's a very good trainer he does he's he got like eight CCI easy that's it so I just what he see see any course because he just pulled it out and I know a very good trainer so I bought his 16 according to some put out and I look at it like maybe if I have 20 minutes here and there just look at old stuff that's brilliant I love that that is so killer so you're telling me that you as a CCNP studying for your CCIE go back and watch CCNA stuff to get those basics refreshed yeah this way you go on the job you get a lot of those CCNA basic stuff that you gotta know and if you're not keeping up with it somebody might just throw a quiz they're not the job and you're looking at the person you don't know what to say oh yeah that happens to me constantly I mean look it's me I've got all kinds of cobwebs concepts in my brain I couldn't tell you nothing I got a good wake that up so that's encouraging for me too I mean you just encouraged me to go look back at some CCNA ask me something about the OSI model nothing right just uh that's so you had trouble saying inner age no I had no oh yeah cuz you do it everyday yeah about to say likes it sometimes I mean I'd have to go please do not throw a sausage pizza away I've got this I've got this well do I want to keep you out I wanna keep you from your family or I guess study time so thank you so much for taking the time and guys if you want to follow Ernest its Cisco underscore Panther I'll put some stuff up here do you have any other places we can find you oh cool man alright yeah he's always posting about his journey it's super encouraging motivating for me I've been following him since he's been just be smoting it and it's it's been a super impressive so keep it up man yeah Thank You Man absolutely talk to you later [Music] [Music]
Channel: NetworkChuck
Views: 164,181
Rating: 4.9612007 out of 5
Keywords: CCNA, CCNP, Cisco Certifications, CCNA Training, CCNP Training, CCENT, CCENT Training, ICND1, INE, CBT Nuggets, INE Training, CBT Training, CCNA Study, CCENT Study, CCNP Study, CCNA Collaboration, CCNP Collaboration, Cisco Training, CCNA Study Guide, how to study for CCNA, MCSA, MCSE, VCP, cisco ccna, comptia A+, comptia security+, comptia network+, python, linux, linux+ xk0-004, linux+, linux+ exam, python for network engineers, az 900, azure, microsoft azure, aws, comptia a+, ccie
Id: TB87gilqs8Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 2sec (3062 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 26 2019
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