i put a DARK WEB website on a Raspberry Pi!!

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so i'm taking this cute little raspberry pie you want to try it in this video i'm walking you through every step yes it's up how cool is that all you'll need is this little 35 micro computer a raspberry pi or really any computer in your house and we're going to host a dark web website and seriously it's super easy it takes about five minutes and it's awesome also what is the dark web and why are we doing this we'll cover that too so yeah get your coffee ready this is gonna be crazy oh and by the way have you hacked the youtube algorithm today if you haven't man hit that like button subscribe notification bell comment let's hack youtube today ethically of course okay the dark web sounds pretty scary right you know it actually isn't i mean sure there are some bad things on there bad people selling bad things but it's not all bad in fact the dark web was created for you to keep you safe to keep me safe it protects your identity even though most the time you can steal someone's identity on the dark web we'll talk about that later but seriously here's how it works so right now on the regular internet when you go to a website you're being tracked for example me when i navigate to let's say google.com google knows who i am they know where i am they can see my ip address like you want to see let's try it and many of you already know this if i go to google.com and i type in what's my ip address google knows and i can also see google's ip address we see each other i know where he is he knows where i am basically no anonymity we're we're not anonymous and by the way it's not just me and google who know each other every router and hop in between knows who i am and what website i'm accessing but the dark web is different when i navigate to a dark web website who i am and how i got there it's hidden no one can see it poof untraceable well almost nothing is foolproof but this comes pretty stinking close the website i'm accessing knows nothing about me also i don't know anything about the website i'm accessing like nothing i don't know the ip address i don't know where it is the only thing i do know is the web address the domain name and that's it but how does this voodoo happen it's magic it is everything with it and computers is magic but seriously we use an onion legit it's called tor or the onion router tor is an open source software that's designed for anonymity it lives on top of the internet as an overlay network and it's basically thousands of these things called onion routers or onion relays i think there's actually over 7000 right now across the world now to access the dark web or this tor onion network you'll need a tor browser there are a ton of them nowadays i'll show you my favorite here in a moment but you get this tor browser and that gives you access to the onion network or the dark web and when i attempt to navigate to my dark web website this is what happens this is the magic behind how you are anonymous tor will randomly select three onion relays or three onion routers across the globe it's random this is called an onion circuit and it's designed to keep you hidden each hop each relay will encrypt your traffic and hide who you are making it pretty darn impossible to track you and the dark web website it does the same kind of thing so you're actually meeting in the middle of the dark web somewhere in the middle of the tour network no one knows where the website is or what its ip address is and no one knows where you are what your ip address is hidden now this is super high level but don't you worry you better believe we're going deeper we're going to get crazy nerdy into the deep dark web secrets but first how do you even get on the dark web let's go and check that out let's launch a dark web web browser and try to go to a dark web website so my favorite dark web web browser is the brave browser now it's a regular web browser but it has a function to get you on the tor network and yeah when you launch it it is a regular web browser but if you go to the top right up here we'll click those three lines and we'll click on new private window with tor click on that and that's it i mean you're you're on the dark web right now so let's go to a dark web website now there are legit like regular websites on the dark web for example facebook is on the dark web let's try it out facebook core www i dot onion and go now notice one thing actually two things first it's freaking slow you're going between a bunch of onion routers that could be spread across the globe like look right now i don't speak that i have no idea what that is can you tell me what that is that's how you know you're anonymous when facebook thinks you speak a different language so tor can be slow and also notice that we use the dot onion at the end of the address that's how you can differentiate a dark web address every one of them are going to end in dot onion instead of dot com or dot tech or dot coffee network chuck coffee now they don't all look very uh friendly like facebook core wwi.onion no no they normally look like this for example duckduckgo a popular search engine that's known for privacy is this right here 3g2up just a randomly generated string and that's what yours will look like too that's how most the dark web websites are for facebook to get this address it took some power i'll explain that here in a moment now browsing the dark web is pretty straightforward kind of i mean you have to know where things are speaking of which i'm not going to show you where the bad stuff is because yeah there is bad stuff out there for example your information is probably somewhere on the dark web social security info passwords emails bad people with bad intentions will use the magic that is the dark web to hide themselves which again i'll show you how the hiding works it's amazing just pure magic but they'll use that magic to hide their services to sell your stuff on dark web marketplaces i know for a fact that my stuff has been on dark web marketplaces my passwords have been sold so what do you do about that how can you prevent that you have to find a tool to keep you safe personally i use a product like dashlane dashlane is the sponsor of this video and it's kind of like your digital wallet or vault helping you keep track of your stuff and keeping your digital identity safe so let me ask you a question is your stuff on the dark web you may not know but it probably is there a tool like dashlane will actually tell you it'll have dark web monitoring and it'll routinely send you email saying hey we found your passwords there change them right now and by the way i get these alerts all the time and i do go change my passwords which is what you should do routinely even if you don't get that alert please just change your password like every 90 days which you're probably thinking chuck that's kind of hard how do you manage those passwords dashlane they have a pretty great password manager to help you change your passwords keep them in one location and it's secure it's also a place where you can throw your personal info in there so like credit cards addresses bank information and it will autofill on the websites you obviously want it to autofill in so it is convenient and it's also safe now dashlane also has a killer vpn now you know i've demonstrated like 50 times how important it is to have a vpn especially when you're surfing the internet on public wi-fi people gonna hack you so using a vpn like dashlane will keep your internet traffic hidden from prying eyes keep your safe from like man in the middle attacks and your internet providers seeing your stuff and you can also pretend to be somewhere else like germany or canada or england and watch cool shows that you couldn't normally watch here in the us or wherever else you are maybe vice president maybe you're in england you want to watch something in the u.s whatever it all works so anyways dark web monitoring password management vpn all in one dashlane is pretty killer and it's on whatever device you need to be on phone tablet computer pc mac linux so if you find this as helpful as i do you can try this for free on your first device so check it out link below dashlane.com forward slash network chuck again first device is free and if you decide to upgrade to premium and get 50 off with my code network chuck so yeah the dark web is scary but it's also really really cool let's talk about that we got you on the dark web but now how do we get your raspberry pi on the dark web your dark web website let's dive into how that works and then we'll walk through how to actually do it now i am going to walk through detailed steps of how to get your raspberry pi on the dark web but just an overview of course first you'll need a website and we'll get that set up we're going to be using nginx super quick and simple don't worry we'll also install tor the onion router and this is where the magic happens the first thing we'll see once you set up tour is you'll already have your address your onion address let's just use duckduckgo's for example it'll look something like this at the same time tor will also get you connected to the tor network or the dark web and here's here's what happens and it's so amazingly cool watch this oh and also real quick before i forget this is officially called tour hidden services or actually i think it's now called an onion service i don't know look it up so anyways back to magic so the tor service on your raspberry pi will need to advertise itself out to the dark web so people can get to it let me get my dark web back out here my giant cloud of onions the tour service on your raspberry pi will randomly select three onions or three relays to form connections with see one in france one in germany one in budapest these will be your website's introduction points now one thing to note your raspberry pi is not directly connecting to these relays no no it's forming an onion circuit which means just like when your web browser was trying to access the dark web website this will also choose random relays let's say this guy right here and this guy over here and make that connection and that goes for each one your website has three introduction points and they're all through an onion circuit making it pretty dang impossible for anyone to track where your website is from any introduction point once your service has these three introduction points and the chains the onion chains to them the service will take these and add it to its onion service descriptor it'll also add its public key and sign that sucker with its private key now we're almost done it'll then take that onion service descriptor and upload that to a distributed hash table it's essentially a table of dark web websites distributed to the onion network routers so when i decide to go to this dark web website first i have to know the onion address otherwise i'm out of luck and the dark web does not have great search engines in fact it's not indexed at all so i type that address in the hash table is searched to say hey where is this thing at and we're given the three introduction notes my tor browser will choose one at random let's say this guy right here and then i'll form my onion circuit to him selecting them at random and making my connection to the introduction node and then it gets even crazier like secret agent stuff so then my browser me over here i then pick another tor relay node another random router out in the tor network maybe this guy right here i'll ask him to be my rendezvous point this is the place where i'm going to meet this website where i'm going to access it i choose it randomly i make a tour circuit to it let's get my rendezvous tour circuit i'm running out of onion routers out here let's see we'll do this one this one and rendezvous so as of now where i want to meet this website is a secret no one else knows but me but now i need to let the dark web website i want to visit know about this secret place i'm going to do that through the introduction point which you know we already have a connection to oh oh oh and i almost forgot the rendezvous point also has a secret passphrase because what secret clubhouse would not have a secret passphrase it might be crackers or something like that i'm sure it's more secure then using the introduction point of the onion service the one i'm connected to i send the location of our rendezvous point and the secret phrase this is getting crazy messy [Laughter] and remember my dark web website also has an onion circuit to the introduction point it's a crazy secure isn't it holy crap so i send my rendezvous point information and my secret phrase over this onion circuit through the introduction point of course to the dark web website or my raspberry pi once he has those super secret details like our secret meeting spot he'll then make his own connection to the rendezvous point of course forming in another onion circuit and they're connected as long as he says the secret password knock knock what's the password crackers and then then he's in he's connected and now finally the rendezvous point will connect me to this website exchanging secure encrypted messages now this is crazy right like it's a jumbled mess and i kind of did that on purpose because i wanted to illustrate how insanely secure this was how in the world would anyone find and track your location using this like it's insane now just to simplify it real quick browser i attempt to navigate to this onion address the dark web website this by the way is the public key of my tour service here over on the raspberry pi the tor browser will use the tor network and look up this address on the distributed hash table it locates the onion service description or i'm sorry onion service descriptor it will use the public key to verify it is the correct onion service descriptor and it also receives the three introductory nodes it will pick one of these nodes at random to connect with it will form a tor circuit to connect to it and it will also go find a rendezvous point and give it a secret phrase again forming a torah circuit to that i'll then introduce myself to the dark web website hello how you doing here's our meeting place here's our secret passcode i'll see you there and then the dark web website will form another tour circuit to the rendezvous point give it the password and now we're finally talking now we can finally visit the website keeping in mind all these tour relays are completely randomly chosen they could be anywhere in the world this is crazy so now how do we do this how do we make our dark web website how do we do this right now let's do it and it takes again i'm telling you five minutes and all this magic happens okay real quick what do you need if you're going to use a raspberry pi well then you'll need a raspberry pi and you'll need all the essentials so the sd card the sd card usb adapter power cable all that stuff if you don't have a raspberry pi then get one they're like 35 bucks a bit more to get all the accessories but dude they're amazing now if you don't want to use a raspberry pi then any linux virtual machine linux computer linux server will do and again it doesn't matter if it's on the public internet behind a firewall in your home this will work and then of course coffee you need coffee network coffee now if you're not using a raspberry pi you can go ahead and skip ahead but if you do have one how do you set this up especially if you're starting from scratch brand new now i'm going to go pretty quick because i've done this a lot on my videos if you want a slower version that you can follow along with check it out right here anyways first prep your sd card so go and plug that sucker into your sd card reader your usb adapter and get that plugged into your computer i'll use my favorite raspberry pi imager raspbian i'll choose my operating system it's going to be raspbian which is the raspberry pi os 32-bit choose my sd card the one i just plugged in no not that one this one 31 gigs that was close and then i'll go ahead and write that sucker right now go now this will take a bit it's gonna download raspbian and then write it to your sd card perfect time for a coffee break and then do the basic getting started stuff connected to a network for a network wired or ethernet is fine i'll connect mine and then bonus set up a static ip if you want but it's not required and then if you want to access your raspberry pi remotely over ssh like i do go ahead and go to the start button right there and click on preferences and raspberry pi configuration we're going to click on over to interfaces click on ssh to enable it click enable and okay i'm gonna shut mine down real quick and move it out of the way okay i'm gonna plug this bad boy back in get it booted and i'll give it a moment coffee break and then i'll ssh into it so my raspberry pi he's ready let's ssh into him real quick i'm gonna launch uh just cmd in windows my command prompt and then i'll ssh into my raspberry pi by doing ssh pi at the ip address set and i'll see if it works yeah i do accept the signature and that password i also set here we go we are in the username will be pi for you by the way as well by default now first thing we got to do is update the repositories on our pi we'll do that with sudo which is saying please in linux sudo apt update this won't take very long but it's enough time for a quick coffee break done next let's install tor which is crazy easy check this out sudo apt install tor that's it man do it hit enter for yes and again coffee break celebration let's go this is so cool though we're installing tor tor is installed now we're going to do a few things to tour to make this thing work first we're going to open up our tour configuration file by using the command sudo please nano which is our text editor my favorite and the file is forward slash etc forward slash tor forward slash tor or tor rc and hit enter there it all is i'll don't scare you we're going to change just a few things here scroll down to where you see blah blah blah blah blah oh here we go this right here the hidden service directory and the hidden service port first thing we'll do is we'll uncomment those two lines of config so just remove the hashtag there with your backspace and we're not going to change anything there that's that's good actually now what is this doing well this first line of config right here is where your private key and your public key or your onion address is going to be stored this line i config is what you're going to expose to the tor network the dark web and expose might sound scary no it's fine as long as you don't expose anything weird although it is the dark web you might fit in i don't know let's do this so anyways here in nano i'll hit ctrl x to get out of there i'll hit y to say yep i want to save it and hit enter to save that file and then we'll restart our tour service by doing sudo service tor stop hit the up arrow and then do start now let's check it out make sure it's actually running we'll do a pseudo service tour status to see if he's good and if you're seeing something like active and it looks green and pretty then you're you're solid and i'm excited let's do this okay so what just happened now is you already have your onion address for your tour service like you're on the dark web you're connected you're in so let's take a look real quick let's do uh cat which if you don't know what that means check out my latest linux video right here cat it'll be var lib tour hidden underscore service forward slash host name oh we need some pseudo permissions here pseudo please kathys and there it is right there this is my onion address this is my dark web website and if you did just what i did you have one too isn't that awesome so i'm gonna grab mine and save that sucker for later and by the way you can go to that right now it's already set up anyways let's keep going now right now you do have port 80 or the website poor exposed to the dark web but you don't have anything to show you have no website so let's do that right now first we're going to install nginx i'm going to clear my screen here real quick and the command will be sudo apt install engine x right i get it right yeah cool we're good same old story hit enter for yes and good old long coffee break i'm not sure how long it's going to be it's pretty quick though and then we'll start nginx by doing sudo service nginx and start and then we'll take a look at the status real quick or up arrow change start to status and yeah active and running if you see this you're golden now right now your dark web website should be up let's check it out i will see if mine is working grab my onion address and launch my tor browser and let's see what happens when we go there crossed here we go yes it's up how cool is that now sure this is a default nginx page but this sucker's running on my raspberry pi a dark web website think about that and also i didn't forward any ports on my router i didn't do anything special at all with networking it's just working and seriously how easy was that like how cool yes anyways let's customize our our website let's at least make it look a little cool so here we go back in our raspberry pi terminal here we're going to mess with a few things first we're going to go to sudo please nano our text editor and we're going to mess with the nginx configuration we'll do etc nginx nginx dot co and f nope you gotta spell it right there we go we're gonna make just a couple changes here to make our website a bit safer first we're going to uncomment this guy right here and this guy right here server tokens off uncomment and server name and redirect uncomment and then just under server tokens off we're going to add one more line one more command or config it'll be port underscore in underscore redirect space off and then colon that's it ctrl x to get out of there yes yes say yes i want to save it and then enter and you're good we're going to do sudo service in genex i can never spell that right it drives me crazy restart now let's just check real quick and make sure it's still working i'll refresh my site here golden okay now we're going to customize our website so real quick we're going to change directories to the website location and linux most commonly so we'll do cd and then we'll do forward slash var and www there it is i'll do an ls to see what we're dealing with here okay html let's go to cd or jump into html that directory i'll do ls to list the contents once more and then there right there the index.nginx.wn.html that is uh what we're seeing right here if i were to cap that file there's all that config for that now we don't want that do we so i wanted something scary here i'm going to delete it so sudo remove that file it's gone and that was sudo rm by the way now let's create a new file so we'll do sudo nano index.html and here we can create our own website and i'll do something basic real quick okay just some simple html i'll do control x y enter i'm out of there and we'll restart nginx once more with sudo service nginx restart and let's see if our dark web website is updated let's refresh our page here yeah look at that not too fancy but i still did customize it right now i want you to visit my website i want you to use your tor browser and go look at it i am going to edit a few things make it look a bit better than what i have here now and maybe i'll even have like a coffee discount code in there if you want to get some coffee so yeah go check it out but seriously that's it i mean it was pretty quick and off this little bitty credit card size let me get him over here raspberry pi computer he's running a dark web website and anyone can get to it as long as they're going through the tour network and i'm secure like you can't find out where i am even though it's sitting on my home network and i can't find out who you are that's so cool so anyways let me know if you get this done i want to see your onion websites i want to see what you do so comment below your onion websites i'll see if they'll be allowed and i can go look at them and yeah that's pretty much it like that's the video i hope you liked it let me know what you think of the video in the comments and of course don't forget to hack that youtube algorithm hit that like button again comment subscribe notification bell let's hack youtube today ethically of course and yeah that's all i got i'll catch you guys next time you
Channel: NetworkChuck
Views: 795,810
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: raspberry pi, raspberry pi 4, raspberry pi 3, raspberry pi projects, pi, raspberry pi 4 projects, dark web, access the dark web, dark web website, how to make a dark web website, dark web raspberry pi, tor network, the onion router, top raspberry pi projects, how to access dark web, what is the dark web, dark net, how to access the dark web, access dark web, best raspberry pi projects, how to get on the dark web, dark web tutorial, what is dark web, dark web facts
Id: bllS9tkCkaM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 17sec (1397 seconds)
Published: Sat May 08 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.