how I became a Cloud Engineer! // AWS - Microsoft Azure

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[Music] [Applause] what's going on guys welcome back to a network chuck got someone here got a different setting for the live stream this is my brother Cameron say hello brother Cameron how you doing guys they're not gonna respond actually came in the chat yeah go ahead and say hi people yeah so I brought Cameron on today I you been watching my channel for a while you probably seen or heard of Cameron he got his A+ after I told him hey skip the whole College thing College is stupid so we did not go to college no degrees there's not a degree in this room right now you got your a plus then you got your CCNA get on the help desk became a network engineer felt a lot with wireless and you decided that you hated that and started working towards becoming a cloud engineer and uh how long you been a cloud engineer now it's been like a month or so I'm still haven't fully a cloud engineering it's technically my title but well then we got to change the title this dang video my title but I'm like a hybrid engineer at the moment still waiting for my Wireless replacement because of the whole Cove in nineteen sin teresting but you know for the sake of this video we're gonna call you a cloud engineer for the sake of the video and realistically I am still a cloud engineer but I also am still a network engineer as well so yeah okay so you do and what we'll touch on that because I think you never stop being a network engineer that's true because that all a lot of stuff is just up there so tell me what did you start with so when you decide you want to become a cloud engineer what did you do I kind of I noticed the team that we had at our company yeah I guess first like you had to decide like was there even a path for you and that's what I would tell people like um if you wanna become a cloud engineer you I figure out do you even have an Avenue a way to get to that point so yeah I kind of touch on that because you had it you had a Kawai I'm doing that yeah I just I was just sitting there one day and I thought you know what my company seems to be pretty focused on the cloud that seems pretty interesting I kind of wanted them more about it so I actually during our lunch time we have like a open cafe and go sit at and that's not one of the cloud engineers and he was pretty new just like I was at the time to the company so I went over and sat with him and then said hey what can I do to become a cloud engineer like what's the what's the path to do that and he just told me what certifications that should look for our company actually provided training for it so he told me to go reach out to the manager of the cloud team and he would actually provide training to do more for cloud so I went ahead and did that and that just kind of started the whole process took a little bit longer than I wanted it to but it all ended up working out well yeah I think it's important to note that while a lot of people think okay I need to start with my certifications I think the first thing you should start with and what kind of what you did is figuring out okay how can I even get into that cloud position because we all know that getting a certification doesn't always mean hey you get a job that isn't equal that so he made sure he had a path there wasn't actually a path and he had a made sure also what was required you made sure what they were looking for I spent a lot of time bugging all of them asking them if I wanted to be someone that's on your team what is something that one of the things that I need to know in order to get there and one of the first things I said that I just knew was like it's gonna take a while it's coding first thing as I said and then you start naming off several languages I was like okay hold on I'll just start Python so I've started with Python so they want you to know more than one language yeah and they look on the cloud team yeah they mentioned bash which I wish I guess you know it's kind of a cloak it but it's more of like currently cisco see alive for linux right it's it is but it's a lot more intense intense yeah yeah bash scripting wait at least that's what the cache scripting they wanted you to learn Python it's it even learning Ruby could help and just knowing like JSON x and x ml knowing all that kind of stuffs pretty important even if you're just working with Python even just working with like api's and stuff you should probably know the basic format of JSON so when you're using Python look how stuff to organize things you get from REST API is but so let's let's go back to when you decided to go a sure or AWS because that's that's the two big cloud players I get the question all the time you know I'm team Azure I love as you have an azure course below but what how did you make that decision the company I was at was very hardcore AWS and I could have definitely saw that it was way harder to try and get an AWS job or any type of cloud job out of the company I was already in so I thought it'd be a lot easier for me to just settle in for on the company that I'm at and go the cloud provider they have and that's why I decided to do is just go for the AWS certs which is smart and that's what I tell people I'm like okay they're like what should I do as your AWS I can't tell you the definitive answer you just have to go look at the available jobs or even better the company you're at what do they use that's gonna be your best bet because it's it's not impossible to find a cloud job just getting a cloud certification but it's it's hard unless you go the easier route and figure out okay what's my company using and that's what Cameron did here so you chose AWS and what was your first AWS certification did you go for the the practitioner no that was one thing I had spoken to with the cloud of janilla I was kind of like using as like a mentor type thing I was asking them all the questions what I should do and I asked him if it was even worth my time because I started doing a little bit of the course for the certified practitioner for AWS and I was like this this seems too easy so I went and asked him he goes yeah I skipped that one you could just for honestly you have a good amount of experience just kind of with IT in general you could skip to the Solutions Architect so that's what I decided to do it was a little more difficult but I think it was worth my time to just study a little bit harder and get it all at once rather than doing the practitioner than going to the architect associate and I get that question a lot because AWS and as you're both have their beginner level starts it's the practitioner for AWS and then it's the gosh I created it is AZ 900 as what it's called what's the actual nomenclature I don't know it's the 900 that's their beginning so you would say that for someone who maybe doesn't have any IT experience or maybe just like maybe a year of helpdesk and they're still just getting started would you say they should probably go for the beginner level search for cloud or should they just jump right to I mean is it like every situation or what situation should you do that for I think that if you're just wanting to start into the cloud maybe you don't know if you really want to do it or not maybe you're still kind of on the fence of whether it's something that you think you'd want to do I would recommend going through it that would do the course at least if you're really having the contemplation but you may not necessarily have to go for the actual assert itself because you may figure out that it might be a little too easy but what are people that I've seen who have gotten the cloud practitioner on a practical level have been people who are maybe management like they want everyone in our company to almost mmm tactician or cert - basically just to be a cloud literate to basically understand the if you're in a meeting talking about concepts they want you to know what is ec2 what is s3 what savvy PC they want you be able to understand those types of concepts but not necessarily have to work with it on a day to day basis okay and then that's a good point because I think maybe you don't want to go the cloud route that could be the thing but if you're on the helpdesk you're on the network team I think it's gonna help you out a lot if you just know a little bit about the cloud because more often than its it's probably gonna be the case that your company's going to start looking at cloud especially now so knowing just a little bit about it that's gonna serve you well so you chose to go directly to the AWS certified Solutions Architect associate they have the I hate it so much it sounds cool no it does not it just sounds like a lot of stuff so you went that route and in the exam we kind of talked about that when you passed it but it was it was a difficult exam it was difficult a lot of reading very very very long wordy questions so you have to take your time right all the way through it it's one of those exams where they can give you four right answers but only one is the most efficient and cost the least a lot like gotcha questions I guess yeah yeah it's a lot of you have to know your stuff you have to know what is what is the cheapest what is the thing that a real architect would choose and not just something that someone googled real quick and figured out oh I could mash all this together and it costs like a thousand dollars a week they want you to have the most efficient thing possible hmm and that's that's killer because that's one of the huge benefits of the cloud and also can be one of the biggest detriment to the cloud is that you can save money but also if you don't have the right infrastructure you're moving to the cloud it can cost you a ton of money so it's never like a clouds good for everyone situation I had a quest I was gonna ask you okay so you went the AWS this the architect a Solutions Architect associate route that didn't guarantee you a job no from the get-go and I think what's what's surprising is that uh with with networking right if you get your CCNA and a lot of cases you know enough to get start on the network team and even if further if you go CC and P you'll be even better do you start on the network team but I think the clouds a bit different the certification itself doesn't exactly give you all the skills to become a cloud tech would you agree with that I got a percent because that's that's how I thought about it because because of my experience with this yeah which is what we I love the CCNA because like it's all-inclusive this is not the case right I got my CCNA and went almost straight into a networking job and thought man this is great I've been whenever the cloud came up I was like let's do it again so I got it then I was kind of like alright let's wait for the doors to open and then nothing happened I even went for a position at the company I didn't get getting get it the first time and that was because of the lack of certain things that in half which is coding Linux Windows systems administration which is so funny you wouldn't think that you'd have to get that skill right right it's but it's all that kind of stuff goes hand in hand because you at some point have to deal with it you're just dealing with most of that stuff all those services that are usually bundled all on Prem as being just used to the cloud so just being an architect and you think you're only gonna touch AWS services you're wrong you're gonna be touching a lot of coding a lot of server lists a lot of and we'll get into how your experience has been when you first started I guess technically on the cloud team and by the way guys we'll be doing a kind of a Q&A after the whole we do our spiel here so hang around get your questions ready and we'll answer whatever you ask where others clobberella related or not so you you got your AWS whatever certification and you got rejected basically by your by your team and I remember you just didn't kind of cool you basically told your manager and the manager of the team okay what do I need to do to do this and and what and what do they do for you so so I spoke about my actual manager once but really the big thing of it was keeping the accountability with the manager of the other team and showing them that I was still even if I look like I'm still not as shiny as other candidates that if they're showing that I'm learning and improving that maybe I look a little better whenever another position comes around okay we accept that scoop because I mean they could I'm sure they get resumes all the time with people who have been using AWS for ten years or whatever right so why should they choose you who've just a very fresh very green no coding skills very limited Linux skills so you had to kind of make yourself different I remember you mentioning that they kind of gave you a plan right like a plan you had to meet like kind of a few steps and if you met those steps then you they would green light you wouldn't the case it was so I had like that I think you're mentioning like the transition plan that I had but oh maybe but I did try my best to get from them a roadmap of like things that I could actually check off and kind of get slightly proficient at mm-hmm get the building blocks get the foundation bill for those things so that I can improve on them later okay but that still took some time yeah so I think that the point I want to hit home the hardest right now and it's it's been true for me it's been true for Cameron is that when you get that cloud certification it doesn't guarantee you a job and it doesn't guarantee anyone that you know how to do the job of a cloud tech like you you can you can log in and you can definitely spin up some stuff virtual machines you can mess a doc or you can do things but you can't really administer a huge infrastructure because a lot of it's more DevOps II Merrick yeah that's that's something that was very surprising to me whenever I first started like that they threw a couple little projects at me they were like we want to see if you could do maybe something like this for your team like put a book in application in the cloud and I did that a couple of times uh-huh and the first in the hit me was alright I'm ready to stand up this instance let's do it they go but wait hold on where's your cloud formation template I was like even when we create a cloud formation template which if you don't know what that is it's it's like a my is just a template for creating things in AWS right so if yeah it's like it's like a recipe that you just kind of throw at it yeah you have to get a whole document and then you have to basically detail everything in JSON instead of going in and clicking all the buttons and installing you have to give them basically just a long JSON formatted thing of text give it to them and that deploys what you need so that was interesting because I had to go through all that and then one more thing about it is a lot of every cloud team's gonna have something different everyone is so DevOps e they're all gonna have all these custom tools so you have to learn how to use all their custom tools oh and I think that's what people they it's what they first love about networking is that while networking is complicating that does take a lot of skill to learn it we all pretty much use for the most part some of the same tools right I mean everyone uses putty and if you don't use putty you graduates a secure CRT and we all know the CLI but man when you get to you and then the SolarWinds and prime infrastructure life there's only a few options but you get to DevOps there's like a million on one tools Jenkins and puppet and like all these different that you can do it in a million different ways I think that that stresses me out yeah it's I he's starting to sweat as I'm saying all those words I can see his eyes twitch so I guess for that I want it I want to help our people watching so for someone who wants to go into the cloud definitely get your certification would you agree with that yes of course and then once you had that certification what would you recommend they do first after that I would think because I mean you can go and learn chef's you can go and learn Jenkins but I think the biggest thing you could do is try just to learn the basics of let's say windows administration Linux and Python you learn those throw those three things and I think that's you could that could take you a long long way if you just get a good foundation in all of those Linux super important Linux is used very heavily in cloud environments more than more than more than I would say windows's and having I've been telling you guys you joke about me telling you learn everything but this is where we're at yeah Linux Python cloud learned it all a networking system administer so it's crazy because it seems like IT has gone through phases where it used to be that you have kind of had to be the jack-of-all-trades and then it became more popular to become more siloed and learn one skill really well but now with the cloud kind of converging everything you have to be a jack-of-all-trades again yeah you do to administer that and that's something that's very heavily focused on the team that I'm on is that they want everybody to be interchangeable they want everybody if you learn something new they want you to document it they want you to share with everybody they don't want any type of siloing because the networking you have you usually have people that are firewall wireless dedicated network but on the cloud team that I'm on and I would assume that's most teams they would everybody be interchangeable and not be a specialist you might be better at some things but if you're that good at it they want you to share your knowledge man and that's that's intense which part of me is like that sounds especially if you're new and you're like you're just getting your hands and your grasp on what the cloud is that sounds super scary and intimidating and you may not even understand the scope of what you're even talking about it's like that's that's that you're talking a lot of stuff yeah it's also exciting because your job will never be boring no ever you will have the most exciting job and I want to touch on that real quick I know you're still new but you were doing that working for a while and now you're into this what's the main difference between doing networking and doing cloud stuff or is there much of a difference was your day-to-day changed and do you like it I do like it I feel like knowing that everything is up in the cloud is almost relieving because you know that if you typed in one wrong command on a networked device and you didn't have something some backup set up you would just completely lose connectivity device and have to go to it physically yeah and depending on where that sucker is yeah so knowing that alone puts it puts me a little bit at ease every day knowing that everything that I could possibly touch isn't gonna go anywhere that's true like that's in the cloud has so much Dee our built-ins so much redundancy it is that is reassuring and you're not again you're not living off your own infrastructure you're on power all those variables are gone Microsoft or Amazon handles that and even if I screw something up too bad they're on the back end to help yeah that's true that's true yeah so like I assume you guys have like a big support contract yeah three AWS and I had a question I guess you can go answer it someone asks do you recommend learning multi-cloud situations and you're hitting that now because we we used to argue back and forth as your AWS as your like we would get around but now it's you're hitting both mm-hmm we actually have more than two actually at the moment not one that we are actually aren't gonna manage but it's still another big cloud provider oh yeah our company is leveraging Azure and AWS so it is definitely good to learn if you can learn all of it why not you can be interchangeable maybe somebody wants to pay you more to do Google then they want then they want to pay to dude AWS or Azure so it's good to learn all of it yeah and have you have you started doing a lot of ash or just yet aw well I I'm more the Azure can but I have dabbled in the AWS stuff and I can see that a lot of the terms are the same or not the same they have different names but they do the same things so the concepts the theory are all it's kind of like going from Cisco to juniper there's standards and they have really haven't gone away from that and also it's really not a huge learning curve for more from what I've seen so you should be okay so I'm excited to see you learn as your cuz as yours fun III I prefer Azure I've dealt and that just might because it's my first love it's my first love but we'll see how that goes so what's your strategy for learning as you're gonna go for the certification and go from there we'll see I probably will just just to have it on the resume I'll probably end up going for this I'll probably skip what Bose 8900 probably go for the 103 which I think it's expiring yeah so far this time I go for I'll be going for the new version so shameless plug a Z 103 was the course I worked on with Knox Hutchinson and CBT Nuggets we recently updated that sucker it's now fully AZ 104 I'm still on there talking about stuff and Knox updated some courses or some things on there so it's fully ready to go link below and also Bart on another CBT nugget trainer recently released the new Azure Hatcher AWS solutions 35 Solutions Architect associate Thank You Cameron we have that training uh so check that out below so one thing I wanted to mention about the multi cloud thing is that the recent multi cloud is so hot right now it's hot right now is that you can have your docker containers the the beauty of docker containers is are so stinking portable and you can have your infrastructure living in both clouds talking to each other and existing easily you can easily shift your infrastructure from AWS to Azure without even thinking about it and that's that's a beautiful thing powerful it's awesome because you're not I can't tell you how frustrating it was at times for me where we would have infrastructure and data center and then our data center would lose internet connection or our building will lose and it whatever we'd have our we thought we had redundancy but we really didn't and we had to find a solution like really fast and that was so stressful but like with the cloud it has that stuff built in right and if one cloud sucks there's options you go anywhere else may just have that's all they told us how you want to do it they have so many different regions that you can have everything in there although I will say this though and I didn't tell you this before I built some labs in Azure and I had templates are weak we call them arm templates in Azure and I had these templates built out that people could deploy their lab and have fun with it my templates broke because the coronavirus has your is actually limiting to what images they can use in the cloud Wow so they're limiting what regions you can use for the flu it's only the free tiers on the free tier but they're limiting what uh what size virtual machines you can use and what regions so it completely broke my labs I had to go and fix it by they're fixed now they're fixed but that was super frustrating I'm like why isn't this working and I had to like Google what it was but so limitless yes but I mean there is was a limit but they're always constantly expanding that limit yeah which is pretty crazy so where do you um I'm even so how let's tackle this how have you learned Linux and Python what would have been your resources Python I use I'm still using code Academy Pro and how far are you now I'm at 56 it's it's tough in it those projects are ridiculous that is no plug I actually pay for it yeah yeah I think so yeah I pay for it yeah and it's it's amazing yeah for sure it's definitely really good my company actually provides a cloud grew I used them for my yeah you said I use them for my solutions architect associate and then one of the recommended trainings that I was told to use was the was a Red Hat certified associate certification it's it's red hats like like Amazon it's like RHEL abcdefg like a or H or H CSA oh yeah that's what is I'm thinking the editions of our yeah yeah it's like RHCs a triple a for three I don't know what it is but that's what I'm thinking about going forward to after Linux Plus which I keep saying I'm gonna do but he goes for it yeah sure what why not leaks plus you should go for that I mean I might I just a may not be worth my time to actually go for the full certification it may just be worth my time to get more real-life experience with Linux than to actually go for a certification for it I guess that's true because you've already got the job right like you're not you're not trying to prove yourself you don't even the certification you see the skills but again CompTIA is one of the only few that I think as of tomorrow will have online testing AWS about to do - oh yes true and then as you're already has it's less today cloud sucker I love it but yeah I wish I could have taken mine at home I hate going to testing centers yeah you guys have heard me say this that was the single best experience I've ever had with testing in my entire life we're doing it for my office and my house and the best exam I've ever had so fun sounds way more fun than your at your AWS exam there was no a tricky theory oh look we got an AWS employee here Thank You cajoling technologies for the super chat he said great stuff well thank you for stopping by I'm sure you got stories let's see if we have any super chats that we missed just a lot of chats we missed so you guys though we're gonna go and do some question and answer unless we think of something else to say and right now is the time to ask questions so here's one did he say code Academy plus or code Academy Pro code Academy Pro or code Academy yeah so it's it's tricky it's not code Academy it's code Academy that's I thought that made a mistake and I just kind of went with it yeah it's it's not it's like someone spelled it wrong I just decided to go with it yeah oh there you go microphone okay I will do that and you go closer Oh me go closer I think I'm louder than you are thanks Bill for letting me know so let's go back let's go back and find some questions here let me know if you see any of that I'm just kind of which Linux platform oh so uh that's a good question so which Linux distribution should you learn for cloud stuff I think Red Hat for sure I think I think you bought from what I've seen Ubuntu and they're gonna beat you over the head it's Ubuntu but I think Red Hat is definitely the dominating force from what I've seen because it's Linux with support and then yeah and then I think even I think even Amazon has their own machine images dedicated that are built on to Red Hat as well but I could be wrong about that but I'm pretty sure they had they're built on the same platform but yeah I think Red Hat if you're going for more of an enterprise level job definitely they're in Red Hat yeah that's that's what I've seen too I think even with a lot of the infor like Linux plus a lot of the the books you'll find that get you learn it they say studies sent OS which is just free Red Hat because they have to make it free because Linux is open source which is cool when you go Red Hat it's just the it's not free it's the enterprise they give you support contracts and everything with it but yeah Red Hat's everywhere especially with Cisco stuff like Cisco collaboration all the leave all the firepower stuff all the all the cloud stuff that are virtual machine-based all underlying built on all red Hanks all Red Hat some people saying that Linux is crucial photo security cloud I mean yeah there's a lot and a lot of money in cloud security like if you were to go for the AWS security specialty yeah you'll you'll be set for a while yeah so that's the other like this I'm trying to wrap my head around this because it's such a big world cuz I know you were expressing interest in going for the advanced networking specialty for AWS but now I I have a feeling you're probably gonna put that on hold for a bit because there's so much you gotta fill in between so many cracks that you're missing right so do you do you plan on going down any other certification paths and AWS or are you gonna just try and build up your coding and linux skills i'm gonna kind of see where that the need for it is on the team that I'm on and all adapt to what I'm gonna go for for what they need so mortises so if they're needing something more heavily in the developer side I might go for a developer track the dev ops tracker may go for something one of their specialties their cost of releasing new specialties if someone's watching this later they're probably having five new specialty they probably Rev the exam like four more times yeah and another reason why I'm definitely advanced networking specialties I think it still needs an update because they've added a whole big new change to AWS and every with their transit gateway and my company actually uses that so that's something that I need to learn more heavy than just a lot of their regular networking concepts so if they were to update their test to include more of that I'd probably go for it more heavily but I'm gonna wait for probably the next iteration of the advanced networking specialty before I go for it which I imagine they'll probably be reppin that soon yeah we're still pretty new I don't have deployed it might come just happens to be on like the bleeding edge typically mob technologies so they wanted to get on it really quickly so yeah and that's that's what's crazy is like even when I was going through and teaching my Azure course I think three or four times during the course of me just teaching it they changed things like I like even just the look and feel of it they would change the icons and they would add a new service and a new service when debated and another service went to production like its they're constantly changing yeah so the learning curve just keeps getting steeper and steeper so yeah hope you get started yeah I get an email from AWS every week talked about all this they have a whole like hundred item page of stuff they just changed and I'm like that's impossible to keep up with but I know there's a lot of training websites that actually keep up with that and they like for me a club grew they have a thing called AWS this week you can watch it every week and then top of all the new stuff that comes out and they showcase the most important things maybe CBC now you should do something like that you know I think because if we can't let a Calgary we have have they're at a time of day we got some often awesome trainers I had another question here that I just could not find let's see cloud equals too much cost let's address that so like do you think that it costs too expensive because I your company I like all companies had a serious data center footprint but they've moved away from that and now it's like what what is it even there anymore I think that the cloud can cost more but I also think that the cloud it's an interesting thing to think about because there's a lot of customization with the cloud you can you can use things called start and stop tags on servers so you can start them up at 8:00 a.m. every day you haven't shut down on the weekend to shut down at night only have things up when you need them use lamb and that's and that's terrifying to most system admins because you never shut stuff down that's bad because then the reboot might uncover all these issues that you weren't expecting yeah so it's there's a lot of ways to cut cost and it really is just depends on how good you are at the cloud and there's one big thing but really ramping up on right now the AWS just released which is their their cost optimizer and they actually released a a I component that you can enable on all your servers and it'll use AI to measure all the the usage and your utilization it'll tell you if you're over optimized or not and then it'll recommend a cheaper instance Wow which you know that's kind of crazy cuz it's like they still want you to save money yeah because if they didn't do that they would obviously make more money exactly what the I guess they're yeah they're trying to attract you to their service well then you also got to think that it also it frees up space for them to use so if you're using too much they're just they're cutting those margins cuz like at this point they're just like a utility service yeah yeah they don't want to use too much stuff because they have to pay their bills right every time spin up something they get more electricity for overusing their stuff it's less maintenance for them and it's just better cost-cutting for them - overall yeah that's true interesting it's a crazy world and I I'm curious how the cost of having a footprint on Prem is gonna change and how it's gonna change in the cloud are they gonna raise their prices are they gonna lower them is gonna become more economical either way I don't know well I'll have to wait and see because I love people are still die hard I gotta have my footprint I gotta have my data center I gotta have my stuff and my stuff it's true but they are pretty good about their security all their PCI compliance and all the type of stuff you need to really trust them with the security even when I first started here with the cloud I was like no that's not safe you give them all your stuff yeah someone else's computer if I think that when you really look into it looking at security of it you can tell that's it's very safe it's very they worked very hard to make people trust them and if you can get a lot of security try ours that trust you did some right yeah I mean from what I understand and I've heard a few things a lot of government contracts are moving stuff to the cloud yeah they've got a government specific clouds in both Azure and AWS super secure super compliant so if the government is doing it I mean come on they're usually 20 years behind here's the one spying on you yeah so I mean at this point Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos just own the world but we already knew that it's just it's just coming to light now we had a question here Thank You Mauricio for the super chat hey Chuck I switched from cooking to IT last year interesting your videos were the one that helped me I'm taking the step how much time do you think it should take me to prep for the CCNA so we're kind of jumping from cloud to CCNA Cameron what do you think I had a very skewed study time for it because mine kind of overlapped because I thought I had enough time to get the cert before I had renewed this was before the most recent I was at the 300 series now yeah you're old now that you were getting it before the last something the one I wanted wanted 102 I think is what it was and right before I was about to take them they renewed so I was like I gotta start all over again so I'm going through some time where I just didn't even study then started studying but I I've seen people knock it out two or three months per test yeah yeah and do really well but they keep in mind now that that's all different yeah I guess so you know obviously before there was I mean it may not be obvious right there was the to test method I seen do you want icnd2 they did away with that see Santa's dead or rest in peace we loved you but you're gone now now it's one test CCNA no routing and switching none of that just CCNA yeah no no it's just CCNA not enterprise not nothing it's just the ccmp yeah ccmp it's the routing and switching is now called Enterprise vs CCNA is just one flavor that's all you get and it's one test and I did take it before the coronavirus closed all our testing centers it was and me and Jeremy talked about this on a live stream couple like it's been a month ago now it was it was a difficult test it wasn't as fun as the other ones we kind of talked on that it was Jeremy said he had a fight to stay awake during the test it was a 102 questions 102 question yes No laughs no scenarios Just Answer ANSWER Answer all multiple-choice it was it was I I hate it wait if you compare it to like a cloud test it sucked I hate it it sucked three steps back it was okay that's not your question though the question is how long does it take to prepare the CCNA definitely goes wider and not deeper now because they've cut out all routing protocols but OSPF nice yeah yeah before you had a JRPG yeah it was very heavily covered yeah yeah so now you only see that in the CCMP so yeah now it's it's very wide doesn't go as deep you still have to learn the basics very well subnetting you have to learn the basics of routing and switching and how you know packets go through a network but as far as like anything else it's very surface level so learning about wireless learning about security and then learning about automation CBT Nuggets we produced the entire course and myself Jeremy and Keith Barker it's a great course it's big we went through everything I think you could probably knock out the CCNA the new ones started from scratch and from what I understand you you were a cook so I would say probably six months of solid study to get your CCNA and only because it's it's one test now so like before the two test method was great because it was it was half the price for each exam and you weren't putting all your eggs in one basket now it's kind of like ah three hundred bucks for one exam and if I I'm not prepared that's that's stressful it's a lot of money but anyways um yeah it's a six months yeah six months is pretty you could definitely win six months and of course it all depends on how much time you have how much free time you have which you know hey good news we all have a lot of free time right now yeah depending right I mean we're a lot we're quarantined and everyone's been watching Tiger Kings so just don't do that and yeah just don't want you a second time don't want to all the new episode they're going to keep releasing as you watch that yeah get some better lighting joel mchale goodness gracious come on anyways it's a Mauricio hope to answer your question oh we have a guest coming up hmm um is that a different ratio no say Mauricio thank you again Mauricio for the super chat I have no working experience but I know subnetting and I have some knowledge of CLI it had done the Cisco Networking companion guide book in laps oh well that changes everything I don't know how much you know of CLI but then that might cut your study time in half because they're just the new CCNA is very very trivia so you have to know about the wireless controllers you have to know how wireless works you have to know about security you have to know about automation just go through it so I think three months if you have some good experience oh thank you the super chat genie Houdini would you accept a junior cloud engineering offer knowing you don't have the experience skills yet only a certification like a z103 absolutely yeah cuz you can learn on the job and that's the best training yeah that's the thing in it like your I've never gotten a job where I felt qualified like I didn't walk in I'm like okay guys learn from my knowledge just let me use not like no I walk in I'm like okay breathe put our brave face put on a brave face I have to pretend like I know everything and I know nothing I'll see what I have to study when I get home make my list knowing it from this being my third time doing it from helpdesk to network to class yeah yeah extremely humbling every single time you do it but you're never good I don't think you ever gonna walk into a position and just know everything you're gonna have to learn something oh yeah especially with something so wide and varied as the cloud because I I guarantee you there are no two shops that have the same cloud setup no and I think our guests at the door one will go and let them in surprise guest you like I know there is we got a my father my dad um Cameron you can stand up cuz we were young come on in dad say hi [Music] I want to make you know this is not a quarantine safe chat so but we're family stop don't give us a hard time yeah that's right so uh dad for those of you who don't know who you are here you're our Father tell us about yourself what do you do I am the director of IT for supreme lending infrastructure if you need your home refined and uh so yeah he's he's he's the infrastructure manager for how many guys and gals ten people who have work and system networking systems so I mean you have to that's a lot of managed managerial stuff you have to be on top of VMware you're a you're a tried and true VMware guy that's right but I think it's interesting came to this chat because you know we're talking about Cameron jumps to the cloud but you're also trying to jump to the cloud now - yeah but now your Azure as well so yeah well you all his company has a three yeah okay so how's your as your journey Bangor well what I guess what what made you want to go learn cloud because I mean you you control the infrastructure at the company it's a it's a medium-sized company I mean how many people are at the company now like 2500 2500 so it's not like a crazy big company but it's it's big enough to where you have branches you got a pretty good yet two data centers you've got all kinds of stuff what made you decide to learn cloud I mean just rotting on the wall I mean everything's going to club you know so you know I want to get in AWS I want to get into Linux I think that's the future you heard of here this guy hires people he manages a team of Windows admins assistant Windows system admins Network people and he's studying the cloud so riding in the wall right there and COBOL yeah did you guys hear about that COBOL if you don't know that it's a extremely old old old problem which like it predates everything we use now and what is it New Jersey that was looking for people a lot of the banks and they're needing programmers yeah yeah yeah so I guess that's kind of a neat thing to talk about now too because we're talking about learning the new things learning cloud but then we have this old dinosaur programming language is still being needed where do you think the role of people like us now who know VMware who know system admins stuff in network engineers do you think we're gonna be like that in 20 years like banks you're like we still have a Cisco router and we need you to come in to fit like it and they're gonna pay top dollar people who have those skills you think is gonna be like that you know I I don't know you know things move so quick I hope it's not phased out becomes antiques but I don't think I don't think you should do that I think that it's if someone has it they can fall back on it but I wouldn't just be sitting by the phone for hoping somebody college you can work on a router in 20 years yeah yeah because it at some point there's there's gonna be no more to learn about that because they would have stopped producing stuff and producing the technology you gotta move on and NIT if you stop learning you're dead unless you know COBOL so I may be completely wrong about this oh wow goodness gracious Keith Parker thank you for the super chat sir great stream thank you both actually my dad's here to us they thanked him let's see J moose I'm not gonna say the rest that name any thoughts are the Azure DBA certification particularly so he's asking about the Azure database certifications like specifically those database things so I mean supreme is moving more towards as your stuff right now are they were more DevOps right now mmm yeah I mean eventually will be more of a you know hybrid setup so the future will pay their path paid our path yes they're like right now you guys have like a ton of sequel servers going on you got sequel DBAs on staff right do you think they'll be moving your sequel servers to like as your sequel in the cloud and stuff yeah I think I think so I think that way we'll start the dev world with them will eventually start moving production when it makes sense hmm it's all about you know the money as well oh yeah via Harvard setup for sure well you already have all this money invested in your infrastructure so I'm sure in like ten years it'll be easy cuz like it's do we upgrade or do we move our stuff to cloud it's an operational cost now that's a good point brought up though is like the cloud has mostly up until now mainly been developers thinking about moving their stuff in there because they can they can remove a lot of the hurdles they have to deal with hurdles hat the programmers always have to put in tickets for us to spin up new virtual machines for them to deploy their apps and they didn't know a test environment new Prada environment in the cloud they can't do it themselves devops there yeah they just click click click and it's there and now that we're looking seriously moving our stuff to the cloud we have to step in and do that kind of stuff one thing that my company is enforcing is that if you want to do anything at any type of access to our cloud even of our cost of environments you have to be at least cloud practitioner certified you can't touch anything until you have any some type of cloud literacy is there I'm curious do you give access to the cloud it's any of your helpdesk people do they administer like basic stuff or that's still all DevOps or whether even be a need for that because everything's so DevOps a we try we tried to make things available to people who actually use it but as far as the help desk I think we're wanting to give them access to one thing but it's not necessarily set in stone yeah and that's like that's like it's AWS workspaces managed Citrix Oh interesting and that's an interesting thing too I didn't think about that like already ask Citrix kind of stuff being put in the cloud as well yeah that's crazy what is your company doing with measure it's mainly from acquisitions so we have companies that we have bought that ever used a desert that makes sense all right oh we do so the question about the azure DBA if um if your company has a need for that go for it I think if you get database administration skills in that particular discipline you're going to be go and I mean MCSA on-prem stuff is going away they've extended it but as far as like what Microsoft wants you to learn certification wise it's all cloud during their killing off all those dinosaur certifications they want you to know the new stuff so yeah go for it if you're if you have a heart for databases I don't let's see thank you sucker tests for the super chat I'd have no idea how much money that is Co P 4009 for Linux plus next up is AZ or Azure database or CCNA so I guess he's asking I'm going for Linux plus or I have Linux plus what should he go for next as your AWS or CCNA I guess that's a question for you Cameron because you had the CCNA coming into your AWS do you think it was essential helpful beneficial that you had that before you jumped into aw yeah eight of us I mean it's certifications into like several blocks like you have databases you have the systems administration part the networking part if you have any experience in any of those windows or sections already it's already gonna help you if you go for any type of certification because I'm gonna tell you if you go for networking on one of the one of these associate level exams the CCNA has covered way more deep than it possibly could oh yeah so yeah definitely very big blue weather networking on the CCNA was way more deep so that's just funny cuz like I know when we took our exams the prep the problem we probably had was we didn't have system admin skills so these were missing is like database questions and storage questions I wasn't really tight on storage where is my dad here he's on a network guy so you would do great on the system admin stuff but the networking stuff you'd have to brush up on right so it really is like you have to become a master of all things and whatever you brings to the table is just gonna make you stronger in the cloud what was the original question oh so so you would say yes CCNA or I mean what what it's really what you want to do do you want it also depends what's out there what's popular around where you're at or you about a company that already uses the cloud if they are go for whatever they're using because that's probably gonna be your quickest ticket to the cloud now let me ask you this question because now that you're you're a cloud guy now and you're having to learn Linux and Python do you think it would be better time spent learning Linux and Python instead of CCNA as a prerequisite for the cloud yeah Linux and Python would be more beneficial than learning a whoa okay so you've already got Linux down it sounds like maybe you brush up on some Python and then jump straight into Azure or AWS really I keep saying this the skillset you'll learn and the cloud for eight of us or is gonna be pretty complementary to whatever you're doing you're gonna use bash in both of them the only difference being is I you can use PowerShell and as your I think you can use PowerShell too much in you can use PowerShell in AWS well then it doesn't matter it's all the same but then all about being that Linux and Python are both very vendor agnostic whereas the CCNA is going to be very Cisco heavy yes the networking concepts that you want to get from the CCNA from the network plus so just if you want to learn Cisco stuff for fun sure go for it but if you don't really need it don't yeah that's where I'm I guess I'm becoming frustrated and maybe just a bit jaded with Cisco certification even like Microsoft specific certification apart from Azure I love a sure is that Cisco is becoming very very heavy on the on their platforms like their their firepower their their Meraki like it's all just like platforms that are very very vendor lock-in vendor lock-in stuff they don't actually play nice with other vendors but like it's very just vendor lock-in whereas the cloud is just the best solution let's just I'm the best solution we play at all vendors you want to you you want to deploy Cisco in the cloud we can do that juniper Palo Alto whatever we everyone can come play and that's the future that's what I'm seeing so it's getting pretty hot in my office and we've gone for almost an hour and I know I'm starting to sweat here any closing thoughts Cameron I guess Cameron give him the clue give them your closing thought on how being a cloud tech is and where do you see yourself going from now I would say that at the moment cloud is still growing and it's still gonna keep growing I don't see it going away for I think they were gonna go away something very weird and new something like the corona virus we'd have to make it go away or something something is weird we can't even use that term anymore like something we would have to happen anything can happen man I don't see myself jumping any kind of track because in the cloud you do everything it's not like if you're doing networking and say man I really want to do that if you're in the cloud you're doing everything I can already say that with in the past when I've been officially in the weeds for about three weeks and I can say I've almost touched every single thing that I had on my test man that all that all of it is there you're gonna mess with all of it you can't say that for CCNA cuz like when I got my CCNA CCNP or I think in my CCMP but it's all the stuff I studied I didn't like it hardly use any of that it's like some protocols well that's a big hurdle I'm having to overcome is that when I got my CCNA got my first job I knew all these different things no other keywords and I was like okay when do I do this ago well we don't use that when do I use this ago we don't use that when I use that we don't use that and that's that has to also go with under agnostic things you own the cloud to go I'm gonna get to you this ago oh we use it right here right here it's weird having to backtrack and realize that I am going to basically use everything at some point so you have to retain all that knowledge you don't come in thinking that you can learn one thing very heavily and then not learn everything else too because that one thing is hard because that's how I came into the cloud stuff that was like I'm never gonna use a database when we're going to touch that and then I was like you know that's a bad way to think about it probably gonna touch the database and so I should probably just keep studying uh-huh so it will all come up at some point so study at all which is kind of a terrifying thought but it's it's really not too bad take bites and you'll be fine and I got one last question for you you I guess you could say your company has a I guess you can say now a tradition infrastructure how important is it for you when you're hiring somebody would you be more likely to hire them if they had cloud stuff on the resume if they had like an azure certification AWS or the heck cloud experience would you prefer them over someone who just had mainly traditional experience absolutely I mean the main reason that's the future that's where we're going even though we're more of a hybrid scenario right now it's nice to have those skill sets on staff you're starting to move that way yeah so that lots of questions I'm thinking like yeah there are I think majority people probably are on the cloud yet I think majority people are traditional and we're all moving that way but even still there's most people who are hiring four people are gonna be hiring those traditional roles but they're looking for people to move the next step they want people to help them bridge that gap because they I mean everybody at least knows a little bit about the cloud and knows that we're gonna have to eventually get there did you see any last minute questions are we good yeah I think we're gonna have to end this pretty soon cuz it's been a while and we'll have to do another one of these because this is fun we'll have to have a whole family by and yeah that's about it guys well again thanks for stopping by thanks dad and Cameron for joining and offering your expertise if you haven't already hit that subscribe button at the notification bell if you have you other questions just feel free to jump in my discord or leave a comment on this video I'll try to get these guys to answer if they're questions that I can't answer and if you want to check out a sure AWS or anything I've got links below to get you started start training now today that's about it we'll catch you guys next time [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: NetworkChuck
Views: 84,781
Rating: 4.9273672 out of 5
Keywords: cbt nuggets, ccna, ccna study, ccna training, cisco ccna, cisco ccna certification, cisco training, comptia a+ 901, comptia linux plus, comptia linux+, comptia linux+ certification, comptia linux+ exam, comptia linux+ tutorials, comptia linux+ xk0-004, information technology, kali linux, linux for beginners, linux tutorial, linux+ exam, linux+ xk0-004, lpic 1, top 10, aws, amazon web services, cloud engineer, azure, microsoft azure, cloud computing, cloud engineer skills
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 28sec (3568 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 14 2020
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