6 STEPS to IT CAREER SUCCESS!! - ft. Kevin Wallace | CCNA | CCNP | CCIE | Network+

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hey what's going on guys welcome back to network shop interview with Kevin Wallace CC CIE author of the CCP route book and just overall beast he talks about its six steps to IT career success man straight up fire seriously and stick around until the end he's got a few freebies for you [Music] you guys walk back in that we're Chuck I've got the one and only Kevin Wallace here because with the kW train there's a ton of training on routes which on a collaboration and pretty much everything in IT realm right I mean it's yeah getting into cyber up stuff now well if you want to check out you've got any a Kevin stuff I'll have a link below also like some of his training and stuff on you know the things up there but real quickly what did they get here in chat kevin has been doing training for ever and he has to CC II's CC I asked Kevin to come on the channel first of all cuz he's Kendall Wallace and you probably heard of him if you haven't come on but he also he has some amazing tips on just getting starting your IT career the path you want to take just get getting your blueprint your roadmap set out so Kevin you had it yet like six steps right yeah and actually there's a step zero so also set this here oh here we go step zero it's a non-technical step but I see so many people they love technology I love technology always have and they jump right into the technology but they don't advance very far in their career so when I see a lot of people lacking because I used to be a management to up how much prefer to just build stuff and worked with stuff but yeah and it's what's not my thing but when I was in management yeah I would see a lot of people that didn't have basic skills as far as how do you conduct yourself in an IT interview how do you create an IT resume that that truly gonna grab employer's attention just one quick tip here if you've got a couple of IES and you've got some DPS and you got your A+ don't put all that on there but they don't care about I mean not knocking any of those surgeons are awesome but I always say put your highest level certs on there and well I've got a bunch of in fact here's what I'll do I'm a big I'm a big fan of network chef - so here's what I want to do I'm going to just for all you guys that follow him I've got a course it's called your blueprint to your IT career success we'll put a link down below you can just go to that link and I've got an entire course that walks you through like all my basic career soft skills if you will how to start your own IT consulting company how to set career goals how to do an IT interview what's coming up in IT I'll just give it to you guys for free just for just we're being a follower of network Chuck so I won't spend more time on step zero because I'll give that one to you now the next thing and this advice has changed dramatically organize a little bit because I used to say we'll start with your in a route switch that seems basic but you know the version of any reps which there's BGP on that now which is crazy you know that's crazy that was awesome when people ask me what's the hardest thing I don't even say BGP you've got to configure IP SLA on the CCNA routes which which is Critias anew topic for me on CCP yeah it's so crazy it's it's crazy difficult the bottom line is when I took the na and I've seen it evolve over the years I got my na back in 98 euro does a long time ago you know pencil and paper test fill in the bubbles but what I'm getting at is they leave out they've had to leave out some of the basics like what does you know the EITI 568b standard look like and how do you pin things out and it had a fiber optics work in your indices of refraction you miss all that stuff so what I tell people to do now is start you ready for this CompTIA Network+ I didn't used to say that but I think if you're going down on an IT path I think you should get your CompTIA I think everybody should get their CompTIA Network+ not because a hiring managers go saying hey this guy's got his Network+ but I think it's gonna fill in so many gaps that you just might not get otherwise so that would be my I guess the first official technical step if you don't mind me stuck on there please because I do have a video where I say skip the Network+ Oh controversy ding didn't go so that that is interesting though so what I argue is that the CCNA is a better shirt to have and you will get everything you need and just going for the c6 so and your experience why would someone do the Network+ over the c6 it's it's not for getting that job I agree that that's going to be a lot more valuable industry wise it stacks a better punch on the resume EPS absolutely absolutely oh the reason I say get Network+ is because I just did the the new complete video course for Pearson on it with Plus and I've done the books or video I've been a part of IC versions I love the new version our friend Anthony Sequeira calls that the double-oh-seven version I like the James Bond verse 7 revision yeah it's in 1 0-0 0 7 yes and it's it's a hot it's awesome curriculum I mean it's stuff that everybody needs to know and if you just go for CCNA or CCM you're not going to get it and so I say do it for yourself don't do it for your resume but I think everybody should get their network place yeah and to be honest and I was gonna make a video about this because I actually helped out on the CBT team to create their new network plus before so not to step on the toes or anything but I think what it gives you is that that Brett knowledge before you start taking the step into a vendor specific certs because that's what the CSUN is it'll give you a great foundation on networking but yeah network plus will give you a lot more than just that you won't go deep it'll go wide yes it's a good point I think that's a really good search start with as well this the second step the second technical staff is getting your CCNA and routing and switching that's where that's where the employers start to really see that on the resume and and that starts packing a punch now a lot of people come to me and say well I'm really interested in security or data center we both love collaboration we're collaboration guys and the cool thing is you can get your collaboration na without ever getting your your outs which in a you know directly for it which is crazy yeah exactly because here's what whatever your passion is everything wraps and switches it think about it you're doing the wireless network know so those packets or it's something what they're gonna wrap they're going to switch and hit a router they're gonna hit this way I think everything everything around some switches I think you need to know that is like your core competency now after that my advice on this has changed a nice couple years I used to I used to say go after your passion oh really yeah whatever it is you love you're gonna be spending a lot of time doing that so you really better like whatever it is you're studying I mean I've been my dad worked at a telephone company I grew up in and around central office so I love telephony it's in my it's literally in my blood so I just I just love that and that's kind of the track that went down but but and I think that's still good advice but there's been a couple of changes in the industry and I've been doing this we were talking earlier I started working with with Cisco routers back in 1989 with the very forces go out of the AG s plus I I will be honest I have no idea what that is it was a very large box with ribbon cables in it it was my goodness yeah yeah it was punch cards and everything let's don't stuff it that's funny but yeah I've been doing this long time and in all that time I've never seen the kind of changes we've seen in the past couple years there are two major major things coming along so I think maybe the the next thing you should do is you should get your your CCNA cyber ops that we're kind of hitting out earlier that you hear the statistics running around and it varies where you hear it but what I'm getting is over the next couple of years they're going to be six million jobs in cybersecurity and the the shocker to this is a fourth of those 1.5 million jobs are going to be unfilled that's why cisco was really pushing it in a huge way they're doing it here at the Cisco live conference they did it last year and I think everybody needs to get their CC CCNA and cyber ops as your next step again you might not be going after soccer ops as your career path but it truck Robinson his keynote yesterday was talking about he said security is the foundation of everything networking and as things get more and more complex and we've got hybrid clouds and multiple clouds it's got to be secure and I think everybody needs that as another foundational skill the next step and I forgot what number I'm on now but it's ready run but we started at zero I don't I think we're on four wait for the comments coming up no that was three yeah but but next I think another huge driver that we're hearing about this year and I heard it last year at Cisco live is we're gonna mobility I mean those word bus yeah Network programmability or Sdn software-defined networking now I'm sure you're the same way but I love CLI I love cranking out the commands and that's that's what makes me so sad about this Sdn stuff like well you can do things from the GUI I'm like I don't want to know is if there's there's nothing more satisfying than getting in there and configuring a whole switch in a router the exact list in that black and white interface you'd like a wizard right yeah you're at one with the hardware but yeah and that is going to radically change everything now what I first heard about if you're so cool I thought okay for for configuring routers and switches okay I get it and said to configure them one at a time you can configure a bunch of the time but I was talking to one of the one of the collab engineers and or one of the other Cisco engineers and he was saying no this is like across everything if you're in collaboration and you're use to configure a communications manager you're going to be writing code that it's going to be code that goes out there and configures your your toilet your unified communications devices so it's everything so I think I think that's something else everybody needs to get now if you'll pardon me for a shameless plug I'll tell you I'll tell the right word there and get some triangle ugly now hopefully everybody's I hope you subscribe to support ebooks online it's I'm I'm just one of the many many many contributors to that way which you guys all my video about that in this that's one of the benefits is this guy is all over that thing and I'm a subscriber I mean I've been a subscriber for four years and one of the one of the products you can get on there if your subscriber I did something called the the fundamentals of network programmability course where we teach you how to do Python we teach you how to ride Python scripts though I didn't know oh yeah we we show you how to talk to an 8-bit controller and a PM controller how to write code that will tell that not tell that a secure shell up to a secure shell to a router or switch and issue configuration commands now it gets you started we rely a lot on the the Cisco dev net sandbox Cisco Deb net thanks guys they did an awesome job it was summer stick free stuff you can you can you can pay thousands of dollars for that stuff or you can go out and use it use it for free and make an account they give it to everyone yeah and you just so if you're Safari sometime even if you're not a safari subscriber sign up for 7-day free trial and go through the course and for free and do it that way you can watch in seven days you watch it in two days yeah you can definitely get through it so so check that out because really I I really think that is changing everything and there's so many engineers that I talk to these days that just don't want to yeah they don't want to learn they don't want to learn Python they they love their CLI and I think it's gonna hurt them yeah that's that's the biggest fear I like you guys have been asking me about this I want to see what your opinion is sure but they're saying that why am I wasting time on the CCNA I'm saying all this Sdn stuff come out the CCNA really doesn't cover Sdn so is it a waste of time am I am I not making myself employable what's happening yeah I get the same questions all the time people think why do I need to know how it works if the big buzzword here at this show is intent-based networking yes with intent-based networking which is awesome by the way I can say I value this app more than this app and this thing called easy QoS on the a PKM will just blast it out with the appropriate configs everywhere it's awesome but I compared it to to mechanic a mechanic that has the computer now they plug it into the car and it tells them exactly what's wrong it makes them much more efficient as a mechanic but they need to know how to change the spark plug and that's it's the same thing with the same thing with networking yeah I can give my intent to the network but I need to understand and I'm glad that all this automation is in place that will make my job much easier but you need to know what it's doing I mean I don't completely agree with everything that the easy Q s does is like no I want a different amount of bandwidth I don't want this to be in the priority queue you need to understand what's happening don't just blindly Riley trust everything so I love them I love the term Chuck Roberts used last year he called it a hybrid engineer he showed that he showed the Venn diagram of the COI people and the other programmers in just one overlapped and the intersection there we call those unicorns but I've heard you a virgin call those yeah the but the hybrid engineer that is the engineer future so I think that is super super critical so that was step four I believe maybe Step five is we're gonna return the rats which now because all right we're safe now we're going back home deep deep cleansing breath with rats which I think I think we should there now again this is what I would do if I were starting over your mileage may vary you may have specific job things that would be different but if I were starting over I would then go back and get my NP and routing and switching because again everything routes and switches and it's going to make such such a bigger impact career-wise now I used to be in a hiring position I worked with people in the hiring position and NP packs a significantly bigger punch than an NA love the NA get it but the NP they know that you can go deep and whatever technology it is was and I kind of think about it like a college degree it just shows that you invested the time into it and you you spell missed three tests and a I mean it's an awesome certification but you can get it and still be at that kind of shallow water or depth you know they want to know you go deep and that's where it offers for ya so I think you should prove you go deep and why not go deep into something that you are going to be doing you're gonna be doing writing and switching and then finally this is where we get to just well we get to choose or in fact that's what I call it I call it choose your own adventure because here if you love security you go deep into security if you love data center go deep into data center you've got this this great foundation you're gonna be able to be conversant with everybody out there and I get the question a lot about well is an ie the next step I've given that a lot of thought now Turk mentioned at the beginning I've got a couple of IES and it puts a significant in on your life you better have some good family support yet which by the way how many when you're in the middle to study for an ie yeah what's your studies got how many hours a day are you devoted well I'll give you an example when I was doing my when I was doing my last collaboration ie I remember I had to calendar it out and from some day in August until Sunday and the following March when I passed I studied every I had study time scheduled every day except Christmas but other than Christmas I mean it's Family Guy Christmas yes like prison but but every single day I was preparing for that ie it was just it was just that tunnel vision but I mean it impacted my health I have a I'm super blessed I have an awesome family that that supported me through all that and they you know they cheered with me when I when I got it but it's not for everybody and something else I don't want I don't want to say that somebody cannot earn that ie but let's think about this mathematically for a second yeah mathematically we have different learning curves now my learning curve is will say if we can see this if my learning curve goes like this thank you should promise that no no I know one guy he got four ccas in 18 months that is not my learning curve no no no no his learning curve is like this and you can't brain dump that yeah and what I'm thinking is different people process information different rates they learn at different rates it doesn't have anything to do with your intelligence they just process differently and my fear is some people go after the IE and it's going to be a long time it might be too long to really be helpful in their career I mean I know one guy and I was asked by Cisco person not to disclose the name or anything or the number of years but I'll put it this way if I were going to go after my next time and our this guy that I'm that I'm not going to disclose his information sorry if you're watching yeah dude but if I took one attempt a year one attempt at my lab a year I'd be dead before I ever got my e in one of my videos I actually show a tombstone that says Kevin Wallace CCIE seven nine four five I said this is not what you want from your life guys you know your life is not about that don't make too big of a sacrifice you have to really want it some people some people make that ie move I didn't mean to get off on this I thought we were supposed to I can make it more videos about to get my feels man but now personally I think if you've got a strong desire for it then that's a good key that maybe you should do that now not now personally I'm a Christian and if you look at the word desire it really means days sire it means of the Father personally I think if I've got a deep burning desire down inside that came from somewhere and I know that I'm gonna have whatever things are gonna show up to help me get there so if you're doing it just as it sounds like a good career move that's not the right reason to get try you just want those letters next year new it's like for me I mean I could go for my CCIE but I've had a successful career so far I got a great job without the CCIE it's just a matter of learning keep learning and demonstrate that worth but yeah Society is a path but like you said you have to really want it yeah meaning I've got a buddy right now he started the CCA hi Matthew he's one of the smartest guys I know but he's investing a significant amount of time and he he doesn't have a family anything he's doing all this you know all that time invested if you got a family and stuff and you got a full-time job that's a lot of stuff going on in your life it's a big commitment anyways tangents over all right so CCIE if you right yeah when I decided to go for it I remember telling my wife I said there's not an end game here I don't want to get this new job but again I just really wanted I just had a deep desire for it if you've got a deep desire for it yeah it's probably for you so though let me just sum up the steps here you need to start out with that foundation of just getting in your career getting that job being able to move up in your career and again link below will give you a free course about how to do the goal-setting and all that stuff after that Network+ CCNA routes which then we're going to go into CCNA sovereign so we're going to do network program ability not really assert there to go after there's a specialization I wouldn't bother with that but just learn network program ability then we're going to get our NP and route switch and then choose your own adventure which that's that's an awesome game play and that's kind of like what I came about to as well is when I was think about what I want to do you've heard me talk about the programmability Python I took a break from my NP to focus on Python saying there is a future in that like last year Cisco live I heard all the intent based networking I'm like this is it I get it I see it and here we are you later it's even bigger now like they're at they're developing products that are just like so the Cisco DNA you'll hear me talk about this but basically your entire network can be programmed it's run by this super smart AI like software and everything you do at the network is going to be in program encode it's insane so you want it you wanna be able to forefront of that so you mentioned that there is no certification force never programmability do you think they're gonna come out with one more CCNA focused personally now this is not inside information I just I don't there is a specialization that you can get but that's normally if you if you work for a partner and you want to buy equipment to give it a discount for for people who are in the career I wouldn't go after I don't think so I think it's gonna be integrated more and more into existing certifications like within a the space DNA they integrated some networking ability where you had to know about the APM you had to know about the ID of what was it was the longest bullet point I've ever seen anti blueprint it was the APM ACL path trace analysis tool so yeah that was that's in the current CCNA routes which so I think and again don't know for sure and I couldn't say I did but I think in the new routes which in a winning car NP when it comes out don't know when that is either by the way yeah I think there's gonna be a lot of program ability in there and Cisco's already announced with the new collaboration ie I think there's gonna be some I saw my session this morning actually talked about it how there's going to be like some ACI stuff in in the new collaboration lab so hmm big question mark about what that's gonna look like that's but yeah if you don't know what a CI is it's basically program ability for the data center so if we're moving that into the collaboration space that's gonna be huge no yeah it's a per word well guys thank you so much for joining us thank you Kevin for being on my channel I mean this guy's used such an inspiration like his podcasts which ok links below for all cabin stuff if you have any questions it's right there but the broadcast storm which is one of the coolest names ever a hot cast I mean come on if you don't get it and unite you know if they're on Channel but the rocket broadcast dorm he has so many tips like when I was going on my CCMP I've run on the treadmill and I listen to his podcast a really expiration stuff and then if your most recent one about your daily habits oh yeah it really inspired me I did it for about a day and I want to redo it again you have to keep trying but yeah thank you so much for be on my channel my pleasure look at you guys later [Music]
Channel: NetworkChuck
Views: 64,170
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CCNA, CCNP, Cisco Certifications, CCNA Training, CCNP Training, CCENT, CCENT Training, ICND1, INE, CBT Nuggets, INE Training, CBT Training, CCNA Study, CCENT Study, CCNP Study, CCNA Collaboration, CCNP Collaboration, Cisco Training, CCNA Study Guide, how to study for CCNA, MCSA, MCSE, VCP, cisco ccna, comptia A+, comptia security+, comptia network+, ccna routing and switching, network chuck, networkchuck, ccie, cisco, network engineer, ccna certification, ccna security, networking
Id: a5_gQLcTSUM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 23sec (1403 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 09 2018
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