Why YOU Need to Buy a V8 Motorcycle: BOSS HOSS

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Life's too short for these.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/RedneckTexan 📅︎︎ Jun 19 2021 🗫︎ replies
all right so two months ago i got to ride because i bought the dumbest thing i've ever bought in my entire life a 1992 boss hoss v8 powered motorcycle and it was horrifying and was scary it was kind of crude and it was tough to ride but it was one of the rare models that actually had a clutch on it and i kind of completely fell in love with the bike but the problem was mine was the small one apparently the one with the 350 and 350 horsepower was the small one there existed someone a 502 cubic inch crate motor that put out more than 500 horsepower so i called the owner of boss haas and we became friends best friends maybe and a few days later he rolls up with a big truck and a big trailer and dropped off four of his personal boss hosses and said that i can ride all of these except for one of them this is the latest boss hoss model with a 496 big block pushing out 600 horsepower it also has the newer ss frame which you sit more closer to the rear wheels it's a little shorter wheelbase better for handling better for controlling all that power did he tell me not to write this one or did you tell me not to write this one see a lot of stuff was going on at the time he told me very clearly you can write all of them except this one and i don't remember which one it was this one is his pride and joy this is a 2017 this is uh this is one of the last of the carburetor bikes and this has the 502 crate motor now it is only pushing out 500 horsepower it should still be very incredibly fast you'll notice also it says this has a different frame where the the rear tire is a little farther out and the front rake is a little bit different so this is probably about maybe six or eight inches longer than the than the other one i probably should have listened a little closer when it told me which one not to ride we'll deal with that later because it's irrelevant right now because he brought us a starter motorcycle for me to learn how to ride a boss horse on because it's foolishness it would be unwise to put someone on their first boss house supposed to be a big block this is apparently a starter ball sauce with a 383 stroker and what reality are we living in i i honestly have no idea this is actually a new model this is actually a bagger version of the ball sauce and this is currently a prototype so it's it's in testing right now and i am i'm apparently part of that testing uh it's got the bags and they're working on a front fairing that goes up here with a stereo and speakers and it should be it should be pretty awesome now that i'm thinking about it i i bet he he probably wanted me to test drive the 600 horsepower one that makes sense that makes sense to you guys that makes sense to me we're gonna start out on this one big question that i have is this thing even practical let's go find it out right now let's fire this thing up so first what you do you turn the key you come over here it's pretty basic this is the uh the the on off switch turn the bike on unlike my last one this one has no clutch this one actually tells me the bike's in neutral i'm gonna grab the brake up here i'm gonna press the start button that's a whole lot more refined than my other boss off my 92 which is honestly horrifying to ride is this thing easy to ride or is it is it hard to ride it's giant it's very large it's got a very very hot motor right there is it uncomfortable and to be honest with you this thing feels great this is not that bad this is actually this is very easy to ride compared to my other one which is almost impossible to ride um the throttle is very not twitchy at all the first couple of millimeters of twist is it just not it rolls nice and easy i mean nothing's sketchy about it but then if you want to that was like that was like 1 16 throttle i still have not worked my way up to giving anything close to full throttle maybe on the highway so another thing about this bike is is fuel mileage what kind of range does it have it's got an 8 gallon tank which is clearly ginormous if you look up here this is the one you put fuel in this is kind of just a dummy but they can actually get on this bike they can actually get 180 miles almost 200 miles depending on how you drive it to a tank which is incredible and then you also have the option for in the back that you can put an extra reserve tank which i think is like an extra gallon or two so compared to the one i had which i think was just was only able to go from gas station to gas station this is i mean 200 miles is a long trip the engine and the engine is a regular v8 engine so you can get parts for anywhere actually the parts for this engine are more readily available than any parts for any honda or uh or harley davidson out there and this is a refined motorcycle like this is fun this this is fun to drive if there's ever a point in your life where you're like hey it needs something a little more exciting with my motorcycle riding this is it so surprisingly this bike can be tame enough that you can you know crew through a park like this and not no one even notices you i'm surprised they have very little exhaust and the thing can be very quiet when you're just cruising or if you cracked out throttle just like jesus you could wake the dead with this bike but a big question is is this thing reliable is it going to be a is it going to be very expensive to maintain and own this thing for a long time well i think chevy has shown that the chevy small block and chevy big block those things can do 300 000 miles in a van or a truck so considering this thing six times lighter than a van or a truck that engine is barely working so yeah this thing could do 500 000 miles with very little maintenance and maintenance on chevy engines are inexpensive anyway so it's they could go the distance but so that brings me to another question what happens when you're on a nice relaxing cruising ride then you get that phone call from your wife saying you need milk and eggs because i guess she's making french toast or milk eggs can you do it on a boss sauce let's go find out so the other question is will fit in your garage and when you park it next to other motorcycles you realize it's not that much bigger one of the best things about this motorcycle is right here the electronic reverse you see it fits in like a normal motorcycle but the big question on my mind is how fast is this bike all right so i'm gonna attempt the worst possible 0-60 right now you see while i was slowing down from hitting 60 i look up and i'm already hitting 90. 0-60 might have been kind of slow 60 to 90 was instantaneous one two three go this thing just oozes horsepower in our last video we took the 92 boss house on a closed course track to test the 50 to 115 mile per hour let's see if this one can beat it and this was the moment that i realized that there was a faster one a big block model back at the [Applause] oh shop all right let's do it [Music] this bike's 180 more horsepower than that bike so pretty much this is a super bike worth of power more than what i was just riding or like your average family sedans you know horsepower in this this is actually only the third big block vehicle i've ever driven a motorhome with a big block my cadillac has a big block and then i'm in the next logical sense you know a motorcycle so out of curiosity i wanted to see how this thing compared for horsepower per ton with some other motorcycles and some other vehicles here's the results the bugatti veyron has 523 horsepower per ton the mclaren p1 has 529 horsepower per ton 2020 honda accord has a 147 horsepower per ton the kawasaki h2r full-blown race bike over 300 horsepower 310 horsepower is 1300 horsepower per ton the boss hoss has 923 horsepower per ton almost double of the bugatti this should be pretty nuts i'm thoroughly horrified they say every day you should do something that scares you i'm doing it before breakfast i'm currently in the second gear so this is going to be a little tamer than what it could be so fast go man that got there fast and then he said that his harley was pretty fast and then i said i could see me getting 30 miles to the tank on this so even though i'm completely horrified of this motorcycle and accelerating hard at lower speeds because i don't know what it's going to do in terms of traction i'm going to attempt a 0-60 it will be horrible all right worst possible 0-60 ever is little dog-ish in second gear another thing that big powerful uh you know modified high horsepower motorcycles the problem that they have is overheating in the summertime you're not going to have that problem with this the whole engine is completely getting you know hit with air or non-stop but it's got a giant radiator you know it's got a car sized radiator on it so this thing just everything it does is effortlessly you could be in a you know the desert and this thing's still gonna be fine yeah that still i held back i mean i held back everything but maybe i was better all right so i think we proved that this bike is should be considered mildly fast to most people out there but the question that i have it really is on my mind i think it's on your mind what if you drop it over can you pick it up should we drop this one over or well this one's gonna mess with the bags you know we'll just uh we'll try with the 92 that's kind of all it lays over and it's going to be the same thing on the other side because the pegs are the same way so yeah can i pick that up i don't know i don't know i stood leg day last week so the answer is yes i thought it would lay over a whole lot more than that though i mean i have to try harder to lay it over more than i had to do to pick it up can a man lift up a ball sauce [Applause] that's kind of surprising i thought i'd have to work a little harder for that but just in case two wheels might not be right for you boss hoss also made this and this is not your grandfather's trike this thing is amazing i have never ridden a trike that pools this hard that is actually this smooth riding on the highway a lot of times you're fighting a little bit that's this smooth riding on the highway and this is a totally different experience than what i've ever had riding any type of trike this is awesome and the cool thing about it is right now this one's got a this one's got the ls3 motors the corvette c6 corvette motor this thing's just as reliable as anything else on the road you see sometimes when you ride trikes you feel like you're fighting them uh you're fighting the steering but this has such a big rake such wide handlebars this is a really comfortable way to be cruising down the highway what what when i floored at like 60 70 miles an hour i think the tires are almost about to cut loose i think they actually cut loose a little bit and then it grips and then i just get launched into like outer space where trikes always fail is they're so much like a motorcycle all the good things about a motorcycle i don't have but it kind of has that like it's kind of like a motorcycle this thing's not trying to be a motorcycle this thing's trying to be a hot rod three wheel v8 just fire breathing monster and it's amazing this is the coolest i i've never ridden a trike that i was like yeah i would own this as a young man or i would ride this thing i'm writing this and i'm thinking why do i not have this in my life and that's all because of one reason and that's this i mean i'm fairly confident that i could smoke sport bikes on this thing on the highway or at least give them a really surprise and surprise the daylight out of them this is cool like this is not like i couldn't ride motorcycle and i gotta ride this this is uh this thing can keep the power to the ground and this sucker pulls uh you know what i gotta do a zero to sixty i bet this here to 60 would be [Music] nuts you know trikes are never as cool as motorcycles right but when you hop in this thing and this thing punches you as hard as it does when you get on the throttle it just it's it's unreal it's unreal and considering that uh these are actually very similar to the price of a harley-davidson trike this like it's not there's no comparison to me like this is this is what you get the other awesome thing about this trike is it's so stable it doesn't get squirrely at all anyone could do it any any 5 foot 2 110 pound woman could jump on this and floor it and it would just it would be it would be it would track straight every single time and of course we decided to take this to our close course track and see we can do from 50 to 115 and uh the results blew my mind away that was fast so not only is my mind blown but my mind has changed about boss sauce these things are awesome and i love them that wraps up we'll see you guys later actually craig's gonna take my first spin and tell you what he thinks real quick subscribe that is insane oh my word is so fun i'm still a little wow
Channel: Bikes and Beards
Views: 1,426,640
Rating: 4.9023209 out of 5
Keywords: insane, big block, v8, 600hp, hyper, cruiser, hypercruiser, motorcycle, bike, boss hoss, 2019, 2020, 1992, trike, 502, 350, 383 stroker, v8 motorcycle, fastest motorcycle, largest motorcycle, powerful, review, test ride, 500hp, 430hp, practical, race, drag race, burnout, bikes and beards
Id: sLD0m29-2JA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 32sec (992 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 16 2020
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