$30,000 I BOUGHT? The most EXPENSIVE Electric Non Amazon motorcycle

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so this is the most expensive electric motorcycle that you can buy on the internet as of right now and it was loaned to me by my friends at appalachian harley-davidson under the pretense that if i break it i have to buy it and recently my track record with these videos have been nothing short of painful [Music] so as of right now it's not mine but stay to the end i might end up being the proud owner of this very electric motorcycle so i know exactly what you guys are thinking you're like what is harley davidson what do you mean you got it from harley davidson what is harley davidson doing with a star wars speeder bike [Music] with wheels on it this is the harley-davidson live wire um if you guys have never heard of it harley-davidson is the first big large motorcycle manufacturer to produce a fully electric motorcycle and just like all the bikes we bought on amazon that just showed up at our door harley davidson is doing this the very same thing where you can buy these bikes online and over the phone a truck just shows up at your door delivers a bike off there's some paperwork that you got to sign but it is a pretty easy process and you don't step foot into a dealership anymore so let me actually show you guys how this bike actually works of course this is not a tank you press that down and this is the charging port it's got two different ways to charge it when you pop this open they've got a storage for the stage or level one charging port right here if you're at a charging port like a level three you can plug this in open that and plug it all in plug it in right there but if you're at home you pull this out of here pop that open jam that in there and then you just plug this into your wall i think this is about maybe 10 feet 10 or 12 feet plugged into your wall you can charge anywhere from your house you'll notice that it kind of looks like it's missing stuff because the way that they have this the electrical motor set up there's no gearbox there's no clutch there's no shifter you have your brake you have your front brake and you got the throttle and it fires up super well no it doesn't fire up actually so make this thing work as long as the key is close enough or in your pocket press that button right there hold the start button down like you normally would for a motorcycle bam that's it it's on do you hear that mile buzzing can you hear that that's actually the water pump because this is actually water cooled what happens if you lose the proxy key and you want to turn on your bike well harley thought of that because when the harley davidson does not acknowledge or does not sense the key it gives you a keypad and use a five digit code you type in your five digit code bam the bike works perfect for when you lose your keys also perfect if you and your five buddies all want to go in together and buy the same bike and share the bike you have to make a bunch of different sets of keys which to be honest with you it's probably probably not a great idea hold on a second now something that horrified me really really really scared me when they first told me about this you can't rev the bike up you can't you can't touch that because it's ready to go there's no revving it up the thing's ready to go right now this is exactly what it sounds like except for maybe a little bit louder of a wine when you're actually riding this thing it's really really cool another thing about this is as soon as you put the kickstand down bam it shuts off it's off riding mode you get on the gap you get on the throttle i guess it's not going to throttle just go speed control now you have speed control it doesn't do anything now if you're used to harley-davidson you'll recognize all these controls including the cruise control button this thing actually has cruise control and it works awesome if you come over here and press the mode button see there's different modes street mode sport you got rain eco a b and c turn like off hold it down you actually see the modes and it actually tells you exactly what they are so sport mode is 100 power 80 regen 80 throttle traction control high and you can actually make changes to these things so rain mode zero percent power 15 regen 30 throttle low traction control range mode 40 power 80 regen 55 throttle it's actually pretty awesome then you make your own custom modes inside a b and c it also has stuff for uh for your systems localize your bluetooth you can change your clock push to sync with your phone do factory uh updates you can customize your widgets where you put different widgets at different spots temperature and trip and navigation and charging the navigation connects to your phone this is definitely one of the most sophisticated teched out motorcycles i've ever driven this right here is the battery that's the big ginormous battery this right here is the motor interesting thing about this is you know you might have a lot of people say oh that's not a real motorcycle well to be honest with you it's an electric motor it's a combustion engine this is not a real motorcycle it should be an engine cycle this is actually a real moto motor cycle so this bike's actually pretty quick harley-davidson claims a 0-60 of three seconds flat which is super bike and supercar territory let's see what i can do it in that's not pretty bad considering that it was kind of raining and it was kind of cold now the way the bike sits right now putting on sport mode i don't think it's going to be able to get a three second zero to 60. to do that what you have to do is you have to go into your modes set a custom a mode and what i did was full power no regen and full throttle and traction control on medium to get that i think i could have got my launch a little bit quicker and i would like to go out and try it later to see if i can get a sub 3 second 0 to 60. now one thing about this bike that i'm dying to figure out is can you use this giant battery to power your house or power tools or anything you want to power anything you know you just use a motorcycle as a generator i've heard about people doing it with like the tesla's and with the hybrid cars can you do it with this all right so here's the idea it's the battery so the way it sits right now that's dc direct current we need to convert that to ac so if i can i got my multimeter right here if i was able to touch these leads i'm not really getting anything try uh let me try to turn it on it should be a lot harder then it should be like much much much higher all right maybe i can't just grab it from the leads but maybe if i plug this thing in nothing i believe this is a converter this takes ac to dc and what i need is an inverter to go from dc to ac what we would do we would of course unplug this i think what we could do is if we um we cut this if we cut this and then hooked up this to a inverter it took some dc to ac then i think we might be able to use this battery to charge it up i'm not trying to break it though you know i'm going to save this for someone else to do i don't want we'll go to the next thing now this bike was designed as a commuting bike an urban rocket you know to do commuting stuff local stuff and to go real fast it has a city range of 147 miles and it's got a combined city and highway range of 95 miles and some independent people have tested it and they got the they got the combined range of somewhere around like 88 miles but what if i had to travel to a little town in maryland called haverty grace and it happened to be exactly miles away 110 miles round trip and just so happens that from here to there there is zero charging stations well let's find out all right so i've already done only 1.7 miles took away two miles out of my trip i'm already going in the negative what's making this even worse is it's so hard not to ah yeah it's so hard not to just get on this bike all the time because this thing is a blast i've done 3.4 miles and i'm down five miles i don't know this is gonna happen i'm gonna change it to the uh econ setting and see how that does for us we have the worst possible streets in this in our city now the way electric vehicles are including motorcycles is that in the city they're most efficient but on the highway they're least efficient and harley davidson claimed that i was only going to get about 95 miles combined highway and city but 146 miles if i was all city so 110 mile trip it's not looking [Music] good [Music] yo do you really drive all that way just for chocolate milk yeah it's good stuff we just drove like an hour and a half for chocolate milk dude so it was a great ride down here but now i'm i'm kind of in trouble 55 miles back we have 45 mile range left i could not find a single charging station on my phone there was not a single charger station the whole way up here it's kind of in the middle of nowhere but i've got a plan c harley-davidson actually gives you the ability to program a b and c mode to whatever you want it to be so i actually programmed c mode to have no power full regen and zero throttle it's even more efficient than what the economy mode is it should be the most efficient mode you could possibly have hopefully that'll actually get us back now i know 10 miles does not seem like that much but imagine pushing that 550 pound bike 10 miles if we can successfully do this we will have surpassed what harley davidson says combined highway and city is like almost 20 miles all right so i think we're about three miles away from the shop we got two miles left on my charge i'm getting really really nervous i don't want to be pushing this bike back i'm gonna push it to try and regen it regen regen we are officially at zero miles there we go there's mcfarland if this thing makes it to mcfarland i'm gonna put this thing in a mode and we just successfully made it back to the shop on zero miles low voltage doing thirteen point eight miles to that one charge i think it's gonna go drive around to see it see what happens when it runs out [Music] still in pearl mode on turtle mode wait that's as fast as you can go yeah i'm full throttle wait nah [Applause] is that everything that's it so there's actually a lot more power stations than what than what i thought there were and there's more being built you know all the time so if you wanted to do a long trip with a bike like this i think it would work out great i think it would change the way you ride it wouldn't be like a normal trip we just jump on the highway and drive for 10 hours at a time but what you want to do is you want to plan your route a little bit better you want to you know take the back road to get to experience the you know the country a little bit better than what you were just on the highway and then every you know couple hours you you stop for 45 minutes which 40 minutes will charge you 80 percent of your battery life and then you keep on moving if you want to get somewhere fast get somewhere far and fast take a gasoline-powered bike if you want to really enjoy the ride in a different way this is definitely different so the live wire is set up with something called a regen or regeneration and what that does when you're not accelerating or you're going down a hill or you're or instead of braking it actually slows the bike down normally you have the a you have the battery that powers the engine that sends power that turns the wheels regen is the exact opposite where if you have momentum of the bike the wheels turning you're not on the throttle that turns the motor into like an alternator and that charges the battery so i was never able to find a hill big enough that i could go down that i could actually see a noticeable difference of like a mile pop back up on my on my gauges but we haven't have a treadmill back there and i want to see if we can charge the battery up from the regen alright drop it down to the bed [Music] uh it kind of worked in the very beginning and then i turned up to a higher regen mode and then i think we broke the treadmill i think it still has merit though i think you can still charge your bike with a treadmill if your treadmill doesn't break now something you might be wondering and i'm wondering too is is what's the top speed of this motorcycle well according to harley davidson it is electronically governed at 110 miles an hour but we found on the dark web most likely happened in mexico and the footage is very blurry but it looks like someone has gotten a a live wire up to 115 miles an hour fact proof fiction i don't know so according to my tests harley davidson has under has underestimated most of this bike we've seen it do more miles than what it said it could we've seen it do a higher top speed than what they said it could what i really want to know is how fast can i drain the battery how hard can i push it what's the shortest amount of time that i can actually make this battery just suck i'm doing i'm doing all the wrong stuff so i put in a mode full throttle full power no regen and i took it on the highway and accelerated as hard as i could and then got on the brake and then did it again and then got on the brakes and did it again we did this for 13.9 miles and in that miles we lost 41 miles of range so if we would have continued driving that this is almost like race conditions where you're accelerating your brake and accelerating your braking but we took away the regen if you would have added the regen back to it which would have helped us break would have saved the brakes a little bit and it would have given us a little more battery power if we would have done this for the entire length of the battery i think we would have probably only got about 35 to 40 miles out of it not that anyone drives like that or anyone should drive like that just out of curiosity what it would do another question i had was could you charge this thing with a portable generator and if you could charge with the portable generator could you charge it while you're riding and if you could charge it while you're riding why couldn't you mount a portable generator on the back of your motorcycle run a power cord into it to give yourself an extra length or possibly unlimited amount of battery that's the future right there so let's see if you can do that so for whatever reason it did not want to charge off that generator other stuff was working it was producing electricity but when it says on the screen you have to unplug to ride it that's not going to work so as you may have guessed the bike is completely sealed you can get it wet you can wash it the only real maintenance things would be like fork seals brakes tires the fluid in the cooling system and also brake fluid most of the maintenance that you have on a motorcycle is the normal combustion engine now a big concern for a lot of people is going to be the battery how long is that going to last what if the battery goes bad what's that going to cost well harley-davidson has a five-year unlimited mile warranty on the battery but if for some reason you had to replace the battery like your buddy shot with a shotgun or something like that it is gonna cost you eight thousand dollars to replace that's pretty similar to how much it would cost to replace a prius battery when prius first came out wait a couple years you can replace a prius battery for around you know seven hundred dollars so i would imagine that you know the prices of this stuff is going to go down the longer we uh wait but as of right now it's got a full warranty on it so upon doing some research on this motorcycle the one complaint that almost everyone had was the 29 thousand dollar price tag so if you want to compare this thing to other motorcycles let's compare to some other motorcycles harley davidson's top motorcycle is forty three thousand dollars ducati's top motorcycle is thirty nine thousand dollars the top bmw hp4 race is seventy eight thousand dollars and the top gold wing is around 29 000 so in terms of just a normal regular motorcycle this is not even the top of the list let's compare it to other electric bikes and to be honest there's not that much out there there's not that many other companies out there making bikes now there is this one company that's called daemon and they make a really cool looking bike you can't actually buy it now you can pre-order it the most expensive one's around 39 000 and there's the company zero zero makes a great bike they got a great thing going on but the problem is i've actually never even seen a zero dealership there's none around me so for the same reason a lot of people say that they don't buy indians it's for that dealership network i feel like zero might have the same issue and as we all know that currently electric vehicles are more expensive case in point tesla but if you subtract the 2500 tax credit that you get from this thing and if you're like me and you live in pennsylvania another 500 that you get that brings the price down a lot now if you actually compare cents per mile would it cost you incense to run a mile compared to the live wire and compare that to a regular motorcycle it gets 40 miles a gallon the live wire is going to cost you .0191 per mile and a regular motorcycle is going to cost you 0.065 per mile what does that mean after about a hundred thousand mile if you wrote this bike for a hundred thousand miles you will have saved almost five thousand dollars just in fuel but to be honest with you it is tough to compare this bike to other bikes i've ridden hundreds of different motorcycles i've enjoyed all of them but there is not i've never felt anything like i felt when i was riding this it was just amazing i love how quiet it was i love how powerful it was i think electric motorcycles is the future and i'm very excited about it i'm so excited about it that i bought the most expensive chinese electric motorcycle off of amazon and i bought it months ago and it's still gonna be a couple months before i get it but stay tuned it's gonna be amazing see you guys later and subscribe normally is where i fire up the bike and i i like speed away but it's already running there's one little cool thing that i forgot to mention some people call it a heartbeat it does this little pulse thing every couple seconds if you actually put your hand right here oh yeah you feel that yeah you can actually program it not to do that it feels like the the little electrical motor just kind of like they they programmed it in there so you know it's running because it's so quiet it's very faint you can almost barely feel it it's kind of cool
Channel: Bikes and Beards
Views: 3,631,824
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: i bought, most expensive, electric motorcycle, on the internet, $30000, Harley davidson, livewire, amazon, motorcycle, bike, expensive, zero motorcycle, all electric, tesla motorcycle, 0-60 mph, road trip, bikes and beards, srkcycles
Id: h4bimEVXRzo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 12sec (1212 seconds)
Published: Fri May 08 2020
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