I Built the FASTEST and Biggest Jet Ski Motorcycle

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Somebody get Mobius on the phone

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/gogopogo 📅︎︎ Jul 16 2021 🗫︎ replies
driver's license registration so me and craig actually craig and i are gonna be turning a jet ski into a motorcycle the problem is when i asked the team to get me a jet ski they got me a small boat and we also have the classic honda helix now i know it looks a little bit rough uh it's a 250 but it's all there and it should be enough power to move that thing now here's the game plan of how we're gonna put these things together all right so we don't know exactly how we're going to do this but we're going to start by separating the two it looks like there's a bunch of rivets underneath the uh make that trim piece so we're going to unrivet them hopefully this thing pulls apart and that should give us a better idea of what we're going to do next but first we got to separate the two halves i think there's two halves [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so gonna cut that wire what was this some type of tick yo that was a guessing oh typical sean just hanging out and eating while everybody else is working all right so it took us about three hours we got the the holes completely apart we got them all hollowed out the next step is to kind of mock it up and see where to cut the parts for the helix but the thing is so i don't think the helix has enough power for it oh it's got plenty of power what is it like a 250 yeah something like that but that's what everybody's using but okay what's that going to get us though 40 miles an hour with the extra weight maybe maybe 50. we need more than that what do you want we need more power i don't think the helix is gonna it's gonna it's gonna really work i know you guys don't think the helix is uh is enough so you know what i got an idea i'll be back in a second all right i don't know i think the helix is fine did you get the one and only honda silver wing 600 cc scooter it's one of the fastest scooters that they've ever made so if you're probably wondering why we're going with a scooter and not like a full blown motorcycle and the reason is the motor is so much lower it's the motor is actually down here with like some type of transaxle thing that it's just easier and it's gonna fit better with a motorcycle you couldn't get everything underneath the inside the hull you know you don't have to figure out shift levers and all that stuff clutches and stuff like that so it's going to be a lot easier and actually doable i don't think it's even possible with the motorcycle check that out i feel like we have to take it for a ride now go for it don't go crazy this is the new trend that all the scooter guys are doing now stripping their bikes down to the uh to nothing it's all about saving weight watch how fast this thing is i know what you guys are thinking you guys are thinking these guys are smart they must have a plan of what they're going to do next our plan ended like two hours ago the my best idea craig what's your best idea line stuff up the best we can and then start cutting stuff and then use a lot of spray foam and duct tape was kind of my best guess and then go hit like 90 miles an hour i guess we're gonna pull this off and see what's under here and then take the bars off and it's gonna sit right on there's my thinking it'd be nice if these uh these rails right here sat right inside the uh the fiberglass all we got to do is just oh sweet super glue gaff tape has been my favorite [Music] honestly all we got to do is just put a bunch of glue honestly that's all they did you know here we have to cut the frame um because all this was stopping it from sitting down we still might have to cut the body a little bit but we're getting close this is by far one of our longest projects just to compare it to some other projects it took us three hours to prep this bike to run underwater it took us two days to build a bike from home depot parts only half a day to build the world's largest drift tray and just three days to turn brad into a water crossing [Music] monster [Music] that reminds me this video is brought to you by our sponsor you got skinny legs your legs are a little too skinny but your wife says they look okay but you know they're too skinny you gotta wear short shorts like crocodile dundee no like who's the alligator guy oh like steve irwin don't worry guys i got it you got this dragon correct quick okay greg but this this took us five whole days but in the end we had built something nothing short of a fairy tale [Music] so i gotta take a picture of you seriously stand by it's a suzuki hayabusa it's stock people love the jet ski bike which by the way needs a name comment your ideas below but the big question is what would the boating guys think when they found out that we ruined a perfectly broken jet ski so to find out we found some boating guys i'm having some jet ski issues you guys want to help me out look at that you spray people with that yeah that is insane well be safe brother yeah thanks have a good one guys after that we took it out for some more testing [Music] we took it on the highway and it did awesome it had speeds up to 75 miles an hour and still had more to go then we took it on some twisty roads to see how well it would handle and it handled surprisingly well then we took it to a scale to see how much it weighed and it tipped the scale at a whopping just over 800 pounds that's as much as a gold wing or a manatee which makes sense considering that it's longer than the largest production bike ever made sitting at over 10 feet long which is also longer than most manatees i don't know why i keep on comparing it to a manatee but you get the point you're probably thinking that this thing's more of a novelty you'd be wrong this thing's actually a functioning purposeful vehicle just to show you guys that it's not just that it's also an asset and this thing can make money we're into grubhub with it [Music] you know man i got some red lip right here thank you for choosing grubhub why is it all wet now this bike is 100 street legal me and craig made sure of it we made sure it had everything it needed to qualify for p-a-d-o-t standards which is why i was very surprised when this happened oh shoot got it this would be fun inspection sticker on your device here you have your driver's license registration proof of insurance yes sir voting license all right yeah let me see if i can find my boating license there's my uh my license everything's good awesome trying to get the vehicle inspected and thanks for cooperation you're good to go cool thank you very much sir hey you too now i just have one more question i was gonna do going back into the water we'll find out next time subscribe we'll see you guys later
Channel: Bikes and Beards
Views: 1,917,236
Rating: 4.9001622 out of 5
Keywords: bikes and beards, sean, caleb, motorcycles, srkcycles, srk, beards, bikes
Id: zhLVzpIv8OE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 55sec (655 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 16 2021
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