10 Interesting Facts About Darth Vader's Suit You Didn't Know - Star Wars Explained

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What's going on guys so while my animator is taking an extra day for the last Jedi fanfiction I just want to make it right for you guys I figured I'd make this super short But sweet video covering ten of the more unknown things about Vader's suit From legends and some from Canon if you guys want an updated version one day that'll be like you know 15 20 minutes long then you can let me know but for now here's the Express version 1 let's begin with the most reasonable the suits function itself while it can be seen as a massive piece of armor and While it definitely was it had a much more important function as many of you know it allowed him to keep on living without the suit itself Vader would be dead the suit provided a wide variety of life support systems the most important among them was the complex breathing apparatus housed in the center of his suit giving Vader Relatively free movement his armor was made mostly of Dura steel, which was also impenetrable as well to Vader suit was actually obsolete it was intended this way the pain that he received from Everything from the itching of the synthetic skin to the loud respiratory sound to all the pins and needles going into his body these all Kept him awake when he tried to sleep or do anything in general it prevented him from keeping sane and calm Which is exactly what Sidious intended? He could have gotten a much more upgraded suit such as general Grievous's robotics, but he didn't the more uncomfortable He was the more angry. He was and in turn the more filled with rage he became Fueling his dark side powers to escape the armors Coster phobic nature and pain Vader had several meditation chambers that were built in which He could remove his mask and suit and still survive He also had back two baths where he would float around just as a torso to meditate more quietly as we saw in rogue 1 3 the face mask itself was probably one of the most painful, but cool parts about his suit He had a ton of displays in the lenses, which supplied him with a steady stream of data Amplifying his already formidable connection to the force you remember that dark ending scene in rogue one his vision was Perfect there his lenses allowed him to see ultraviolet and infrared vision anytime he wants We've also seen this in the Canon comic for heavy shoulders the arm was obviously heavy However the shoulder pieces itself were over 25 pounds in weight It could hold up against both blaster fire and lightsabers But there was a caveat to this The only drawback was that the weight itself made it super difficult for bata to raise his lightsaber to full height Coupled with the way his robotic limbs were designed after the events of Mustafar it prevented him from raising his arms over his head without Immense difficulty fine so under the armor Vader basically wore a unitard it was this giant One-piece padded multiplied body glove that covered everything below his neck it was flexible quilted blast dampening and was made of the most Fireproof space technology that they could find you could imagine Bursting into flames after the high ground beats you it would be a big fear at this point there was also a little pocket within The suit that allowed access to the cartridge containing chemicals to lessen Vader's perception of pain in times of need and great stress six magic gloves Darth Vader's right glove that covered his cybernetic head was constructed using skier cons indestructible Sith amulets the gauntlets itself both of them were also made of a micronized Mandalorian Iron weave to protect Vader against lightsaber attacks as well as helping him deflect a direct hit from a blaster as we saw him do against Han Solo in Empire Strikes Back and something I hope we get to see in the new solo movie se7en homeostasis Now while the human body can up regulate temperatures or down regulate if it needs? This was also the situation with his suit you could imagine the suit gets very hot and sweaty it took care of that problem The suit was equipped with a sensitive temperature regulation system Which could be controlled by a function box on his belt the unit was powerful enough to allow Vader to walk the surface of Hoth Or the sands of Tatooine without any discomfort keeping out all the sand eighteen-inch Vader's entire body was burned that means that his skin was gone as we saw in Revenge of the Sith to fix this Minor major problem he was given artificial skin a type of synths kin synthetic skin that substituted What was seared from his bone on which too far the main issue with this was that it itched Incessantly to the point that it drove him insane with Comfort and his body needed to be periodically cleansed and scrubbed by droids of necrotic flesh I don't even want to imagine what that smelled like 9 boots while his boots looked cool and combat ready They actually had a lot of unseen purposes the boots contained Durasteel that hinged on the sides of the foot of the boot to allow Him to walk the soles also contained a ferromagnetic core Which could be activated by Vader's mouth operated controls to generate strong magnetic fields that would help him cling to starship hulls Turning him into spider-man kind of whenever he wanted 10 whoo strength leaving my favorite one for last Vader's suit had a lot of drawbacks and pains we know this as I just listed however It gave him in human strength with the aid of his powerful force abilities. He was an unstoppable force pun intended him He could go as far as tweaking his mechanics in his body to give him more or less force physically speaking for example in the novel the rise of Darth Vader he talks about tweaking his forearms and hands to the point of being able to crush the impenetrable hilt of his lightsaber if Anything were to fall on him he'd be ok and then press it off himself as for lifting a human straight over his head Well, we all know that's no problem There we go my friends these are the 10 facts about Vader's suit I hope you all enjoyed these now of course there are hundreds of more facts about him and his suit in general But I figured these would suffice for now so let me know what your favorites are from the list or perhaps Ones that I didn't mention and I will see you all in the next episode of Star Wars Theory I promise you won't want to miss this one until then my fellow Jedi and Sith friends Remember the force will be with you always Oh
Channel: Star Wars Theory
Views: 12,515,525
Rating: 4.8788109 out of 5
Keywords: 10 Interesting Facts About Darth Vader's Suit You Didn't Know, darth vader, star wars, star wars explained, anakin skywalker, darth vader rogue one, darth vader suit, darth vader vs luke skywalker, star wars theory, darth vader death, sith, luke skywalker, jedi, lightsaber, darth vader's suit, darth vader lightsaber, darth sidious, anakin vs. obi-wan, palpatine, rogue one, vader rogue one, vader suit, darth vader armor, vader vs luke, star wars the last jedi, snoke, kylo ren
Id: tujTxf5Sjwc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 27sec (387 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 23 2018
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