WHAT IF Anakin Killed Palpatine and Started a Jedi Civil War? | STAR WARS Jedi Empire What If

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welcome to screen crush i'm ryan airy sometimes when i watch revenge of the sith i imagine how things could have easily turned out better what if anakin never turned to the sith what if he actually saved the jedi from order 66 and killed palpatine would things actually be better in the galaxy or would anakin have made things much much worse i could see him actually going on to form his own empire a jedi empire but peace and order come at a price a full-blown jedi civil war how would the star wars universe have changed with the jedi empire strap in because this is gonna be wild this is where the fun begins to explore this concept we'll need to use the force and travel to an alternate timeline so initiate force jump back in time that's not how the force works this alternate timeline begins with the death of shmi skywalker as anakin holds his mother's lifeless body in his hands everything changes for him he couldn't save his mother and his heart is filled with rage just as anakin is about to unleash his fury on the tuscan raiders a voice stops him an attack of the clones yoda was briefly able to hear qui-gon from the grave yelling for anakin to stop so what if instead qui-gon communicated with anakin he appears to anakin as a force ghost and he tells him that he can sense a sith conspiracy and the jedi are blind to it he warns anakin that he's on the path to the dark side but he must control his anger or be forever lost anakin is the chosen one he must act to save the galaxy and prevent the dark future that qui-gon can see now this warning is a rude awakening for the young skywalker it only serves as a validation for what anakin already felt about the jedi and the republic for a long time we need a system where the politicians sit down and discuss the problem agree what's in the best interest of all the people and then do it he sees their bureaucracy as a roadblock the outer rim is filled with crime and injustice nothing gets done and the people suffer the consequences and the jedi council is complicit they're supposed to be guardians of peace and justice we're keepers of the peace not soldiers yet they turn a blind eye to slavery in the outer rim because slavery is institutionalized undoing it would be a complicated government task so anakin sees the jedi council as the lapdogs of the senate unwilling to do what's necessary to make the galaxy better if you want i can hide here with you and we can let the people in the city suffer longer now anakin you know we can do things my way and help them now as anakin buries his mother he vows to make sure that this never happens again gone is the whiny boy who hates sam now he's the man that will bring true order to the galaxy qui-gon jinn was a student of what's called the living force and qui-gon's force ghost trains anakin to embrace these teachings although anakin would adapt these lessons to fit into his new ideology anakin is certain that the only way forward is for the jedi to embrace the gray area between the light and dark sides of the force the jedi are too obsessed with their fears of the dark side to the point they resist their feelings honestly it seems like every little thing is a path to the dark side according to the jedi fear is the path to the dark side the fear of loss is a path to the dark side i don't trust a guy without a dark side in anakin's mind a jedi must use empathy and common sense to distinguish between what's right and wrong this is why the jedi will fail because they are blind to their feelings what the jedi have become an army fighting for the dark side fallen from the light that we once held so dear this republic is failing anakin uses his charisma and strong beliefs to convince many open-minded jedi to join his cause including his padawan ahsoka tano ahsoka was disillusioned by the order so she trusts anakin's new vision anakin also recruits asajj ventress and the other grey force users who are more willing to follow him than the jedi council or the sith skywalker forms a secret order within the jedi they adopt the ways of the grey jedi anakin's goal is to create a perfect galactic utopia where his jedi achieve actual galactic peace and then enforce it for generations to come this plants the seed for the inevitable jedi empire but it's all kept a secret obi-wan is left in the dark since anakin knows that he'll reject these views anakin my allegiance is to the republic to democracy padme doesn't know much about internal jedi affairs but she trusts anakin when he says that the jedi need to be able to love because after all she's in love with the jedi so she forms a coalition within the senate that will eventually ally with the new jedi group it is our duty and our responsibility to preserve the lives of those around us but there's also the sith conspiracy that qui-gon warned anakin about qui-gon didn't know the exact nature of the sith's plan because impossible to see the future is so anakin must uncover this conspiracy by himself so he seeks out count dooku there are two reasons why he does this one he knows the count as a sith lord so he's gonna have information and two dooku was qui-gon jin's master and the two shared a lot of grey jedi ideals anakin uses his wits to turn dooku to his side offering him a place in his new jedi order dooku is convinced as he sees anakin as a younger qui-gon also dooku doesn't trust darth sidious at this point so it will be in his best interest to join him with anakin thinking that he can manipulate the young jedi much easier and together we will destroy the sith plus he's blown away by anakin's raw power high midi chlorine count and all of that and then dooku drops a bombshell he tells anakin the palpatine is a sith lord what if i told you that the republic was now under the control of the dark lord of the sith what anakin is shocked by this revelation feeling betrayed by a man that he considered to be a surrogate father at the same time this is the ultimate proof of the failure of the jedi in the senate a freaking sith lord was allowed to become the most powerful man in the republic right under their noses but this version of anakin is far more calculating he gets close to old palpi and earns his trust keep your friends close but your enemies closer anakin lets the sith lord play his mind games letting palpatine believe that he's in control and he's turning the young jedi to the dark side over time sidious starts revealing his plans to anakin including order 66. once anakin learns about the impending jedi purge he decides to act anakin turns on palpatine puts a lightsaber right through his heart yep anakin kills darth sidious end of story ironic order 66 is averted and the jedi survived the would-be purge the republic is in shock as they learn that their supreme chancellor was a sith lord so during this time of chaos anakin makes some big moves first anakin disables the clone trooper's biochips and convinces them to join his faction since the clones all now see anakin as a hero most fall in line behind him and it can also make sure that any contingency plans made by darth sidious are stopped like destroying any possible clones of sidious and eliminating any of his collaborators and then with his loyal jedi knights and clones anakin storms the senate and initiates a coup d'etat a peaceful seizure of power anakin plans to disband the senate and the jedi council moving forward the new jedi will be in control of the republic padme and a select few politicians will remain in the government but anakin's jedi will have an active say in how the government is run the the trouble is that people don't always agree well then they should be made too so you might be wondering why does padme go along with this because she's also still in shock that palpatine infiltrated the senate she thinks they need to whittle the senate down to the people they know aren't sith pawns and then rebuild from there you call this a diplomatic solution no i call it aggressive negotiations but as expected this doesn't go so well as both the old jedi and the senators resist the coup and so the two factions clash and the jedi civil war begins [Music] anakin leads his new jedi against the old jedi who are led by obi-wan yoda and mace windu the war tears the republic apart this isn't a clash of jedi and sith or clones vs droids no this is a battle between friends and allies which makes things personal and ugly during the fighting the two jedi factions avoid killing each other and after all anakin's faction aren't sith lords or dark side users they're still jedi knights but it all goes wrong when dooku kills mace windu this changes everything anakin underestimated dooku he kept him close but the former sith lord had too much of the dark side in it anakin executes dooku for his crime but it's too late blood is in the water and you can't unring that bell things get deadly as many jedi lose control of their feelings allowing the dark side to seep in anakin watches in horror as his plans fall apart this isn't what he wanted he wanted peace not a bloody war what have i done the deadly jedi war takes its toll on poor yoda as the jedi tear themselves apart he feels every injury and death pain suffering death i fear it hits him from every direction all of it makes the old jedi weak and frail the light side of the force is in turmoil and it's like poison for the little green guy in a moment of blinding weakness yoda falls in battle this is the tragic cost of anakin's vision during the jedi civil war anakin receives some hope when padme gives birth to luke and leia becoming a father changes anakin now it's not just about making the galaxy better for the people it's about making it safer for his children but the honeymoon phase ends quickly when padme dies she's killed during a battle which means that this war will only end in blood and rage anakin's whole world breaks the woman he loves is dead so peace is no longer an option so he hits the old jedi with everything he's got and it all culminates in an epic duel of the fates between anakin and obi-wan the master and the apprentice clash nothing is left from the brotherhood they once shared you were my brother anakin i loved you this battle will determine the future of the jedi and the galaxy kenobi is able to deliver anakin a near fatal blow anakin's body gets ruined but this is not how he dies anakin uses all of his willpower unleashing a powerful force choke on obi-wan anakin literally force chokes the life out of his former master friend and brother boy that escalated quickly i mean that really got out of hand fast obi-wan kenobi is dead and anakin is left to die from his terrible injuries however he's saved by ahsoka with his body ruined a darth vader-esque cybernetic suit is the only thing that keeps anakin alive he's more machine now than man the death of padme breaks him on the inside and he loses the hope that he had for the galaxy how can he possibly carry on without the woman he loves killing obi-wan puts the darkness in anakin's heart after obi-wan's death most of the old jedi order are captured defect to the other side dead or go into hiding the republic is in shambles and anakin is aware that it's time to move away from the democratic ways of the senate it's time to let the past die and so he declares the jedi empire i have brought peace freedom justice and security to my new empire anakin becomes the grand emperor the head of the jedi empire which will soon span the entire galaxy the militant jedi become imperial knights and they enforce the law in every system anagan himself leads his knights against crime lords like jabba the hutt and they finally bring peace and order to the outer rim and end slavery anakin personally trains luke and leia the siblings grow up in a new era they were not influenced by the old way so they naturally embrace the grey jedi ways and the skywalker twins become the two most powerful jedi in the galaxy since the galaxy is a big place it's impossible to keep track of every single jedi so anakin gives many of his imperial knights full autonomy but you know the same with great power comes great responsibility and not everyone can handle such responsibility some jedi begin to misuse their power and become corrupt also the jedi civil war left its mark on many knights making them more susceptible to the dark side of the force they killed their jedi brothers and sisters during the war and you can't just come back from that without some mental scars and this is where darth maul comes in ma the shadow what fun what fun he stayed in the shadows during the rise of the jedi empire but now seeing that some of the imperial knights are slowly turning to the dark side maul makes his move he places mind games and fully turns them to build a sith army this leads to a second jedi civil war only this time it's an army of imperial knights versus maul's new sith order while maul and his sith lord sneak attack the jedi empire they end up overwhelmed by the sheer number of imperial knights and clone troopers not to mention the powers of the entire skywalker family against all of this the sith don't stand a chance and so the might of the jedi empire defeats the new sith and the order finally ends with the death of darth maul they're going to be jedi who disappoint us ahsoka but as long as we know they're a good jedi who fight for what's right it makes it all worthwhile while it takes some time and there are many hardships along the way eventually the jedi empire does bring true peace to the galaxy and anakin lives up to his chosen one prophecy he brings balance to the force i believe you will bring balance to the force that you will face your demons and save the universe but anakin's story is a tragic one despite bringing peace to the galaxy he's unable to do the same for himself he's in a constant state of war with his inner darkness and over the years the dark side begins to corrupt anakin but he knows this is happening to him and he can't resist it the pain of losing padme can never be healed luke and leia's sense what is happening to their father and they're split on how to deal with it luke believes his dad can be redeemed there is good in him i felt it or i can save him i can turn him back to the good side while leia thinks the darkness inside of him is too great leia wants to confront and overthrow their father while luke wants to help him anakin becomes aware of this conflict and knows that the siblings would eventually tear the galaxy apart and yet another civil war you either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain so he does the honorable thing he takes his own life so he can be one with the force and rejoin padme afterwards luke and leia create a piece that lasts generations for over a thousand generations the jedi knights were the guardians of peace and justice well that's until one of the jedi turned to the dark side again and the cycle of war begins anew but that's a story for another time impressive most impressive so what do you think will anakin's jedi empire keep the peace in order would you want to see more of this alternate timeline let me know in the comments below or at me on twitter and if it's your first time here please subscribe for screen crush i'm ryan erie [Music] you
Channel: ScreenCrush
Views: 2,133,828
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: star wars, what if, what if palpatine died, nakin skywalker, mandalorian, star wars theory, revenge of the sith, clone wars, jedi, bad batch, screencrush star wars
Id: OJ6Oy4cdCPo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 24sec (924 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 26 2021
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