What if Anakin DIDN'T Burn? FULL - Star Wars Theory Fan-Fic

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Anakin was destined to to be twice as powerful as the emperor, easily, as stated by George Lucas, however when it came to his destiny, he lost to obi-wan Kenobi on Mustafar. Kenobi sliced his limbs off and Anakin burned alive by the lava river bank. As if losing all his limbs wasn’t enough, his burns were actually what caused the most damage. As we know in Star Wars, limbs can be reattached, and while they did remove a significant amount of his overall force abilities, including his main power, whilch was the ability to see into the future, it was actually his burns that caused the most difficulty, as stated in the revenge of the Sith novelization. His burns were what created the most difficulty in his recovery. This was something the droids, as well, pointed out to Sidious when they were reconstructing him. They were stating how his nerves had burnt off so replicating them would be almost impossible of a feat to connect to cybernetics. “reported. The amputations alone would have been a simple matter of replacement; it was the burns that made matters so difficult. Special connections would be required to overcome the scarring. Worse, Darth Vader’s lungs had been seared by the fire. He would need a permanent ventilator system in order to breathe. And— “Do it,” the Emperor snapped. This caused Vader to be so weakened on top of losing his limbs that it diminished his full potential to only 80% of the emperor’s power. Vader suffered from many limitations not just in his overall power due to his burns, but to his potential and life. So what if Vader didn’t burn? What if Anakin was sliced into the several pieces as fate would have it, but, his clothing didn’t catch fire. This means if he just landed a foot or so away from the brink of the shore, his clothes may not have caught fire, which resulted in his burning. If Vader didn’t burn, you might say Obi-Wan would have killed him for sure. Well, not exactly. In the novel it explains how Obi-Wan didn’t have time to go down the hill as he saw the emperor’s shuttle arriving overhead, not to mention if he got stuck down there and couldn’t make it back up, he would die for sure. Palpatine’s arrival meant Yoda failed, or worse, he was dead. Anakin would be taken by Sidious to the medical facility on coruscant. His limbs would be added back via cybernetics within moments and he wouldn’t require any of the facial armour Vader needed. Anakin would look the same as he did before Mustafar with his Sith robes on. While I’ve seen many pics of Anakin in Vader’s arbor without the helmet, this looks super cool but it wouldn’t be his actual armour if he didn’t burn. Sidious used the lowest grade cybernetics and parts for Vader’s reconstruction and suit to punish him to his downfall. Here, he would probably just give him mediocre armour to which Anakin would upgrade later on if he wanted. His powers wouldn’t be as high as if he had all of his limbs, except for his right arm like in revenge of the Sith, but it wouldn’t be all that diminished, at all. Anakin would lead the Empire with Palpatine and hone his skills in the dark side. The empire wouldn’t be able to hide the fact that Anakin, the Jedi Knight turned into a Sith Lord. But I’m sure Palpatine would say he was the only Jedi that protected the emperor during the Jedi betrayal that he framed them for. In the rots novel, during the fight with the jedi on mace’s team, Palpatine recorded himself being arrested by them, but faked everything in the recording. Saying things like why are you arresting, please, stop! As he winked at them and then killed them. He was sadistic and smart, always covering his tracks. Anakin would fail to learn force lightning, due to this cybernetic limbs, however that would be the extent of his limitations force wise. He would go on to become more powerful than Sidious after maybe 10 years. Keep in mind if Anakin was unharmed, he would kill Sidious in just a few short years in my opinion, maybe 5 tops. Ani/Vader Eventually overthrowing him in a fit of rage when he finally realizes he can never bring Padme back. He and Sidious fight, it’s definitely a close call but Anakin’s powers are beyond the Emperor’s now after a decade of training. He uses the force to crush the emperor as he had tried in revenge of the sith, but to no avail. Vader becomes the emperor of the galaxy. He uses technology the empire has to clone and regrow his limbs, and has them attached. Anakin is now fully restored to his maximum potential. He now directs the entire efforts of the empire to tracking Kenobi down. With the acceptance that Padme can’t be brought back, Vader is hellbent on Revenge against the man who betrayed him. The man who caused the death of his wife, in his eyes of course. Had Obi-Wan not shown up, then he would have spoken with Padme and probably left to Naboo with her which was mentioned in legends, I believe it was in the novel the rise of Darth Vader, or the rise and fall of Darth Vader, two different books, but I believe that inner monologue was in there. Vader would fail in finding Kenobi, until Kenobi came to him as he did in the original trilogy. The two would meet aboard the Death Star and Vader would destroy Kenobi. In the ANH novel, Kenobi’s inner monologue while he fights Vader mentions how powerful Vader is, and how imposing he was. Let alone now at full power he’d crush all the competition who faced him. The other option is Vader finds Kenobi through his imperial reach, shows up on Tatooine much to his distaste and challenges Kenobi to a duel, maybe 15 years after revenge of the sith, so 5 years before a new hope. Making Luke 14. Not without first sensing his intentions of hiding here, and realizing he is protecting someone. Vader kills Kenobi, walks over to aunt beru and uncle Owen’s house, slaughters them and takes his son, Luke. Vader trains Luke the same way he trained Galen Marek in force unleashed. Luke becomes the ultimate apprentice and they go on to control the galaxy and wipe out the rebellion. The Death Star never explodes, because Luke is with Vader. Bail Organa hears of what happened on Tatooine. That Vader took a boy who was his son. Obi-Wan would commune with Yoda about what happened, and Yoda would find a way to reach out to Bail Organa. Now how he would do this is hard to theorize, however there are a few options. He uses the force to commune with Leia. Hoping she’s receptive enough to hear his plea. Or, he sends his pod that he landed in at the end of ROTS to fly to Naboo and speak with Bail. The time to train Leia was now. Leia would come to Dagobah and train with Yoda for the next 10-15 years. Become a fully fledged Jedi Knight. Super powerful. She, once ready, would go with Yoda to face Vader and Luke. Aboard the Death Star, she planted hefty seismic charges within the reactor’s core and set a timer. If she were to fail, and Vader won, the Death Star would blow. Leia would most likely be able to cause enough conflict within Luke, to create a wedge between him and Vader. Yoda would tell her how Vader killed their mother, and how he did all the terrible things during Order 66, to which Luke had no idea, he was told by Vader that the Jedi killed his mother and that the Jedi ruined the entire galaxy if it wasn’t for his father to help save it. Luke would be super brainwashed but I think Leia, would speak enough truth to instill some doubt within the boy. Leia would be able to turn Luke, to tell him to trust his feelings that something has always been off about their father. Explosions begin to erupt far away, sounding the sirens to go off. Imperials scattering everywhere to leave the station before it blew. Vader would fight them both, when he kills Yoda and takes Luke’s hand off, he is unable to fight Leia properly. She reminds him too much of Padme, and all during their fight, he sees Padme, causing him to faulter. He remembers that Padme is dead and finally chokes Leia and slams her to the ground. Vader has won. He walks up to Leia to kill her. Crimson lightsaber raised as he watched the reflection of it in her terrified eyes when she whispers softly under her breath…there is still good in you. Vader is frozen. This is something his dead wife would have said. And as he stepped back he saw not Leia, his daughter, but Padme. Surely a trick was being played on him. How are you doing this? He said. Get out of my head! Vader was stricken with the sight of his dead wife. Could she be doing this? No, she wasn’t touched with the force, there was no way…was there? Vader looked back and saw Leia wiping the blood off her broken nose, as he looked over to Luke who was semi unconscious grasping his stump for a hand. Yoda…the little green jedi master was nowhere to be found, only his robes lay where he was killed, but no body in sight. Vader, Anakin, dropped to his knees before Leia. He helped her wipe the blood off her face as he admired the architecture of his naval ship. All of this for you, my love, to bring you back. Anakin spoke to neither of his children, as he spoke to the recycled air in the fully operational battle station. Anakin realized now, that all of this evil, all this death, was for naught. For no matter how many planets he controlled or star systems he seized, how many sentients he killed, she would never come back. He had torn apart the entire galaxy to find a way to bring Padme back to life, and all of it to get right here to this very moment. He wouldn’t make the same mistake twice. Observing his daughter, he looked over to Luke who began to limp over, holding his handless arm with the other. Time stood still for Anakin, as the sirens blazed. Leia: We need to leave now. Vader motioned for them to come with him, as he led them to the hangar bay, where imperials were in a frenzy trying to get any vessel to take them as far away as possible. As several stormtroopers ran to one of the last pods, no bigger than the one C-3PO and R2 boarded in A New Hope, Vader used the force to strangle them in the air and cracked their necks before he let go of them as they lifelessly dropped to the shiny floor. Anakin motioned for his two children to enter the pod which really only could fit one, but if they squeezed, they would make it. Leia looked at her father, what about you father, we have to find another shi Anakin put the back of his finger to Leia’s cheek as a tear streamed down her face, catching it with his black glove. The look in Anakin’s eyes told his kids everything they needed to hear. It is too late for me, my daughter. As Luke piped up to enoucrage his father to find another ship so they could all leave. My son, go. Be a better man than I was. Be more like your mother, your sister will show you the way. I raised you with my own anger, my own hatred for myself. I failed you. As the hangar bay began to explode in flames all around, Anakin knew what he had to do. Luke and Leia began to tear up as they stood their ground and vowed not to leave him. Leia told him they were a family, and that their fates will be the same. Anakin put a hand on both their shoulders as if he were to almost embrace them, until he pushed them into the pod and sealed the door. Luke and Leia watched their father be engulfed in flames as he stood before them, smiling, closing his eyes as the fire took him. The pod blasted off into space as they were pushed deeper by the explosion of the Death Star. Anakin sacrificed himself at the last moment for his children, he knew Padme would do the same. Leia and Luke would go on to train a new school of force users. Combingin the light and the dark sides of the force to create the ultimate and most well rounded force users. They would install ideologies of the Jedi with a just a few of the Sith. Brining balance, to the force.
Channel: Star Wars Theory
Views: 2,897,830
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: star wars, star wars theory, anakin vs obi wan, star wars theory fan fiction, vader fan film, luke vs vader, vader vs obi wan, hayden christensen, ewan mcgregor, darth vader, anakin skywalker, luke skywalker, mace windu, revenge of the sith, order 66, obi-wan kenobi, darth vader suit, darth maul, darth sidious, darth vader death, yoda vs palpatine, yoda vs sidious, count dooku, anakin vs dooku, rey vs palpatine, grogu, mandalorian season 3, boba fett, luke reaction
Id: vf1urQ34qOs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 55sec (895 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 06 2021
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