Why Were You Sent To The Principal's Office As A Kid?

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why were you sent to the principal's office as a kid running up the wall of the classroom to do a back flip when my foot goes all the way through the wall after dislodging myself I quickly cooked up a story that we had been moving folding chairs when I tripped and put a leg through the well and somehow convinced almost everyone to go along with it until someone we all call her Heidi because that is a real name cracked under the principles questioning and told the truth so not only did I but all of my fellow students that I convinced till I got into serious crap the next day you learned a harsh truth my friend there will always be someone there to sell you out I watched a kid do the combination on his locker waited for him to leave then took his lock and put a different one on one of my friends still my lock for about a month I always locked my backpack in someone else's locker when I had to change for gym then one day he just put it back where I'd left it a month before as if nothing happened my mom didn't like us drinking soda so she would mix seltzer water with juice and put it in our school lunches one day in fourth grade I opened up my lunchbox and took out my drink which happened to be an apple juice seltzer combo it was always kind of fizzy at the top when I would first take it out of my lunchbox in this girl at my table laughed and asked if I was drinking beer it didn't even cross my mind that the girl may have been serious so I thought I was joking back with her when I told her my mom doesn't like us drinking soda and gives us beer instead she told the principal and that was the first time I ever had to go to the principal's office I sat there and cried the whole time the best part of the whole thing is that my parents don't drink at all and the principal knew this but he still had to call my mom and ask if she had been sending me to school with beer in my lunchbox prick that snitching seal girl some sixth-graders weren't paying attention in math class so they had me a second grader come down to the office to do a multiplication contest with them I won and got chocolate rekt in fifth grade we learned how to play recorder one day on the warp to music class I put a pencil into the end of my recorder and it got stuck as I feverishly swung the recorder around to unstick the pencil it flew out across the hall and literally stuck in a classmate said the principal didn't believe it was an accident as if I practiced shooting pencils out of recorders at innocent people's heads in my spare time TL DR accidentally stabbed a classmate in the head with a Dixon Ticonderoga Ticonderoga pencils were more precious than diamonds I still get a girl boner thinking about that smooth graphite and perfect eraser I loved how looking the point would make the marks so dark and crisp in sixth grade one day my mom put a pair in my lunch one of my Dumber friends asked why I was eating a raw potato I told him he was fricking [ __ ] and the gym teacher overheard me and I got sent to the office you're still a [ __ ] Adam shout out to all my pear setting of a smoker bum in class a short time after our old school building burned down he did not appreciate my sense of humor joke so dark it's almost dawn I once forged my fourth grade teachers signature poorly my tired to get on the ballot for student council guess I'm a natural-born politician for some reason I imagine you just wrote missile mr. because that's what everyone calls the teacher I once got sent to the principal's office for wearing adult underwear my thong was sticking out of my pants a little I imagine once you got to the principal's office he said you've been a very naughty girl I'm going to have to call your parents and you said no please mr. Abernathy I'll do anything if you promise not to call my parents and it turned into a weird cheesy porno I was always talking about worshipping Satan and I carried a Satanic Bible around in my back pocket so that the title and the battlements were just visible obviously I didn't actually believe any of that garbage it was just bully repellent worked like a charm but teachers staff were always afraid that I was going to shoot the school up I would never do anything like that and the thought never crossed my mind mostly because I was never bullied because everybody thought I worshiped Satan but thanks Satan thinking back to my reading of the Satanic Bible still have it somewhere shooting up the school wouldn't really be a worry the idea was to have fun in a hedonistic fashion and not turned the other cheek if some hits you then kick the crap out of them I might be wrong though I haven't read it in about 10 years passing notes was against the rules passing notebooks was not we passed the entire notebook between classes they created a rule that said no passing notebooks my notebook was confiscated before the rule was announced I did the only logical thing pulled out another notebook and wrote a page long letter to the principal indicating that because there was no rule at the time that my notebook was confiscated it should be returned I also stated that if it was an issue we could definitely contact my mother I was called to the principal's office to discuss it into my notebook was returned to me no call to mom are necessary my mom thought she accidentally left her keys with me one day she called the school to reach me but I had been skipping class and didn't hear my name over the announcements when I returned to the school to go to my next class a friend informed me about the announcement so I went to the office to see what was up when I got there the secretary asked me where I had been before I lied and said the bathroom during my next break I was summoned to the VP's office to have a chat about my mental health the secretary thought I had held myself up in the bathroom for an hour cutting my wrists or something that was awkward my lie was quickly discovered I smuggled frogs home after it rained there were always a bunch of frogs in the puddles on the playground my friends and I would always put them in our pockets and lunch boxes because we thought we were saving them we tried to bring them home and we made a little habitat in a kiddie pool it had sand and a pond and everything one escaped in class and the teacher caught me : it did better than the one my mother found in the laundry though reminds me of the scene on ET when drunk Eliot frees the frogs I went to a middle school that would join up with two other middle schools when we all went to the same high school there was a Box Tops for Education competition in my grade fourth grade where whichever homeroom collected the most Box Tops by the end of the year would win a pizza party great right I played basketball for a team in the other town they had these boxes in the lobby to collect Box Tops so every week when I went to play basketball there I would grab a handful of box tops for my classes competition my mindset was that since we're all in the same district the money is all going to the same place and I wanted a pizza party my class one summers face in my class overheard me telling my friend about my thievery and told the principal I got in trouble and had to call the principal of the other school and apologize the other principal didn't pick up when my principal called and I never had to call again bullet dodged but we didn't get our pizza party Frick you Jessica thought telling on me for having the same first middle and last names as a troublemaker during English class they called for me to go to her office thinking cool I get out of class once I got to the office they to wait for her when she came and she asked what are you doing here you guys called me and I replied she then told her secretary is not this one is the other one I knew this before I got to her office but I still wanted to get out of class I once failed a background check to get a job because I happen to have the same first name last name and middle initial as well as birthday and hometown is someone with what turned out to be a pretty serious criminal record why do they even make me put my social security number down if they aren't even going to use it teacher and I had just learned I was never enrolled in a class I had been attending for half a year teacher didn't know what to do so he sent me to the principal's office to get it sorted out in second grade I drew a picture of Mickey Mouse and gang attire holding a gun and smoking a cigarette bye gang guitar the teacher mentor NBA Jersey and jeans she does not like the NBA why else would she do that I fought a kid who insulted my mom then a teacher came to pull me off of him while I was holding his neck my friend decided to help me so he jumped on the tissues back and put him in a choke hold as the teacher was trying to get him off without hurting him I punched him the teacher in the balls repeatedly great for I hope you still talk to that friend he is a keeper I was sent to principal's office and given detention for getting 100% on a math test teacher accused me of cheating cause I didn't pay attention in his class or turn in any homework ended up I had to retake the test after school while the butthole teacher sat and watched me the whole time I got 100% again teacher never apologized freaked him it's not like math is hard there is one freaking answer period done and I didn't do my homework because he made it worth only 5% of the grade but it was 90 percent of the work I could do zero homework by your rules and still get an A in the class [ __ ] why would I do all that pointless work for no benefit you should write a strongly worded letter to him me and my friend came up with this game in middle school during English class well he would throw paper balls at each other and other people if we threw them at each other and it successfully hit we would get one point this is where the game got interesting we would get varying amounts of points for who would get the most pee off when we threw paper balls at them there was this one kid with a real stick up his butt that we would get 25 points if we hit him because of how opposite he got one time we hit him and he literally threw a fit like a two-year-old and knocked desk over and started crying with frustration most people would be five or ten points because most people didn't care one day I dared my friend to throw one at our teacher mrs. manleigh not joking that was a name anyways he built up the courage old period and finally in the last ten minutes of class threw it and hit her right in the face she was soapy I thought she was actually going to murder ass but instead she just yelled at us and sent us to the office our punishment was to clean up trash for the rest of the day because of the mess we made over that year he got 100 points for that shot totally worth it ran around and sixth grade yelling my penis is bigger than yours prompting one very confident 8th grader to challenge me to her pants down showdown I did not oblige he told on me little prick pun intended there were these blank booklets cut out into the shape of a bone and I wrote a badass story in it about dinosaurs and extinction my kindergarten teacher read my story and immediately told me to go to the principal's office I was kinda confused but it turned out he thought it was so creative I wrote about dinosaurs when every other kid wrote something about a dog burying a bone or whatever she wanted the principal to enjoy my great story I on the other hand didn't think it was that great and equated going to the principal's office with doing bad things also why do principals even have time to read random kindergartners stories in the middle of the day if I was a principal that would be an awesome break from having to do real work folding gum wrappers in aun shorting them in the electrical sockets back decades ago when the plant pack wrappers had a thin coating of foil but look at me no I'm a grown-up electrical engineer well at least we can be happy that you didn't end up teaching English or something at 11 years old I covered an entire sheet of loose-leaf paper front to back with pornographic drawings in an attempt to impress some cool kids sitting near me from BJ's to gang bangs to horse frickin what a Frick was I thinking bro I didn't know what that crap was at that age I not only got sent to the principal's office for this but I got suspended for a week my mistake picking up a knife I found in the quad and turning it into a yard supervisor I'm older so I don't know if they still do it this way but when I was in middle school they had a boys vice principal and a girls vice principal if you were a girl and got sent to the boys VP you had done something really bad I ended up in the boys VP office more than once again I'm older so I don't remember all of the reasons why but I do recall one time it was because I got mad about a friend being singled out and picked on so I stood on top of a table in the lunch area and started yelling something about how the students were all a bunch of idiots I've noticed most current schools in my area Canada have a principal and then two or three vice principals that you get to choose from to talk to there's usually the laid-back guy the hardness and the one who doesn't get paid enough for this crap I lost a kid's game boy I was playing basketball or something in early elementary school and I saw a kid I didn't know playing with it I promptly ditched the game and my friends to ask him if I can use it he says yes gives it to me and tells me to find him after recess to give it back fast-forward about ten minutes I get bored and decide to give it to one of my friends and run off to play basketball again I have no idea what I was thinking at that time it definitely wasn't he best decision I've ever made anyways a couple of days later I was called down to the principal's office to explain what happened couldn't explain cried etc that was not a fun time a kid jumped on my back knocking my glass is often shattering a lens so I punched him and while he was on the ground I stomped on one of his arms it did in fact break elementary school good times he broke your glasses he deserve it glasses are frickin expensive source glasses wearer this kid bit me on the playground so I shoved him a teacher saw and put us both on the fence floor timeout she didn't believe that he bit me so as I was sitting on the fence I used my fingernails to make a mark where he did seemed like a good idea to prove my innocence by the the makeshift bite marks I made weren't convincing or she was watching me the whole time by the way she was p and dragged me by the arm all the way to the principal one I used to sell candy and soda in school for a large profit teachers weren't happy two fighting three telling a teacher to stop spitting on me when he was shouting at me and proceeded to cover my face with a textbook for stabbing somebody with a mathematical compass in the arm as he flipped ink all over me my brother used to sell candy and drinks at school too he never got caught though the only way my family found out was when he pulled out a wad of cash and gave some to my mum after requesting she got him a burger while we were at the shop he continued to do it well into high school and made quite a good profit tbh once fell out with a friend who I was set next to he stabbed me in the knee with a pencil out of sight on the desk I not as discreetly stabbed him in the neck with mine good times so I have been sent to the principal's office many times and most of the time I totally deserve it this story however is one of the few times I did deserve it when I was in elementary school there were two elementary schools right next to each other called emerald Heights and I want to say silver Ridge despite the fact that I was closer to silver Ridge silver Ridge was so full of students I would have to take the bus to Silver Ridge and jump on the shuttle bus to take me to emerald Heights so there was this [ __ ] who let's call him run because that is his name who was in my neighborhood who was a complete tattletale who would always get everyone in trouble because he was a prick and one day around 5:30 p.m. or so Ron is playing in my front yard by himself for god knows what reason so I got outside and tell him to get out of my yard and he tells me no so I tell him if he doesn't I am going to spray it in with the hose he immediately campers off and I tell myself that was a job well done and I have driven the Butthead off skip to the next day and an hour also after school started I get called to the principal's office now I am rather confused because I am very confident I haven't done anything bad that they have known about for some time as I said I was a problem child and that is when the principal started asking me why I was threatening wrong and now I am extremely confused because Ryan goes to Silver Ridge and not Emerald Heights like I do apparently the little narc ran home told his mama who called the principal of Silver Ridge who in turn called my principal at Emerald Heights for threatening her little baby so despite my parents very vocal protests I got suspended for threatening to squirt a kid with my hose who didn't even go to my school well after school hours my parents just let me play video games and drink soda the entire day I was suspended overall I give the experience 10 stroked 10 would threaten run with a garden house again TL DR Frick you guys read it yourself I took the time to write it so you can take the time to read it up vote for the TL DR my black friend in third grade taught me the n-word and it became sort of an inside joke whenever we saw each other we would say it and giggle I didn't know the meaning one day we were lined up to go into the library and I said it to him in the library and heard me and said what did you just say I replied a word that I thought was funny fast forward to the principal's office she believed me that I didn't know the meaning my only punishment was the awful car ride home having to tell my dad after the principal had already called I stole pins from a teacher's desk and used them to torture bag worms before I was caught it surprises me to this day that I never killed someone first grade everyone loved the Power Rangers during recess we played Power Rangers I was the mighty red one as we were play fighting and kicking one of the bad guys came to close so I mustered all of my red power ranger strength squared up and kicked him straight in the nuts I was an awkward 7th grade girl with a crush on a boy named Austin who was a huge Guns N Roses fan I wanted him to like me so I bought a circus magazine with GNR on the cover to read at choir time at school sister Mary busted me and since the magazine had the f-word in the article she sent me to the office I missed recess for two weeks Austin in Tulsa okay you are so not worth it some kid who got picked on a lot tried to see you about 40 kids from his classes for harassment so we all got brought down to the principal's office in groups problem is the kid started almost every fight he got into after that year he was home-schooled side note I googled him recently and found he's trying to become a hard Republican politician shoulder seen that coming I was bullied by a group of kids since third grade by fifth grade I'd had enough and took on five six them in a fight before a yard Duty came and broke it up most ended up in the nurse's office got suspended for a week but a high five from my dad B me in second grade grew up on a farm everyone used a pocketknife for work started carrying one around took it to school teacher found out sent to the principal didn't really get in trouble he just explained why I shouldn't bring a knife to school Elm school principal was a pretty cool guy well at least that didn't happen today because you'd probably get arrested s maybe I kept hanging on the basketball hoop and the recess lady told me to stop I flipped her off I ended up having to write a couple of hundred sentences saying I wouldn't hang on the basketball hoop or flip people off I just scribbled on pages including writing some illegible curse words when I turned in my sentences they were deemed unacceptable so the number of sentences went up to like 500 and I had to pull weeds to in recess until the sentences were done I pulled those goddang weeds and you know what I did with them I threw them on the roof of one of the modular buildings I didn't have to pull weeds after that but I did have to sit against the wall during recesses for the rest of the year two weeks I found frogs in the cracks of the cement along the wall so I played with us they never did get their sentences bypassing the school's proxy filters by typing a different address of a different proxy server had access to call the game sites they blocked teacher caught me hacking and the administration wanted to expel me didn't happen but couldn't use a computer for half the year oh man so many reasons I was a tough little mother in third grade I ruled the playground and everybody knew not to Frick with me it started one day when I got to pack out skittles from the one of my teachers and I was walking home with them then mathur [ __ ] Kenny walked up and slapped the skittles out of my hand and something broke inside of me I took off my backpack which had hard copies of the first two Harry Potter books inside it and used it to beat the everlasting crap out of Kenny then I merrily continued walking home I had that same backpack all through high school they don't make em like they used to Kenny's bloodstains were with my the entire time after that I went through a biting phase which was weird but effective then it was wall Paula fistfights I would dominate the wall bull cords night and day until I didn't then I would beat the freak out of whoever was lucky enough to beat me eventually I won every game because I'd put the fear in them and nobody wanted to defeat me the principal's office wasn't that bad and detention was kinda nice actually they used to take you out of class and put you in a little closet with a chair and the desk can let you cover all day instead of being in class and I actually kind of liked the alone time anyway eventually I laid the beat down on this one kid Nathan that he moved back to Colorado and after that I was pretty much over it I think I got all my rage out and now I'm a well-adjusted member of society except for all the bodies in my back yard JK probably TLDR Frick you Kenny I really wanted to eat those skittles I used to have consistent diarrhea at school and so I would just leave school because 4x school bathrooms I got truancy but eventually switched to home school why wasn't I sent to the principal's office is the better question 90% of my childhood was spent in ISS my teachers would sometimes write me up the moment I walked into class even when I was really trying to fix my act just because they thought I would do something this would have been understandable if my parents didn't beat the crap out of me every time I received a referral I was sent a few times the most memorable was when my girlfriend and I skipped class and had sex in the back of the auditorium we had an Ag class together and our teacher didn't really care we snuck out went down the hall to an abandoned auditorium we never used it while we started getting into it and started making our usual noises we got pretty loud but thought no one could hear us just like in the movies there was a vent that went straight to the Commons fortunately for us our principal and the whole School Board was in the Commons when they heard my girlfriend go freaked me we had is s for the rest of the school year if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 9,780
Rating: 4.8819189 out of 5
Keywords: school, school stories, students, teachers, high school, got sent to the principals office, principals office, detention, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap
Id: Zr9Ll3dLBBw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 15sec (1515 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 15 2020
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