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all right everybody welcome back to another video today we're playing some Trend toir in the Top Lane we're running grasp demolish conditioning overgrowth alacrity and cutdown we're going tank trendir I'm going to build as much HP as possible cuz with trendir uh Missing percentage Health converts into ad and then we can also build a blood mail which gives us ad based on health and missing health so I'll have a lot of damage while also being really tanky five kills happened while I was doing my intro that's a new record I think nightm we're against a set this could be good or bad he's going to want to fight me which is good but also I don't know if I do more damage than him I think I do early and if we win early we can win late we get some crits the thing is his Q does Max Health damage which I'm going to build a lot wow did I get like two or three crits on him oh okay I have to be getting really lucky there I think almost every other Auto was a crit well I guess I have 50% it was more than every other Auto he sure regen a lot though oh that was a crit but I would have taken a turret shot all right the jungler may be up here soon I don't know he us this potion and he has a Doran Shield he didn't go doran's blade which most sets do I might lose some health for this now we're good so he'll do less damage but he has a lot of regen an enemy has been slain I guess I could spin out of his W punch too but yeah first item we're going hard steel stack up HP doesn't give us any damage till we finish it but once we finish it the hard steel proc actually does a lot and then we'll go Titanic Hydra so we have wave clear on hit damage and then we'll go the blood mail third and after that we there's a lot of items we can go we can go like ster my goodness gracious what is happening down there I think I could deal with a Caitlin though brand I'm more scared of oh yeah we could go ster we can go Sunfire scales with HP does more damage there's a lot of fun stuff oh Hall breaker every five hits will do extra damage and then I could shred turrets and split too oh he's level five I'm not but I got the power of crits all right we're fighting I got to help this guy yeah he died really fast I needed level five but I don't think we would have won that I thought aumu had another q an enemy I mean we're up double his farm almost shut down although I do kind of need to kill him here because I'm not going to be building more damage whereas he might be I don't know if I have the damage to beat him though oh he's level six I need to hit level six then I I could beat him cuz I'll have a few seconds extra to just Whack Him I need two minions he sure heals a lot oh my God that was risky I knew he was going to pull there I think I could get out of it with my spin I don't think he can kill me under turret he has no pull aaugh charging up my Fury I mean I'm winning in CS pretty hard an enemy has get the quick grasp he's always a level ahead of me though I think amumu got some experience from the lane or something he's like two minions of XP on me okay now Vain's on a rampage he that's his flash I probably didn't even need to flash that punch but it'd be close maybe a Mumu can come up here this guy's not basing say that as he's recalling I think he's trying to bait me out though I think we're going to get him though he has no Flash oh he sees him all right he's got one more chance oh I have Al again oh we got him I'm going to all just in case push please oh he is I your wor I guess I didn't really need him all right awesome I mean he needs the kill he with zer2 man I almost have heart steel though I think I I want ATT tack speed boots this will be a Slaughter but I really need to finish the hard steel down okay he's going what is he going blade of the Run King that build out of yeah he's going blad so he'll do a lot of damage to me I am your worst nightmare As You Wish an Al been slain oh I don't know if I can catch her with set on me though we got two grubs was zoning out though I didn't see what happened I think aumu died and got the grubs which is good we got two of them at least I'm going to probably end up being a split Pusher this game you know what I could do I could proxy cuz he doesn't have that great a wave clear mine's not good either but it's better than his I could get him to chase me an enemy has and then I could just run around I think this is for me but I just went in a bush so he can't see me an enemy has I'm pretty sure yep oh or mid oh no I wasted money there that stuff around me see that this is like a dead even matchup it's hard for me to kill him but it's hard for him to kill me but I think we'll outscale I'm going to go grab this heart steel I wonder if he saw me recall cuz he's recalling too will be a Slaughter I am your worst nightmare could maybe run at him I tried hitting the slow okay he didn't base maybe he's waiting to have tele Port up an ally has been slain as kill oh my God my vein has Nine Kills now I thought my botling was getting run over so now we can go for this power into that into that into heal H we got to go catch the wave oh another one into that triple heart steel combo no he pulled me out of it and a k all wait the whole team came for me damn I shouldn't have greeted for her but I really thought I could get her I got pulled out of my spin we need to attack speed shoes I literally just had four people come wait how do I get Kate aled if she's down here oh wait silus maybe those silus is old yeah that's what it must have been I need a tmat too so I can clear a little bit better Ally well I got a lot of heart steel Stacks but I didn't get a kill unfortunately cuzz it was a 3v2 I am your worst nightmare darn I want grubs if they're not on grubs and we get them it's so good cuz I'm just going to be a split Pusher yes they're not on grubs what we need two of them oh br's here battle an ally I'm on my way I'm pretty slow though I'm going to get pulled again oh nice I'm dead an enemy has OE didn't Al me I have Al in eight can get a demolish maybe even her whole turret we can go get attack speed shoes and then then we'll start building that team out not bad an enemy has been slain an ally has slain really hard for me to get a kill there but I really thought I was going to die a Ki could have killed me if she uh oh no oh she didn't get the cannon she could have killed me if she didn't run away with her Al I mean if I proxy get their whole team to chase me I'll help out my team a lot too bad we didn't get any grubs though cuz brand was up there to fight oh I get a I get this turret this first turret that's more income oh that's a colie my Cannon you're going to pay for she's going to spin [Music] away this will be a Slaughter really we're set I'm dead oh I did so much damage we'll take it too bad he got popped all right we got tat we got more ad more HP I mean I much rather have a klie to Lane against than set cuz set is just a lot harder to kill I want to go grab that red I am your stus is going to grab it bro your team has destroyed a turret stylus or I mean nocturn is going to get Herald but we're going to get dragon ocean soul will actually be really good on me as you wish I have wave clear Ally y silus donated them red they never go in they're always like outnumbered us into battle an enemy has shut down down my whole team died when they had three people at Herold got wait for our teammates to spawn we can't fight this 1350 then I'll have a fair bit of damage but still probably not enough to out damage blade of the ru King worst nightmare all I didn't get the slow I got a hard steal by I stay too long up here I'm going to get knockturn aled oh Caitlyn I don't have ghost and she has red buff I might get kited he's recalling I'm getting Mega kited o fruit bro can I not have three people on me everywhere I go do you know what Champion I'm playing dude do any of you know what Champion I'm playing oh I'm dead did I hit him he got okay I definitely am being focused why would they send three people diving a trend tank Trend toir top that's so good though cuz we get stuff in other places like botling in midom I've just been unfortunately outnumbered because my team is not playing for me and their team is playing for their top anet destroyed I'm okay wish our support plays like a support instead of a laner taking all the farm and the red buff he might might have to Al for him yes I got a kill you have SL an enemy enemy dou but that's good if they're all going to chase me they're going to do it again come on I kind of need something to like slow them worst nightmare I can get this turret maybe I'll go split bot cuz Baron's the next objective although dragon's up in a minute I could help my team get dragon oh no they're heralding B yeah I keep pushing top I thought they were coming for me yeah two of them are up here has destroyed your team destroyed turet oh we don't have anybody defending okay we're going to lose an inhib sucks has destroyed oh I'm doing damage oh we're losing the game oh my God no way he can defend amumu MVP save the base no blue buff yeah I can get top turret but I'd probably die for it I'm worth a bounty now I am your nah I don't have enough minions all's just going to we need Dragon though I can make it so we get dragon please go to the dragon I waste time literally nobody's going to the dragon what do I do I clear another wave up here I can at least take two people out of dragon fight if I just show ble rand's coming that means there's more good how much does blood mail cost 3,300 follow my they're in Prime position to collapse on me and do Baron they probably will we literally are so bad at warding oh my don't check I can't stay up here I know I V didn't all oh we're doomed I think I'm going to need to try and help them team fight here or we just lose oh they can't see nice huge okay we get bar now no brand in the fight I think he was looking for me top little weasel that's really good we've got oh no I'm dead too is a funny thing good thing Silas decided to push mid alone he stole Baron and killed all of us he did so much damage to me cuz I'm just full HP well if we got to Baron that would have been good but I mean we're still okay I guess stus literally is just I mean I don't know why he didn't just queue up for Mid if he wanted to play like this literally he could have been looking for brand he didn't even get anything mid and he's dead get an hourglass too all right what do I get I kind of need like attack speed or something we can go the hall breaker but yeah I'll get the hall breaker into battle okay Caitlyn doesn't have Baron get him a mooo yeah that's good oh double cannon it's a miracle slow oh okay bran stunned me twice in one fight and get away I mean might as well just keep pushing B but this is such a rough game they got to have my biggest counters every time I do a tank build oh no brand is just so damn overtuned okay terrible but could have had him we have a chance though I would really love to split push that's where I could do the most but my team just keeps going in one by one and dying this is up mid I think we lose lose this Dragon we don't have anybody in position I can't go to it I don't want a team fight I literally get killed in one brand ability cuz I'm just doing a full health build oh Bran's dead shut down enemy I don't even think set was there your teamy it's fine I get in hi I just go for another turret going to keep going I could actually get both turrets I think oh my God your destroyed I just took both the turrets how much ad oh my goodness getting extra 75 ad plus another 10% more I actually have a lot of ad this is is huge I mean I don't even really have to split bot I could just run in and end top too cuz like I'll get it at Le like I'm better than a Scion at back dooring now because of my ALT I can just stay alive as long as I don't get CC nice I'm literally winning this game by macro I don't have enough will be a Slaughter go around Baron let me split bot we might even be able to get mid but they're going to die well at least AI died an enemy I am your X please why do you have to go in the lane I go in yeah whatever as you wish also I think Vex could have just used her TP to go in their base and end too I put a ward there unless they cleared the ward I could use my alt and die and get this inhib I do a flash ghost so I should be able to get away too if they try to go for megh they're sending three here for me noin alone they should have them yep look see me pressuring bot splits their team up so they can't just group up as five and win like they were doing I keep two people at least bot and we get free Baron so I'll just play this slow uh he's back during our bot but it's fine an enemy has been SL a I'll just go for the Nexus I guess wow he still can't get me good try guys outplayed person with the least kills on the team did the most and carried how about that if you guys enjoyed the romir gam play make sure to leave a like on the video look at that we did 24.6k damage let's see damage taken I probably took a lot of damage yeah I took the most damage 63k um what else first damage to turrets I'm blind oh damage to turrets did the most damage to turrets here's our Rune stats I wish I could have got that last item but it didn't matter this did 2500 5400 5,300 to turrets with that and a lot of HP down did a lot yeah thanks again for watching guys make sure to like comment subscribe I'll see you later peace
Channel: TC Zwag
Views: 98,687
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 6DPOlZ52MRw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 19sec (1939 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 18 2024
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