Gangplank but my barrels are literal nukes that one shot you (THIS IS HILARIOUS)

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all right everybody welcome back to another video today we're playing some gang plank in the Top Lane we're running first strike cashback biscuits jackf trades haste and cut down gank blank just got buffed this patch and he's actually in a decent spot with the new crit items we're going to go crit plank also Bank Plank makes some money from first strike and we need to build a lot of expensive crit items we want Triforce into collector into iie and then probably an ldr once I have those items I can definitely oneshot people with a barrel and that's my plan to onot somebody with a barrel this game yeah his win rate is pretty low cuz people are building Essence Reaver still on him it's really bad oh no not the scarner all in but uh last night I got one shot by a crit gang plank so I'm playing it waiting for my first strike to be up and I'll qu him maybe I'll buy a call make even more money their tears will salt the ocean he's going to hit two here ouch have the fire Auto early's going to be rough that's why took uh First Strike or not first strike uh teleport but gank Plank's a lot weaker early now but I think his late game am is stronger with the crit items all right he warded I think I don't need the TP yet I want to try and get a Sheen or a call I guess I could get a call oh all right I'm just going to walk up and hit my Barrel bro nice all right I was not expecting him to like fight me there but I was fine that whole time I wanted to queue him but I didn't want to flash Q I still have it up I actually completely forgot he could just like slam me into the wall there um Sheen I think we go Sheen I really want to call I could still grab one later next base an ally has been SL if he pushes this I don't need to TP the Seas and Men betray executed also cutdown got buffed I actually feel like it's the best Rune in its uh row now because you just do 8% more damage at people above 50% HP but like almost everybody's always going to be above 50% HP when you're hitting them nice money I'll do like a mix of farming and poking oh I didn't get the sheen proc never if I can get my passive autos on him it does a lot of damage cuz it's true damage an ally has blades me yeah okay I'm actually doing pretty good damage to him I got a good uh passive combo so I autoed him with my passive applied the true damage burn but then I also hit another Barrel which refreshes that so I got him with over 200 true damage there like 250 basically ignited him how much does ignite do actually it's two ignites I ignited him twice there all right we'll do call I mean I hope this game goes long kind of need it to R Force build out of I could get a dagger I guess I'll burn it all down if I can do it have Al I actually thought that yasu was a minion if the Pik shows oh now I I'll all too late if I I'll either steal the kill or all too late and Miss I wouldn't have gotten that Pike I think cuz he was holding his Dash oh shoot there you go enemy a that's unlucky I got I got some minions a second I look away they're still fighting my bad oh I actually feel pretty strong though just queuing I found my hate in the fire oh no I don't have my he is slamming me into the wall oh no I'm dead oh my God I was behind the minions so I couldn't throw the rock I should have died there I didn't think my orange was going to be on such long cool down still I want to hit this but we might die to knockturn oh my God he's fourno why do the nocturns always get fed 20 ad or the HP I think I'd rather have the HP can't TP yet I'd have to TP to a turret oh not good that our yasu lane is losing pretty hard but they do have a squishy team like I can I can one shot these three with a barrel death spit me and I might be able to dual knct turn cuz I can orange his fear Mercy s with my ship do enough to those an ally has been slain enemy double kill uh-oh nope I saved it for that I remembered uhoh forgot he could flash okay knock turns on drag uh he could potentially kill me here oh I should have waited for First Strike it's not even close up where's mid have my orange I think I just TP back up here noct turn's recalled so he's probably going to just come alt top what boots cool down boots I'll grab those now actually I'll hack my way back to buw waterer oh he's B I can get plating here probably going to TP shut down everyone I'll take back an ally has been slain oh I'm one shotting the casters without a Triforce cool this guy's getting pretty tanky I think I'm dead here choo [Music] choo oh my God my Vengeance will be bloody oh not enough an ally has been SL I was like why didn't I crit I don't have any crit an eny okay not the worst an enemy is unable we need to get that guys shut down though eventually betray that's kind of crazy though imagine if this scarner wasn't zero and three oh wait it be big that's huge that is so big let's let's go you bet I don't have enough for a BF sword oh wait I do cash back I didn't calculate the cash back oh my God okay we get collector IE but yeah 03 scarner is actually really strong imagine if I didn't get those early kills he' actually be running me over I have my windows open for today's recording cuz my room gets so warm but it's raining outside so let me know if you hear like the the water falling from the gutter and stuff I can close my windows if you guys don't like that oo need an auto oh that's me death will be an ally has been oh does it just stop it think I got him he's only worth 150 wow cruelty for all and nocturn doesn't have R for me I got blue buff keep a weather eye out an ally has been slain an ally has been slain absolutely shred tur look at that 650 true damage that first turret I think I got TP down there he D this I need a little bit more an enemy has wait she killed him just happened I am a reborn of salt and bride an ally has been SL not bad I'm doing good damage Paul's almost finished is a child I don't know if he's on dragon or he's coming top pretty sure he's on drag words mean nothing flesh carries weight he's bot all try and help enemy Killing Spree enemy double kill everyone PS all right let me go buy and teleport I can TP and maybe do something here oh my God another BF sword can't see a thing it's not it doesn't even let me TP wow I didn't know that we can fight this oh my God that Barrel took so long what do I need level 13 for the faster barrels man if I was level 13 there though that would actually be like a double or triple kill from that Barrel yeah I'm one level off of faster barrels I was like why is that one taking so long I see corpses waiting to drop I'm doing so much damage now we're scaling oh much for iie turn back deserves a knife that's better I don't want to go too far up an enemy is UN it's fine we can pop jinx why are they going for Recon why is whole team up there I Rely wonder how much gold I have compared to everyone else oh I just hit Jinx I have infinity edge it's worth a cannon minion let you okay I am very big going to take too long for me to get there okay so next we're going ldr ldr and maybe Shield bow Shield bow is really good it'll help me survive from the slaughter docks oh my God what a barrel the one part I my hate in hey Brand okay I'm doing a massive amount of damage now me brand dead okay that's good I just K him how much does that do 500 true damage I thought they nerfed it that's a lot of true damage your turret has been destroyed watch your back let's just go kill this guy again has honestly we could Baron we're going to lose Dragon so we might as well Baron get a free Baron oh they got Vision on it hopefully a jinx rocket don't steal now there we go uh we just really need to get the next dragon but I mean I'm literally full build in 20 minutes if I go base far from done killing trust me nothing to chance we need the ldr for the scarner I mean it's still broken item uh what is that that in the wall I'm actually confused I don't know what that is um yeah I think I go Shield bow tank with my sh it gives me some defense I know I haven't died yet but nocturn hasn't even aled me yet it gives 55 ad though I can build like a Reaver do a little bit more damage have some haste but feel pretty fine with how is throat is too painless oh almost got a one shot on Jinx with that Barrel dude I'm so strong I just need to finish this Shield bow get a red potion I think I can one shot her oh my damage and he's so slow I just hit a cute okay it's only 22 minutes in the game man team your team has destroyed that getting that shutdown on the knockturn we don't want to keep pushing we don't have that many minions I'm full build at 23 minutes I'm leaving you guys over staying I've saved 959 I've saved more with cash back than I've gotten from First Strike it's fine there's no objective for them to take we need to get dragon a reing there's just no reason for us to stay mid keep a weather eye out my Barrel's not in the bush let's put a new one hopefully I'm not on a ward I was not SC him away let's go push bot my Vengeance will be bloody ah little too far oh what are you doing Tes of dead will Herald my return play for drag no way man an ally has been slain the second the literal second I recall he alss and I can't TP back in well I don't think he all maybe it's back yeah it'll be back up for Dragon but I think we just push the wave I think I'm still like still pretty strong oh I actually killed him fully Oh I thought that was going to hit damn H whatever I don't know why he went alone we should have kept pushing with my pick an ally yeah we just like I got jumped down by four people I only had one person with me it is what it is a plant yes a plant okay come on okay that's fine we got the dragon that's all I care about we could have just won the game pushing BTO off my knockturn pick that brand damage man Ally I just didn't have any peel there unfortunately Darkness I lost my ship an ally has been slain is okay slow death will be their reward how did that Ward just disappear always watch your back I mean Bran's bot but he does have teleport we need this bush warded ruy for all oh he's got a spell shield oh my God I almost killed him with just a q oh that's GG that's a GG right there all right we're not one shotting with the barrel but it's like doing so much I just did a th000 true damage to that guy eny kind of scared though nocturn is going to steal this we can take in not rec but if they push top I I think I can One V one nocturn if I don't panic I'll just go top with them cuz I'm just going to get jumped on team destroyed well that's good the nocturnal didn't get anything he he didn't Al me I was holding my orange for his Al brand is splitting your team has destroyed an in oh another one part takes her out of the fight oh somebody's using some loud Machinery or something outside loud car bu right come where' he go back deserves a knife an ally I'm faster than him I just don't have any barrels not today everyone STS I burn it fall down if I can't have it I could sell boots oh for opportunity how about that now I can one shot Jinx I'm slower though okay she's got flash I might have to Al top wave but we do have supers up there oh that's a good pick all right we're fine yeah let me know if my mic's picking up that stuff so I can have my windows open or not because I usually close them because of all the noise but I have a pretty good mic it doesn't uh doesn't pick up too much background noise keep a weather eye out I found my hate in the fire one shot that's a two shot that should be GG wonder I think I hit brand with the barrel took him out of the fight I'm doing so much damage has no memory but I do let's push bot this is exactly what a gangplank did to me last night when I was playing on my grandmas account wish I could do this in Grandmaster but I'm not a gangplank one trick I may do a gangplank Arc though and try and climb with him he seems fun Mercy sank with my ship I think he has one of the highest skill caps out of all the Champs team oh I missed my Barrel but it don't matter literally just killing everyone in like two hits look at that Jinx where her HP go no my one shot Barrel that's fine I'll take it 25 and two what a fun gang blank game if you guys enjoyed make sure to leave a like also subscribe to the channel if you haven't last SP least leave a comment below let me know what Builder champ you want to see me play next let's see the damage well I kind of carried this one just a little bit 85. 5K damage yeah gank plank actually feels pretty good with the crit items I like this more I missed the old days of Triforce gank plank over the essence Reaver he'll probably get I mean it depends he might actually just naturally rise in win rate after this buff the buff was just like health and damage health and AD First Strike did 2450 gave me 1,600 gold I saved like over 1,000 gold from cash back and then this gave me what does this give me like Hast Mr ad I don't even know cut down look at that 3500 damage so yeah thanks again for watching I'll see you guys later peace
Channel: Zwag Xerath
Views: 99,860
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: XBKBusi4Q3c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 5sec (2045 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2024
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