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all right everybody welcome back to another video today we're playing some Darius in the Top Lane we're running hail blades taste a blood eyeball ultimate Hunter bone plating and overgrowth we're going to go double bleed Darius now with the wild arrows crit item when I crit I apply a bleed and my passive also applies a bleed so we'll have double bleed be pretty cool I just have to build crit but it's actually not that bad I'll be squishy but I'll do a lot of damage and Darius has a really strong level one especially with hail blades Mr nasus gets too close to me going to all in him I want to get the wave pushing a little bit first in my favor so I don't tank too many minions all right he burned my he of blades but pretty much if you get full stacks of bleed on somebody level one or two they're just they're done oppos there we go that's going to take half of his health was almost about to flash Auto w o they have a new new Jungle could get ganked right away I will not rest a I got creep blocked into a turret shot an Al an En yeah I apply the bleed really fast with halil blades cuz of three hits plus I have Auto reset make no mistakes new new ganked bot no way I had a minion targeted stay alert that's lame if I hit these minions I think I take a turret shot maybe not that one and there he goes he's going to tell teleport back so we got to push in base oh what are you doing we can't dive him he's full HP Noo-noo is probably going to be top two next time we fight am I going to go to Wild arrows first maybe I might go Shield bow first so I don't get bursted I get boots oh you know what I could do collector NIS doesn't push super fast so we should be okay I could do collector wild arrows and then Shield bow or we could do I ldr but I'll probably just kill people in like two hits if I do that and then the bleed won't do anything but maybe I do like Shield bow and phantom dancer for some move speed cuz I'm going to have a difficult time catching people nassis even with a wave you don't win that he's probably going to live with like one HP needed one more hit but he popped his ghost what I can do is actually just recall in this bush since he already tpd the only thing that would ruin this freeze is if he actually stayed and then just pushed the wave I have my orders lethality oh the minions oh wait nope perfect freeze so I just made him lose like a minion Wave by doing that so he essentially doesn't get anything out of that Allin trade nasis is scary though I have to really run over this guy because he's going to wither me and just cue me to death but my ALT is quite strong why does it keep hitting the minions at least I got the cannon I will not rest I can deny him a lot of farm though every time he wants to come up and Q one I can get creep blocked out of hitting him oh we got dunk en that was way closer than it should have been wow an enemy has wither is really op I got a full stack Duncan he tanked full bleed forever too wonder if I need anti-heal stay alert we get some plating I wonder what's better mercs or Swifty maybe swifties to catch them just grab those now never Retreat got to save up for a BF sword but it should be easier to kill him from here on out cuz I'm just getting more ahead every time and he hit his power Spike there the level six he had level six in a Sheen my Des but a new new gank could ruin everything and even if I Ward right here I'm going to get hit by the nooo snowball still but I got Garen around I can actually kill him oh I'm so fast with swifties he aled at the end there too all right the swifties countered the Wither that didn't do that much to me that time so if I recall correctly swifties make the slow less strong but Merks make the slow last less time I'm not sure which one's better oh how you doing bro you can take my Cannon cool if I was a silver player I'd run it down did a lot of damage to him here we got fed Jinx oh dead Jinx I meant my bad I don't think I have enough Mana to kill him collector's nice with my bleed and the double bleed nobody will survive it is old oh my God it actually worked and then she misplayed she should have waited for her e well at least Noo-noo never came Top early that would have ruined my day now if he comes top I'll just kill him cuz it's AP Noo-noo I think I shouldn't have walked through that wasted my bone plating new's mid top side we just got to hold the wave here deny nases I can't let him play the game that's how top is I let him play the game I'll slowly lose I have my orders got a freeze he might ask Noo-noo to gank him to fix the wave or he might just try to fight me here bait it and have No-No gank strength above all oh he has Fleet that's how he was sustaining early I will not rest grabing my bleed Stacks how many does he have enough I think the bleed Stacks dropped at one point I swear I stacked it up twice on him uh that was a sloppy kill but still an enemy has SL we're fine he's going to TP so only one plating noakes got collector I got his ghost there though all right collector we'll do wild arrows and then we need the shield bow for defense so we don't get popped I kind of get kited by these three but if I get to them I kill them like instantly you're in the farm Thief I wonder what other lanes got their cannons yoinked by him oh watches the wild a coli player in their natural habitat the mid lane SC we ignores every minion but presses R and runs it down your team has destroyed truly a beautiful sight has been slain an enemy has been slain R I can also do grubs my Q heals me off of I believe I can go try and Roam and get trist oh if I grab an ldr I have 40% armor pen on my e 40% armor pen on my ldr that kind of gave it away I thought she went bot I just pulled her out of her Dash hey collector bleed deleted her we'll let him freeze and farm I'll just go do these while we lose Dragon they Willet opposing me watch my Q 250 heal expl weakness nice and he's on his way to grubs but they're already dead an enemy has been slain oh you don't get to hit the turret an enemy has you only got to farm cuz I let you I don't know if I have enough Mana to kill him you're still I think he based he finally got some money he might be able to buy an item if he based do I take his turret knus will rise huge cringe bow [Music] time guess I'll just get the opponents tolerate coward an enemy has nasis is really far behind in Gold they're junglers too arm mid's losing our Bots winning so we only have one one losing Lane I have my you know what Garen remember when you took my Cannon I'm taking your blue we might find nasus in the river right here has been SL they're going to go to maybe Herold after this I'll wait now he's coming I could like yoink him out of his snowball I better not be on a ward that would be really awkward where'd he go still have my my bleed stacked up oh it ran out the second I hit her doesn't matter doesn't matter I guess make no mistake think I lose turret actually it's it'll survive with like a little bit of HP left he's going to run he's going to wither me and run oh no he's going to try and die for it not going to work not going to work big dog W kie didn't even hit him I crit him he if he wanted to do that what he should have done is pop his alt and qu it he would have got the turret it's not even a waste of an ALT cuz he would have got the turret and it's not even that long of a cool down oh I'm going cringe bow before I wait the wild arrows builds out of like the same thing okay we're fine they have the same build path guys I almost got off track and forgot what I was doing I thought I already had it Retreat oh my God 1,800 1,800 that had to be the execute it doesn't do that much I'm just going to keep pushing destination is clear what's Noo-noo going to do kill mey plus Jinx is pressuring over there he is oh my God I killed him in like four hits no if I got two Lucky crits in a row I could have maybe killed Tris all right we have the double bleed double bleed Darius is online what do we want to go with it oh I could get this wouldn't really do that much the only thing it would do is get my pole up more I mean I'm 10 and one do I really need the shield bow luckily nasis didn't get the kill let's get the attack speed actually cuz then I apply the bleed more bleed from Wild arrows so then you guys can actually see it an enemy has been slain I mean I'm not even going to attack fast anyway cuz the nasus Wither but I think nasus is the only one anyway that will survive more than two Auto attacks from me I do not tolerate C we don't need an infinity edge if I'm critting and like one-shotting them then they're not going to bleed they'll do like an ldr maybe or Shield bow I don't really alar is kind of Overkill oh nasis all right bye the minions have double BL look at that one Auto attack 172 bleed an enemy all right we got phantom dancer could get a rapid fire for the longer Auto Range too and the attack speed I will not rest the only champ that really like counters me is the uh nasis wither and I beat him in Lane so he's not an issue make no mistakes probably on a ward it's trist and nasis that could lose it's just trist he needs to start running oh bleed yes that's kind of cool I was attacking really fast I actually didn't think I hit that pole but I yed her out of the air again again how that wave get B your team destroyed a tret I mean we could do another Zeal item why not my team seems good unlike the other game I've played of this so I can Goof Off a little bit go more attack speed for more bleed 258 bleeded on that did an enemy well they got us off Baron but I'll just push bot an ally has been SL they won't be able to do Baron somebody's got to stop me very soon cuz if this wave hits the turret the turret is dead down tret has destyy an enemy want to clear the wave so the minions hit this so I do a little bit more damage he bleeding he's hurt he dead he not hurt who's who's next I only needed two [Music] hits if I didn't take all those turret shots no way Turret only did 400 maybe I only took one at the end oh my God that's a lot of damage 640 Shield or 35% attack speed and one Auto attack at extra range is 35% bonus range even long on darias where am I that even changes can't see it while dead where's oh I got to charge it up orders I mean that's really not even that much further H I think I'd rather just try to survive we need we're 100% crit so what last item could I get something to not get kited maybe like a dead man's or I would ghost and run at her but she can uh jump over a wall I can't jump over a wall team destroyed inh an ally an enemy hasain maybe a dead mans to be able to run faster or a qss for the Wither that would do wonders your team has destroyed in an enemy has been slain make no mistakes I'm pretty fast well Shield bow saved my life wise purchase we had there oh she's the most fat on their team and she had an ldr I can heal off these you stand there you stand there I think it worked how you do blood thirster has some life steal oh life steal in the shield that could be good never she jumped on of that one hey I didn't even get the dunker the bleed executed her that was kind of close where's the rest of her team I trying to hit a q to heal oh my God where did she go all right GG we got the bleed how much did it do 718 double bleed Darius I've got another game I'll add on to this so stay tuned if you want to see double double bed Darius uh usually when I go crit Darius I try to go hail blades so then I can apply my passive bleed very fast uh their team got two kills from an invade is not good it looks like they're going to get more there's a lot of people down there but set is late to Lane here and if he tries to fight me he don't win I think he might die nah oh my God I don't even have conqueror Darius bleed is so brutal I guess it's cuz I was level two since I had a level on him the bleed gets stronger with every level oh I accidentally hit a uh minion well there goes all your health again he's not going to die but he's going to be very low uh he has his pole and I guess he got his Q yeah he doesn't have his punch yet going to hit three off this minion oh I'm out of Mana all right I got to push this in base the jungler's probably going to be up here soon I can actually leave it how it is let him come out all right what am I going first no will I guess I'll go the wild Arrow first or maybe I'll go Shield bow first cuz yeah I think I'll do Shield bone to Wild Arrow I don't need the attack speed regret opposing me and I don't need the bleed yet if I only have a 25% chance of critting we'll get it second item though all right I only lost a few minions with that recall but now I can slow push another wave into him and just fight him I should have the level Advantage I should be level five make has been slain if he fights me in all these minions he loses he has no flash my destination he pretty much has to just wait and let me push it into the turret re blocked I got two of them my vision of the river darn I pulled too late it's going to be difficult for this guy not to be under turret maybe he'll come out nice see if he bases he's staying going to play it slow I will not rest set kind of regenerates Health faster than a mundo but I'll crash another big wave nocturn is not playing for to I do not tolerate coward an enemy has been slain well I have dunk and down he goes use his extra ad to hit the turret I canceled Auto reset Leona double I'll just leave this wave alone I could get a BF sword actually we do collector yeah let's grab the BF swords we have enough I mean it's either collector or iie at this point I guess collector since I have the long sword IE is not that good first I mean I don't really need to build a Zeal attack speed item cuz I already hit quick I have three fast autos and then I have an auto reset also and that should be more than enough to take out set cuz he's behind and he's building blade of the Run King he thinks I'm going to build an enemy oh there's a brawl on the map make no mistakes I mean the rest of the enemy team kites me pretty well I get kited by brand theist uh nocturn is just going to only go in when he has alt oh let this crash exploit every weakness he could be on grubs I thought their jungler was botside I don't think I can on V2 I can but if I get cced I can't yeah they were on grubs my destination is clear but Top Lane is one of the most brutal Lanes to get behind you don't you rarely come back like I one V2 since not what are you doing with overwhelming Force get I like how he aled me into the turret weakly oh yeah there's ldr also for the more armor pen should die never Retreat unable the bleed I can't wait till we get two bleeds that's set for you though set's one of those Champions where they just kind of all in you early and hope they win just by stat checking you or with the punches but Darius is also the same Champion but better I think I think I can beat him no I'm dead color could do attack speed shoes or swifties or armor boots whatever I feel like let's get the wild arrows though my armor boots might be the best for nocturn and set both Auto attacking me and then turret I may not need Swifty since I've flashed ghost yeah they don't really have too many slows on their team they just have like stuns and stuff I will not rest see if my Q kills all the oh death by my I have crit now and my bleed executes when they're low and then I'll have double bleed uh we're the same speed but I might as well chase him he might uh lose these 365 we're the same exact speed he takes like the corner wrong I mean I denied him a wave of minions by doing that an ally has been slain I do need to stack up my ultimate Hunter but the kills will come to me I want to get the turret first oh that is actually well played by him forgot he could Al me into turret unfortunately I'm too fed might die a nocturnal he's down bot though yeah so I get uh up to 40% armor pen and then if I buy an ldr I get another 40% so yeah true damage kill your team has destroyed I can push another wave I'll probably die though if he gets to me maybe I'll try and do grubs cuz nocturn has been getting all the objectives I'll try and take this while he's not here oh nice I actually heal off grubs an ally has been SL it's going to be a hard steal with a kalista oh wait they're winning they will regret all right we're fine we got the dragon and the grubs GG my destination is clear and since I get a lot of ad on Darius cuz of my passive the burn or the bleed from this is actually going to be quite strong I need to get 100% crit though we could do I guess IE and ldr no attack speed crit item don't necessarily need it what's cool though is you know how Darius bleed stacks up to whatever the wild arrows bleed Stacks too so if I auto them four times they're going to have four bleeds on them if it uh if I auto four times in two seconds uh maybe I go swifties if he's going to roam and we're going to have to go get the rest of their team every weakness like I said if I'm going to get kited oh he has a stride breaker so swifties could be good into that oh no wow dead can't believe that stun hit me it didn't even look like it was going to go down this way it looked like it was like straight I should have just ran it brand an ally SL he held his uh Q for so long usually you don't want to open with your W first your turret has been destroyed yeah we can just grab the swifties uhoh maybe I just go tank item as my last item I don't die ster could be good I do not I need to take out these turrets so set doesn't just Al me into them oh my God that Q just deleted him strength above all I still have my dunk noock turn's up here brand might come up too where is he grum uh oh he's on a Herald well this could be my nice Stacks what St I got a Kill from Death I got stunned for a while there I don't know what happened I guess I got brand stunned brand stun into Leona all a sudden they all just like oped me there were two stacked on top of each other right here too so I couldn't dunk the one I wanted okay we have the double bleed I'll just get a pickaxe we'll probably have enough for BF sword on next base yeah cc is my enemy an En Leona and brand will do so much damage to me but if I catch anybody alone or like a 1 V2 I think I'll be fine but when there's three people I kind of have to kill somebody in instantly or I'm dead my destination is clear look at one hit look at that bleed well there team's going to go for Dragon so I'm just going to take as much as I can I do so much damage to these camps [Music] an ally an enemy damn it man oh if I got the dunk off bran got me though that's one Auto attack that did that much to him I mean I took three of them to get me and they got two mids so that's fine I don't even know if they'll get it but I'm just so squishy it's just like nocturn fear locks me down for like two seconds and I can't do anything then set alts me and then I lose half my health maybe edge of Knight spell shield lethality stay alert but sterex is probably best gives a lot of AD The Shield not that big of a shield only 300 I can't build a cringe bow I guess I don't need the infinity edge but it's good an ally SL oh I don't have dunk Dam that Leona does not die man I was not in that I think I was a victim to the river height I really didn't think I was in that W scam Aries just be thick so damn squishy I do not coward a morg shield would save me from [Music] everything above [Music] all your turret has been destroyed don't really need you AOS you should have just took those minions en my team be running it down guys no way there's the dunk you deserve he pull she pulled her out of my dunk rise oh wait what did I say I was going to go oh yeah ldr do I even need the ldr I could go cringe bow instead but I can't have cringe bow and aeric I's get the ldr cuz Leona really doesn't take any she does take damage but she dies slow morg if you follow me around and E me I'll carry make no mistake all right I'll tell her what I want you either give it to me or we could lose I just want the black shield looks like she wants to win Wise Choice Morana wiling there's a brand here [Music] well we're dead an ally that guy he's not even that fed just brand ow fortunately brand can press two buttons and do that much damage hey that's a weird looking Caster minion he's going to get the turret before I get there I think stay alert oh I killed him so fast it's so funny I don't think we're going to win cuz this is almost a One V 5 but it's funny I'm having fun that's all that matters I have my orders need get the the brand oh he's like l literally only looking for me look at that he pressed r on me and I lost 60% of my health without even doing I actually lost more than 60% of my health 70% of my health gone from him pressing R and nothing else Leon might get him all right we can bar all right kill her that'd be fantastic as you can see I get kited I do not tolerate cowardice wonder if Dead Man's I think I might need sterck though cuz the brand burst literally one spell from him I got to go to Baron they're actually going I've had Grandmaster teams take longer to get to the objective than this team oh that's Third Dragon for them but it's fine they're not going to contest Baron I mean ocean soul actually doesn't really stop me from killing them it's not going to out heal my bleed maybe I just wait here for someone to come up I hit so hard noxus will rise they just have too many one button Champs like Leona one button alts me bran one button alts me is this really warded bro let me move that actually is so annoying we should not fight after I die but they are too stupid to realize that uh kalista they must have had a ward or this guy Z baited them all up here they literally sent their whole team there did we lose oh yeah we lose I guess man I'm even countered by kalista Al picks up Leona right in the middle of dunk so I don't get reset yeah if they had like a little bit easier team to beat could do it or if my teammates didn't get smoked so hard but I have a lot of Champs to like don't have CC don't have front line I don't think we can survive this maybe what should my bleed do 5 I think I was killing them too fast for the bleed to do anything but yeah unfortunately it was a 1v5 I tried still fun game I got a lot of damage if you guys enjoyed make sure to leave a like comment and subscribe let's see the damage chart kind of impressive lead damage he did the least in the game 33.3k damage here's our Rune stats and I'll see you guys later peace
Channel: Zwag Xerath
Views: 193,971
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: neQTXAwSJa0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 57sec (2997 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2024
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