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all right everybody welcome back to another video today we're playing some atro in the Top Lane we're running conquer Triumph haste last hand that can wind and Revitalize they just did like a mini re rework on atro this patch where his e now scales your healing on Champions with your max health so if I build a ton of Health I'll have a ton of healing and then when I Al at max range it increases the healing by 100% so I could heal over 100% of the damage I deal if I can get this up to 50 I think we can at least get it up to like 30 40 so in order to do that I got to go hard steel to get some health and Pantheon might be difficult to play into with Ignite but if I get ahead early and he has ignite he can't TP back be solid I may have to go a Bruiser item first though before the heart steel we'll see I mean I can kind of farm safely nice oh that's such a good trade I hit everything and I dodged his spells if we can kill him on first base I think I can afford to go a hard steel cuz when you finish the hard steal it actually does damage but while you're building it it doesn't really do any need him to qu we can go suned sky and heal a lot too I mean if I sit in front of my turret I'm sure he'll get bored how did that not knock up that was bad I come for you Pantheon we're down in CS ow we can do blood mail too and convert our HP into a lot of ad it's just like I need a lot of items and gold for this to be strong so the hard part of this build is the early game o and I'm still chunking though okay good he actually could have beat me there cuz my Q's on a high cool down I just keep poking him with qes this form who's our jungler Warwick well we got him right where we want him we just don't want him to hit Level stick so we can Al back to Lane use that as like a Teleport they deserve only oh that was so close to me getting him he jumped in it like the worst time there a I got blocked I really thought I was around the minion there your Annihilation beckons we got to push well we didn't kill him I still might be able to beat him just by building HP lives I will do we get ad from our Al 20% that could work an enemy what he buy I can save my TP here I think we'll make it up in time yeah the Canon still [Music] alive am uh Pantheon's going to go Al into this dragon fight I need to push an enemy has been slain okay he's here also my e works is an auto reset which is cool had alt here but my Q's not up not a bad trade actually an enemy has SL an ally has been slain what do we do heart steel into suned Sky or into blood mail second thunder sky might be a better second item so I maylit your should from your blood mail is better the oh I screwed up there I think we're still fine though yeah I'm still uh even though I played that terribly out damaged him gets tricky with the turret dive his E's back up now if I needed to flash on him I had to do it earlier um his should be on cool down for this dive nice not bad we got him yeah I'm still doing pretty good damage for not building damage I'll take it oh no oh he's got flash help oh we got him I need hard seal Pantheon's going to Al maybe I can bait his Al what is he doing oh gosh help me I can bait him I can bait him I missed all right he tanks first we're going to tag team Pantheon secretly saving his spells for me but I'm not going to go in so now he's got to use it on him we'll take it yeah that's just how you do it oh there's a jinx all that's huge yeah if I would have tried to go in there Pantheon would have killed me cuz he was holding his abilities for me and I could tell he was going to do that uh I got heart steel we made it I don't have boots though if I wait 40 gold could have them H it's only 30 gold now we'll wait for the boots you guys I haven't asked you guys to like the video in a while look at I got one hand that's bigger than the other one so that means you need to like the video I think it's because he has a glove on but I just like the video now let's TP all right so our healing is now at 26% what was it at the beginning it was like 16% wasn't it 18% I must destroy evil so the old values let me see if I still I think the old values it maxed out at 24% healing on E but the ult only increased it by like a 40% Max and now it increases it by 100% when you w so I'm going to have a disgusting amount of healing oh it should be easy to get hard steal Stacks with all this TC there isness in myep I hit them at all oh [Music] attacking I need to get good with this champ he's broken he's broken an ally has wow my Warwick's got four kills thought we had a Sho oh it's Sho support people are playing Sho anywhere but jungle right now my game he does have some time to chase me oh wait we don't have a oh no I'm screwed Warwick's going to just come hunt me down I may as well just try and get as many minions oh dodged I need the cannon I need the cannon I need one more q no my Cannon he lost a cannon it's worth um I don't think it matters what boots we get but I would assume armor boots are probably the best here yeah I'll go sundered sky thund Sky blood mail and like Bruiser items or Cannon these mortal storms into my own and I took double scaling HP runes too for some reason I thought we had a Warwick it was vgo turned into Warwick I am not your enemy I am eny uh I don't want these minions to crash no for my imprisonment they will suffer he based no he's here I need hard steel Stacks I need Warwick to gank me when I'm not behind the turret though beautiful 75% more healing [Music] kind of low I just have so much HP I can keep trading with him wait a second you have something I want but I will get feared every time I go near you perfect oh my God I do be healing The Avengers are here oh my goodness oh he got me I got executed I got ignited twice I did indeed get ignited twice wonder how much I healed there like I don't even have any healing or damage I have healing I don't have damage to get more healing from and doesn't my all last forever as long as I get kills cannot die until all 5 Seconds wow when you're playing against him it feels like it's longer than 5 Seconds got a t i lose this thought that was a Warwick Al I mean I could just keep fighting and I win just cuz I have so much HP [Music] but I have a feeling I'm not alone with this guy up here maybe I am who [Music] knows oh I could have got another heart steel you for a wor ready to Beed I guess Warwick left him 31% your teamy en oh that's a clone that is the real Shake okay oh yo I'm dying kill wait let's do this wait bro's tickling bro's tickling [Applause] me oh my Al sending now no I got baited for the hard steel I got ignited again too all right this is a really nice item for atrox and then we really need this this is going to give me so much Aid I've already got 4,000 HP I mean maybe with all those ignites they won't build heal reduction I really hope they don't even if they build heal reduction it's still going to look like I'm healing through it but I think once I get blood mail and maybe one other item after if I land a Q on them I'm just going to heal the full if I'm alting I am your did they reduce the uh alteration see no they didn't your team has destroyed a turret now I crit when I Auto I don't even lose HP yet can't land a Q on this guy he's Faker an enemy has slain but I have so much HP I can just keep fighting him and I'll never lose I'm still doing pretty solid damage yeah we got a pretty insane uh vin game on a on the Zago Channel if you guys want to go check that out you could either just search uh is it wag Vin a probably would find it it should be in your own Pages too that's probably the best way to find it I got over 50 50 kills in an Aram I am okay well I can't deal with the Avengers can I no did I I got ignited twice two more ignited I was still healing with those cues but if I wasn't ignited I would have actually out healed their damage five people was that five that was actually five people 1 two three four five they just came out of nowhere I was like I'm fine with three but five uh they're going to Baron no they're not chion's dead J's dead patience maybe I'll go bot or maybe I'll just go team fight an ally has been slain I wonder what after blood Mill oh my goodness oh my goodness bran just passed it just killed them all oh my God their whole team just got nuked by the brand passive they're all like half health and then it just chain exploded on [Music] them screams will be like the soothing hum of infant how much do I need behind oh as much as I want to fight all of you again I don't win so Warwick got heal reduction but if I don't Auto him it doesn't apply to me so I'm fine okay this should bump up my 280 to 278 and then I get more when I get lower oh they're not continuing pushing mid so that means they're coming for me I just wait back here no I mean I got the hard steel stack I mean if I have brand with me we will definitely beat them only cuz I can last long enough for brand to hit all of his spells Titanic's good but it doesn't actually give a ton of AD like it did before it gives 50 I'll have to look at this but maybe like a Cleaver would be better cuz I need haste yeah Titanic's not good I need haste for more cues okay I just out healed ignite I'm full health or are they all jump on me that's a lot of healing oh now it's increased by 25% more 100% increased self healing um what I say I was going this is oh this gives it doesn't give haste so I think I really need the shun or the cleaver 55 400 55300 let's do the cleaver we could really use the haste and the armor pen so then I can do more damage King I am not a God I am yeah I thought I was going to get bursted again here cuz I was ignited but I landed Q's on them luckily my Q didn't run out while I was CCD and I hit the Q and healed like a th each Q I think oh Cloud soul I mean if I just go onev five on top if I die we get Cloud Soul if I kill them we get Cloud Soul let me tell you they're all up here my will is beond I think they know it's a clone there a Warwick I mean all war with has is th I'm going to have to go in let me use my damn spells I can't move oh what the what what is that healing that's an auto attack I didn't even get to Quee them what the dude I just right clicked all I could do was right click on a hard seal stack and I healed the [Music] full what was that 43.6% extra healing it was probably even more cuz I was lower HP it probably like 45% increased by 100% so it's like 90% healing there your team has destroyed then I had the thundered sky healing too and then I have revitalized which increases it by another 10% actually wait oh my god oh no it's 5% unless I was low I was below 40 wasn't I my darkness was not B it was forged by okay I might actually have enough healing to tank them all was I ignited there I don't think I was ignited that fight they're probably going to have ignite oh and it was my passive Auto too which heals 80% of the damage dealt oh you're done oh so close oh I don't want to Auto him but I do want the hearts oh I think we're winning the game here Lads I'm not dying like I need to take damage to heal but I I just can't take damage is issue Tri all right let's see this a oh I actually tanked a lot of Fountain laser there 40 seven so we basically have 100% healing over 100% healing well we might be able to get one more fight I do have teleport Diego is melting that though the Warwick's up go get him Warwick I think Warwick's done what is Sho doing an ally oh I can buy this for 12% more healing I was going to TP in I could still get one more item and get even more healing but it's not making it there let me move let me move I can't move I was CC for seven damn seconds I had a heal cut on me too I had to yeah she has Morelos that was half healing well I guess all the all this does is pretty much stop my ALT healing not even because it it increases by 100% so they're not even cutting my he heing by half but it's doubled when I Al blood thirster it doesn't work on abilities but it would make my auto attack heal me a ton but it it's better just to get more HP oh spirit I could get spirit for more healing but I think uh physical damage item still better maybe aerx I need the [Music] tenacity or Shogun I don't think we're going to make it to the next item cuz Vio is killing an Nexus yeah it's over that was fun though that was actually really really strong I thought I was going to do no damage early but I actually was dealing damage but I also I healed so much there we didn't get the greatest team fights for healing but I was healing more than I thought I ever would all right we did 39,000 damage I did the most damage how much healing healing done we healed 40,000 so I healed more than I did here's our Rune stats 800 on conquer extra 3K here make sure to like comment and subscribe and I'll see you guys later thanks again for watching peace
Channel: Zwag Xerath
Views: 145,837
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: khf_Hm_65jQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 48sec (1728 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 20 2024
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