When Brand hits 100% Magic Pen his fire deals literal TRUE damage (MELT EVERYTHING)

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all right everybody welcome back to another video today we're playing some brand in the mid lane we're running Comet maniflow Transcendent Scorch cheap shot and Eyeball we're going to do a Max magic uh pen brand build where we'll have a lot of burst so we can do Sor shoes void staff Shadow flame storm surge and then throw in like a death cap to amplify all that do a ton of damage cuz the more AP you have on Bren the more max Health damage you can do on the third hit when it explodes I will a we're against Eko my favorite Champion to play against but as brand I think we'll be okay Brand's a champ that does a lot of damage even if you don't even land your spells he's going to hit two here I knew it ofans Echo players on the other hand just hit level two and go all in like a Yasuo except he's like the AP version of them actually did pretty good damage to him I'm going to use a potion I want to keep my health as high as possible versus an echo once I'm level three I can stun him when he goes in and he's definitely just going to go in I'll just ignite him I can get him really low for Warwick I just got to be careful he doesn't turn and try and go for me we can fight this guy too nice I lose a cannon but it's okay the echo player deserves this loss he has no flash we even traded with his ADC I purify he's not basing either ooh the W hit him he's taking a lot of extra damage here if he stays he's going to die I need to kill him before level six cuz then he can just do over think I can still kill him through this yep he dead you deserve this you're all in level two abuser nice I'll use W here so I don't miss another Cannon yeah he doesn't have TP so this death hurts him even more what is my Warwick doing to this ye I think he wins oh yeah all right we're going to do a lost chapter item first let's see which I think gluten is going to have the most burst but we could also do oh you know what we could do malignants that actually gives a magic pen out of all of them I'm down to do it it's going to be a bit weaker unless I'm alting but it do give Magic Pen and that is the gold is fill I'll still do a lot of damage even without a a burn and stuff an enemy has been [Music] slain he didn't even land his q and I landed everything look at my damage so close to killing him if that stun would hit but his Dash came back up he's got a base so I just shove wave in I think the only thing we won't be able to get in this build is LeAndre let's see malignants Shadow flame storm surge boots what am I missing void staff death cap we could sell boots for LeAndre I really won't need the LeAndre that bad though since I'll do so much damage see is he going to go all in again come on dash on me you know you want to oh I got it from here guys don't worry Eko don't know how to do anything but go all in unfortunately Ekko has been put against a champion that does even more damage than he does oh hello hey you like going under turret cuz that's how I use my flash well this might be a quick game oh wait I'm going to die what am I doing I die in one E from him hopefully Warwick just goes and scares him away so I can get the wave he has no dash he's going to try and like Al back and kill me oh he's not six yet even all right we got malma our first bit of Magic Pen he might roam I think he was missing some HP after M this guy is learning that Alla is not fun but kench is actually somewhat okay versus Sala I actually played the match up twice the other day and I won as kench cuz you can just spit her out under turret well once ye gets going he gets [Music] going but I hit three spells and I do uh 70% of his health oh wow my bot Lane lived want to hit that minion we can Max Q since I'll be able to hit that fairly easy o good Dodge well you had me at Double Buffs I don't want to have him push the away then hold on damn it no kill for me enemy has been SL stole another one scammer I don't think I could have walked into dragon without dying there are three people waiting there this body is just what do I need 1,00 for Sor shoes got it I need push another wave though their will be got it all right time for the shoes two magic pin items oh this did 100 damage but I I don't even think my all bounced so I just had one burn Zone on that E I was hoping it'd bounce to jinx and Nami but it didn't he's roaming once Ekko gets a kill or two from roaming he gets strong once he gets a lich pain he's full build I don't have like Leones or Blackfire so my Burn's not killing the minions as fast as I want but we'll make it work oh wait I can't sell boots in this build for LeAndre boots give Magic Pen an ally has been slain I mean the thing is once I hit all those items I actually don't need a LeAndre cuz I'm going to kill them instantly instead of burning them well that reset is gold but he did get money I did Ping them that he was uh coming he I think he's going for me I'm brother he's going for me well ye kind of screwed up there he should have held his Q I'll ignite so you don't heal sorry sir he should have held his Q for when I threw my Q cuz then he could actually kill me cuz then I couldn't stun him I am free he's kind of fast I could buy this oh my God oh he chomped the wrong one I'm going to just try actually H what do I want I kind of want the storm surge although they're all actually really good items I'm just going to try void staff second for funsies since I can't buy the large rod for the shadow flame storm surge probably would have been the other option better option but I'll get it next going I'm just going to be essentially doing true damage already as soon as I get the uh void I don't even think their team's going to build magic resist either it's going to be the fun thing is just I tried to quue orwick but the minion blocked it I don't know where he is oh I know where he [Music] is oh we got grub buff I think I got her but I'm going to die wow she didn't die she must have healed herself at 1 HP she's going to die I think I still get assist I'll take it that's an eyeball stack whole damn team collapsed on you there how do you get over there an enemy they don't have a wave coming oh Jinx is dead destroyed AET nobody went to save her oh nami's there I think they're both dead though an enemy has been slain your that's the thing about a ye jungle he doesn't really have anything to save your team he kind of just Farms tries to get kills he's going to play for himself he's not going to play for the team I am the fire uhoh oh that's going to do so much damage the double explosion all right I'm going to die I shouldn't have ignited him I got the dragon though I died for the dragon essentially I needed to though I such big damage but ekko's like do over back to full health that was going to do massive amounts of damage I wonder if I'll have this where I spawn I don't think I need to sell the potion I'll have to wait a few extra seconds though so I guess I'll just sell it all right void staff yeah the downside is none of these items give health so I'm going to be glass Cannon but the damage is just going to keep going up maybe Shadow Flame or storm surge probably storm surge actually a no I'll go shadowflame actually shadowflame is better item this B two over well he can't go in now for another 30 seconds till his Al's up we're losing bot oh you're dead killed her before I even got the explosion we need somebody to go about I mean he doesn't push that fast at all ekko's still going to be here darn if she didn't get the fleet kill need what 50 more gold shut down how did that Miss he just got popped we had Warwick there to take every kill oh blue buff I might die for this destroyed what's nice with malignance too is my Al going to be up every Fight Shadow flame just so they get executed when they're low pretty much think I might lose mid turret to jinx n she's scared I will play the TR like what do you even do if you see your opponent build a void staff second item before you even have magic resist like you build magic resist to avoid staff or you just not do it and take even more damage need, 1400 ekko's really the only one that can go in and uh please don't heal yourself I am the fire really I needed to ignite yeah she has n orb too but still can't believe she lived again oh what did I say he hits one item and he's full build big boom damn I really wanted to Al that unfortunately I was like a little bit too slow to that fight a ward here wild okay there's no way there's no way you guys are living this one there we go I'm doing so much damage wait I hit someone else over there I think Jinx is going to try and Al [Music] me where's it going to come from no Jinx are oh I need more money oh no I don't sell my only other health item all right we need storm surge and then we're full on Magic pin we can't really get anything else I could get Abyssal mask which would only be good if they're next to me which most of the time they are but a death cap would probably just be better to do more damage we have 30 flat 40% 10 oh they got the dragon okay now when they're low like they're not surviving cuz it crits I just can't have Eko jump in do half my health and then alt out an ally has been slain he flashed an ally has been slain think I got him aha I returned the favor Warwick that could actually crash that that'll leave a marck did AP Ka no is just one I could get an alternator hopefully Eko doesn't just W and E over into this Bush they don't have Vision if she's walking up with sweeper like that I could do massive damage to kench too where are they we could have done Baron oh my goodness never big explosion blocked by The Shield oh I can Al into that I think I got the bounce insta kill Nami oh no not the stand still maneuver are you kidding me okay I was not even in that dude I predicted her to dodge and she just stands still that's insane she would have just died she's too good damn once she gets going though it's impossible to hit her I can't believe that Al hit me I was like really far away from it you literally just stood still it would have been the easiest stun ever but I thought she had a a brain wild oh I'm almost level 16 we didn't lose too much off that I thought we were winning that fight super hard I don't think I'll make it getting assist no oh so close all right echo's bot we got to just do this we're going to lose inhib we got to get it hopefully he don't steal it guys why are you not hitting it I got it I think my passive explosion did more than Smite damn I lost two turrets has been how much for storm surge 400 the we need this Dragon but I don't think we can get it for some reason Warick didn't build any magic I'm going to go go over this I wish Blitz would stop hooking them out of my combos I think he pulled my ALT out of the pit I was a little bit earlier I could have gotten Dragon but they burned it we just need a death cap and this Max Health damage shoots up a ton careful he's going to all time I think they'll get him oh you just have to Auto him I don't know what you're doing flash away after he used this combo at least you six Magi Stacks I like almost insta- killed all three of them in the pit but blitzcrank has to pull them away body is just one of many but now I got storm surch they [Music] explode this got to save up for a death cap which might not be too bad since we're going to get a lot of kills damn that hit that for 1,700 I think Warwick was trying his best to throw the game can't get close enough to her I so close to I think she'll die okay that's not bad where's EO though Warwick's kind of throwing the game if Jinx gets a reset camps rocket launcher I can't get close enough to hit her I was so close to getting an e and ignite off on her oh they could actually stop they're a little bit faster you me blitzcrank hooked uh somebody out of my stuff again BL rank ends up becoming like a nuisance more than helpful in a lot of situations L game cuz he doesn't do any damage in team fights he has to hit the hook on the right target if he hooks Echo into us or kench it just hurts us if we group five mid though elaoi also has no CC either so she's kind of useless we need picks so close gotcha after MN we lose another fight we lose the game though they might just push mid oh that didn't hurt oh there's I'm finally level 16 oh my God I didn't see his Q get bounced oh my goodness D look at their health though please do this where's ye body my ALT did massive damage there I just couldn't quite see run away maybe okay that's huge we need to go to this and get this I am the fire that cleanses the world once I get death cap my ALT is going to do so much but they are stacking Mr now but at least I have all the Magic Pen items we need Echo not to pick somebody before we get there we need to get in before ye spawns oh there it is I don't know why she went alone oh yo can we do this please we got to do it before ye spawns okay why are we not doing the dragon where with you are trolling man guys guys the dragon I'm going to die to ye pushes is echo's here too oh I instant kill him enemy kill well I have alt in 15 eeko has Alo hello Kaiser do you feel like helping no man we could have had Dragon but Warwick just literally gave it away for free oh they're not on it yet there's a ward here though I'm probably just going to have to flash in and die come on burn it burn it please here we go this crank stole both the kills with his all Warwick might be able to save her no she's dead y broken Echo is versus noobs can't die here we lose bro got ran over in Lane but it doesn't matter once he gets his L ban and finds people to just one shot oh oh my God so close if aaoi didn't just miss every single spell it oh and kench saved him no one more W okay echo or no ye that damn echo's still alive I can save the game I don't think he can end we're fine we go to Baron Maybe I always have kench on me now they're basing EO Bas can we do this Hench is just like a waste of time he doesn't do any damage but we can kill him now to be a free kill where he go go can we do this oh oh my God I didn't know they were all waiting there that's GG the hell I thought they were in base oh well it was fun I was doing a lot of damage unfortunately it kind of turned into a 1v5 kaisa didn't do any damage Warwick just kept ining every fight I can't believe they all got there that fast they were just oh they no they don't have Cloud [Applause] Soul yeah Warwick just grief Alla should have kept splitting too but it was it was a Mega Bot Gap look how much Mr they built even the Nami has a negatron item all right well if you guys enjoyed make sure to leave a like on the video oh yeah look at that I was the only one that did damage on my team make sure to like comment subscribe and I'll see you later 4k on Comet 21 1251 on Scorch sheep shot did 13 52 face
Channel: TC Zwag
Views: 128,167
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 2bZBNpr7Zjw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 30sec (2130 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 16 2024
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