Miss Fortune but my Q is a literal CANNON BALL that one shots you (INSANE CRIT DAMAGE)

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all right everybody welcome back to another video today we're playing some Misfortune in the mid lane we're running Harvest Taste of blood eyeball ultimate Hunter maniflow band and Gathering storm we're going a mix of lethality and crit on her to get the most damage possible on our alt I want to press R in a team fight and he eras the whole enemy team so we'll go collector first so we can secure kills and crit works on our alt it makes a crit so that's why we want a crit and a ality item first and then we could go Infinity Edge second we could also do yeah I think I'll do collector IE ldr and then either one more crit item or we can just sit at 75% and keep going lethality we'll see could do an Essence Reaver first too and then I could spam Q otherwise I kind of have to watch my Mana because she eats the Mana up with her cues especially if I decide to use any other abilities too the E takes 80 I oh no my minion okay I deserve that D the wrong one we could actually go Essence Reaver first vers Aela and then we'd have unlimited Mana to just Spam our qes and clear waves cuz he's probably going to just start pushing us like crazy he has teleport he doesn't have barrier so he'll be pretty easy to pop getting the first few kills on Misfortune mid is the most difficult part going to e him just for maniflow stack it's because I don't have anything to really set up my ALT I need like a Diana alt to hold him into it otherwise most people will just flash out of it or walk out of it can and velas outranges me so I can't really walk up and auto him I have to bounce it through a minion yeah based on how much Mana I've already used I think I'm going to go the essence Reaver into collector then IE then ldr and then probably like an opportunity or a spell shield maybe they have a decent team for me the only thing I'm scared of is is the Braum wall blocking it but that won't always be up get I just dodged everything I know what I'm doing oh I'm getting a gank all right what a game not terrible I mean it applied some pressure maybe he won't push so hard begin with the regain did he just flash okay that's huge I've got a good 36 33 we're about even in CS if he gets all these he'll have a bit more I could base here javana is already waiting at that Dragon oh this guy's low actually good e for a harvest stack I think I'll have to you got dangerous I like that is she on this or is she mid can't really check even if I see her there oh nice I stopped his face she's on it I can't stop her I don't have any Mana it looks like she's not I mean if I had 100 Mana I could kill him if I just keep farming I'm an auto he could eat me out of my ALT sure you can but he doesn't have Flash so I have a pretty good chance so close can Zone him off these minions not a problem can help her Vaz is going to TP though okay oh we can't do this if f is here oh she my out I think she's still with Q come on yes where does Reaver build out a b don't get yeah we definitely need a Reaver for this match up a lot of farming but I'm fine with that cuz the later the game goes the more I get to scale the big bigger ult I could get I know what I'm doing nice we're up in farm bounce maybe get him with another oh he got me I've got a good feeling about this I got BF sword now so I have more damage so I can Farm a little bit better an ally has been slain that was close nice got the Harvest kind of out of Mana though javana is going to be sick so she could gank soon I'm this way okay that's shobana r Al versus Al huge me see if I can get a plating not a problem I don't know why he thought he'd be able to out DPS and Mis fortal I need to show here otherwise they might come try to stop her okay cool oh no needs to come this way gavana might be there I really got a base what boots do I want I know what I'm doing it's either cool down or swifties I'm leaning towards we'll see swifties might be good to run away run out of the Vela spells yeah I definitely need the essence reav even with maniflow band I knew his flash was back up oh my goodness my Cannon even with maniflow band I'm still still running out of Mana refight damn kind of clean with the dodges oh too far to the side not even close not even close I'm dead as hell damn actually did a lot of damage to her before I went down I think I still would have died even if I didn't take a turret shot I just aled bad so I had to flash to kill him Flash and barrier he's on the grubitz if we could wait di got two of them I thought she only got one last time okay she's going to get a kill uh we could do collector then IE then ldr that'll be our four crit items for 100% and we'll have the armor pen from ldr so then I could just go to lethality items if I end up selling my boots sure you can handle me suer team fights is where I'm going to get the big alts OHA is going to come through here darn not a problem oh my God he got me it's fine just Landing the e without any other spells doesn't do damage hey I got Essence reer now I can just Perma Q get an ally has been slain oh this is insane I don't have to worry about Mana at all if I hit a big Q bounce I can go for him I know top keep pressure up mid an ally has been slain an has been slain at least I'm getting plating oh she's low she's up here I just saw the plating go to her huh that's weird she must have ran up to this bush cuz I saw the plating thing go down there darn I lost a wave to Vel cause and he got to recall oh he's t b probably not worth it for me to come down down here that was invisible okay what did he die to he got obliterated no he's going to live with no h the Jes they just kept hiding back I think they could have got me and I wouldn't have killed one but asrael Eden got greedy oh that was a close one again another Dragon encounter I could either get The lethality or I'm just get The lethality I'm pretty fast we're going to get another dragon versus shovana which is really good and we got the grubs so Junger is doing a good job with the objectives yeah it's so much nicer to farm with this Reaver I can just not care about how much I use my abilities don't get uh fiora's [Music] coming I'm probably dead to Fiora turet will go down destroy your team has destroyed a I'm dead can't believe that still hit me I should have flashed before it did I had to do it though first turret I think we got top turret too din saved my mid turret I think I should have got the swifties a good feeling about this I think my turret's gone from One vela's auto maybe he's roaming now we're good killing I just walk behind you not much I could do there f is on me but she died I could get more crit once we have this Infinity Edge we are hurting a lot and once we have ldr our ult you like can't even stand in it for a second uh she might be dead yeah R's brutal to get away from he Perma slows [Music] you I hate bro Kaa should have hit Ezreal over the minions and we would have uh killed him sure you can handle me I guess I'm going bot think it's like impossible for me to One V one Fiora I got a base I think Fior is coming down here no she's top I can actually get this then I'll probably die if no it could just be only Vela has the side lane Misfortune damn I need enough for BF I got velca the T I'm just alting to clear the wave cuz I know shyvana's going to be here soon that's kind of insane that they can't even hold the mid turret braam should die oh wow wish I had flash I think he's just going to slow me and run away he flashed even I've got a good I have to just go check it's worth dying for this third drag we just need one more for Mountain soul and it denies shiobana I think Vela is going to be like right here maybe need 400 Mundo's beating her without anti-heal you've got dangerous eyes I like that oh Rambler I don't know why am I I always hit caps when I'm playing I don't know why if he had a bramble vest ver sir stop all our healing he's already winning without it so he would win very hard then I got Infinity Edge oh we got Herold mid though they can get one turet top they might keep going try to face race but I'll just stop them all your team destroyed not a problem this is slow an enemy has been slain don't get cocky enemy I'm hitting pretty hard I just need that ldr I might as well just hit my 90% crit here whatever it is with a cloak I know what I'm doing I think I can match Fiora As Long As I Am by turret she can't kill me hey sraa is AFK awesome dude dude I just got baited so hard by my sraa it's whatever I can't believe Fiora just went for that straight up dive though yikes I think Braum's getting the support MVP over the0 and8 sraa bot he might go to Baron I've got a good feeling we stop them at Baron Mr Mundo if F tep TS in though and goes for me it's over dead of course our tank is not going to go first set sail and it's already dead only Mundo went first you can kill her pretty easy Avengers Assemble we need to get rid of all these baronss you got dangerous eyes I like I don't care man he does not take damage what is that I'm tilted oh whatever we get dragon I think I need ldr to do damage to him Mundo and saraka are making this game very difficult but Diana and kaisa seem okay I just want a big alt but we can't get a Big Al because the only one that can set it up is Diana at least I have a mountain Shield their top laners permanently running around for me how is Braum faster than somebody with swifties that just doesn't make sense he's faster than me takes no damage at least we'll be able to get Elder Dragon not a problem don't get C go D can't all bra will block it Mundo's splitting bot I might need to clear mid though yor is just going to dive me I've got a good feeling about dundo got the turret right yeah could have just gotten into him set sail my e should reveal F's in that push almost have ldr St I'll probably need edge of Knight shyvana's doing a lot of damage really hope Diana doesn't try to One V one Fiora I think I have it if I sell my dorin but I'll just Farm another wave oh she's going to die I like that huge CER we got to go mid quick we're going to lose the turret okay saved it get the Braum nice he got slowed he's going to all of course he gets a shield collector doesn't kill him oh I'm going to have ldr now though I am big not a problem and then we'll get the spell shield I think Fiora has TP up she's going to TP top if I didn't clear this and don't get cocky want to clear another wave top but I feel like she's going to just TP and try to flash on me I know what I'm all right we could finally maybe get a team fight alt here nobody on my team feels like getting Vision on the objective that's coming up about this W here cuz Fiora could wait in there oh she's got a hle breaker all right are we going to find an are you serious man oh I keep getting baited by my teammate she could have just dashed over the wall and she walked all the way around there's no way Mundo loses this guy velas can't split but it's just like how we not have anybody defending mid they just all went for me mudo hit the inh him bro they might end the game mid he doesn't have TP teesty we're going to lose we got to recall man I don't have teammates nobody will go in first I always have to be the one that dies first clear the minions so we don't have an open Nexus come on you're hurting me guys get the damn stuff well at least we have a turret there's Baron and Elder youer we have a wave top like that we need to just do this okay I just chunk like almost all Chan's Health okay go to Baron go to Baron don't fight don't fight I got to clear mid oh if my team gets aced here I'm going to be so upset they are okay Shana's dead but we can't lose everyone I won't be able to defend en man I want to play I want a team fight but unfortunately my team just like will do anything but try to win the game like like I'm the one that has to defend the sidelines I'm the one that has to defend the Nexus I'm the only one that goes to the objectives let me get an Al please teesty guess we just win there we go a one shot Al I mean I tried man there it's just a really hard game to play into my teammates like were just only playing for themselves and not for the team no honor for them I still did good I still did the most damage but I'm not happy I wanted a big alt I one shot Ezreal at the end and Shana 1580 on harvest 1269 on Taste of blood and make sure you guys like comment and subscribe I don't really want to play this again I've honestly tried this like five times and this is the only game where I actually can make it out of a lane without getting one shot so I'll see you later peace
Channel: TC Zwag
Views: 116,117
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: duJN6aJ5g-s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 26sec (2066 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 17 2024
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