How JellyBean Became YouTube's Most Hated Creator

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why is jelly bean so hated that's a question you might ask yourself after stumbling upon hate video after hate video after hate video each of which explaining in their own words why they dislike this 17 year old anonymous minecraft youtuber what makes the question even more interesting is that only six months ago jellybean was a complete nobody gaining less than a thousand views per day which is a number almost incomparable beside the 40 to 120 million views she now receives monthly has the hate come about as a simple result of becoming so successful in such a short period of time or is it more likely associated with the numerous controversies that she's been involved in during her short time in the sun we're going to examine the fast but intense career of jelly bean up until two weeks ago when she'd post a hate video on herself so you can come to your own conclusion about whether or not the title of youtube's most hated creator is justified or deserved the first reason as to why she might want this title can be identified when looking at the third video ever posted to a channel back in october 2021 titled minecraft but i'm reading comments see if you can figure out what the reason might be without any context oh that's funny that's funny that's funny just like oh mom can we get mcdonald's you better sit down and go watch coco melon right now viewers quickly came to the conclusion that jellybeans videos were obnoxious annoying over the top immature and clearly targeted towards children and the content itself is pretty much this chick sounding like she's off who knows how much drugs with literally blaringly loud video game ost music in the background another influencer that has this thought of loud equals funny there is no entertainment value whatsoever it's intentionally like mega overstimulating with like the text and the movement character and the parkour in the background on a subreddit dedicated to hating jellybean fittingly titled r jellybean sucks individuals would back this message up in memes reading pov you're about to watch jelly bean headphones volume one brace yourselves guys loudest sounds on earth concert speakers fireworks gunfire blue whale space shuttle jelly bean however jellybeans voice and general video delivery weren't the only things feeding into this narrative that she was an incredibly annoying youtuber in late november 2021 jellybean would upload a video titled minecraft but we call some chaos in which she requested that all of her audience photoshop her minecraft face over the top of their current youtube profile pictures i think it would be really funny if we just slapped my minecraft face on everyone's profile pictures and confused so many people after this proved to be successful she'd push her luck a little further by requesting that everyone post her minecraft face to their profile picture on every platform so i think we should move on from youtube and go to other platforms i want you guys to change your profile pictures everywhere not just youtube while this move seemed to annoy some people with twitter posts such as why do you think people are in the jelly bean profile picture gang because they have no life no friends no no outdoors people changing their profile picture wasn't really all that invasive and was hardly worth getting worked up about however it would serve as a basis for her next publicity stunt which was substantially more annoying and would go on to ultimately make her even more hated this next stunt began on the 7th of january 2022 after jelly bean would upload a video titled minecraft but we set a world record in which she expressed her desire to break the record for the highest number of comments on a youtube short what if we hit a world record for the most comments on a youtube short i know it sounds crazy but i think it's possible if everybody watching this video type it's not a mistake it's a masterpiece ten times i think we could hit that record subsequently her comment section began to fill with the instructed comment it's not a mistake it's a masterpiece with jellybean taking to her community tab instructing that the message shouldn't be spammed anywhere besides her specific youtube short video hey i just want to state do not go to other streamers youtubers and flood them with it's not a masterpiece it's a mistake i'm okay with you guys spamming my youtube comments but nowhere else thank you sirius however obviously the audience was going to do the exact opposite of whatever jellybean instructed and as a result her audience began to spam it everywhere forcing the jellybean agenda upon each harmonious youtube comment section a few months ago i got comments on my videos saying it's not a mistake it's a masterpiece and i was very confused you definitely hit the record but your fan base went to every comment section the jelly bean fans who refuse to join the it's not a mistake it's a masterpiece cult were then apparently sent death threats as jelly bean would have to take to a community tab once again in another post reading i didn't think i had to state this but don't send death threats to people who don't like it's not a mistake it's a masterpiece as the hague continued to mount against jellybean for the annoying comment campaign those who didn't know what was going on would take to the out of the loop subreddit in a post attempting to figure out why jellybean was becoming so hated one user would comment answer people just find her annoying receiving response reading people annoyed by someone that they can easily avoid blows my mind this is a very good point sure the comments were annoying but why were people going out of their way to hate on jelly bean when as highlighted in another reddit comment she's doing the same annoying that youtubers like ranboo and george not fan would do but she's the one who gets a massive hate campaign now this comment isn't completely accurate because rambo and george knot found are fairly different from jelly bean they all play minecraft sure but jellybean has a fairly unique style besides using a similar disguise in a subscriber milestone special which had clearly been copied from rambu ranvu baked a cake for one meal she's making cookies for 400k he wears sunglasses and a mask she's wearing sunglasses and a mask however regardless of whether or not they were similar these comments still highlighted that some portion of her audience believed that she'd taken some or most of her persona from these other minecraft youtubers providing her with a reputation as a copycat for example going back to the subreddit titled jelly bean sucks one user would state that she got her whole personality from the dream smp she started her channel basically copying dream like she even used his speedrun music and it wasn't even used in an ironic sense now she was just trying to replicate that sweet minecraft success oh my god i'm like on my dream even going so far as to name her twitter handle being not here alongside a youtube community post stating that this was her face reveal with a similarity being highlighted further in some of the many hate videos made on jellybean instead of actually having an own persona she completely mimics dream she's the definition of i try so hard to get in the dream smp now make no mistake there were some huge advantages to being associated with these other minecraft creators each of them already have a massive audience which could easily flow through to jellybean if the public says her as being similar the problem is the minecraft community on youtube are a pretty easy target for hatred and aren't always seen with a squeaky clean reputation which will also flow through the jelly bean if she's being associated with them you've got posts such as this one reading this new wave of minecraft youtubers are just annoying and it isn't entertaining i love watching minecraft videos but i absolutely cannot stand dream and his friends there's a couple of them who i find funny but the whole thing is just unbelievably cringe-worthy there's certain things that should be role-played on and minecraft just isn't one of them if jellybean gets associated with the current minecraft crowd on youtube people are by default going to apply the same hatred to her however this still fails to explain why jellybean clearly receives more hatred than any of these other minecraft youtubers so let's explore another theory maybe jellybean isn't as hated as it seems and hating her has simply become a trend in the commentary community let me explain on the 7th of february 2022 soloko would be the first youtuber to post a video discussing why they disliked jellybean soloko had less than a thousand subscribers at the time yet his video would go on to gain close to 200 000 views despite being only two minutes long a week later the beak would post his video titled why i don't like jelly bean which once again gained over 1 million views despite him also having less than 50 000 subscribers it will be at this point that the commentary community witnessed the effectiveness of creating hate videos on jelly bean spawning even more hate videos all titled in a similar way each of which parroting a similar opinion to that which was shared in the first two successful hate videos if you ask me how i got this video idea i came up with it yeah i didn't steal it from anyone no no no not at all not the dog as a result of this you'll find countless jelly bean hate videos on youtube yet in reality most of these commentary youtubers probably have nothing against jelly bean and are simply jumping on the trend for views commentary youtuber jaden would talk to one of these channels which had created a why i hate jellybean video who stated just wanted to let you know saw your video on jellybean and i saw you included my video which is pretty cash money but there's no jelly bean drama me and big just wanted some 2016 videos we don't not like her there is no drama one of these commentators ended up reaching out to me and saying that they were basically just trying to bring back the old 2016 style of commentary and that they didn't actually hate jelly bean the commentary community might have hated jelly bean or they might have simply been putting it on for views regardless it would be during this wave of commentary community hate the jelly bean would make yet another mistake leading to her becoming even more hated she began to respond to the criticism jellybean ended up responding to me man jellybean herself now she didn't respond to any of these videos directly which was a smart move but she'd rather post a tweet reading can't have the haters holding me back it's pop off season woo which is unfortunately the kind of comment that can act as fuel for these channels to continue hating her or even worse doxxing her which is what would happen next people have taken this thing to a whole nother level they're actually doxing jellybean and leaking her private information just because she makes cringe minecraft videos yeah jellybeans irl the person behind it's not a mistake it's a masterpiece and then they leak a picture of her face and say jelly bean more like jelly bozo as jellybean's face began to get shared across the internet videos were posted to the platform by some pretty unhinged youtubers stating that she deserved it jellybean actually got doxxed and i'm gonna be talking about it in this video and why she deserved it so make sure to like the video and comment however this still wasn't the worst thing that would happen to her as a result of the hate seeking another response from jellybean someone from tiktok would create a fake screenshot of her saying the n word on discord forcing her to address it in a public twitter post reading i'm here to address these screenshots that have been going around twitter tiktok and probably other social medias recently there have been fake screenshots of me saying slurs and it's honestly disgusting these screenshots are obviously fake from the profile picture to the wrong pronunciation of my name in the screenshot these people who are spreading these screenshots only have the screenshot they have no weight behind these accusations and they have been very harmful to me and my mental health i'm called racist over something i didn't do i don't care how much you don't like someone you shouldn't make fake screenshots of them saying slurs it's hurtful and childish for whoever made them i've decided to step away from twitter for a couple of days weeks i'm tired of getting accused of something i didn't do which would be supported by even the commentary community which had created the conditions for this hate in the first place jelly bean is a cringe youtuber there is no doubt about that but just because you find jelly bean to be cringe you don't need to put out false allegations about them while these kind of events have been quote very harmful to her mental health they haven't actually been all that harmful to the growth of her youtube channel on the 1st of may 2022 jellybean will make a tweet reading i'm curious how did you find out about me what were your first impressions of me in which many of the comments referenced that they had discovered and become a fan of jellybean after watching the commentary videos hating her so while jellybean may hold the title of youtube's most hated creator the negative connotation might have come with an equal amount of positivity
Channel: SunnyV2
Views: 8,395,639
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jelly bean minecraft, jelly bean its not mistake its masterpiece, jelly bean fnaf security breach, jelly bean face reveal twitch, jelly bean shorts, jelly bean most comments, jelly bean spam, jelly bean spam comments, its not a mistake its a masterpiece, jelly bean cringe, jelly bean minecraft short, jelly bean face, jelly bean exposed, jelly bean its not a mistake, jelly bean drama, i have a massive problem, beanpfp, jelly bean mistake, why i dont like, comfort streamer
Id: 4KH9_so9RRE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 17sec (677 seconds)
Published: Thu May 12 2022
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