The Fakest "Millionaire" On TikTok...

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when Sam Pepper changed his Tick Tock description to the two words lottery winner then claimed to have purchased an island in Thailand for 8.9 million dollars it was certainly bizarre and suspicious I have a budget of around 10 million I can drive my my speed boat directly in here put a panoramic window right in here I shook his hand 8.9 million great deal what was even strange was that Sam hadn't provided any evidence for this unexpected lucky win no receipts no specification as to how much he had won no news articles about a tick tock are winning the lottery the only evidence he had was his own personal anecdote I recently won the lottery as some of you know and a 7 million view Tick Tock of him looking at Islands in a small wooden boat so when Sam Pepper was unable to provide any evidence to support the fact that he had any money at all it was hardly a surprise as those who know the past of Sam Pepper from his active Persona on Big Brother to his fake pranks on YouTube know that his entire career has been built on lies in a similar fashion to Dan Bilzerian who he unsurprisingly happens to be an acquaintance of judging from an Instagram photo taken out the front of bilzerian's La Mansion this video will cover the story of a man who faked frauded and swindled his way to social media and Tick Tock success being exposed at every single point in his journey yet still managing to maintain his relevancy over a 10-year period albeit with one of the worst reputations in internet history all this stuff is fake like we believe it all but it's really fake before he would fake his way to success on Tick Tock with videos like this one in which he'd gotten someone to dress up as Justin Bieber is that Justin Bieber yeah oh my God what'd you call a gal from Canada that can't sing Justin Bieber Sam Pepper had a prolific reputation on YouTube as one of the fakest pranksters on the platform dating back to the early 2010s so I worked out oh okay I can I can I can just like make fake videos however prior to even this Sam Pepper had already begun to show his fake persona to the world in 2010 when he would appear on the show Big Brother UK for the very first time in his big brother profile he claimed to particularly dislike girls who put on a dumb act yet this is seemingly what Sam began to gain a reputation for in the early days of his Online Career however one advantage that he did get out of his appearance on Big Brother was traffic to his brand new YouTube channel where he began to do pranks at a time when there were barely any other YouTubers doing pranks on the platform and there's like three channels that made pranks there was me there was like Prank versus Prague who knows Ed bass Wells though really they were the only kind of known prank channels out there and in the beginning it was obvious that they were real the reactions felt authentic and there was way too many people in each video for Sam to have been paying all of them I'm really sorry guys I've just farted sorry guys I just farted you should have better respect and then matters yeah sorry I couldn't hold it in do you think you are I know I'm sorry I did say I did say sorry sorry however in 2014 and 2015 Sam ran into a problem he began to experience massive levels of competition from other YouTube pranksters who were faking their videos I come from doing pranks I'd be like there's no way they could be doing that and that's when I worked out all this stuff is fake this was clearly a defining point for Sam Pepper and his social media career at some point in their Journey each of these fake pranksters have this similar Awakening where they realize they can get way more views if they simply fake whichever reaction they desire and that there's no actual requirement or guideline saying that their pranks need to be real each justify their actions by saying that a bunch of things on TV are fake or this is fake or that is fake and as a result there's no reason as to why their pranks can't be fake either now faking stuff for social media is a high risk High reward strategy sure it increases the quality of the videos massively as you're going to get that exact reaction which will make the video Perfect however this only lasts until the audience inevitably discovers that the videos are fake making an optimal only in the short term we discussed this in the video talking about how Vitali destroyed his reputation as soon as the audience discovers that you've faked even one video they assume that every single video you've ever made is fake completely removing all of your credibility in the space of about a month the point at which Sam Pepper's audience discovered that his pranks were fake it's pretty damn obvious on his social blade he went from Gaining a hundred thousand subscribers every single month consistently between January 2013 and September 2014 however one month later in October 2014 the growth not only stopped but he began to lose around 10 000 subscribers every single month the Catalyst for this massive dive in viewership was a video titled fake hand ass pinch prank and after receiving a barrage of criticism from other YouTubers his most recent fake hand trending hashtag on twitterstating report Sam Pepper he had no other choice but to admit that the video had been faked I want to say that all the videos were staged and scripted it goes without saying you can't go around touching people's bums without asking it was a double whammy or two for the price of one not only had he been exposed for faking pranks but he also had his name dragged through the motor as a result of the backlash from the video Sam began posting real pranks again following the expose in the hope that it would fix his reputation however as mentioned previously once your audience knows you faked even one video they assume they're all fake switching back to real pranks failed to stop his declining subscriber count so Sam made a decision it was time to go back to faking his videos I'm still making videos making videos and then I guess the point where I'm like okay well I've made fake videos before and they've done well and they've got like decent views why don't I make you know another video and that brings me on to making the best friend killing prank the best friend killing prank arguably one of if not the most over-the-top insane YouTube pranks of all time certainly crazy enough to put Sam Pepper's name back on the map involved in the video was the fake kidnapping of two friends after which one of the friends is apparently killed right in front of the other with the premise of the video being how will someone react if they watched their friend get killed let's see how he reacts to his best friend of five years being killed in front of him obviously the whole thing was fake all three people were in on it even coming up with the idea together Sam's Channel like well he just came to us and wanted to get a viral stunt right okay cool we'll help you out with this viral Stone so we actually all three came up with the idea together before we even filmed it however while everyone knew that the prank had been faked it had a similar effect to the previous Scandal did you know making this type of prank uh would be so controversial all it did was once again reveal to everyone that Sam Pepper was the kind to guy to fake his videos reducing his credibility even further with this in mind it's no surprise that almost all of his audience bailed on his YouTube channel from that point onwards he managed to stop the decline of his subscriber count for a couple of months in late 2016 as shown on screen however he'd thrown the towel only a couple of months later uploading his final video on the 5th of March 2017 before departing with a legacy as one of the most deplorable fake pranksters in YouTube history around a year later he'd show up on the six network doing some Ira live streams alongside ice Poseidon we're literally just showing Sam the ropes of IRL streaming and just you know we're gonna just throw him in the deep end here and just see how he does with the reputation of Sam Pepper being so downtrodden that the top comment on the video praised us Poseidon by stating love how you don't judge people or care about reputations Sam had some successes in IRL streaming the six Network however he was ultimately dropped after an argument with ice Poseidon which had partially been fueled by Sam Pepper's lack of Integrity he's like oh it's okay to lie as long as it doesn't affect anything and that's not okay like why are you telling my girlfriend it's okay to lie to me as long as it doesn't affect anything like dude this is not your relationship after this Sam Pepper disappeared mainstream his reputation was completely and utterly destroyed he had nothing left to offer and it seemed as though the Sam pepper saga was finally dead and buried alongside the many other failed YouTubers that had come along before him however it would be when Sam Pepper found a new audience on a new platform that is fraudulent Antics would continue okay Chris I pulled out some of my savings I've clipped it onto these balloons this is a trust exercise turn around I'm gonna go three two one go you've got to turn around and quickly grab them don't let this go this is my savings three two one Chris this video which was clearly set up and probably used a stack of fake 100 bills racked up over 28 million views now the most interesting part about Sam Pepper's Tick Tock blow up is that it follows the exact same Trend as his YouTube Journey he blows up with a genuine heartfelt video about saving some duck eggs from a restaurant then progressively makes his content more and more staged and by the end he's claiming that he's won the lottery with absolutely zero evidence now two sandpipers credit as we mentioned previously a lot of his tick tocks were a genuine authentic creative ideas especially in the beginning however with videos such as this clearly fake one gaining over 18 million views [Music] open this hey let's do that it's really no surprise you to began to make his videos Faker and Faker I know this is really crazy but if I play you rock paper scissors and I win can I like rip this down the street Rock Paper Scissors Shoot let's go you've got to get in the passenger I'm scared all right people who think this is real the countless fake viral videos receiving massive view counts and minimal backlash likely gave Sam Pepper the idea that he could literally just say whatever regardless of how unbelievable it happened to be leading to his completely fictitious Claim about winning the lottery when you Google Sam Pepper wins lottery or Sam Pepper Lottery the only results that come up are his Tick Tock video the same video posted to his Instagram and an old Forum post titled as follows scam Peppa living a life of luxury after scamming his followers for Millions then fleeing the US he's claiming to have won the lottery while shopping for islands and a new fan-based scam this refers to the whole save the kid scanner that was exposed by coffee Zilla back in July 2021. in the final episode of his Series coffee Zilla discovered that Sam Pepper was potentially at the heart of the entire scam and had fled the USA to move back to the United Kingdom it looks like Sam Pepper is fleeing the United States to escape legal accountability for what happened but I asked him about this and he of course denies us categorically therefore this post-dating scam pepper living a life of luxury after scamming his followers for Millions assumes that he does actually have the money only that he's covering it up by saying that he won the lottery as opposed to the truth being that he might have received it from the Save the kids crypto scam although in order to be buying an 8.9 million Island in Thailand you're probably going to need around 50 to 100 million in order for it to be a comfortable purchase and while Sam Pepper has had a fairly successful social media career I doubt he has access to that kind of money obviously the easiest way to put all of this to rest would be for Sam Pepper to Simply provide some kind of evidence for either winning the lottery or the purchase of the island however with a track record like Sam's filled with fake video after fake video it seems pretty obvious that like the rest of his entire career this is nothing more than yet another hoax foreign [Music]
Channel: SunnyV2
Views: 7,291,155
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sam pepper, the rise and fall of sam pepper, who is sam pepper, the downfall of sam pepper, sam pepper twitch, sam pepper twitch highlights, what happened to sam pepper, the rise of sam pepper, sam pepper hannah, sam pepper tik tok, spill, tea, shook, anna oop, spill sesh, tiktok, tiktok dance, tiktoker, fake, faking tourettes, tourettes, tourettes tiktok, fake tourettes tiktoks, tiktok songs, tiktok cringe, tiktok cringe compilation, adhd tiktok funny, tiktok fake story, sunnyv2
Id: 4sp_BW-fKOs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 54sec (654 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 24 2022
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