James Charles Career Is Basically Dead. Why?

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two years ago james charles was one of the most popular names when discussing the youtube mainstream he was playing minecraft with pewdiepie hosting his own reality tv show or while his personal youtube channel was clearing well over 100 million views per month however over the last year things have changed significantly he's lost over 1.5 million subscribers equivalent to losing more than a hundred thousand subs per month his average viewership per video has declined from well over 10 million to a little over 1 million or while his twitter hasn't seen any positive follower growth during the same time period you might say that james charles has become the poster child victim of internet cancellations however we should use the term victim lightly as the death of his career has certainly been self-inflicted and could have easily been avoided with his terrible management of controversy and subsequent career decline having begun back in early 2019 after james charles would mention that he was most attracted to straight men want a boy who is straight love that for you that's easy it's easier than you would think this statement resulted in the first contributing factor to his eventual downfall after a fan would post this photo of james charles and another unknown individual to twitter questioning james as to whether or not this was potentially a new relationship the unknown person in the image was later revealed to be gage gomez a straight instagram model who'd been talking to james for five months in the lead-up to coachella 2019 where this photo had been taken with gage being straight james will respond to the twitter post by stating nope unfortunately i'm still very single this boy played me for months on end and is a disgusting con artist i'm thankful i had my friends with me to protect me every single bit of misfortune that would occur in james charles life from here on out can be traced back to this specific tweet as after making it gage the instagram model involved would create a youtube video stating that james pressured him into meeting up despite knowing that he was straight he then started to begin putting a little bit of pressure on me uh of getting to know me like disregarding the fact that i told him i was straight because as you all know this person 99.9 maybe even 100 of times goes after um heterosexual men and while this video hardly warranted a response and could have easily been the end of the drama james made yet another mistake after gage will post the video explaining his side of the story james would take to twitter with a classic multi-paragraph notes app tweet trying to explain why he was in the right beginning with the good old i will address this now and never again and if we learned anything from the only js video is that addressing or responding to criticism in a serious manner leads to almost certain career suicide over the long run as audience love to berate an influencer who they know they can get a response or reaction from for example on that very same day that james charles would respond to the criticism with his classic i take responsibility notes app tweet this video will be posted to youtube titled james charles hitting on straight guys for 17 minutes which might not have ever been posted if james had simply ignored the drama in the first place this 21 picture is really cute although that should have been me instead of your girlfriend but we can let that slide the universal reporting of the drama led to a heightened awareness about james's tendency to pressure straight men into hanging out and subsequently others would come forward stating that they had a similar experience this was the reason behind the infamous tardy cancellation attempt literally only two weeks after the drum with gage which we discussed just prior oh my god you tried to trick a straight man into thinking he's gay yet again while at tardy's birthday party james charles would mention that he found the waiter attractive you were talking in detail about things you wanted to do to the waiter and when i said james he's straight your response was doesn't matter i'm a celebrity and as a result james would find the waiter on instagram before messaging him the following day the waiter whose real name was sam cook mentioned that he was bi-curious subsequently meeting up and making out with james charles for about an hour he actually invited me out to his hotel at that time i was quite curious i had never done anything with a guy before and i was curious i said yes we ended up making out for around an hour afterwards the two would part ways however a few weeks later james would offer to fly sam to la which sam denied as after his first experience with james sam had decided that he was straight he wanted to fly me out to l.a that kind of freaked me out because at that point i i was pretty sure i was straight resulting in james pressuring sam further he still went on to say he thought i was bisexual or gay and attracted to him when i told him different as a result of tati publicizing the drama in which james charles looked like the bad guy james lost 3.1 million subscribers over the course of a week in the process setting the youtube record for the most subscribers ever lost in 24 hours 1.26 million which he still holds to this day however in spite of losing 3 million subscribers this certainly wasn't the end for james charles he'd gain around 2 million of them back after posting a pretty cool calm collector response showing that tardy was just being an immature child who was clearly trying to drag his name down for her own personal gain as a result over the long run the heat was taken off james and instead focused on tati giving james free exposure with fairly minimal downside subsequently his average viewership would triple from 50 million per month to 150 million per month over the following year however there was one thing that hadn't been forgotten by his audience james charles still had a tendency to respond or defend himself in the face of criticism which if anything had been amplified by his multiple responses and apologies whilst involved in the tardy westbrook drama even more insidiously the fact that james charles had gotten off scot-free might have given him a layer of false confidence reinforcing that a public apology was a simple ticket to get out of drama whilst in almost any other situation a public social media apology generally hurts the creator's reputation over the long run as james would come to discover when the real drama will begin in early 2021. i'm not physically attracted to older guys which sucks like i would date like the absolute youngest like 18 19 that looks a little bit older or like 24 that like has a young person okay to say that this clip aged like milk would be a colossal-sized understatement mentioning on the impulsive podcast that he was attracted to younger boys would come back to [ __ ] james when in february 2021 a user by the name of isaiah 13 made a post on twitter stating if you're gonna text someone make sure you know their age he added me on insta my insta has my tick tock which shows my age at james charles with an attached photo of his tik tok description showing that this person who james had been texting was only 16 years old isaiah the individual who created this twitter post then took to his tik tok explaining that things got hated after james would add him on snapchat james charles snapped me on snapchat he added me back i've always looked up to him so i was excited to get his message back i'm gonna post proof of it right now this is the notification that i got when he snapchatted me first and just for further proof he deleted the chat i don't know what he deleted but that's me opening his snapchat i went into the bathroom and i guess he saw the bathroom light so he started making the conversation very sexual and made me really uncomfortable and i'll post some of the stuff that he sent me now you can't see it because it's blurry because i took it on my ipad because i didn't want him to see that i screenshotted it but i'll post it right now he proceeded to send me explicit pictures of his body which was followed by isaiah stating that james charles would also try to pressure him into sending inappropriate photos so after sending me that first picture of his body um explicitly he sent me multiple after that and i'll post them now i was getting really uncomfortable so i told him my age i told him i'm 16. meanwhile he's 21. he's a grown man and then he proceeds to say oh but i don't even get to see the yeah meaning my body and after telling him like no like i'm not gonna send it to you he kept on asking for pictures and videos of body hair and me flexing and stuff now we need to remember something addressing criticism had been effective for james charles in the past during the tardy situation he simply explained his side and because tardy's cancellation attempt was so pathetic james's audience forgave him and everyone quickly forgot about it this time however the allegations had substantially more weight behind them and weren't nearly as pathetic yet james probably still thought that if he simply addressed the criticism again everything would go away which isn't what happened james chelsea would post a tweet reading there's a video going around about me on tiktok and twitter of a guy calling me a groomer and i want to address it right away the accusation that i have groomed this person is completely false last week i came across someone on my instagram explore page saw he followed me and added him on snapchat the next morning i woke up to several snaps from this person being excited i added him back saying he loved me and also lewd photos of himself in the shower i asked how old he was right away and he told me he was 18 so i started flirting back later in the day he said a few things that made me question the validity of his original age answer and when i asked him to confirm his age once again he admitted he was 16. i told him i was really uncomfortable and apologize for flirting but he insisted on continuing talking saying it could be our little secret he's a fan of mine and would never tell anyone i told him i wasn't okay with this he started getting upset and at this point i unfriended him we haven't spoken since however the other person involved will respond to the tweet stating james we both know i blocked you you never asked for my age after i told you i was 16 you proceeded to ask me for nudes and said it didn't matter you called me hot and said i wish the timeline could speed up so you can be 18 attaching a photo of his block list with james charles on it the issue with the whole thing was that their interaction had taken place on snapchat and therefore limited evidence existed for either side of the argument it was james's word against some random 16 year old tiktoker's word sure the kid had evidence of james asking him for inappropriate photos but it's impossible to know if this had been from before or after james found out that he was underage in all honesty james's argument seemed to make way more sense he stated i would never knowingly engage with anyone underage and put my life on the line for a few snapchats james had everything to lose whilst the tick tocker had everything to gain and at a time during which influencers were being cancelled left right and center for talking to minors it seemed almost unthinkable that james charles would be dumb enough to knowingly risk exchanging photos with a 16 year old however when three other individuals would come out stating that that had a similar experience james decided the argument would become impossible to believe anyways he goes um she sent me a shirtless picture and i was like okay whatever i don't care so then he starts going oh send me pictures of uh your boxers show me what you're wearing wait things start to get really weird because he said he asked me for pics of this thing over here individuals such as ethan klein from h3h3 productions took to twitter in a post reading congratulations to james charles on his kids choice award it's great because kids have always been his choice too ps nickelodeon plays cape eye on him during the after party while others such as keemstar would go so far as to state that james charles should be put in prison i am gonna go off on james charles today he needs to be put in a cage all right i am so done before going on to state that there were too many examples of this happening to dismiss each occurrence as an accident how many times does this need to happen for us to stop saying oh well james got trapped james got tricked like how many times until we can say oh wait maybe james is intentionally doing this just maybe you know just a thought out there as james's name was being dragged through the mud the methods by which he could earn an income began to disintegrate he'd be removed from the youtube partner program meaning he could no longer earn ad revenue from the platform his incredibly lucrative makeup deal with morph was terminated or while he was removed as the host of instant influencer but not before he'd teach those on the show how to do a fake apology video take this from me because i've had to deal with this as an influencer when you grow up following you will either say or do something that people might not like and might not agree with and eventually you might have to apologize so for today's compact challenge you guys will be filming your very own apology video which is unsurprisingly what james charles would post next hello everyone james charles here and today i'm gonna be making a very important video about a very important topic feeling the heat from the whole situation james charles would upload a video titled holding myself accountable in which it include all the classic fake garbage designed to make it seem like james wasn't morally righteous today's video is going to be from the heart and most importantly holding myself accountable for my own actions first and foremost i need to say sorry i fully understand my actions and how they are wrong i think it's important that i provide a trigger warning for this video followed by james blaming the motive behind his actions on desperation and i couldn't understand why relationships were the one outlier why were they not working and i finally finally came to a conclusion and it is ridiculously embarrassing to admit this but i think i have to and that is that i'm desperate the whole apology just felt really fake and i'm taking this very very seriously there was no evidence proving that he wasn't in the wrong and it seemed as though the goal of the apology was sympathy rather than a structured dismissal of the allegations he'd end the video by stating that he plan on taking a little bit of time off i'm going to be taking some time away to reflect and further educate myself on these topics i think at this point it's really important that i do so so i'm able to follow through with my word and prove to you guys that i will be a better person also adding that he didn't plan on simply forgetting about the incident my expectations are not to you know press post and then forget about it and move on and wash my hands as if nothing happened because something did happen and what happened was not okay and i don't want to just forget about it yeah this was probably one of the dumbest things that he could have said when involved in drama it's best to be passive about it if you're going to be dumb enough to acknowledge it say something brief then move on the longer you dwell on it the more your audience will say that it's a big deal to you it also didn't help that james would take three months off youtube after uploading his apology video he probably thought that his audience would interpret this as oh james is away from youtube working on himself but in reality it just felt like this dude just used his crappy behavior as an excuse to get out of three months work when james would return he was still talking about the drama as if he hadn't moved on over a quarter of a year later but i also think it would be ridiculous and irresponsible to try to just come back to social media and pretend like nothing happened and move on with regularly scheduled makeup programming so i do also have some pretty serious topics to discuss in today's video as well being what happened a couple of months ago in the process james would lose a million subscribers whilst dropping his monthly view count from 150 million a month to around 20 million a month prior to the drama it was unusual for one of his videos to gain less than 5 million views however since the drama it's now become unusual for one of his videos to get 5 million views at all when you search james charles on twitter a solid 30 of the posts are memes about him liking underage boys while another 50 comprise other miscellaneous posts with a negative sentiment towards james charles his reputation simply never recovered from what you could argue to be terrible management of controversy he had opportunity after opportunity to fix his decline yet seemed to trip at every single hurdle
Channel: SunnyV2
Views: 11,084,167
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the rise and fall of james charles, james charles career over, james charles downfall, james charles drama, who is james charles, what happened to james charles, james charles exposed, james charles twitter exposed, james charles keemstar, the story of james charles, james charles h3h3, james charles drama explained, what is going on with james charles, james charles allegations, james charles apology video, james charles ended his career, james charles jeffree star
Id: a7FQvgylNbo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 7sec (847 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 02 2022
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