Why Shrek The Musical is Hot Garbage

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Lol, what a massive.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 17 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Tyrdrum ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 30 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Came across him again recently because of a video he did praising the Twisted musical. Even when we agree, heโ€™s still insufferable

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 14 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Mister_Doctor2002 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 30 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

What episode did EFAP cover this guy?

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/MagicMoocher ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 30 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Abelist? That's Cain talk.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Dapper-Print9016 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 30 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

His Squid Game video wasn't very good either.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Brehmstorm ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 30 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

What do you guys think of the specific pointers he makes in this video?

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/TwilightAflaming ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 30 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
funding for shaperless is provided by squarespace the sponsor of today's video from websites and online stores to marketing tools and analytics squarespace is the all-in-one platform to build a beautiful online presence and run your business let's just [ย __ย ] get this over with shrek the musical is not ungodly awful i've been pretty mean to it over the years but it's not the worst shrek product ever made nor is it the worst musical i've ever seen with that said it's fundamental existence is just so mind-boggling the concept of taking a subversive raunchy middle finger to disney and their brand of fairy tale musicals and converting it into a wannabe disney musical on stage is such a gross misinterpretation of what shrek represents dreamworks became the very thing they swore to destroy ignoring the goals the original film was striving for once they realized it was their cash cow or golden goose is a more appropriate metaphor i guess since there was a golden goose and puss and booze that [ย __ย ] i don't care shrek the musical sucks it has its moments here and there and it's not as utterly worthless as shrek the third but it's something i had a mostly miserable time revisiting and something i never want to see again i know this musical has its fans and that's totally fine maybe you guys should sit this one out because i have very little nice to say about this show normally i'd start one of these negative reviews off with said nice stuff but with this we really need to start off by discussing why this show fundamentally does not work as an adaptation of the movie shrek let's go i wanna die [Music] now if you've seen my analyses of the three shrek films and jeffrey katzenberg's fecal matter then you'll probably recognize a lot of what i'm saying here but it needs to be said again for the sake of this video one of the defining attributes of the shrek franchise is its music the pop culture songs we hear non-diegetically in these movies play such a crucial part in setting the tone of this world shrek would not be shrek without somebody the first movie's identity is so closely linked to all star bad reputation i'm on my way hallelujah and so on so on and so forth and this is because these are the substitutes for a traditional musical theater soundtrack sung by the characters which is what we as an audience have come to expect thanks to disney movies shrek subverts our expectations and lets us know that it is diametrically opposed to the tropes and trappings of classic disney movies by opening with that iconic sombody it is truly one of the most effective tone setting moments in film history and not only is the pop culture music a great subversive touch but any attempt within the first movie for a character to break out in the song is promptly thwarted just to really hammer in the point that this is not a happy-go-lucky disney musical donkey starts singing a traditional disney-esque song and shrek yells at him to stop fiona sings some nearby birds and causes them to [ย __ย ] explode good robin hood and his merry men show up and sing a little musical number prompting fiona to literally murder them all while also commenting on how annoying their song was you get the idea you get it shrek is a universe that explicitly prohibits original musical numbers in favor of non-diegetic pop numbers the only characters that sing their own original songs in these movies that aren't prematurely cut off as a joke are the villains this is a deliberate stylistic choice meant to paint shrek as the anti-disney franchise and despite my love of musicals as the superior storytelling art form to all other types of media i think this anti-musical format is perfect for the shrek franchise it's distinct memorable iconic great for the storytelling great for the tone and overall one of the best aspects of these movies now riddle me this dear viewer why in the name of god's green earth would you ever remove one of the most fundamentally important aspects of shrek when adapting it to a new medium how do you not understand how crucial it is for shrek to open up with that sweet somebody by taking these pop culture songs out and replacing them with traditional sounding musical theater songs not even songs that try to mimic the vibes of the movie songs mind you but just regular traditional musical songs you've essentially ripped out one of the core attributes of shrek without considering why that core attribute was there in the first place what we have now is something radically identical to a disney theater production with a couple more crude jokes than usual and i'm sorry but that just misses the point of shrek so hard that it's kind of insane it doesn't surprise me that this musical was made since dreamworks kind of missed the point of shrek over and over by showering it with constant spin-offs and merchandise and whatnot but it still just really stings that there's an adaptation of a film i really love that takes out a huge part of what i love about it but whatever all i did was prove that this musical was a dumb idea never should have existed big deal just because something has no reason to exist doesn't mean it can't be good maybe shrek the musical is good of course it isn't why else would this video exist think viewer let's start with the musical's book or script it's basically the same as the original shrek some events are shuffled around a bit and some dialogue is missing but for the most part the book just features verbatim dialogue exchanges from the original film now i don't know about you boys but when a movie gets adapted into a musical i kinda want there to be some substantial changes or improvements in order to really justify the adaptation not everyone will agree with me on that some people just want to see the same story on stage as close to the original as possible but i prefer when a musical adaptation can use the movie's story and characters as a springboard for new ideas that are superior to the work they're based on two great examples of this are heathers and beetlejuice i think the original heathers is like a 6 out of 10 movie it has a lot of iconic moments to the point where i understand why it's a cult classic but it's heavily flawed with some redundant characters and a lack of driving emotion in a lot of the scenes the heather's musical tightens the script removing unnecessary elements from the original while fleshing out some of its more underdeveloped elements and makes the story a lot more emotionally resonant and clever plus it has the added bonus of songs that absolutely bop and feel like they were written for the story from the start not added in an adaptation in my opinion this is the gold standard for movie to musical adaptations i mean they say the word society multiple times literal masterpiece come on as for beetlejuice i haven't seen the original film but my friend who saw both told me how radically this musical alters its plot making it more emotionally powerful than the movie while still following its basic framework apparently it really changes up the trajectory of beetlejuice's character arc in a way that works for this new medium and that's what you love to see adaptations that know how to alter the story in ways that improve them rather than banking on nostalgia while only adding elements to bloat the story and make it feel more muddled shrek the musical isn't entirely a one-to-one copy of the original film it does add stuff but the stuff it adds only really bloats the story it makes it feel more muddled for instance the fairy tale creatures now have a quote-unquote subplot where they realize it's okay to be quote-unquote freaks the reason i added quotes to the word subplot was because this literally comes up in the last 20 minutes of the musical it's very bizarre just like in the movie they show up in shrek swamp and this time they get a little musical number about how it sucks to be them and stuff okay that's fine then they don't appear again for the rest of the musical until those last 20 minutes where they're kicked off the swamp and now suddenly sing about how it's okay to let their freak flag fly it's been so long since we've seen them that i really have to ask what the point of this is if they had more scenes throughout the show like maybe a scene where farquaad rides down to the swamp just to taunt them like the petty [ย __ย ] he is then maybe this could have felt more justified and less of a waste of time but this requires adaptational changes something this musical doesn't really seem interested in doing unless they have the potential to completely ruin a dramatic scene so shrek crashes the wedding at the end and he gets a chance to sing this actually pretty beautiful song to fiona i got genuinely invested in the emotions of this scene in a way that's exclusive to this version of the story which is what a good adaptation should do it's great and then the fairy tale creatures just crash the wedding lol [ย __ย ] it who gives a [ย __ย ] about this emotional moment where shrek is publicly acting vulnerable for the first time now is the time for chaos and quote-unquote jokes not to be melodramatic but this is actually kind of disgusting literally the entire point of this scene is shrek crashing the wedding in order to put his emotions out there for the first time and confess his love to fiona but we gotta shoehorn the fairy tale creatures in for no reason because we gave them a pointless ensemble number because we needed something to perform at the tonys this year i'm only just now remembering they didn't actually perform free flag at the tonys that makes its inclusion even worse so we get bombarded with some lame comedy before fiona transforms into an ogre and the scene plays out exactly as it did in the movie the fairy tale creatures literally didn't change the scene at all they just interrupted a strong emotional moment for no reason i don't understand how this was ever allowed to happen and there's a lot of other weird new changes as well like farquaad has this whole backstory about how he's the son of one of the seven dwarfs and it kind of takes a problem with his character in the original and makes it worse like i'm sure you've seen all those memes pointing out how shrek is a movie about loving yourself and not caring what society thinks of you but then they continuously ridicule farquaad for being short this is one of many reasons why they should have just kept it a visual gag and not made jokes about it 24 7. whatever it's a minor flaw in the movie that can be easily overlooked but like in the musical the idea that farquaad is one of these fairy tale freaks and not just a regular short man makes the fact that everyone is belittling him and laughing at him extremely confusing and muddled let your freak flag fly who cares what society thinks of you oh also haha funny dwarf man is short ain't that quacking crazy jimbo like it's okay to belittle farquaad for being an egotistical [ย __ย ] who commits ethnic cleansing on the regular but bringing his height into this now that we know he's literally a fantasy dwarf just makes absolutely no sense it runs so counter to the message the story is trying to portray and don't even get me started on the dragon like it's a giant puppet that's pretty cool and i guess it can talk slash sing now okay i guess i'm on board for that but the really weird part is that it's got these three dragon ladies who are speaking for it like a greek chorus or something what who are they based on the costumes i think these might be like the dragon scales i genuinely don't know it's such a weird decision why can't it just be one person voicing the dragon puppet why can't this musical do anything right and the dragon goes from wanting to eat donkey to wanting to make sweet hot steamy love to him after he sings for like 30 seconds it's extremely abrupt and it doesn't flow well at all there are additions that seem like they would work on paper like after farquaad learns about fiona from the magic mirror we actually get a song that shows her and her tower growing older and waiting for her prince to come i think it's a great idea to properly introduce her here and her song seems compelling and powerful at first while also having a hint of comedy to offset how dark her situation is it's good and then she loses her mind and wrecks all the books and jokes about how she's bipolar hey maybe don't do that that's not funny and also don't rhyme bipolar with i'm a very gifted bowler we've been over this before that's an extremely weak and stupid rhyme the bipolar line is worse but they're both offensive in their own special ways speaking of offensive yeah this musical drops a completely unnecessary transphobic slur in the second song i think later versions of the show have since removed it but like yeah that's a yikes from me dawg you think this is funny also you gotta love that song where shrek and fiona are arguing over who had the most trauma in their childhood it's really cool to see them both dismiss and belittle each other's trauma it really makes me like them both so much great job musical you you're doing so good there's also a lot of fat jokes i'm a fatty just pull the trigger piglet i can't take it anymore even the scenes that are taken verbatim from the original movie just aren't conveyed as well in the filmed broadway version of the show this is obviously an aspect of the show that's reliant on the acting and the directing so it's not necessarily the fault of the musical itself but hey this is supposedly the definitive version of shrek the musical you don't get more definitive than the original broadway cast and if this is the definitive way these scenes were meant to be portrayed on stage yeah they kind of blow when shrek and donkey meet for the first time it just feels like they're going through the motions of the original film it doesn't feel like shrek is taken aback by someone who doesn't fear him for the first time in his life it just looks like he's meeting an annoying donkey they speed through the lines and you don't get a sense of what the original movie scene is trying to convey how significant it is for shrek that somebody doesn't fear him he just says oh and donkey keeps blabbering on there's also the onion scene which feels so inauthentic and forced in this version in the movie he's holding a bunch of vegetables and eating them as he's traveling through a vegetable field it can easily be surmised that these are someone else's crops that shrek just stole when donkey asks for an example of how there's more to ogres than people think shrek looks around for something he can use to make his point and he settles on the onion he happens to be eating these are small touches that you probably never even thought about but they help the scene feel more organic and grounded in the musical shrek starts the scene randomly holding a single onion not even eating it just holding it for no particular reason where did he even get that onion they're not in a vegetable patch or anything he's just holding the onion because this is the onion scene and we must have the onion scene because this is shrek nothing feels authentic everything feels like they're just going through the motions of the story it reminds me a lot of the disney live-action remakes actually there is so little thought put into conveying the nuances of the original film's story the whole point of the scene is that it's parodying scenes and movies that use elements of nature as a metaphor think that scene in mulan where her father points out how the blossom that blooms last will be the most beautiful of all or in kung fu panda where shifu and ugwe are comparing poe to a peach seed shrek is lampooning this by having shrek poorly explain what he was going for with the metaphor and having donkey completely missed the point of what shrek was going for leading the shrek blowing up at him the final nail in the coffin for this misguided metaphor it's hysterical but this movie cuts the big blowout and removes the punchline of this scene in the process it would have taken like 20 seconds to add that back in and it wouldn't alter the trajectory of the scene at all how does this musical miss so many points of the movie it's based on it is asinine you dance irritating miniature beast of burden oh but guess what stays the exact same the misunderstanding that shrek has where he thinks he overhears fiona and donkey talking about him the one part of the original movie story i don't like the one thing they could have perhaps fixed in this adaptation nope too much work let's just leave that the exact same [ย __ย ] it let's go gentlemen to the opium den i don't know why i added that another problem is that i just don't think the chemistry between shrek and donkey is that strong in this show throughout the first act i hardly ever get a sense that these two are bonding or becoming friends when that's an incredibly crucial piece of the story part of that is some pieces of the writing getting rearranged or removed but also it might just be the fact that i don't love these actors that much in this brian darcy james and daniel breaker are both very talented and have been in a ton of great stuff but i don't care for the direction they took their performances in this donkey is just very hyperactive and annoying which is in line with the original movie's version of him but there was something about eddie murphy's delivery that was just so endearing and genuine rather than being irritating this is kind of irritating at least for me and i feel like aside from the pretty strong emotional moments brian darcy james is always holding back in his performances shrek i don't like the voice he does for the character and at least to some really awkward line deliveries how do you imagine he delivered the iconic line what are you doing in my swamp go ahead imagine it what are you doing in my swamp this is how he actually delivered it yeah i don't really like this performance that much no disrespect to this fantastic actor but it just doesn't work for me oh god that was a way longer segment than i thought it was gonna be uh let's take a quick break from all that negativity and talk about some stuff i did like don't worry this will be quick uh i liked it when shrek built a website to chronicle all of his sick ogre dance moves i liked the part where the magic mirror built a website to showcase his new app where you date princesses oh wait hold on a sec these aren't positive things about shrek the musical these are positive things you can do with squarespace huh oh well guess i already started the ad read i can't stop it now squarespace is a fantastic intuitive online website builder that allows you to create beautiful websites for your business or personal hobby present your work using squarespace's professional portfolio designs display projects and customizable galleries and add 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the rest of the world head to squarespace.com for a free trial and when you're ready to launch go to squarespace.com j4list to save 10 off your first purchase of a website or domain [Music] the easiest compliment i can give this show is lord farquaad yeah the backstory they added for him kind of blows but he also gets a ton of genuinely funny lines throughout the show the only jokes that made me laugh came from him and i'm not sure if they were part of the show from the beginning or ad-libbed by christopher sieber based on the rest of the show i can only assume they were ad-libbed but yeah christopher sieber just killed it he is so hysterical in this show to the point where i actually liked his far quad better than the movies version he's just this delightful petty gay [ย __ย ] who just hams up every scene and i couldn't get enough of him it's a shame he wasn't in it more his costume is also so great he's walking on his knees the entire time and using fake tiny legs which leads to so many hilarious moments in the choreography just an all-around delight if this musical was exclusively about him it would actually be good probably i do think he kind of ran out of steam at the very end though when he was sentencing fiona and shrek to death at the wedding because that was the only weirdly weak part of his performance anyway sutton foster was also so good as fiona this was such a great casting choice she embodies fiona's hidden anger so well and her comedic timing is again superior to how it was in the original film nothing she did made me laugh out loud but my brain did acknowledge that it was funny so you might as well take it shrek the musical we think that you should you take what you can get and you make the most of it because right now we're living okay sorry i got distracted oh actually i lied there is one non-farquaad joke that i chuckled at it's when shrek makes an unfunny farquaad short joke and donkey reacts to it by just falling to the floor that was actually pretty funny uh the choreography and dance numbers are pretty good plus the costumes and makeup are absolutely on point they do kind of resemble disney theatrical productions a little too much but like i don't know how that could have been avoided the movie shrek looks very distinct from disney movies because of the 3d animation and the way the characters are designed and i'm not sure how they could have conveyed that through the costumes so whatever they look pretty good moving on i actually really liked the references to other musicals i think it's a natural fit since the shrek series has always been big on pop culture references so seeing farquaad parody the end of defying gravity or having a random lion king thing happen in shrek and donkey or traveling is definitely in the spirit of shrek um i think those are my only non-music related compliments and in order to start complementing aspects of the music we need to get to the segment that's all about the music which is something i'm very mixed about overall well i did say this would be a short segment actually before i move on i have a compliment criticism because i'm not sure if i like this or not for some reason one of the fairy tale creatures evicted by farquaad is the fairy godmother like it's literally her but i guess in this version of the shrek universe she doesn't have a position of power i don't know how i feel about this like it's more of a deep cut than a puss and boots cameo which was expected and it happened and it was pretty welcome but still this is such a radical departure from what we know fairy godmother adds in the movies that it was kind of bizarre to put her in here but better to have this than nothing i guess i don't know it's so weird let's talk about the music now the music and shrek the musical is not bad like it could be a lot worse janine tesori is a really talented composer and i love the songs she composed for fun home and thoroughly modern millie side note don't re-watch thoroughly modern millie worst mistake of my life just listen to the great songs and don't look up what the plot is about good lord anyway i think composition wise these shrek songs are pretty decent and the lyrics are also fine as well none of the songs are aggressively awful outside of the one where shrek and fiona are trying to one-up each other with their childhood trauma oh and the donkey pop pie song that [ย __ย ] sucks otherwise this is all passable but forgettable at worst and at best it's actually pretty good what's up duloc is a really fun ensemble number for farquaad and his citizens i think this is how a dream comes true where fiona is trying to sing a pretty song during her rescue only to get constantly interrupted by the dragon is super funny and a great idea i liked i know it's today until the ending bit but liking two-thirds of a song isn't bad on the more negative end of the spectrum i think make a move is passable out of context but has this comedic funky number meant to entice shrek to tell fiona his true feelings yeah it kind of butchers the grounded tone of the original scene which was important for showing that these two might realistically make a good couple oh also they cut the robin hood song why that's not licensed music you wrote that song for the original and it's a good bonding moment between shrek and fiona i have no idea why you cut this iconic moment that was tailor-made for a musical adaptation of this story what is wrong with you [Music] okay sorry wait i think i said i like some songs let me get back to that the best songs in the show undoubtedly come from shrek himself yeah even i'm not gonna slander the act one finale who i'd be it's really strong and pretty comparable to the campfire scene from shrek the third it's the one spot of supreme brilliance in the show's first act that makes me forget i'm watching a piece of [ย __ย ] for a few minutes shrek the musical obviously has more things i liked leading up to this scene than shrek iii did but this song just really sticks out it starts out with that whole conversation shrug and donkey had in the movie where they were looking up at the stars blah blah blah verbatim dialogues in the movie once that's over with shrek responds to a question donkey asked him at the start of the scene that being who shrek would be if he had the chance a daring hero an adventurous viking a poet or a football playing king in space with a mustache all things he would love to be but believes he can't because he's an ogre it then transitions into a three-part ending between shrek donkey and fiona singing about the happy endings they desire and it's just so good i mean twisted did it better but twisted does everything better than this show but yeah who i be is great finally a song that justifies the show's musical format by adding something to the original story something really strong dramatically you did it shrek the musical you're not completely worthless just mostly worthless okay i'm being mean again there are other good parts i guess in a vacuum i like build a wall it's kind of become a meme in my friend groups for obvious reasons but within the show it works pretty well as shrek's big angst moment after fiona and donkey betrayed him and he's super sad because he's alone and about to lose all the good things in his life it's inferior to hallelujah since that showed us what was going on with shrek fiona and donkey at the time making it more efficient for the storytelling but it is at least different enough where i think it's a fine adaptational change when words fail is also a pretty nice number but just kind of forgettable and i always get it mixed up with words fail from dear evan hansen i mean they're kind of about the same thing right i'm pretty sure shrek manipulated a family into believing he was best friends with their dead son in order to pretend that he had cool parents and girlfriends oh wait no shrek isn't a sociopath never mind and then there's big bright beautiful world reprise the song shreks things to fiona at the wedding it's also beautiful and super investing and i'm so happy that once it's over the fairy tale creatures crash the wedding and it's time for more comedy but do you want to know why my favorite songs in this show are who i'd be and big bright beautiful world reprise it's because they display a certain vulnerability on the part of shrek that lends itself extremely well to musical theater if you haven't seen my shrek forever after video i made sure to point out that this movie shows us the first time shrek ever cries in the series he has a sad moment in every one of these films but he doesn't cry until the last one the fact that he doesn't cry for so long makes it more impactful when he finally does and in my opinion the same should have held true for this musical in terms of shrek singing shrek does not strike me as a musical character even within a musical itself donkey fiona farquaad these are all very theatrical people who i can easily picture singing about their feelings on the regular which they do but i just don't see this happening with shrek i feel like if who i'd be was the first time we ever heard shrek sing in this show it would have had way more impact than it already did because by singing shrek is opening up and exposing his vulnerabilities something he refused to do for so long if donkey spent the entirety of act one trying to get shrek to open up and sing only for shrek to continually refuse him until this heart to heart under the big moon it would have been so emotionally powerful in a showcase of real character growth this is a clear way they could have enhanced the original movie story by utilizing this new medium they've adapted it to it could have justified the fact that they were making shrek into a musical by tying the musical aspect of the story into shrek's character arc but no he already sang at the beginning of the show so it's just kind of whatever shrek is singing just like all these other people he seems to be annoyed by and it just muddles the message of this story even further than it already was i honestly could have gotten behind the concept of making shrek the musical if they had just thought about the implications of making shrek sing during act 1. if this story as a whole isn't going to be an anti-disney anti-musical story shrek should have at least been an anti-disney anti-musical character contrasted with everyone around him until he learns to open up and it's such an easy fix because he only has two songs during act one just cut him out of big bright beautiful world and make it just his parents singing and cut travel song or make it a donkey solo where shrek expresses his annoyance with it by talking they were just so close with some of their ideas in this show but so little of it panned out in the end whatever shrek the musical soundtrack is a mixed bag there are a few terrible songs there are a few great songs but the vast majority of them are just kind of mediocre and forgettable i guess they do a fine job of telling the story if you've never seen the original shrek but they're vastly inferior to the use of the multifaceted pop culture songs in the original film and here's the kicker the musical knows this because after what seems like the finale number the lights go down and then come back up so the cast can perform i'm a believer yep they couldn't even commit to original songs throughout this whole thing they just had to remind you of the vastly superior film and its vastly superior soundtrack at the end it clashes extremely hard with the rest of the musical soundtrack and it just comes across as pathetic nostalgia bait you can't have it both ways you can't just open this show with something that isn't all star and then throw i'm a believer at the end like nothing is different it doesn't fit unlike spongebob the musical which retooled best day ever to fit within the show's narrative and threw in the theme song as a quick bonus that doesn't sound out of place with the rest of the musical soundtrack if shrek the musical songs attempted to replicate the sound of the original film soundtrack then sure maybe this could work but it just doesn't it feels so tacked on this musical sucks so bad i hate it obviously there are worse musicals and even worse musical adaptations out there but shrek the musical just rubs me the wrong way so much because of how much i love the original film and how much this musical not only didn't need to exist but shouldn't have existed based on what the original film presents itself as if you can overlook the fundamental problem with this show's existence you're left with an aggressively mediocre retelling of a classic film you could be watching instead where only 10 of the original is enhanced and the rest is either unchanged dampened or flat out ruined yes a few songs are actually pretty great yes the costuming and choreography is impressive yes christopher sieber and sutton foster are killing it but that's not enough to salvage this woefully misguided project obviously a lot of very talented people put in a lot of very good work to make this but i just don't like it and i don't think it's a worthwhile addition to the shrek franchise overall i prefer to see the story of shrek retold in more creative compelling out-of-the-box ways than this thank you and i truly hope i never have to watch shrek the musical ever again with that a huge weight has finally been lifted off my shoulders it's done mrs obama i've talked about every major piece of shrek media that's ever come out maybe i'll get to the rest of the spin-offs eventually and as for shrek 2 retold i don't need to make a review of it i'm in it so that's cool yep i don't really know how to end this i never thought i'd get this far um blargan spaghet yeah that seems like a good enough ending good night dulac [Music] do [Applause] you
Channel: Schaffrillas Productions
Views: 1,210,935
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Schaffrillas Productions, Shrek, Shrek the Musical, Donkey, Fiona, Lord Farquaad
Id: pWT7H9Kf8t8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 16sec (1936 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 30 2021
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