Why Role Compression Is The Future Of Genshin Impact's Meta

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ordinarily being a jack of all trades at least in my eyes is a negative thing in video games with the selection of a wide variety of characters because as you inevitably progress towards optimization it becomes less about the foundational capabilities of a unit and more about the full extent of set capabilities which are naturally higher for a specialist than a generalist the best use of the first half of the infamous Cote jack of all trades master of none is often during a situation where you're working as a group The implication being that a team of Specialists can make up for each other's deficiencies however the full quote is actually jack of all trades master of none often times better than a master of one referring to someone's ability to cover a lot of bases in the events they don't have a specialist for each group especially when those bases in question are geared towards a specific outcome and curiously that's the direction ginin impact is heading in entering year four of the game's timeline and the number of playable units has increased considerably though a good handful of veterans from versions 1 and two are still more than competitive today the expanded roster has raised discourse over opportunity cost as while the difficulty of the game has more or less remained stagnant our means of completing his content have become become more optimized a major consequence of our change in perspective of the value of characters is that the need for rooll compression has gone up further reinforcing the appeal of already strong characters while breathing new life into others once forgotten today I'll be breaking down the aspect of role compression in ginin and how it's something that all players casual and hardcore alike should understand as it can help them Asain future characters too while not an official term coined by the game or anything true to is name rooll compression is the concept of having one unit who can do a lot whatever form that takes can be left out to interpretation for me rooll compression can either be determined by the quantity of things a character can do or the quality of things a character can do which might be a bit confusing so let me elaborate ideally you want to have a good combination of both you want someone who can do a lot of things and do a lot of those things very well roll compression has been a thing ever since the game came out units like shinel and Bennett were critically popular for that very reason Bennett's ability to supply massive amounts of attack and simultaneously regenerate the active character made him a fantastic offensive and defensive support likewise for Shino he could provide you a stack resistance damage reduction a token amount of healing followup Hydro damage and by extension Hydro application Shinto also provided offensive and defensive support but more importantly what made them stand out over lesser value Jack of all Trad characters like Noel or diona was that they had the right combination of things you would want for the circumstances in which they would be used Noel for instance despite being an on Fielder instead of an off Fielder can do a lot of stuff she can deal damage her Elemental burst B is solid area coverage for a melee she can face tank hits and she can also heal her team and while individ ually those aspects are indeed valuable and onfield attackers should spend more of their attention and power budget on dealing damage rather than being tanky and healing those would be better reserved for all fielders what about diona diona is a pretty good unit not the best but not the worst by any stretch of the imagination she has a bunch of stuff going for her too good cryo battery she can give your team a nice Shield her burst provides you with healing and persistent cryo application for freeze teams plus she can buff you with more move speed lower stamina consumption she can debuff enemy attack and at C6 you get 200 Elemental Mastery above half HP not bad whatsoever the thing that invalidates most of that is that diona is almost exclusively used in freeze teams healing and shielding is objectively good but if enemies are being Perma Frozen you're likely not taking damage anyway which means you're also not being attacked so the attack debuff she gives to enemies is also kind of pointless again not saying she's a bad character she's a serviceable allpurpose support but she doesn't really have the right combination of roles for her Cloud support So to sumon up roll compression is having as many jobs or functions compressed into one character as possible that are both efficient and necessitated or feeling for the environment they'll find themselves in you can have someone with a ton of roles but not have very much of each one or have the wrong combination conversely you can have someone with a ton of one role but lack everything else back in 2022 I made a video talking about exclusive supports also known as Specialists characters that of one job and focus on doing that one job in that video I talked about the pros and cons of being geared towards doing one thing my main concern was that in light of the primary method of obtaining characters being to pull for them through gacha which means money can be potentially involved it's in the player's best interest to go for units that cover a ton of bases to get the most out of their money I then went on to mention how the main way for players to feel incentivized to go after them is if there's so much better than their generalist counterparts to make up for their specificity mihoyo is well aware of this and overtunes those types of units in the right Fields inadvertently giving them fantastic roll compression take nuu for example she is the definition of Niche full dental and hydro with a sole focus on making Bloom course as destructive as possible but the way in which she empowers them to explode fast and wide for Extraordinary damage makes it so her team can pretty much take on any form of content and do it quite well by virtue of having good persistent damage and area coverage assuming the enemies you're fighting are reasonably nearby other Niche characters like Farson and Linny have followed suit with the former being on par with the power five in terms of strength if we being honest and the latter while obviously not a Support also being intentionally overtuned to account for his more stringent party needs at the same time there are units who made their claim to fame through being a worthwhile if not optimal choice for a lot of different parties take shinobu she's pretty much the electro Silver Bullet for djo teams and keep Al more desirable than fishal on the basis of supplying different forms of Electro application but chief of all healing surprisingly hard to find among Electro units another noteworthy candidate is kokomi once considered a worthless festar she's made a name for herself as one of the most generally versatile units in the entire game with a perfect arrangement of regeneration and hydro application making her an ideal choice for Bloom taser and freeze alike now why is RO compression so important the short answer is power creep the long answer is that anient impact is advancing however slowly compared to other G games gen she is one of the most power creep resilient which we've established is not as a result of them balancing characters but rather their obstinate refusal to introduce any new form of endgame content even so having day one unit SE and benett still be really useful characters is very much appreciated especially among those without the were with all to pull on every banner I know some of you are thinking if genin's difficulty and power scaling is the same as it's always been why is World compression becoming more prominent try to think about it like this the roads we drive on are pretty much the same now as they've been in the past it's not like highways and streets are more mechanically demanding now than back in the 1950s even so car manufacturers world over have been finding new ways to make their vehicles more fuel efficient higher Tech fancier and all that stuff granted most of that is for a more enjoyable if not luxurious Driving Experience and not necessarily getting you from point A to point B more efficiently but I'm sure you get where I'm going with this just because the content hasn't changed doesn't mean players themselves will progressively expect more from units as they come out if there are faster or better ways to do something logic dictates that you'd be remiss to not choose the better option such as the nature of power and feature creep for new content to be appealing and desirable it has to have new stuff or better stuff than existing content even if that content doesn't necessitate it now that we have an established foundation of the game's mechanics and characters that tap into them for new units to stand out they'll have to do stuff more efficiently or in a substantially more novel fashion it's something they've been doing since the very beginning but I would say it's become more conspicuous entering version 4 when net came out he almost completely overtook child in IO by Leaps and Bounds as the best Hydro onfield carry apart from Simply dealing more damage the way his kit was engineered made him a more complete package than the other two his DPS not being entirely dependent on reactions or even other teammates for that matter on a broader scale the relative strength of one team compared to the next is being called into question in past years it's been somewhat found upon to compare one team with another as players will still in the process of developing usable teams these days most of us who've been playing for at least a couple years get to pick and choose among half a dozen to a dozen parties perhaps more and unless you Harbor sentimental reasons to use a certain team your selection will likely boil down to how e team is to use or how effective they are both factors being greatly influenced by how much role compression its units have new characters now more than ever are being scrutinized for what they can offer for less resources investment what have you the more efficient they are and the more bases they cover the more value they carry damage dealers can Pioneer new strategies that were once thought of as unviable or gimmicky while supports are all Fields can retroactively increase the Practical usability of existing characters by supplementing them with what they lack in addition to the expected power-ups for the current meta one of the most emblem atic examples of the impact of roll compression would have to be Faron prior to her sha was fall intense a subart carry though we did have an established team in albo Bennett and shling or Jung Le depending on if you wanted more DPS or survivability his overall damage just couldn't keep up with the more efficient vertical investment attackers who as supports catered to their play Styles like Hut and aaka obtaining Yan and shunu respectively that all changed when farason was added to the game midway through version 3 though the full extent of her supportive faculty essentially mandates unlocking her final constellation if and when that's achieve she single-handedly transformed sha in by extension Wanderer who came out alongside her from a secondary carry to some of the best in the game how did she accomplish this by compressing a staggering amount of damage Buffs into one character understanding that the swrl reaction isn't known for his DPS component especially not for animal itself farone Works to increase the effects of every other parameter Elemental damage animal resistance followup damage and stats those are the four main ways you can increase the car's DPS and she does exactly that her Elemental burst grants bonus animal damage while shredding the animal res of all nearby parties her four Ascension passive also increases the animal damage of all attacks based off her own attack further augmenting her carries then with their constellation six she gives bonus crit damage for all animal- based attacks and Deals followup animal damage accompanied by a small grouping effect farzon compresses every possible increase in damage imaginable anything and everything you want for animal damage she can provide for you she's potentially one of the most party slot efficient characters in the game of course she has to be as the niche is extremely specific and only works for like two characters at the moment but that is precisely what those two characters need to compensate for the inherent lack of brot strength that animal suffers from since farizon can do so much it gives you a lot of freedom to choose what you want for your remaining party slots such Freedom can allow you to field highly desirable supports that would otherwise not have been doable in the past in light of needing to cover the essentials there have been countless times in gine where there was a character with a lot of different tools and strength but were missing one or two things that really could let them shine once they acquired those things it enabled them to tap into the greater network of character building that they otherwise would not have had access to vice versa there's a character who could only do one thing and do that thing extremely well but there hasn't yet been a set of three characters that could take care of every other base comfortably as genin continues to get more and more optimized the need for damage dealers who can do more damage and supports who can either do a lot of things or do things at higher limits becomes greater and greater the flex tape team is a testament to this the recent addition of Reena has created an entirely new standard of damage augmentation she possesses enormously high damage amplification capable of single-handedly buffing her entire team more than two DPS supports combined perhaps three by compressing all this power into one character it made room for Gene a wants mediocre fivestar healer to become one of the most important healers in the game previously Jean had a tough time finding game full employment because Fielding her would cause you to lose too much damage and efficiency over other healers it's not that she was a bad unit it's just that other healers can do more benett gave crazy amounts of attack kokomi had more sustained healing through hers being an elemental skill in addition to hydro being a far broader supportive element same thing for shinobu while with dendro stuff like that but with Verina now in the picture she she provides so much damage that the one advantage Gene has over the other aention healers that being a massive instant party wide heal can better facilitate the immense DPS enhancing buff offered by the hydro archon who in turn can compensate for the loss of damage Andor reaction capabilities of Chene not just her either F's inclusion has allowed several characters that struggle with falling short in some way like I talked about before with Noel she has great durability decent healing solid uptime and better area coverage than most other melee normal attackers but she just doesn't have the damage to compete with the five stars with f now she does elevating her in value though it's always been a thing to consider roll compression will continue to get more paramounts from here on out consequently resulting in teams that used to be good now to no longer be purely from everyone else getting better countless times I get comments on people saying X character or X team is still good cuz it can 36 star spiral Abyss here's the thing it's not just about whether or not a team or unit can complete the game's existing content rather it's how they perform in relation to alternative options let's say a couple years from now there's a new unit who can create a master Zone on the ground that regenerates the entire party's health and boosts all of their attack stats sounds like an infinitely better version of Bennett doesn't it well that's cuz it is therefore as a result benon will lose value since there's someone who does exactly what he does but better in every conceivable way honestly it doesn't even have to be that big of a disparity you can have someone who does the exact same thing Bennett does only they have a summon type Elemental skill for all field damage and application even a small extra thing like that could drastically change the landscape of genin's team building as you now have someone who gives the same healing and attack bu that Bennett does but they can also Drive actions and contribute some extra damage suddenly teams that really wanted to field Bennett but need an all field Elemental application can now afford to have him while satisfying their requirements they get to have their cake and eat it too bottom line future units will be judged based on how many things they can do how much of it they can do and whether or not the things they do contribute towards the right goals vice versa units that don't do as many things or don't do things as well will be seen as suboptimal not because they can no longer clear the content but because the standard is much higher there are units who can do stuff faster more easily and more efficiently so on top of how how strong they are it will come down to how party slot efficient they are too so roll compression was something that was on my mind for a long time you see it discussed often in other games too especially when talking about new characters what they can do better than existing ones I know it's kind of random I just thought it would make for an interesting topic if you have any thoughts on this yourself feel free to share them in the comments down below for now though if you enjoy the video it would be great if you could leave a like And subscribe don't forget to follow me on Twitter @ farsam join my Discord server and check out my other discussion videos if you haven't yet but till next time thanks so much for watching and I look forward to seeing you again soon take [Music] care
Channel: Vars II
Views: 110,635
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin, genshin impact, vars genshin impact, genshin why no one plays, genshin impact gameplay, genshin discussion, genshin impact analysis, mihoyo, hoyoverse, genshin role compression, genshin impact units, genshin impact 2024, genshin impact guide, genshin impact 4.4, genshin impact drama, genshin impact character guide, genshin guide, genshin impact furina, genshin impact shinobu, genshin impact faruzan, role compression units, genshin impact best units
Id: TnyK-TI8CiY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 0sec (840 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 26 2024
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