What Happened To Ganyu? | Genshin Impact

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one of the earliest five stars released in the game ganu quickly became a favorite among the player base attributing to her appealing design and impressive strength in combat especially for that time she retained most of her popularity throughout the early part of gin's timeline where her flexibility and practicality me using her pretty much a no-brainer outside of a few edge cases for all intents and purposes she was one of the best characters for the first year or so of genin impact and it would be rare for any player worth their assult to not use her if they had her 3 years have come and gone and the roster has been considerably expanded upon in almost every area with new entries to the roster asb's retroactive boss to existing once increasing the level of competition for player market share inadvertently pushing those who couldn't keep up further and further out of relevance due to Rising standards of what was efficient and causing once widely used characters to fall off but how did g fair in all of this has she managed to withstand a test of time or was she one of the unfortunate victims of age for today's episode of what happened to we're going to look through the Coco goats history to find out where she was at the beginning and where she is now so I'm sure by now many of you guys are aware of G's embarrassing past eviden by Cloud retainers rather rather cute description of her plump she was back then of course nothing wrong with having a little meat on your bones and if you like to eat as well as she did when she was younger let me introduce you to factor 75 factor is back to sponsor vars to once again it's a meal prep service that delivers handmade dishes right to your door instead of wasting tons of money on fast food or eating out it provides you with healthy meals pre-made and ready to eat within 2 minutes or less the meal plans offer a variety of menu choices with a rotating selection of 34 plus options for meals and more than 36 add-ons like smoothies 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reliable options for the majority of players the order of festar units made available widespread went as follows vent who is a sub DPS CLE who was the main DPS albe a very Niche one child who technically was the first general damage dealer but at the time not many understood him or knew of his potential yet Jung Le who is the tank support and Alo who was anything but a main damage dealer it wasn't until the LI Trio g USA and Hut when players finally had access to carry units that could definitively serve as the Benchmark for what a strong unit should be and ganu was the first of the three to arrive though her once unique mechanic of AimShot level two still took some getting used to it was made abundantly clear that she was A Cut Above the available cast in many ways almost immediately players took notice of the measurably higher base damage and coverage that genu had to offer far exceeding that of the likes of duuk ctin CLE and perhaps child from an individual ual standpoint even when pitted against the units that came after sha Hut and YULA she was at worst a contender against them and at best a superior option there was without a doubt a lot of a strength packed into her kit making her highly sought after as it meant you could still get a ton out of her with modest investment I think most of us can agree that g was one of if not the first character to jumpstart the idea of team building and metad development engaging impact as she established expectations on damage dealers thereafter on the subject of team building she was among the first to be experimented on giving rise to two very distinct ones Morana which pioneered the notion of chain freezing and to a lesser extent revers melt one of the first teams involving Bennett and shanling team building was still in its infancy and part of lacking sufficient units to compare with but she had so much going for her that it was hard for anyone to argue to the contrary frostplay G gave her extremely consistent onve damage something that was absent among every other damage dealer at that time Celestial sha made dealing with large clusters of enemies a trivial task and she could somewhat protect herself by diverting attention via her lotuses making her very self-sufficient from an offensive perspective realist istically though ganu was the strongest character in genin throughout version one some may say stronger than Hut the game was also very AOE focused with players still rounding out their exploration of the Overworld farming domains to level up their units and spiral this floors consisting of groups of enemies specifically enemies that could be pulled into ven's Vortex as bosses didn't appear until later in the year she was the best of what she did mostly As a result of there being little to no alternatives on top of that she was a very free-to-play friendly team effectively needing only herself and Jung Lee both units were fully combat ready at c0 compared to who and sha whose first constellations were strongly recommended to play optimally and even then the current widespread approached to handling early versions of floor 9 through 12 spy Abyss entailed guu on one side with utal on the other replacing either with Ula duuk sha etc for players who so elected to for the better part of version one ganu was a staple for the majority of players Kaho release at the tail end of version one accompanied by the busted transformative reactions would be the watershed moment for gin's metag game development while many chose to skip him during his miden voyage those who were wise enough to pull for him were quick to recognize the the sheer team augmenting potential he had and then new found understanding would carry over into version two where G's endurance would be thoroughly tested why version 2 was so critical for genin and his characters was because it signaled a paradigm shift in the way we approached the game's combat all throughout version one the player base pretty much did whatever playing whoever they wanted with whatever team composition they wanted if you could even call it a team rather than a messy assortment of characters that were the players's favorites any suance of party building or team strategy was very primitive Theory crafting but by version two enough characters were added to where proper exploration of optimal team building not only accelerated but became more widely known even among casual players G's first major hurdle came in the form of aaka a fellow five star cryo onfield damage dealer whose strength and popularity was every bit the form is equal if not more so ayaka's front loaded and more concentrated damage gave the Chilean a run for her money but fortunately there were two things that enabled the two Crow units to coexist to some extent for one ayaka's rapid attacks implicitly disqualified her from taking advantage of melt thus putting her exclusively into freeze while G at this point became somewhat more of a melt user for more series players putting them in two separate Fields secondly G's all field useability enabled her to Shadow aaka as even though you weren't able to use Frost L garos her Elemental skill and burst could supplement aa's energy needs and coverage making for a very deadly double cryo combination the second major hurdle would be a far greater challenge for her shortly after ayaka was the arrival of Yia and soon after Ryden Shogun whose Advent changed the entire landscape of team building as you knew it not only did she establish the first widely used mattin composition in the form of rden national but around this time was when the community stopped evaluating characters solely on the basis of personal damage output and more on how they contribute to the output of the collective alongside R National came advancements and other teams that rival guu strength taser being one of the few all fourstar teams with Incredible damage potential and child International gaining traction as well though still few in number equally if not more competitive options began to surface that were forcing teammates like kaha Bennett and shling away from guu before it was only really her who could make use of them efficiently now there were Shogun and child at this time the original Le Trio was starting to fall off a bit WIA losing a substantial amount of popularity and Hut starting to slowly outscale guu by virtue of a more upfront burst in contrast to G's persistent DPS ayaka's involvement also made it difficult for any indirect Buffs to come gyu's way as there would always be this underlying assessment of whether the said support was more valuable for one or the other this was demonstrated to shho surprisingly however G managed to hold on if only by a little given aa's character popularity somehow overshadowing genus most attention went straight to her but the one drawback of lady is that she was far more demanding in terms of investment and units while G shining trait was how affordable she was shho augmented both in different ways with ganu obtaining what would basically be a retrofitted version of melt featuring herself shho and the Sunfire Duo Jee and Bennett for massive melt damage although this was mostly for the really hardcore G players most others though in regular melt and or ree it was Niche but a respectable team nonetheless meanwhile aaka hyper carry damage was enhanced even further but while the two mostly stuck to their own Lanes Ken's market share was gradually in considerably diminishing over time it's not because she got nerfed or that she wasn't good it's just that she was no longer the only one the game's roster was expanding new teams were forming and with that came more options more options meant that players were considering the opportunity cost associated with every strategy make no mistake G was more than capable of handling all the game's content with these but so were a lot of other units now and this opportunity cost would get stretched even further and further in the second half of version 2 Yan's inclusion was the third major hurdle of G's timeline for many reasons the most obvious one was that she enabled to TI to officially outscale genu in every conceivable way double Hydro overnight became one of the best teams in the game especially for how easy it was to use prior to that Hut mostly ran double geo with herself shincho Jong Le and albo which was a bit less consistent double Hydro basically fixed 90% of her issues setting the new goal standard of a conventional hyper carry team Yan also addressed one of the most critical pain points of gin that you can only have one of every character a big aspect of ganu appeal was that her aim shot style coupled with her Mal Focus team meant she didn't need shincho who could then be be used for the other team but now at yellon both teams could effectively have a shol on each side or better yet but both of them together for massive damage on one team which meant that Bennett given his insane utility would naturally be used for the other team since utal didn't care to nor want to have Bennett calling back the opportunity costing I mentioned earlier G was most certainly fantastic with him at her side but she wasn't the only one there was ride interational child International even ayat top all of which point for Point made better use of Bennett than guu did by this point even though a lot of the new units could work well with ganu and even though her skills were still usable and splashable opportunity cost was really starting to come into the equation making genu look less and less practical so Equity began to diminish very quickly version 3 would be the fourth and final hurdle for her D's inclusion changed everything most of which were negative for her having no interaction with dendro and with the new elements wasting no time common during the entire meta cryo as a whole was being pushed out and ganu was following suit to give you an idea of where things are by now quickin and Bloom raised the damage floor of the game so high that an all fourstar team Fishel shinobu shinga indenial traveler was doing comparable damage to G standard Mel team assuming moderate investment in both the fact that an all fourstar team was going even with if not beating out G's traditional team paints a very clear picture of how far teams have come there was some early exploration with guu involving burn melt featuring herself Jung Le or kaha Bennett and nahita which I guess you could say was G's third iteration of Mount but pragmatically nahita could be used for literally anything else and many people went that direction hell Nita even made her own version of a national team overall though there were some improvements being made to existing characters and almost none of them were going towards her for example many version one units experienced a Resurgence of sorts coing God dendro child International and mainstream use and attention sha received farzan Hut got Yan technically G got shho but remember anything G receives has to be shared with aaka who In fairness was also starting to lose market share unlike kutal and sha who are mostly specialists in their own Fields guu was designed and marketed to be a general damage dealer but by being a jack of all trades you leave yourself vulnerable to being eclipsed by Specialists and that's exactly what happened to Vue bful Bloom hyper Bloom aggravate spread all forms of national all forms of taser all form of hyper carry there were so many teams so many options in this game each with their own specialty that makes them that much better in certain scenarios which made their opportunity cost a lot more favorable than danus presently she has no Niche everything she does can be done by someone else better and the hard part is that djo sets such a high barrier to entry with the sheer numbers it could pump out that even fourstar djo teams can compete with all fivar teams in Practical terms the competition caught up to genu objectively she's still to this day more than than powerful enough to take on anything and everything in the game and very comfortably too I myself still use canu for floors with a lot of hydro enemies just because of how easy she is to use but there in lies the point G was solved a long time ago there isn't much more room for development if there's any at all meanwhile other characters like sh child and whatnot still had tons of room to explore and develop and they got it moreover the landscape of G's combat is being pushed further and further away from cryo and more specifically G's play style being AOE coverage many of genin's best teams are very single Target driven while any teams are specialized in AOE far outclass G's rate of coverage with the only method of recourse being ventti ganu story is different from the likes of YULA ETO and whatnot she wasn't exactly hamstrung by anything she didn't receive support units like kaha kokomi naha yela Shogun all of them in some way shape or form to varying degrees of course can help out guu whether it's by enhancing her total damage boosting her Elemental damage helping her clear with area coverage or whatever the problem was that those other units can help out other characters a lot more so indirectly G went from being a top tier must playay to a strong serviceable character to a all be a niche pick to now being stuck in a limbo state where she's by no means a bad unit by any stretch of the imagination but she also doesn't make a big enough Splash in anything anymore other characters and other teams came out that were either better than her or equally as good giving players more things to choose from on top of that everything that once made their unique is no longer unique in the realm of aot level twos we have a lot to go with now ady Lenny and even nalen who is an AOW user but basically has a level two aim shot built into his kit so the concept of enhancing charge attacks on Range Weaponry is common place now in addition to tigna and nalet having ways to accelerate their aim shot to be almost instant whereas guu can only do that with constellation 6 so they have more instant DPS sustain damage was another aspect of it that was really valuable but now many characters of all elements have permanent or near-permanent uptime and besides extended combat was all but faced out of genin's metag game until it was reinstated by net everything in version 2 and version 3 revolved dra quick swapability rotation including even hyper k teams whose main attacker only stayed out for a small bit of time before swapping out to refresh everything so keeping one person on feel for 15 plus seconds was only really a thing of version one when team comps were practically non-existent area coverage like I said earlier many teams have good area coverage now particularly those who can use venty kasaha and sucros so can Celestial shower having massive range isn't as spectacular as it used to be I guess you can say in an ironic Twist of events just as gya power crafts the units that came out before her by offering a lot of unique ways to do stuff being more efficient at doing that stuff and also being the only one who could do that stuff the game of disc Calibur of units to where you now have a plethora of options to choose from even if they don't necessarily fit the same niche of freeze or melster the end result of clearing dungeons bosses Abyss Etc can be accomplished by dozens of units who are at worst equal in strength to her in other words genya's power went from being the exception to the rule to repeat once more she's still perfectly viable and usable but it's also apparent that the current direction of the game is veering away from her lot more bosses which meant that freeze is falling off version Force units pushing the meta towards a new Direction extenuating circumstances will also make it challenging for her to return to her former glory even if such opportunity were to present itself I think it's safe to say that G's time in the spotlight has run its course though in her defense All Things Considered she was in that Spotlight for a very long time but yeah this was the first what happened to episode that went from positive to negative and it was all one of my favorite units but I suppose not every character can have a happy ending anyways hope you guys enjoy the video let me know your thoughts on guu in the comments down below aside from that if you haven't already it would be great if you gave this video a like And subscribe to the channel really appreciate it don't forget to follow me on Twitter at fars join my Discord server and check out my other what happened to episodes after after this one until next time thanks so much for watching and I look forward to seeing you again soon take [Music] [Music] care [Music]
Channel: Vars II
Views: 177,786
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin, genshin impact, vars genshin impact, genshin why no one plays, genshin impact gameplay, genshin discussion, genshin impact analysis, mihoyo, hoyoverse, genshin ganyu, what happened to ganyu, what happened to genshin impact, genshin impact ganyu, ganyu version 4, ganyu 2023, ganyu 2024, ganyu build, ganyu team, why no one plays ganyu, why everyone plays ganyu, is ganyu still good, ganyu guide, ganyu genshin impact, genshin impact game, genshin 4.0, genshin fontaine
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 34sec (934 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 13 2023
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