5 Units That Were MASSIVELY Buffed By Furina | Genshin Impact

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fora addition genin impact has spread a massive change in the meta given the incredible value and options made available thanks to amusa like I explained in a day when why everyone plays video there literally has not been in character with this much stuff and more importantly the specific kind of stuff that she can offer not only in regards to the sheer power she brings to the table but the combination of her element the way she supports her team and the accessibility of it is a tremendous quality of life Improvement for so many characters and so many teams Hydro is already the most influential element in the game which means finina has the potential to affect so many different teams and their lineups what's interesting about her though is that she doesn't just affect teams finina might be the first character in Gin who indirectly Buffs other units we've had systems changes that buff units like how Deno M cing yiko and shable really good and there were characters that improved overall teams like how Yan introduced us to double Hydro or how Nita unlocked the full strength of djo teams but to my knowledge there hasn't yet been a character who directly makes specific units more valuable through intrinsic Synergy so for today's video I wanted to list five characters that received a significant boost in value from the hydro archive techn techically an overwhelming majority of characters and teams have been made stronger but finina has given these five units entirely New Opportunities coming in at number five we have Yan from her inclusion almost 2 years ago Yan has cemented herself as one of gin's best off-field DPS characters thanks to her depth claring dice dishing on extraordinary followup damage while simultaneously amplifying the active party members total damage in the process she was the first unit to my knowledge to Grant unconditional total damage bonus in a default kit most other forms of damage boosts were either Elemental damage like kaha Elemental Mastery like sucros attack power like Bennett or increases to specific areas normal attacks charge attacks skills bursts Etc whereas Yan's passive Talent was damage amplification for all kinds and forms of damage reactions not withstanding of course the only issue is that due to the nature of her ultimate de clar and des's power is connected to her meaning unlike persistent effects such as kasaha danu or Shang Ling bur Yen B is unable to snapshot and since she's more or less never the active character her fall of damage can't be increased via existing supports not that she needs their help like I said her damage by itself is extraordinary as this but it's a shame that it can't be improved through external means that is until now finus Elemental burst is the first of its kind to provide supplementary damage to all party members not just the active character allowing for set burst to directly enhance death clearing dice's power this makes yine easily the best pair with Verina the activation of hydro resonance grants a measurable increase in damage to both of them by way of their HP scaling meanwhile Yan and finina afford a sum total of up to 125% bonus damage or 174% of Fess constellation 3 to the active character which in and of itself is absurd to even imagine then freeness buff also increases Yan's power as well causing the lad burst damage to climb even higher it also helps that they both share a relatively similar up time too moreover Yan's Elemental skill conserve as a quick and easy way to charge energy for finina who may struggle to power up her ultimate otherwise the reason I emphasize Yan's burst over sings Who behaves the same way is mostly As a result of death claring dice far exceeding rain Cutters damage this was initially counterbalanced by Yan struggling to apply enough Hydro on her own necessitating her to be paired with Shino but finina can now take shino's spot as supplementary Hydro application but with astronomically more damage moving on taking the fourth place spot is s kokomi seems like the universe has a pension for finding even more ways to make this unit better and better though Fin's best support Paris without a yelan the next four units benefit from her in an entirely different way that is to say they receive entirely new play Styles and niches in kok's case believe it or not the best way to use her now is not as a support but as the main damage dealer it's been over 2 years since it released back in version 2.1 and for most if not the entire time Kum was mostly known and used for a supportive and regenerative faculty on occasion you might activate her Elemental burst and throw a few Auto attacks here and there but teams featuring her typically made use of her persistent application via her jellyfish with her almost complete inability to critically Strike It was kind of hard to use her as a main damage dealer compared to just about anyone else but with Arena now in play the monoh hydro team is now a legitimate if not borderline top tier team we now have three sub DPS Hydro units Shino yelan and finina the three of them alone can probably contribute more damage than even fourman teams all we need now is a Healer preferably a Healer who can deal damage as a main user kokomi just so happens to be the girl for the job yes kokomi is now a damage dealer while her Elemental burst is active coam attacks regenerate the health of her entire party to counteract Fin's Elemental skill draining her party on top of that her jellyfish can heal en llarge bursts allowing you to accumulate Fanfare Stacks at a very fast pace in tandem with kooky on hit regen and if that weren't enough it's important to remember that verina's burst provides increased incoming healing too which helps if you're using the ocean he clam set kokomi is one of not the only character in genin whose damage can be strengthened by incoming healing giving her even more damage because of her natural durability as an HP scaler Ki monoh Hydro is arguably the second most indestructible team in the game and with a team of all Hydro characters none of them need energy recharge making it one of the easiest teams to build I can't even begin to Fathom a situation where you're taking more damage than Cami can regenerate even in spite of fina's Health drain she can already have upwards of 60% healing bonus on her own adding the 30 to 50% Supply by finina and you basically never die with the team it took 2 years but kok can now finally serve as not only a veritable but extremely powerful onfield damage dealer I mean if we're splitting hairs kokomi isn't actually a hyper carry all four party members will be contributing damage it's just that she allows the trio to function at full capacity with her healing the only downside of course is that you have no access to reactions unless the enemies you're fighting apply elements to themselves but I mean come on we seen to Yan and finina Elemental reactions can go to hell he'll just kill everything through sheer Hydro power crit strikes be damned finina a crit strikes but what if I still want to have mental reactions you ask fear not for thanks to how ridiculous Fin's Musa is she theoretically makes any healer with even the slightest modicom of damage potential 10 times more valuable and bishu is another such beneficiary bishu has always been a very interesting character not bad by any means some would say his value Rivals out of kokami in regards to healing and support with the only really thing holding him back being his status as a dendro character His Banner wasn't too successful in light of coming in after nahita and I'll hate them who more than met anyone's dendro needs as well as yaoo having been released a couple versions prior who served as a dendo Healer so the only people who really care for baiu were those who have been saving for him since the very start of the game that's not to say baiu is a bad character it's mostly that there wasn't an explicit need for players to go out of their way to get him all things demanded by dendro have long been taken care of the Avent finina changes that making baju occupy almost as much if not just as much market share as the D Aron herself Universal diagnosis recovers the health of all party members based on his max HP when the Spy returns back to him and it's a prominent amount at that with constellation one you can also throw two at a time for pretty much an in full party heal should that somehow be inefficient his Elemental burst equips the active character with the shield that regenerates every 2 and 1/2 seconds during which every time you get a new Shield dur an existing one breaks the active character heals for a large amount of Health enabling you to fully max out ffir Stacks relatively quickly the obvious Advantage BYU has over Camy is that he can facilitate Dental reactions without any compromise in efficiency on top of that because he gives both heals and shields the accompanying super armor can protect you more consistently than Cami can who only affords healing though Nita's Dental facilitation still out a ranked spy sho from an indiv ual standpoint finina can make up for that via her total party damage bonus or in other words spu plus finina will more likely than not beat out any other Dental pair also it's not that he doesn't have enough Dental application it's more that nahita has too much Dental application so the argument of having less applications a mood points since bishu is just as capable of driving dentro on his own and before you say but what about nahita and finina it Bears repeating that finina needs a Healer to make the most out of her kit if you go nahita and finina which you certainly can you'll need a third party slot to heal with anyway so the idea is to find units who can offer healing alongside other things bringing us to the second most improved character once a unit who is my version of chii genan has risen from a relatively middling character to one of the most essential support healers in the entire game those of you who remember back when I used to upload pull videos for some inexplicable reason I kept losing my 50/50s to jeene I think I pulled like nine copies of her sheina struggled to maintain any Summons of marish in the animal Department du to are not really having the most intuitive or practical kit especially in regards to what animal units are trying to pull off and though she does have a unique aspect to her in the form of being an animal healer she didn't provide adequate supplementary benefits to Warrant being used over other healers like the aforementioned kokami and bisu but there is one thing she has that no other healer does instant party wide healing on activation of dandelion Breeze Gene immediately restores her entire party's Health likely enough to fully cap out rea's Fan Fair Stacks at the Press of a button if we measure based on how fast the unique can cap Fanfare Stacks Gene is without question the fastest and even if there are a few more Stacks to go the persistent regeneration area can EAS top you off for the duration if that wasn't enough Jean's normal attacks have a chance to recover health as well should you ever need it in addition she has two other aspects to it that can be appealing for teams first being C2 which gives you bonus movement and attack speed with almost permanent up time since the only condition to activate it is to pick up an elemental orb or particle something you do just by playing the game with finina ushering in a Resurgence of hyperare units anyone who makes use of normal attacks like alham Hut and so on can make use of the extra attack speed the real incentive though is that Gene plus finina enables any team to have access to to VB shred which was a lot harder to tap into back then let's take UT's original double Hydro team as an example it was kind of difficult to add kaha to this team because dungi had to be there to ensure the team didn't explode at the same time you also needed Shino and yelan to make the team work with finina giving such spectacular damage bus on her own though the new double Hydro team is now Hut finina Yan and jeene the Damage amp from Verina exceeds that of Jung's Elemental shred from Jade shield and Hut's py damage Boost from being low Health Combined letting you Flex the force slot and no loss of DPS G just so happens to be the best at priming fan firste decks and now that you have an Animo character you have access to VV shred giving double Hydro even more power granted achieving swirl on jeene can be significantly more cumbersome task than sucros or kaha but the point is she can do it F this inclusion has turned jeene from a passing grade healing support to potentially one of the best healers in the game as she's the only unit at present capable of instantly maxing forus faner Stacks to get the full benefits of Elemental burst right from the start of course once you get another instant party healer Jean's probably going to be relegated back to original position but for the time being everyone better dust off their Gene and put it to work because the Knights of fonus are back and speaking of the Knights of fonus Noel means Rejoice for I come bearing news your prayers your patience your excessive probably medically life-threatening amounts of copium has finally paid off coming in at number one the single most buffed unit from the inclusion of Reena is by leaps and bounce Noel disclaimer not the most powerful let's not get ahead of ourselves only the most buffed never thought I'd see the day the amount of copium Noel means Rivals that of even Ulin and I can't believe that it actually freaking worked Noel was made for finina Noel's prevailing issue is that the damage output of her teams was nowhere near good enough to compete with other DPS units yes I'm fully aware that with enough defense you can achieve monstrous amounts of attack but looking at it objectively dozens of other characters are just flat out better than her especially as time went on now though Vina's DPS boost effectively applies to the entire cast Noel benefits from it the most because of the way her kit functions she's always been known as a one-woman army her skill creates a Shield based off her defense that while it holds grants her a percent chance to regenerate her entire party's Health just like Camy and Gene can and with said healing being based on a portion of her defense it's fairly substantial letting her easily Stack Up Fanfare in record time moreover if you have constellation one their regeneration effect is guaranteed while her person is active speaking of her burst at constellation 6 for every enemy Noel takes down she can prolong the duration of sweeping Time by up to 10 seconds giving her overflow of time which is one advantage she has compared to the vast majority of onfield typer carries Noel can last forever it's just that her damage was so poor that it didn't really matter how long she lasted another pain point for Noel is that most of the powerful supports in the game are incompatible with her to some extent kasaha has all but useless on account of his Elemental damage boost only pertaining to the Sorel elements pyro cryo hydro and Electro so he can't boost geod damage which by the way I feel the need to apologize for having made that mistake in past cios by extension Elemental Master doesn't help Noel whatsoever either disqualifying her from taking advantage of the likes of sugus and nahita furthermore though Noel ultimately makes use of the attack stat Ben it'sit attack boost doesn't help her out nearly as much as other units given that she already has so much attack to begin with as a result of her defense conversion and fantastic voyages comparatively shorter duration can lead to inconsistency problems for her the only real Nono support that circumvented all of this before was yelon who would rather be used to assist literally anyone else however with finina added to the equation you actually have a veritable incentive to use Noel as her main damage dealer as she's pretty much a geoc kokami if not better Noel plus one of Geo character plus yalan and Verina is remarkably R combination that offers just enough raw strength to allow the favonius knight in training to Brute Force the way through basically everything mind you she's still not the best choice but considering she went from bluntly speaking bottom tier to like top 10 best onfield carries has to be the biggest Improvement we've seen out of a single character to date Noel's kit is perfect for Verina and even if her ceiling still fall short of some other characters one thing she has that they don't is invincibility Noel Cary might very well be the most indestructible team in the game right now especially if you decide to run Jung le as a second Geo unit I would like to see anyone try to intentionally die with that much healing and shielding going on I honestly can't believe the copium worked I thought C Sing means were on some of that good before djo came out compared to Noel they were sober as a judge this serves as a testament to how gamechanging freen is she made a bottom tier unit one of the best onfield drivers in the game it's incredible to think that Fess play style has enabled so many characters both weak and strong to have entirely new functions and purposes just by her very existence while some may interpret this as power GP I find this to be a surprising breath of fresh air there are countless unit and genin who have the potential to be exceptional assets to your roster but are just missing one thing or have that one issue that holds them back I know most of it boils down to units with healing that finally have access to damage but I mean hey now there's a legitimate reason to use a healing character over a shielding one they become 10 times more valuable when paired with forina so tldr no Mains can finally stop shooting themselves up a copium three long years later and she finally has a prominent position in the meta enjoy yourselves everyone that wraps up today's video though the five characters that got buffed the most by finina let me know in the comments down Bel below whether you agree or disagree with my choices but for now if you enjoyed the video I encourage you to leave a like And subscribe consider following me on Twitter at vars joining my Discord server and checking out my y everyone plays finina video If you haven't yet but until next time thanks so much for watching and I look forward to seeing you again soon take [Music] care [Music]
Channel: Vars II
Views: 162,901
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin, genshin impact, vars genshin impact, genshin why no one plays, genshin impact gameplay, genshin discussion, genshin impact analysis, mihoyo, hoyoverse, genshin top 5, genshin buffed, genshin furina, genshin 4.2, genshin 4.3, genshin impact top five, genshin impact most buffed characters, genshin impact furina, genshin impact noelle, genshin impact jean, genshin impact baizhu, genshin new OP, genshin new op characters, genshin impact kokomi, genshin impact yelan
Id: kRUhfEDOPy0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 45sec (885 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 19 2023
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