Genshin Impact Is Being Abandoned

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ever since the release of hongkai starl in April of last year a residual yet significant topic of discourse that has been circulating throughout their shared Community is the noticeable difference in attention care and has of L generosity of each game's respective developers though it's been present from the beginning the contrast has only become more conspicuous over time coming to a head after the tandem occurrence of starl announcing a free distribution of Dr ratio to every player and the controversy surrounding the rumor of a free skin selector that was hotly anticipated only for a place to find out that for you to actually have access to this perose you had to buy PlayStation 5 and it was reserved only for China I believe the recent chain of events has elevated the tension between players of either or both titles creating memes about how HSR is MI Hoya's favorite child while genin is turned into a cash cow that's being milked for all its worth against the wishes of many and the dismay of several kinchin and starl continuously get compared to one another to which I admittedly am guilty of doing a few times myself despite being fully aware that they are two completely separate games under separate conditions and circumstances either way what I find interesting about this occurrence is how unique it is parent companies often have multiple titles that are for all intents and purposes commercial successes on comparable levels yet there's not nearly as much infighting going for them if any at all more concerning is whether or not this will be exacerbated with the upcoming release of zenas Zone zero in the near future another game produced by Mi hoo today we'll be looking into why all of this is taking place the possible factors that led to it and how it can be addressed so that both games can be mutually successful and highly regarded so I want to preface this by saying that I don't personally have a bias for either game in my humble opinion gin impact excels at ABC while H Karo excels at XYZ though they bear many similarities whether visually mechanically or foundationally I can't exactly say one is definitively better than the other nor do I have a preference for either I love and hate both of them equally now before we continue further I want to bring to light a post I found on gacha gaming a while back that caught my attention sometime in September an article was written on mobile gamer. Biz highlighting how successful starl has been on a commercial level easily surpassing $1 billion in sales less than half a year into its release and while this did cement tonai Stell as a household main State coincidentally genin's Revenue took a noticeable hint around the same time implying that starl is extracting sales and revenue from genin granted this is mostly circumstantial bear in mind that late spring early summer is the least active time of the year for ginin as around that season nothing particularly interesting happens in the game aside from a few unremarkable events and most players are waiting for the new version and subsequent area to come out like we have for suu and Fontaine moreover the event banners of version 3 .7 and 3.8 consisted almost entirely of reruns with the handful of them being bluntly speaking low demand characters for the majority of the player base for the simple reason that most of us already have them now if you read through the article yourself you'll notice very quickly that whether this can be interpreted positively or negatively all comes down to your perspective so by no means am I saying that this has conclusive bearing on the matter of this video it was just something I found rather interesting at present mihoyo is in the midst of her Crossroads following the once in a generation success of ginin impact the company is taken its new found resources and influence to push its brand into other genres and industries attempting to expand over the gacha sector by capitalizing on its various Fields H Karo is their shot at trying to capture the turn-based RPG market and Zenon zero aims to dominate the Rog leg genre a natural consequence of diversification though is that it takes attention away from the main source ginin impact again that is neither good nor bad but in the eyes of at the very least a vocal minority of players this has caused a fair bit of strain within the new unusual relationship for formed between ginin and Mio's other titles when starl came out it was extremely apparent that many of its gameplay features and mechanics were not only inspired by but almost identical to kinchin from equipment to constellations to the user interfaces to character progression to the overall feel of the game and whatnot well I'm sure many of us appreciate the familiarity in that it made starl easy to pick up and understand the extreme similarity between the two games has resulted in them being compared with one another whether or not it was for the right reasons I don't really blame them either when two things closely resemble each other it's in our nature to compare in addition to being very similar games gin and staro largely share the same player base with mihoyo having a virtual strangle hold over the gacha sector they're bound to Market to their current audience since despite being real-time action versus turn-based two fundamentally contrasting genres gacha players don't put that much consideration in what they're playing on account of the more casual and surface ofel nature of gacha games in general in other words the industry doesn't have dedicated fan bases based on genres the way FPS players are zealously loyal to FPS games or how MMO players dedicate their entire gaming lives playing only MMOs this is the first major reason why this internal competition is happening gin and STL are both gacha games no matter the sub genre gacha games or rather mobile games in totality are inherently incomplete experiences what do I mean by that games with complete experiences allow the consumer to partake in the game however they please if they so desire they can play either 30 minutes or 30 hours ill advised as that may be once's more is that games of complete experiences offer you a wide range and depth of exploration that is aimed at making you play play the game for as long as possible and to give the player full freedom and access to achieve their goals whether set by the game or self-imposed the ultimate end game of any well game is to achieve these two outcomes to have fun and to complete goals mobile games by Design break away from this ordinance by technically restricting you from achieving either the finite Energy System within all of them prevents you from enjoying the game to your heart's content while simultaneously barring you from achieving your objective by time gating everything unless of course you're willing to spend and even then some of them limit on how many refreshes are things you can do this pay to play more business model employed especially by gacha games contrast from most other titles which afford unlimited Play Time subsequently forcing a set limit on the pace in which a player can achieve their goals now you could say ginin and Stell are not explicitly pay to play more in that the only things constrained by the energy system are progression oriented aspects like farming artifacts and Relics or ension materials and whatnot which is true if a new player were to join the game there's basically nothing stopping them from going all the way to monat to the end of Fontaine which is dozens upon dozens of hours of play time in story and exploration far exceeding the length of a standard game the thing is character and account progression is still an integral part of one's experience playing either title therefore to some extent still preventing them from going Beyond a certain point that can only be alleviated with time it would be the same as a Pokémon game allowing you to fight all a gym battles in the Elite 4 in one sitting but your Pokémon are hard cap to level 20 and can't progress to level 30 40 50 without refreshing your I don't know we can call it poke resin in addition to that God games are notoriously superficial and lighted their aim to cater towards a broad audience comparing genin and starl to breath of the wild and Persona 5 the latter two have far more expensive icebergs as they're intended to be while genin and starl do go above and beyond the standards of other gacha games in terms of depth and whatnot especially from a narrative perspective gameplay-wise they still have that Simplicity to them it wouldn't be wise for genin to have complexity on the level of GTA 5 Skyrim cyber Punk The Witcher as that would do more harm than good for their target audience who don't want to play that hardcore game so for a gacha they're Far and Away much better than the vast majority but in the end they're still a gacha you're not going to expect Final Fantasy 14 or World of Warcraft mechanics on a GAA game point being they're not meant to be treated as full-fledged games they're meant to be played sparsely not something for one to dedicate all their time and energy towards for casual players of neither the time nor willingness to grind 8 plus hours a day on this game this is a good thing but for those who do want that what are they going to do while they wait for genin to recharge resin and stuff most likely they'll play hon Karo right there's a high chance for to compare the experiences between the two games because on top of being routinely played alongside each other the aformentioned resemblance between them further encourages that line of thinking as an example let's take two very successful titles made by Riot games League of Legends and valerant though there are definitely players who frequent both games each one is a complete experience leue can valerent allow you to play them as much as you want and the overall sens of scope for these games is measured in years not weeks not to mention everything from the user interface to the mechanics and whatnot are tailor made to their individual experiences with their own fully realized systems too you could make a few comparisons like whether or not a valerant champion is inspired off a certain League champion but the games feel more distinct from one another despite being made by the same parent company they're Mutual exclusive there's not much comparison between league and valerant because league players are too busy playing league and valerant players are too busy playing valerant they're not looking over at each other's plates so to speak but for mihoyo an overwhelming majority of starl players were once or still are genian players I'm willing to pend 90% or more to be honest it's much more feasible to play through both kinchin and sto while trying to sink your teeth in reaching end game in both league and valerent is next to impossible so hoo's games are more accommodating in regards to time the same can't be said in regards to money though leading us to the second reason why the two games are antagonistically compared to one another the bulk of player frustration with mihoyo's games is almost entirely founded on the basis of spending gacha games are inherently controversial because they can become very expensive very quickly and for those who lack the wherewithal to invest hundreds if not thousands of dollars on the game or simply choose not to they're perpetually disallowed from experiencing the full game they don't get access to every character to every weapon what have you already putting the community on a short view for most of genin's timeline players have been inconvenienced by shortcomings and very serious lack of quality of life features and Creature Comforts terrible progression system inconsistent execution of Design Elements such as how they make some characters feel really good to play While others have a mountain of issues and bad public relations in general an incident that exemplified this was when an entire Firestorm started over genin's 1-e anniversary Rewards or frankly La thereof it came off as an insult for a company that was making huge profits off the game to be so parsimonious when it came to free rewards and delivering on heavily requested features though technically Miho owes us nothing with the game being free to-play players feel entitled to at least a sense of appreciation for their financial support making it all the more disheartening when the company shows very little of it the onee thing wouldn't be the first time this happened either in late January of this year just a couple weeks ago there was another Cascade of backlash towards Mi Hoya with genin's to account losing over a million followers from Chinese players being dissatisfied with the Chinese New Year rewards many of their other social media platforms have lost a considerable number of followers too prior to Hong Karo players were exhaustively and understandably frustrated towards mihoyo for how little they seem to care about ginchi so when Hong Karo came out and immediately demonstrated their willingness to please it came off as favoritism kind of like the anime Trope where the older sibling gets neglected by their parents after the younger more gifted sibling is born starl reciprocates both the financial and social support through great quality of life updates tons of free rewards and consistently well-designed festar characters one of which was given to us for free it's almost as if starella and genin are being overseen by two completely different companies so the community's resentment towards genin fester for over 2 years and then when starl came out it just exploded what makes this all the more aggravating is that genin is still being updated it would be an entirely different story if you were comparing a new updating game to a game that's discontinued and no longer being maintained kind of like how Pokémon fans Don't Like A Diamond and Pearl and curse Ruby Sapphire nalt for not getting the same features because those games have finished their development cycle but gin is still being updated and receiving new stuff it's not just that they've been neglected they're continuing to be neglected several users across multiple platforms have noted that much of Mio's complacency and indifference could be as a result of their lack of competition giving them no incentive to be more generous or acous to player demands there have been attempts at trying to want up gch in like Tower of fantasy and we all know how that turned out on the other hand there's a plethora of turn based in Auto Battle games in the gacha industry star's Overworld exploration is frankly non-existent your enjoyment of the game is determined almost completely by The Game's combat which is also far more rudimentary at least in compared to ginin which has more Nuance so it's expected or possibly necessary for starl to be more generous and accommodating with his rewards and updates or to put it differently star's true competition is enging impact rather the greater gacha industry as a whole where ginin has almost no competition in this department if I'm being honest the only thing gotcha about it is the pul system system and maybe the resin system if he took those parts away it could very easily pass off as a standalone open world action RPG so by all accounts star and gin should not be compared to each other but circumstantially they are given how similar they are I think the reason there's so much outrage over the contrast and how many hoo teams handle their respective games comes down to a question of fairness and consistency any gaming company worth their salt would make an effort to put in the same care and attention into everything they do in order to portray that image of consistency especially for continually updating products I ideally the efforts made to ginin and the efforts made to starl should be considered individually not in the context of each other but considering they share many features share the same parent company and share the same player base many of whom actively play both at the same time it doesn't justify the comparison but it does explain it called Suffering From Success if you will unfortunately Miho would likely rather its own games be fighting against each other than for a competitor to threaten their bottom line but regardless of whether all this is just meaningless backlash from immature fans or Genuine warrant to concern this is indeed aad bad thing and should be addressed there's a comment made by MAA 5458 in my community post regarding this that sums up exactly how I feel about things players aren't mad that stl's getting big rewards and cool features they're mad that starl is the only one getting big rewards and cool features they're not asking Mi hoyo to retroactively give us tons of stuff to make up for past versions they're asking mihoyo to be consistent going forward and there's a big chance that will apply to Future games too mihoyo shouldn't abandon their existing games just because there's a new one they should Endeavor to maintain the same effort or better yet redouble their eff firsts to existing titles for example Riot games didn't stop developing and working on League just because team fight tactics Legends of Runa and valerant came out they try to stay consistent with all their products personally as someone who cares a great deal about the relationship between game developer and player that's the whole mission statement behind my three channels to bridge that language barrier metaphorically speaking mihoyo's only way of fixing this controversy is by giving ginch and impact the same attention or more importantly giving ginin impact the same respect that they give stara and by extension all future the titles ginin is what brought me hoy to the Forefront of mainstream attention in the first place they would do well to remember that because if they don't ginin might drag down every other game with it what are your thoughts on this topic do you believe it's right or wrong for the two games to be compared to one another and do you think there's something more to it than the factors I talked about let me know in the comments down below for now if you enjoyed the video it would be great if you could leave a like And subscribe don't forget to follow me on Twitter at fars join my Discord server and check out my other discussion videos if you haven't yet but till next time thanks so much for watching and and I look forward to seeing you again soon take [Music] care
Channel: Vars II
Views: 110,585
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin, genshin impact, vars genshin impact, genshin why no one plays, genshin impact gameplay, genshin discussion, genshin impact analysis, mihoyo, hoyoverse, genshin vs honkai star rail, genshin impact vs honkai star rail, mihoyo drama, hoyo drama, genshin drama, star rail drama, genshin 4.4 drama, genshin impact drama, honkai star rail drama, genshin impact dying, genshin impact controversy, genshin 2024 lantern rite
Id: i8LFJkwM_VI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 1sec (901 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2024
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