Wishing Strategy Advice for Everyone | Genshin Impact

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hello everybody and welcome right so today I want to impart some essential wiing wishing strategy advice to you all I know I said this was for everyone but honestly if you are wailed up to the max the advice is pretty simple you know if you just C6 R5 everything well then you just keep wishing until you've got what you want simple so that's that category of people dealt with the other two categories are first free to play and I will include in that people who buy welome moon and battle pass as all this really does is increase the daily amount of Primo gems you get up from just the basic 60 from doing the daily commissions and it doesn't really have any other effect on on your wishing strategy you've just got more to work with the second category are those who actually spend money on Prima gems now I don't recommend doing this by by the way I've been having an amazing amount of fun building my free-to-play account and I haven't spent a penny on it obviously cuz it's free to play but if you do spend some money what choices should you make in order to maximize your bang for buck firstly let's talk about a few wishing Basics whilst the exact chances of getting a given four or five star or a weapon are only known to hooe there are some things we do know for sure but because they've told us you will definitely get a five star every 90 wishes and there is a 50% chance that it will be the character that's on the banner you're wishing on if your last five star wasn't the banner character then the next one will be what this means is that you should think of it as taking 180 wishes Max to get the five star you want though you may well get them around the halfway mark clearly therefore if you are 20 wishes past the 50/50 you are not at 20 pity and only risking 20 wishes if you continue on that Banner you're actually at 110 out of 180 and you are risking a lot by pulling provided you don't want the five star of course by the way the chances of getting a particular fourstar on Banner are only 16% per 10 pull so not that great take me for example on my free-to-play account which I only started about 10 days ago I desperately wanted a copy of cookie who is currently on Banner along with Soo and nyato and kurara and jangling firstly because building a cracked hyper blo team is so much easier than any other kind of team archetype and secondly because I can use her healing to run around Dragon spine without worrying about dying from the sheer cold de by the way will also have the same sort of free roaming ability that that you get from cookie makes it a lot easier for looking for things like Crimson agates that are halfway up a mountain now obviously wishes are in short supply on an FTP account however I was perfectly happy with either of the other two four stars Kirara decent shield and jangling who is busted uh both are very good and generally useful especially jangling who is doubly useful if you can get a C4 and and aato the five star is also an extremely good general purpose Hydro character so whatever came out of the gater I'd be spending my wishes wisely I thought also as the account is new there are a huge number of quests to do and chests to open so the Prima gem Supply is much greater than it would be later in the game and I did manage to get my cookie you're the very finally I yeah so much more useful than uh come on oh you see she missed it [Music] unbelievable yeah Lisa is not the one for hyper Bloom oh for goodness sake another major consideration to think about is what's coming up in the next Banner or two if naha was to was to be on Banner in 4.3 I would probably change things up a little bit for my free-to-play account and wouldn't have tried so hard to get cookie who I have got one copy of finally Allelujah so n is just a busted dendro applicator in the game and she can be used in a vast majority of teams where she's usually the best in slots so yeah she would be a great pickup for almost any account but she's not in the 4.3 Banner hence why I don't mind potentially getting ayato or as many copies of jangling and cookie and kurara as I can get my hands on another way to think about it is if the worst happens can I make use of what I get if the answer is no then you probably shouldn't wish on that banner and f2p should very rarely consider the weapon Banner at all it is a trap on the weapon Banner you require 240 wishes to guarantee the weapon you want assuming you set the epitomized path to that weapon and you spend 240 wishes on just that Banner if you didn't or you did that thing where you set the epitomized path to the wrong weapon because you thought maybe that would make hoo give you what you want then you may never actually get the weapon you're after and please note the epitomized path does not carry over to the next weapon Banner unlike the character pity just to round things off for the f2p people out there in order to help you build accounts that can easily clear whatever you aim them at hoyo have created masterless star glitter you should not be tempted to waste this on a few more wishes and instead use it to get the four star supports that will make your chosen five stars really shine most of these original four stars are seriously seriously good characters and often compete favorably with five stars while being more versatile to boot a guaranteed sing show might transform things for your favorite DPS that you've just spent three months worth of wishes getting like for example Al haam in fact sing pairs with more or less everyone brilliantly he's great with Benny and Shang Ling as well and yeah he's he's a great pickup you can also get some of these characters the ones from leeway during the lantern right which is hopefully coming up at the beginning of next year so for those that are willing to spend money on Wishes the maths is the same but unlike FTP you can take a chance on something that you don't necessarily want because if the worst happens you can always fix it with Genesis crystals but to play it safe don't exceed your budget and uh look for those banners where whatever happens you win th those are the safe bets just a quick word on four stars because you can take a few more risks with non freet to-play of course if you desperately want a copy of that particular character and you're not past the 50/50 you can perhaps you know put at risk up to sort of 30 odd wishes to see what comes out obviously remember it's only a 16% chance per 10 pull of a particular fourstar so don't get your hopes up but essentially if all you're risking is 30 wishes and you end up with a five star that you don't particularly want well any five star for 30 wishes is actually a pretty good deal and if you win the 50/50 well now you're actually at 90 wishes in your 180 wish journey to your chosen five star so if you don't if you don't want it don't don't continue you're putting a lot at risk to go past the 50/50 trying to hunt down a fourstar personally I wouldn't risk it at any rate better to keep the guarantee and get the five star you really want some point in the future also another thing to bear in mind is that new characters will generally rerun much sooner than older characters if you really want that copy of n it could be that she won't be on Banner again for another 12 months after her next rerun so that is something to consider I would suggest that she should get a higher priority for that reason than somebody like nalet or finina because they will almost certainly be back in the next 3 months now obviously we've had their banners now so when they do rerun it could be it for the next 12 months for them so they're on the higher priority list for me now but for example Navia she'll be back in another four months or so anyway so you can just get her then and this is more or less how I feel about her I'm going to wait and see how I feel especially as Yia won't be back for 12 months probably and I don't have her so she's probably the better pickup for me in the upcoming banners on the subject of looking ahead it really helps with planning your wishes and getting the most out of your Primo gems hence why hoyo verse don't announce anything except the next immediate Banner you however should still look ahead as much as possible by paying some attention to whatever leaked information you might find out there at the end of the day given the number of characters and the length of time between Banner reruns most leaked stroke guest information is around 80 to 90% accurate from what I've seen another thing to bear in mind is that some characters really want other characters in order to shine wonderer is great for example but he really wants farzan and he wants farzan at C6 plus he wants a good buffer or healer and preferably a shield with a really long duration clearly his best teams are going to be quite an investment to say the least though with some characters there are also open world considerations wand makes getting around the map and reaching those hard to get to Oculus so much easier CL enough you are not welcome here everybody you about that Fury you're dead don't normally take a hit using this team but uh I was being distracted by trying to talk yeah I I actually really like wander but to get the most out of him definitely it's high investment I've got him at c0 here and he's paired with three C6 four stars and they also have favonius weapons and um he's got the fourstar widsith weapon at R5 so yeah it's it's an investment to get somewhere like this if you can only pick up one copy of wander not his weapon and you don't have farizan or high constellations on the support I I'll probably still get him cuz you know he can fly with all that said you should do the test runs for the characters absolutely before you wish that way you can pull for only the characters that you enjoy playing and are going to get the most use out of after all a five star is an invest M and it would be a shame if you found yourself with a character that you don't enjoy and don't really use and that cost a fortune to obtain this advice however is mainly aimed at the DPS characters people like Soo these support characters they usually on field for a very short space of time they do their skill and then you swap out to your main DPS and they're the ones you spend most of your time on you might not particularly like sing show and to be honest I didn't really like his character to begin with but he enables so many teams that otherwise just wouldn't work very well his abilities are particularly useful honestly sing show because you've got Interruption resistance you've got damage through his rain swords you've even got a little bit of healing he really is a master of all quite honestly why they never miss go in Adventure Time illusion shatter to [Music] Oblivion yeah he's he's a handy old character is sing show so no question about it so well worth trying to get a copy and build him and as many constellations as you can get your hands on he is one of the most busted characters in the game for example you could pair him with wer and he'd work great in that case too when I first started playing the game I resisted building many of the four stars that are in the star glitter shop for the longest time as I didn't like their designs particularly but remember hoyo give you a guaranteed way to get these characters for a reason they are the backbone of the game allowing you to build fun and powerful teams with ease and use the five stars of your choice right so when if ever is the weapon Banner a good idea as I said definitely if you're free to play I would steer well clear at the moment I'm actually putting some spare wishes into the weapon Banner because I'm not that interested in the next Banner in particular I already have aaka she's great but I've got her at c0 and I'm happy with that and I'm happy to wait with Navia and what I really like the sound of is getting the Miss splitter that would should be paired with iaka that I would yes so I'm willing to take a chance now I know I've got a one in three chance I'm approaching pity on the weapon banner and it it's worth it a one in three chance I can live with that hopefully the four stars are good we don't know yet but if not I'll put the rest of my wishes into probably y Mia in the second half of 4.3 I should be able to also make use of navi's Claymore if I do get that so I suppose there's a a consolation prize in that and you never know when it comes to the five-star standard Banner weapons you've got to try and just make use of whatever you get at least it'll be a reasonable stat stick in most cases see it's about managing risk with these things and not taking ridiculous chances on Long Shots which would leave you terribly disappointed if you lose oh and uh obviously as I said before spend what you can afford of course or spend nothing at all at the end of the day it's a form of gambling and the game is 99% as fun even if you don't spend anything or at least just maybe welin moon and the battle pass I mean at the end of the day welin and the battle pass are pretty manageable amounts per month it works out to more or less the same as a Netflix subscription so it's not Bank breaking or or you could just spend nothing at all and the game would still be 90% is great okay that that brings me to the end of my tips and tricks and strategies to do with wishing I hope you've enjoyed the video if you did please smash the like button and subscribe if you haven't already because it really helps the channel out and I'd love to see you here again in the future good luck and may you win all your 50/50s
Channel: James Cooke Streams
Views: 7,962
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 9VYd37KxlKk
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Length: 16min 22sec (982 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 18 2023
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