Dissecting Kawaki - Boruto's Most Tragic Character

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so picture this you just finished naruto you spend 720 episodes in the anime or 700 chapters or so in the manga seeing naruto uzumaki go from a castaway to hokage of goli village and becoming the strongest shinobi of the ninja world he witnesses loneliness suffering conflicts trials and tribulations that he eventually overcomes as the series progresses then boro sondar to next generation releases the sequel of naruto following the son of naruto uzumaki bortozomaki and you watch the first episode and [Music] [Music] this guy right here we get introduced to him by the name of kalaki he tells board so that he will send him to where he sent lord seventh aka naruto what's so crazy about this is that this is the first thing kawaki says when he's introduced into the series and there are many interpretations of this statement that fans still argue to this day did kawaki send naruto to another dimension or did he actually kill him this is a crazy first impression for his character considering that we have no idea who this character is and first impressions say a lot when meeting a new character i think a word that can describe khalaki as a character is the word abuse abuse is a strong word and is defined by using something to a bad effect or for a bad purpose or to just ultimately misuse said object or person up to this point in the story of borato abuse has been prevalent throughout kawaki's young life kawhi's biological father kokatsu who was once a shinobi that fall in the fourth great ninja war abused alcohol to cope as a result kokatsu abused kawaki abusing his rights to be a child abusing his rights to have emotions and even abusing his rights to eat food kaoki has to ask his father if he can eat dinner where his father locks all the food away with the key all while forcing this child to chop wood to buy alcohol for his father to abuse again it's a vicious cycle that kawaki is forced to live in and he can't do anything about it he can't run away since he doesn't know the area outside of his village and he doesn't know anyone else just his father kaoki has no friends no other family or anything to cling to his life consists of chopping wood to make money to buy alcohol for his drunk and abusive father and that is the only thing that is providing his father and him to get by what's so interesting about this is that kawaki and his father live far away from the village where kawaki chops would like pretty far away in fact from the time kalki goes from the village to his house which is up in the mountains it takes hours considering that in the village it's about afternoon where kauki is to literally nightfall by the time he gets home so every day he has to spend hours going up and down this mountain to chop wood in order to buy alcohol even though the economy is in a recession where kawaki began to earn less money for the chopped wood even got to a point where the alcohol that kaoki bought every day became less in quantity to where it didn't even fill half of a bottle on top of that kawaki was beaten by kokatsu and even the villagers knew about this yet he worked so hard to support his father every single day he worked until he couldn't even speak it's so bad that he can't even read or doesn't even have any proper education just to work to meet another person's ants every single day kaliki's name means parched or dry in japanese and this is evident in his character as his lips are always dry his livelihood is dry and his childhood is dry the overall situation of kaaki's life at that point was terrible and this was just the beginning of kalaki's suffering goldfish that's the one thing that kalki wanted as a kid the first thing he laid his hands on was a ball of goldfish as he was passing to his village obviously he did not have the funds to buy a goldfish but just by looking at them piqued khaliki's interest the man who was selling the goldfish says that goldfish symbolize luck and growing abundance with money as well as repelling evil spirits always something that kalki does not have up to this point in his life he has never had luck or lots of money the money that he makes chopping wood only results in mere pennies due to the ongoing recession in his village there are many times where he does not have luck on his side for example kids bullying him making fun of his father and breaking the bottle of alcohol that khaliki spends all day chopping wood which results in his father beating him endlessly the evil spirit that haunted him in his young life which is kokatsu has destroyed khaki mentally yet he still clings from yearning for his love when the kids in the village make fun of his father kaoki defends him and even calls him his hero just watch this scene right here is in pain when the kids talk badly about his father and begins to yell back at them when his father beats him he asks for forgiveness and tells that he'll bring him more alcohol to feed into his addiction what kawaiki lacks is love he does not have it yet and he tries to reciprocate this feeling to someone who hasn't shown a bit of affection toward him this is why kaki became so interested in the goldfish because it's the first thing he ever liked however goldfish only live in water and nowhere else if a goldfish leaps out of the water they will just die like that in a way goldfish are trapped they just have to live their life in the bucket that they have provided in many ways kalki is just like those goldfish he can't escape from his alcoholic father because if he does leave he will die he does not have the means to lead due to how powerless and young he is and he has to live in the bucket of hell that his father provides him when he can't provide his father with alcohol he's beaten to a pulp and thrown into a dark room i think this scene right here describes his current situation perfectly as he sits in the dark and tears the goldfish swims around him in masses khaliki is stuck literally and figuratively there's nothing in this situation that he can change or fix in his life he is the goldfish that cannot move or else he will die and now he is stuck in this tank having nowhere to go boruto episode 192 portrays this symbolism fantastically connecting kaaki to goldfish as they show this many times throughout the episode i think this is something that people overlook when looking at kaaki's character especially with his backstory connecting him to no freedom or desire to do anything with already knowing the end results and this symbolism doesn't end there as this is still continuous in kawaki's childhood once he leaves his father you are hollow kalaki is hollow the definition of hollow is to be empty or have a hole inside of something this is something that kokatsu tells his son an empty hollow good for nothing bastard who has nothing to his name this is true despite his father hounding him and beating him every day kawaki has nothing he is essentially empty and then one day someone knocked on his door offering a boatload to buy kaki which his father gives in to sell his own kid with no resistance at all what confuses kokatsu though is the amount of money just to buy kawaki in the first place describing him as hollow and empty again saying kalki has no worth when kawaki hears this news that he's leaving his father he immediately tries to beg his father that he should stay promising that he will become a better kid promising that he'll make more money promising that he'll buy more alcohol to feed into kokatsu's addiction kawaki wants to stay in this vicious cycle and he does not realize this because he is a child he is not loved or cared for yet he tries to find and wants to keep fighting to get this recognition from his father but it will never happen sadly since he's so young he's been used and abused endlessly which he embraces because that's all he knows throughout his life at that point and once again kaoki symbolizes the goldfish he is told that he has to leave which he knows that this is impossible since he does not have the power or experience to survive on his own just like how goldfish do not have the power to survive the second they leap out of the water kokatu gets fed up from kauki not listening to him and slams him with the liquor bottle on the head knocking him unconscious so kokatsu sells his son to another man and during the process kokatu questions this man's existence asking him if he is a god when kawaki wakes up the atmosphere completely changes the man tells him that he will not suffer anymore and a new chapter in his life will now begin kawaki is now in custody of this man kokatsu is no longer in the picture of his life and he has gained a new father who came to earth with kagia to bear chakra fruit from the earth after khalya betrays ichiki and hurts him off guard to the point where he is put in near death he finds a monk named jigen and takes control over his body thousands of years later ishiki or jigen who is being controlled creates the kata organization with one goal in mind to mark a karma seal on a perfect vessel for ishiki to reincarnate through in order to harvest his chakra fruits and bear its power however finding this perfect vessel is a difficult process as having a vessel bearing ichiki's chakra was almost impossible in fact jigen who has the commercial from ishiki was an imperfect vessel his body was old and decrepit which would break down if his body was overused this is why cairo was buying and trafficking kits to find that perfect vessel to give the karma skill too this is why jigen bought kaki off in the first place to brendon with the karma seal and reincarnate through his body in the future so after kaoki is bought by jigen jigen notices that kawaki is not bringing anything with him this is another reason why kaoki is so called empty because he literally doesn't have anything just himself once kaki and jigen reach the tunnel that leaves out of his village kawaki stops and begins to shake in fear this is the first time he's leaving his village and as mentioned before kawaki is taking a leap of faith that at least to his eyes is certain death like those goldfish jumping out of the tank will result in their death as kawaki sees himself in that same position his father told him that if he leaves the village he will die so he trembles as he looks at the tunnel that leads out of the village but kawaukee moves on into the tunnel anyway while telling jigen that he has never owned anything in his life jigen had asked him what's something that kahaki wanted but kaoki doesn't reply as they walk through the tunnel kawaki questions why did g gan buy em all for so much money which they get interrupted by the man who was trying to sell goldfish to him we find out that this same man was actually a child trafficker and wanted to take kaki for himself so he could sell him off jigen tells kawaki to meet him at the end of the tunnel where he will sort things out with the trafficker and we get even more symbolism of kawaki being linked to goldfish notice how kauki is running out of the village all the goldfish are heading in the opposite direction of him which leads back into the village whereas kawaki is heading out of the village he is leaving the bucket of water that is the safe haven for the goldfish he is jumping out of the water to survive on its own something that he was warned not to do by his father but he does so anyway since he has a new father in jigen so as kawaki exits the tunnel outside of his village all of the goldfish disappear and jigen appears right after him the child trafficker withdrew according to jigen who we can tell that jigeng killed him off screen jigen then tells kawaki that he has value and that being hollow and empty may not seem bad at all in fact it can be a good thing that's when kaaki says goldfish that is the first word he says when leaving the village and that is the one thing that he wants when jigen asked him before they left the village jigen is glad that kaki answered his question and told kauki on where he is taking him to he says that there are other children of khalaki's age and background and as they leave a scene of a goldfish is out of the water is shown dying on the ground showing that it can't survive on its own this is kauki right now he has left the village and is on his own he is out of the water to fend for himself and with the man that he has no relation to once kaoki arrives at the car hot out with chicken he asked where am i to which jigen replies this is a safe place there is nothing to worry about just remember this line this is a safe place there is nothing to worry about in fact jigen wants kauki to accept him as his new father then kaki will no longer be hollow something that his real father has hammered in takaki's head hollow this hollow that khalaki has never been fulfilled with love nor care this may be a chance for kawaki to become worthy or useful to someone who actually showed him care ironically jigen in this small moment has shown more worth in character kaliki than his biological father has ever shown to him and when jigen and kawaki truly become father and son this is when khaliki will receive a special presence the karma among the kids being tested for the karmaceo kalaki was the last of the children to be tested for each karma all the children died during the experiments due to them not having the ability to bear ishiki's chakra nor the compatibility to do so the karma seal is a complicated process where the vessel of an otsutsuki is given a karma where otozuki reincarnated themselves years later the symbolism of the goldfish even continues here as the children like kalaki are being taken out of their homes and into certain deaths when being given the karma seal just like how goldfish die when being taken out of their tank and thrown into new bodies of water it's called new tank syndrome goldfish that i put into new tanks of water can result in shakes ammonia excess waste stress and finally death this is because of the temperature shock and the drastic ph change in the water source can cause a fish to become incompatible with the water and then die well this is how all children who were being tested for the karma seal were like due to all the children not being compatible with ishiki's karma it would result in bleeding panic attacks seizures shakes the body shutting down its functions and organs which would result in death these children being tested with karma are the product of the new tank syndrome or more like the new karma syndrome being taken out of their homes and given the karma that their body is not compatible which resulted in their death and with all of the children dead there were only two children left to be tested kaliki and code code was tested first however he was not compatible with the karmacell but unlike the rest of the children he actually survived meanwhile kaliki the less among the children was finally tested this was it for jigen he had no more children left to be tested for and he needed kalki to be compatible which he was with no worth the conversation was embedded onto kaliki's body and now he has value at least according to jiggan however despite khalid he having worth now his childhood only got worse yes jigen gave him a bit more character than his real father but the abuse only got worse every day kawaki would get beat by gigan training the karma and getting accustomed to its powers this is the only value that kawaki has to jiken the karma without the mastery of it kawaki has no worth to ji gen kawaki has no friends no family no power or any talents at all something that is reiterated when he was living with his biological father before jiggen bought him off jigen is no different than his real father kauke is doing something to meet another person's ends but this time for power jigen continues to hammer in kawaki's head that he is empty and that nothing will ever fill the empty hole in his heart kaoki denies his empty self which is evident when he was living with kokatsu when he first met jigen kauki brought nothing with him just himself with nothing to hold on to that's why the karma means so much to jigen with it being branded on takaki's body he has value to someone but for the wrong reasons kaaki describes the experience of having the karmaceo as living in hell which he experienced all the way up to his teen years he even wished that he died like the children who perished during the experiments having the caramel was worse than life and death itself making him a branded curse for life kawaki has been manipulated his entire life on what worth he actually has from the backstory that we got from kawaki kawaki has one of the saddest backstories in all of naruto being used and abused to feed an addiction and then for power while having absolutely nothing is dreadful for a child being a victim of child trafficking abuse assault experimentation and loneliness puts his backstory comparable to the likes of gara sasuke naruto and kakashi which is just to name a few the symbolism of the goldfish and his theme of being hollow is so strong as this is prevalent throughout his character so far but despite all this despite all the pain suffering emptiness and loneliness that kauki had as a child what makes kaaki so compelling and boruto isn't because of his backstory it's how he overcomes it i know this is a hot take that people want to accept but a tragic backstory does not make a good character it's how that character responds to the dreadful past having a side backstory is common among characters in the naruto verse but what makes those characters so strong in their writing department is how they carry themselves after sasuke is a perfect example of this seeing his brother itachi murdered the entire clan turned sasuke into an avenger and he vowed that he will avenge his clan and after finding out the truth about itachi he saw that he would destroy the leaf village and we saw him invade the five kage summit some of kishimoto's writing that really doesn't need to be explained it was just that damn good this also applies to the likes of obito naruto kakashi just the name of the few many amazing characters that the narutoverse had and i think kaaki is a character who is well in his ways of becoming one of those amazing characters and not just boruto but in all of naruto what makes him so special and interesting as a character is how he overcomes his terrible past [Music] the teen years this is where kaaki's presence becomes prevalent and where he actually makes his debut into the series in the beginning of the vessel arc the kata organization has mentioned that they have lost the vessel this is because kalki was transferred to another location to be tested since phase three has been reached with the vessel cara was developing kalki with the process of the karma seal and decided it was time to test his combat prowess he was then put in an airship accompanied by self-automated puppets where the ship would then crash on the borders of the land of fire this would set up the likes of konohamu and mugino to investigate the ship downloading data from it with team seven eventually meeting up with them after the fight against isla and kashin koji where boruto unlocks the karma seal for the first time chamuru the ninja hound dog accompanying them on the mission did sniff someone out he ran to the overlooking cliff where borito followed him and there in the distance was kawaki unconscious on the ground this is a much older kaliki with him being a lot taller and with sharper facial features his face has visible marks showing that he has been recently in battle with team 7 realizing that he was the one who took out the puppets that were on the ship when they struggled to take them out in the first place borton immediately takes notice of the karma that is on kawaki's palm which is the same mark as his but on the left hand of kalaki suddenly boruto begins to feel a sharp pain from his karma mark and kalaki feels this pain too despite being unconscious this is where the story jumps into khaki's backstory showing the scene where his biological father sold him off to gigan where you can definitely see that kawaki is traumatized by the fact that he was sold off to jigen in the first place the fact that this is the first thing that is displayed when his character is introduced shows you how painful this experience was for kawaki when he was younger as jigen comes closer to take in young kawaki kawaki in current time tries to resist in his sleep he screams don't touch me as team 7 was inspecting him awakening him in a frenzy and causing a crater from the explosion alone immediately kawaki suspects them as trackers from kara the one thing that his biological father honed into kaohi's head is to never trust any strangers so immediately kaki is on guard the second he sees boruto in his squad konohamu tries to defuse the situation but kawaki has no reason to trust him telling them that he will kill them that's when boards shows kawaki as commonwealth which kawaki immediately notices and questions bortola on how he got his kawaki drops all pretenses and decides that they are trackers of kara since boruto has karma and at least to his knowledge the only way to receive karma is to kara only this is when garo an outer member of kara shoots a chakra blast at everyone breaking up the confrontation garo says he's here to receive the vessel aka kawaki back to kara the anime did dive a bit into their past together when kagi first joined kara once he received the karma mark he ran into guerrero who was also just finished being tested for karma however he did lose his arms in the process they did have a small scuffle where kauki blasted guerrero's chin off using his karma which is why kawaki threatened to take more than just guerrilla's chin when they met again garrow shoots another chakra blast toward everyone which kaki evades kalki then runs up a cliff and turns his arm into a blade trying to attack goron in that small instance alone mitsuki notes that khal he was fast with kaaki running up a cliff with pure strength alone this is an insane feat for someone who does not know what or how to utilize chakra in the first place going back to naruto part 1 in the land of waves arc it took naruto and sasuke days on end just trying to walk up a tree using basic chakra control meanwhile kaoki can run up an entire cliff with just pure raw strength this shows you how strong kawaki has become through jigen's rough training methods he's able to obtain superhuman feats without the need of chakra just his own strength in this fight between kawaki and guerrero the series made a statement about the introduction of the second main character of this series board so episode 189 is a special episode in the borato anime in fact it is the only episode in the boruto anime where the anime adapts the specific manga art style kawaki versus girl in terms of visuals is one of the best looking episodes i have seen in all of anime and for a character introduction it was phenomenal in this fight kawaki's years of training under jigen was finally on display first with this combat prowess with the use of scientific ninja tools kalaki's entire body is modded with scientific ninja tools thanks to a model the person who modded every inner member with this technology this microscopic technology helps kalki alter his physiology in the circulatory and nervous systems the cyber kinetics in his body allows kawaki to manipulate his entire body and gives him superhuman strength similar to a keke genkai the microscopic ninja tools grant kalki to control the soft tissues in his body in many different ways such as rapid cellular division and the ability to harden or soften the tissue in his body this is how kawaki can create weapons such as blades claws daggers durable projectiles and even can create shields of this tissue to protect himself in battle hell men's can even create shoes from it if he wants to from the augmentation received in the cyber kinetics and kaliki's body this also allows kalki regeneration to his cells and can even repair missing limbs people like kawaki code boro and delta all have this advantage due to the scientific ninja tools in their bodies on top of that kawaki can form funnels in his arms allowing him to unmask chakra and shoot gigantic blast this microscopic scientific technology has been placed in khalik's bloodstream throughout his entire body granting him these abilities anyways kawaki uses these abilities against garo despite being fatigued from fighting the puppets from before it becomes such a large and fierce battle that even kona hamru says that the mission has increased to an s rank mission which konohamu immediately says that it has become way too dangerous to interfere in the battle and so in commission is the highest rank mission as shinobi can take where higher ranking joni's or kage's take part in so this alone tells you how crazy this battle has become anyway kaaki becomes weaker as the battle progresses with the guerrero who eventually takes him down as garo holds khalaki up kawaki's karma glows and expands going from his palm all the way up to his eye indicating that he has activated the karma at the same time borusso's karma begins to activate as well indicating that there is some sort of resonance among both vessels kaoki then tells garrow not to forget about him and blows his arm off and at that point kaoki dominates the rest of the fight which i gotta say kaoki got one of the hardest osts i've ever heard the rock theme fits his rugged fighting style and character which only makes him seem so much cooler than before guerrero and payne then asked kawaki where he got this insane power which kawaki replies by saying that this power isn't his which is exactly why he hates it referring to the pain that he went through just to receive the karma seal seeing all the children being tortured and killed in the process and training like hell under jigen's wrath to master the karma is something that khalaki loves when even talking about the karma seal there's already a history building up between kawaki and the karma seal which continues as his character is unfolded throughout the rest of the plot kawaki flexes his karma on guro absorbing all the ninja to attack santorum the karma has granted a clear boost to kalauki increasing his speed and attack potency exponentially after absorbing a considerable amount of chakra blast from guerrero guerrero's blast is overheat rendering them useless and with all that chakra absorbed that kawaki took in the karma begins to glow on his hand with so much chakra taken in kawaki amps his right arm with the cyberkinetics inside of his body creating a muscular scientific ninja tool arm he then rams his arm through grivela's body destroying his spine and causing his entire back to be blown out and this is where we get the most savage and chilling death scenes i've seen in boruto thus far guerrero begins to panic realizing that he is at the mercy of kaneki's hands and cries out to be forgiven but all is lost goro has a panic attack panting and breathing heavily while tears start to run down his face in straight fear but khaliki does not care he looks at him with killing intent i don't even need to explain this scene man just watch it for yourself literally perfect this is how you introduce a main character into a series 189 episodes and 25 chapters later kawaki has finally been established into boruto after kawaki kills guerrero his body overheats due to the overuse of the scientific ninja tools in his body so he passes out from exhaustion from there team seven decides to bring kanki back to the hidden leaf village now the anime does deviate from the manga a bit after kaaki's introduction which i'll refer to since i do think it's pretty important for his character so kawaki was put under confinement in katasuki's lab before being transported to the leaf village as naruto was heading there to meet kalaki himself however kauhi does manage to escape after defeating sumere in nue khalaki runs into ryuton city injured and looking for food as he's running from the facility thinks of jigen and how he needs to get as far away from jigen's grasp as possible showing the trauma he still suffers from when he was a child as he looks for food he finally finds a piece of bread on the ground ready to be consumed but as he picks it up he hears a dog growling it's a stray dog lost and injured who also wants a piece of bread since he is hungry as well the dog attacks khaliki which kawaki then puts the dog in a chokehold kawaki then sees the injuries the dog has suffered realizing that the dog has been trying to steal food in order to survive which kawaki understands so kawaki makes a bandage over the straight dog's wounds helping him in the process he then gives the bread to the dog as he sympathizes with him understanding the situation that they are both in in this situation kaoki and the straight dog are the same both are trying to find food just to survive and since kauki helped the stray dog the dog helps kaki in return by finding food for him stray dogs tend to form in packs in order to survive the greater the numbers the higher chances of survival this is the mind of the stray dog that runs into khalaki since kawaki helped him out the dog begins to follow kalaki thinking that the two of them have formed an alliance together this is something that is done by instinct through the stray dog's mindset which is why the dog sticks with kaki after getting help from him in a way kaoki has become a straight dog hunting and trying to find food for survival but he doesn't realize it it explains why he tries to make the dog go away sumeria then tracks kauki down who treats his wounds and tries to give him an injection to help him heal quicker immediately kaoki attacks sumire again the needle being a trigger to kalki's past which is something that he does not want to go through again i think these small details say a lot for kaki's character which shows you the ptsd he is suffering from the triggers are slowly being revealed the karma which represents the pain that he is suffering from just having it the thought of jigen giving him nightmares in his sleep and the needles from the experimentation done to his body which haunt him till this day team seven eventually catch up to him where the police try to subdue khalakhi but fail to do so kaogi begins to rampage throughout the town due to the police being hostile toward him he then activates his karma when the police uses ninjutsu from the scientific ninja tools on him which he absorbs and creates a giant blast he shoots the blast toward a crown of civilians which heads for a child but at the last second kaoki changes the trajectory of the blast toward a building this shows you that khaki isn't just a monster that he describes himself as sure he is very ha sound and can rampage with his power but at the end of the day he won't hurt someone that shows no hostility toward him like this child naruto then blocks this chakra blast in his six-pass sage mode which kawaki immediately notices the huge power coming from naruto referring to the hokage as the big boss kaaki trembles in fear and tries to fight naruto despite being so exhausted from his injuries naruto tells kaoki that there is someone who cares about him but kaoku replies by saying that he has no one like that referring to his hollow and empty self kawaki up to now in the story has accepted himself as this empty person who cannot be filled by anything but the karma this is how much his biological father enji gen has honed into kaaki's head he can't do anything but to embrace and accept who he is that's why he replies to naruto in that way trying to attack him but he fades from exhaustion naruto then makes a big decision to bring kalaki into the hidden leaf village and take care of kauki himself kauki then was transported into the leaf village where he wakes up inside the kanaha hospital where he sees naruto shikamaru and konohamu looking at him from across the bed as mentioned before first impressions are important where kaoki could already sense that naruto was powerful because of the first interaction back in ryun city the first thing that naruto says to kawaki when he wakes up is that this is a safe place there is nothing to worry about this is a safe place there is nothing to worry about sounds familiar well these are the same exact words that jigen told kalaki when they first arrived at the kara hideout the one thing that kaliki's biological father taught him is to never trust strangers which is something that kalki stills hold on to now at this point in the story when jigen tells them that this is a safe place there is nothing to worry about kaoki initially believes this until he received the karma seal where he endured tons of abuse from jigen knowing how strong naruto is when kawaki hears naruto saying this is a safe place there is nothing to worry about kalki immediately is on edge another trigger happened here because naruto said the same exact words which were promised by jigen that turned out to be false kawaki already thinks naruto is out to hurt him or do something bad that's why his facial expression changes going from what's going on to i gotta get out of here and i love this small detail because it highlights how he deals with trauma in a completely different environment to the point where he tries to jump out of the window the second he hears naruto say this however he is stopped by shikamaru and kaaki is now living in the leaf village naruto introduces himself as the seventh hokage to kawaki which he has no answer to it's obvious that he doesn't trust naruto which is already in his nature to not trust strangers taking kaaki under the hokage's watch is dangerous as kaaki is already such a huge threat as shown by his fight against guerrero and his rampage in ryu and city shikamaru even insists that kawaki should be put under confinement instead of being babysitted by the hokage car was going to come after kalaki making the village a target it just seems way too dangerous which is definitely understandable however that's what makes naruto the perfect person for the job narcho is the ninth house in cherokee after all and he could have been thrown under confinement but thanks to heroes in he was given a life inside the village it wasn't the best but at least it was something naruto had someone like the threat of kage to have him not under confinement that's how naruto saw khaliki it was about time someone gave kaki a chance kaki had told naruto that he had no one that cared about him basically being empty and having no identity to his name that's why naruto took conky in to give him an actual life not a life under abuse and scrutiny for power unlike his previous guardians far away from that pain with naruto understanding khalaki's pain when he was a child growing up naruto faced hardship with being the nine trusted in turkey so he sympathizes and knows what kawagi was going through so daruto decides to bring kaki into his home on their way to the house kauki does try to escape but he does get tracked down quickly by naruto realizing that he has no place to run away too at the house kawaki is silent not trusting naruto hinata or himawari and even refers to all of them as enemies kaoki doesn't reveal anything about kara or even his name to naruto since he looks at them as untrustworthy he then quickly forms an escape plan to run by flipping the kitchen table over and trying to go out the backyard but at that moment naruto activates his six pass sage motor sort of in a way to intimidate kauki kawaki then immediately comply seeing his power for the very first time now this was shown in the manga the anime had a different deviation of the scene where boruto tried to talk to kawaki and kawaki flips the table in anger but both scenes create a very important plot point himawari's vase in both scenes from either anime or manga kaoki does destroy himawari's face which actually has a lot of meaning toward progressing khalaki's character in the story destroying the vase was not something that khaliki intended to do in fact he apologized showing that his recklessness can affect others first on the rampage in riyun city almost killing a child to destroying himawari's vase which meant a lot to her it's no coincidence that this kid can cause a lot of problems for other people only after realizing that he destroyed himawari's ways is when kaoki reveals his name to boracay's family this is where he slowly begins to build trust toward these people due to causing pain to others like kimwari kalahi realizes that maybe not all people are hostile or brutal like qigan and his biological father he realizes that there are other people in the world that can show care and express their emotions for others not knowing how this feels is completely different for khalaki he's been accustomed to violence abuse and emptiness throughout his entire life the uzumaki household is the complete opposite which is something kaaki just does not understand even eating cooked food is something he can't follow as kauki lives under naruto's care he then begins to build a bond with boruto now the story does press this dynamic between borato and kalaki to us the second khalaki begins to live with naruto having this relationship with boruto was pretty deep and has a significant meaning for kalki as they definitely butted heads when they first met fighting in the morning having an eating contest at the dinner table calling each other karma brats and petty nicknames as such but most of all borah suppresses kaki the most about himawari's vase which plays a thematic role in kaki's character for the rest of this current arc but before we get into that i think the first real conversation between borah tonka is important it's the first time the two of them shared each other's experiences of how they both gained their karma's border got it from killing mamoshiki while kawaki got it from being an experiment to jigen kalki asked boruto if he ever would want to get rid of the karma having this mark branded onto his body kawaki will never find peace nor would boruto has displayed later in the story so kaneki asked boruto for his health to learn more about the karma and to erase it from their bodies boruto looks at the situation and understands the pain that kawagi went to but still presses kalaki about the vase despite khalaki apologizing offering to buy a new one boruto still does not care it's not enough to make up for destroying himawari's face this is bored from being stubborn of course but there is a much deeper meaning to it so khaki heads out to find a replacement base not to just get rid of bora to stubbornness but also to find his own purpose in the village he tells the art so that he'll get a replacement phase quickly meaning that he will steal it since he is broke as hell obviously naruto isn't going to allow that so he takes kalaki around the village they run into sarda in chocho at a taiyaki shop so they order a couple of taiyaki's to eat kalki is obviously confused because he just ate breakfast he asked naruto if they're already having lunch which naruto replies that they are just having a snack kalaki questions what a snack is showing how uneducated he is he only knows the basic principles of human morality and doesn't recognize other things like cooked food and snacks which is something normal to an everyday leaf citizen so as kawaki is having his taiyaki while walking down the streets a random kid bumps into him instinctively khalaki is on attack mode immediately turning his arm into a claw as he tries to attack the kid however naruto does restrain kalaki before doing so we find out that kaoki wanted to just teach the kid a lesson he actually meant no harm to him but wanted to warn him saying that there's no problem in playing around but you have to be more careful with danger lurking in every corner of the world kalaki is slowly starting to understand that not everyone is built the same as him there's children who grew up having a good life with family and friends to care for them like boruto and sardo for example and just like that it can be taken away so you need to be on guard that is kalki's mindset from the beginning he already went through a situation like that by being sold off by his father to jigen destroying his sanity and mind in the process that's why kaaki lashes out pretty often because he wasn't raised properly anyways after that incident kauke naruto and sardar head into inos flower shop to buy replacement vase there khaki was allowed to choose any vase to his liking to make up for destroying kamiwari's vase he quickly chooses the first vase he sees and decides that he wants to buy this specific phase naruto and sardar are not amused by it though telling kaaki that he needs to put more thought into choosing a vase there needs to be meaning behind a selection to express sorrow that's what sincerity is which is something that khaliki does not know or understand he lacks the understanding of integrity and being genuine which is something that he's never been shown to him in his entire life in the short time he's been living with the uzumaki family kawaki has been shown love and care something that he cannot reciprocate nor understand as of yet so kawaki tries again and picks the same vase but this time he has his reasoning it'll fit the room says kaoki yeah i picked it randomly but it's not a bad design this is the first time kalki has put thought into something other than just recklessly lashing out or quickly making a rash decision small things like this is when we see a change in his character so eno decides to add some flowers to the vase as a gift but as eno puts the flowers another trigger hits for kalaki seeing the end of the flowers enter the vase give traumatic flashbacks to his head seeing qigan through the vase ripple in the water with his karma activated makes kaliki scream he drops the vase from these traumatic flashbacks and activates his karma in defense kalki is once again on guard and looking to lash out not to attack others but to defend himself kawaki's words ring out of naruto's mind when he overheard the conversation between boards on khaliki earlier that day this is where naruto hugs khaliki to calm him down the first time kawaki has ever been shown compassion from another person hearing the words relax you are safe now which immediately calms kaki down dissipating his karma and erasing his fear eno gives kawaki a replacement phase to take home so naruto and kauki head back to the house sauron before she leaves reminds kaoki that she's a person that kawaki could rely on if he ever needed help he doesn't understand what sarah tells him because he's never had people who he can rely on who naruto reminds them that he and sarda have become friends but before they go home they get some lunch from ichiraku ramen where naruto tells kawaki to share some of his food the anime added the scene in that was not present in the manga giving additional context to sourdough's words when naruto and kaki were eating ramen kaoki finds the ramen delicious but naruto tells them that there's a trick to making the food taste even better and that is the ability to share goods among friends when sourdough wanted a piece of kala key's taiyaki kawaki didn't want to share but naruto says that if he did share with sarda sarda would have given a piece of her taiyaki to kalaki for him to try tasting another flavor in other words showing care to friends and helping them out when they are in trouble like when sarda told kalaki that she's here to help if he's ever in a jam kaoki tells naruto that he doesn't need people like that in his life and this isn't because he wants to but because he doesn't know how to have people that he can depend on in his life showing how empty khaki's life was in the past having no purpose nor care for his sanity or morals he's never been relied on before by other people he's always just been a liability for others without ever having a purpose in his life once kawaki and naruto arrive at the house kawaki gives hawaii the vase that he just bought which borton understands the sincerity for but he then gives kaki glue telling him that he knows what it's for despite buying a new vase borton wanted kawaki to glue him away's old base back together this vase holds a lot of meaning since boruto isn't directly saying in order to make up for destroying the vase you're going to work for it and not go the easy way out like buying a replacement phase as much as boruto appreciated kaki from buying a new vase it wasn't enough this is a parallel to what boards was like during the tuning exams since he was viewed as this prodigy it was expected for him to pass the rounds and become tuning since he is the hokage son instead of using his own powers he relied on the scientific ninja tools to get through the rounds sort of like a cop-out and an easy route through the exams by having kawaki rebuild the vase instead of accepting the new one that he bought boruto is forcing kauki to work for making it up instead of taking the easy option of just accepting a replacement this is something that boruto wants kawaki to do to make sure khao he doesn't end up like him where he took a cop out and paid the price for it i think this is genius from kodachi since it set up khaki's progression to become a much more easy going person than this hostile monster the story previously portrayed while looking at the new base that kalki bought naruto offers the sparrow board so which kawaki and himawari go to attend naruto takes care of boards so easily destroying all the shadow clones so kawaki tells boruto to use the kama seal he activates it resonating with boruto allowing it to awaken this helps boards when his sparring against naruto increasing his speed power and the strength of his jutsu anyways the sparrow finishes with naruto winning and naruto aboard to do the unison sign it's a salute to indicate the end of a match between shinobi which immediately hits another trigger for kawaki his version of sparring was jigen when he was a child i like to spar with the board to naruto kawaki sparring with jigen was rough and brutal it consisted of jigen constantly beating kaaki with the staff badgering him to master the khan with endless physical and verbal abuse kawaki can't even stop training because if he doesn't jigen would just kill him proving that kaaki has no worth or value jigen even tells him that nothing will ever fill his heart there's actually a hole in his hearts and anything and everything will just spill right out of it that's why the karma exists to fill that hole and to give kalki a purpose he thinks about those times when he's in naruto's office where he tells him that the sparring he saw with boar two seemed fun naruto offers kawaki to train him in ninjutsu which he denies at first since he says he's not a ninja and claims that he can't wield chakra this obviously isn't true since kaoki can create chakra blast from his scientific ninja tool body it's just something he hasn't realized yet chakra exists in every person and it is used as a binding force connecting everyone around them everyone is linked through chakra no matter how related one person is to another that understanding what that means yet kalighi mentions that the shadow konjutsu seems useful it can come in handy for many things but most of all to beat yourself up when you've had enough and can't do anything anymore to release all that stress in your body however naruto has already done it it's better off to be used against an opponent like a rival for example such as sasuke or boruto in kaliki's case proving that friendship can go a long way that's why relying on others like the people around kaliki is important that's when kauki realizes that naruto is the proof of it so he finds the vase that he destroyed and begins to build it back together the vase plays such an important role in kalaki's development as putting the pieces back together is literally showing that kalki is trying to put back the pieces of his own life together at first he struggles and questions why he's doing this he manages to build the bottom of the vase but quickly gives up realizing how much of a waste of time it is boruto nags him for giving up as soon as it gets tough to rebuild the vase again showing that boruto has already jumped over this hurdle prior in the story you need to dig deep and keep going which boruto overcame with this fight against momoshiki so boruto offers to train with kalki in order to learn more about the karma and master its abilities so they spar using taijitsu ninjutu and practice absorbing attacks from one another after it's all over they do a unison sign which causes a sharp pain in both karmas of boroto and kalaki boruto sees momoshiki in his consciousness but the same cannot be said for kaaki just the terrible pain came through his palm at that point dalton rolls into the village when naruto takes her on in a fight this is the biggest problem with khaliki his existence alone creates a threat to the village becoming a target for the other car members to go after him delta's goal is to retrieve khaliki which naruto won't allow so naruto and doubts to begin to fight kalaki boards on himawari stay on the side watching the battle go on kalki's battle intelligence is shown in this fight here saying that naruto is strategically leading the fight away from the kids sort of like a dance showing that naruto is strong enough to do this which is something that boards who cannot perceive in this fight meanwhile as the fight continues delta gets frustrated so she decides to attack him aware borto throws a vanishing rasengan which gets absorbed and then delta throws himawari into the air she shoots her anti-regen beams at hamilari which not even naruto can dodge as he tries to grab her in mid air at that moment kauki jumps in and takes the hit from delta's beams destroying his arm and saving himawari and naruto in the process kawaki says he needed to do that or else they would all be dead against delta he even brings up the vase saying that he and borato are now even from destroying the vase to saving kamiwari and naruto kaaki is slowly accepting the needs for other people he is realizing that he serves a purpose and is not empty like jigen and his father told him before he is wanted by other people such as the uzumaki family and team seven he is slowly accepting himself in the leaf village and this is the first step toward it naruto becomes enraged seeing how he loses arm and realizing that he is only used as an object for kara he fights delta even harder and eventually finishes her off with a bunch of rasengans after the fight khaliki is examined by katasuke and says that a new prosthetic is needed to replace kaaki's arm naruto had an idea so he brought up one of his old prosthetic arms and put it on takaki the prosthetic wouldn't work since it won't react with kawaki's chakra but naruto begins to weave chakra allowing kawaki to use the arm sharing chakra like a thread to attach the arm with naruto saying that it's like maintaining a shadow clone naruto's words of chakra is a binding force that is not only mentally instilled but also physically placed in kaliki's body this is how people are connected with each other with chakra kaoki still doesn't fully comprehend the meaning behind it but he's slowly coming to terms with it he's witnessing it firsthand and that's what matters the most kawaki is still confused on why naruto took him in he's a target for the village anyways but that's exactly why naruto took him in he relates to kalaki he reminds him of himself when he was a kid so he has a good understanding of what khalaki is going through not wanting to go to the trouble of being a burden kawaki then asks naruto if he can go under ninja to training so he can become stronger which naruto gladly accepts kawaki is now under naruto's supervision and has become a student to his teachings kawaki is slowly building a real life for himself as shown as he's putting the pieces back together for himawari's face and i think this scene is beautiful as every time he glues a piece back onto the vase he is doing something that is humane and gives him a place to belong to opening cards with boruto sparring with naruto throwing shuriken with team seven playing shogi with chika dai and enojin and finally learning how to utilize chakra kalaki is constructing a life as he begins to become accustomed to the leaf and i find this amazing this scene really displays the growth that kaki has gone through in the small time he's been inside the leaf village gone is the hostile and rampant child who would attack anyone or anything this is a child who has become strong and has people to rely on and others to rely on him chakra is a binding force that brings people together i think this perfectly displays that showing how kawaki has grown over time and it's honestly amazing the training that kawaki has gone through under naruto's watch has been excellent as it seems that he can learn things quickly as he's able to walk up trees pretty easily with the use of chakra control something that naruto had trouble doing back in early part one despite him struggling in some parts of training like throwing sugar cane in using the karma instead of chakra kaoki has become stronger which he even notes that it's filling him up in a good way the nightmares about jigen were going away he's becoming more comfortable being around other people and he feels proud of his power instead of acting like it's a curse which shows you how much he has progressed under naruto's watch even his relationship with boruto has improved so much from board to reviewing him as this monster to calling him his brother and accepting him into the family vowing that him and kaki will take down ji gen together kaoki cracks a smile too one of the very few times he's ever smiled in the series his conversation with konoma is another great moment as kawaki finds out about naruto's tragic past having kodama as this so-called vessel inside naruto's body naruto was outcasted by the village but he was able to overcome it not because of the jitsu he learned but because he was able to rely on others which filled his heart kaoki questions if you can become like naruto since naruto was in kawaki's shoes years ago which kuroma says that it is possible since kaliki hasn't completely dried up yet referring to his name which means dry tears rolled down his face showing that there is a small amount of emotion left in his heart kawaki is finally at ease with his current life but the one thing that played the most important role in his progression is the vase he finally put it back together glued all the pieces in place and filled it up with water however there is still a leak at the bottom meaning that there is a piece missing from being full i think this is super symbolic and kawaki's theme of being empty which completely aligns with gigan's words there is a hole in your heart nothing you gain will ever fill it it'll just spill right out of that hole in a way this vase represents kalki despite rebuilding the entire vase the water will still spill right out since there is a hole that is why the karma is the only thing that can fill this hole and from these words alone jigen is right daddy issues yep that's what i would call it when jigen teleported inside of darato's crib through kawaki's karma seal he wasn't looking for a fight but to take khaliki back to the kara hideout calling him his wayward son naruto tries to attack him but she can pin them down with rats kaoki tells jigen that he is not his son and has never thought of him as his father he tries to attack chicken but he gets put in an arm lock jigen notices the prosthetic arm that kawaki was given from naruto he pestered kawaki for liking it more than the karma that was given from him he tries to convince kawaki that this arm is no different than the caramel that was given to him but this is completely wrong with the karma kalki endured abuse pain and wanted to die he served no purpose but to be a vessel for power unlike the prosthetic arm where kalki was filled with power strength and the ability to use chakra as a binding force as naruto said it's given him hope and a life to live with a purpose instead of being this curse from an abusive alien jigen tries to wipe this away by saying he's the only person that has ever done anything for kawaki's sake which is so incorrect he continues to insult naruto describing how much of a bad guy he is which only angers khalaki even more kauki becomes so angry that a horn forms on top of his karma seal showing how far the karma has been extracted onto his body don't you dare disrespect lord seventh kaaruki says in a rage this shows you how much love kaaki has for naruto at this point already knowing his past and learning under his wing kalki has become strong and found a home in the leaf with naruto on board so that he can't fathom being with kara anymore the monsters that he described the likes of naruto and himself are gone it's just jigen anyways jigen and naruto begin to battle each other but after a while jigen decides to summon a big attack since naruto wouldn't be able to protect the citizens all at once and at that moment khaliki decides that it would be better for everyone to turn himself into jigen and not cause any destruction to the leaf and naruto he says that he would rather be a prisoner than lose naruto showing that he cares about naruto's safety and wouldn't want to risk him getting hurt kaoki has come a long way and now that he has someone that he serves a real purpose to like naruto the last thing that he would want is to have his adoptive father get hurt this is a completely different kaki because had this been kaoki when he first was introduced into the story he would not have cared at all and would have just walked right into gigan's hands anyways jigen then teleports naruto ensuing a fight between naruto sasuke and jigen jigen utterly destroys the two it's not even a close fight to begin with with naruto being sealed inside a bowl and sasuke being critically injured after escaping back to the village kalaki's prosthetic arm falls off making him think that naruto had died but he only went unconscious kalaki and team 7 were then put under lockdown at the uzumaki household by shikamaru who suspects kawaki as a spy as kawaki's trying to process what's going on he quickly gets flashbacks of all the times narc so i cared about him he asked why naruto has been so kind to him why does he treat him like family this is something that naruto does for everyone the village is his people and no matter what he will treat them as his family like his own since the village treated him like an outcast when he was a child naruto has made sure everyone is at ease in the village or else there would be no point in becoming kokage he would only be acting like the old hidden leaf if he didn't that's why sarda could relate as kaaki rabinesis there was a time where she felt that way too when she was trying to find sasuke naruto was there to uplift her anyways the jones that were with shikomaru found the vase that kawaki rebuilt which burrito finds amazing that someone would go such lengths just to rebuild it kaoki tells him that he was forced to rebuild it thanks to boruto's pestering and tells him that it's not complete since there is a small hole at the bottom of the face but boruto is proud of his brother for rebuilding it anyways in a way he is thankful since it is the foundation of boruto and kaki's relationship kalaki realizes that having people to rely on is important as naruto's words ring in his head which he automatically thinks of boruto his first real friend sauron and mitsuki also have played a role in kaaki's development as well as with training and just simply being by his side kaoki has people who he can rely on and can serve a purpose to others he's a son a brother and a friend making jigen's words about kaoki having nothing completely wrong and at that moment kauke being this person who only thought of himself as this isolated child is gone he's completely different now and he connects the prosthetic arm back onto his body telling boruto to work in unison with him they create a rift using their karmas where they teleport to the dimension where naruto was sealed away kawaki tells shikamaru that if he needs proof to prove that he's not a spy he will bring lord seventh back hence starting the boro fight what needs to be established here is that kawaki is included in team seven being dubbed the new team seven this is the first time kaoki is working on a team with other people and these are people who he can't trust he favors that sardar should be the captain of the team and to make the decisions for the squad working in unison with boruto to create a massive rasinga and creating combo attacks with mitsuki as well and most importantly him prioritizing naruto over anyone and anything throwing his body on the line to protect the ceiling pot that was holding naruto taking hits on hits to save the person who gave him a chance in life this is how much kawaki cares for naruto now anyways the fight with boro continues with momoshiki appearing and taking him down new team 7 successfully rescues naruto and brings him back to the village kawaki now has his proof he rescued naruto showing that he isn't a spy for kara after all and while recovering in the hospital post battle kaoki asks sumere if he can have some painkillers an injection that would go into his arm he would never do this since injections are some of the triggers for his trauma however this is different this is someone who he can trust and not someone like jigan who gave him trauma now kawaki has realized that not everyone is like kara there are families who can show care and compassion for others and not for an ulterior reason border episode 205 is a perfect example of that despite it not being manga cannon it brilliantly displays khalaki's growth the opening of the episode begins with a nightmare that kawaki is having not because it's about jigen but because jigen has killed everyone the uzumaki and the ochia family are dead with the leaf village being on fire from jiken's wrath immediately khaliki wakes up from his nightmare but this time he's not hostile from the previous times khaliki has woken up from his nightmares he would wake up screaming in pain and agony that he suffered but this time it's from the fear of losing others showing that he has developed love for the other people in the village in the episode himawari finds a straight dog and decides to feed it some food where kawaki tags along with her immediately a parallel is formed between the stray dog and himawari being hungry and lost the dog has nowhere to go but him away decides to take care of it feeding it as much food as she can the dog had run away from its pack and was on its own kawahi did realize that he was in the same situation as that dog however he met naruto who changed his life and gave him hope sort of the same way how himawari is treating this stray dog as they were getting more food for jaggy the stray dog of himawari named another trigger hits kawaki he immediately thinks of the destruction of the leaf village and all the people who died in the process however he doesn't lash out like he did in the past he takes a deep breath and goes on to help him aware with people on his side he's able to take the pain easier which is starting to fade away kaohi isn't as hostile anymore and said he's calm and starts to think more about his actions however when himawari and kataki find that draghi has been killed kawaki says that the stray dog sacrificed himself for the pack that was following him the dog had made himself a target which he paid the price for kawaki thinks of this as he had become a target for the leaf village with kara coming into the leaf looking for him that explains why he tries to leave the village in that same episode however borato and shikomaru stop him convincing that he is a part of the village and the last thing he should do is to abandon the village kaoki remembers the promise he made to boruto to erase the karma and to take down jigen so he decides to stay in a way kawaki is emotionally driven first when he was introduced into the series he was super aggro attacking anyone in defense thinking that everyone is like cara but now that he has spent some time in the leaf he attempted to leave the village since he had become a target which put everyone at risk he feared that jigen would destroy the village since he can teleport to kawaki's karma any time he wanted to emotion is something that defines kawaki's character so far and he goes through a ton of it especially when ishiki osutsuki resurrects and makes an appearance into the story kashi and koji and amado betray kara where a amado defects to the leaf he reveals that the reason why kawaki has karma is because he is the perfect vessel of ishiki which would allow jigen to be fed to the ten tails and would allow ishiki to reincarnate through kawaki's body as amado explains this kashin koji gets to jump on qigan and kills him which forces ishiki to resurrect jigen's karma at the same time kawaki's karma begins to spread pain erupts from his body and salkaki becomes unconscious where the karma erases itself from his body the karma seal is now gone since ishiki was forced to resurrect the gigan's karma which allowed the other vessels to be erased from their own karma meaning that kawaki has lost his karma seal and in a way he is free he was then stored in an abandoned ambu black ops hideout where he would be kept away from ishiki where his current goal is to give kaki the kamacio once again before he dies ishiki only had a couple days to live so he had to do it fast he then arrives at the leaf village where borza teleports him away and this is where we get naruto sasuke and boruto vs ishiki and the goal is to kill him off before he gives to karma to kalaki if they didn't all would be lost and ichiki would resurrect kawaki's body and destroying the entire planet when kawaki wakes up he does find out that he has lost to karma but he is not happy at all it seems like he is still irritated saying that he still isn't free as long as ishiki is still out there knowing that naruto can die in a fight against ishiki kalaki is frustrated which amado does pokemon for is it powerlessness that irritates you or is it the grief over losing the karma a motto does ask anyways naruto sasuke and boruto do manage to reduce ishiki's life force down to five minutes thanks to naruto using the baryon mode but in the end ishiki still managed to defeat all of them this is when ishiki sensed a chakra link to naruto's body it was the chakra that was connected from naruto's prosthetic arm to kawaki's body a binding force that allowed kawaki to have another hand thanks to naruto is how ishiki was able to teleport kaaki to the battlefield a binding force that allowed kaki to have another hand thanks to naruto is how ishiki was able to teleport kaneki to the battlefield now it has become a game of hide and seek kawaki needed five minutes to hide from ishiki's grasp so he does not get the karma seal or else the worlds will end seeing ishiki at the end of his life has kalaki jumping for joy as he states as he will finally be able to kill the person who caused so much pain so kalaki runs trying to hide from ishiki thanks to sasuke buying some time with the scientific ninja tool he's able to buy a couple more minutes while ishiki's life counts down ishiki then summons raz to track down kawaki but he still can't find him kaoki then takes a look at the rods and immediately sees jigen through the reflection another trigger has happened for kaki and this time it's at its worst currently running from ishiki who's trying to fight him has kawaki breathing heavily and he begins to panic ishiki's still struggling to find kawaki decides to slam naruto once again saying that if he does not come out in 20 seconds the hokage will die hence starting the countdown scene which is my favorite scene in all of boruto 20 19 18 ishiki begins to count down kaoki begins to have a panic attack all of the triggers are happening at once which causes another flashback kauki has a child who's hiding in a closet away from jigen who is forcefully making him train out of his own will jigen begins to count down from 10 pushing the goldfish yes the goldfish that jigen promised to get khaliki as a gift was being pushed across the table if kaoki didn't come out after 10 seconds jigen would kill the fish which kawagi comes out at the last second since he wanted to keep it alive but it doesn't matter in the end another countdown triggers in the flashback origin counts to zero this time killing the goldfish which is the one thing that conkey has to his name jigen then begins to hound kalki that he has nothing hounds him for having no identity hounds him for having no one for him just endless abuse that is pounded into his head over and over again kaoki begins to breathe even heavier in real time all the triggers are hitting him now jigen the karma the experiments the injections the water splashing against his body feeling the pain of the karma all the trauma is rising in his head as when he looks up he sees jigen in his face counting down at the same time as ishiki who's threatening to kill naruto kawaki is at his boiling point he cannot take it anymore the ptsd is destroying his sanity as ishiki's countdown becomes silent he can't hear anything but calls out for naruto where a warm feeling comes to him all the memories from naruto come to him now from naruto hugging him telling him about chakra and becoming a student to learn ninjutsu the happy memories fill khaki where he gains the confidence to stop thinking about the triggers of his dramatic past and stands up to ishiki this is very symbolic showing that naruto and ishiki are two sides of a coin to kaliki naruto being the hope and ishiki being the pain after naruto's words will bring in his ears kaoki comes out at the end of ishiki's countdown kaoki tries to attack ishiki by doing a firestyle attack which catches ishiki off guard he didn't expect him to use ninjutsu since he was supposedly just a vessel you can't be a ninja you're nothing and you don't serve any purpose but to have your life snuffed out as a vessel kawaki denies this saying that he was empty bernardso gave him a reason to live he even says that he'd rather be dead in a world without naruto he has no meaning or worth in his life without his existence kaoki is willing to go that far to protect someone in his life showing how much he's developed anyways ishiki implants another karma on takaoki which spreads across his body thinking that he has won ishiki laughs as his body begins to destroy itself indicating his life force has reached zero but as his body falls apart so does the karma on kalaki's body it dissipates as kalaki makes fun of ishiki asking how many seconds before he dies ishiki is lost and confused when another kawaki comes from behind the cliff shadow clone jitsu kalaki says the one technique that kalki found interesting the one technique that he wanted to learn to beat himself up with to get rid of the pain is used for the very first time in battle against ishiki he ultimately tricks ishiki in the end topping his life out killing his abuser and the person who haunted him most of his life so far kawaki is finally free or so he thought boroshiki then makes an appearance he reveals that he plans to feed kawaki to the 10 tails to harvest a chakra fruits the same way how ishiki was planning to feed boruto kalaki can't believe this he has been through enough with being used as an object from jiken that he can't bother seeing his brother being used in the same way both kaliki and sasuke tried taking on borashiki sasuke then goes down after getting hit with a vanishing rasengan but kaoki knows the plan to force borishiki to absorb chakra so boruto's consciousness could register as kawaki prepares a firestyle jutsu he thinks of the time he spent with borisov from the vase the discussion about karma taking down jigen him calling khalaki his brother boruto just like naruto is a very important person in khalaki's life he too will help khao he build a life together starting from the vase that khaki destroyed when they first met kaoki then does a firestyle attack setting himself on fire sacrificing his body which forces momoshiki to absorb the ninjutsu bore to awaken threat after taking back control over his body in the end kawaki was able to stomp out ishiki's life and stop momoshiki saving boruto from the process all in the end without the use of the karma seal boruto and kawaki then both apologize to each other for the trouble that they caused which kawaki calls boar to bro in the end a perfect conclusion to this arc and a new start for their relationship despite kaaki losing the karma in the end and killing off ishiki the job's not finished kawaki's first conversation with boruto was offering to work together to get rid of the karma and he brings that up after the battle is done he swores that he will find a way to get rid of the karma off of boruto's body and anyone else who has it kaoki even suggests to board so that he should put a karma onto code's body since boruto is otozuki at this point but that is just a hypothetical with ishiki gone the current threat right now is momoshiki and code code is the one person who's on khaliki's mind since he does share some parallels with cult just like how kaki is with naruto code loves ishiki praising him as a god amado even describes code's love for ishiki as madness just like how kagi is with naruto it seems like ishiki had given hope to code such as a purpose to live similar to how naruto gave hope to kaaki however with ichiki dead code is revenge hungry and wants to take vengeance against naruto the person that kawaki loves the most in boruto chapter 58 kaoki tells team 7 that these basic training drills that they are doing right now won't mean anything against cole he's much more powerful than del zomboro it would take way too long to master these basic skills like chakra control kawaki begins to see this as a problem because no one is listening to him so he takes matters in his own hands by attacking mitsuki and sourdough he tells them that doing these basic drills will take all the time in the world a basic training regimen doesn't mean anything in the long run especially against code someone who is considered the second strongest member in kara behind jigen having partake in grueling trainings from jigen kalaki is able to learn fast and has become strong through these destructive methods even though it got to a point where he wanted to kill himself he decided that he wanted the power to eventually kill jiken which he eventually did and this is where kaki began to grow rapidly in speed and strength it explains why in his introduction he can move so quickly in base can run up cliffs without the need of using chakra control and has high class taijutsu and battle iq even though jigen was wrong in many departments as a father to kalaki when it came to training his methods made sense despite it sounding so bad when motivated and in the right mind it turned kalki into a monster in power and strength so he spoils what sarda and mitsuki at once he tricked sauroda into thinking that he got hit by a shuriken which ended up being a shadow clone which explains how he got behind her tricking sarda in the process khalaki almost slashes her with a blade but boruto steps in at the last second boruto decides to spar with kawaki where kawaki destroys olive boar to shadow clones the second board to summons though kaaki shoots a chakra blast which gets absorbed by boruto's karma who then throws a lightning style jutsu back at him kawaki then instinctively puts his hand out to absorb the jitsu but he doesn't have the karma anymore so he gets hit by the jutsu losing the spar in the end knowing that he tried to unconsciously use the karma in battle shows you how dependent he had become with it he's been training and fighting with the karma throughout his entire life and with chickens grew from sparring using the karma has been ingrained into his head this frustrates kaoki because he hates the karma with all of his heart the pain that he has put through hurt himself and the others in the village being emotionally driven he beats himself up with having the lack of power to protect naruto but boruto reaches a hand to him telling kaki that he has team seven to rely on so don't take the burden of becoming stronger by himself which kawaki gracefully accepts after losing the spar he is willing to work with others as long as it serves a direct purpose i think this is what fundamentally separates kaaki and sasuke when he was a kid kawaki desperately needs power to protect someone like naruto while sasuke needed power to kill someone like hitachi being willing to work with comrades in need to become stronger instead of becoming an enemy to gain power while cutting off the bonds of other comrades altogether is what separates kolke and sasuke so for the people in the back who say that kawaki's a sasuke 2.0 makes no sense to me considering that even his backstory and how kaohi overcame this dilemma is completely different and i'm not trying to knock on sasuke by the way that's the goat the greatest second main character of all time right there but at this point kawaki is going to do anything to become stronger in order to protect the people that he loves something that makes him completely different from sasuke now that code has been established as the current threat in the manga kawaukee begins to have nightmares about him the nightmares are still happening for kawaki but at a lesser rate he wakes up in amado's office where amado and sumere are currently present amado asks kawaki about his nightmare and tells him that he is still ishiki's vessel which angers khalaki triggering him to attack a model a model tells kauki that the village lacked the power to take down code he doesn't know if naruto has the power currently to do it now that kudama has died so he makes a deal with kalaki to make a brand new karma seal purely used as a weapon knowing that kawaki hates the karma he immediately rejects the offer which amado did suspect he knows that kawaki is willing to do anything to achieve his goals which bothers kawaki for the following chapters in his head a model's words repeats a brand new karma purely used as a weapon as he thinks about the deal kawaki sits on the hokage faces looking down at the village he questions his identity once again portraying his outsider complex all he has done is bring new enemies and chaos to the village as he tells naruto but naruto just doesn't care naruto brings him home calling him his son once again which kalki does not deny once they get home the family is ready to eat dinner with himawari's face in the middle of the table this is really symbolic of kawaki's character the vase has been completely rebuilt indicating that he has rebuilt his life together as shown early in the story however there was a point where there was a piece missing in the vase leaving a hole spilling the water out from the bottom as the vase represents kawaki jigen's words were honed into kalki's head when he was a young boy there is nothing in your hearts nothing will ever fill it it will just spill right out of that hole showing that the vase still has a hole at the bottom spilling right out of that small hole that's why g-gen says that the karma is the only thing that will fill that hole in kalaki's heart it is the one and only thing that can fulfill kalauki which also shows in the vase the vase is shown to be complete and bored to chapter 60 as in the previous chapter amaro had offered kawaki the karma which tells you that kawaki had taken the deal and received a new karma seal that's why jigen is right when he says that the only thing that will ever fill him is the karma seal as even kawaki admits it himself when looking over the village he admits that he was cocky thinking that he can get rid of it and be done with it for good but instead he went back to it fulfilling his heart in order to protect naruto and the village hence why the vase is complete when he gets home after showing it containing flowers and water something evades what the hole cannot do it would just spill right out as toward the end of border chapter 65 we see kaaki with a new karma seal the words of amado's offer ringing in his head beforehand is a powerlessness that is irritating you or the grief over losing the karma kaoki had taken amano's offer not because he likes the karma but because he needs the karma despite loathing it he subconsciously knows that he needs this power it will fulfill his heart especially to protect someone like naruto the person who did give him hope despite acknowledging himself that he is empty the people around him in the village gave him hope with the karma being the last piece of the puzzle for his sanity this is amazing foreshadowing for his character to build an identity through a simple vase to top it off in the end by accepting his past is what makes kaaki such a compelling character the story has built him up phenomenally that i think is severely overlooked when analyzing his character especially when khaliki says it himself some people may think of him as just this edgy kid with a tragic backstory but there's way more than that khalaki is the best character in bore itself in my opinion and yeah drop your hate comments i don't care but you have to recognize that there is something special with this character that separates them from other new gen second main characters he impacts the new and old gen his dynamic with borato and his relationship with naruto drives the entire cast and pushes the plot to a completely different level hell his existence alone drove the plot for a while with his introduction just to top it off creating tension development for other characters a whole new cast and just a better storyline overall kalki having three fathers in his lifetime has molded from their lessons despite facing abuse for most of his life his biological father taught him that he should never trust strangers which he still values in the story she again taught him that he needs the karma to be fulfilled which was shown in borth chapter 65 and finally naruto taught him that chakra is a binding force connecting one person to another relying on them to become stronger and being there for your comrades which is shown with his relationship with all of team 7. currently in the anime kaaki is undergoing missions as a shinobi still trying to establish his identity he still doesn't know if he wants to become a shinobi or not despite learning ninjutsu however he still presses on that he wants to become a ninja to protect naruto and this deviates from the manga since he still isn't a shinobi yet in the current chapters but it does show the growth in his character in one mission in the anime to deliver a boy to his country kauki goes to the extreme to deliver him to his nation despite his own comrades being injured he simply does not care and is willing to do anything for the mission in the end the boy dies which upsets kalki showing that he has compassion for others despite not trusting strangers that he just met this is what makes his character special and up to this point in the series he's been sharing the focus with borito where i cannot wait to see what kalaki will do in the future but in the 65 chapters that has been published in the series so far at the time of this recording kawaki has been nothing short of amazing now let's talk about it man the future now we don't really know what exactly happens in that time skip between boruto and kalki but the one thing that has been in discussion for a while is when porto said that he will send boruto to where he sent naruto now here's my thoughts on it i don't think kawaki actually kills naruto in the future i think looking at the groundworks for his character the last thing he would do is to kill naruto obviously current kawaki and future kaki are two completely different characters and it does seem like kaki has gone through a great change in the future but we don't know exactly what happened and at least to kalaki's character up to this point in the story his relationship with naruto is clear to love him and to protect him at all costs in the ishiki battle kaohi does tell ishiki that a world without naruto has no worth to him saying that he would rather be dead if naruto died the person who gave him hope and a chance in life would be the last person he should kill training to become strong with team seven he is annoyed that he doesn't have the power to protect naruto which is why he does get the karma seal back to fulfill his heart and to rebuild his life completely to protect his loved ones like naruto telling code to kill him in order to protect konoha these are layers in kaaki's character that just can't be ignored i think the most logical option is that kawaki seals naruto away when talking to code in chapter 62 code does mention that you can escape with others to another dimension in case the planet begins to be devoured by the ten tails harvesting a chakra fruit by feeding an osutuki would cause the planet to die killing everyone there unless you go to another dimension i personally believe that kalahi in the future has sent naruto and his family to another dimension to protect against the world being destroyed the divine tree is eating the world killing all life there so maybe kaoki sent the entire village to a different dimension to protect them just in case what if kauhi wanted to harvest a chocolate food for himself in order to gain more power since there is an opponent that neither him or borton could defeat he is otozuki after all it's been established that he will do whatever means necessary in order to achieve his goals which could be the demise of his own sanity like gaining a new karma for example he loads it but he still accepts a model's deal in the end knowing it is for a greater cause this could paint him as this villain that many people has been theorizing for years but in his own eyes it's for the world's sake as an anti-hero or maybe he just doesn't go down this route maybe he actually kills naruto in the time skip which drastic events would have to occur in order for khalokki to deem it right for him to do so killing someone who gave him a chance sounds wrong but maybe there's a twist to it we'll just have to wait and see in the future but that is all i wanted to analyze everything about kawaki since there's so many layers and mechanics that are ingrained in this character that i have overlooked when rereading the series spent a lot of time making this video mad so i appreciate it if you guys would drop a sub and hit that like button because this script is damn near 40 pages thank you guys for watching if you got this far into the video i hope i brought some light to kalki that may not have been known before so if you like this video hit that like button subscribe hit the bell as well and have a good day peace you
Channel: ItsMeek
Views: 100,956
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: boruto, naruto, sasuke, kawaki, boruto naruto next generations, boruto chapter 66, boruto manga, boruto anime, boruto chapter 66 review, ItsMeek, kawaki karma seal, jigen, isshiki, sarada, mitsuki, kakashi, sarada mangekyou sharingan, boruto timeskip, boruto shippuden, boruto vs kawaki, teen boruto, teen kawaki, kawaki kills naruto, kawaki kills boruto
Id: Jnme1Rt7_f0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 15sec (4395 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 18 2022
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