Boruto Full Story in 40 Minutes

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it was march 23rd 2017 when the last episode of naruto shippuden aired fans were both happy about finally seeing a long-awaited conclusion but sad about seeing a beloved series end there was this hole in many fans hearts and people were just looking for the next big series to jump to and luckily they didn't have to wait too long because just over one month later on april 25th the first episode of boruto would air finally fans desires were met we would be able to see the continuation of our favorite story the birth of a new generation of shinobi and the adult lives of her favorite characters but unfortunately we were stuck with boruto the first 18 episodes were filler and in fact only 29 of the 180 current episodes are manga canon because of this boruto developed a stigma that seeped past just the anime and ruined the reputation of the manga as well it was a stench that the series as a whole just couldn't get rid of devout manga fans swore that it gets really good but anime fans have waited 180 episodes just to get to the point where it picks up which was only chapter 16 in the manga because of all of this a lot of you were probably like me in the sense that we dropped boruto somewhere along the way and with everything going on in boruto right now in the manga and the anime i decided to pick back up the manga so i could present a complete recap of everything that's happened in boruto so far this is boruto boruto is a retelling of a story that has already happened in present time boruto is in the midst of a deadly battle against kawaki where he declares that he's still a ninja even though his resolve is unwavering now it wasn't always that way so the story in boruto recounts his journey from the very beginning when he was a brat who sulked about his dad not paying enough attention to him and at this point we get the first major clues about the death of naruto as boruto constantly states that this is indeed his story but at the start it was also the story of his father naruto now back to the beginning boruto sarda and mitsuki are on a mission to catch a panda boruto is selfish and wants to do everything by himself this is even reflected by how he uses shadow clone jutsu to make copies of himself during the mission sarita proclaims that she wants to be hokage then their sensei konohamuru catches the panda using shadow paralysis jutsu he uses the technique via a scientific ninja tool allowing anyone to store an injutsu within a scroll and save it for later this will also be a major plot point for later on then the new team 7 arrives in naruto's office and boruto reminds his dad that it's his sister himawari's birthday today and that he better show up in person and not send a clone around the same time it's revealed that the tuning exams are coming up and a scientist asks naruto if he would allow ninja tools to be used which naruto quickly denies for the next couple hours sarida begs boruto to compete in the tuning exams because requires the whole team to participate after enough prodding he finally accepts when boruto gets home naruto is carrying himawari's cake but his shadow clone suddenly runs out and he drops it revealing that he didn't come in person boruto was really upset by this and when he hears the doorbell ring he runs the door punching but instead of seeing his father it's sasuke sasuke easily blocks the punch and goes to deliver a scroll to naruto then a little later maybe 30 minutes to an hour or so boruto sees sasuke and attacks him from behind he's easily defeated but he sees just how amazing sasuke is and asks to become his student sasuke sees some of a young naruto in boruto's determination and tells him that if he can master the resengan then he can indeed become his student after this sasuke goes to see naruto and explains that to retrieve the scroll he had to fight two otsuski members alluding to the fact that this would most likely be a big deal in the future the next day boruto goes to konahamru begging to learn the resengan he trains with the water balloon and ends up learning the technique after only around 20 hours of practice even though it's still very small for resengan the progress was much faster than any of the predecessors that also knew the technique he shows his resengan to sasuke who says it's very small and he wouldn't even call it a resengan so board who gets mad throws it off and runs away coincidentally sasuke tells sarita that he was going to be his teacher anyway and we see a tree that got torn up after boruto threw the resengan away when boruto runs away he gets manipulated by the scientist to use a scientific ninja tool to make a bigger resengan using the tool he shows it to sasuke and brags about how he's far more talented than his dad ever was here it's implied that sasuke knew that boruto had cheated in some way but he didn't mention it and accepted boruto to be his student then we switched scenes to see the two otsusuki members that sasuke was talking about and now they're currently fighting the eight tails during the fight one otsuski member pops a pill allowing him to deflect the eight tails biju bombs seemingly killing it after defeating the a-tails they absorbed the chakra complaining that it wasn't enough and say that they can get the chakra they seek by absorbing naruto and karama a few days pass and the tuning exams are very close the sand village travels to the exam and were introduced to the team that will be competing with their ace being shinki the adopted son of gara in the meantime sasuke continues his training with boruto where the main lesson is to not rush for media answers taking the easy way out which is beautifully juxtaposed with katasuke telling boruto that he can always rely on scientific ninja tools fast forward a couple hours and the tuning exams begin all teams were challenged with answering a yes or no question by standing on the corresponding platform as soon as everyone was standing on a platform blocking in their choice a trap door opened and the real test was to see who could catch themselves before landing in the ink at the bottom all the usual suspects passed and the next test was basically capture the flag and here everyone passes again besides metal lee whose flag was taken by shinki now all that was left was boruto's team to win their game both sarita and mitsuki did their job and it was all left to boruto he found himself in a 1v3 situation which turned into a 9v5 with the addition of shadow clones he ended up having to use the scientific ninja tools to win tenten didn't notice and was impressed thinking that he could perform a jutsu without using hand signs while the science group noticed and recorded the footage with the conclusion of the second round the tuning exams were set to continue the next day shikamaru went to inform naruto that boruto had passed the first round and that their sons would fight in the next round then sasuke arrives checking on the status of the scroll decryption which is becoming more problematic than they originally thought naruto mentions that he heard sasuke was training boruto and they have their usual debate on whether the soul of a shinobi has changed throughout time a few minutes later boruto gets home and his family congratulates him for passing round two he's thankful but he also starts to feel extremely guilty about using the scientific ninja tool while he's contemplating his actions naruto comes home and congratulates him this makes boruto really happy but also pressures him to do well in the remainder of the exams the next morning the 1v1 matches commence and round three of the tuning exams start the first match is between boruto and urui and they have a pretty competitive match but urue starts to take the upper hand using his exploding bubble jutsu then boruto uses sasuke's training to curve the kunai and pop a bubble while was still in yuri's mouth the next few matches go as planned with everyone you would expect winning winning all leading up to the first semi-final match between boruto and shikadai almost immediately shikarai completely halts boruto catching him with his shadow possession jutsu so boruto relies on his scientific ninja tool once again to create more shadow clones everyone in the audience is super impressed besides naruto and at the same time as all of this is happening sasuke is informed that there's going to be a bigger problem with the scrolls and the otsuski naruto exposes boruto and declares shikadai the winner next he strips his son of his headband but before anything else can happen kishiki and momoshiki otsuski arrive kishiki sends everyone flying then sakura and tamari step in to start evacuating people momoshiki and naruto start fighting and it's revealed that they're here to steal the nine tails chakra then mamoshiki pops another pill and creates a giant chakra bomb naruto could easily blow it away but everyone besides himself sasuke and a few others strong enough to withstand the blast would die so he decides to sacrifice his body taking the blast head-on boruto wakes up in the hospital couple hours later not remembering what happened he's okay but hinata is also in pretty bad shape since she tried to help save naruto at the very end boruto starts sulking and runs to his dad's office eventually putting on naruto's old jacket at this moment he realized the mistakes that he made and also that he was being too hard on his father sasuke walks in gives him some pep talk and saying that he has great potential and he'd still continue to train him the other kage appears saying that boruto is allowed to come help save his father sasuke gives boruto his old headband boruto puts it on and declares that he is going with them and sasuke says he's finally starting to act like a shinobi then they all go into the portal we move to the other dimension where naruto is currently getting his chakra drained but it's taking momoshiki extra long since naruto has so much chakra before they can complete the process everyone arrives to save naruto boruto and naruto are able to reconcile about their argument following boruto cheating on the tuning exams then sasuke starts to fight kishiki and the other kage jump in and they're able to capture him relatively easily the fight progresses and now it's everyone against momoshiki sasuke realizes that momoshiki can absorb their ninjutsu but he can only fire it back at them once after absorption all the kage end up cornering momoshiki then he turns his ally kinshiki into a pellet and eats him transforming into a much bigger threat after transforming momoshiki blitzes everyone first he takes out the raikage and kazekage and nexi takes out the other two kage with ease now the only people left are momoshiki naruto sasuke and boruto although boruto is just watching from the sideline naruto uses kcm and starts clashing with momoshiki their training blows pretty evenly and sasuke is also teleporting in and out getting his hits in at this point momoshiki starts freaking out and engulfs himself in a chakra monster now gaining the upper hand on karama sasuke puts his susano over karama and they're able to easily defeat momoshiki all of the kanye get up and suddenly katasuke the scientist appears wanting to finish off momoshiki with a scientific ninja tool momoshiki just absorbs it regaining the strength to stand up again then he casts a giant shadow paralysis jutsu trapping everyone inside besides boruto he starts to charge up a blast to kill everyone while boruto starts to charge up a resengan of his own he throws it at momoshiki and it disappears so everyone thinks it just fizzled out but it actually ends up hitting him cancelling out the shadow paralysis then sasuke explains that boruto subconsciously created a new jutsu a new vanishing rasengan after hearing this naruto creates a massive resention and passes it to boruto sasuke teleports around a couple of times to confuse momoshiki and boruto is able to land the resengan defeating momoshiki after the supposed defeat of the monstrous momoshiki boruto can sense something he goes to look and sees that momoshiki is still alive at least in some form and that time has been stopped momoshiki tells him that he has some of the biakugan within him and his eyes will ruin his life one day and that those who defeat gods would be changed forever he goes on to place a seal on boruto's hand but unbeknownst to both of them sasuke was watching the whole thing neither boruto nor sasuke speak on the incident and everyone travels back to the leaf life is back to normal and team 7 is back to going on missions at this point boruto is still adamant in the fact that he doesn't want to be hokage he has a new plan for himself he wants to be the hokage's right-hand man he wants to be someone like sasuke he remembers momoshiki's words but takes it head-on saying that he never planned on being ordinary anyway then he makes the declaration that he is a ninja and this is indeed his story and this marks the end of the versus momoshiki arc and the end to the first arc in boruto boruto mitsuki and sarda are out on a mission to catch the mujina bandits they have a plan to find the boss by following one as they run away but boruto keeps zoning out not listening to the plan he keeps thinking about his encounter with momoshiki and his conversation with sasuke sasuke told him that he must be on guard and also be extremely careful about the mark on his palm when he snaps back to reality he sees sarida in trouble swooping in for the save then he goes one step too far completely defeating him ruining the team's plan meanwhile news reaches naruto's office and they discuss it saying that the boss shoujoji didn't show up what's even more terrifying is shojoji's powers he can copy the voice appearance and even memories of anyone he kills and transform into them and at the same time that all of this is happening naruto also has to meet with the daimyo of the land of fire on a lighter note boruto gets to enjoy just being a kid for a bit as he spends his mission salary buying shinobi trading cards in the middle of his shenanigans he gets called to konohamer's office for a special mission he is assigned to be the bodyguard of the daimyo's son tento boruto immediately doesn't like him but tenta was lived such a different life from boruto that he doesn't understand he's even being rude the two spend the next couple days together and tento is a really big fan of naruto and is just super excited to see boruto's shadow clone jutsu they end up bonding over their shared love of the ninja cards and their lackluster relationship with their fathers boruto decides to train him on how to throw shurikens and he actually picks it up pretty quickly hitting the bullseye consistently in under a couple of hours at this point they end up becoming real friends but their time together is over since boruto had completed his mission then it's revealed that shojoji was watching them the entire time and already had one of the members of the daimyo's camp on his side the next day boruto and the rest of his team is called to meet konohamaru on their way to his office they discuss boruto's mission where he mentioned that he became friends with tento konohamaru assigns them a b-rank mission which is a really big deal for them boruto and sarita both see it as something that will help them achieve their respective goals on boruto's way home he notices a card that tento stuck in his jacket pocket he doesn't want it so he decides to go visit tento to return it but by the time he gets there he learns that tento has been kidnapped he decides that he must save tento but first he rushes over to sardis to tell her that he can't participate in the upcoming mission we cut to the warehouse tento is being held in and yamaoka who was one of the daimyo's attendants was actually shojoji the entire time his plan is to eat tento's brain so that he can use his body to lure out the daimyo the only caveat is that to steal someone's body they have to be alive when he eats them but right before shojuji can eat tento boruto appears kicking him out of the way saving tento's life shoujoji sends four of his grunts to deal with boruto to sort of test his abilities boruto uses shadow clone jutsu and is able to take them out relatively easily beating all of them almost instantaneously then boruto and shotoji start to fight and the only thing stopping shojoji from killing him right then and there is that he needs boruto alive to steal his body buruto sends some more attacks at shojoji but he has a broken ability called zephyr shield allowing him to repel any jutsu he ends up catching boruto and it looks really bad for him but tenta was able to hit him with the shuriken forcing him to release boruto after this boruto was able to hit him in the back point-blank with a resengan unfortunately for boruto shojoji just gets right up and boruto's seal partially activates rendering him incapable of continuing the fight but luckily mitsuki and sarida arrive assisting boruto when they easily defeat shojuji the next day team 7 is back at the card shop and sarah finally gives in buying a pack she gets narochimaru card and to everyone's surprise mitsuki reveals that orochi maru is his parent at the same time as the kids are enjoying themselves shojoji is being interrogated by the leaf but he's not talking then sasuke appears and shoujoji instantly folds he asks him about the marcumborto's hand and he reveals that the kara organization is behind the marks the leader of the organization is named jigen and apparently they're about to go on the offensive so with the introduction of the main evil organization in boruto the mujina bandit's arc ends the next arc opens up with a conversation within cara jigen tells the other members that they have lost their vessel everyone at the meeting are known as inners and the other members of the organization are called outers during the meeting kashin koji says that he will be the one to handle the vessel's retrieval and that he would meet an outer to complete the mission after the meeting koji assassinates a fellow inner he sits there reflecting his actions just thinking that he is linked by fate to the land of fire back in the village naruto is a sparring session with boruto naruto destroys him as you would expect but it was revealed that naruto's prosthetic hand was a scientific ninja tool that could help him absorb any ninjutsu boruto was pretty upset for obvious reasons and this would be the main theme of this art whether the use of scientific ninja tools is morally correct and whether it's something that ninjas should be doing even though boruto still upset sasuke tries to tell him that ninja tools are fine depending on how you use them in the meantime konohameru with a small team was sent to investigate a vessel found near konaha but when he opened the container it was completely empty and unbeknownst to them the vessel was approaching them from behind back in the hokage's office naruto assigns team seven to a c-rank mission to deliver a scientific ninja tool and protect karasuge the team arrives on the train and katasuke meets one of his patients lord ao ayo was from the mist village and was badly injured during the last war so karasuke used scientific ninja tools to build him prosthetics boruto becomes very friendly with ao and ends up admiring him by the end of the train ride as soon as boruto's team gets off of the train koji appears and it's revealed that ao is a member of kara and it's also revealed that aeo used genjutsu on katasuke to steal ninja tool information from him after this huge revelation he leaves ao to retrieve the vessel while he says he has to go deal with something else boruto's team arrives at the lab and they're greeted by their former classmate kakei sumir the team has to test out ninjatul through a series of sparring matches the first has sarita vs both boruto and mitsuki using a combination of a flashbang and smoke bomb she's able to easily defeat the pair in the next room there's no sound at all and in the room after that they try out some special climbing gloves and boots after completing all the experiments they meet a ninja dog named chamaru and katasuke explains that chamaru once had a broken leg which he repaired using ninja tools and that ninja tools were helpful to give power to the powerless at this point boruto finally saw the value in ninja tools and then he got a chakra saber which relied on its user's own power once everything calms down the team gets a call from naruto informing them that they must go search for konohameru and mugino they get ready to leave immediately and katasuke puts on a ninjatulsu to help them in the battle they arrive and immediately have to fight a small army of puppets they all line up shooting fireballs but katasuke is able to absorb all of them causing the puppets to overheat they find konohamuru who appears ok but as soon as everything starts settling down ayo appears determined to kill everyone in sight the battle starts and ao has a chakra gatling gun and starts shooting it at everyone everyone starts to attack ao but ao has the upper hand the whole time he eventually steals katasuke's ninja absorption glove and is about to kill everyone but at the last second mugino gives up his life jumping on aeo's back sacrificing himself to stop him ao sends a chakra blade through his stomach killing mugina but mugina is able to use earth style collapsing the cave allowing all of his allies to escape as his dying act everyone gets away and they formulate a plan to defeat ao this time with boruto finally embracing ninja tools they confront aeo and start sending a barrage of attacks at him even though he can just absorb them he realizes that this means its diversion and boruto must be in his blind spot so he turns around stabbing boruto through the chest but it turns out that this was just a shadow clone then boruto cancels out ayo's absorption device with the device of his own and after nullifying his ninjutsu absorption he hits ao with the resenyon the battle continues and ao gains the upper hand holding boruto but using the same trick that naruto did he slips away using the gauntlet as a trap then boruto used the chakra blade slicing off ayo's foot and hand then defeating him with the rasengan he decides to let aeo live thinking that he could help people in the future then kashin koji appears instantly summoning a steam toad and based on koji's appearance in jutsu it's pretty apparent that he has some sort of relation to jiraiya after summoning the steam toad koji uses a resengan overpowering konohamerus and he reveals that he knows everyone's full names and a lot about konaha he lights konohamu on fire and is about to kill him but boruto is able to partially activate his karmacell absorbing the jutsu koji reveals that whoever defeated momoshiki would be cursed with the seal boruto passes out after using too much power and koji decides to let them live for now and leaves team 7 starts heading home and on the way they find the vessel kawaki passed out and he just so happens to have the same mark as boruto and with this revelation this marks the end of the third arc the kara slash ao arc we switch scenes to delta and jigen sharing a meal together delta is too annoyed by the vessel situation to eat and she kicks the table away but jegan using some unknown power is able to conjure a new table stocked with the same foods and drinks after enough prodding jigen allows delta to go assist koji on his mission back to team 7 looking at kawaki they attempt to wake him up and he has a flashback of his dad selling him to jigen kawaki wakes up screaming sending out a burst of energy then delta arrives alongside with her outer garu ngaro says that he's here to retrieve kawaki kawaki transforms part of his arm and lunges at garo who swiftly blocks him kawaki then starts sending energy blasts to garo who was able to easily avoid almost all of them entirely then he stabs kawaki and ends up grabbing him kalaki powers up activating his karma seal freeing him but it also ends up activating boruto's karma seal at the same time then with one punch kawaki rips open garo and finishes him off with a giant energy blast the blast is so massive that it destroys the surroundings and everyone could have died but boruto was able to absorb the blast with his own karma seal saving the rest of his team after using too much energy kawaki passes out upon closer inspection karasuke reveals that kalaki is almost entirely artificial being the most advanced ninja tool ever created so the group decided to take him back to naruto kalaki is sound asleep dreaming about his past with jigen jigen told him that he would give him a present then sealed him in a clear bag pumping fluids into it from a vase the vase part will be importing a little bit later in the story kawaki wakes up from his nightmare in a hospital bed surrounded by naruto shikamaru and konohameru kabuki instantly tries to escape but shikamaru easily stops him using his shadow possession jutsu naruto tells kawaki that he'll have to live with him since he has to watch over him and investigate the karma seal on the way home kawaki tries to bolt but naruto catches him very easily when they get home kawaki throws a table breaking himawari's vase and tries to run away again naruto uses kcm and kawaki realizes at that moment that he could never escape naruto and he also thinks that he may have a chance of actually being stronger than jigen boruto comes home seeing himawari's broken face and starts yelling at kawaki he grabs him by the collar but they end up exchanging names and calm down note that this is the first time in the manga that we were revealed his name to be kawaki the next morning both kawaki and borito have used the restroom at the same time but when they get there naruto is already using it they go out back to use the restroom and boruto gets mad that kawaki was standing next to him while kaliki gets mad that boruto is trying to boss him around they finish peeing zip up their pants and they get into a fight and they actually start fighting pretty seriously and kawaki even activates his karma seal but before they can clash naruto appears breaking up the fight a little later on gatwiki asks boruto how he got his karma seal and boruto tells him it was from momoshiki and kawaki has a whole flashback of how he got his waking up in a plastic bag seeing tons of other kids die in front of him from not being able to match with the karma seal he talks about how he wished he died too and that his life has been terrible ever since getting the mark and he asks boruto to help him find out more about it boruto declines for now so he's still mad about the vase so kawaki decides to buy a replacement and naruto offers to take him to edo's flower shop on the way there they meet sarita who tags along and naruto goes to get a snack kalaki is surprised since he hasn't ever had a snack before they arrive at the flower shop and naruto asks kawaki to pick out a base after choosing it he has ptsd when eno puts flowers into it dropping and breaking it naruto consoles him and they head home kawaki shows boruto the face and boruto responds by giving him super glue in the meantime on top of the konoha walls delta and koji are looking for kawaki koji tells delta that she can't enter because the security system would pick her up and he darts into the village the next morning naruto asks boruto to have a sparring session naruto is washing boruto as you would expect then kawaki activates boruto's karmaceo for him boruto becomes much stronger and faster but naruto still wins when they do the unison signed afterwards this triggers another flashback of jigen just beating the life out of kaliki while he was training him after seeing the unison sign kawaki realizes that naruto and his family are good people and decides he would fix the vase but as he picks the bag up koji spots him kawaki goes inside and starts fixing the vase in front of himawari while koji is observing them from outside of the house delta is beyond furious and sends her drone to go look for kawaki boruto tells kawaki that he doesn't need to fix the base and he decides to help him they have a sparring session so kawaki can teach boruto how to use the seal they start going back and forth and then kawaki shoots off a chakra blast so borito can practice absorbing things with his seal they finish the session and go to do the unison sign but time freezes again and boruto sees momoshiki before they can get a hold on what just happened to boruto delta arrives to take back kawaki delta and naruto start fighting naruto takes an early lead pinning delta to the ground and going for a rescend gun but delta absorbs it using her ninja tool eyes they continue the fight and delta stabs naruto through the stomach she pins him down and naruto starts asking her questions as he's on the verge of death delta realizes that it was a trap and doesn't tell him anything they start clashing again and naruto has the upper hand delta uses eye lasers that incinerate its target at a cellular level so naruto can no longer regenerate boruto gets very concerned for his father and tries to hit delta with a vanishing resenyon using the distraction delta grabs himawari throws her into the sky and shoots her eye lasers at her but right before it hits himawari kawaki flies in tanking the blast shredding up part of his right arm this gets delta even more angry saying that kawaki only exists to be jigen's vessel and now naruto is super mad and finally starts going all out he's resolved to take out delta jigen and the entire kara organization he hits delta with a giant recent gun which she absorbs then he hits her with a super giant resentment which she absorbs again but this time borito put so much chakra into the attack that it broke her ninja tool eyes then he hits her with one final super giant rescend gun leaving her completely defeated after defeating delta naruto approaches her to capture and interrogate her then she self-destructs sending away her mind-slash personality in a drone she wakes up popping out of a capsule good as new retaining all of her memories and personality she tells jigen that boruto possesses the karma seal and jigen concludes that momoshiki must have left behind a vessel as he died back in konahan naruto gives kawaki a prosthetic hand with the only downside being that it constantly drains naruto's chakra kaoki starts training with naruto and hanging out with the other kids essentially just becoming a true member of the village hidden in the leafs at night kalaki even starts repairing the vase late in the night while naruto is sleeping kawaki continues to work on the vase he realizes that there was a missing piece and tried to go look for it but someone or in this case something stopped him and it was karama krama told kawaki naruto's whole story and how they're actually very similar he told kawaki that he should try to get past in the same way that naruto did meanwhile sasuke is investigating the otsuski clan and kara he sneaks into a hideo and finds the holograms of four otsuski members along with the ten tales then jigen appears and he starts absorbing chakra from the ten tales and temporarily takes the form of an atsuski member before quickly reverting back back in konaha kawaki's seal starts to transform he falls to the ground in pain and a portal opens this moment jigen steps out of the portal and notices koji watching him he kicks naruto away pinning him to the ground with chakra draining rods boruto notices kawaki's karma seal is activating and starts running home kawaki partially transforms using the seal and naruto gets up kicking jigen away starting the fight kawaki thinks jigen is too strong for naruto to defeat he gives in saying that he would go away with him if he let lord vii survive but naruto won't give up khaliki then jegan opens up a portal to another dimension and takes naruto along with him after dumping naruto in the alternate dimension he tries to leave but sasuke appears kicking jigen away naruto and jigen start clashing but jigen can absorb jutsu as well and he brushes off naruto's resengan stabbing him with more chakra draining rods sasuke kicks away jigen again but also easily gets dealt with then suddenly jigen disappears reappearing above the pair sasuke said he figured out jigen's secret technique and that its size manipulation jigen decides that he should get rid of sasuke first since he's more dangerous he shrinks again but naruto uses a giant resengan on him and since jigen has to be stationary while absorbing jutsu sasuke is able to stab him jigen gets up transformed into a vessel for an otsuski member and tells the pair that they won't get lucky again naruto and sasuke decide that they need to take him out right now and start going all out jigen easily pierces sasuke's susan oh with chakra draining rods pinning him to the ground he charges that sasuke but sasuke switches places with him using his renagon they go back and forth but ultimately jigen defeats both naruto and sasuke jigen runs out of chakra and he can't finish off naruto so he decides to go for sasuke sasuke ends up escaping back to kona hall while naruto gets sealed back in konaha all of the kids and shikamaru arrive at naruto's house shikamaru uses his shadow possession jutsu to capture kaliki as he still thinks that he may be a spy then he puts kawaki on house arrest boruto and kawaki joined forces to create a space-time ninjutsu then kawaki breaks the shadow possession allowing the new team 7 to go and rescue naruto upon their arrival they're greeted by boro another inner defending the seal holding naruto borrow starts to taunt them using the sealed naruto as bait he uses a lava style attack which kawaki easily absorbs boro starts weaving hand signs but kawaki and boruto don't notice they charge at him and suddenly they can't move mitsuki bites boro taking a sample of his blood then they run off to come up with a plan sarita examines the mist determining it to be a virus that nullifies movement using mitsuki's blood sample to create an antidote sarita appears in front of boro saying that her other comrades can't move when the right time comes everyone jumps out from behind the rock attacking boro they're able to blast him apart but boro just regenerates kawaki tells zarida that since he can regenerate they need to take out his core but the only problem is that he can also move his core at will saurada determines the core's location using her sharon gun and rips the core out of him with the chidori then crushes it after defeating boro kawaki uses a space-time ninjutsu to get naruto out of the seal then borrow starts transforming and grabbing everyone and boruto becomes a vessel for momoshiki gaining immense power and is able to easily defeat borrow and in the meantime koji is at kara headquarters ready to kill jigen while he's weak the ashin koji meets with amado so they can set their plan in motion delta notices the mutiny and tries to interfere while koji prepares to fight her since amado created delta he was able to give the command and just put delta to sleep koji uses reverse summoning jutsu to send the amado to konaha where he runs into shikidai and inojin he takes shikadai hostage so he could speak to his father shikamaru using ino's ability amado shikamaru naruto and dr katasuke are all able to communicate amado wishes to defect to the kona hot village and give away information about kara as a trade naruto agrees and amado goes to the hokage's office to talk in person meanwhile koji is confronting jigen jigen asks for his report and we go back to the hokage's office meanwhile in the hokage's office amado gives tons of important information about kara and jigen first he tells them that jigen is not susuki who was once human where sasuke refutes saying that he's just a vessel given a karma seal by a real otsusuke member then the amado goes to reveal the true nature of the otsuski the otsusuke are aliens that go from planet to planet sucking all the chakra out of it they use the ten tails as a bud planting it within the planet to grow a gigantic tree and all of this is to create a chakra fruit which the otsuski eat to gain power and evolve after amido's history lesson he shows them a live video of jigen fighting koji where koji reveals that he was created to kill jigen koji and jigen start going at it and it's a pretty even battle they're going back and forth but no one seems to have the upper hand meanwhile amado continues to tell jigen's story jigen is actually ishiki he came to earth with kaguya but something happened causing kagia to turn on him ishiki left on the verge of death shrunk himself and crawled into jegan's ear he took control of jigen's brain and entire body placing a karma seal so we could transfer over properly but jigen's body isn't strong enough for a successful full transformation if he attempted one dragon's body would give out in only three days or so because of this ishiki started working on a vessel and eventually found kawaki amado tells them that if ishiki gets fully reborn in kawaki's body they will not be able to defeat him so he would teach them how to kill an otsusuki koji and jigen continue to fight and koji uses a fire summoning jutsu and is able to fully burn jigen's body he burns jigen to death and the ishiki walks out being forced to take his true form fully taking over jegan's body as soon as ichiki did this all the other vessels stopped working meaning that kaliki's karma disappeared amido informed them that now they have the opportunity to take down to ishiki once and for all koji and ishiki continue to fight and koji's mask comes off revealing that he is kashin koji clone of jiraiya of the great three koji continues his fight with the ichiki and the ishiki is completely destroying him ishiki tells koji that amado was just using him as bait he was just intended to bring out his true form and nothing else koji refuses to believe this and keeps on fighting naruto wants to go help koji but nomino informs him that ishiki will be in konoha to look for kawaki very soon back in the fight koji seals himself within a toad to temporarily escape and at this very moment ishigi teleports to kona a couple of civilian spot ishiki and some shinobi stand up to him in an attempt to take him down ishiki instantly kills one and asks them if they know where kawaki is no one knows so he starts heading deeper into konaha back in the hokage's office sasuke is talking to boruto he tells him that it would be tough to defeat ishiki alongside naruto when asks about his karma boruto tells him that it's momoshiki's power and that he really wants to help but he's afraid that momoshiki might take over his body and kill all of his friends sasuke ensures him that he will deal with this if it happens meanwhile naruto meets up with the ishiki and starts fighting but ishiki takes every opportunity to destroy parts of the village sasuke arrives throwing his sword at ishiki and boruto pops out of it revealing it's a transformation jutsu after revealing himself he takes ishiki to another dimension to continue the fight as soon as the fight picks back up ishiki blitzes everyone grabbing boruto by the neck saying that momoshiki is around the 80 percent complete within him sasuke tries to use chidori but ishiki grabs his arm and flings him at the ground naruto transforms and uses shadow clones attacking ishiki he grabs ishiki with his chakra hands and sasuke goes for another chidori when ishiki suddenly summons cubes falling at immense speed crushing all of naruto's shadow clones ishiki wants to kill them one at a time and goes for sasuke first sasuke is able to block all of his attacks until the ishiki shrinks his sword then enlarges it back to normal side ready to stab sasuke and kill him maboruto suddenly jumps on top of sasuke and ishiki doesn't kill them since boruto is momoshiki's vessel ichiki rushes up to boruto and sasuke kicking sasuke away and grabbing boruto he snaps boruto's forearm telling him that he needs to feed him alive to the ten tails but he has no problems with hurting him naruto realizes that he's going to die without being able to protect the village but karama tells him that they have one last chance naruto uses a new transformation increasing his power tremendously with the drawback being by the time he defeats ishiki he will also die the new form is called baryon mode and it burns away all of his chakra converting it into power so once he runs out he dies the plus side to it is that every time he hits ishiki it also reduces his lifespan bringing it all the way down to 10 minutes even though ishiki's lifespan is so low naruto's is even lower at this point then sensing naruto's chakra and kawaki's prosthetic he uses a space-time ninjutsu to warp kabuki to the alternate dimension to make him a vessel before he dies seeing the world's impending doom boruto passes out awakening as a vessel from momoshiki kawaki uses a smoke bomb and starts running away in an attempt to outrun ishiki's lifespan ishiki jumps on naruto's chest saying that he'll kill him if kawaki doesn't turn himself in within 20 seconds tsukawiki folds he shows himself in front of ishiki and ishiki plants the karma within him but it doesn't work it ended up being a shadow clone and the ichigi died before being able to create a new vessel the heroes had won and everything was good until boruto appeared as the vessel for momoshiki instantly stabbing sasuke in the eye momoshiki sasuke and kawaki go back and forth momoshiki tells kawaki that he will feed him to the ten tails as his body is already mainly otsuski sasuke tells momoshiki and realizes that he can't absorb a lot of ninjutsu anymore so kawaki decides to start burning himself causing momoshiki to absorb the jutsu using up most of his power then boruto is able to take some control of his body back he snaps off his horn and detransforms falling to the ground out of the tea then sasuke gets up finding a completely unconscious or possibly dead naruto and in the most recent chapter we get the huge revelation that naruto indeed is fine but karama on the other hand is passed on and we see the death of karama and with that last chapter this has been the end of boruto completely explained this took a hell of a long time to put together about a week reading and working on the script and just pulling panels my voice is pretty much shot right now then it even took another week of just editing the video if you made it to the end i appreciate you a whole hell of a lot and if you're all the way here without liking and subscribing go ahead and do yourself a favor and get that done hope you all have a fantastic day thanks for watching see you in the next one
Channel: Tokyo Tron
Views: 1,827,929
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tokyo Tron, tokyo tron, TokyoTron, Boruto Complete Recap, Boruto Complete Recap: Everything leading up to Kurama's Death, Boruto History, boruto chapter 55, boruto episode 187, kurama death, kurama death boruto, boruto timeline, naruto timeline explained, boruto timeline so far, boruto timeline explained, boruto summary, naruto recap, boruto explained, boruto explained so far, Boruto explained in, Boruto in 40 minutes, Boruto in under an hour, Boruto Full Story in 40 Minutes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 27sec (2667 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 20 2021
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