Xicor, Goku's 3rd and Strongest Son (Full Story)

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so before he was picked up to work with akira toriyama and create the official manga for dragon ball super toyotaro authored goku's third son zaikour this is one of my favorite dragon ball stories and i'm excited that i get to share it with you guys today before we go any further though we have to address the question of how could goku have a third son goku isn't exactly the kind of guy to have multiple wives so where did this third son come from well the story starts right after goku defeats frieza and the original planet namek explodes broken and beaten frieza is found in space by king cole and what remains of the frieza force how could this be says king cole it hurts mama papa when i first read this i thought frieza may have been hallucinating obviously king cole is his dad so him saying papa makes sense but mama we have absolutely no idea who frieza's mother is until now it turns out that the woman standing next to king cole is the west kai and is also frieza's mother and she is as ruthless as they come she says i no longer need a son who isn't the best in the universe she then says the saiyan who brought down frieza that far named son goku what kind of man is he i want to know he will become my key to universal conquest i must contact him before cole and the others do and if it still isn't clear yet how this ties in to zaikour goku's third son let's just put it like this this kai the west kai frieza's mom has a bone to pick with the universe and she wants the strongest in the universe on her side but rather than just going and trying to find the strongest warrior and recruit them what she does because she's a god akai she tries to find the strongest warrior and combine their dna with her dna to create an even stronger godly being at first she thought the strongest warrior in the universe was king cole and that's how frieza came into existence now she thinks that strong warrior is goku so to put it bluntly she's trying to make a baby with goku hurry up and get my i'm leaving immediately certainly lila sama so her name is leela and now several decades time has passed a crisis unlike any other before it is drawing near to a now peaceful earth zaikour is coming before we continue i just want to quickly tell you guys about the yamoshi book the yomoshi book is a fully illustrated book created from a story here on my channel about yamoshi the original super saiyan a lot of people sell merch hair on youtube and i didn't want to just do the same thing so i worked with an illustrator to create this beautiful 39 page book to immortalize the story we put together a short trailer and i'll play it now [Music] there is an amazon link in the description if you want to grab yourself a copy of the book also in this video there is a secret message the first person to find it and comment in the comments below wins themselves a copy of the book the message will be displayed on four frames that will appear randomly throughout the video the first one is on your screen right now it's the number one anyway that's it let's continue with the video so this story takes place after the events of dragon ball gt it says up until now son goku and the other warriors of earth have saved the planet from the attacks of cell majin buu and numerous others even after the earth was threatened countless times goku and others came to save the world by growing stronger each time and we could see the gt villains in the back omega shenron super 17 baby and so goku's role finally came to an end and he vanished from the living world so here it's talking about at the end of gt when goku leaves with shenron flying on top of shenron's back it says the earth was deprived of both goku and the dragon balls however the world had obtained peace in return on the next page we get to see what life is like now on earth without goku this is hercule city and we're taken to orange star university where gohan is a professor he's teaching a class and in that very class is his brother goten goten isn't paying attention to gohan's lecture he's instead talking to his friends they're talking about apparently a spaceship landed on earth and they want to go check it out after school at the same time an emergency broadcast comes over the school's pa system apparently a robbery has taken place not too far from where they are and gohan tells goten to go check it out goten says he's busy gohan says if you don't go i'm gonna cut your allowance because obviously now gohan is the man of the house with goku gone and then eventually goten decides to go i thought this was a little weird when i first saw it because they were in the middle of school but on the very next page we saw why gohan asked goten to go it's because goten has now picked up the mantle of saiyaman he's apparently great saiyaman number three so he changes into his costume and flies off to stop the robbery before goten could do anything though the hero papaya man shows up and stops the criminals dead in their tracks by the way papaya man is just boob in a costume of his own feeling a bit depressed goten starts to fly away and at the same time this is where things start to really pick up we see two sand ships land not too far from where goten is in the first panel we see leela she's standing next to someone who says so this is earth where father's from leela responds by saying yes it is the time to fulfill our parent child ambitions has finally come then we get a full panel revealing who the person next to leela is he laughs and says i sai core and the heir to my father's son goku the mightiest in the universe right away zaikour senses someone it's goten flying back from his little mission we've already found you said leela son goten zyko uses what appears to be instant transmission to appear right in front of goten he says are you sun goten goten is shocked and then zyko says one word die and hits him with a ki blast point blank immediately gohan senses something is wrong he says goten what is the deal with this ridiculously large key the entire nearby city begins to shake from that one point blank blast that zykor hit goten with then on the next panel we see the result of the explosion after zyko's ki blast goten is immediately defeated on the verge of death right away though leela and zycor send someone else someone's coming they said gohan is already there goten he says good it's son gohan says leela are you okay says gohan big bro gohan is pissed was it you who did this who are you so your son gohan says zaikour why do you have such pathetic energy i'm asking you who are you says gohan me why i'm your little brother psycho response what little brother who are you trying to fool listen up the only little brother i have is goten here psycho laughs he then says you two do indeed have a strain of these pathetic earthlings in your blood don't you gohan son gohan turns around trunks and vegeta just arrived even more of them huh saiyans that is says zaikour so he's the one who beat goten said vegeta yes respond gohan what does this all mean zykor says i have the ultimate body that possesses the genes of both the strongest warrior and the deity in the universe i am zaikour the strongest warrior deity what are you talking about says gohan leela then instant transmissions between gohan and vegeta and says allow me to explain she says psycho's father is son goku the same as yours but it's only your mothers that are different i a goddess am his mother what respond go on you expect us to believe that leela then teleports back to zaikour's side instantaneous movement says gohan you're both speaking gibberish said vegeta what's your objective what did you come to earth for as usual vegeta is all business objective that's simple response i-corps i am the heir to son goku who boasted the most power in the entire universe i will rule the universe in my father's stead it won't be any of you gohan responds hey you've made some sort of mistake father was strong but he doesn't rule the universe and we don't plan on ruling either layla responds such bare face lies i think this panel is really interesting because it shows that layla is lying to zaikour obviously gohan is telling the truth goku does not care about ruling anything so leila may have sold zaikour some sort of message to make him believe that goku is something that he's not and if that's the case it opens up the possibility that zaikour actually thinks that he's doing the right thing meaning he may not just be your typical villain he might believe that he's the good guy while goku and gohan and such are all the bad guys leela follows up by saying zaikour don't be swayed by them kill them and you'll become ruler of the universe gohan then says whatever the case get lost you guys don't belong here zykor then smirks charges a ki blast and then completely destroy all of hercule city but that's not all in the next panel we get to see that zykor didn't just target hercule city he destroys an entire chunk of the surface of earth instantly wiping out what is likely millions of innocent lives what are you doing yell gohan is it important response zaikour the earth which you spend your time with father with that is why you gohan is even more pissed at this point zaikour sees this and says i'm going to make you all disappear both you and this planet this is where vegeta steps forward and says hey i've been listening to you for a while about who's the strongest in the universe you better listen up i'm going to teach you who's really the strongest warrior in the universe right now and instantly vegeta transforms to super saiyan 4. let me just say here that this is already pretty impressive because remember at the end of gt in order to go to super saiyan 4 vegeta needed that machine that boma build but now he's able to do it off of willpower alone vegeta then charges zaikour wait vegeta says gohan oh oh so you're a vegeta are you vegeta tries to connect the punch which zyk or blocks with his forearm vegeta then tries to connect the kick zyko grabs his leg and punches him in the stomach that one punch seemed unbearable even to super saiyan 4 vegeta whoa there says zycor you're this bad with just a single punch your royal blood weeps vegeta father yells trucks damn it says gohan gohan son i will join you trunks you take goten and get out of here zaikour then kicks vegeta high up into the sky he instant transmission above him with a giant ki blast in hand may the entire earth be gone vegeta not good yes gohan and then for the first time we see it gohan powers up revealing a tale and transforms into super saiyan 4. he then fires a kamehameha at the key ball heading directly to earth he manages to knock that ball away which for the moment saves vegeta and the entire planet even gohan son turned into a super saiyan 4 said trunks zyko then teleports above vegeta and begins to stomp his head into the dirt hurry up and come at me son gohan or do you plan on watching from there until this one dies you bastard right when gohan is getting ready to charge zaikour trunks pushes up from behind trunks yell gohan zycor dodges trunks attack and hits him in the back stop you dummy yells gohan then instantly zaikour is in front of trunks you're a saiyan too if you are you're pathetic you're too weak make haste and be gone and this is where gohan enters the fight for the first time we see zykor take a bit of damage when gohan's punch manages to connect zaikour instantly regains control and begins to smile while dodging and blocking gohan's attacks he then knocks gohan away with an uppercut and says so you finally feel like fighting do you son gohan come get some i'm going to kill you both gohan and zaikour begin powering up and this is a pretty impressive panel zykor says let me tell you right now that i'm not here to enjoy a battle i won't be pulling any punches off to the side leela is incredibly happy she laughs and says this is perfect then we are taken to the realm of the kaioshin where kabito shin is watching all the events unfold through a crystal ball he says is that wes kyle he runs over the old kai who's currently trained in tapian and informs him of the situation old kai is surprised he says weren't all the other kaioshins except for you killed by majin buu kabito shin confirms that wes kai should have been killed by majin buu and it's not yet clear how she managed to survive don't worry though that gets explained in great detail later on in the story and it's pretty messed up anyway let's keep going back on earth zaikour is dominating gohan trunks suggests that vegeta and gohan confused and vegeta says that won't work this guy is far more powerful than even that back to the fight gohan is getting close to his limits he says to himself the difference in our level is so huge this is bad i don't have a chance i can't protect the earth what should i do please tell me father after this inner monologue from gohan we flash to hell and the guards at hell receive a call from the kaioshin asking if goku is there goku isn't there but piccolo is and he is locked in a fight with both frieza itself after confirming that goku was not in hell the old kai finally figures out where he is apparently goku went to an area far above the skies of the realm of kyo it's neither of this world or the next world the old kai says this is a world whose very existence has gone forgotten then we get to see pikan goku's old training buddy from the other world he says still can't believe you chose me to come to this world then a voice says well either way i'm grateful to have myself a training partner then we get a close-up of the man himself goku in his adult body says come on let's do more sparring for crying out loud just how strong you have to get until you're satisfied said pycon goku and paikon are training in a place far above the skies of even the realm of kaioshin during their training picon finally manages to get the jump on goku when suddenly goku flashes for a brief moment giving picon a taste of his new power and transformation sorry says goku that was a mistake if you change into that form every time it looks like you'll lose i'll never be able to win respond pycon we then flash the planet of the grand kaioshin a place in the other world where goku used to train the grand kaioshin is on the phone with the old kai who is still searching around trying to find a means to contact goku the grand guy says i don't know where they went i'm positive they flew off with some weird dragon he went with pika remember that this is after the events of dragon ball gt when goku flies off with shenron at the end of the series after hearing this from the grand kai the okay says that he's now convinced he knows exactly where goku is back over to kabitokai he is still monitoring the events between zaikour and super saiyan 4 gohan on planet earth he says it seems the time has finally come for me to fight the old kai warns him and says wait what are you doing you can't lightly get involved in the problems of the lower world it won't be much longer until goku is found kabito kai responds by saying no without a doubt she is the western kaioshin which means that this is a problem that i must solve he then teleports to earth right to the center of the action behind leela who is only a few feet away from zaikour and gohan you're the east kaioshin aren't you so you finally show yourself said leela west kaioshin you are supposed to have died by being killed by majin buu five million years ago so then why are you in the world of delivered said kabitokai supposed to have died don't patronize me i wasn't killed at all respond leela be it true that i was driven to the brink of death back then i survived even after the planet exploded i drifted about the vacuum of space for millions of years but no one ever appeared to rescue me okay holy crap after reading this it makes sense to me why she's so bitter how could you drift about in space for millions of years i really don't know how this could have happened though because the kais all know instant teleportation we just saw kabitokai use it a second ago to get to earth so even if the logic is at first she was too beaten up and didn't have the key to use teleportation you want to tell me it took millions of years for her to heal and her key to return i mean that's really strange to me maybe there's stuff about the kai's that we don't fully understand but still suffering like that for millions of years i can easily see how that'll turn the nicest person bitter she continues by saying meanwhile you were in the realm of the kaioshin living comfortably kibito says this this can't be i had no idea lila responds i was in agony why would a kaioshin one who is supposed to stand at the top of the universe have to suffer such disgrace and then i realize that power accounts for everything nothing could be done without power overwhelming power power is essential for he who shall stand at the top of the entire universe they must boast the power of the best in the entire universe kaioshins who are supposed to be the apex of the whole universe not having the power of the best in the whole universe don't you think that's a contradiction then what have you been doing up until now ask me to kai leela responds with i've been lying in my sights for a chance to conquer the whole universe frieza was a failure but this time i've successfully created the ultimate warrior come now zaikour what are you doing hurry up and kill them okay then respond zykor are you about ready to die son gohan zaikou raises his hand to the sky creating a ki blast at the same time kabitokai teleports behind him with his sword in hand he takes a slash at zaikour zaikour dodges but he was definitely very startled by kabito kabito then teleports a weakened gohan some distance away he instantly heals gohan and then says thank goodness i made it just in time gohansan i have a request for you as soon as zaikou locates them leela lands behind him zaikour she says that fellow is the east kaioshin the east kaioshin responds zaikour he's a most detestable existence dispersed every single last trace of it i get it said zaikour back to kabitokai and gohan gohan says did you just say fight with zyko one more time kabito responds with i did gohan responds by saying kaioshinsama you did go through the effort to bring me back but we're far too mismatched on terms of ability i'm sad to say it but even if i fought him any longer kabita responds by interrupting gohan and showing him his sword gohan son he said you will not have to win all you have to do is draw his attention for a little bit that's the z sword said gohan yes i restored it said kabitokai i will catch him while he's off guard and seal zaikour in the z sword seal said gohan at the same time zaikour attacks brought back by the kaioshin were you even if you were it's useless i'm going to eliminate a lot of you in an instant remember my request gohan son i understand i will try said gohan gohan transforms back into super saiyan 4 and continues his fight with zaikour he manages to deflect one of zykor's attack and toss him high into the sky full power he yells as he charges up an attack have you lost it son gohan if you fire that from there the earth will suffer the consequences said zaikour with a smirk on his face da said gohan as he fired a barrage of ki blasts at zaikour for a moment we can hear gohan's thoughts and he's thinking the earth's damage can be restored by the planet nameks perunga right now my first priority is to stop zykor from moving obviously purunga is the dragon that is summoned when the namikian dragon balls are used gohan's attacks are so powerful that in a nearby city papaya man aka ube is working overtime to try and save the citizens from buildings toppling over gohan stops his attack and the dust begins to clear for the most part zaikour seems unscathed but he does seem very annoyed you really got carried away he says a short distance behind zaikour kabito shin plunges the z sword into the ground and begins the sealant ritual but zaikour is moving too fast for kibito to pinpoint at this moment vegeta jumps up yelling get out of the way gohan and charges a final flash gohan barely manages to dodge as the attack hits zaikour point blank trunks also adds to the attack with his buster cannon and then gohan adds a massive kamehameha making it a three on one attack even zaikou is being pushed back by this powerful combination father please give me the power from back then says gohan the same power that defeated cell oddly enough it's almost as if goku could sense gohan's thoughts in his world far away goku stands up and looks to the sky did something happen ask pycon no it's nothing said goku give him everything you've got said vegeta then we get this beautiful panel of the three saiyans going all out but still somehow zaikour is able to deflect the attack gohan trunks and vegeta are shocked and zaikour although a bit fatigued is pissed he said you half dead fools are coming in twos and threes there will be no more miracles for you and with that both trunks and vegeta fall from the sky they collapsed from exhaustion and haven't reached their limits so then who shall i wipe out first says zaikour in that moment however he drops his guard giving kabitokai an opportunity i've got you now says kabito he then fires the ceiling technique at zycor hitting him point blank what this is sleep forever within this sword said kabito this is bad said leela then at the last second as kabito shin is dragging zaikour to the sword with his technique lila fires an attack knocking the sword from the ground the smoke clears to reveal that they were unsuccessful in sealing zaikour what was that just now said zaikour gohan and vegeta are shocked kabito is completely defeated he says damn it my one chance gohan i'm sorry said kabito shin he then collapses from exhaustion apparently the sealant technique took pretty much all of his energy it seems he used up all his power said lila he tried to seal me within this sword said zaikour reaching to grab the z sword however before zycor could get to it gohan grabs the z sword beaten and battered with the z sword he assumes an attack position ready for his final stance against zycor you still have that much power left that sword is only useful with the technique from before said zykor to gohan with his last bit of energy gohan raises the z sword above his head it looks like a pointless failure of a final attack when suddenly gohan smiles at the same moment zaikour is attacked from behind gohan bought enough time for kobito kai to get back on his feet and hit zaikour with a second attempt of the sealant technique i thought you used all your power said zaikour to kabito on the panel below we got to see how kibito was able to recover so quickly it was thanks to dende the guardian of earth during gohan's distraction dende arrived to the battlefield and managed to restore kabito kai's strength gohansan bring the sword down just like that said kabito to gohan and in case you forgot the sword in gohan's hands is the z sword the same sword he trained with in dragon ball z it weighs many many tons so in a final effort with all his remaining strength gohan raises the sword above his head and makes a powerful swing at zaiko again layla zykwar's mom tries to stop this attack but this time she's too late the sword hits the ground creating a powerful shock wave of dust and rock as it all settles zaikour is gone they did it in the same way beerus was able to seal the old kai into the z sword through the efforts of gohan vegeta trunks dinde and of course the kabitokai zaikour was now sealed within the same sword they pulled it off said vegeta it's over says gohan suddenly however kabito kai is attacked by leila you can only imagine how furious she is she looks down on kabito and says scum she then grabs dende by the neck and says button in when you're merely the god of earth she throws dende aside and then looks at the z sword and says with this great of seal i'll soon undo it gohan you must defeat her says kabitokai she's the cause the cause of all of this what are you doing prince of all saiyans even though he's severely wounded vegeta has beaten gohan to defending the sword damn it he says i want this to be the last time i fight for earth's sake fight with me says layla vegeta attack leila is able to quickly instant transmission away listen saying i'm a god i can read your mind not to mention that beat up as you are your attacks are like nothing it's a hundred thousand years too early for you to try killing me after putting his all into attacking zaikour vegeta simply could not keep up with leila's ability to read his mind and her instant transmission after noticing this kabitokai points out that layla is now a serious threat the only people who can kill her are either demons or those with the same abilities he says which leaves only me kubito uses his instant transmission and teleports behind leila grabbing her what could you possibly do says layla talking to kabitokai you've always been so powerless as a kaioshin i cannot allow you to get away with this says kabito i'll see to it that you atone for your deeds with your death don't tell me you're going to self-destruct gohan son vegeta son i'll leave the rest to you and with that kabito teleports himself and laila to a distant planet stop it shin kaioshins aren't allowed to self-destruct i never thought i'd hear that from you as evil as you've become farewell lila my sister and with that kabito sacrifices himself even piccolo in hell could feel the remnants of a god self-destructed someone else also sensed it even i just felt that just now says pycon on the next panel kabito sacrificing himself made it clear to goku that something extremely dangerous was happening he says that thing just now wasn't on earth it was some place closer to where we are i'll tell you what it was said a mysterious figure in the next panel this figure is revealed to be sea zing long he says keoshin is dead kaioshinsama dead goku and pai khan are shocked before we go any further though who exactly is c zing long and why is he here in this place where goku and pycon are training well the first thing to remember is that this is all taking place after the events of dragon ball gt when goku flies off with shenron season long is one of the dragons born from the negative energy of the wishes made on the dragon balls specifically he comes from the wish to restore king piccolo's use back on earth gohan is really upset by the loss of kabitokai vegeta says to him the kai took personal responsibility for his mistakes try to understand gohan i really like this scene because it shows that vegeta has developed a new respect for gohan it's almost as if he's trying to comfort his comrade his friend on the panel below we get a view of this scene from behind where the z sword sticks out of the ground it's only a few yards away suddenly [Music] there's a crack zykor is breaking free gohan and vegeta notice right away and then there is a voice hey son gohan the voice is the old kai and he's communicating telepathically with gohan and vegeta he says seems that seal has failed somehow that seal will only last another month when it breaks that guy will come out again what should we do ask gohan well asking that won't really help there's nothing we can do so you're saying that in one month we have to surpass him says vegeta with a new look of resolve on his face the old kai then says so much power couldn't be sealed away by just a single kaioshin or did kabito just do a poor job i'm sorry said kabito appearing next to the old kai his arrival startles everyone the old guy says why the heck are you here there really isn't anywhere else for me to go said kabito and you tried to make yourself look so cool said the old kai this is really interesting because obviously the kai's are gods and the rules around what exactly happens when kai's or gods die have never really been explained in the dragon ball universe we got a little bit more information in dragon ball super about what may happen for example in some timeline we know that zamasu managed to kill gowasu his mentor kai but we really don't know what happened to gowasu's soul after that like did he go to heaven hell does he have a halo now or was he just completely erased some of you guys might be thinking that if kabitokai died shouldn't beerus also die and again keep in mind that this is all after dragon ball gt so it's not clear yet if beerus exists in this world or not but even if he did his life is connected to all the kais of that universe so since the old kai was still alive beerus would be fine alright so let's continue the story mr popo shows up to rescue dende who is unconscious from leila's attack gohan grabs goten who was also still unconscious but before grabbing trunks and flying off vegeta had a question for gohan he said first off just who was that bastard i thought you two were kakarot's only sons gohan responded by saying i don't really know myself but a long time ago father told me this story i know some of you guys have been waiting for this so this is where zaikour's origin gets explained there's a flashback not too long after goku returns from planet yard rat and he is giving young gohan a bat gohan asks him hey father were you on planet yard rat this whole year goku responds and says no actually before i came back to earth i went to this other planet there was this gal there called princess layla and she fed me as much delicious stuff as i could eat i wonder why goku never told chichi about this anyway let's continue it was really yummy when i was full i fell asleep right there but when i came to the feast and princess leila were gone on top of that i had overslept and ended up arriving later than frieza so now we know why goku was late in dragon ball z anyway this is how layla got goku's genetic information to create zaikour during the conversation between gohan and vegeta bulma arrives she's in a capsule corps ship above them and she says thank goodness looks like everyone's still alive with her on the ship are pan fidel and bra they managed to revive trunks but goten still needs to rest bulma says so that monster will come out again in a month if only son goku was here at a time like this this annoys vegeta he says why don't you give it a rest just how long do you intend to rely on kakarot this is where the old kai jumps into the conversation again telepathically communicating with everyone on the ship he says hey son gohan i think that in the end we've got no choice but to get some help from goku gohan responds and says do you know what he is old kai says well we do know technically but everyone is excited where is he now says gohan the old kai responds and says he's in a place called rio shin realm to put it simply it's a world where the shenrons live bulma responds and says but wasn't shenlang created by god here she's talking about the god of earth who is now dende but originally it was kami the old kai responds to her saying to be precise he wasn't created rather he was called forth from the rio shin realm and i just want to pause here for a second because this is actually a big deal it makes a lot of sense to me that a series called dragon ball where the main characters can summon dragons that grant almost any wish it feels like that series should include a place where these dragons live yes this manga isn't canon but it was written by toyotaro who is currently working with akira toriyama creating the new canon dragon ball super manga so i won't be surprised if we see some of these ideas leak into the official dragon ball super story now this idea about the dragons not being created by the person who created the dragon balls actually makes quite a bit of sense the dragon balls are like the ender eyes for minecraft you collect them to open a portal to another world i hope you guys appreciate the minecraft reference just putting that out there but no seriously the dragon balls allow you to summon the dragon from the rio shin realm let's just call it the dragon realm now which is a pre-existing place where all the dragons live the reason i'm talking about this for a little bit is because if this idea gets slipped into dragon ball super it'll mean that super shenron was that giant golden dragon who is so powerful he can undo what even zeno the omni king has done super shenron is likely the most powerful dragon in the dragon realm and it's just mind-blowing to think that he may exist independent of the giant dragon balls that zalama created to summon him into the physical world i think this is a super cool and mind-blowing idea but as of right now none of it is canon so let's keep going with the story gohan says i see so in other words the namikians possess the power to summon shenron from the rio shin realm old kai responds by saying right well originally the dragons were unable to leave the ryoshin realm in order to call them forth the dragon balls and a dragon model are needed however when the evil dragons were born that model was destroyed meaning that shenron lost his physical presence in that world having lost his presence shenron couldn't return to the rio shin realm he needed a vessel to do that and this is where vegeta pieces it together saying i get it so then shenron spirit entered into kakarot i want to pause here for one quick second because this is really cool i wish this was explained as it is here in the end of dragon ball gt it would have all made so much more sense seeing goku fly off with shenron but let's keep going pan says so that's what's happened and the okay responds yeah pretty much goku has become one with shenron and has gone to the ryoshin realm then let's just summon him says trunks it won't be that simple said the old kai the real shin realm is a special world it's seal off so people cannot easily come and go between the outside world vidal jumps in and reiterates trunks's point from earlier she says so isn't there a way for us to summon him the old kai responds again saying the dragon balls are the only way to call forth those in the real shinra what's become of the ones on earth i'm pretty sure that they're at dinner's palace still in stone form said gohan i figured said the old kai the dragon balls may have been purged of their negative energy but they still haven't gathered enough energy to be used again it will most likely be a thousand years before those dragon balls will be usable once more pan chimes in again and says so we can't do anything if they're just stones the okay follows up and says actually there is a method by which we could immediately revive the dragon balls if each of the seven dragon balls are simultaneously infused with powerful light power then the dragon balls will regain their light light power what's that said trunks it's a powerful light energy only capable of being produced by a few select races really seen in the universe a unique gifted race where are they then this race of light that would be you said the old kai the saiyans everyone's shocked until trunk says oh do you mean super saiyans that's right said to okay when seven super saiyans simultaneously infuse the seven balls with light the dragon balls will be revived what is that true so all we have to do is infuse the dragon balls with power alright there's some hope now says gohan trunks jumps in and says actually it's hopeless there's only six saiyans on earth now i want to jump in here for a quick second and point out how similar this situation is to the super saiyan god ritual from dragon ball super all of a sudden the most important thing is this new power from a specific amount of super saiyans even down to the problem of them being one saying short i think there's almost no denying that toyotaro influenced this idea being brought into the canon let's keep going a few days later in the rio shin realm goku and pai khan are taken to see omega shenron now that we understand more about this realm it makes sense that omega shenron also lives here alongside all the other dragons that we've ever seen summon from dragon ball all the way up to dragon ball gt omega shenron explains the situation to goku goku says so what should i do then is there anything i can do during their conversation omega shenron notices that peronga has headed out to the lower world purunga is the dragon of namek the one that appears when you use the mickey and dragon balls goku and paikon asked what does this mean and omega shenron responds most likely the people of earth are behind this the panel below tells us exactly what's going on we're taken to planet namek and it reads in order to give their wishes to perunga trunks and goten visited new planet namek their first wish was to heal the damage earth the second wish was to revive those who had been killed which amazingly included kabitokai and for their third wish trunks had an idea he wanted to revive a saiyan a super saiyan that many of us may have already forgotten about can you guys guess who that is trunks uses his final wish to revive none other than broly the story continues with broly being resurrected on earth and confronted by vegeta hmm broly so it really is you vegeta is this the living world i want to pause right here for a second and ask what do you guys think happens to broly's body when he dies remember that in the dragon ball mythos only great good warriors get to keep their bodies in the after world in dragon ball super we've seen villains like frieza keep their bodies but that was only for the purpose of punishment he was essentially being punished for an eternity broly on the other hand this version of broly has never really been a bad guy he's just sort of been manipulated and misguided so what do you guys believe does broly get to keep his body in the other world after he dies anyway let's continue of course it is vegeta responds immediately broly begins to snap as he remembers how he was killed by gohan trunks and goten vegeta notices this and says so your memories of when you were killed or resurfacing huh broly transforms and dashes at vegeta vegeta also transforms to a super saiyan preparing for the clash when suddenly goten rushes between them wait a minute he says broly stop who are you said broly obviously this broly isn't aware of fusion because this is something that was introduced to the series after he was killed donut affair said broly and he attacks goten however in an instant goten becomes super saiyan 3 and he begins to easily deal with all of broly's attacks he then uses an ability called galactic donut to suppress broly and snarkily says it's just a bit too early for you to oppose me it's really insane to see broly in this situation because before every time broly showed up he was a serious threat he was as close to unstoppable as it gets smashing faces into walls defeating multiple opponents that were supposed to be as strong or stronger than he is but so much time has passed and the z warriors have gotten so much stronger that it's just not realistic for this version of broly to be able to keep up now modern day broly is a different story but let's keep going go tanks and vegeta subdue broly and take him back to capsule corp where he is being suppressed by what i could only assume is some of bulma's technology i'm assuming that because if this was regular metal broly would be able to just rip through it even in his base form anyway he is being watched over by brock vegeta's daughter she offers him some food and says you're a saiyan too so you must be a real pig be a good boy and eat suddenly broly manages to escape the shackles on his arm and grabs bra's leg i'll kill you he says although she was obviously surprised with a stern look on her face bra says i'll tell you right now the error when you were the strongest is long over she touches a button on the console suppressing broly which sends a powerful shock all through broly's body i think it's easy to see the obvious parallels here between this situation and new broly since that shot collar that paragus used to control broly's power is such a big part of his lore in the legendary super saiyan movie where broly was first introduced it was not a shock collar it was a mind control device but the way broly's power is controlled has been reimagined and this scene right here may have been where it started since toyotaro the person who created this manga is the same person working on the official dragon ball story at the moment anyway let's keep going broad then continues to say nowadays anyone who's a saiyan can become a super saiyan you've got no choice but to listen to what we say the story then flashes to the other world where omega shenlong is still talking to goku he says it looks like a super saiyan from the past has been resurrected through perunga's power a super saiyan from the past why they do that ask goku those on earth are trying one method to revive the dragon balls this holds for all seven of us dragons and you goku since we're all residents of the reishin realm but there is one person here who isn't a resident of the ryu shin realm oh said goku this is where the group figures out that pikon goku's sparring partner isn't a resident of the ryushin realm and thus the rules of the riotian realm may not necessarily apply to him back on earth broly is having a dream about his father paragus in the dream his father says listen to me broly you must despise the royal family who sent us into exile as well as other saiyans except you and me broly then remembers his fight with goku which sends him into a rage kakarot he yells as he transforms breaking the shackles that were meant to subdue him at the same time bulma runs into the room broly charges at her and then suddenly vegeta is between them broly he said you want to kill me right well then become stronger the way you are now you can't kill me or even trunks broly snatches his hand away from vegeta who was stopping him from reaching bulma he then opens his hand in vegeta's face preparing to fire a ki blast come on said vegeta finally realizing the situation he's in broly instead turns his hand and shoots a ki blast tearing a hole in the side of capsule corp he says vegeta i'll kill you no matter what vegeta says just try it and then broly flies off right then trunks rushes into the room dad he said don't tell me you let that broly get away we need him to revive goku vegeta responds and says how many times do i have to tell you we don't need kakarot i'll take care of that bastard zaikour dad this is no time to say that said trunks it's all right just come on trunks we're headed to the gravity room response vegeta after flying off broly lands atop a tall building overlooking a city he's watching as other kids interact with their fathers while simultaneously having thoughts of his own father don't think paragus says to him abandon all thought broly please stop dad said broly grabbing his head as he raises his hand towards the city below him he's getting ready to fire a ki blast and destroy it all moments away from this he hears a voice behind him so you're broly huh said the voice broly turns around who the hell are you he said it's pycon and he responds by saying well it's a long story don't give me that crap said broly why are you here pycon responds by saying simply put i am here to persuade you what said broly pycon continues we're sorry to bring you back from the dead like this but you've got to help us revive son goku son goku you mean kakarot kakarot is no longer in this world that's right said pycon and then broly begins a thunderous laugh he says so kakarot is dead is he that means i just have to kill vegeta and i'll be the number one saiyan pikeon responds and says no the thing is something terrible has happened so you've got to cooperate with us we need you to revive son goku revive kakarot did you really think i'll help you do that said broly well we didn't think that you'd be easy to convince said pycon i don't understand how i've been brought back but i'm doing things my way responded bro first i'll kill all these annoying earthlings pika then responds and says all right kill as much as you want after you defeat me confident aren't you said broly who instantly transforms and charges at pycon pycon very quickly moves out of broly's way and says let's change location simultaneously dodging a kick from broly while grabbing his leg and tossing him for what seems to be miles broly is unbelievably upset and when they land pycon asks why so frustrated is it hatred for goku or jealousy of vegeta shut up respond broly why do you hate your fellow saiyans said pycon broly powers up and sends a flurry of attack pycon casually dodges while saying try asking yourself what's the source of your frustration shut up said broly you know don't you said pycon as he knocked broly to the ground again broly yells shut up as he attacks pycon directly to the face open up broly said pycon as he caught the attack on the next panel broly has fought pycon to exhaustion he's laying on his back while pycon sits casually a few feet away from him where is kakarot right now he asks training in the heavenly realm respond pycon is he stronger than you yeah vastly stronger respond pycon again i see i'm only interested in fighting said broly i'll surpass kakarot and vegeta and then i'll kill them with my own hands is that so said pycon my goal won't change said broly at this point the story flashes over to goten and trunks who are training in the gravity room it lets us know that there is about one month left until zaikour breaks free of the z sword goten and trunks are training their hardest next to them so is vegeta who is in a deep meditation even pan and bra are giving it their all for the first time the story flashes to krillin who's aged quite a bit krillin decides that he's going to train as well for the sake of protecting his family he begins sparring with his wife android 18. even broly seemed to have put his rage aside and is training to accomplish his goal of becoming stronger than goku and vegeta under the supervision of pycon over in the ryoshin realm goku is training with omega shenron as onlookers the other dragons are having a discussion purunga says the day of resurrection is definitely at hand all the conditions have been met now we only have to wait but there is one thing i can say for sure if you all lose to zaikour the living world the afterlife hell have it the kaioshin realm the dark demon realm and even the rear shinra will be no more and so one month passed by we are taken to the location of the z sword moments before it's expected for zaikour to break free the sword is being protected by hercule who has given orders to some military men the men just informed him that they're finished evacuating the army hercule responds and says you better evacuate soon too and tell the media that evil will never prevail as long as mr satan's around not too far off trunks and vegeta are standing looking at the sword it's finally time said vegeta as a long crack appears in the sword behind him krillin arrives hey haven't seen you two in a while said krillin why'd you bother showing up respond vegeta well i figured i'll come in handy in a pinch there's always the destructo diss i guess forget it said vegeta i'll be fine on my own krillin tells trunks hey vegeta's really roaring to go isn't he trunks responds yes he trained quite a bit then krillin notices the length of trunks hair and says in just one month say when did your hair grow so long trunks responds and says grandpa built a training room that regulates the flow of time like the room of spirit and time as krillin that's right said trunks i went in for a year but father trained for five years just then the sword snap enough talk said vegeta here he comes get out here zaikour yell vegeta the hilt of the sword spiraled over their heads and the three z warriors stood in amazement shot what a storm of key said krillin some distance away oops senses it and says so he's finally revived with a furious look on his face zaikour crushes the remaining half of the z sword he stands and says you'll all pay for this you miserable insects in order to continue with this story i have to share some real world events regarding zaikour after this chapter that we just finished together the creator toivo was hired to work with karatoryama to create the official dragon ball super manga because of that the story continues in two ways in the first way toyable returns and tries to quickly wrap things up and the second way are leaks of the next few chapters that toybo had already created drafts for to progress the story so what we're going to go into right now is the quick way toevo attempted to wrap up the story and then right after that we'll go through the draft chapters with the actual story progression let's go we are taken far into the future about a hundred years master roshi is still alive and he is recounting the events of this battle with zaikour to goku jr and vegeta jr the two are there under the supervision of pan who is an old lady at this point over 100 years old master roshi then tells them symbolically the sun is setting and we better leave the story here for today goku jr and vegeta jr are appalled wait a minute they said i want to know the rest grandpa hasn't even appeared yet grandpa being goku their reaction here is obviously meant to symbolize how we feel about the zaikour story master roshi responds and says sorry telling that story really wore me out go easy on me i'm old the kids decide to give master roshi a break and as they're getting ready to head home we get hit with a little bit of comedy a couple of new villains show up bbd son of babity and majin poo they're apparently going to tear the planet apart kid goku and vegeta are able to easily take care of them and cnns puts a smile on pans and masta roshi's face seeing how capable this new generation is made master roshi realize that finally maybe his job was done and with that the old hermit who at this point is well over 400 years old closes his eyes and allows himself to collapse master roshi dies but it isn't a completely sad story remember at the beginning of the video i asked you if you think broly gets to keep his body and i also mentioned that some villains like frieza were allowed to keep their bodies to suffer eternal punishment it seems as if master roshi was allowed to keep his body but not for punishment he wakes up and he's surrounded by all the people whose lives he's touched in his centuries of being alive they're all congratulating him on a job well done and thanking him for all his hard work and tutelage people like tien yamcha chaosu grandpa gohan and of course a young krillin and the man himself goku all thanking master roshi at the very end of the chapter we get a message from toibo toyotaro himself he apologizes for not being able to finish the series and said he threw this chapter together out of desperation he also says that he'll continue to work diligently implying that this whole story is very close to him and it's something that he himself wants to see done okay so now we're going to continue with the chapters that were leaked damn it zyko has just managed to break out of the z sword a near impossible task but for him it took one month trunks vegeta and krillin are there ready for his arrival even after knowing what to expect the trio are still impressed by zykor's immense key vegeta however has a new look of resolve remember that for zaikour one month has passed since he's been trapped in the sword but in that time using technology developed by his grandfather trunks managed to train for one year vegeta on the other hand trained for five years so this vegeta is five years of hard training stronger than the one zycor fought one month ago krillin says i may not be trembling but i probably ought to be that key is enormous right vegeta krillin glances to the side and notice vegeta is missing instantly vegeta is face to face with zaikour you're finally awake what was it like to sleep inside that filthy sword well ask vegeta zaikour is confused he looks at vegeta saying are you still planning to fight me that's right respond vegeta got a problem with that zyko responds is this the pride of the royal family how pathetic again the reason why zaikour is confused here is because he is completely unaware that vegeta is now five years stronger this is going to feel good vegeta says as he powers up into super saiyan with his typical condescension zyko raises his hand towards vegeta and says how about i wipe you out in an instant putting you out of your misery is the least i can do and then vegeta disappears he is instantly behind zaikour zaikour is barely able to keep up with vegeta's speed initially he throws a punch that vegeta easily dodges the punch leaves zaikour open vegeta then feigns a ki blast realizing that he's just been speed blitzed by vegeta and that he's now wide open for a full attack zykor backs up preparing himself for vegeta's ki blast and then vegeta laughs this infuriates zaikour off to the side krillin is confused just a month ago this fight looked completely different vegeta stood absolutely no chance krillin sort of mumbles to himself what the what did you do vegeta vegeta continues the assault still in his super saiyan form he charges at zaikour then stops mid air and fires off a barrage of ki blasts both krillin and trunks need to leap out of the way as zaikour blocks the blast with one hand and then again instantly vegeta is behind him over here he says simpleton and then kick zykor in his back zaikour attempts to counter vegeta with a punch that vegeta dodges and successfully counters with a punch of his own zyko and vegeta clash and vegeta manages to blast zykor away off to the side krillin and trunks are both confused krillin says what's going on here zyko got pushed back even though vegeta's key is much smaller i mean he's a normal super saiyan right why isn't he transforming into a stronger super saiyan trunks responds no it's something else outrageous trunks says becoming a super saiyan at the same time zaikour is beginning to stand up what are you doing he says to vegeta you guys have probably noticed the art is becoming less and less digitized from this point on all we have are the original sketches from toyable pencil sketches which is kind of cool this is pretty rare stuff the story continues however with the conversation between vegeta and zaikour happening simultaneously with the conversation between trunks and acrylics zaikour says to vegeta you're doing something different aren't you vegeta laughs and says to zaikour during my training i finally realized a technique to kill you hearing this krillin says to trunks what's he talking about perhaps he figured out how to ascend to something beyond a super saiyan 4 is that what you think trunks trunks responds no that's not it at first my dad also searched for a technique to transform beyond super saiyan 4. we flash back over to zyko who is still talking to vegeta responding to vegeta saying he found a technique to kill him zaikour says a technique to kill me if something like that exists i like you to teach it to me vegeta responds and says i've exceeded you in power and speed and i've obtained stamina psycho is laughing at this point he says power that surpasses mine what kind of trick are you trying to pull don't you get it i'll teach you the basics i also want to point out for a second here how in these original sketches how much like goku zaikoura looks the horns are missing off his chin and it's pretty much goku's face his hair is just slightly different anyway let's continue zaikour says i am the ultimate physical specimen my power is unparalleled vegeta responds that is the utmost load of nonsense and fires a ki blast at zaikour we see the explosion from vegeta's blast from trunks and krillin's perspective while they're continuing their conversation trunks says in the beginning he kept transforming but surpassing to a new level was too much of a strain i just want to point out here guys that the translation may not be perfect this is incredibly rare in itself not only to have the original art but to have it where someone put in the painstaking hours of translating or trying to translate all this text so some of it is a tiny bit off but it's still an excellent job anyway let's continue for a super saiyan to sustain balance the limit is for that is what dad realized i don't see what you're saying what are you saying about how vegeta is fighting said krillin to trunks we flash back over to the fight between vegeta and zaikour with trunks explaining what's happening he says among the super saiyans there are three distinguished types super saiyan 4 fundamentally differs from the kind of super saiyans up to that point the one that exhausts the physical strength and specializes in an intense rate of speed is super saiyan 3 and for one of the first time we see vegeta transform to his super saiyan 3 transformation he uses it in a flash for its speed which allows him to dodge one of zykor's attacks trunks continues and the one that specializes in stamina and energy is super saiyan 4. and in the panel next to him we see vegeta transform into super saiyan 4 while receiving one of zaikour's attacks this is so dope i can't wait to talk about this in a second but let's just keep going for now ah no way says krillin he found a way to utilize those transformations and then we get a panel of vegeta in three various stages of super saiyan zipping around zaikour trunks says yeah he's fighting by alternating transformations instantaneously even zaikour who is excessively fast hasn't noticed okay let's stop here for a second because this is groundbreaking this is amazing for so many reasons so just hear me out for one second first of all in the current canon of dragon ball super one of the issues in my opinion is that strategy is kind of out the window it's all about who has a bigger power level and so because usually with a new transformation comes an increase in power every transformation makes its predecessor obsolete and that's a little bit of a bummer because super saiyan super saiyan 2 and 3 and even super saiyan god these are all really cool transformations personally my favorite and one that i wish we saw more was super saiyan 3 but there's absolutely no reason for goku to use this now that he has super saiyan blue and ultra instinct they tried a little bit in the tournament of power to have goku go through his transformations as he regained his energy but something like what toyable just did with vegeta would be insane in the canon of dragon ball super it would give all the super saiyan transformation their own relevance again and guys remember that this is the same guy working on the official manga right now these ideas have to be bouncing around in his head let's keep going though because we're not done trunk says but there's the one that's been detrimental to the transformations the one that kills your speed but specializes in power the same type of transformation as broly and for an instant vegeta transforms into his berserker form oh my gosh this is insane guys he manages to knock zykor away zygor says i get it i understand you've been sneakily transforming vegeta responds that's right and charges at zeikor again there's another panel of zikr receiving attacks from vegeta's different forms krillin says who knew you could fight like that trunks responds you know my father is a fighting genius if there's a weak point it's only natural for him to try and overcome it even so dad's strength is that he trained so diligently there are three different types and one must train for each of them separately the third level and higher takes time and hard work what's not natural is thinking of something like this and we get this beautiful panel of all the super saiyan transformations and this max version of them that vegeta has now mastered at this rate your fate will soon be in my hands vegeta says to zaikour and then zaikour begins to laugh is something funny ask vegeta no no you use the transformation of the three types separately that's burdensome isn't it zykro continues well then let me ask you this which transformation is mine vegeta looks puzzled zykro continues whichever one you use i have no weak points you could even call my transformation the perfect type what are you trying to say vegeta asks psycho response how many times are you going to make me say it there's no one who can defeat me what if i was what you always wanted to become vegeta what i'm saying is i'm going to show you the overwhelming power that gives nightmares to even gods you're concealing your true power is that what you're trying to say vegeta asks i'm not hiding anything said zaikour i'm in control what do you mean vegeta continues i'm dangerous if i transform everything will be destroyed transformed did he say transform trunks and krillin are shocked mother please permit me the transformation mother zykor doesn't realize that his mom is now dead vegeta smirks and says your mommy was killed by kamito kai what did you say said zaikour vegeta responds you're a pretty careless guy and then zycor says the one i was protecting is already gone i will relish in your despair you're going to regret having been born and then he begins to transform zykhor's power begins to shake the entire planet decimating the area where vegeta krillin and trunks stood krillin says unreal if he's been concealing his power up until now then that means i've never seen anything like this his key is so enormous i can't fathom the power as a quick side note i wonder if this is where the idea in dragon ball super where god ki cannot be sensed comes from it's like the power is so beyond anything else that the senses of a mortal just can't perceive it anyway krillin says to vegeta hey vegeta what should we do we're going to be okay right vegeta looks worried and says you've got to be kidding me can i endure this and then immediately he's attacked by zaikour a simple push sends vegeta flying trunks and krillin yell but before vegeta could react zaikour is instantly behind him grabbing him by the back of his head he then begins to repeatedly smash vegeta's face into the ground to what looks like right before vegeta loses consciousness then he tosses him away trunks and krillin rush to vegeta's side oh you're right vegeta said krillin vegeta responds i completely misread him and this is where we get the first full look of the new transform zykwar he says is this the body that you wanted perfect in every way to borrow an expression from you guys this is super saiyan 5. zaikour is amused by the whole situation and then says all right that's enough farewell to you pieces of garbage trunks transforms to super saiyan 3 which is pretty dope this will be one of the first time we've ever seen super saiyan 3 from trunks zaikour doesn't seem to care though he says disappear and in that instant he is suddenly attacked from behind it's broly couple things here the first thing is i think this panel with with the side of zykor's face and then broly's foot i just think this is hilarious i don't know why the second thing is how cool is it to see broly defending the z warriors everyone wants to see broly for nakama you know what i shouldn't say everyone i want to see this scene so bad where broly has to fight alongside goku and vegeta for something so it's pretty dope that we get this hair from the guy who is currently working on the official dragon ball super manga these are the kind of thoughts that's also in his head anyway let's keep going broly kicks zaikour away he glances back at the z warriors while zyke were readies for an attack to everyone's surprise instead of continuing his attack on zyke war broly then turns around and charges at vegeta he grabs vegeta by the neck and says what are you doing vegeta i'm supposed to be the one who kills you he then tosses vegeta aside like a ragdoll while this is happening oob shows up and remember in this timeline ube is already trained by goku this is the first time ube has seen zaikour and he says are you zaikour ub then turns to the z warriors and says everyone leave it up to me now you all need to hurry to kami's lookout at first i was thinking there's no way ub is this strong and regardless of how strong he was it didn't make sense for him to show up at this point and be a significant threat to zaikour considering zaiko had already destroyed half the planet it's sort of like what have you been doing the whole time but then i realized oobs plan is to buy time buy time for what for all the saiyans to go help resurrect goku broly says kami's lookout and then trunk says to broly please help work with us to bring goku back have your confrontation with my father later revive kakarot broly responds then he says okay i'll give it a shot just how strong has he gotten i guess pycon did his job while training broly or at least inspired him to want to beat goku at his full strength so like that broly has agreed to help resurrect goku zaikour and zaikou is funny saikor says what's this just when i think the insects are multiplying so quickly they're all disgusting running away there will be no escape everyone hurry said u so naive zaikour says as he prepares a key blast then suddenly behind him someone yells hold it zaiko turns around who is it this time it's tien he says if you want to chase after them you're gonna have to go through me you know i love this i love when all the characters all the z warriors get to get involved in a fight even though clearly tien can't really do anything to zaikour the fact that he gets this moment i think is pretty cool let's keep going zaikour turns around and looks at tien realizing that tien is going to be one-shotted and killed instantly krillin starts to freak out he says that idiot and then charges in between zaikour and tien fair warning the next few panels aren't fully drawn remember we're in full draft mode this is as far as toyotaro got with these pages so it looks like both ube and krillin charge to try and save tian's life krillin gets there first between the two incest as i core your fight's not with this guy don't pay him any attention zaikour then one shots krillin sending him flying towards tien zykor then turns to ub and says was this your great plan to escape what is it that the saiyans are gathering up in the skies for are they preparing to run away from the whole universe i love the mention of potentially leaving the universe here i wonder if this is the origin of the multiverse we saw introduced in dragon ball super because before this we had no idea that other universes existed anyway ube responds we have a strategy up our sleeve zykra says hit all right how should i kill you then to zaikour's own surprise he powers down he says huh and ube responds with a smile say it it appears you can't hold that form for long zykor says back to him the way i am now is enough to handle the likes of someone like you now i really like this usually goku and vegeta get a new form and there's always some sort of drawback to stop the form from being too overpowered but when the bad guys power up usually it's like different rules apply to see that zykor's transformation had this drawback i thought was really dope because it's obvious foreshadowing that toyotaro plan for it to show up again in a major way but let's continue ub begins to power up we then flash to kami's lookout the saiyans have arrived here gohan goten pan brah and dende were all waiting for them it looks like dende heals vegeta who is still reluctant to resurrect goku vegeta says pointless trying something like this dende then yells everyone grab a dragon ball trunks being forever a peacekeeper hands a ball to his dad vegeta who snatches it he then turns to broly and says broly you too broly takes the ball but says this is the only time i will ever work with you then hold in their dragon ball respectively all the saiyans begin to power up to their super saiyan forms then they yells to everyone okay focus your energy into the dragon ball and we get this panel which is so reminiscent of the super saiyan god transformation i just feel like considering that toyotaro worked on both of these things there's just no way the super saiyan god ritual requiring righteous saiyans to be in a circle was not influenced by this panel but the dragon balls didn't seem to be responded gohan says it's no good the light's not stable then they all hear a voice it's the grand kai he yells what are you doing grand kai says gohan the kai says for this to work the size of your energy needs to be exactly the same he continues it's the same principle as the fusion you guys do so much of concentrate your energy then everyone begins to focus again vegeta says they say you've become so strong kakarot resurrect already and show yourself before me the sketches are going to get a little wonky again but i'm sure we can handle it it looks like their efforts finally work goten says the dragon balls came back to life in the ryushin realm goku is talking to omega shenron who says to him we're almost out of time it's been a long time since you left earth hasn't it goku responds that's right at the same time dende begins to summon shenron he says arise eternal dragon in the ryushin realm omega shenron says we've been summoned let's go and goku begins to smile omega shenron pops out of the dragon balls and this panel is so dope everyone who's currently in the realm of the kai's is aware of what's happening because remember zaikour was pretty much going to destroy everything all of these realms would have fallen to zaikour's power so everyone really wants goku to win we get a few panels of everyone sharing goku on as he traveled with omega shenron to be summoned back to earth the kaiser all smiling go goku one of them say piccolo who's in health looks to the sky and says goku king kai and the others all yell go get him goku even pycon with a smile on his face says good luck goku shenron appears and dende says yes it worked then above him someone else begins to manifest the panel starts with his boot that eventually floats down and taps on the ground goku lands in front of the z warriors he says what's up guys long time no see there's an uproar of emotion everyone is excited even vegeta has a smile on his face pan rushes towards goku and goku says to her i know about the situation the one star dragon told me everyone thank you for bringing me back broly powers down and says kakarot goku looks in vegeta's in broly direction and says broly and vegeta i can't thank you guys enough broly responds to him saying don't misunderstand this was just a way for me to kill you goku says is that right vegeta cuts in saying kakarot if you know the situation then you know we don't have time for your idol chit chat goku turns to him and says ah you're right and guys unfortunately this is where toyotaro's drafts regarding the zyko story ends now plenty of other people have picked up the story most notably reggie from youtube created a two and a half minute animation where goku arrives at the battlefield and ascends to super saiyan 5. i'll link that in the description there are also other channels that have attempted to animate parts of the zaikour vs goku fight but as far as the story from the original creator it ends here still though as i mentioned many times throughout this video the creator of this story toybo also known as toyotaro is the same person working on the official story of dragon ball super currently and because of that we've already seen many of the ideas from these zeitgeist chapters making into the official canon dragon ball super story if you made it this far in the video hashtag zaikour forever in the comments below guys that's it this is officially the longest video i've ever uploaded to the channel so thank you guys for getting through all of it much love hashtag do crew i want you to do me a favor have yourself a great day bye [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Doulie
Views: 3,230,495
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 58sec (4678 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 28 2021
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