Boruto’s Pure Eye Vs The God of Otsutsuki - All KARA Members Story & Their Powers Explained!

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Since boruto is Naruto and Hinata's son and both of them are heavily influenced by osutski dna and boruto also has the karma which is already at 80% wouldn't the pills almost make him go nuts or take away most of his powers??

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/BlankIfrit0103 📅︎︎ May 15 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome back everyone and it's time to go boom now guys we are covering everything by the time you watch this whole video you will understand the entire story of boruto's faith and the horror organization we have time stamped the video for your benefit but if you truly want to understand boruto's story you must watch the video entirely as the goals of kara changed over time with the ongoing developments of the story those of us are up to date we know kara's mission ultimately became to create a god otsuski using code boruto has to use his pure eye and other abilities to stop this from happening otherwise it's completely game over for earth so first off we've got the one and only and i know a lot of you like to say with me jigging [Music] of the korra organization he is the most fair member of karo by far but heavily respected by most of the group for his strength and ambition jigen has promised everyone working under him a granted wish of their choosing which seems to be the driving motivation most of them hold on to but for some members one in particular jigen is worshiped and admired as a godlike being his name is code whom eventually we will explain all korra members have the roman numerals on their faces which can be read as inner team and outer team when broken into individual kanji this is to mark who is an inner and who is an outer member so there is no confusion any members of kara normally stay inside their hideout awaiting missions from jigen himself whilst outers people like ao work from outside the base outers are individuals who support kara's ideology from the outside and complete missions are requested by the inners acting as conspirators sleeper agents and spies members include politicians and merchants some of whom actively work to undermine the rule of the daimyo and the kage of the said country outers are also partly responsible for the widespread development of scientific ninja tools as the outers include engineers and scientists from various villages they are able to significantly develop and improve the tools before bringing them back to the kara organization leading them to possess the latest technology and engineering this explains why amado has the latest of technology and kara's control isn't only in one country but actually the whole world this is why boruto has to save the entire world since gigan learned the ways of humans and is using them for his own interest to create a divine chakra fruit jigen has the number four marked underneath his left eye and some of you might have realized it by now but jigen kind of seems and looks like a mob if you thought this you'd be half right he does look like a monk yes but he isn't a monk in fact he's not even gigan i'm not even joking fam this dude ain't even who he says he is but he's an impostor [Music] okay so to explain what i mean here i'm gonna have to go way back into the history of the northern universe before even the earliest point marked in the story up to this point around one thousand to two thousand years in the past so remember the whole backstory of kargio utsuski how she was the mother of all chakra on earth and her two sons and blah blah blah blah yeah well before that she and another otsuski came to earth to harvest a god tree and attain its chakra fruit so that they could provide for the main branch of the family and clan from another world this other atsuski was named ishiki otsuski khalya was a low-ranking otsuski and his partner and thus had to be chosen to be sacrificed for the cultivation of the divine tree however she didn't like that idea she rebelled once they got to earth and attacked ishiki whilst his guard was down causing him to suffer severe damage to the point where he was on the brink of death ishiki would have died but just in the nick of time he stumbled upon a monk named jigen a thousand years ago and managed to take over his body jigen is still technically in there by the way and every once in a great while his personality will seep through but for the most part his consciousness is suppressed by that of ishiki otsuski and jigen's body is used as a puppet a temporary vessel for his survival ishiki in his miniature form literally is living inside of jigen's brain stopping him from functioning as a normal human being whilst controlling him as such ishiki also placed his karma onto him turning jigen into a nasuski vessel over the thousand years that passed slowly but surely transferring his data onto him gigan really being a naziski is why certain members of the car will worship him said members see the osiski the way the siskiys see themselves as superior beings that have transcended all other life in the universe and are equivalent to gods because of this gigan is obviously very powerful as he is a high ranking of suski we all saw what someone like momishiki was able to do against naruto and sasuke right well imagine that but amplified ishiki is by far the strongest satsushki we have come across we know this because he was able to completely dominate in his fight against naruto and sasuke in chapter 47 and 38 and that was whilst his full power was suppressed in an incomplete vessel yet naruto and sasuke were being serious since they admitted it themselves i am planning on doing a full-scale video explaining how strong ishiki osusuki was in a collaboration video with naruto explained for the future so you must make sure to hit the notification bell for the channel and smash the like button to let me know you are interested in such content [Music] ishiki had please space-time transportation using his karma to go to entire different dimensions as we saw in chapter 37 when he tried to trap naruto with no way of getting back to his home obviously sasuke could also use space-time ninjutsu and kicked him like a badass savage which is when the fight began right sasuke can only use space timely jutsu around four times a day whilst ishiki seems to have no problem with it due to being atsuski secondly as we see here he can absorb ninjutsu even something as powerful as a resent gun from the sevenfold car game which we have to presume is a more powerful jutsu than a regular person he continues to attack with the opening he created after absorbing it he can also use fu in jutsu able to seal away even the likes of naruto inside only ishiki himself is capable of breaking the seal and cracking it will only destroy whatever is inside so no one can risk it thirdly he can impale his enemies with black rods without them even being aware by shrinking them and any non-living thing down to a microscopic size and then growing them in an instant using a special ninjutsu that as far as we know only he can use these rods and anything else he has are sent from a pocket dimension he has access to into the world for him to use whenever he wants but what's even crazier is that he can shrink himself he used this to his advantage a number of times shrinking down and then growing again to land a surprise attack he can also absorb jutsu while shrunken down meaning anything you try and throw at him is meaningless even in this form however there is one weakness and for me to explain that you would have to watch the video till the caution koji part anyway when he's absorbing ninjutsu he's vulnerable as he can't move quickly during those moments leaving him open to attack from either a fellow teammate or a shadow clone but despite that his physical strength is immense even earning the acknowledgement of the seventh and the strongest hokage when they exchange fists sasuke mentioned that within one kick gigan was able to destroy susano and kick him out of it which would be impossible for any other person in the world to even achieve at this point his speed is also off the charts being able to disappear in time to dodge an attack from naruto himself and appear behind him to this day jigen has come closer than anyone to killing these two legends and the only reason he didn't is because he chose not to himself if he really wanted to he could have killed them as we know from chapter 38 this is all incredibly impressive and kind of terrifying but it's not all there is to this guy he has a true form of sorts as we first saw in chapter 47 when kashi koji forced it out of him this was the first time we really saw what ishiki looked like and he spent no time showing us what he could do so let's get into it for starters we know he has the biagagon only in his left eye this power was inaccessible to jigen this has all the basic functionality of your usual biaku gun like seeing chakra points and whatnot but there are certain things his bianca gone can't see like the underground black ops facility that are protected against enhancement jutsu and then in his right eye is the new dojutsu that from what we have seen so far no one but him has ever had it has no name but it's what allows him to use his shrinking ninjutsu called sakuna hikuna no i don't i definitely butchered that's why i've been calling it so i'm gonna stick with that anyway as well as this jutsu he has a separate technique called daikoko 10 that used to restore the shrunken objects into the pocket dimension that i mentioned earlier he can also summon back at full size whenever the hell he wants in his suski form he's proven to be far too much for naruto sasuke at full power remember even in his gigan form he was already overpowering them in fact we can see in the fight naruto and sasuke do not even land one kick or punch on him they are just flies to him right now again i'm gonna cover this video separately on how strong he was so you make sure to hit the notification bell the only thing that could possibly pose a threat to ishiki was naruto's final form which he wasn't aware of until this recent arc called barian mode we have explained this form in depth by the way in detail so if you truly want to understand how strong was norwich's baryon mode you must watch the video being displayed to you right now i'll put it in the pin comment for you already this form was enough to drive ishiki to the brink of death where kawaki ended him through big braindo jutsu killing ishiki otsuski once and for all all right pete again you know what i'm saying i missed him make sure to my chicken much but goodbye goodbye goodbye good friend we see you another time goodbye g again goodbye goodbye goodbye now we have come to delta after the fourth great ninja war she joined the kara organization as an inner member in the anime delta was scouting for little children like a creep in a village for them to use as jigen's vessel which led to kawaki being bought from his father these events were years before the current story and this goes to show that delta was in kara from day one delta being an inner member means it only makes sense that she has incredibly powerful abilities she has the roman numeral for one tattooed on her head and just her presence alone makes croaky trembling fair even making the boys sweat she's not even scared of the 7th hokage naruto oh gee you know what i'm saying now even though this chick is super thick don't get it twisted it's not real you're simply for something that isn't even human wait actually i don't think that effects or stops any of you does it oh okay well everyone delta is more robot than android 18 from dragon ball [Music] anyway the reason delta isn't scared of naruto is because she has extensively modified high-tech shinobi wear by a model to the point of becoming a full sideball we don't even know for sure if delta has a real body as she can be seen uploading her consciousness to replica bodies that are stored amongst many others she does this by deploying a drone that holds her consciousness within this drone cannot be detected with chakra as it doesn't use any chakra itself she flies the drone back to the headquarters and plugs herself into a new body she has three bodies hence the name delta this drone is so op and allows her to infiltrate villages whenever she wants and spies on things pretty easily the drone can also track invisible targets such as the invisible recent gun brought her through at her in chapter 32 she can modify her legs for high speed travel creating practical rocket legs similar to those used by the asura path her eyes can absorb and release ninjutsu as she did with naruto's resengan however we are told she has difficulty absorbing more complex techniques like the seizure novel release russian shuriken her modifications make her opie and give her really useful tools like the anti-naruto token jutsu this girl even has the strength to punch naruto and make him bleed she could also create several wood-like weapons from her legs that are strong enough to pace even the defense of naruto's six-pack sagemo trout fan but uh let's be honest naruto wasn't even trying and he admits himself you know first time we see delta is during the hour arc where she and the other inu members were called by jigen due to the vessel kawaki gone missing koji went to retrieve kawaki alone but hearing this delta grew impatient and wary of koji deciding to go along with him to inspect kawaki from afar they later went to the hidden leaf village gates where koji told her to wait and went in without triggering the alarms she felt as if he just wanted to get away from her and tried to trick her in anger she decided to go in herself she deployed her drone from her back and went in and found kowalki training with boruto she got spotted by ino and the barrier team and said nah forget this and launched herself to kawaki and boruto with her modified legs that could be used as jet packs what she didn't know was that naruto was there as well she demands kawaki to be returned but kawaki recognizes this and tells naruto raj she's from inner and she's crazy and she has powers you should be wary of her now this is where hits the van she begins using shinobi way and launched sneak attacks and sucked up naruto's resengan she can suck up something else if you know what i mean you fussy guys i have no chill here we go hold on sticks here's your cam sticks delta pin narrated down and she activated her chakra cloak pulling a una reverse card and threw the absorbed recent gun at naruto later on in the fight noticing that naruto is playing about he's too op she used her ace up her sleeve and tried to special beam can in his ass delta's destruction beam is capable of overpowering the strongest of regenerative abilities this is why kawaki does not regrow his arm after his selfless act of saving him worry and has to use naruto's later on in the story in their fight naruto realizes she can't absorb any more chakra as the fight continues and her eye malfunctions and makes her lose her connection with the drone her body self-destructs making naruto and the gang retreat she took the drone back to kara and plugged her drone and got a new body furious at her defeat she wants to get revenge but the inners mock her and jigen silences their discussion she told jigen that kashin koji let the events play out to gain more info and that borita has a legitimate karma of his own later on in the story around chapter 44 she then discovers amado and koji attempting to leave without jigen's permission but she gets shut down literally amara turns her off and then leaves later a modder states that he turned her off for good but we have a suspicion that code will reactivate her making her loyal to him by the knowledge ida will provide to override the shutdown sequence a model created delta will join codes kara moving on we now have jiraiya wait um i mean koji koji yes that's right the clone of everyone's favorite sensei the character every hater will say where he ruined uriah's legacy but i don't think so i'm not going to be around the bush here this dude is one of the gems of the boruto story he offers a familiar yet unique vibe to the series which not many other characters do although initially we saw kashi koji as the second member of kara with the symbol of number two which also can be viewed as sage markings with kashin koji being created by amado he lives to be nothing more than a tool to achieve their goal keeping emotions at bay and purely living for the job at hand a very og way of looking at the life of shinobi which hasn't been explored since zabazar we have to remember bolton revived this mentality with kashin koji along with owl one of the outer companions of kara giving us an idea that baruto will let kashan koji realize the way of shinobi that he isn't a tool naruto realized that he's very familiar and feels like jiraiya so she is probably going to address this situation too and not be cool with the idea that bruh why is my sensei a tool named kashin koji this dude is human the initial sole purpose of kashin koji's existence is to aid a model in his end goal of defeating ishiki and removing the karma seal a mission passed on to him with the illusion that success was guaranteed yet it was revealed to us that in truth kashin koji was nothing more than bait to weaken the utsuski however unbeknowingly to armada at the time of making this video kashin koji managed to just barely escape with his life by summoning a toad despite his critical condition talking of toad summonings let's get into his jutsu and powers real quick as you'd imagine with the clone of jiraiya and akora inner he is a beast when it comes to combat ability many of his abilities actually come from his originators such as the resent gun toad summonings and also sagemog but he has much more to his arsenal than just those he's as stealthy as an assassin could be and was able to completely hide his presence from victor despite having killing intent another inner member couldn't even detect him he also has traversed throughout konoha without being noticed that is ridiculous his taijutsu ability is nothing to laugh at either managing to counter konahamru's punches whilst also hitting him with his next attack at the same time in secret showing he is able to think one step ahead of his opponent at all times my mind put kanohamru on fire beat him in five seconds fam he even managed to hold his own against a reincarnated ishiguro tsusuki along with being able to actually kill jigen and a weakened ishiki yes our dude literally burned him alive forcing ishiki to reincarnate into a lesser vessel however you must keep in mind that jigen was heavily drained after his fight against naruto and sasuke and was less than 10 percent of his power according to amardo as he stated in chapter 43 whereas jigen was around 100 percent of his power whilst facing naruto and sasuke in chapter 48 and this was due to jigen before the fight began he absorbed all the chakra from the jubilee oh by the way we also learned that code is stronger than naruto and sasuke combined as he is mentioned to be even stronger than jigen to the point where amada had to give him limiters so that means logically speaking for the power scaling to make sense kashin toji is around 20 of the power level of jigen and around five times weaker than code otherwise how did he beat jigen at ten percent power so easily so i'm gonna say he's around twenty percent with naruto and sasuke's heavy nerfs i believe kashin koji will be a very good ninja and weapon for them to use not as a tool by the way but as an ally if you want to know how strong naruto and sasuke are after their nerfs that what video will also be in the pin comment and it's being displayed to you right now i highly recommend it if you're interested in knowing how strong are these dudes now as we all know the naruto franchise often uses strategy to defeat opponents and koji uses chakra so he can still train and get stronger and match their power it's not out of question that a weaker opponent in rural power can defeat a foe brother still has the chance to defeat code and this god now during kashin koji's fight with the reincarnated ishiki he displayed incredible resilience being able to survive having been crushed by multiple pillars and having his arm and torso destroyed all while still having chakra left over to summon his gateway vehicle of course [Laughter] kashin koji's sage mode even manages to surpass his biological counterpart dryer it's a perfect balance of chakra and natural energy we see this in action in chapter 48 where kashin koji was able to catch a strike from ishiki thanks to his enhanced sensory perception one of his most overpowered abilities however are the true flames of samidi they are completely indistinguishable flames similar to that of amaterasu but what's interesting about kashin koji and these flames in particular is actually their origin story the flames of samidi is from an old chinese novel called a journey to the west in this a young red boy aka the boy sage king tried to defeat wukong by using indistinguishable flames and i'm sure you guys don't need me to tell you this but there's similarities here between koch and koji and the dew he had with jigen the sage king is self-explanatory considering his connections to jiraiya and his perfect sage mode but looking more into this fight with wukong we can see the parallels with his fight and jigens the inextinguishable fire used on wukong called the samhiti fire leaves him in a state of near death before having to call upon the power of the bodhisattva guanyin i definitely butchered that but it's an almighty deity of mercy and compassion in chapter 47 we see jigen left dead due to the flames forcing the supreme deity ishiki resurrecting in his place whatever the story has planned for him we shall wait and see but perhaps seeing the truth of what living as a tool is being nothing more than a sacrificial pawn it may make kashi koji think for himself and confront a model about the situation he put him in regardless we all want more from him possibly being important training now let's move on to deeper and no that's not upon this guy's name is actually deeper and um what the frick is that anyway deeper is an anime original inner and when we first heard about him we were instantly worried he was gonna be just like urishiki or tsusuki oh wait oh i've said his name again spoiling myself so for starters this dude is an absolute nut case like the more you think about how crazy this guy is the crazier he becomes first off he's a cannibal so yes this dude likes to eat people and second off he switches from killing masses of people for absolutely no reason to showing mercy on someone who can't fight back at random so you really never know if you're gonna survive just being around this guy and for having a reputation like that he'd have to be pretty powerful to justify being so terrifying so is he nope deeper does not have much of a backstory because the anime didn't provide him one so let's just explain the story so far and the powers he had deeper is incredibly fast and specializes in close range combat so naturally he's pretty damn good at taijutsu as he's been known to be able to take down his enemies with just one strike and no one remembers his name after they are defeated by him because he's so cold-blooded he'll kill you instantly this gave him a nasty reputation around the whole world deeper enjoyed trying as many different flavors as he could in the world that was his main objective and why he joined kara his greatest wish was to taste the fruit of the god tree itself which he described having the purest flavor in the world he relished in the fear and pain he could inflict on others even toying with them such as pretending to be affected by his enemies attacks giving them false hope only to end his facade and enjoy the expressions of confusion and terror of his opponents afterwards he was basically a budget hisoka he cared very little about the people's views of him he openly admitted that he knew his allies had little trust in him he didn't really care about the kara organization at all only that he wanted to work with victor to create the god tree and get the divine tree fruit he helped victor in achieving this by searching for of course hashirama's cells this dude's cells cannot take a break and it's even in boruto he obtained the hashima cell by stealing it this is how team seven and boruto were involved deeper because they had the mission to retrieve the hashirama cell and investigate who has stolen it deeper ends up with the cell beats team seven makes them have a training day and self-reflect gives it to victor the tree ends up getting born and then bombs your uncle team seven comes for round two and the loses deeper defeated a kenjutsu user like omoe with ease despite the fact that this dude had two experienced professional swordsmen on his side backing him up deepa has access to a wide array of ninjutsu including the yin release which he used to protect an image of himself to communicate from a distance his social distancing is important right now you know what i'm saying the technique he's most famous for is his ability to control the molecular bonding of the carbon that he's exposed to he can properly rearrange it in his body allowing his skin to turn a dark color and become reflective like metal he is able to do this to any part of his body ahem yes i do mean any part of his body that includes his peepee [Music] this ability isn't just for sure though this protects him from almost anything making him resilient and able to endure lightning style jutsu and block pretty much any blade or chakra enhanced attack with his bare hands he even tanked a normal rescent gun to the stomach and laughed about it you heard me right not even the resent gun could face this dude that's what pushed boruto to create the compressor resengan but there's more he can also manipulate any raw carbon that's around him shaping it into a wide variety of different shapes and sizes he can create and control an insane number of carbon projectiles in any number of forms all at once this was the main attack he used in every battle like a turret from league of legends just standing there blasting this attack he is even able to condense his projectiles for even more impactful and destructive attacks capable of at least destroying a huge iron sand wall as we saw when he engaged in battle with shinki briefly his ace in the hole however is the combination of both sides of his ability the defensive and defensive this encases his entire body in a shell of carbon one that's almost unbreakable or at least that's what we thought until you know a bunch of 12 year olds went and shattered it into pieces in the span of one episode yeah that's right it took them one episode three twelve-year-old genny no joey no knowledge no no roshamaru who was there mind you they made this guy look like trash this guy even said this isn't my final form and activate his new carbon transformation where he evolved and stuff but yeah he tanked the resenga and lost know your place trash deeper was an inner member and he had a tattoo just like the rest he was working with victor in his plan they were working secretly betraying jigen and kara's orders we don't actually know why deeper was doing that in fact um i don't seem to remember nor do i care at this point and i don't think you guys do either we don't care so i'll be passing the video on to yusuf now and he will cover all the remaining members and how kara's objective changed involving the creation of a god atsuski through code okay so let's start with victor explaining how his character connects to kara and the extra law he taught us about the infrastructure of the organization but first i need to point out that wiktor is a classic case of a character who suffers from voter manga syndrome like he was only featured in two or so chapters i'd say about 80 percent have probably forgotten this grand that even existed but thankfully the anime came in and was like come with us we can offer you more and thus a somewhat interesting character was born all we knew from the manga was he was old lost the vessel somehow got killed despite having great regeneration abilities that's literally it my man got like a handful of panels to his name and was like yeah that's a wrap however as i said the anime does a bit more justice to his character as we learned a bit more about victor's past like the fact that he was a survivor of the fourth great ninja war winter took what he saw during that tragic time to help benefit those that are less fortunate in town stricken by poverty despite the four great nations binding together in one friendly alliance these cities came on leaps and bounds in the terms of technological advancements kona is a full-on city now where trains video games fast food and zoom calls but us as the viewers are oblivious to the fact that there are still those less fortunate out there we are all in our own little bubble completely unaware that other people might be suffering for our gain and that's something rich to strive to fix by offering health care to the people affected by these wars helping with prosthetic limbs and one day hoping to provide longevity to the human race or at least that's what he'd tell you instead he just wanted it all for himself yes you guys he wasn't no anti-hero i don't know what you guys were even expecting in fact he was no different to those people he blamed he was worse showing no compassion to those he was supposed to care for ultimately sacrificing them all to gain the power of an artificial god tree with the help of deeper ankara technology and to even make it worse all without jigen's knowledge not only is he a scum but also a rat the whole reason victor is an inner in the first place is actually due to a large donation of money he and his company made to kara so that victor could commence his quest for power and to restore his damaged body gaining immortality by joining the organization this idiot was the one who helped fund jigen to purchase children like kawaki which made him find the vessel in the first place we were told that kara had enough money to buy a whole country victor would do all that he could to try and preserve his life for as long as possible even getting a cursed seal which was supposed to help but instead resulted in the opposite where it deteriorated his body further hence why he tried to create a god tree as he feared that his body wouldn't last long enough to even see kara's goal come into fruition he did end up making the god tree through a remnant of hashirama's cell and a god tree branch from the fourth war he sacrificed all of his employees to do so this life force created a chakra food which he consumed but then orochumaru gave his two cents stating that immortal can not eat a chocolate fruit you big dummy after having his plan foiled by team seven and orochimaru he began losing the trust of carter resulting in him blaming the whole thing on deeper so he would avoid execution giving him time to start a new plan one which involved him kidnapping the vessel in order to gain one over korra putting himself in a dominant position ultimately he failed in all of his endeavors being killed by kashin koji now he may not look like it but victor is actually a very capable fighter this old geezer possesses all of the elemental nature types along with having sensational regenerative capabilities highly deceptive speed and a walking stick seriously he did fend off against mugino and konohamaru with his gosh damn kane i know that doesn't sound like a big feat but come on guys konohamaru is a top level konoha joining am i kidding anyway guys however the most impressive fee of them all has got to be how victor went head-to-head against orochimaru managing to regrow even his head during his fight and could also control his seven limbs even after he lost them victor also manifested two other arms which possessed great physical strength holding him upright if needed as well as allowing him to perform hand signs mid-combat in the end his age caught up to him the one thing he was fighting so hard to combat yes his old age deteriorated his body and senses making him unaware of the assassin in his presence oh boy next up is bordeaux borah has had the least screen time that an opinion can hardly even be formed about him he's just sort of there the anime is going to explore his cult of followers and his character a lot more than the manga did so hopefully we'll get more information about him later on but what we do know from the manga like victor burrow is dead but before he did die though he was actually the leader of his own cult following unfortunately we know very little about this cult other than its existence really and the fact that it's haida is in a very far-off region covered in snow it was at this location bordeaux was ordered to destroy armada's cyborgs except one at least to our knowledge who he ended up becoming infatuated with but more on her next so stick around burro was in love with himself despite being a member of kara he would put his own interests first as seen when he straight up refused orders that was given to him by amazon gains right hand man he also did not turn up to scheduled meetings and inspections he openly viewed himself as a man chosen by god who we knew to be ishiki now as with jigen he was devoted to kara's goal and was uninterested in other matches such as mitsuki's attempt to attack him even being so disinterested to willing to let him escape if he just left him alone but through his fight with team 7 and kawaki he became extremely grateful for boruto's status as momoshikiyasuki's vessel desiring to capture him for kara's benefit but when it comes to his overall strength being an inner of kara he was noted as stronger than fellow inner connor remember delta he was suggested to be the one to face naruto next after he defeated delta in order to retrieve kawaki from him kawaki even claims that in some ways he's worse than ji again boro is able to use fire and water release by combining the first two he can use lava release to create a potent acid which is easily able to melt shurikens and with his water release he can produce surging walls which was shown to easily repel mitski's lightning release his snake lightning and serrado's fire released phoenix stage also boro can utilize yin release along with communicate with others while genjutsu now the biggest take we have on him is through his fight with team seven in fairness to him borrow did have one of the coolest and unique ninja tool techniques we've seen in boruto whereas the others just have body altering abilities turning limbs into weapons and so on so forth boro is able to release a deadly toxin virus which when used to get away this dark mist jutsu allows him to make an airborne virus which infects his foes paralyzing them due to this being a physical virus and not a jutsu which uses chakra it cannot be absorbed by karma and with the help of the dark mist it can't be blown away either as it's unaffected by the wind style jutsu meaning the only way to survive this attack is by using antibodies for the toxin which only bordeaux seemed to have flowing through his body in order to keep him safe from his own attack like other kara inner members who armata has worked on boro has a core and this core is essentially what keeps him functioning you destroy that it destroys what makes borrow such a threat the thing is with borrow it's not as easy as just finding the core and destroying it as he's able to freely move his core around his body keeping it out of danger once again much like the other inners this scientific ninja tool allows for brightening levels of regeneration even regenerating the upper half of his body within a matter of seconds but this comes at a cost if you do manage to destroy this core all hell breaks loose in borough's body unable to keep stabilizing without a core will violently mutate to the point where he's hardly even recognizable as a human whilst undergoing this transformation of sort byron met his end unfortunately being on the other end of a rather angry boroshiki who had a taste for blood i think we all know how that one ends anyway guys as i said earlier what we really need is for the birthday anime to throw bottle and extra lifeline like it did with viktor to try and add something to his character next up is one of my all-time favorite kara member amado this dude is one of both his most convoluted characters it's hard to tell exactly what his intentions are but what we do know is that he is the former head of the kara research and development division he is also the only inner member with no visual face tattoo depicting a roman numeral this brought up the idea that he could be the actual original leader of hara and worked on his subjects modifying them for his own needs before the organization was taken over by ishiki ishiki didn't mention a wish and offered something to amardo in return for completing the vessel in chapter 49 which adds a significant clue to this idea along with that we do have to think about the idea that why does everyone have a label from one to ten except for amaldo and the fact is that delta has the number one where jigen is number four this actually brings things to life possible delta was the one that amado worked on first and then after jigen joined the cause ultimately changed the fundamentals for this organization moving away from our speculations amado is indirectly responsible for the strength of kara thanks to his work he performed on their bodies turning them into living ninja tools which essentially turned the inner of kara into near osuski's level super soldiers which you could also bring back to life by regenerating the brains as seen with deeper's disremembered head mardus intelligence goes far beyond playing around with a few cells he even managed to invent in medicine which had the capabilities of rendering a biaku gun useless in order to hinder ishiki and any other member of the plan however it is stated that these pills could also help pause or fight back against the susquehanna process as the byakugan is of osuzuki's origin therefore carrying the dna for instance boruto if he takes this pill will be targeting the ossuski dna within himself similar to how chemotherapy works against cancer cells but instead of destroying these cells these pills just weakens possibly stopping them from multiplying hence a model explained this wouldn't stop the subscriptification process in all but slow it down or put it on hold amalda also worked incredibly closely with g again offering his obscene level of scientific intelligence to help ishiki get his hand on a new vessel however this was all in order to gain both trust and intel on the otsutsuki's his goal all along was to betray kara and defeat jigen the vessel of the shiki we learned that amado formulated many plans to achieve this and even managed to create an array of cyborgs stronger than jigen but that plan was short-lived as all of the other anti-jiken cyborgs he made had been ordered to be destroyed as jigen himself recognized the power in which the cyborgs possessed and best known to armada though there was one who managed to survive this but again more on that later on now there was an idea on why didn't a model just order the cyborgs to kill jakan right away to be honest there isn't a for sure answer however more than likely armada still required intel about the karma and the otsuski's so he had to go with a stealthy approach where in the end a model was forced into settling on our boy from earlier kashin koji to be his partner in crime during his coup d'etat regardless from his time spent in kara amado became extremely knowledgeable on the asuski clan to the point of detailing how to actually kill one once the time was right amalda activated the next stage of his plan defecting to kanaha he chose this place as his destination as he knew that would be his best bet as survival due to the protection given to him by naruto and sasuke as betraying kara comes with a death fish during his time in the leaf village armada reveals he had a daughter who died 12 years ago this means he roughly died during the time boruto was born on that note there is a common theory alluding to delta being his daughter and he somehow preserved her consciousness into a drone placing it into a cyborg version of herself didn't have it however after the revelation of edark the theory quickly shifted to make her the revived cyborg daughter now moving past that theory at first glance amado may seem somewhat understanding and polite but the truth is this man doesn't care about anyone the only person he shows any compassion towards is kawaki but even that seems kind of disingenuous i mean this is the same dude who formed a long lasting relationship with an alien creating a cult which murdered children birthing a clone of a dead legendary ninja in jiraiya just then to send him to his death all while telling him he was the key to defeating nishiki he does what he wants or needs to do to get his mission across although it was a bluff he even threatened to blow up she could die so he would gain access to konoha seriously there's something not right about this dude and i can't shake off the feeling that he is keeping his true intentions a secret for now and whatever they may be i doubt they are good however what we do know for certain is that emado wants to get rid of the whole of suzuki race okay so before we move on to our favorite boys let me finally address the cyborgs armada created as i mentioned earlier these things were said to be so powerful that they could even beat jigen which is why he ordered them to be terminated but to put this into perspective this is the same jigen who bodied sasuke in naruto 1v2 obviously our guy was juiced up with jimmy chakra but still having created a cyborg stronger than this jigen is mental oh and those who don't understand what a cyborg is well they are basically humans who have gone through extensive modification to the point of becoming human robots or in a more scientific term a being with both organic and biomechatronics body parts but in this case being modified with scientific ninja tubes now though they have all said to have been destroyed we find out that one of them at least survived that being adar we already knew that delta is somewhat a cyborg and likely amarda made her too but having a cyborg stronger than jigen alive seems crazy the way aydah even survived has got to do with her abilities for starters she has the ability to make pretty much anyone fall in love with her boy girl young old it doesn't matter as long as they aren't blood relatives or suits keys it's pretty much a done deal this isn't temporary either like it goes on till the person dies it's nuts and this is actually how she managed to stay alive by trapping border who was ordered to destroy her into a state of mental slavery out of love however due to this revelation and as we mentioned in one of our recent videos we believe she might have been amada's daughter she has a grudge on him for taking away her sense of ordinary love meaning she doesn't know whether she has ever actually experienced true love and actually liked anyone or not and all of this because of how he modified her and gave her new abilities the reason we speculate that she's related to a motto is because if she was modified by him and wanted revenge her abilities should have worked on him like pretty much straight away where more than likely it didn't as he didn't die or committed suicide or along those lines having said that this ability has cursed her of being trapped in an illusion of experiencing love but as baruto and kawaki have otsuki dna her interest has peaked as she hopes she may be able to find true love with one of them especially kawaki now on top of all of that ada can also see and look back at any event that happened in the past up to the day she was born but not a second before that she can look at current events as they are happening but she cannot see the future this is basically a very advanced clairvoyance ability and plus we don't know her combat abilities yet knowing that if she is stronger than jigen it can't be just regarding to these two techniques i'm pretty sure that in hand to hand combat she must be a monster next up we have the best character in the whole gash damn show naruto's favorite and adopted son kuwaki kawaki has honestly been saving grace of this anime and manga and has kind of been carrying it on his back since his introduction kwaki was the son of a veteran from the fourth great ninja war a man who had become a drunken abusive father to his kid in absolutely no time due to ptsd which caused him to turn to alcohol as a result he would make kawaki work hard all day chopping up wood to sell all so he could buy his father booze whilst his father of course sat around and did nothing all day this went on until eventually jigen showed up out of the blue after delta had picked up a sample of kawaki's blood which she had gotten from a skirmish he had gotten into gigan offered an unbelievable amount of money to his father and ended up buying kawaki ultimately becoming his new father jagen was actually more abusive than kawaki's last father beating him relentlessly during their training sessions whilst the kid couldn't keep up with him and actually risking killing him a chance of branding a karma seal on his palm which is a process that had killed numerous other children who weren't compatible one day kawaki was able to escape after a kara airship crashed with him inside after fighting the puppets who was guarding him he was found by baruto and his team lying unconscious in the middle of the forest once he had awoken he had it out with a kara archer named garo where a boy kwaki brutally murdered him activating his karma which resonated with boruto who was nearby fainting once again he was taken in by konoha from there naruto the seventh hokage himself let kawaki stay with him and his family this may have seemed dumb on his part considering he killed someone as powerful and as dangerous as godel and with zero mercy at that but it's actually quite poetic considering naruto wasn't all that different when he was a kid he just didn't know how to harness that village destroying power he had inside of him like kawaki does yet he turned out to be a good person in the end a great one even to that other jin cherokees like gaura is also quiet comparison but anyways as time went on kawaki got to know the uzumaki family became friends with boruto and learned a lot about being a kind well-mannered person who fights for the sake of those they love and eventually as you mentioned way at the beginning of the video killed ishiki otsuki the man that caused them so much pain and suffering but with that let's break down what makes kawaki such a badass for starters this dude was able to go head to toe with a guy with serious battle experience and the injuries to prove it as gado was missing his chin which was kawaki's fault as well as both his hands having to have them replaced with these weird pinched laser cannon thingies these things weren't just there to make him look cool either they could dish out some serious firepower and yet kawaki with the help of his modified body courtesy to amardo was able to block them all he is also shown to have full grasp on how to utilize his body even flexing during the fight by doing like this he can also create blades out of his skin blades that would pierce any regular ninja without fail although it did prove useless against god all cause that dude is a tank however it all changed when kawaki's karma actuated and awakened his full battle potential this gave him the power to completely obliterate garo from existence and move to the topic of kawaki's karma he has not just been shown to be well-versed in it but had also trained baruto on how to use it during their spa even though kawaki did not know how to use chakra and isn't really a shinobi went head to toe boruto who is considered a genius by his own rights he later was able to even tank a hit from delta that was said to be so powerful it could probably kill the hokage kwaki has also shown his quick adaptability and team working skills when he teamed up with boruto sarada and minsky against boro but most importantly kawaki showed another level to his skills once he had mastered the shadow clone technique which was obviously taught to him by his foster father naruto yes kawaki using the shadow clone technique was able to outsmart ishiki ending up killing him overall this show cases kawaki's ability and potential as it shinobi after some more training i'm pretty sure kawaki will be master at it using chakra karaki will eventually learn more techniques at the moment we do know he has fire release nature type where he could possibly have more and again we do know his potential from the future cutscene of him fighting burrito the next person i'm going to explain is none other than code g guns number one synth i mean loyal follower he is currently the last active in a member of kara and inheritor of the ososki will and with jigen gone amado and kk defecting borrowed dying you know delta being deactivated code is basically the head honcho of kara but as we mentioned at the start of this video the goal of kara and now code is to become the embodiment of a true god constantly evolving by absorbing the chakra fruits throughout time an illustration of this being is somewhat something beyond comprehending and being with countless dojutsus including the pure eye but before i get into this let's get some background information on this dude so around the time kawaki was brought into kara code was amongst the 15 candidates alongside kawaki to become ishiki's next vessel and the karma holder but as we all know kawaki was the only one that managed to successfully inherit the karma seal and become a vessel every other candidate had all failed the experiment passing away as a result all but code despite being a dud code received a white karma seal which granted him the pure of suzuki power but doesn't contain the backup data of ishiki with this power of the white karma and the modification armada did to his body code is said to be way stronger than jigen but as we found out in chapter 56 anyone whose power exceeds jigen would be swiftly disposed off in order to prevent any usurpers from seizing control of kara kurd was the only exception to this rule due to his undying adoration for jiken which often made him jealous of kawaki since he became the perfect vessel over him so instead of killing code amado was ordered to place limiters in code's body to prevent him from reaching his maximum potential should he have gone wrong something that only amado himself can remove now let's go over some of code's abilities and how stacked he is compared to the rest of the kara members since code belongs to the inner member of kara he has been pretty powerful given his position and the fact he was so busted that jigen made a mother put power limiters on him shouts a massive statement that code is actually the strongest amongst all of the current members this would even mean that he could defeat naruto and sasuke in a tv one battle even before the nerfs occurred in the terms of his ability due to his body modification he's able to transform his fingers into claws much like wolverine these claws seem to have the ability to stretch out black bands that matches the one code wears on his face it appears that code can use these black bands as a way to transport himself from his location to where these bands are positioned this ability seems very similar to minatos and turburamas flying regen jutsu however we don't know the extent of this ability it's possible that it goes much beyond dimensions explaining how code can travel between the dimensions that the ten tail is being held at now in chapter 56 we see the use of this ability and with the display of it we can see the clear difference between it and the flying raijin it's clear that these black bands do not just create a point of teleportation rather it creates a dimensional rift like that of obitus kumui now coming to code's karma amada does explain that it's actually a very extremely rare case he goes on to say that code's body somehow retain the karma aspect of being a weapon the atsutsuki dna that was implanted was the base ability filtering out all the bs that would have come with it if it was from a specific ursuski clan member due to inheriting this white karma it pushed code's combat abilities to exceed even jiggins are you guys still confused well think about it like this code's karma due to incompatibility wasn't able to download any of ishika's data so after his body was successful in the experiment his karma became an empty drive think of it like this baruto and kawaki's karma is like a usb with asuski dna data the karma then extracts this data into the vessel over time codes karma is an empty usb with some base settings with the ability of extraction along with other features the karma usually has and it's even possible that it has other data inside of it this data might have been high affinity in combat and any other data which would have made him a pure suzuki can be obtained over time so when ishiki orders him to eat chocolate foods he tells him look you can get all the data from the fruits in your karma drive and become a nutsutsuki continuing on they will remember armada said that the chocolate fruits has all the dna nutrients and life energy of the inhabitants of that said planet ursutsukis take that data to evolve themselves and get stronger code can eventually become a god atsutsuki that has over 100 pure eyes going from planet to planet even taking the records of all life including the essence of ishikiotsutsuki this is why in chapter 55 ishiki explains to code that if he were to consume the divine fruit he would be reborn as a true asutsuki once he has done consuming the fruit ishiki ordered code to continue consuming planet after planet until he becomes an existence uncontested by all life in the universe a commie that is what it means to be in atsutsuki they are the embodiment of forever trying to climb this intergalactic food chain consuming until there is nothing left to consume during this moment of chapter 55 we got to see a first glance of a possible utsutsuki king which this being is rocking multiple and countless pure eyes so regardless if code actually manages to get to this level this potential and revelation gives us a hint that a susquehanna already exists perhaps and borrowed though to end this cycle might have to defeat this osutsuki king by of course using his own dojutsu pure eye let me know what you guys think in the comment section below do you think that will happen at the end of the series will this go intergalactic don't forget kishimoto did take over and he did drop samurai hate which was all about intergalactic space but that's it for this video if you guys enjoyed it make sure to smash that like button and ding that notification bell to stay updated with all our content with that guys we'll catch you a lot till next time [Music] my [Music]
Channel: Anime Balls Deep
Views: 745,566
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: boruto, naruto, sasuke, kawaki, naruto vs delta, jigen, boruto kara, kashin koji, boruto manga, boruto karma seal, anime balls deep, naruto vs isshiki, naruto baryon mode, isshiki otsutsuki, otsutsuki god, naruto and sasuke vs jigen, boruto jougan, delta, boruto code, kashin koji vs jigen, kawaki karma seal, naruto vs jigen, eida boruto, delta vs naruto, isshiki, otsutsuki clan, amado, Every Kara Member’s Abilities Explained, kara explained boruto, boruto inner kara members, boro
Id: zXwZr52Y_V0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 23sec (3323 seconds)
Published: Fri May 14 2021
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