The Life Of Ken Kaneki (Tokyo Ghoul)

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welcome to the amagi in today's video we're going over the life of ken kaneki before we begin we publish a new video every day so be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos the amagi's reach stretches beyond just this channel so if you're a fan of us please consider subscribing to our other channels and following us on all of our social media accounts help us reach our goal of passing a hundred thousand followers on all of our accounts by the end of the year and with that out of the way let's get into the video background as a child kaneki liked eating the burgers that his mother made when she was still alive he lost his father when he was four years old he barely remembered his face and was awfully curious as to what sort of person he was he knew that his father was an avid reader and had loads of books kaneki followed the sentences in the books his father had been reading saying he felt like he was having a conversation with his father which calmed him down this developed his hobby for reading and interest in literature when he was a child his mother struggled to provide for him all the work that she had to deal with was too overwhelming and the one who put the most stress on her was kaneki's aunt his mother's sister his aunt was tight on money and hounded his mother for cash being left with nothing but burden kaneki's mother in turn turns her frustrations towards kaneki abusing and beating the boy kaneki however repressed these memories and convinced himself his mother treated him kindly his mother finally died from overworking when he was 10. now orphaned kaneki was then adopted by his aunt's family the asaoka family however kaneki's life with his adopted family was no less hostile his aunt always compared him to her son yuichi who didn't do well at school which greatly angered her when comparing her son with kaneki she also likened kaneki with his late mother saying how alike they were her feelings of inferiority regarding kaneki's mother were turned on him as spite as time passed the family became a place that didn't give kaneki any comfort for long because nobody in the family would look after or care for him he barely had any friends during elementary school during that time he they approached kaneki most likely because he noticed that kaneki had trouble dealing with his classmates since then hide and kaneki had been best friends hide was his only support during the time the asaokas ostracized him which really saved him from loneliness prologue kaneki and hide listened to the news about ghoul attacks in the 20th ward while in antaku hide then wondered if toko was kaneki's new crush that he wanted to show which kaneki denied instead he pointed to rize as she entered the cafe after he day left kaneki was able to arrange a date with rize after they were able to talk when she bumped into his book howrise later revealed herself to be a ghoul targeting kaneki after tricking him into entering an isolated alley during her attack kaneki was pierced through the abdomen by her cognae but before she could finish him off and feed steel beams fell and crushed her to save his life the staff of the kano general hospital under the direction of dr kano decided to transplant ryze's organs into him from then on kaneki became a half human half ghoul after the incident kaneki hid the fact that rize was a ghoul he found that everything he ate tasted disgusting and he was hardly able to eat normal food so he started to live on little more than water for days around that time he realized ghouls were also unable to eat normal food so his hunger struck him unable to find anything to satisfy his anger he wandered the streets at that time he found out that the waitress toka from anteku was also a girl when she killed a human in front of him in terror he ran away moments later he saw that he could barely keep himself in check salivating profusely since he thought the organ transplant was a reason for his transformation he tried to get rid of the transplanted organs but was unsuccessful desperate he turned to toka for help toka refused to give assistance to the former human but antaku's manager yoshimura kindly gave kaneki human meat to satisfy his hunger however kaneki was still repelled by the thought of having to eat human meat so he decided to continue rejecting it instead he frantically looked for other digestible food from there he discovered that he was still able to drink coffee drinking coffee calmed him down so he went off to buy more in a store a man revealed to be nishio advised him to buy the instant coffee blondie as kaneki was returning home he noticed the smell of delicious food he traced the smell source which turned out to be a human corpse the ghoul kazuo yoshida was eating the freshly slain body but he was immediately killed by nishio asserting that this was his feeding ground nishio attacked kaneki as well at that moment toka appeared and declared this location wasn't nishio's but ryze's nishio retorted that it was originally his feeding ground until rize came but toka unfazed responded that the feeding grounds would be re-allotted among the weaker ghouls and that it was his own fault for being too weak angered nisho attacked toka but was immediately defeated when toka tried to force kaneki to eat some of the meat he hysterically screamed that he was human and different from the ghouls angered toko retorted that kaneki was neither human nor ghoul and no place where he belonged before warning him that a ghoul's hunger was hell when kaneki and hide visited a senior student from the university to get the dvd of the previous year's college festival they disturbed him and kimi in the middle of a lewd activity kaneki realized the senior student was nishio the ghoul who had attacked him from before nishio told them to help him look for the material only to then claim he took the disc home and proposed they go with him to get it in reality he deceived kaneki and hide knocked hide out and started fighting kaneki he provoked kaneki by puking on hide and then standing on his face with his foot but even an angered kaneki was no match for the kagune wielding nishio however when nishio tried to kill hide kaneki was able to release his kagune in a fit of desperation with his kagune kaneki heavily injured nishio as kaneki started to lose control and was about to eat hide he was stopped by toka later kaneki awoke and found himself inside antaku when he asked for hide the manager led him to a room he was sleeping in kaneki wanted to approach hide but stopped before he had already noticed blood inside his mouth and his diminished hunger so he asked yoshimoto what he had eaten the manager told him that he already knew what the answer was since there was only one way to satisfy a ghoul's hunger kaneki cried out that he was neither human nor ghoul and there was no place for him but yoshimoto told him he was wrong since he belonged to both worlds yoshimura proposed that kaneki work at antaku yoshimura would teach him how to live as a ghoul so kaneki could keep his place as a human dove's emergence after kaneki started working part-time at antaku he was visited by hide he they thanked toka for nursing kaneki and him after the car accident the lie that the manager used to cover up what had really happened to kaneki nishio and him after they moved out of earshot of hide toka told kaneki to make sure hide would not find out about him being a ghoul stating she would kill him to protect the ghoul's identities if that were to happen afterwards the manager showed kaneki how to eat sandwiches like a human after kaneki failed to successfully do so the manager gave him special sugar cubes that he could use to curb his hunger but warned him that he may have to eat meat when the time came during kaneki's working time ryoko fueguchi and her daughter hinami came to anteku he was informed by toka that the two goals didn't hunt themselves later ghoul investigators from the ccg entered the 20th ward looking for ryoka and hinami as the news spread in the war the manager asked toka to guide kaneki to the mask shop here kaneki became acquainted with its owner utta one day the manager asked kaneki to obtain food supplies with yomo that is they looked for humans who committed suicide afterwards they picked ryoko up who was warned by yomo that the investigators came because of her and that she would move more prudently for hinami's sake ryoko agreed and said she would stop relying on her dead husband so hinami could depend on her kaneki then thought that a parent's concern for their child was strong in any world a few days later kaneki walked in on hinami eating human flesh in a room on anteku's second floor after he apologized for not knocking she asked if he was ghoul or human to answer her question he explained his situation he noticed that she had one of sen takatsuki's books and began talking about the stories he also taught her how to read some new kanji to expand her vocabulary before she and her mother left hinami thanked kaneki and asked him to teach her again next time just after they left they were encircled by ghoul investigators ryoko gave her daughter the chance to escape while she fought the investigators during her escape hinami ran into kaneki and asked for help but kurio mado killed ryuko just after they reached the scene kaneki participated in anteko's meeting after ryoko's death kaneki considered ryoko's death his fault for being too weak to save her the next day after toko had attacked the ghoul investigators kaneki noticed toka's injuries he intended to treat her wounds but yoshimura stopped him saying she would have to carry the responsibility for her actions and onteku didn't have the power to oppose the ccg even so kaneki still chose to treat her wounds kaneki told toka that he believed the ghoul investigator's existence was necessary and that he considered her actions wrong nevertheless he would mourn her if she were to die and asked to teach him how to fight so that he would be able to act next time the next day they entered the underground tunnels originally built by ghouls to practice and it just goad him into releasing his kagune after training utta delivered kaneki's mask later they went to the ccg 20th wards branch office to spread false information on hinami's whereabouts but before they could leave they passed by mado who suspected them of being ghouls he then forced kaneki through the rc scan gate but the gate didn't react to both their surprise while hinami confined herself in antiku's room on the upper floor toca visited her and gave her a newspaper that contained kusaba's death notice realizing what toka was doing hinami ran away when toka and kaneki noticed hinami was missing they split up to search for her toka found hinami and informed kaneki but before they could leave they were attacked by mado kaneki who had been relieved that hinami was found overheard investigator kotaro amon's phone conversation with mado as amon set off for kasahara river where hinami and toka were kaneki donned his mask and stood in amon's way to try to buy enough time for toka and hinami to flee kaneki initially underestimated the investigator until amon was easily able to overpower him after taking down kaneki amon paused to talk about the recent death of a fellow investigator and children orphaned by ghouls demonizing ghouls for corrupting the world with their gluttony as a former human kaneki couldn't deny that ghouls had brought violence to the world and caused tragedies because of their need to feed on humans however after remembering ryoko's sacrifice for her daughter he finally realized the truth to yoshimura's earlier comment that he was the only one who could see both the human and ghoul worlds in their entirety that they could manage to get along due to their similarities if they were to sit down and talk convinced that he had a reason to fight kaneki 1 using his reluctantly used kagune after defeating amon in battle with his ghoul instincts excited kaneki started losing control of his powers desperately he asked amon to leave so he would not become a killer shortly thereafter kaneki lost control and began madly craving flesh he attacked yomo as he arrived and was brought back to his senses when he realized who he just attacked yomo remarked on how he now saw why yoshimura was interested in kaneki before giving him a package of meat to eat the two of them then rushed to hinami's and toka's whereabouts and afterwards left to go back to antaku on their way back hinami asked if it was right for her to live and kaneki answered that he believed hinami's mother told her to live in her last moments after mato's death kaneki went to kano general hospital for a checkup kaneki heavily questioned if kano knew what had happened to his body afterwards kaneki went to university during class hide brought up the news about the death of tool ghoul investigators to kaneki's concern hide had mostly figured out the rabbit case through deduction as kaneki asked hide why he was interested in this matter hide pulled out hisashi ogra's new ghoul book that he found really interesting hide toyed with the idea of joining the investigation to which kaneki loudly objected later on kaneki went to toka's apartment because he was worried about hinami who had started living there to kaneki's surprise toka ate all of the homemade food by her classmate yorko making him wonder how important yoriko was to toka gourmet arc the day after toka and kaneki practiced underground with yomo sugiyama nicknamed the gourmet came to ontaeko during their work time and was attracted to kaneki's smell on a later date tsukiyama approached kaneki in his university as kaneki immersed himself in a martial arts book tikiyama persuaded kaneki to meet him at a cafe the next sunday lost in thought kaneki went to antaeku despite it being closed and met yomo in front of anteku yomo invited kaneki to meet someone who had asked for him together they went to the 14th wards helter skelter bar and met yomo's old friend the bar owner itori and utta after they had talked about the relationship between yomo utta and itori itori spilled a glass of blood on kaneki to uncover his soul kakugan itori was excited seeing a one-eyed ghoul and wondered if the other one-eye felt as self-conscious about his eye as kaneki kaneki wanted to know about the other one-eyed ghouls so hitori told kaneki about hybrids pregnancy of half-ghouls and the rumored one-eye soon the conversation turned about kaneki and rize's mysterious death and kaneki discovered that the accident was likely set up by someone itori proposed the trade to kaneki if kaneki uncovered information on the ghoul restaurant from the gourmet namely tsukiyama she would share information on the accident after the meeting kaneki immersed in thought got lost and ran into a group of ghouls attacking nishio kaneki saved nishio from the ghouls that planned to eat him and returned him to his apartment while nishio was cursing him as kaneki was about to leave kimi attacked kaneki to protect nishio thinking kaneki was the narcissistic man however nishio asked her to stop the following sunday after kaneki and tsukiyama played squash they visited the cafe after tsukiyama cut kaneki's finger accidentally with his fingernail he used tokiyama's handkerchief to soak up the blood unbeknownst to him the scent of the blood would further intensify tsukiyama's obsession with him as kaneki at tsukiyama about the ghoul restaurant to gather information tsukiyama invited him as a guest to the ghoul restaurant however this was a trap set up by tsukiyama because he was not meant to be a regular guest but instead was meant to become the dinner together with kobachi and ami the restaurant scrapper taro made quick work of the latter two leaving kaneki to fend for himself he managed to get a few hits but was soon subdued by taro in desperation he pushed his limits causing his one kakugan eye to reveal itself realizing he was a one-eyed goal tsukiyama realized that kaneki was an even rarer dish than he had thought and came to the conclusion that he didn't want to share with the other members and killed the scrapper as kaneki's replacement kaneki frightened of tsukiyama slept at ontaeku for the night the next day hinami also bringing along the cockatiel hetere yomo and yoshimura visited kaneki kaneki told them he saw lots of ghouls and commented on how they laughed behind their masks as he kobachi and ami were injured yoshimura commented that there were ghouls who killed their emotions and forgot the value of life after yoshimorenyomo left toka called kaneki because a girl was waiting downstairs for him kimi begged kaneki for help since nishio's state had worsened further kaneki promised to help her as she was returning home tsukiyama kidnapped her to set up the next trap for kaneki after kaneki had found tsukiyama's letter about kimi being kidnapped by him nishio came looking for kimi kaneki and nishio decided to face tsukiyama together to save kimi but kaneki and nishio were no match for him and tsukiyama quickly defeated them both toka arrives for help and for a few moments she and kaneki managed to hold their ground against tsukiyama but were eventually incapacitated because tsukiyama was the only one who could use this kagune as tsukiyama prepared to finish them both nishio stopped them prompting tsukiyama to stomp him repeatedly this provided enough time for kaneki to come up with an idea as the only one with the chance to beat him was toka he let toka eat a small part of him to regain her strength this allowed toka to fight evenly with tsukiyama and eventually defeat him when toka decided to kill kimi kaneki frantically begged her not to do it but was left stunned when toka decided not to aogiri arc bonjour and his followers came to antaeko to search for rize by orders of aogiri's leaders toka and kaneki decided to hear his story and banjo began to talk about his time with rize in the 11th ward however banjo soon realized that kaneki smelled like ryze because he suspected kaneki to be her boyfriend he attacked him but banjo was easily knocked out by kaneki when banjo woke up again kaneki tried to clear up the misunderstanding he told banjo that rize had moved somewhere else hiding from him that she had died banjo asked kaneki to tell her that she should run away because he feared that augiri would try to gravely hurt her at that moment ayato kirishima yamori and niko raided anteku they announced that they were ordered to capture rize herself or the person who smells like her as ayato quickly incapacitated toka kaneki was similarly overpowered by yamori who beat him savagely kaneki was then taken away by yamori after kaneki had regained consciousness he asked ayato about toka's condition but in response ayato taught kaneki the rules of the place while kicking and beating him kaneki was brought before tatara to make kaneki reveal his kakugan tatara pierced his abdomen tatara realized that he could not use kaneki the way he originally planned so he granted ayato the right to do whatever he wished with kaneki tatara revealed to kaneki that the escaped dr kano was aware what had happened to kaneki's body and that kano did not transplant a kidney into kaneki but a kakuho after the meeting kaneki was approached by banjo who proposed that they should escape together during the meeting he met banjo's resistance group who were also subdued by aogiri banjo proposed that because the al-ghiri superiors took turns leaving on different days of the week they would make their escape when security was light on the night of the escape the anti-algiri group attempted to escape however the bean brothers were alarmed by their escape and went after the group to intervene when banjo stayed behind to cover their escape kaneki and the gas masks came to his aid to confront one of the bin amidst the fighting yamuri and niko joined them along with several of the resistance members revealing that they had overheard their plan and proceeded to ambush them despite knowing that death was the penalty for betrayal yamuri instead proposed to kaneki that he will overlook this event in exchange for his cooperation as an assistant because he possessed ryze's organs and had potential kaneki hesitantly accepted knowing that they would be killed otherwise and was taken by yamuriyaniko into his hobby room 10 days before the ccg stormed the aogiri hideout yamuri showed kaneki his hobby room kaneki was shocked when he saw a dead person sitting on a chair whom yamuri revealed to be his former underling who was tortured for making a mistake yamari showed kaneki rc suppressants and explained that they're used to weaken ghouls and forcibly injected the drug by stabbing kaneki's left eye with a syringe after the injection kaneki's body was weakened so yamada could torture him for pleasure days of torment took a toll on his physical and mental state trivially yamuri revealed to kaneki that kano had known he was surgically making him into a half ghoul and that ryze's kakuho was special for its abnormal vigor the torment had made his hair whiten and he wondered what had happened to his friends in a state of despair he started to hallucinate ryze and began to reminisce over his tragic past rize called him and his mother weak but yamuri appeared with kay and koto before she finished enraged that yamuri did not fulfill his end of the bargain kaneki was given another ultimatum who of the two would he spare unable to comply to yamur's twisted pleasure kaneki refused as niko protested against yamur's distasteful violence the aggravated yamuri ultimately killed both the mother and child ghoul and he and nikko left kaneki in despair rize spoke to kaneki taunting him that it was his weakness that led the two to their grisly demise ryze reasoned that if more brutal ghouls like yamura and aogiri were to come to power then his friends would eventually suffer similar fates realizing that in order to prevent this he must become a ghoul full-heartedly and learn to control his kagune during the ccg attack yamari returned to kaneki he told him of a rumor that if a ghoul were to cannibalize one another they will become stronger but ghoul meat was considered disgustingly distasteful when he motioned to carve out kaneki in order to eat him kaneki bit him and agreed with his latest notion freeing himself from the chair he attacked yamuri and bit him again jeering that ghouls were indeed made to compete and that it couldn't be helped that yamuri could be devoured too the two fought with their kagunes but kaneki eventually overpowered him and proceeded to eat yamuri's kagune kaneki reminded him before leaving that the ccg would come to the hobby room and kill him while he has been wounded and disarmed kaneki later fought ayato during the fight they had a brief conversation about ayato's motivations in algiri kaneki concluded that ayato joined augiri in order to protect toka because he had impeded yamuri to play with her the fight was even but it ended when kaneki broke through an entire building using ayato as a battering ram and half killed him by breaking 103 of the 206 bones in ayato's body as revenge for toka when the fight was over and kaneki and his friends were safe kaneki stated that he wouldn't come back to antiku he accepted the help of banjo and tsukiyama even hinami but he didn't allow toka to follow him raid of kano's lab after the invasion of the algiri hideout it was rumored that kaneki was the one to single-handedly destroy the ghoul restaurant and kill about 50 to 60 members the annihilation was an attempt to capture and interrogate madame a a collaborator of kano tsukiyama's position in the society allowed kaneki to sneak in disguised as a meal of the night banjo's group were positioned at the exit to prevent any members from escaping the attack commenced when tsukiyama presented the meal everyone kaneki pursued madame a killing many of the guests that were in his way just as he was about to reach the madam kaneki was confronted by kurona and nashiro yusahisa two one-eyed ghouls with the same kagane from rize which were later confirmed to be newer products of dr kano kaneki had failed to accomplish his goal since madame a fled while he was held back by fighting kano's one-eyed twins later while investigating ryze's life before coming to the 20th ward kaneki's group came across a ghoul with the same family name as rize matasaka kamishiro with the alias shachi back at their quarters kaneki cut hinami's hair as promised upon receiving data gathered by chie hori concerning cochlea's escapees from tsukiyama he headed to the bar held her skelter in order to exchange it for kano's whereabouts from itori however italy stated that she didn't have such information instead she told him that she knew about kano there he learned that kano was previously a coroner affiliated with the ccg he then questioned what was kano trying to accomplish by transforming people into ghouls nico then visited the bar meeting the two this caused kaneki to suddenly turn aggressive he asked niko why he was at the algiri tree hideout back then nico simply answered that it was for yamuri sake in order to gain kaneki's trust he offered him certain intel about the algae tree he stated that the aogiri tree was an organization composed of militant ghouls led by the one-eyed king many of them being from the 24th ward of tokyo's underground kaneki asked niko why aogiri was chasing kano and rize and what was the actual goal of aogiri tree nico said that the goal was to smoke out a liar words he apparently cited from tatara finally he whispered the information to kaneki about who the one-eyed king really was kaneki then told itori that he now had a mental image of the enemy and if he indeed led the algae tree he only needed to crush him though not before he talked to kano and figured out why was the said organization chasing after him for that means he needed to talk to madame a but was also worried about the one-eyed twins guarding her itori mentioned several incidents happening recently and that a ghoul wearing a rabbit mask was involved in all of them kaneki was later training with banjo easily overwhelming him each time they fought he informed everyone that he only got the intel about kano being a former ccg coroner but that he unfortunately failed to obtain the information about his whereabouts banjo suggested going to the 20th ward again as there was a chance that kano left some kind of trace at his hospital kaneki agreed also wanting to confirm whether or not the rabbit that goes on killing sprees was actually toka in the hospital he met the nurse taguchi that was taking care of him during his hospital stay after asking about kano's whereabouts she replied that kano was at a research meeting in germany next he sent a gift to toka and when banjo asked him whether or not he wants to see her he gave a quick answer that he didn't want to involve tuoka in the ghoul world he also stated that he checked the passenger list before they spoke to the nurse and said that kano's name wasn't there he theorized that either kano lied to the nurse or taguchi lied to them his group decided to pursue and interrogate taguchi about kano's whereabouts when they attempted to kidnap her augieri members showed up who are under the orders to kidnap her too he and naki clashed and suddenly kaneki was attacked by shachi who had apparently joined the aogiri tree for unknown reasons when chachi quickly charged at kaneki he failed to properly black shachi's first strike his arms broken he got hit by the second punch knocking him back he swiftly got up his broken limbs quickly healed and he revealed his four-tailed kagune he tried to strike at shachi missing the first time then quickly changed the direction of his kagune so that it appears shachi through the back in response shaqi activated his kagune breaking away from kaneki's hold shachi began to persistently attack him kaneki failed to dodge and got hit by an immensely powerful strike right at his abdomen he fell to his knees constantly coughing blood after the fight shachi and the others left with the nurse kaneki then began to angrily curse at them he and his group waited for the opportunity to ambush and capture madame a when she was only with kurona at the time they followed her into the cargo docks and they succeeded in ambushing madame a causing kuruna to flee and leaving her behind due to his defeat at the hands of shachi kaneki began to train even more in order to get stronger he asked tsukiyama to train with him and go all out in order to improve his fighting ability later on madame a led them to a mansion where kano supposedly resided while investigating the house banjo found the basement and informed kaneki about it he asked madame a if that place was really kano's mansion as she previously said she said that she was positive and kaneki threatened to attack her accidentally crushing the wall and exposing a strange organic structure revealed to be the rc cell wall also known as the 24th wards wall made from detached kagune while going further into the mansions underground they encountered various remains of kano's failed experiments finally encountering the twins again kaneki stated that he had no time to deal with them and jumped over them further rushing into the underground facility while leaving the others to deal with kurona and nashiro after leaving his comrades he eventually encountered shachi who attacked him immediately he's successful in dodging shachi's attacks and saw the opportunity to charge at him swiftly and blind him temporarily however shachi dodged and seeing that he had no chance in close combat kaneki activated his kakugan he briefly cut shachi although his wounds healed almost immediately he then proceeded to stab him consecutively and finally down the ghoul believing he had incapacitated his opponent kaneki approached him intent on cannibalizing shachi however shachi quickly got up grabbed kaneki by the head and pummeled him into the floor he got up questioning how powerful shachi really was only to see kano standing at the top of the kakuho farm chamber revealing rize in it he learned about kano's ideals how he wanted to free the mankind trapped in the cage the only salvation being ghouls kaneki angrily stated that no sane man could do such a thing and that his life was hell after kano made him what he currently was kano said that he gave up in living in a world of man and that if kaneki wanted to live in the ghoul world it would be prudent to join hands with ghouls kaneki immediately questioned the offering but kano said that he would show him the true world that was out there before stating that the one who produced the source that gave birth to aogiri tree was a ghoul named yoshimura kaneki shocked looked helplessly ikano who tried to convince him to join his side their conversation was soon interrupted by yomo who broke in and grabbed rize saying that kaneki should follow the path he was decided upon and escaped after informing him that doves tracked kano and were coming into the mansion shachi quickly overwhelmed him again saying that he was no match for him and grabbed kano kano then made failed experimental subjects attack kaneki and told him that he looked forward to the day they met again confused broken and hurt kaneki proceeded to cannibalize the experiments saying that all this time he was trying to hide his weakness in order to protect what was important to him but no more when the ccg broke in and entered the underground shinohara encountered kaneki now in a centipede like half kakuja in this form kaneki quickly turned to him and immediately charged at the investigator shinohara prepared his blade sword kwinkei evaded and activated arata's armor while he did that kaneki mumbled mindless words due to the effect his kakuja had on him he continued in jumping around walls looking for a chance to engage shinohara and when he finally did so she know how to cut the right side of his abdomen with his kwinke kaneki fell to his knees and while his kakuja was cut he activated his six-tailed kagune and swiftly charged that shinahara once more catching him off guard and completely immobilizing him when amon entered the room where shinohara and kaneki were in he saw kaneki feasting on what appeared to be shinohara's corpse angry and confused amon fiercely charged that kaneki while the latter blocked his quincy with kagune after more investigators arrived they labeled kaneki an ss raided ghoul deciding not to drag amon down waltz in fight and join it if needed after amon had lost part of his quincy juzo arrived cutting kaneki with his quinque as well followed by amon's final strike at kaneki finally bringing the half ghoul to his knees instead of continuing the fight kaneki simply said that he didn't want to eat anymore and ran away during his escape he ran into his group and as banjo offered to help kaneki he immediately stabbed banjo through the abdomen he again entered a mindless state and when he regained his senses he questioned why he strived to become strong and for what reason he threw away his humanity constantly apologizing because he believed he killed banjo however banjo's wound healed and when banjo comforted him he finally calmed down with his cockaja mask falling off his face post raid of kano's lab after an unknown period of time he's seen in his room depressed hinami interrupted him while he read a book asking if he had read the hanged man's mcguffin she also informed him that sen takatsuki had a book sighting meeting wondering if he'll go there kaneki said that he needed some mood change and asked tinami if she'll go with him at the meeting they have a brief conversation with the author the author being surprised at how dedicated kaneki is when it came to reading her books also noting his sharpness when it came to noticing things related to her book's characters he happily leaves the meeting with hinami some time later he visited utta at his mass studio and inquired about yomo and yoshimura in response utta told him about how he and yomo became friends and how yoshimura saved yomo's life during his fight against arima not long afterwards he visited yomo and expressed the wish to see rize once more yommo declined his request but kaneki insisted on it running to the container that he heard a sound from and finally found rize he tried to talk to her but witnessed her maniacal behavior yomo informed him that he's feeding rize nearly enough to keep her alive but not enough for her to break free kaneki claimed that his strength was just an illusion to which yomo responded that his strength was his alone and no one else's he told kaneki that he should walk his own path from now on with his own strength and apologize for not telling him this sooner after his encounter with rize and finding out that yoshimura is covering for the real one-eyed owl he visited onteku again to question the manager he explained how he came to know his story and claimed that his child is the one-eyed king that is currently leading the aogiri tree yoshimura said that only kaneki can understand both ghoul and human worlds and the thing he's trying to throw away is what makes a half of him the manager stated that it's only a matter of his choice but he hoped that in the future kaneki saves a lot of people as well as his daughter he left anteku shortly after only to be intercepted by toka he told her that the manager told him to return to antiku and she asked him what he's decided upon kaneki said that he's not really sure and that he wanted to protect everyone dear to him no matter the cost this angered toka as she claimed that the truth behind that is that he doesn't want to be alone and that he's afraid of that happening before finally telling him that he should stay out of antiku while trying to hit him hearing this left kaneki shocked as he received a hit from her that made him fall on his back toka sat on him asking why he had to change like that shortly before leaving him at the group's headquarters kaneki claimed that he wanted to disband the group the reason being him wanting to return to antiku he invited everyone else to join as well while others happily accepted the invitation meanwhile ccg's bureau director yoshitoki washu requested permission from chairman tsunioshiwashu to carry out the owl suppression operation that aimed to suppress the owl at anteku owl suppression operation after overhearing ccg officers plans to raid antiku kaneki decided to head there as fast as possible to help out yoshimura after making sure that kaya ademi and ng koma both of whom were critically injured during the battle were safe he made his way to aid yoshimura however he ran into amon and the two began fighting after the latter refused to stand down kaneki quickly defeated amon breaking his quinque in the process koi tuchigyo suddenly showed up and gave amon a repaired and upgraded dojima half and the newest prototype of arata armor thanks to the armor tremendous improvement of his speed and strength amon was able to land a blow that knocked kaneki back the impact forced the ghoul to activate his kakuja and the two continued with their clash the fight ended when both combatants lunged at each other which resulted in amon losing his left arm and kaneki losing a chunk of flesh on his waist kaneki retreated into the sewer paths to continue on in the sewers he gradually began to lose his mind due to his incomplete cockage's side effects until he day appeared trying to convince himself that hide could not possibly be there and what he's seeing is in fact an illusion due to his madness hide confronted him and told him that he knew kaneki became a ghoul but still wants to aid him after being told that ccg had surrounded the entire place kaneki's asked by hide if he can go all out once more to escape the raid kaneki passed out and woke up with a sweet taste in his mouth hides nowhere to be found so he continued to wander to the route v14 only to run into kisho arima in what he first believed to be a flower field but later found out to be a field of ghoul corpses slain by arima he instinctively knew who arima was but was nonetheless drawn into a battle with him getting pierced in the back and stabbed through his one kakugan eye he had started losing his mind after he got a claws on his kagune they started battling while kaneki shouted nonsensical sentences however anima surpassed him so he finally decided to finish animal with one hit thinking that because arima's a human he would die but was instead blocked by anime's quinque ixa's defensive barrier then anima revealed that he knew who kaneki was by calling him by his name and saying that he was impressed that kaneki managed to damage his kwinke arima then went on to pierce kaneki through his body with ixa which raised him from the ground before dropping him in front of the man after stating how he had not expected kaneki to damage his quincy he stabbed iksa through his head before mentioning he needed a new quinky post owl suppression operation after the operation had ended kaneki was imprisoned in cochlea as prisoner number 240. his mental state had deteriorated seriously he was repeatedly picking at his eyes until his wounds were festering refusing food crying at night and was clawing at the doors such that his fingernails came off while screaming they should let him out further he was suffering from amnesia the prison staff expected him to die anima started bringing him books reading those books greatly improved his mental state later arima told kaneki that he would need a name as it had been planned to appoint him as an investigator as part of his rehabilitation program and asked him to choose one he picked his favorite kanji from the words coffee and world forming the name heisei some time later as akira was visiting her father's grave to tell him about her promotion to rank 1 and how she had been assigned to oversee the training of a junior who was said to be an oddity among investigators that pupil approached her and introduced himself as rank 3 investigator jaisei sasaki torso investigation at the ccg main office in the first ward heisei sasaki is revealed to be the mentor of the quink squad he became distraught at the fact that his teammates went out to conduct an investigation without him later on sasuke arrived at the scene of the investigation ordering uriel to spare akashi kobayashi's life for he might have some sort of helpful information he also scolds his members for trying to exterminate ghouls needlessly however sasaki was forced to face criticism once again being accused of following the torso case blindly by not putting any sufficient efforts into his work sasaki visited chiba in his office and the two conversed about the fate of the queue's diet being affected by their rc level he then attended a meeting held among team mado team hiroko and team shimoguchi when he was singled out for being slack about ghoul extermination sasaki began to argue with chimaguchi however much to his dismay he was forced to cooperate with team shimoguchi after the meeting's dismissal sasaki met with the colleague kuromoto ito who provided him with information on serpent when he arrived home sasuke found out yet again that uriel and shirazu had gone on an independent mission he later tried to teach them about working together but after they left without listening to what he had to say heisei became serious about his work and asked mutsuki to accompany him on a mission to pursue torso hysen and mutsuki visited the ss level of cochlea where they spoke to donato porpora to gather information about torso heisei was told that ghouls often blend into society to maneuver their way for hunting and that most of them take the method of driving taxis saseki realized that uriel had been ahead of him in the torso investigation all along but donato requested heisei pay a visit once more for there is a special case that involves sasaki himself recently heisei sasaki had recurring nightmares about a young man seen pondering in despair and hopelessness trying to persuade sasuke that he's worthless and will never rise above his weakness but heisei paid no heed to the dream sasuke soon immersed his interest into the torso case studying torso's pathological possessiveness since the ghoul has an abnormal habit of cutting off the legs of victims who subsequently acquire scars from surgeries which may have a meaning before the deadline of the torso investigation heisei along with mutsuki visited a few surgical clinics within the area on the night torso's identity was exposed sasuke decided to request a barricade of police cars in order to halt the taxi which contained torso and mutsuki being chased by uriel and shirazu moments later his teams faced with the sudden appearance of serpent after noticing that uriel mutsuki and shirazu were weakened by serpent's combat skills heisei suddenly intervened using the blade kwinke yukimura to slice serpent's kagne in half however this didn't affect serpent who consequently ridiculed heisei's abilities and effortlessly beat him down while thinking of a combat strategy sasuke abruptly entered his subconscious whereby the same young man from his recurring nightmares ken kaneki was seen brooding in jason's hobby room he tried to persuade heisei that his squad members would die if he didn't have the courage to be strong for them however heisei dismissed this deciding to think on his own he asks mutsuki to call akiramado and as his cognac started to manifest itself he cracked a finger and generated his kakugan getting ready to battle serpent heisei was pierced through the torso by serpent kagune and concerned for heisei's safety muti and shirazu ran to his aid but he ordered them to stay back as he quickly revived from his injuries when sasaki began to taunt serpent menacingly mutsuki was shocked at his sudden change in demeanor serpent after being impaled by all the tentacles of jaisei's kagune fell weak and was told by heisei that this was his payback heisei pulled off his mask and serpent revealed to be nishikinishio berated him by openly pointing out that wherever sasuke went or whatever he did in life he'd always be helpless nishiki then called haise by the name kaneki and as an automatic response sasuke absentmindedly muttered nishio senpai becoming confused and puzzled afterwards nishiki escaped and out of frustration heisei started screaming as he entered a state of mental and physical instability takehiroko called off the serpent investigation implying his team's new target to be heisei himself akira then arrived at the scene and using a sniper she shot heisei with an rc suppressant bullet telling him to rest for a while akira then treated heisei and asked him to interpret his current situation akira later explained to the cues that heisei was the victim of a kakoho transplant done by akihito kano aogiri trees scientist despite this the ccg treated heisei as a human but would treat him as a ghoul if he were to lose control and might eventually exterminate him if there were no other way to deal with him several days after jaise's failure to capture serpent he was requested to attend an s3 meeting to have a private conversation with kisho arima at the quinx's living quarters heisei berated uriel for jeopardizing the lives of his comrades for his own selfish needs he then relieved urieva's duties as squad leader therefore appointing shirazu instead urie insulted sasuke calling him a ghoul and heisei in turn jokingly threatened to eat uriel if he should ever call him a ghoul again sasuke was then seen in his room weeping over the contemplation of fighting for the ccg he then visited arima and the two had a minor spar arima returned the book he borrowed from sasuke as they conversed about the story sasaki then told him that he was forced to exceed his boundaries and use his kagune but arima calmly dismissed the issue when heisse was asked about the auditory hallucinations he frequently got he mentioned that kaneki wants to consume his body concluding that ken kaneki was the person heisei used to be sasuke also mentioned that he remembers absolutely nothing about the first 20 years of his life and therefore respects arima and akira as his own parents rendering his superiors and the rest of quinx's members to be his make-believe family heisei also stated that he was happy to be affiliated with the ccg while at the same time was completely uncertain about this statement auction he later accompanied akira to the hospital to visit a critically injured chimaguchi akira explained to him about the ss rated black rabbit ghoul of aogiri tree and the motives of torso to blend in with the organization when akira showed sadness over shimaguchi's loss haisei was taken by surprise together with mutsuki and shirazu haisei discussed their new target nutcracker since the torso investigation was put on suspension he also mentioned his first encounter with juzo susia whereby the latter gave him money randomly upon seeing him sasuke suggested that they visit a new cafe before heading home he approached a coffee shop named ri upon entering the cafe jaise was immediately drawn by the smell of the delicious coffee but later looked on in confusion as the shocked waitress stared at him after leaving the coffee shop heisei began to space out rendering mutsuki and shirazu to feel worried the next day haisei urie and toru met with abura to discuss the nutcracker case however heisei wasn't attentive as he reminisced over his experience at the coffee shop sasaki grew startled when yommo scrutinized his facial features after the coffee was delivered heisei took a sip and began to tear up while drying his tears with a handkerchief toca gave him he mentioned in an internal monologue that the waitress gave a troubled but sad smile and thought to himself that someone this beautiful really does exist the meeting stopped when juzo souzia arrives at the reunion as soon as he sees heisei he checks his pockets in order to find snacks which heisei had prepared the day before the meeting stopped again when shirazu enters carrying psycho on his back hanbe decides to sum up the meeting telling them that nutcracker is part of a human trafficking network related with madam heisei and his team has to spy on her in disguise but the mission is a failure because nutcracker caught wind of the investigation later uriel asks heisei to sign a letter in order to release one of his kagune's frames heisei remembers how director washu begged him to be the quinx's squad mentor and responds to urie saying that there's more improvement aside from the kagune and that they aren't guinea pigs finally he asks urie for a little time to decide at the next meeting the teams discuss nutcracker's role in finding humans for an upcoming auction after the meeting sasaki excuses himself and heads to cochlea to meet with donato porpora the subject turns to sasuke's memories and his changing attitudes towards them donato advises him to seek them and reveals to him the identity of a certain ghoul of personal interest to him that may hold one of the keys to sasuke's lost memories the ghoul calls him his friend while saseki recalls visiting ri again on his own there he looks over the many books on a shelf and is asked by toka about what he does for a living later that evening he meets with his squad to discuss the next stage of their investigation looking over the ingredient list for the auction sasuke declares that the team will be going undercover as women nutcracker's latest targets have all been young women being recruited under the guise of a part-time job and lured to the auction to be sold the team go to a nightclub in the 13th ward while in disguise and sasuke jokes that a previous investigation with akira involved spending time at a club he mentioned that she can't hold her liquor and became a problem shirazu is unhappy with the results of their disguises criticizing psycho's job of disguising him and how he compares to the others sasaki dubbing himself sasuko chides him for his previous mistake and advises him to do his best unlike the others sasuke studied how to apply makeup and suns the others with how convincing he looks as a woman the group settle in to observe nutcracker and shirazu confronts him over his overly permissive attitude towards psycho their conversation is interrupted by mutsuki who has gotten drunk and approached nutcracker alone he manages to get offered the part-time job and brings back the information about the auction with the mission of success the others head off onto the dance floor to celebrate sasahi watches them and worries about whether the return of his memories will mean the death of his current self he's unaware that niko and roma hoyto have spotted him and started talking about him during the next meeting he's called along with juzo to meet with matsuri washu the head of division two the commander is hostile towards him and insults his use of cross-dressing to carry out the mission sasuke is horrified when matsuri orders mutsuki to be used as bait for the operation and sent in alone without any backup his protests earn a harsh rebuke but juzo intervenes and offers to join mutsuke undercover with the matter settled squad leaders akiramado shimaguchi and takehiroko join them the final plans for the operation are made and afterwards sasuke thanks juzo for his help he attempts to congratulate chimaguchi on getting out of the hospital but gets a harsh response akira advises him that everyone in ccg has lost someone and tells him that he must get stronger in order to not lose anything akira's advice continues to haunt him later that night as he advises mutsuki about the mission and collects shirazu's mislabeled will in the next couple of weeks leading up to the operation heisei trains mutsuki shirazu and psyko in preparation for battle taking full command of the quink squad sasuke anxiously awaits the signal to begin with the operation with the others as the raid begins he leads the quinx and atto squads into the main building effortlessly defeating numerous ghouls without pause daisuke ato and his squad gossip upon finally observing the mysterious leader of the quinx with otto making note of how similar sasuke's movements are to his mentor arima the group encounters the bald ghoul that had previously been with nutcracker during their stakeout and engage in a fierce battle with him sasuke manages to rescue one of otto's squad members and takes on the powerful kokaku type ghoul before he can continue fighting however matsuri orders him to continue advancing through the building he protests this initially but accepts otto's reassurance that his squad can handle things alone sasaki leads the rest of the quinks deeper into the building while his thoughts turn to worry over mutsuki the team comes across kanai von roswald attacking mutsuki and sasuke carries him to safety while uria and shirazu attacked the ghoul upon recognizing him kanai flies into rage and attacks sasuke but is quickly overwhelmed by the combined efforts of the three men matsumai intervenes in the battle rescuing kanai and using her kagune to seal the hallway behind her unable to advance any further satsuki radios command to report that they had successfully rescued mutsuki they're informed that the oshiba squad had been wiped out by nutcracker now an s-rated ghoul the quinx are ordered to eliminate her and secure the administrative building but sasuke requests that mutsuki be allowed to retreat to receive medical treatment matsuri agrees and requests that uriel lead the retreat he pleads with him and leaves mutsuki in his hands along with shirazu and psycho he heads for the administrative tower along the way the group encounters naoto hayashimura a survivor from the oshiba squad they're ambushed by seido takizawa and saseki loses yukimura in the struggle after it's embedded into his shoulder by the force of the blow as he regenerates the augiri member realizes who he is and charges in for a second attack without any other option sasuke brings out his kagune and is shocked to see that his opponent is another one-eyed ghoul he orders the others to retreat and radio for help matsuri signs a temporary rating of ss and orders sasaki to fight alone as a decoy when shirazu protests saseki orders him to carry out their primary mission and protect saiko he prepares to face takizawa alone as his counterpart requests that they share secrets however sasuke is overwhelmed by his opponent and the next time they're seen he's being strangled takizawa then explains the necessity of weakening an enemy before talking to them and throws sasuke into a wall when he starts trying to break free takezawa begins talking again recalling his past feelings of inferiority and resentment for having always been second best stating that this simply means their loser he calls sasuke dr kano's masterpiece and wonders whether this is true anymore expressing the desire to prove himself once again he throws sasuke into the air and impales him with his kagune sasuke then thinks to himself that he only has two options to die or to disappear kaneki once again appears in sasuke's mind and begs his current persona to look at him and say his name but sasuke repeats to himself that if he uses kaneki's power to deal with takizawa then he will disappear takezawa then runs along the building while dragging sasuke's beaten body along with him once they reach the top takizawa throws sasuke through the ceiling and he crashes into the stage where the auction was being held prior to the raid takizawa continues to brutalize his opponent berating him by calling him weak and expressing his disbelief that he was ever compared to him but sasuke just mentally notes that it's not that he's weak but takizawa is just too strong takizawa asks sasuke why he's hesitating but corrects himself by addressing the latter by his true name ken kaneki this causes sasaki to begin to mentally break down as he tries to assert his identity as heisei sasuke and denies even knowing who ken kaneki is takizawa uses the building's pa system to broadcast sasuke's pain-filled screams across the entire premises takizawa proceeds to torture sasaki a little longer and when he decides to eat him hinami appears saving sasuke just in time as hinami engages takizawa sasuke regains consciousness and questions why hinami's protecting him he then asks her to leave as he's no longer the person she once knew and that even though he has ken kaneki's body he's still heisei sasaki but he says that kaneki must have been a great person for hinami to remember him like this psycho appears and tearfully begs sasuke not to go sasuke glances at her and then turns away saying that it's okay if he disappears and asks kaneki to give him the power to protect he cracks his fingers and his two personalities seemingly accept one another sasuke and kaneki engage in a dialogue within their subconscious while their body re-engages takizawa in a heated battle during this sasuke explains that he feared kaneki because of his strength but kaneki rebuffs this by saying that he isn't all that strong kaneki then takes on the form of his child self although with white hair and tearfully begs sasuke not to erase him after seeing his past self's tears sasuke realizes that kaneki was just as afraid of disappearing as he was saseki claims that he'll save kaneki as he and takizawa inflict serious injuries on each other arima and squad zero arrive and corner hinami who can no longer fight due to her injuries but before any harm comes to her sasuke intervenes claiming that he cornered hinami and asks for rights over her which arima grants post auction sasuke is seen along with saiko decorating a christmas tree asking mutsuki and shirazu to help them out he then greets kuromoto in kuroiwa when they arrive for the party and asks where hirako is he later greets juzo in hanbe and is surprised when juzo asks him for a trick or treat he's then seen at the table eating along with arima akira and the others where shirazu questions whether or not adima killed a ghoul with an umbrella heisei then hands out presents to his team akira and arima saying he's indebted to him he then sits wondering about ken kaniki and thinks he can investigate about him if he knew how to write his name he then wonders what toka is doing and wonders whether she's on a date the following morning heisei receives an old mask from utta as a present with kaneki saying that mask is an eye patch he also receives a birthday present the hanged man's mcguffin addressed the kaneki from sen takatsuki making heisei realize how to spell his former name months later sasuke is among the investigators recognized for their accomplishments and is granted promotion to first class he watches as the members of the quink squad are also promoted and juzo is made a special class investigator afterwards he speaks to akira during the reception and congratulates her on her own promotion to associate special class he jokingly requests a hug from her and is shocked when she embraces him and praises him for doing well later on the two discussed the situation with fueguchi and the ongoing efforts to gain information about aogiri from her he praises her as a valuable source of information and notes that she's been extremely cooperative with them so far sasuke discusses wanting more time to work with her but akira warns him about taking too much time though he doesn't say anything sasuke acknowledges the situation with fueguchi has been difficult for akira who is unable to do anything with one of the ghouls responsible for killing her father so close he admits to hesitating as a result of kaneki's connection to hinami a flashback to the time when kaneki intoka encountered kuriyomado shocks him and he returns to the restroom to recover looking in the mirror he notes that these flashbacks have become more common since the auction causing him bouts of excruciating pain behind his eyes the vision of the child like kaneki appears before him telling him about the cordyceps parasitic fungi that infect caterpillars he compares the situation to how the fungus and caterpillar struggle against each other noting that it's impossible for them both to continue to exist he asks that sasuke disappear not erase him rose extermination sasaki attends a meeting of several investigators where they're discussing a series of mass kidnappings matsuri concludes that among the culprits is a survivor of the rosewald family judging from the similarities of the kagune used by the ghouls involved and the rosewald family that he'd faced before but since there's only a 27 match between the two the survivor isn't closely related to the original rose walls but is most likely a blood relative of theirs living in tokyo after the meeting ends sasuke explains to mutsuki that genetically parents and siblings are 50 identical with identical twins being over 90 identical and that lower numbers usually mean an inadequate trace sasuke then uses this fact to explain how the cognate traces from the past rabbit attacks suggest that rabbit is actually two separate twins rather than one person he goes on to say that if there's no pattern applicable to this then the ghoul in question has cannibalized later sasaki pays a visit to hinami in prison and brings her several books she thanks him and refers to him as big brother which bothers him he insists that he's a different person from kaneki something hinami admits may be true even so she states that his personality is still somewhat similar to kaneki she tells him that she and the many others that loved kaneki are all probably feeling the same confusion as he departs for the day sasuke remains troubled by his growing attachment to hinami and how this conflicts with his duties he's then approached by a diminutive man with a face covered with scars who notes how sasuke is affectionate towards ghouls sasaki asks the man how he knows his name and he responds by saying that the young man is very famous the man then introduces himself as shiki kishima and that he'll be working with sasuke in the rose case before departing with his associate named furuta who bid sasaki farewell sasuke is later seen with his squad at a briefing in the s-1 conference room for those involved in the investigation there he once again meets kisma and furita where he exchanges greetings with the former he then greets kuramoto who arrives with hiroko's squad and supportively pats mutsuki on the shoulder when he sees the improvement of the squad's opinion of him kori ue then arrives along with tai shifura and a young female investigator and introduces himself as the leader of the investigation he then proceeds with the meaning after the meeting ends the young woman from earlier approaches the quink squad and introduces herself as ue's partner haru ihey after she leaves sasuke explains her being an investigator as well as her status as a member of squad zero and her involvement in the owl suppression operation he later offers words of comfort and encouragement to shirazu after he breaks down upon seeing the quincy made from nutcracker at some point he talks to kuromoto about hiroko being transferred to arimasquad after ue's promotion with kuromoto expressing his misgivings about it afterwards sasuke contemplates himself about how he can use the quinx's unique abilities to try and get a leg up in the rosewald investigation as he looks at the mask that utta had sent him he then visits haisai art mask studio asking utta if it was still open sasuke inquires utta about the mask and novel sent to him back in christmas utta claims that the mask was a gift for a regular customer and that he must have sent it to the wrong address utta also states that the book wasn't sent by him shortly after sasuke gives a lecture at the second academy as he was leaving he was approached by the class's instructor gomasa tokage tokage inquires about the students as well as mutsuki whom he considers a problem child and expresses dark amusement upon hearing that mutsuki's training with another of his former students susia sasuke senses something dark emanating from tokage as the latter walks upon returning to highsai art mask studio sasuke brings along the other members of the quink squad to get measurements for their custom mask he intends for the squad to masquerade as actual ghouls in order to rise up the ranks in the ghoul world to obtain information the ccg cannot visiting kore ue to be granted permission for his idea he was flat-out rejected with the reason of it not fitting the image of ccg as heroic figures later sasuke watches the video uploaded by kishima he tells shirazu that kijima's method was cruel and completely wrong and there should be another way when sasuke was sitting on a bench in the public park reading a book tsukiyama appeared in front of him thanking him for helping him the other time tsukiyama then sat next to sasuke and got into a conversation with him about books sasuke mentioned that contents of books written by sentakatsuki are a little heartbreaking later psyko and mutsuki came so sasuke had to leave tsukiyama and go back to work with them some time later sasuke and the quinks are investigating a parking garage when kanai appears before them and lures uriae and shirazu away the remaining investigators are ambushed by a group of white suits led by hoguro and shosei sasuke orders mutsuki and psyko away realizing they've fallen into a trap after the quaints successfully drive off their attackers they hurry back to help sasuke however sasuke has managed to kill most of his attackers and is completely overwhelming the remaining ghouls the site of him fighting with his quincy and kagne shocks the three who can only watch him realizing that he's too strong and fearing they'll be devoured hoguro and jose leap off the building to escape sasuke watches them go before leading the others towards where psycho was hidden they're surprised to find her relatively unharmed as she informs them that she was saved by a huge man afterwards the quinx reported on aogiri tree and rose's ambush in a meeting as kori ue berates kijima for recklessly escalating the investigation without any intel sasuke states that the key is to determine the scale of cooperation between aogiri and rhodes he asks ue to reconsider his plan to go undercover amongst the ghouls to acquire intel which ue puts to a vote among the s1 squad leaders with the majority on his side sasuke and his squad launch operation mask the quinks donned their custom masks and sasuke wears the eye patch mask he received the operation proved successful sasuke's squad was able to gain detailed information about ghoul movements throughout tokyo however his own investigation was less fruitful ghouls who saw him would run away in fear calling him the eyepatch cool sasuke heads over to file storage to research the eyepatch school he fails to find any official documents and happens upon investigator amon kotoro's draft file which briefly summarizes his three encounters with the eyepatch ghoul reading the file sasaki begins to realize that the eyepatch goal is most definitely his past self's identity as a ghoul interested in the investigator named amon he inquires about the investigator's whereabouts from a desk worker however all he learns is that amon kotaro was killed in the line of duty during the owl suppression operation and that details on the case are classified yearning to learn about his past sasuke waited around the area he last met tsukiyama and succeeded in finding the said man before the conversation goes anywhere sasuke begins talking about how their encounters are numerous yet all coincidental which made it suspicious the investigator then directly asks tsukiyama if he's a ghoul much to the latter surprise understanding the answer from his reaction sasuke asks him again to not answer and instead asks if he knows of utta fueguchi or kaneki himself he then begins talking about how he recognizes the inevitable outcome of remembering the past and as a result wants sukiyama to tell him anything he knows about kaneki from before despite his own reluctance seeing sasuke asking for the favor whilst breaking down in tears confuses tokiyama and he decides to leave sasuke is surprised and asks what he's doing only for tsukiyama to reply that he doesn't know what to say anymore sasuke is caught by akira searching for files in the file storage room and she inquires what he's searching for when he asks about her participation in the 20th ward she replies that what sasuke wants to know about her former co-worker amon kotoro who died in the battle to subdue owl she is also asked about the eyepatch ghoul which she dismisses by telling sasuke that he doesn't need to know angered by her answer sasuke yells at her which shocks akira he asks why he can't know who he was the feeling of not knowing his identity frustrating to him now in tears akira hugs sasuke telling him that he's himself regardless of names heisei participates in the tsukiyama family extermination operation after discussing with the quink squad about their battle formation where he was shocked to learn that miromo tsukiyama surrendered without any resistance believing something to be off he learns that the tsukiyama family's successor has already escaped and tracks them to the le building finding their way inside heisei finds the aftermath of ihe's battles commenting that he disliked her brutal nature as the cues pushed through remaining ghouls he notes that the opposing ghouls this time are so weak that any squad could take care of it when asked by ue to secure the rooftop first he ordered shirazu to take care of the team before climbing up the business building from the exterior using his kagune while finding nothing on the rooftop initially he suddenly experiences yet another headache after wondering the consequences of a huge company's sudden downfall he later finds tsukiyama emerging from within the building shocked that the tsukiyama girl who appeared is the one he had met before as well as an acquaintance of his past self i say suggests that tsukiyama surrenders so he can have ownership rights over him but tsukiyama refuses and charges sasuke kicking him in the stomach and a fight ensues after a short clash against tsukiyama heisei overpowers him pinning the ghoul on the ground tsukiyama tells him that he's indeed strong and that he should finish him off voices inside heisei's head scream at him not to kill the ghoul but before heisei can come to a decision his right hand is abruptly severed from his arm by kanai with his arms severed sasuke yells in pain and is struck by kanae's kagune launching him through a wall away from tsukiyama's position he briefly loses consciousness from the blow however when kanai drags him off the floor and decides to drop him off the building exclaiming that even being a ghoul won't save him a memory or hallucination enters heisei's mind in it he sees arima urging him to quickly stand up and kill like he does before threatening him again by holding ixa in front of his eye and asking him if he'd rather die again this causes a shock to the investigator and he quickly counters by decapitating kanai with his legs in one swift movement shocked by his vision he rambles about his existence being entirely his own property and the phrase kill arima and engages kanai after the latter regenerates a brief spout ensues and he easily overpowers kanai but is hindered from finishing him off by tsukiyama who is clinging to his clothes causing a momentary feeling of profound sadness to overwhelm him he remembers a quote from takatsuki sends the black goat's egg and was caught unaware by the owl who strikes him a powerful blow to the head as eto motivates kanai she continues her assault on an injured sasuke while eto watches from a distance while can i continue to beat his head mercilessly he enters his subconscious once more there he meets kaneki who taunts him asking him if that's how he's protecting him like he had promised reaching out his hand sasuke grabs kaneki's throat as he strangles him his previously suppressed memories came forth and he recalls the memories of his mother's abuse to him as a child the image of kaneki also reveals that his desire had been not to live but to actually die back at v14 becoming some sort of happy memory for the people who knew and loved him he also reveals it wasn't actually fear he felt when he first met arima but joy he thought of him as the reaper that had finally come to claim him he curses his own incompetence in failing to just die back then afterwards heisei asks if that would be his real salvation after kaneki answers positively haisei finally accepts his past and resolves to stop dreaming as sasuke recovers his senses he immediately strikes back a kanai his hair now drenched in blood as a result of etos and canai's earlier cranial assaults he slices off kanai's arm which causes her to scream in pain using a hand-shaped cognate to grab a metal bar from the roof he follows up by shutting her up and shoves the metal bar in her eye this makes kanai go completely berserk uncontrollably trying to hit him using the destructive force of her new kagune but sasuke dodges every attack and jumps right behind kanai before mercilessly impaling her with his kagune he begins moving towards tsukiyama whom he now remembers when the latter questions his identity as eto begins to merge back into her kakuja sasuke recalls a memory of when he exchanged information with itori and nico nico whispers to him that aokiri's one-eyed king could be the little girl covered in bandages he stabs tsukiyama in the chest telling him it's okay moving to face eto she comments on this action calling him cold for shedding blood right after waking up and openly wonders who's the stronger between him and kisho arima sasuke bluntly retorts that she's the cold one and to just go die already as they engage in combat as sasuke avoids eto's projectiles he inquires the purpose of her appearance to which she replies she was passing the time by watching the situation unfold between tsukiyama kanai and himself sasuke recalls the time he visited and spoke with yoshimura in antiku about the latter's past and his wish that kaneki can save his child he informs eto of her father's wish which she mockingly laughs at in a swift movement he tries to kill her by slicing off the head of her kakuja aiming for her real body which he barely misses he then proceeds to question why it is that he has to save trash like her as eto reforms her kakuja and goes berserk he continues to dodge ato's attacks her assault drives him off the side of the building prompting him to use his kagune as a grapple to swing himself along the side of the building while eto gives chase unknowingly being seen by matsuri washu and his team on the way up making his way back to the rooftop sasuke positions himself on a steel frame he waits for the owl to reach him before brutally piercing her with his kagune striking her with enough power to force her real body out when she falls onto him she licks his left eye and expresses her continuously increasing fondness for him thinking of him to be the same as her he immediately cuts her in half afterwards causing the latter to fall from the building while remarking he feels honored by her words exhausted from the fight sasuke devours part of the al's kakuja which catches the attention of koriui as the latter arrives at the rooftop after a brief explanation as to what had happened sasaki quickly turns his attention to shu tsukiyama stating that the owl and the tsukiyama family are connected in some way and informs ue that kanai is also a member of them atsukiyama utters his name sasuke stabs him and hangs him out of the building glancing at kanai before throwing him off the side of the building as kanai jumps to rescue tsukiyama he watches the two free-fall before bidding his former comrade farewell some time later he meets with the quink squad coming face to face with a grief-struck urie urie berates him for not being there when shirazu wanted to see him but sasuke reminds urie that he was the one by shirazu's side at his time of death he tells uria that all the losses in the world are due to the lack of ability and suggests that he should blame his own weakness for shirazu's death he then holds and mourned shirazu with the rest of the squad leaving urie speechless post rose extermination after the tsukiyama extermination operation sasaki is promoted off-season to an associate's special class for his accomplishments in battling the one-eyed owl and willingly left his position as the mentor of the quink squad as an associate special class he joins the ccg's efforts to eliminate the members of aogiri tree and has become known among ghouls as the black reaper six months later sasuke hasn't been visiting hinami for months thus leaving her depressed and withdrawn he and nimura furuta approached sen takatsuki's manager shinji shiono to question him about her whereabouts but have to discover that she is absent sasuke takes shiono into custody and interrogates him sasuke reminds him that if he doesn't cooperate with ccg and takatsuki turns out to be a ghoul he'll be charged of concealing the whereabouts of the ghoul he informs him that the most severe punishment for said crime is death before kicking a table flying into the wall terrifying shiono and leaves the interrogation room he contacts furita and orders him to play the good cop in front of shiono some time later he attends a special class conference serving as a substitute for arima he presents his fellow investigators all the information they have gathered about the executives of aogiri tree as well as their respective ratings he explains the general strategy to weaken the fighting strength of algeria tree which is divided into two main objectives taking down the leader of al-giri by finding the one-eyed king sasuke states that the work is being done by a minimal number of investigators due to one-eyed king possibly being socially influential striking the suspected aogiri stronghold located on rushima in the tokyo bay which is currently being investigated by the hachikau squad afterwards when asked furatau about the progress they have on the suspect furita warned him about not getting permissions from ccg before processing the investigation but sasuke replies that time is precious and that he personally doesn't mind getting demoted or punished for the goal of his investigation furita then briefs him about his former team and the new members of the quake squad later he crosses out dates on a calendar in his office revealing his scale-like arm sasuke manages to get shiono to testify against eto he then brings eto inside the interrogation room and tells shiono he can go home ashiano kneels and begs forgiveness to her sasuke tells her that he's testified to finding human parts in her apartment and officially declares her arrested for being a ghoul with eto under custody sasuke keeps eto under his constant watch he accompanies ato to her conference about her last work granted by the ccg and her management sasuke notices she's cut her hair noting that it's the first time seeing a suspect do this while being followed by an investigator but at the same time it suited her he rarely accompanies etotero conference as a request though he initially hesitates later he stands beside eto during the conference when the latter reveals the nature of her last work sasuke is then shocked as she publicly outs herself as a ghoul on live television sasuke speaks to furita about the scandal that etto made at her press conference he's informed that the ccg is being overwhelmed by calls and that people are giving various opinions on eto showing her ghoul nature in public and the organization taking her into custody furita asks whether he has read her last book yet and sasuki gives him a brief explanation of what the book is about on the surface it looks like a regular work of fiction but since etto had dedicated the book to her comrades the book takes on a different meaning if one recognizes the clues as he was escorting etto back to her cell in cornucopia she tells him of v's connection to the ccg and how they were both able to pass through the rc gates despite having rc levels high enough to set them off because the gates were made to ignore certain patterns of rc cells specifically they ignore rc cells in quincy and those of ghouls working for v in etto's case it was because her father had served v and so she shares his pattern high says meanwhile came from rize a ghoul who had escaped from v later he greets the new queen squad at the chateau's gym and requests to speak with urie in their conversation sasuke mentions that he will not be participating in the rushima operation as he being a part of anima squad is assigned to protect ccg's most valuable asset he pleads urier to save mutsuki who's still trapped on the island and says that he's counting on him sasuke later arrives at eto's interrogation room having secretly recorded her conversation with furuta at her request after listening to the recording etto tells him that his last job is harder than he realizes he asks her if she knows what he's going to do which she confirms etto offers her resistance to sasuke provided he fulfills her wish but he responds that he has no time to listen to it as sasuke is exiting the room eto tells him her wish to kill the one-eyed king sasuke replies that he doesn't know what she means third cochlear raid on the day of the urushima operation sasuke is assigned to defend cochlea as a member of arima's squad while patrolling the cells he recalls his own time imprisoned at cochlea and arima's role in his memory loss and establishing his new identity as an investigator the latter arrives and heads to the main building leaving a section of the prison in sasuke's watch after arma leaves sasuke enters a locker room and breaks down in tears while reassuring himself that he will do what he's decided to do when the alarms go off inside cochlear because prisoners had been released on floor zero and one saseki takes off his glasses and silently cracks his index finger with wide eyes as floors zero to one have been compromised the ward in shinme haisaki sends out an order to capture sasaki because he opened the cells saseki discovers that hinami is being kept in the third floor by searching cochlear's computer systems he recalls the time when he ran into hide in the sewers during the owl suppression operation in his memories he was asked by hide to eat him so that he would have the power to fight arima as he reaches hinami he thinks to himself that just like hide he would like to lay down his life for someone else's sake hinami then slaps sasuke and asks why he came for her if he was going to do the same thing again he responds saying that it's his last job then thinks to himself that after saving hinami he'll die by arima's hand he then tells hinami that there's a loophole that will get him out of cochlea even though it's dangerous when they are intercepted by furuta furita questioned sasuke about why he would help an incarcerated ghoul saseki tells furita to stand down but furita laments that he'll miss his former boss furita charges at sasaki with rotten follow but the latter dodges the attack and suddenly appears behind furita he kicks the quincy out of furita's hand but furita counters by grabbing his leg furita then tries to cut him with rotten follow in response sasuke dodges the attack and slams furita face first into the wall knocking a tooth loose while furita is rolling on the ground sasuke follows up with a downward kick which he dodges furita attempts to counter by attacking sasaki's eyes but hinami intervenes and impales furita through the back with her kagune sasuke and hinami then continue towards their escape leaving furuta for dead when arima attempts to deliver a final blow to renji omo sasuke intervenes and protects yomo by blocking narukami's lightning with his kagune as he blocks the attack arima immediately drops narukami and slashes at sasuke with ixa the latter blocking the impact with his arm sasuke orders ayato to lead the way to the only available exit before they leave toka calls out to sasuke and tells him that she would see him later which surprises him as the group runs away sasuke tells toka she's cruel for saying such a thing he then takes off his coat activating his kagune to face arima alone he immediately attacks arima only for his attack to be parried by the investigator mid-battle sasaki thinks to himself that he doesn't want to fight arima as the former pierces his abdomen as both of them keep dodging each other's blows sasuke attacks arimo with his kagune from behind in hopes of striking him at his blind spot however arima blocks the attack by swinging iksa to his back and slashes both of sasuke's legs while telling him to stop playing around unable to stand sasuke falls to the ground and is immediately faced by arima he realizes that anima is already set on hunting toka and the rest and ponders why he thinks of adima as his father as arima attacks him again he turns away and helplessly tries to reattach his legs to his body but arima stabs him and rips them away again arima confronts him and asks him what he'll do sasuke replies he'll stop arima but his reply is cut short by him who strikes sasaki down and prepares to make the final blow aware that he's going to be killed sasuke suddenly launches himself in the air and strikes at arima dealing a massive blow to ixa and completely destroying the quincy as he lands on the floor his kaku just slowly wraps around his head arima receives a new quinte from an unknown figure and states that it's his first time using it against the ghoul he then tells sasuke to get ready calling him ken kaneki as the battle proceeds the two fight toe to toe sasuke blocks a barrage from arima's quinte and strikes at him he's able to pierce his coat with his kagune narrowly missing the investigator sasuke clashes head first with anima's quincy and uses his kagune hand to restrain it however arima detaches his kwinke and remotely activates it impaling sasuke and throwing him in the air unable to ask sasuke is brutalized by arima who slashes him relentlessly cutting off any limb as soon as it regenerates as he falls brutally wounded he loses his consciousness and sees himself naked walking towards a river attempting to drown himself claiming that his job was done however he then sees hide grabbing him by his hand telling him not to drown himself asking if he was trying to be like the protagonist in one of kafka's stories that was sentenced by his father to die drowning after putting on clothes he sits next to hide and says that toka ayoto hinami banjo yomo and the rest should have escaped by the time however hide reminds him that he was worried about the disposal room sounds as they continue to talk sasuke starts crying saying that he missed hide and that he felt alone without him hide encourages heisei to live reminding that he sacrificed himself with the goal of living together with him and that living would allow heisei to find a purpose in life kaneki's kagune begins to replace his limbs as he gets up he lifts his head and smiles at arima the latter responds with a faint smile an armor slowly covers kaneki's entire body apart from his head and their clash continues kaneki attacks arima from afar with his kagune which has no effect after arima slices the tentacles off realizing that simple frontal attacks won't have any effect on arima kaneki burrows his cognae underground shaping it into a net with curved sharp edges protruding out from the top arima leaped through the net in order to search for kaneki's position only to be surrounded by several tentacles from all sides cutting them all in one session anima hears a loud shout coming from behind to which he immediately attacks with owl only to be shocked to discover that he slashed one of kaneki's tentacles and not kaneki taking advantage of this window of opportunity kaneki strikes at arima from behind with a bladed arm arima manages to block kaneki's attack in time but allows owl to be destroyed by kaneki though kaneki declares the battle over arima charges him while continuing to attack with the broken quincy slashing apart tentacles until he closes the distance between them and stabs kaneki through his abdomen however kaneki pleads with him to accept his defeat and states continuing is meaningless anime began to step back lowering his broken quinque and asks whether kaneki has no intention of killing him which kaneki affirms he turns his gaze upwards musing that in his 18 years as an investigator he has never faced an opponent he could not defeat once more he asks kaneki whether he will really not finish him off kaneki confirms his decision once more and after stating his understanding arima slashes his own throat with owl a horrified kaneki rushes towards ariba demanding to know why he slashed his own throat arima replied that he's been waiting for this very moment and that his time was running out anima reveals a shocking truth to kaneki those who have been raised in the sunlight garden are not human but rather half humans failed human ghoul hybrids that have extremely heightened physical capabilities but suffer from accelerated aging and shortened lifespans arima indicates his failing eyesight as a sign of a half-human's defects and his imminent death kaneki asks why half humans are being created to which arima responds by telling kaneki that the washu clan members are ghouls and hypothesizing they have been working together with v to find a way to change ghouls into humans kaneki asked what arima wanted of him arima relays to kaneki his final wish to make the ccg think that kaneki was the one who killed arima arima explains that while kaneki may not understand his goal right now he'll find out soon enough and that kaneki is the only one who can accomplish this kaneki after a period of hesitation complies with anima's request arima gratefully thanked kaneki and with his final breaths divulged to kaneki his innermost thoughts he's always hated this existence seeing himself as someone who only knew how to take lives away with a faint smile and tears in his eyes anima said that he was glad to finally be able to leave something behind arima attempts to call to heisei one last time but succumbs to his fatal injury witnessing anima's death causes kaneki to lift his head up and let out a scream of anguish and grief while standing besides arima's corpse kaneki is approached by squad zero and hirako who called out to him calling him ken kaniki kaneki threatened hiroko as hiroko told him he didn't want to fight squad zero are revealed to be children of the sunlit garden who are permitted to say final salutations to their idol hiroko informs kaneki of squad zero's orders to assist ken kaneki in his escape kaneki asks if he may say his goodbyes as well after receiving arima's pin from hirako he recites an excerpt from the poem song of the old ainu in arima's honor and says how thankful he is to arima who he refers to as his teacher and father while leaving cochlea kaneki comes across eto in her weakened state claiming that she's going to die soon eto informs kaneki that she helped the people from antiku escape kaneki ponders over her recklessness as she said only reckless people fulfill promises she then told kaneki that he doesn't need to do her own request as he's already killed the one-eyed king kaneki then made his way to the two investigators proclaiming to be the one-eyed king post-third cochlear raid approximately one month after the events that transpired on rishima and cochlea kaneki was living in a safe house with takehiroko and the members of squad zero one morning the children awakened him abruptly and all of them subsequently depart for re once there they're greeted by toka she brewed some coffee for kaneki who in turn complimented her by comparing it to the managers they chatted briefly with him assuring her that he still was the person she knew and her punching him hard just when yomo entered the shop he announced the time had come and they left the shop outside they met idimi and koma whom kaneki had thought deceased since the owl suppression operation they revealed that it was all thanks to him blocking arima's way that they made it just then nishiki nishio arrived in time to go with kaneki and the others koma and enemy wish them good and said they would look after the shop the group then arrived at a secret facility of the tsukiyama family where they're welcomed by shu sukiyama himself he leads them in a big room where many previous algiri members including ayato the white suits and miza along with kuruna awaited tsukiyama revealed when asked that hinami and banjo were at a female investigator's house likely referring to akiramado and their other investigator affiliate likely said otakizawa or kotoro amon was absent naki however recognized kaneki as the one who killed yamuri and assaulted him refusing to believe that his killer and a human sympathizer like him was the one-eyed king miza then approached kaneki introducing herself and asking him what he intended to do as the king he reminisced his last talk with eto who tried to convince him that for the world to change and for ghouls to stop suffering they must break its shell like that of an eggs and then rebuild it as the strongest ghoul of this world the one who killed arima he was the only one capable of doing so kaneki then revealed his decision to take up the will of the former king and make ghouls and humans understand each other kuru now laughed at his goals reminding him that such a thing would go against the very nature of both species kaneki however insisted and was sure that it could become possible setting himself as an example a former human turned ghoul he was not disillusioned though knowing well that the ccg would not budge and agree to terms that quickly which was why he intended to force them into negotiating then the ghouls that he freed from cochlea entered and bowed to him thus kaneki founded a new organization called goat as furita was taking a while kaneki approached him on the street with a smile he inquired who was guilty of killing suni yoshi washu as furita indicated it was him who did it and that he was going to blame kaneki himself for doing it he rejected fudita's offer to take the blame so the latter could set his plan in place and questioned why furita dropped steel beams on him in the past furita laughed saying that it was rize he was aiming for and not him he elaborated on the washu lineage then stated that he was in love with rize so he let her escape v however she would not notice him while she was enjoying her freedom so furuta had her captured as a way of keeping rize close after hearing furita's true intentions for rize he quietly observed furita leaving as [ __ ] questioned whether to let him go kaneki said that it was no use killing or hurting him and that him in power would contribute more than the previous option as the clowns attacked the ccg in the name of the one-eyed king kaneki ordered a large assemblement of the white suits he was approached by an enraged naki who disapproved of his plan when naki refused to join kaneki the latter inquired how he can get the former to join his group as naki wanted to fight kaneki accepted the challenge and quickly defeated him saying that yamori still serves as his symbol of power and offered him a hand which naki accepted after the fight kaneki had a discussion about ogre's group with nishiki while nishiki warned him about niko kaneki shrugged it off saying that they would have ambushed them if it was their intention afterwards they arranged a meeting with the great wheel act they meet at a secluded location where he was greeted by ogura and another member recognizing the former from his public appearances while nishiki and takiyama questioned their motives kaneki decided he was not interested and instead asked them whether they had a medical team ogira confirmed this and said that they had members that were well informed about ghouls after moving to karaoke at tokyama's suggestion they continued their talk while tsukiyama sang ogura explained how the great wheel act was founded and the ideals behind the group kaneki then noticed nishiki shock when they explained that one of their founders was a female student who was aiming to develop a treatment for ghouls because she was in love with the ghoul the member continued and explained that treating ghouls in humans wasn't that different aside from the rc cells which meant that they needed rc suppressing drugs in order to heal akira which were in turn kept by the ccg kaneki suggested breaking into their lab and reassured tsukiyama that he was able to identify the drug by its smell when questioned after the great wheel members left kaneki asked nishiki about the identity of the founding member but nishiki changed the subject and asked kaneki to sing with him instead kaneki told him he was quite bad but joined him anyway in singing the song unravel some time later when the preparations of costumes was finished kaneki assumed that things were going to work out while thinking about splitting the teams he was approached by squad zero member the latter wanted to know whether squad zero was going to be a part of the suits or the lab group hidoko had the layout of the lab memorized thus felt positive about teaming up with him kaneki admitted that it would be a great help but the suits also required someone with experience as an investigator deciding that infiltration of the lab needed few members with pain tolerance kaneki suggested ayato nishiki and kuruna along with him would be enough afterwards he appointed tsukiyama as a leader of the suits group with support of edemi miza and hinami takizawa interrupted kaneki's talking by saying that he was going to lab since another member who could recognize the smell of rc suppressants would be a major help kaneki decided to switch up the members after a moment of silence and assigned nishiki for the suits group he left koma yomo and toka to hold down the fort toka seemed to be disappointed with her role and asked kaneki if they could talk after coming back kaneki accepted her request and recalled the scene of getting punched by her wondering if it was going to repeat ccg lab infiltration during the clown's attack on the 22nd ward kaneki appeared with a large host of white suits behind him co-led by tsukiyama nishiki and naki enforced by takehiroko and with three blades miza hinami and kaya idemi acting as scouts on a separate location while the investigators initially lost hope they soon realized the white suits had taken up dispatching the clown forces goat's efforts proved more than fruitful as the clowns had been almost exterminated in less than 20 minutes however a squad of self-proclaimed main branch special investigators in reality v agents make their appearance and state their intent to exterminate the ghouls present hidiko warned kaneki of them being extremely dangerous much like a matured squad zero kaneki realized that since the washu and the ccg are now facing a greater threat than anticipated their ace in the hole v has made their appearance the tide of the battle begins to change as v begins slaughtering their way through the white suits their main intent being to exterminate the nameless king even the more experienced members of goats soon have difficulty in holding their own against them doing everything he can kaneki ponders on whether he should say and help further against them as the time for him to join the lab team had come edemi joined the battlefield and told him it would be fine if he was going to assume the role of king he would have to place his faith in his most powerful allies at times kaneki decided to do so he subsequently had his coat put on by fuka handed over control of his forces to tsukiyama and left the battle pursued by 3v agents he pondered on how to deal with them as non-lethally as possible being on a bridge directly above the railways he performed a backflip and escaped he soon arrived in the first ward and met up with ayato takizawa and kurona they entered the ccg facilities and began their search for the rc suppressant drug while walking down a hallway he had a brief exchange with kurana over the similar experiences as kano's subjects and kurana expressed her repressed jealousy of him as kano's beloved prototype kaneki reassured her that she was in no case a failure referring to their initial fight in the ghoul restaurant and telling her that someone who ignored her existence itself had no right to label her a failure kuruna cracked a sad smile while thanking him their search for the drug was fruitless however kaneki found out they'd changed its location to research facility four once they arrived there aito performed reconnaissance on the room in a similar way that hinami would they rounded up the researchers and both kaneki and takizawa ended up vomiting because of the room being full of the drunk stench while ayato questioned the purpose of the extravagant quantity of the drug a hidden researcher attempted to escape takizawa caught up to her but not before she could press a button that activated the middle one of three large liquid-filled human-sized tanks labeled re on the top and containing a comatose kotaro amon kaneki recognized the investigator he had encountered years ago just as he woke up released himself and his kagune in a frenzy while looking at him kaneki got absorbed in his thoughts and memories of the investigator he recognized him as the only member of the ccg who ever considered him a person rather than another senseless ghoul before he became haisei sasaki he pondered on why would the ccg even imprison amon as an experimental subject as he had been a ghoul investigator too regretting the fact that he couldn't let him go in this berserk situation he tried attacking him to no avail as amon's amazingly high reserves of rc cells gave him the ability to activate a behemoth kagune and block ayato intervened telling him there was no reason to fight with amun at all they already got the suppressant drug he further elaborated that far too many people counted and placed hopes on him the ones back at anteku the white suits team adi muskwon banjo akira ayato himself and finally even tulka choosing to leave things behind was to be a responsibility of his from now on takizawa and kurana interrupted him they elaborated that since neither of them was king choosing was not a responsibility to them takizawa pleaded with kaneki to get the drug back to akira while he and kuruna would defeat amon and bring him back to goat hq choosing to leave he quickly escaped with ayato post-ccg lab infiltration at goat's base ogura and an unnamed great wheel act member informed kaneki regarding the success of oculus surgery before leaving they expressed their support to goat and kaneki as he sat by akira's bedside he was approached by amon upon being informed of akira awakening kaneki immediately visited her and filled her in on what had happened during the recent operations after kaneki inquired about her well-being and stated his feelings regarding her akira requested kaneki to leave her alone later kaneki expressed his concern over akira to hiroko and was advised by the latter during the debut of the olgai children they staged an execution of a false heisei sasuke to deceive the public the news led the members of goat to believe the actual kaneki was off mourning for himself somewhere unfazed by his death however kaneki believed the incident was in his advantage and shared this with takizawa after being located on a rooftop although asked what his true motives for coexistence were he chose to leave the question unanswered takesaw then attempted to leave ammo's cross with him to return to amon but kaneki refused and tossed the necklace back as his fellow one-eyed ghoul departed as a way to keep him from going off and dying some time later amon joined kaneki on the rooftop after talking with akira kaneki guessing that it didn't go well despite their past as boss and subordinate the two proceeded to their own talk kaneki telling the former investigator his story amon marveling at their current circumstances as two who were once in the position to kill the other after further discussion kaneki made clear his loyalties lay with the ghouls mostly due to the special people in his life being ghouls and the species as a whole being similar to himself isolated and limited amon however resolved to only continue doing what he believed was morally right but asked kaneki how he would feel if someone he had lost had reappeared kaneki thought it would be frightening in fear that they reappeared only to disappear again while in the middle of research at a computer kaneki was paid a visit by akra before she left the goat hideout she told him about her feelings after her encounter with hinami she was confused and empty but kaneki attempted to reassure her that he was still there only that akira no longer saw him as heisei despite his memories and experiences with her during that time she thought they were no longer connected kaneki asked if it was because he was no longer heisei before akira delivered another motto punch into his gut however she told him there was a part of him she was fond of before saying her goodbye after calling out to her the two admitted their loneliness to each other before she left kaneki had a coffee in ri with toka afterwards shocked when she had dyed her hair to black following the information he had found about the one-eyed ghoul of the past kaneki had her recall their time together at antiku her tendencies scared him fearing they would cause her early death batulka instead felt the same about him this time around and embarrassed kaneki after reminding him of heisei's infatuation with her kaneki was stunned after hearing she had accepted those feelings it made her happy tsukiyama then entered the cafe with bad news despite the organization being in hiding numerous goat bases were being destroyed by the ogai squads consecutively although it was inconclusive if it was the fault of an information leakage the bases were rapidly being found unpredictably after being informed of their capabilities kaneki concluded the children were quinks and made the decision to dissolve the bases and split into squads arranging a future meeting to recoordinate kaneki and toka intended to leave together but just before the cafe door was locked mutsuki appeared mutsuki was excited to see him claiming to be conflicted after witnessing sasaki's execution and asked for his return he refused however and watched mutsuki change his demeter to deliberately detail kaneki's betrayal of the ccg and the people he had left behind all before being hit with mutsuki's rapid assault after coming into contact with the rc suppressants in his kwinkei he realized mutsuki meant to capture him pushed outside he met his second assailant shin sanpei dodging most of the quinx's kagune attacks he managed to defeat him with a surprise strike from below just as an ogai squad arrived in their bikes successfully evading the olga's attacks he and toka quickly made their escape forced to take refugee in an abandoned building the two conversed about hide toka asked what he did when he felt like seeing him but kaneki never had the chance to do something and suggested they rest instead toka pounced on him and the two kissed it resulted in the two spending the night together ending in kaneki falling asleep on her lap casual they later observed yoriko's wedding from afar on a hill following the ceremony's conclusion kaneki received toka's parents ring from her one of her sources of strength he decided to use it to remember her before leaving to meet up with the rest of goat migration arc kaneki effectively moved the goat organization underground into the 24th ward after conditions above ground had worsened after successfully integrating the members of the ward's original occupants they aimed to reclaim their place on tokyo's surface ko witnessed the gathering as kaneki emerged from one of the tunnels returning from the surface disarming the ccg kaneki was met with the ghoul's reverence and made a spectacle of reigning the quinte of investigators from above before delivering a speech of liberation however while showering he spoke about the reality with tsukiyama the ghoul's situation was in fact dire although the threat of starvation or attack was great kaneki ordered that the investigators not be killed while they attained their goal he explained to tsukiyama who thought otherwise that it was so peace could stand even in his absence and asked him to stay with him until the end tsukiyama questioned why he was so invested in the future of ghouls but kaneki didn't reply after ko had been exposed as a spy named hajime hazuki the letter he was sent to deliver to kaneki was taken and he was locked underground kaneki's eye bled black as others briefed him about the infiltrator and then burned the letter from mutsuki shortly after reading it keeping the document enclosed with it motoki had informed him of yoriko's upcoming execution expressed interest in his cause and would be waiting for five days but kaneki deemed it a trap at some point in time he had told toka about the one-eyed owl's mother how she managed to carry her hybrid child to full term information toca later used in secret he contemplated the document he kept before nishiki reported the unsuccessful food gathering above the ccg was hunting for kaneki and was possibly going to venture underground nishiki emphasized kaneki's importance and unconsciously mentioned the child that kaneki had to consider kaneki then dashed to toka's room and pushed to hear about her well-being just as he was wondering if he was perhaps mistaken he asked about the marked calendar she had and was tossed out of her room kaneki then believed his suspicions to be confirmed after toka's final outburst that she was possibly pregnant kaneki hoped toko wasn't too angry about a memo as the orphaned algiri children searched for her spotting her on a scaffold as she read to them kaneki thought she appeared fine and went to visit hajime hajime held kaneki on a pedestal as the miracle human but didn't know anything about the letter's contents information which kaneki thought he had he reckoned that mutsuki was perhaps his only option in saving yoriko just as more black tears dripped from his eyes unconvinced that he was a miracle human but a mere man nishiki gave an explanation of what was occurring with kaneki from the use of his kagune and healing ability he was rapidly aging in order to bring it to a standstill he had to either not use those capabilities and or commit cannibalism in his room he realized toka may have somehow seen the document under his pillow yoriko's execution order with toka he planned to ask her but found it difficult so she decided to tell him she was pregnant and apologized for keeping quiet much of which she was uncertain of kaneki was pained however that she had made her choice the two then entered a ghoul marriage leaving bite marks on each other meant to remain as scars even after death kaneki discussed with the other the plans to secure goat's food source organizing an upcoming expedition after the meeting adjourned kaneki along with tsukiyama yomo spoke about their current and future issues with the ccg and yoriko along their way they encountered toka and kaneki used their opportunity to share with them the news of their marriage leaving her flustered tsukiyama promptly planned a ceremony for them in traditional ghoul fashion donned in full ceremonial clothing they observed the party from above where they conversed ending with toka asking for cake goat wipeout operation on the 21st of april goat's massive expedition was set into motion consisting of multiple foraging squads including kaneki while they approached the first of two inspection points above ground hajime was escaping and the ogai began their attack on the 24th ward upon finding even more than expected a bad feeling overcame kaneki he discussed with tsukiyama their options and possibilities of taking action or not regarding yodako's execution ceremony having everyone turn back on account of a gut feeling was not a possibility since he couldn't afford to starve instead kaneki returned to the 24th ward alone upon arriving the ward was littered with lifeless bodies including naki's which was watched over by miza she told him where the escaped ghouls should be directing him to route e14 he made it in time to save hinami from her fight with suzia whom he briefly clashed with before having her go on ahead susia and hanbe prepared for battle with their arata armors while kaneki entered into his kakuja state with the intention to protect and succeed kaneki fell into an unconscious wild state as he battled the two investigators however kaneki came too and found himself lying limbless on the ground severely injured and defeated with both susia and hanbe having received heavy injuries kichimura approached kaneki and taunted him over his loss as he was powerless to do anything the bureau chief had sealed off route e14 to prevent any ghouls from escaping while kaneki continued his futile attempts to comprehend what had happened hajime brought over two heads of the zero squad children although fighting well shion rikai had lost their battle with hajime horrified and anguished kaneki was mocked further by hajime and was left with him by kichimura for special treatment as a squad was moving in to eliminate the group including both toka and hinami in that moment kaneki entered into his mind and his various personalities discussed their current state of circumstances they considered the possibility if everyone had returned altogether rather than kaneki alone agreeing it would have been the better option they reflected on their participation in the owl suppression operation and what would have been yet the aftermath was worth it despite bring about much misfortune they conflicted over their own set of individuals they had wished to protect and the actions they took in order to achieve it their contrasting temperaments and outlooks eventually boiled to a heated argument for them to see and accept the harsh reality the others trying to defuse it however the prospect of never seeing toka again united them they still had to name their child and saw the remaining chants with their ability to still bite and crawl resolving to push forward kaneki ripped off hajime's face with his teeth and pierced through his head with his kagune killing him the old guy's uncertainty on whether to kill kaneki or follow kichimura's orders caused chaos as kaneki mercilessly slaughtered them cannibalizing them with the help of his kagune's mouth while repeating toga's name to himself his kagune increased in size at an alarming rate until his tentacles engulfed much of the 24th ward and burst through the five kilometers of soil to the surface as kichimura's dragon kaneki's monstrous kagune ravaged the city of tokyo as scarecrow watched from afar the citizens were left terrorized and helpless as they and the city were consumed the arrival of the japan self-defense forces marked the beginning of their volley of aerial assaults upon dragon until it fell and began making its way towards the fourth ward only to be met by a force of tanks who opened fire taking no serious damage dragon continued its widespread onslaught of tokyo as the desperate cries of the people caught in the kakuga's path overwhelmed the area dragon arc inside the dragon kaneki hallucinates and awakens in what appears to be a shrine surrounded by a vast ocean of water and rows of gates he slowly recalls having returned to the goat headquarters and battling the ccg with some struggle he remembers having been defeated by susia and having devoured the old guy afterwards however he also remembers having been engulfed by something massive and his memory fails him kaneki panics as he wonders whether he's awake asleep or even dead he runs outside and jumps into the water waiting but soon having to swim as he swims through the gates massive eyes underneath the surface of the water quietly watch him being pushed back by the waves he dives underwater only to see countless corpses horrified he resurfaces only to see rize kamchiro sitting upon a pillar she asks him where he's going calling him a murderer shocked by her appearance he asked her why she's here and what she meant by that phrase she responded by asking him where he planned to go kaneki desperate at this point said he wanted to save everyone from the dubs so he went back to the base however rize only laughed and continued to question his motives for his actions all this time at this point kaneki realizes that even though his goal is peaceful resolution the future he was aiming for can only lead to one-sided dictatorship something which he claims he'll even do if necessary hearing his resolve rize then asked him to touch her hand to which kaneki did and saw the same countless corpses he saw underneath the water only for now to hear their dying voices he then realizes that these were people he killed and starts to break down and cry she continues to taunt him saying that it was his inability to take action that people died in the first place and that he shouldn't have done anything from the start moments later after calming down he lies in the patio of the temple along with rize as they continue to watch the corpses falling down from the sky she then talks about the first time they met and their same trait of not really caring who dies as long as they achieve their personal goal kaneki then states that he didn't know this would happen but rize taunts him saying that it's okay to kill as long as one is unaware she continues to mercilessly question him for his motives what was he doing all this time why and how did it come to this kaneki finally breaks down and states that all he wanted was to be needed by someone he said that after turning into a ghoul and meeting all those people his horizons have expanded people chose to be with him which made him happy and felt like he belonged somewhere and yet he still didn't care about anyone else nor the reasons for his actions he felt that if he continued fighting then someone out there would want him but he still has the sins so he believed all this is now meaningless rize comforts him saying that she too is an irresponsible egoist and that he has the choice to whether to stay in here or not kaneki wonders if this was all an imagination if he was renouncing reality again just like what he did in yamur's prison so rize asked him about something he said in the past about why he never really bore a grudge on her despite the tragedies he faced he states all this happened so that he can meet the people he has now and that they were all necessary and despite everything he's faced he's still happy finally after facing the truth he makes up his mind and starts swimming back she asks him if he'll be able to cross the sea now despite now knowing the atrocities he's committed kaneki then replies he'll try to see if he can bear them in the real world kaneki has been brought back from dragon by toka and the qs who have been waiting for him to wake up meanwhile kimi and her associates have found numerous unidentified organs within him some time after kaneki finally awakens to all of his friends and allies sleeping around him after discussing their current situation and learning that hide is alive and has brought everyone together kaneki asks if he can see the destruction he's wrought however uriel says kaneki can't go unsupervised and volunteers to show him around with saiko while they're walking in the city urie smells a ghoul and chases after it however kaneki stops him and says the ghoul he smelt was actually a human who worked for the ccg suddenly all of the screens on the building turn on revealing furita in the midst of a skirmish between the jg sdf and the golem spawned out of the dragon's body kaneki watches as furita reveals that killing certain golems releases a poisonous cloud of rc cells that attacks the cells and overloads them with rc creating the symptoms of ros as the broadcast ends psycho suddenly groans in pain revealing that she was poisoned as well when they were rescuing kaneki from dragon's body while urie and kaneki are rushing over to saiko they're surrounded by golems that have spawned out of one of the nearby oviducks urie commands kaneki to take psycho and run for backup as kaneki is too unstable to fight however psycho refutes his command and volunteers to be the bait and tells uria and kaneki to run instead seeing their plight kaneki becomes conflicted on whether he should act or not resolving to act as he's tired of not being able to do anything kaneki's kagune erupts into two large wing-like structures and eradicates the remaining golems back at the base psycho has been hospitalized and kimi reveals that due to his organs kaneki has an innate resistance to the poison soon after kaneki finally meets with hide at the top of the building hide reveals his scars as a result of kaneki's actions and the two discuss their current situations as they watch the sunset the next day kaneki and his group decide what their current course of action should be some of the structures left by dragon have begun to decompose but nine oviducks still remain right as kaneki volunteers to go down to the base of one of them and investigate the clowns and v attack the ccg offering to go down and help defend the base kaneki is soon rebuked by hide who says the current attack is once again meant as a distraction to prevent kaneki from visiting the oviducks deciding that they need a small undetectable group to investigate ayato and kaneki ventured down into the oviduck's recesses kaneki is concerned as he feels rize somewhere in the oviduct there they find an immeasurable amount of pods containing the golems which soon erupt out of their sacks and chase the two ayato tells kaneki he'll fend them off as kaneki will need his strength for whatever lurks down there as kaneki descends further he finds furitas searching there as well furuta attempts to aggravate kaneki declaring that kaneki was just a pawn in the grand scheme of things however kaneki simply states he doesn't really care and unleashes his massive kagune on furuta furita eventually slips up and is cornered by kaneki before he unleashes his own kagune and catches kaneki off guard he stands up and brandishes a katana before telling kataki that he's indeed strong kaneki cracks his fingers in response saying nothing as he prepares to battle furata once again the two fight a fierce battle with furata gating the upper hand even without using his kagune he asks kaneki if he'll spare him a chance to have a proper sword fight obliging kaneki forms a kinkai out of his kagune and charges at furuta kaneki overwhelms him with a combination of his kuinke and kagune and deals a ghastly blow to furita's face furita simply laughs it off and reveals his own kagune which has now taken the form of dragons the battle once again turns in furuta's favor and right before he's about to deal the finishing blow kaneki catches his sword with his teeth and escapes furita's grasp stating that while furita may be kaneki's superior in cunning and intellect kaneki still needs to protect both humans and ghouls with that kaneki unleashes his kakuja and declares that he'll beat furita and save everyone kaneki once again turns the tides and throws furita around he dodges and counters furita's onslaught all while listening to furita's explanation of his goals and how fun it was to watch kaneki fail upon realizing that kaneki had been listening rather than fighting furita brings out his kakuja and demands that kaneki give him everything the battle is now even on both sides until one of furita's tentacles makes its way past kaneki's defenses slamming him on the ground furita wastes no time and jumps on top of kaneki hammering away at him with his kakuja however in the midst of his rampage kaneki spots an opening and deals the deciding blow after fujita collapses to the ground from his injuries the two talk to each other discussing furita's reasons his goals and motivations and potential what-ifs regarding kaneki meeting rize for the first time at the end of their talk furita asks kaneki if he'd laugh if furuta said all he wanted was a normal life in which kaneki smiles and replies no after this kaneki leaves furita and heads further into the oviduct finally hearing kimi on the comms once again she directs him towards the center of the massive structure and tells him that the source of the poison is inside before he leaves she tells him to come back home as dragon's final defenses swarm kaneki while engaging in a brutal battle with the various kagune structures within dragon kaneki rationalizes everything that's happened to him yes he'd be the protagonist of a tragedy but at the end of it all everyone else is their own protagonist as well he's not special in regards to his life as a whole when looking at other people like furat and rize who also suffered all their life in life we take and are taken from follow and be followed seal and be stolen imprisoned and be imprisoned life is sad everything will die yet despite it all we strive to be better to be able to choose while thinking of all of this kaneki is beating back dragon's last vestiges of defense being constantly overwhelmed and rebounding finally kaneki makes his way to dragon's core knowing that rize lies within shedding a tear he apologizes surise before dealing the final blow as kaneki stands above ryze's corpse he senses dragon beginning to dissolve and come apart rushing out in an attempt to find ayato kaneki is swept up by dragon's remains and is engulfed within drifting deeper and deeper into its recesses it's revealed that after the dragon was subjugated he nearly drowned in a muddy stream of the dragon's bodily fluids but he was pulled out by kirishima ayato and narrowly escaped death he returned in a ragged state and slept for two weeks currently kaneki is living as a cooperator of the tsc and the united front after the six year time skip ensued after the end of the dragon war kaneki and toka lived happily married with a daughter and another child coming with humans and ghouls united together kaneki's dream of peace had finally come true did you enjoy our video be sure to check out these other great videos from the amagi and make sure to subscribe and ring the 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Channel: The Amagi
Views: 2,017,905
Rating: 4.9402246 out of 5
Keywords: Ken, Kaneki, Tokyo Ghoul, Touka, Kirishima, Kamii, Rize, Anteiku, Shuu Tsukiyama, Juuzou Suzuya, Hikari, Kamishiro, Koutarou Amon, Yoshimura, Kishou Arima, Ayato Kirishima, Hinami Fueguchi, Renji Yomo, Kureo Mado, Nishio Nishiki, Akira Mado, Hideyoshi Nagachika, Tooru Mutsuki, Kaya Irimi, Seidou Takizawa, Enji Koma, Eto Yoshimura, Ichika, anime, manga, death, past, powerful, clip, clips, scene, history, backstory, episode, the amagi, war, battle, show, series, entire, online, full, free, youtube, first
Id: W9nhp_HBiFs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 114min 24sec (6864 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 28 2021
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