Why Everyone is Afraid of Boruto - Boruto Surpassed Naruto & Sasuke's Power - How Strong is Boruto?

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome back everyone and it's time to go today we are covering every reason why boruto can surpass naruto and sasuke in the future of this series basically doing a bit of power scaling on how strong boruto has become this video is in collaboration with ian from naruto explains so he will be covering parts of this video with me and yusuf now i know this is absolutely blasphemous to say to og naruto fans don't say it don't say it don't don't say it but you gotta understand how the story has developed for example we witnessed naruto's generation becoming more opie and stronger than kakashi at 16 years old no one batted an eye because that's how shonen are written where the young cast of characters achieves something that the older generation couldn't which means the natural cause of action with boruto series would be for them to achieve the same results against narutos i will prove why this is the case with the environment borita grew up in and how his genetics have played a role in how strong he has become and why he could surpass naruto and sasuke so let's begin with the fact that kakashi literally confirms that the next generation will always surpass the previous one it's one of the never-ending cycles in life whether you decide to take this point literally or not is down to you but kokashi sensei himself already confirmed that boruto will naturally surpass them remember in chapter 342 of naruto kakashi tells a dying kakazu that the new generation will catch up to you and they will all surpass you in the end now at the time these words hit hard as of course kakuzu had survived many generations being from the era of hashirama kakashi telling him the new generation will always surpass those before made sense in that instance as well kakuzu lost to naruto which by the way naruto and kakashi already recognized boruto as a tuning with zoning level techniques that put him above the rest of ninjas god damn now i'm gonna give you guys a history lesson what the was that i'm trying to do like oh you got oh i don't know but look relating this back to real life if you look through the history books to times like the stone age bronze age and iron age all through to the present day you can see how as a species we've surpassed our ancestors in healthcare and technologically right applying this logic to bordeaux we can understand that techniques and knowledge of chakra is being relayed much easier to him way jutsu that was seen as complex in the past are now broken down easier due to the hard work of the people before take a look at boruto learning how to put the lightning release in his recent gun in turn this created the vanishing resend gun something entirely new kakashi himself admitted that this was impossible for him to achieve and he ended up creating a variant called the chidori minato also couldn't figure out how to apply a chakra nature in this a-rang jutsu throughout his lifetime due to dying so early but i'm pretty sure he would have if he had more time and you know he's one of the goats sasuke was absolutely shocked witnessing boruto achieves such a feat so easily with the vanishing recent gun where he created a whole plan revolving around this ability against momoshi kyotsutsuki it was one of the major reasons why sasuke brought boruto along to the fight and how he started to believe that he could surpass naruto and himself one day which he admitted himself to borto boruto has grown up in an age where he literally has the best shinobi as a dad and another as a master not to mention the other ninja around him are also stupidly opie and gifted that pass on their wisdom onto him for example kakashi helped boruto achieve the compressed resent gun it's only natural that the skill level has risen which means boruto will learn more than they ever did by that time knowledge is power after all creating something out of rural concept is much more difficult than passing the idea on why would sasuke say boruto can surpass naruto if he didn't mean it sasuke isn't stupid at all don't disrespect my goat like that batman sensei i mean he's one of the best amongst all the shinobi when it comes to the best judge of strength and character sasuke sits on top for example his analysis on ishiki and momishiki or susuki breaking down powers and strategy instantly to help them defeat their opponents boruto's training with sasuke has made him become skilled in shuriken jutsu able to change weapons trajectory mid-flight and coat his shuriken enlightening release he's also learned his father's various sexy techniques which mind you i'm not saying is really a bad thing so say but naruto's one of those um don't say it at sasuke's insistence boruto learns how to perform the resent gun from konohamaru saratobi after extensive practice initially doing so with both his hands he achieved this within five days whereas naruto and the others took months unlike naruto and sasuke borita had literally estee facilities throughout his life in his childhood boruto had better training opportunities in comparison for instance boruto was trained by the best shinobi from birth first by naruto before he became hokage where naruto trained with him whilst only being an academy student naruto briefly contemplated going all out in the academy boruto quickly established himself as the second top student only behind the much older awabi who borita could still compete against boruto was also trained by his mother hinata and later the hyuga clan leader hayashi and his aunt hanabi on top there was also um konohamaru and shino but did you guys really want to know that because uh anyway anyway know your place trash another way to judge a shinobi is based on their summoning while not all summons are created equal with some being small like the hawk that sasuke used to fight against donzo and others being taller than the tallest of buildings like girais multiple toad summons one of which includes gama bunta the reason why this is so important is that summoning jutsu can actually be used to take a peek at how powerful shinobi is after they produce a bit of blood on their fingers before weaving the hand signs according to the first naruto fan book the amount of chakra gathered by a shinobi determines the size of the summoning naruto when he offered two little chakras summoned baby tadpoles and when he offered a massive amount of chakra by barring on a small part of the nine tails chakra narutoka summoned gamabunto which was very impressive given that summoning gamma bunsa has been stated multiple times to require an enormous amount of chakra just to pull off with only minato and jarya being the only modern-day ninja who can pull off that feat now that we've established that we have to look at bortuzumaki while boruto doesn't have the same monster chakra levels that naruto had boruto still possessed enough chakra to summon garga who is pretty massive in size while it's never been directly stated that garga requires an insane amount of chakra to summon like it was stated multiple times that summoning gamabuntu required a lot of chakra garga is still pretty massive when it comes to size by default the size of the summoning correlates with the amount of chakra that is offered up for the summoning jutsu which means that boruto had to dig pretty deep into his chakra reserves in order to summon him now garga was powerful enough that even the white snake sage considered him to be a bit of a problem and he was powerful enough that the only snake in the cave who had the balls big enough and the strength to back up challenging him was aoda who happens to be sasuke uchiha's trusted snake summoning the same iota who was able to fodderize with ease jubi clones while helping sasuke move closer to the jubilee's main body during the war arc the same iota who sasuke and the sasuke sunrise novel used to snap apart a typhoon and aota did so with ease all for the sake of allowing sasuke to counter the jutsu with the lightning release that would have killed the ninja that sasuke was fighting a man named nawaki before chino used katsuragan genjutsu on sasuke now even if garga is inferior to aoda and power he's still a pretty powerful snake summoning and is still very large in size it's one thing to enter into a contract with garga but it's another thing to actually have enough chakra to be able to summon him in battle which is still a requirement for summoning jutsu which is even more impressive given naruto at boruto's age using just his own chakra wasn't able to summon beasts near this size and instead need to draw on a small part of the cubies chakra in order to do so that's not to say that borato has chakra levels at the levels of tailless cloak naruto but that does have to say a lot about his chakra level so another thing when it comes to summoning jutsu is the fact that boards and naruto both had a bit of trouble with the summons that they burned enormous amount of chakra in order to summon gamabunta more than once pretty much looked down at naruto and garga through his actions made it clear he didn't fully respect boruto however justice naruto won over gama bunta through his constant display of guts boruto won over garga by using his jogon eye which allowed him to tap into garga's emotions and allow boruto to make an intimate connection with garga thereby making him easier to control which is just as impressive as narutos run with gamabunta he was able to summon garga even after going through the trials and being out of chakra the snake sage said that it would be difficult to summon garga and control him but he did it anyways boruto summoned him multiple times and used the peer eye in order to understand his emotions which is another power that this awkward jojutsu has the power to do speech no jutsu and ninshu very effectively it's also worth noting that learning the summoning jutsu is something that was more difficult for naruto and sasuke compared to boruto now moving on when we look at his past during the gaining graduation exams boruto went head to head against kakashi where he referred to him as being a cut above the rest and he called him a real genius now mentioning how boruto had the skill of a tuning bear in mind this was boruto before even becoming a gany which means that he was 11 years of age which means that an 11 year old boruto was drawing a level of praise that kakashi had not given to a child since he complimented a 12 year old sasuke stating that during the bell test sasuke was extremely talented and that gaining shouldn't be able to use change in chakra nature as shown when sasuke used the fireball jutsu kakashi doesn't dish out praise very easily you have to be very talented for him to actually give it up to you which says a lot about boruto in the academy as well as later on in the series during the next set of interactions another thing to take note of with boards on kakashi is the fact that in the sasuke shendon light novel the teacher star pupil sasuke states that boruto has mastered purple lightning which is very important because kakashi is the only one who could have taught him that jutsu which would make boruto the second person who's learned kakashi's new jutsu with the other one being misky who used that jutsu in the manga in the battle against al which means that boruto and mitsky both of them being prodigies they caught kakashi's eye enough for him at some point to teach them that jutsu all screamed this is very important to take note of because kakashi never directly passed down any of his jutsu to naruto whereas in boruto it is strongly implied in the light novel referenced earlier that he did pass on his own jutsu directly to boruto however their next interaction is even more important because we actually see kakashi training borto on screen when we skip to the deeper arc whilst kakashi was teaching boruto to compress with sengon he stated that he had the genius of minato in him combined with the larger chakra pool obviously not to the levels of naruto but better than an elite journey boruto in a week created a new version of the recent gun that could pass through deeper's carbon which we know composes the hardest element material in the entire world such as diamonds this new rescent gun was described by kakashi as lethal where it would kill any single person that it was in contact with if they had no defensive jutsu boruto being able to cut through compressed carbon that deeper utilize immediately puts his power a cut above the rest where this compressed resend gun would be able to destroy the most powerful of defensive jutsu such as the susano or gaurassan i mean since we are on the topics of genetics i might as well mention the pure eye a dojutsu which boruto possesses that no one else has it stems from the ursus clan and gives him alien-like powers we covered the pure eye drogon extensively in the past regarding why balta has it so i won't dive deep into it if you truly want to learn the law behind the pure eye please watch the video being displayed to you right now you must hit the notification bell so you don't miss out on the uploads next time and make sure to smash the like button for this video so we can bring you more collaborations and more long-form broader content because we need to know that you enjoy this [Music] the pure eye gives boruto abilities such as space-time ninjutsu something which is so inherently rare that only the otsuski and sasuke possessed it after losing the rinning gun only boruto code kawaki from the future and amardo's current technology will be able to cross dimensions boruto's version of the space-time ninjutsu is considerably opie since it requires less chakra we witnessed him use it multiple times when he was only eight years old if morita mastered this with the help of sasuke who also possessed this power he would replicate minato and sasuke's feats due to the speed and utility it provides the pure eye also lets boruto know the weakest point of a person which is the biggest advantage anyone can have it's literally broken hacks naruto fights are all about strategy and figuring out someone else's weakness in the first place case in point look at naruto defeating the third reich during the war using his big brain however since i've established that borto is already a genius and now has the pure eye that tells him the weaknesses anyway this just saves a lot more time and gives him an advantage we witnessed this ability being used against momoshiki urishiki and new for example this would explain why boruto was able to dodge momoshiki's attack a god that was too combined of suski naruto and sasuke were struggling and no other ninja could face momoshiki in this form as they would get bodied immediately must not remind you what happened to the gokarki they could have dodged moloch's punch but somehow borrowed a dodged one like what when boruto went to face momoshiki to give him the big bull recent gun boruto's pure eye was active which was letting him perceive the movements before they happened like the sharingan this feat with the pure eye active lets us know how useful this ocular power can be where it created an opening for his rasan gun to hit momoshiki and keep him distracted even boto shadow clones will have his pure eye which makes it completely busted we also see the pure eye help boruto against urishiki he was preemptively able to see where urishiki would be teleporting and exposing the use of a space-time ninjutsu therefore allowing them to survive these unique powers will help boru to surpass naruto and sasuke as tonori said it is the star of hope that will help against code a common theory in the community is that bharata's pure eye is the combination of all though jutsu otsuski possessed meaning the pure eye possesses powers of the sharia gun renigan and biaku gun it can also perceive the flow of chakra enabling borito to see the visible changes in one chakra and likewise track a target through the chakra it can clearly see the chakra pathway system the evidence goes further when we see the otsuski god in chapter 55 why would a so called god have a weak dojutsu a god would have the best of the best to live up to that stature and have supreme dominance over the galaxy as ishiki osushi claimed to code ishiki told code to consume chakra fruits all over the galaxy and planets to become the god he wished to be and this is by having the pure eye and power that is uncontestable this is why momoshiki claimed boruto to have strong ursus genetics because he seems to have something the main branch would have and are striving to achieve remember that urishiki even recognized the pure eye and he is from the main branch which makes this have this correlation as you can see the atsiski god is seen to have over 100 pure eye where this dojutsu is originally from their clan as it represents the purest of chakra energy in their world okay now that we have moved past bro to genetics and natural genius let's move on to his training techniques and powers diving deeper into the invisible resengan we can see that it's a jutsu which has even caught momoshiki of god whereas delta who possessed the technologies was able to detect it meaning that there are slight counters for a very specific circumstance but regardless to make this happen boruto manipulated the nature of his chakra this was all subconscious where he admits this himself naruto in comparison as a child was deemed unfit and a failure to be a ninja but baruch has received nothing but praises for his accomplishments in this aspect baruch and his father have very different origins naruto worked his ass off to get to where he is he had no appearance or guidance whereas even the nine tails kuruma was also hindering his chocolate performance however boruto was born very gifted with no drawback where this aspect of his character is also used as a plot device for character development to the point that even his adopted brother calls him a brat even us the audience felt he was spoiled at the start of the series but in the terms of writing berto was given everything on the table the son of the uzomaku kukage and the hugo clan both his parents were blessed with chakra from hagoromo and hamuna otsutsuki individuals that were children of kaguya therefore it's not far-fetched to say that boruto has it way easier and better than his father ever did but that's not to say that's a bad thing in fact it's because of this that buruto can thrive and really excel at being a ninja he has all the tools at a disposal to surpass naruto and sasuke the evidence for this can be seen but comparing the two generations if you take boruto and compare that to the others around his age back from the previous generation we see a big difference let's compare boruto to sasuke a natural gifted genius for his time and now his sensei during the bell test against kakashi in chapter 7 we see sasuke use fire style which kakashi goes on to say is way beyond what he should be capable of achieving such a jutsu should be difficult due to his chakra not being developed enough so if a single fire change in chakra style was enough to surprise kakashi then just wait until you learn what boruto is capable of pulling off during the same belt test we mentioned earlier with kakashi and borotov vs uberto pulling off lightning change in chakra as he coats his kunai with it he also uses vin style to propel his shadow clone with his iconic boruto stream this achievement alone and changing chakra nature puts boruto at the levels of genius you would see in minato and hitachi yes guys you heard me right and to be fair that's not a far-fetched understanding we have to also remember that minato and hitachi grew up in wartime whereas brother grew up in a time of peace so his skills and even the advancements wasn't showcased as much as it was with minato and hitachi however the genius is still there the intelligence the skill and ultimately the talent which brings us to the next point buruto later goes on to show that he also can use water style as he did with his fight against al roti is still at this point again and has showcased insane skills and using three different changes in chakra nature including creating an entire tidal wave which by the way he did without any nearby bodies of water which shouts a testament to his skills as when toby rama achieved this it was noted as proof of his position as hokage wait a minute does that mean that baruch has hukage level feats as a guinean impossible well usually learning a change in chakra nature like this would take massive amounts of time even more so when it's not your natural affinity as we know from chapter 315 naruto was able to shorten this process down to create his rust and shuriken by creating 1 000 clones furuto could never do this as he can only make a handful of clones at best meaning even if you did use this technique it wouldn't be anywhere near the level of naruto kakashi even pointed that this is a unique process for naruto as he has an abnormal amount of chakra to put things into perspective in chapter 316 of naruto kakashi stated jonah neville shinobis would have at least two chakra natures where naruto at this point were just learning how to imbue his wind release into his rasengan at the age of 16. sasuke at the age of 13 to 16 only had two nature types fire and lightning however baruto being a prodigy only at the age of 12 to 13 being just a simple genie is able to apply his natural talent of free chocolate nature's into his jutsus this is why kokashi himself says that baruto is already at tuning level also if you were to speak about boruto's potential it's likely that he will have access to fire chakra nature reasons being nature release are usually inherited and a part of one's genetics both hinata and naruto have fire release so it wouldn't be far-fetched for boruto to possess it too and the key thing to note is that only a select few shinobis possessed all five natures from normal means and if you do it means that you are a cut above anyone else however we also know that dojutsu's like the renengon and having six paths in jutsu gives full understanding of these nature types so it's also likely that paroto jogen might assist him in mastering every nature type eventually in conclusion what we can take away from this is that the reason why boruto will eventually surpass naruto and sasuke is that he could essentially do what both of them could do at that age plus more naruto's big trick was shadow clones check sasuke had a huge advantage due to his change in chocolate nature double check creating your own ninjutsu is one of the signatures of being a shinobi it's part of your identity as a ninja to go through the trials and errors of creating your own jutsu sometimes you fall on your face like kakashi when he tried to add lightning changing chakra nature to the racing gun and instead ended up creating the shidori boruto zamaki follows a similar path here boruto is an academy student had already created his own signature jutsu although it's not as extravagant as a sudori it's still something very impressive because he's doing this in the academy whereas other characters did this after they became gaining the jutsu that boruto created was the bordeaux stream it combined his mastery with shadow clones with his master of the wind released to use the gel palm jutsu performed by two of his shadow clones to send borto flying through the air to dish out attacks that are oftentimes mixed with lightning release now it's a pretty effective jutsu and i'll show you how so boruto during the tuning exams actually cracked shinky's iron scene using this attack but boruto ran out of chakra just after cracking the iron sand and then that's when boruto used purple lightning via the ninja tool to absolutely demolish shinki right after that so you might be asking why is this so important well this was boruto at the age of 12. naruto by the age of 13 had not actually created his own unique jutsu that he himself created that could damage his enemies in battle by this point naruto was taught stuff like the racine gun but that's not jutsu he created now let's look at the most recent jutsu that boruto created the thunderclap arrow so boruto was challenged by sasuke to relearn the basics of lightning release jutsu during the tuning exams now in the gap in time between the momoshiki arc and the vessel arc boruto was able to create the thunderclap arrows off-screen hurling lightning-release jutsu that can do enough damage that is pretty impressive and it speaks volumes about the level of chakra control that's needed especially when you consider the fact that borzo has less chakra to waste than naruto does obviously the third jutsu that he created was the vanishing racing gun which we mentioned earlier naruto by comparison wasn't able to do something similar until naruto was almost 16 years old let's be blunt here boruto's chakra control in our opinion is at a genius level first we have boruto who also has a mastery of the genophis fighting style which comes from hinata having confirmed to have trained boruto in the fighting style during the light novels as well as hanabi stating in the pan and charlie novel that she wants to oversee boruto's training in higua clan fighting styles and boruto has been shown fighting in that manner during the tuning exams when fighting against shikadai boruto also according to the border character profile on the manga as well as the sasuke shining light novel the teacher star pupil has also mastered purple lightning with sasuke in the novel comparing his new jutsu to that of the purple lightning and confirming that he's seen boruto's purple lightning perform purple lightning is a jutsu that kakashi spent a year and a half creating after the fourth great ninja war and was meant to be a replacement for the sudori to be used by someone who has no sharing on next not only did boruto learn the summoning jutsu and the racing gone like his father but he took it a step further at a much younger age naruto does not make multiple versions of the racing gun until he has sage's six pass chakra given to him by hagaromo chakra from all nine and complete understanding of all things chakra essentially naruto has a cheat code to be broken it took naruto until he was almost 17 years old to make multiple racing on like the following the nine different racing gones that norris was able to make from the chakra natures from the nine bijou the bijou dhamma rasin shuriken and the bijou dhamma rasingan borto has no six-pass chakra and is still learning the depths of chakra natures but he's already created four different variations of the racing gun finally boris has created a superior wind release for xingon that is different from naruto's version now to be clear we're not talking about the wind release with sin shuriken that is a different jutsu we're talking about the win release racing gun when naruto first made the jutsu it was a basic wind release jutsu that small blades rotating around it and had to be used in the same way as the normal racing on this is the jutsu that naruto used in his training that damaged kakashi's arm before he went to go fight against hidan and kakazu boruto not only created a wind release for scene gone that looks different but boruto's being green in color and having large chakra rings circulating around it but he can also throw the racing on to damage his opponents kakashi was even shocked when he saw that boruto had created during his training and was further shocked again when he saw borrow to create a second racing gun during their training when he made the compression racing gun alright now let's talk about boruto's intelligence nindo and what makes him a ninja that is great we have seen time and time again in the anime of people praising boruto for his genius if i can remember correctly gara the other kage kakashi sasuke naruto oniki jiraya shino and anko have called him a genius boruto gets high grades even though he doesn't pay attention in class remember in episode 5 of the anime brother solves an equation which looks pretty complicated his classmates thought he was going to fail at it however brother created his own way to solve the problem showing creativity and high levels of intelligence he even does this in every fight he's encountered in owabe even mentions how beautiful slacks off in class yet he is able to solve a problem like that to which energin replies saying that boruto just has a knack for these things even during the academy graduation final exams boruto scored a perfect score getting the highest grade anyone has ever received the one thing brother liked in the early stages of his ninja career was drive and motivation we all know this naruto and sasuke questioned if he will have the will of fire is shinobi has but boruto eventually did believe in the system and the nindo of shinobi when his naivety started to disappear through experience on missions the ninja world naruto helped build has caused a prosperous future however the war and other key information has been top secret according to the laws that were created where certain knowledge isn't being taught which would cause broader to be naive in the first place boruto was ignorant of many things and is finding his own nindo to be just like sasuke and naruto we see borussia's maturity and nindo solidify after his fight with owl for example it was actually a beautiful metaphor for the direction in which the series is heading with kawaki saying the shinobi world is over aol mentions how he is a new breed of man thanks to the technology given to him by kara no longer being a ninja but something far superior however boruto managed to combat this ideology by actually combining the two boruto was able to change his views on ninja tools seeing how he could use them for the benefit of the people which is a complete 180 to how he thought earlier on in the series boruto in fact grew to despite ninja tech believing that they went against what made a ninja due to his experience in the tuning exams but he was able to understand he was wrong comprehending that what's really important is the way they are used and who is using them as opposed to the ninja tech being inherently wrong from the get-go just as sasuke told him boruto was able to bring owl back to being a shinobi in his dying breaths aolo even tormented bro to telling him to avenge megino but he refused rather he took the moment to unload a big old truth bomb on owl telling him as a shinobi his power isn't to be used on those unable to fight killing the wounded and that owl can use what he has the tools at his disposal for good as it is it's the person at heart that matters he tells owl to not give up on being human and he should strive to live on as one this is very similar to naruto's fee and speech against zabaza about how shinobi are not tools buruto was able to not only overcome his own stubbornness and accept where he was wrong along with working towards amending himself and gaining maturity remember actions speak louder than words but actions without words mean nothing and boruto proves this meaning that brother has inherited naruto's strongest jutsu you guessed it the talk no jutsu boris showcases much of his talent against owl where he single-handedly takes him down and creates the strategy for the group on how to defeat him conor henry is the first censor just saying that no we're not either witnessing his greatness his shuriken and explosive tag skills are on full display after training his potential with sasuke he always deduces many fights on his own and relays the plans to the others he made sure our's chakra was drained by the scientific ninja tool and tricked him with a big brain now i'm passing the video on to yusuf where he will explain the karma okay now we move on to boruto's karma where if he wasn't broken enough already with this he literally becomes a kami as we know boruto was bestowed his karma by momoshiki where he then became a vessel for momoshiki's spirit and later reincarnation whilst this time being a vessel brother's body and literal dna changed into atsutsuki dna this is so that his body is suitable for momoshiki to resurrect him currently in the manga we know that baroto is already at 80 percent or sudsky but before i go into the change that the karma is doing to borrow his body there are also many abilities he has gained from it as when activated the karma significantly enhances the user's physical abilities and the power of the jutsus as we see during boruto's training from chapter 29 the kawaki's statement along with naruto even noticing the change in power and speed once boruto's karma is activated this power boost is also showcased later in chapter 42 during naruto's fight with delta when boruto activates karma on his own to enhance his invisible resengan so by this point it is showed that the karma seal once activated will give the user a huge power up in overall strength the karma can also absorb chakra and chakra based attacks where bharata has become more proficient in using this aspect of the karma as seen in chapter 58 with his bout against kawaki karma can also be used as a medium for space time ninjutsu opening rifts to any location including foreign dimension at will in chapter 49 and 55 borrowed to showcase he was able to open portals all by himself eventually he'll be a master at this possibly even as good as sasuke in traveling to different dimensions however from the looks of it it seems that the karma has a vast range of abilities many of which has yet to be revealed code who also has a variant of the karma was said having a massive boost in strength to even excel gigan now as we explained in all our previous videos the white karma might be more orientated to battle than the means for preparation of a perfect ursuti vessel this showcases that the karma has a lot more potential even with replenishing chakra itself as seen when ji gen used his karma to absorb the jubi chakra in preparation for his fight with naruto and sasuke once buruto masters the karma he will be able to negate any ninjutsu replenish his chakra reserve and enhance all of his existing abilities and stats and now this brings us to our earlier point that this karma is evolving boruto into a natsutsuki ultimately giving him access to the unique abilities of the asutsukis we know this from kawaki's hypothesis that boruto should be able to bestow his own karma as he is now eighty percent of suski along with ida's ability being useless against boruto and kawaki as they are considered being aliens meaning boruto might be able to perform more exclusive otsuki techniques so all in all by now you should understand why boruto will surpass naruto and sasuke yes they both may have been gifted some extraordinary power from hogaromo sasuke had the renning on naruto had the nine-tailed fox and the sage of six puffs in jitsu but all of this can be counted with the fact that maruto has the karma that is changing his body into becoming an altsutsuki along with possessing the most mysterious and strongest jujitsu that could exist the pure eye naruto's and sasuke's destiny was to end the cycle of hatred but baruch's destiny goes even further to the galactic and beyond to fight the otsutsuki king but with that guys that's the end of this video make sure to check out our good friend ian from naruto explained we'll have his channel linked in the comment section below he honestly has amazing naruto and brother analysis and if you guys want us to do more collaboration with him put it down in the comment section below but with that guys we'll catch you till next time [Music]
Channel: Anime Balls Deep
Views: 672,020
Rating: 4.888546 out of 5
Keywords: boruto, naruto, sasuke, kawaki, boruto manga, sarada, boruto vs kawaki, how strong is boruto, can boruto surpass naruto, will boruto surpass naruto, boruto karma seal, boruto theory, boruto chapter, boruto timeskip, anime balls deep, boruto pure eye, boruto kara, Will Boruto surpass Sasuke?, boruto stronger than naruto, naruto and sasuke vs jigen, jigen, boruto and kawaki, otsutsuki god, boruto power level, boruto 59, boruto chapter 59, Why Boruto Can Surpass Naruto & Sasuke
Id: Hg5l7h4hNhs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 8sec (2168 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 08 2021
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