Why Last Epoch Is Worth Your Time | Asmongold Reacts

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a lot of people have wanted me to play this game this last Epoch [ __ ] and I do plan on it 100% okay here we go why should you play last Depok well let me tell you let's see if you can still see I first got approached by the CEO of last OK in 2018 and they asked me if I would be willing to do a sponsored segment of the game and check it out okay and if this is your first time seeing my content and you're unfamiliar with how I approach sponsorships I asked him can I say whatever I want about the game so I want to make sure that I can always well frankly roast the game if it's bad and to this day Jud had the best response of any game they said Z if there's anything wrong with our game you can roast it because we want to make a good game not just make a lot of money so that was a great response I feel like people that usually usually aren't open for criticism about like their game or their product they're probably not going to have a good game or good product like it's one thing for like people to not listen to it because they think it's wrong but like to not even want to hear it at all and I did because frankly the game was very bad back then but since then the game has been growing exponentially and every single time I come back which is roughly every 3 to 6 months the game has had so many wonderful changes and now that we're coming up on launch I wanted to make a video talking about all the good and the bad things of the game and why you should give it a try I'm going to be honest like visually this game I mean obviously Poe came out 10 years ago so it's to be expected but like this game looks way better than Poe did whenever it came out like it already seems to have like a lot more content than Poe did whenever it released and it had a lot more content than Diablo 4 or Diablo I it certainly seems that way and I'll start off by saying it is pretty much the perfect Middle Ground between Diablo 4 and Path of Exile Path of Exile is often too complicated for a lot of people where you feel like you need a PhD in order to just make a functioning build to play the game and then you have Diablo 4 which is super accessible and good for couch Co-op and things like that but you do end up running out of content very fast and may you feel like I wish there was some more complexity that I could Chee on last Epoch breaches that middle ground between the two G perfect people have said that like the crafting system in last Epoch is the best crafting system in an arpg which is crazy to think where you do actually have quite a lot of stuff to do and you feel like there is some cool stuff to figure out but it's not as complicated as Path of Exile and you can do Builds on your own without following a build guide so that's the quick tldr I think that's really the reason why people have a problem getting into Poe is that they don't want to have to watch a video and like follow the video for exactly how to play the game because I would say a lot of people think that like okay well if I'm doing that then it's like am I even really playing the game like it's like they're playing the game for me so I I don't know how Poe can ever make that better with poe2 I'm not really sure but that's the way I think a lot of people feel so it is very much the middle ground between Path of Exile being a free game and Diablo 4 being a $70 game where last is $35 with no purchases other than Cosmetics that means that anything like St tabs like in path of XL are things that you buy in game for gold it's not wow so there's not even like any pay for convenience stuff in this game I didn't know that that's nuts well like how do they load everybody else's stash tabs though yeah how how do they how do they do that you can spend money on so $35 is all you're spending on the game so now let's take a look at some features in the game and explain what makes thetic book so cool so like like games you have already encountered there are base classes and they are a little bit more rigid than Path of Exile and a little bit more similar of Diablo 4 they do have subclasses so the Sentinel is the base class and that has void Knight Forge card Paladin Etc and we can go in game to one of my characters ziz bear the Druid and what is really really cool about laok is that each skill has its own skill tree and this is actually very very digestible so while in Path of Exile you are just like overwhelmed by a massive skill tree here I think with Poe there's too many variables and so like a normal person like without having like a huge amount of like background knowledge for the game they're not able to accurately parse out what's valuable and what's not is a little bit more condensed so you have character skill trees so this is the prime list so as a new player these are all the nodes you need to look at right for your first 30 levels or something pretty easy to go through and see what all of these do the big relief is that respecing is very accessible in this game a large problem with Path of Exile is that resps are very inaccessible to new players yeah I think that's a huge problem with pee like in my opinion I think that's one of the the unironic like and unnecessary Poe L's that they have is it like you I I think you should be able to Respec like at any time you want whatever you want whenever you're still in the campaign or right before you even get like out of like white Maps or maybe something like that right like it's just like why lock a level 55 player into a bad build like they're just going to quit the game something I think Diablo 4 did very right and last U does as well and then later on somewhere between like level 20 and 30 you will unlock a uh master class or ascendency or subass and you can see that that also does not have a insane amount of things so it's pretty easy to get a good grasp on what you want want to do this kind of reminds me a little bit of the warcraft talent trees like the uh like Dragon flight talent trees and I I I don't know about you guys but like I liked my talent tree as a warrior and then one skill at a time and that has its own skill tree that will change the way works for example do I want to focus on having a lot of additional wolves instead of just one then you can make it so they have four five Etc wolves and you can go a full Summoner with summon saber tooth and summon bear see I I think I might go Summoner in last Epoch I'm either going to go that or I'm going to go whatever Whirlwind Bladestorm is I haven't decided which one it's going to be yet and then you go for wolves and you can have like a total companion limit that mulit Zoo build so you have so many choices and same with like melstrom you can make this be something very similar to path of xl's Blade WX build and cool and it's been really easy to just make my own build and play run with it even on Hardcore so you're a little less pigeon hold and a part of that is the game is a little bit easier than Path of Exile that's not to say that it doesn't well Poe was also a lot easier whenever it came out like you've got to keep in mind that like shaper at the time was a huge difficulty Spike and like shaper isn't really that hard compared to like uh searing xar searing xar is really hard or like Maven can be hard too Cirus so yeah I mean back in the day like Poe wasn't that hard either it's just like that takes time to build up to that challenging end game content because there are things that are really hard especially on Hardcore that I haven't yet done at the hardest level we can talk more about that later another thing I would like to Showcase is last seox invoker if you're a DOTA player you're very familiar with invoker and the concept is basically this is a character that has a large amount of skills in one skill so it's very very cool that you have like different runes or spells you can cast and they will trigger a rune and based on that you can fire a different spell now normally the way this would work is that if I'm casting three Fireballs I'd be getting three fire runes and then my R would cast that as a different spell however I've actually done a skill point that locks them in to be the same three combos so because I have my Frost claw fed by Fireball fed by Frost wall is going to do um cold fire cold and then um this Runing mation will actually give me a huge buff so you have so much stuff that you can do there and then I can actually just Spam my my Fireball and I'm basically doing an ignite proliferation thing so you can see that anytime I'm hitting something it fire so you have a lot of flexibility and obviously with a skill such as this there will be some things that are more powerful than others and while it does have another thing I like about this game as it shows numbers like I know Poe players are are happy with not showing numbers I am a big number enjoyer I like seeing the numbers I think it's 30 or 39 skills or something there are like at least like 10 different ways to build that skill that are really viable and obviously all that needs to change for different skills to be viable are different balancing changes so there are a lot of really cool skills there especially visually appealing skills mhm next up I want to talk and explain a little bit about last EPO item system and something they do extremely well is that both drops and crafting is very exciting it's very easy for a game to be very one-sided there where it's all about the drops and no crafting at all like diblo 4 or it's all about The Crafting and the drops don't really matter like path I feel like ly B does a really good job at hitting a beautiful Mill ground where you kind of need both for every item so you drop the base type which obviously yeah I feel like it making sure that you can get really big drops is like super important for like any arpg I would say because like it keeps that excitement going all the time I think that like one bad thing for args is whenever you have like times where it's like you almost know that like you're not going to get anything good at all that's whenever the game is boring you know there will be like easy or normal versions of an item that you drop when you're low level and there will be endgame versions of an item that you drop when you're high level Okay and like most args L has prefixes and suffixes so you can see if I hold alt on the item here it has up to two prefixes and two suffixes and these go from tier one so tier one lightning damage would be very low all the way up to tier five that's the highest you can craft and we'll show and talk about The Crafting system here in a second because it is very interesting but there is a tier six and a tier 7 thing that is drop only so basically what you're looking for then is so you can still get like really insanely [ __ ] good drops running around looking for these exalted items and find a tier six or tier 7 item that has one stat you want and then recraft the others and maybe it has several of the stats that you want so we will use this ax as an example so let's say that we want a character that wants a lot of void damage and maybe we're doing a like Melee void strike on a different character now you can see here that I have different options the void damage is already tier six and I cannot naturally upgrade above tier five I see that the melee attack speed is a tier one so I can actually Force to upgrade this each item has a different forging potential that's how much crafting you can continue doing and it tells me now it'll cost between 1 to 10 forging potential I could also get very lucky and do a critical hit which will cost zero forging potential and randomly upgrade one of the other mods that aren't tier five yet and that system feels incredibly rewarding just here the fact that I can choose exactly what to do and if one of these were empty I could actually choose whatever I want so if it didn't already have Frailty on melee hit which is something that makes enemies a bit weaker um like it'll tell you on it by holding so Frailty reduces damage dealt by six and that could be a really good thing to have on Hardcore and I could just freely add this you just choose to have this on the item and it comes at the cost of some forging potential but now let's say that I want to upgrade the melee attack speed I can use a glyph we have a glyph of Hope which now is CH have no for okay a 25% chance to have zero forging potential lust this is really really good for iname crafts and not something you'll use during the campaign but what if I don't want this to be melee attack speed at all what if I'm really hoping for something else I can now basically use this as a sort of mini chos orb from path of exol and I will reroll this stat so you're rolling specific stats then wow I got Critical Strike CHS that was exactly what I needed for my character oh wow so that is a really really cool thing you can see that it now has 33 and you also have a glyph of order and that is for example if the um if the crit is really really good like it is right now it is 80% crit it's at the highest uh range within the tier if I use a glyph of order when I upgrade it you can see now I upgrade it and it's still 96% like so it keeps even the range whenever you upgrade the tier I feel like that's kind of good because it can make people feel good about getting good rolls earlier on if I didn't do that I had a chance to now go down to 83% it would still be higher than the 80 was but it would be at the bottom of the for example like with Diablo whenever you upgrade into the next like tier of like affixes like at what was it like uh 725 five like I don't remember what the number was uh that like then like the numbers it would reroll all the affixes and like the ranges this is just a random uh leveling item for a lot of builds but it has something called legendary potential and this is a great Segway to talk about one of my favorite features in last Epoch legendary potential okay the way legendary potential Works which is particularly cool for leveling uniques is it will allow you to smash a rare item into a unique item every unique item in lasto can spawn with between zero to four legendary potential the more common the item is the higher the chance it is that I'll have legendary potential so what is legendary potential and how does it work you can actually smash this together with a tier six or tier seven exulted item and it will take some of the stats if it has four legendary potential it'll absorb the entire item if it has two it it'll absorb two at random and here you can see a leveling item Fire Starter torch and this had three legendary potential I SM okay Mas this together with a um another scepter that out 157 fire damage and I got really lucky and it kept that fire damage making an insane leveling item and I'm actually kind of proud that that was my suggestion to the game to the developers and a lot of players don't like doing the campaign repeatedly any RPGs I talked to them and I was like it be really cool if we could make super cool twink items to level through the campaign really fast and they thought that was I feel like that's something that I liked about Diablo I and that's one of the reasons why I like trading in games like this is that even if you like you get a good gear a good piece of gear you can still use it for leveling another character like I I always like that about Diablo 3 like I would get some really good wand or like a really good bow and then I'm like oh okay well maybe I'll I'll make a wizard really good idea and put it in the game and remove the LEL re legendary potential items so that yeah your first playr of the campaign every season is going to be very similar but on your second and third you might have really cool items that you're looking forward to using and I think that's a great way it's kind of like a tabular rasa in Poe that another really good selling point of the game I did previously mention that respecing is very easy and it is so the more you level uh there will be a minimum specialized level so if I completely unspec out of this it will go all the way to like I believe yeah right now level five and later on that will get higher so you will have like a minimum required level that it will start at when you get a new skill or when you resp entirely and you have accelerated XP gain until you're caught up with your other skills and if you don't want to start over completely you can just remove one point entirely for free and for your um I feel like this game has so many like Common Sense solutions to a lot of problems people have had with args for like 10 years like that's what I really kind of like about this that feels refreshing you can just click on a point and remove it um so we can go here to Rune master and I can just like remove it for 140 gold so it's actually very very cheap and accessible to Respec which is a really good thing the only downside is that currently you cannot switch if I've chosen Rune master I cannot unspec out of that and choose a sorcerer so you really have to be careful when choosing your ascendency this is in my opinion a really big negative of the game and something that they should change and make it easier to switch between them so that you especially as a new player have a little bit more room to experiment maybe you didn't like the Run Master after all and you really want to try a sorcerer but yeah I think that's generally always a good idea too like I I almost always think that lock locking players into a decision isn't a good idea because like what it ends up like what I think locking players into a decision actually does is it makes people look everything up online and then so they don't make the wrong decision and it's like it kind of makes sense right we're like okay if you punish people for making bad decisions people will try harder to not get punished so if you put people in a position where it's like if you make the wrong call your character is bricked well then guess what's going to happen well they're not going to want to make the wrong call so they're going to look it up ahead of time and they're not really going to I guess you could say play the game lucky maybe or they can just quit fure items in a lot of games can be big and problematic it can clutter the screen a lot and maybe in games like Diablo 4 you'll see a large amount of white and blue items that you're no longer interest and you don't have any option at all to do anything about it in Path of Exile a loot filter is entirely mandatory and if you're playing without it your entire screen is covered and even with a weak loot filter you can simply not see anything at all and you end up spending hours making a loot filter on a third party platform last ebook has the most elegant solution I've seen so far to a loot filter and everything is in game and you make it as you play the game now you can just import a loot filter by somebody else but it's very straightforward to make your own and I always do that the thing I do for all my characters is I want to see I feel like I would be the kind of person to like just import somebody else's and then change a few things after I understand the game better which is I I think what most most people will do that are like kind of semi-experienced semi not experienced the special stat I always want to see plus Fireball plus Thorns plus Thorn totem Etc I always want to see every you know skill level up so that I can disenchant that in case I want to play a different build so I add that to my filter on every character let's see uh okay I want everything that's like important for the primalist you know what let's let's check everything primalist related and I can just like reach color that choose a color and you have so much Choice it's very straightforward because you you just click on what affixes you want I think the game does a pretty good job at telling you what's important you're playing a melee build you probably want melee physical damage Etc so it's a very intuitive and easy loot filter that you build on the Fly and maybe you like just want to see solarm gaves real quick you can just turn that on or off with the click of a button and obviously we could talk about this for a long time and and explain more about how the system works but hopefully just by seeing this you can see how straightforward it is very easy to just add a rule I think it's something that like it looks complicated a little bit I mean to me it's like I this this looks kind of complicated but I think that also after you play the game for like 10 hours you're like oh okay this is the kind of stuff that I want and uh play around with the conditions yeah whether you want a base type whether you want a special Rarity and and things like that it's it's wonderful now now let's talk about content of last de and it actually does have a pretty robust end game I would say it has more content than the ablo 4 and some really cool things to do but this is also one of the weak points of the game if you're coming from Path of Exile it does not have as much content yet because well we are getting ready for the initial release of the game however I don't think that's necessarily like a bad thing and also I mean you can't expect a game that just releases to have the same level of content as a live service game that's been adding content for 10 years it's just not realistic to expect that they are going to have leagues and add endgame content so very much looking forward to see what they're going to do here but first let's go over what the end game content is in the game so here you can see different Islands you start off here and you have a little 58 area which is very similar to where you are when you're finishing the campaign and uh you have something called the monoliths of fate and you will be on one of these islands and later on you will have a so it's like it's like hard mode or easy mode I guess like higher corruption it's like BFA normal Zone which is 58 66 then 70 Etc and later you will have area level 100 mon these are like high level endgame things but let's go look at the normal one and here you can see that there are loads of different Islands wow and here you have this reminds me of the uh synthesis league in Poe a lot of different player agency on what type of content you want to see so what if I really want like exalted helmets that would be like helmets with six or tier seven mods on them then I'll be looking for that and these will be more available in the endgame ones but even early you can see like here I'm getting piles of gold here I'm getting AIX shards here I'm getting glyphs and there will be others with runes others so it's like each one of these effectively maps are act as like a a way of Target farming is that it guaranteed unique uh these have guaranteed rare helmets Etc and you're basically going through them similar as a map in Path of Exile a little similar as a rift in Diablo where you're going through the area and you're just killing some simple monsters there's nothing crazy in depth there it's just a nice and enjoyable grind and you're building up something called timeline stability as this increases you can see that you're going past the thresholds and once you've reached the third one you can do all these quests here at the side which are static encounters it'll be sort of like a mission so here you'll maybe have to do some mini bosses some mini bosses here and here you have an actual endgame boss that would be a little bit more beefy and they have their own loot table similar to other games that you might have so after you kill the boss at the bottom here does this bar reset and you have to fill the bar up again to kill the boss okay so it's just like basically doing bosses in Poe okay yeah I get ited and then once you finished choose unlocking one or unlocking the other and you get a buff so the buff that I've chosen here and this affects all the stuff all the other mon list I've got and now a 133% increased drop rate and now I have the choice do I want to unlock the Black Sun or the stolen Lance so sort of like slightly easier slightly harder and then you do want to obviously unlock everything eventually because you do get these um blessings so this is increased helmet drop rate this is increased Dodge rating this is increased chance to hit so you can sort of choose to buff your character through these as well or you can get increased uh loot drops they have sort of targeted loot for example the black Sun focuses more on helmet drops and the ending of the storm might focus on others the only one I do know is the black sun because that's what I've been farming the most to try to get a unique helmet that I designed in the game on top of this you do have endgame dungeons that there are keys for so here is one of the dungeons this is lightly yeah this is what I want to see I want to see what the actual in-game [ __ ] looks like and this is the dungeon that is a uh gold sink so you have different tiers of the dungeons so you can do 1 two three or four four is really really hard and I believe you have to have done the tier before to unlock it okay that makes sense I need to light the kindling that's it it's been a while since I've done this I need to light the one thing I do like is the fact that the uh the things that you have to avoid are easy to see like one of my like I guess pet peeves that I have with games is whenever being able to see what you need to avoid is part of the difficulty like anytime that happens or like visibility is difficulty I almost never find that fun like I'm sure that there's like an exception or two but like in general I [ __ ] hate it you know different colors yeah like I mean Poe and Diablo also have problems with this too are those like all his rats they burning that wait he has 10 rats okay I'm a minion build so they're just killing everything else it's kind of AR Call's fying this is the helmet that I designed uhhuh for last pretty happy with it so now you attack the survive and then burn it oh it's his soul and then we have insane damage oh yeah these seem like pretty simple mechanics okay all right fight done this is the easy version of the fight I haven't seen that before cannot Le Health wow that's a lot of crance I guess that's new so now we can go into the Vault and this is the main part of the mechanic so now we can say yes or no to different chests like do we want a chest that drops several Idols no we don't do we want a chest that drops a rare item and exalted item sure that sounds good and so he SP the currency from here ah don't really care uh and you see that it goes up in price exalted helmet exalted body armor oh cool let's do that Glyph of Despair to all chests so now the more chests that we've accepted the more Glyph of Despair we got 45% more items and it is multiplicative glyph dispar all test again again okay and then duplicates all item from Rand random chest now I going to stop now cuz I don't want to use all my currency and we can click decline ooh I didn't know we go that much down in price decline decline deine so you just have to keep rrolling this so you can like play around and Gamble and it will cost like more and more gold CL despair okay yeah bro I want to see what what's in the boxes though add an additional exed item to all chest okay we'll do that what's in the box now we'll enter Vault and you can basically choose how much gold are you going to put in so this means that this is a really good thing where you maybe want have like a lot of gold saved up and you go for one giga run and that's a really really cool thing as a sink and now you can see we'll get a little bit of a loot explosion even though I didn't use a large amount of gold and and you can see some crazy explosions a be really good and um generally look through and see if there's any of the items that you need so this is like almost like it's not the same thing but like it's kind of like the weekly VA and wow kind of but I think it's a pretty cool thing um for a game to have I think gold sinks are really important for a game and that is pretty much the lightless arbor dungeon okay next up we have the temporal sanctum and this is pretty cool I can do level 100 but I've never done so in hardcore this character is Hardcore so we're just going to do a lower level one um we could actually just do a yeah we'll do a level 80 that's fine uh we'll do a level 80 just to show it off and this is a dungeon where you're basically going between two different Realms and this is the dungeon where you make the um legendary potential items so now you might already be confused like oh my God what's happening now you need to shift to the other realm to access the dungeon and that's what this dungeon is all about and this is really cool because this is also what the boss is all about so in the boss fight you can shift in and out of different Realms to avoid boss moves so the boss actually has a move that it lost AR has bosses like this like a vikus skate one charges up and it'll fill the entire Arena mhm and it'll kill you it'll One-Shot you but then you have to shift into a different reality to avoid the attack this is cool it's very very cool I think it's a this is the best and well most well-made dungeon they have currently and uh honestly I'm not a huge fan of the barriers being there so much the dungeon boss now drops Cliffs Etc then we move to the next the Boss look like I want to see some more boss and then the boss or now we're about to find out yeah so now we are at Chron Master JRA and this boss is really hard even on the lower levels it can be scary and uh kind of similar concept to P where if you have a lot of damage you just get past the boss now I have to shift out that move or I just die ESC is impossible and obviously like having high damage will help a lot there H kind of annoying they're killing my squirrels and then has loads of different moves oh oh God and oh there's the move again and this is one of the lower versions of this so at the highest level it is really really hard and something that would make you like really want to optimize your build now I actually haven't played this build in quite a while so it might have been like really like dated and something might this seems pretty hard like there's like three or four things happening all at the same time just like Maven no it's not like Maven cuz the maven ones go back and forth like this isn't like Maven like skill point wise oh my God oh my God oh my God I'm dying and this is only on the second level Escape is impossible that was a close one it's very good that I only did the level 80 dungeon and didn't go the hardest one but uh yeahoo so this is a good way to describe legendary potential and actually show you so there's the inventory right there the inventory is pretty big compared to Poe I think this is definitely bigger than Poe inventory so legendary potential is really rare on any items like Rous void which actually saved us in this fight which was nice um but on lowlevel leveling items they're very very easy to get even up three or four leg generary potential and one of the suggestions I made was remove the level requirement when you create a legendary item so that we can make cool leveling items for our characters and that's what you can do now so you can see that this is a leveling item with no level requirement for a rogue and has bow fire damage attack speed and fire penetration seems good and this is a endgame bow and let's see so right now it has uh six Critical Strike CHS bow attack speed chance to ignite and then let's see about adding another holy [ __ ] look at all that suffix shock on here why not and no it it's not that complicated like y I think it's complicated because like obviously you haven't played the game but like imagine how simple it would be if you were looking at all the Diablo 4 affixes so like if you knew what you were looking at it's like cuz that's the way I was thinking about it because it's like oh my God this seems complex but like yeah it does because you've never played the game like you show somebody a system from like 20 hours into the game with no context obvious obviously it looks complicated that doesn't actually make it complicated though we'll add that with a glyph of Hope and then we're going to upgrade the bow attack speed all the way to tier five now we would have liked to continue upgrading the chance to ignite afterwards but either way now we have bow attack speed 19% and Critical Strike chance 110% now this is a leveling item so we could on the easiest version of the dungeon and have no risk this is a harder version and this is pretty much always deadly unless you have a very strong build so now we can put in uh this and we can put in this and this is now going to choose two of these stats if it had four legendary potential it would consume the entire bow and just put all of the stats from the bow obviously not the implicits at the top like the bow damage and stuff but it put all the explicits into the bow so now we're hoping it chooses bow attack speed andal or ignite on hit all of those would be pretty okay and this isn't an item I really care about this is just an example and then it just consumed your item no I'm just kidding you have to go to the different realm for a second bro was stressed oh it didn't get the good one so it sucks dick it's the wrong one get it and we got attack speed and 19% chance to shotgun hit you now have a unique item that nobody really else has you can make some really cool stuff and there won't be that many that'll be just alike right because it's hard to get high legendary potential and most people are going to be choosing the exact same rare items so I think this is such a cool system and I love this dungeon in Las it's amazing next up we have the soulfire Bastion and this is a bit of a gambling dungeon mhm and uh here we have soulfire shields so right now it's shielding me against um the chaos damage Affliction thing and the other one Shields against fire so yeah necrotic or fire is what as Shields against and you have to like try to balance like how little you're using this if I remember yeah it costs Soul Ember to switch between so the less you can switch between the better and then you want to go farm as many Soul Ember as possible so we just we are just going to run around and farm as many of that okay here we go fire L now we have to be careful with um there's going to be fire on FL we're in okay now I don't actually remember what one shots and what doesn't obious see if you're very strong you might not need to um I mean this seems pretty simple and straightforward me to fire right now that's fine he's dead this was the super easy version like actually can be quite challenging I just want to show off the uh part at the end and I don't want to rip any of my hardcore characters while showing it off so here we are at the gambling part okay oh it's even got the DI gamble so now you can think what do I need the most like what do I is is this gwinin in uh in Poe yeah okay for my character is there a unique item let's say um like the ravenous void that I really want to buy then well maybe I want to buy this and has a chance yeah but actually good odds unique item wow one legendary potential and it's Leo's machinations these are actually pretty good if I remember right this is a really nice build and then mhm you're going through and thinking like what item do you need what base type and um you know there's quite a lot of different ones you can buy so I could do this and try to get her all of the scary or um plus wolves lucky you doesn't have any of that The Bu armor you can see that it is on average giving you quite nice things not a good item but a pretty cool mechanic and you can over see that's good because the Expedition one in Poe I never have gotten a single good item from that every single item I've ever gotten has been dog [ __ ] get even more soulfire Embers and you uh Better or Worse um things at the doors so that is the three dungeons of lasip you do have the endless Arena as well but I wanted to show them off cuz I think there's some really cool Concepts here especially the end goal I think the middle bit where you're running through barriers can be improved and worked upon but the end bit really really cool gold sinks are fun gambling is fun and the legendary potential is such a good mechanic so I really wanted to share that with you and all of these things honestly is a a very solid end game but this is where I'm really looking forward to last deu really turning out some endgame buses similar to path of xl's Ubers and really giving us something to try to make really strong builds for trading in last dep something I just made a DED yeah I mean like I I I think honestly as long as you have like a good map progression system like that's going to keep people busy for like a year like 6 months like you CU it's clear that they have some endgame bosses already like this seems pretty much f especially for like a release of a game video B and it is going to be a bit of a complicated one but it has the most interesting and cool system I've ever seen you're basically going to choose one of two factions and from then on items you drop are going you basically either do Target farming or trading tagged with that faction so the tldr is one where you will be able to trade freely and you level up these uh factions so early on you're very very limited in what you can trade and eventually you'll basically be able to sell and buy anything you want that has that tag on the item the other faction is sort of solo sellan you can actually trade and play with other people um but only the people that are there when the item drops so you will actually if you're solo cell phone you will be dropping more and better items and if you're trade you'll be dropping less but you can buy and sell with other people so I think yeah I don't know which one I would go with I would probably wait a bit and just see what people say they're getting better gear in and then just go with that one but you can swap back and forth between these but whenever you do that you can't go and uh and like it's not like you can get a bunch of items from solo sell found and then swap over to trade and then trade all those items away that's not how it works while a little bit complicated it's the most interesting and yeah it does need its own dedicated video that is the tldr of it I think it's the most interesting and bold Choice I've ever seen for trade in an arpg by tagging the items and you can swap freely between them swap from trade to the Sol cell fund or vice versa obviously the items you're wearing is already taged with the other faction so you will need a new set of gear to be able to continue playing on that so very very interesting and obviously most players will most likely not be swapping between them very cool choice of how to deal with the problem of what should you do trade or find items yourself another really good selling point of last Deo is its monetize it is not free to play but they have mentioned that they will have free to play demos Etc in the future it is a $35 game with basically no in-game monetization the only in-game monetization is in the forms of pets and things like that and different C pets loot for you or any [ __ ] like that or are they just straight up pets armor and none of these have any impact to the pets yeah how does that work for you and the armor will not make you stronger they are just a way to show support if you want to look cool and you do already look very cool for free what's missing in last de book and what do they need to do next the only thing that's really missing is that they need some time to do Leagues and add more mechanics to the game so that they can then give us more player agency and choose what we can do next this is something I think that one thing that like the game definitely does need is like it does have like an early access Kickstarter vibe to its graphical style like there's a there's like a part of that like kind of feels a little cheap or like not really polished and that doesn't make it bad right I'm not going to quit the game because of this but like whenever somebody sees this they're not going to be like oh [ __ ] this looks awesome in the same way that like if they see uh you know even uh lost Arc uh or more realistically like Diablo 4 in other RPGs like Tor does this quite well and especially path of Graphics don't matter that much but they do matter giv you so much player agency exactly what you want to do and I believe that last EP will get there once it has a few Leagues Under its belt and they can let us just choose exactly how we want to play the game so that's pretty much it for our last Epoch it is a wonderful game and I super super recommend it if you are interested in buying the game you can actually buy it on Nexus I feel like I've only heard positive [ __ ] about this game so far me that'll give you a steam key from the game and it is a collaboration with the developers so that is definitely something to consider if you want to support the channel keep in mind buy it on Steam if you have access to localized pricing obviously that is a lot cheaper but either way a wonderful game with a bright future and I'm really looking forward to seeing where this game is going to go next and I can't wait for launch I hope you guys enjoyed the video thanks so much for watching sub if you like it but more importantly try to die less than I do I feel like this is pretty good like there were some bits and pieces of this that I knew about but I didn't know the extent of some of this stuff and it was good to like actually see some of the AME bosses like I would say some of the endgame bosses the animations for the bosses like as I said before like there is kind of like a uh it seems like kind of amateur in terms of like the graphics and everything that it's like kind of like low quality overall but I don't see that as something that's like really going to 1.0 will update the graphics yeah yeah and so like I have haven't seen that I'm just I'm I'm basing this off of what I'm seeing and so link the video yeah yeah yeah I'll I'll link you guys the video make sure to give it a like this is uh this is a good one I like this and uh the game's mid people sh on other games for the same issues and this one has no content ingame well I mean I don't know if that's true or not I mean I I think that really we're going to find out right like whenever the game comes out and after people play it then you'll know whether it has ingame or not because to me I think that's really what it what it determines right they look well telegraphed though which is way more important yeah like I would rather have Graphics that look cheesy but are easy to see and understand than Graphics that are built around immersion and they're hard to understand it has a really nice endgame what the hell well I mean some people aren't going to like it for whatever reason I mean why do they not like it who the [ __ ] knows but like all I'm saying is the people that do like it you know I've heard a lot of good [ __ ] about this game that's all it comes down to I've heard a lot of good [ __ ] about this game and it's coming out next month right so like I'm just going to go play it
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 771,232
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Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, zackrawrr
Id: E8pPq9spLQU
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Length: 44min 32sec (2672 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 31 2024
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