EXPLAINED - Why the Sibling IS a Descender | Genshin Impact Theory

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our traveler's sibling has been mired in a great many Mysteries since gentian impact's introduction over two years ago trailers such as we will be reunited show us lumine's clear intent to wage war with the Thrones of Celestia and following ether's descent into the chasm we learned she believes conria to have been her home recent developments take it one step further by explaining that our traveler's sibling is recorded in the ages of tavat upon the Ley lines as one who is native to tavat a stark contrast to our own traveler whose only historical mention is that of a descender along with the sustainer of heavenly principles status that impossibly excludes our sibling in this video I'm going to show why I have now reaffirmed my previous belief that the Gnostic chorus is a lie and despite being told otherwise why our sibling almost certainly is one of the two unknown descenders and why her fate has been interwoven very meticulously into the history of tevat the latest archon Quest Akasha pulses the kalpa flame Rises was among one of the very most critical we've experienced from a lower perspective the conclusion permanently changed historical elements in an unprecedented and unexpected way first and foremost we need to establish the reason for those changes by sacrificing herself to purge The Forbidden Knowledge greater Lord Ruka devada now effectively never existed within the historical memory of the Ley lines which passed down through all of tevat's people as well as all written texts and historical documents May the world completely forget me indeed it is because of this the people now believe that nahida was always the dendro archon and that she simply lost her memories defense of sumeru during the cataclysm and so the sub-zeros festival became simply the birthday of the dendro archon with no mention of Ruka devada at all in fact nahida's own Ascension material the call palatalotus now no longer credits Ruka devada nor kusanali for its initial creation thus robbing the former's legacy of having created the flower which gave rise to all other flora and sumeru the description still uses the word created but now intentionally leaves its creator ambiguous there are without a doubt a good number of other changes to the world's lore following the Erasure of Ruka devada from Urban saal such as the description of the gadget the Boon of the elder tree which now no longer explains that a known Labyrinth disappeared following the death of Ruka devada and the lord of the forest instead it now simply states that it disappeared with no relevant data given to place its time or circumstances whatsoever even the voice over dialogue between pymon and the traveler titled about beliefs was entirely removed because I'm on doesn't remember anything about Ruka devada and leaving it would make this fact somewhat uncertain so why does any of this matter it's because the action which erased Ruka devada was the ultimate MacGuffin the removal of her Branch from Urban Soul this caused the tree and its roots the Ley lines which have been shown on several occasions to record the memories of the past to forget her entirely almost immediately after this played out my thoughts broke from the moment to consider what if this is a two-way street it's a thought that sent me tumbling head first down a rabbit hole of potential explanations to some of ether and lumines Biggest Mysteries beginning with this idea one with enough power can remove a branch from the tree how much power would one need to add a branch and what if that Branch contained a false narrative would it still change every book every historical document and every person in savant well to address that we saw that the removal of ruka's Branch did not change the Traveler's memories of the original dendro archon a fact which was attributed to the traveler not originating from tavant if this is to be taken at face value then it's reasonable to assess that the sibling should not be susceptible to changes made to Herman's Hall unless she is indeed from tevat somehow would that exception granting immunity still hold true if a new Branch intentionally imprinted a terrestrial identity upon her would the addition of that Branch cause the Ley lines to no longer recognize her as a known descender reaching into her mind would it rearrange her memories of the past and implant the identity of the princess upon her would it alter her fate and bind her to a quest to engulf the Thrones of Celestia and that raises another question then how would she still know her brother to address that we saw following ruka's sacrifice that nahida still felt the grief of loss so she did not know why making it seem as if not all traces of the past experiences are totally Rewritten but just those needed to remove the subject in question and so Le means familial recognition of Aether may be explained in a similar fashion perhaps even because either as a descender was not part of tavat he could not erase him from her memories at all leaving her former life buried beneath a confusing veil of Shadow like a tree shaded and choke Vine struggling to absorb the light through the darkness this line of reasoning regarding manipulations of Herman's Saul is not where my theory ends current history records or descenders and identifies only two of them given that our Story begins with both ether and lumine encountering who nahida guessed to be the first recorded descender should be impossible that lamine was not attributed to that role unless her status in that role as well as the status of the other descender in question was erased by the addition of the same branch which set lumine on her path to war with Destiny which brings me at last to the Gnostic chorus back in February of 2021 I released a two-part video detailing the idea that I believed the Gnostic chorus is a lie and was actually telling the tale of two other Outlanders who came to tevot before our own pair of Travelers while some ideas from that theory were a little out there the core idea remains unspoiled after two years that is to say that the tale may not be about Aether and Levine and I related it to who I believed at the time to be the sustainer of heavenly principles and dainsliff fast forward to a few weeks ago nahida Ventures an educated guest that one of tibbot's four known Outlander visitors known as descenders was who she called Heavenly principles this is taken to be the same Heavenly principles that we encountered in the game's opening scene and indeed we really have no reason to think otherwise and explanations for Mysteries outlined in the chorus become somewhat more tangible if the Gnostic course was about the first two descenders as I theorized almost two years ago but the first being Heavenly principles in line with nahida's educated guess and the second being dainsliff a certain Clarity is gained what I mean is the Gnostic Chorus at least as we were shown is a lie but also it's not what we saw may have simply been a previous cycle reflective of tevat's mysterious cyclical nature birth death and rebirth civilizations rise and fall and new civilizations grow to replace them with little context at the time we may have been intentionally left to assume that the chorus story belonged to Ether and lumine through this interpretation Dane and the one only known as Heavenly principles trudged their own paths through tavat perhaps like our Travelers they could even be siblings then the first was in some way deceived transforming her into what we saw while the second is still on his journey but E2 has become something more an often unreferenced title belonging to Dane is that of the bow keeper his title was provided to us along with his original promotional materials this title could be referenced to his status as a keeper of urban saw or more likely the keeper of a particular bow or Branch from the tree this as an idea is strengthened when inspecting dansliff's appearance the so-called corruption on his body is somewhat like the corruption which infested inazuma's Ley lines during imperatrix ambrosa transient dreams a storyline which all but confirms that branches can be added as we witnessed a plant seed of the Sacred Sakura in the past rewriting history such that everyone other than a always recognized the tree's existence while a by contrast recognized it suddenly appeared as a fully grown tree not understanding why until she planted the seed herself as many as a thousand years later of the connection of Dane's title and visual corruption is intentional it could suggest that as the bow keeper he has become melded with some part of Urban Soul itself and it's a Canon reason for him to be the voice narrator of the collected miscellany series because he knows what the Ley lines know in fact he knows them better than he knows his own past I say this because of the manipulation of the branches if he's written himself into tavat's history or become part of Urban Soul itself like lamine these actions May alter his perception confusing his own recollection of past events as well to quote one of Dane's most ironically memorable lines my memory has all but faded completely but I will always remember how much she too Loved These flowers if you've made it this far into the video then you might be asking if Dane is the keeper of Urban Soul in some way why would he not have gotten involved in the recent events in sumeru where ether and the three Magi saved Herman's soul well that is of course assuming that Dane didn't already know the outcome making his presence unnecessary further implicating that our past and future encounters with Dane are not merely happenstance he's shown up at the perfect time on several occasions now because he's attempting to nudge our traveler towards a specific goal to end the repeating cycles of tavant allow me a moment to highlight a few suspicious yet unexplained similarities descenders 1 and 2. pound heirs from the Gnostic chorus one may be Heavenly principles the other unknown of them Heavenly principles came first searching for the Genesis Pearl she was deceived under unknown circumstances and transformed into a powerful Godlike being a queen of a kingdom of darkness later the second came and began their own journey to find the Pearl and discovered that the first heir become something different ages pass and Fates cross over we have the arrival of descenders three and four the first of the two came at a time which is yet unknown our own traveler is not sure how long a Time passed between arriving in Tavon and being awoken by his sibling within the rock prior to their attempt to flee the war-torn lands like descenders 1 and 2 one is unknown and one is our Traveler like in the chorus The Sibling came first for an unknown period of time she was active and what she did in that time is unknown briefly reunited lamine is noted by Ether to have worn flowers known as intavats in her hair for the first time not simply a throwaway detail to forget he's now supposedly rare or extinct flowers exist is really the only clue we have that lumine was in some way involved in whatever was going on in tavat prior to Awakening ether the two become separated upon encountering Heavenly principles with lamina arriving in conria as it fell or so says history anyways eventually she becomes the princess of the Abyssal order with the desire to engulf the Thrones the fourth descender ether awakens 500 years later to start his own journey through tavant looking for answers about his sibling and finding that she has become something else the Cycles are admittedly not identical but have eerily similar narrative tentpoles such that it's hard to ignore the indicators that ether and lumine were just an inevitable Echo Pawns in a war that began long before their arrival stain puts it a continuation of past battles but that's where this all comes to a tidy conclusion as we can through the lens of this Theory bring context to Dane's final words in the trailer prevail he says some say a few are chosen and the rest are drugs but I say we humans have our Humanity we will defy this world with a power from Beyond here this idea establishes that Dane disagrees with the sediment that those who are not chosen are dragged as he intense to fulfill his quest defy fate with a power from Beyond he says this to show that he was not chosen for this path but has set himself upon the path to defy fate a suspiciously similar path to the Means War with Destiny then goes on to say step fourth if you have understood the meaning of your journey defeat me command me to step aside show me that you are worthier than I to rescue her then the threads of all fate will be yours to re-weave and what is likely to be the trounce domain to end all trounce domains Dane challenges The Traveler to defeat him save your sibling and relieve the threads of Fate the use of the word re-weave suggests that Dane's influence upon us up until that point or to bring us to this Crossroad he wants us to defeat him he openly invites it in the previous cycle he has gained much power but now he needs the traveler to be powerful enough to put an end to the cycles for it is Dane who has woven lumine into the very roots of tevat transforming her into something she is not she has her role to play in Dane's game of Destiny and perhaps that is why she does not trust him like nahida's residual sadness after a racing Ruka tavara the current Cycles Gnostic chorus deception which lumine experienced was Dane befriending her and nudging her on a path until she was able to gain a power which allowed him to add her brain inch to Urban Seoul setting her on a path to becoming a weapon against the Thrones her sense of distrust for Dane is likely a residual feeling from her realization that she had been deceived prior to his successful implantation of her Branch upon Herman Saul though remorseful in his actions lumine is a monster of his creation her arrival a fortunate opportunity allowing him to interrupt the cycle creating a new second coming of heavenly principles that will face off against the first ascender lumine is the power from another world that will defy the Heavenly principles so like I said at the start lamine must be a descender we as players witnessed her attempt to leave tevat with her sibling and similarly sustainer of heavenly principles recognized and proclaimed both ether and lumine as Outlanders in that same scene but in the times since then lamine's identity was Rewritten erasing her status as a descender and allowing one who manipulates the threads of Fate to push her along the same path that gave rise to the Heavenly principles from behind a veil of Shadow created from his own lost or erased status as a descender Dane May knowingly have initiated a repeat of the cycle but this time with an advantage Celestia cannot predict when it's all over and Celestia has fallen ether and used Dane's power to re-weave the means fate by removing the branch to restore her former self and ending the cycle of Celestia's rule by Heavenly principles and there we have it the key concept of this theory is true the idea that if branches can be removed from Urban Soul they can too be added then lumine is a descender or rather she was but no longer is she in the veins of Herman's soul and the Gnostic chorus is a lie but it also isn't as both Cycles have yet to be concluded our traveler and The Sibling are but marionettes manipulated unseen by Dane as tavat barrels headlong into its final tumult with lumine at the tip of his Spear and she doesn't even know it what do you think do you agree that Dane and lumine are unknown descenders and that our sibling is a weapon from another world he intends to use to defy the gods if this video sparked something in you whether you agree or not let me know in the comments below leave a like And subscribe to support the channel and if you really want to help 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Channel: Teyvat Historia
Views: 103,567
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Genshin Impact, Genshin Impact Lore, Genshin Impact Story, Teyvat Historia, Genshin Impact Theory, Theory Genshin Impact, Sumeru, Gnostic Chorus, Dainsleif, Traveler, Aether, Lumine, Sustainer of Heavenly Principles, Descenders, Fatui, Irmunsul, Akasha Pulses The Kulpa Flame Rises
Id: 4Cj6qC2aWjI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 27sec (1287 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 04 2022
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